What is the most USEFUL Minecraft Mob? (Minebusters)

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so guys what is the most useful minecraft mod on today's mind busters we find out but if it wasn't obvious enough well minecraft has a lot of mobs there's 24 passive mobs 13 neutral mobs 28 hostile mobs two bosses and even four unused mobs for 71 mobs in total so yeah that's a lot of mobs but which of them is most useful well today we cover seven candidates for what could be the best mob in terms of its use in minecraft so we can figure out the answer that question we start with our first mob the skeleton one of the oldest mobs introduced to minecraft let's get some supplies nice and ready to show off this lovely og now the skeleton is useful because it drops bones arrows as well as bows you know these things that you can fire off at a distance because you're scaredy cats i mean i'm equally as guilty so why don't we go ahead and get our hands on a couple of those now you're not always going to get a bow drop but you can more than likely guarantee you're going to get bones and usually some amount of arrows as well but you know kill enough of these guys and you may even happen to cross some enchanted bows depending on the difficulty level found in your world no bows this time that's a shame well skeletons only really useful drop are bones so why consider them to begin with i mean you could make arrows using sticks gravel feathers well bones will allow for crops to be formed quite quickly here's a list of all different items that you typically have access to with bone meal that you can make by taking your bones putting them into a crafting table bone meal if you didn't know when right clicked will make lots of flowers appear also lovely more importantly though you can even use them under water as an example you can get underwater plants such as kelp seaweed and sea pickles you can get tons of different crops carrots wheat potatoes all sorts of different types of flowers you can even use them to grow wood and things made of wood yes there is quite a spin on the amount of items here you can even get some of the new nether features such as mycelium warped fungus crimson fungus these guys what are they called again i think they're just called roots crimson roots yes you can even use them to make special types of dyes such as white dye or mix them with other colored dyes to get lighter variants some of the colors in question or vines and bamboo some of which you can use to climb and they'll act as types of ladders all using bones pretty useful so while bones give you access to a lot of items including bone blocks which you can use for decorative purposes as well as for xylophonic purposes uh you can also use the special creeper mob farm to get music discs because if you didn't know you can actually create music discs by having skeletons attack creepers for you so as you can see right here this creeper is i oh god watch out for that guy this creeper is capable of dropping a music disc when a skeleton delivers the final hit on the creeper in question it's the only way to get music this outside of finding them in various loot chests strewn across dungeons pyramid schemes i don't think that's the right word for that in game but look at this whole spread of music choice oh my gosh leave the ipod at home worth noting skeletons are not technically the only source of bone meal however so you don't need them to get bone meal they aren't because there's three other sources composters can turn plants into bone meal you can use various different seeds vegetables things of that nature to slowly fill up composter blocks which you can either make or find not spawning naturally in villages in order to get your hands on bone meal as you can see right there it just popped off or fun fact you can use pumpkin pie to make them spawn in way more quickly so your bone meal days are over but fish can also drop bone meal roughly 5 of the time oh gosh that was awesome yeah i love that actually now see that's because fish have bones in them i don't know if you guys knew that science it just makes sense really there's some bone meal we got one there now this isn't all that viable even with a massive farm as you can see we had to burn through like 60 different fish just to get one piece of bone meal but finally you can find bone blocks in the form of various fossils located throughout minecraft also not all that viable due to needing to adventure in order to locate them so skeletons still prove extraordinarily useful for getting bone meal as well as bows and arrows our next useful mob is the brown mushroom now the brown mushroom cow can be obtained when lightning strikes a red mushroom i'm so sorry for this dude just like that we got our brown friend come to town ow now brown cow so true you can get them from breeding as well which we looked at in the first episode of mind busters which you can actually check out if you have not yet you can find a playlist of mine busters on the channel so what makes brown mushrooms useful well like a regular cow they drop beef and leather but more importantly they can also be milked sheared and bowls can be used on them to get various different goodies such as in this case you know mushroom stew which you could use to replenish your hunger again you can use buckets on them to get buckets of milk which can replenish various status effects both good and bad or you can shear them to turn them into a regular cap not nearly as fun finally the what makes brown mushrooms extraordinarily useful is they can be fit flowers to get suspicious stew which is a different type of mushroom stew now the suspicious dude depending on what flour you feed a brown mushroom before you milk it will cause the stew why are you on why are you taking damage oh the weather right where the rose okay so check this out you depending on the flower you feed the mooshroom you'll get different effects let me give an example of this the allium for example gives you four seconds of fire resistance so let's just go ahead and grab this feed one we'll just use one example and now we're gonna milk this guy we now have suspicious stew and again once consuming you'll see we got four seconds of fire resistance instantly there now as you can see here depending on the flower you get different effects as your blue it gives blindness blue orchids and dandelions give saturation corn flowers give you a jump boost lilies of the valley will poison you for 12 seconds poppies give you night vision oxide daisies give you regen all the various different tulips give you nine seconds of weakness and the wither rose will give you the wither effect when you drink the suspicious stew wow there are a ton of different effects their short-term duration means their usefulness is fairly limited in nature although their regeneration and saturation suspicious dues are fairly good for example we've got some suspicious dues right here for saturation as well as for regeneration so i'm gonna take some damage i oh my gosh half heart wonder now check this out eating suspicious stew with regen effect will actually heal you far more effectively compared to a normal piece of food alternatively we also have suspicious stew which will bump your saturation value which will cause your hunger bar to go down at a much slower speed compared to a normal piece of food i'd show you this but it's an invisible effect and it's hard to tell so for now we move on but i i i say look at look at look at look at the health meter down there you see how fast it went up well that's why you want to get some suspicious stews from your moves your mushrooms but the next useful mob is the witch aside needing a bunch of stitches because which gets stitches if you didn't know witches have a large loot table of possible drops that they can give you here's a witch now you gotta die sucka ah see we got glowstone dust and sticks so useful no but seriously here are all the different drops they can provide lots of different potions instant health fire resistance speed night vision even water breathing potions alternatively you can get the ingredients for potions glass bottle glowstone redstone gunpowder spider eye sugar and of course sticks it sticks one's making no sense to me but you know that's okay details details now the potions drop rarely when they drink them when needed so for example if you were to damage a witch you can see that the witch from time to time will start sipping on a potion you kill that witch while the witch is sipping on said potion that is when you have a chance that i'm actually getting the potion from the i can't believe just poisoned me where's that mushroom he needs some milk here the toys thank you anyways witches now because of all these different drops they provide access to many different recipes such as redstone which can be made into loads of different components torches repeaters blocks of redstone even observers all capably made using the components taint from witches they also allow for glowstone to be farmable in theory if you set up a witch farm you can get glowstone dust to make glowstone redstone lamps spectral arrows and even supply your respawn anchor with power so you can respawn in the nether now gunpowder for tnt and rockets as well but that's not exclusive to them necessarily although hey everybody likes tnt and fire charges and rockets i mean look at this it's just lovely set it off baby let it rip where did it where'd it go anyways we light up the tnt instead finally the sticks are quite useful in general as well that's because some items you can craft in bulk can be made with them torches armor stands item frames fence gates ladders paintings fences and of course levers it can also be used as a fuel source that is fully farmable that's right you can use witches to fuel all of your cooking endeavors i don't really have anything to cook you just gotta take my word for it oh and the other drops can be used for brewing potions of course so lots of use with our witch friend foe funny to look at too next up is the wandering trader everybody's favorite mob to show up out of nowhere the wider trader provides a large list of items to trade in this case we've got what white dye blue dye flowers pumpkins sand and gunpowder now i didn't say they were particularly useful items but you get a whole plethora of them you see the loot is not necessarily that good now if you kill a trader holding a potion it will also drop 8.5 of the time because if you did not know if a wandering trader gets caught in the night they will literally drink a potion of invisibility so that they can go well you guessed it invisible and the same exact thing when in the day can we get that milk ah not this time so sad now this means you can technically get buckets and potions and visibility from them but here's a list of all the different items you can get from the wandering trader flowers seeds vines couple different blocks coral types we've got sugar cane white dye glowstone cactus various different saplings you can even get buckets of fish different types of fish from them and various different types of ice usually blocks that are normally very difficult to obtain and oftentimes unobtainable depending on if you're a super flat world survivalist or not now again the usefulness of a lot of these items is up for question they're very useful in specific niche examples such as the super flat one occasion they might have a sapling or crop you don't have but due to the bad prices they're generally not very useful so this one probably shouldn't have been in the list maybe someday mojang will make it more useful actually we've got a video where we made the wandering trader far more useful you can also check that out by checking out the channel where we made a video called we made the wandering trader actually useful it's pretty good next up is the iron golem how useful is this guy well they only have two drops yet they're still pretty useful first of all iron golems are an easily farmable source of iron hey stupid these guys will drop two or three to five iron as well as zero to two poppies so if you don't feel terrible about killing them well you can set up an iron golem farm using various tutorials found on youtube and reap the rewards see even the cow wants some too sorry man you can't do nothing with that now iron is the most useful material and is extremely important to have in any let's play nearly all mid to late game items and builds need loads of iron for example here's a list of various different items that do need iron blocks fences trap doors iron bars doors all sorts of rails angles for chanting buckets to get that milk baby mine carts hoppers pressure plates maps i don't know is that is that something in there compass chains cauldrons pistons shears you name it there's a whole bunch of them now technically if you have an iron golem farm set up you could use the poppy drop that they have from time to time with a compost you could turn them into bone meals so i guess there's a fourth source of bone meal by doing that however you do need 11 poppies per bone meal which isn't that great so you need 11 iron golems for one piece of bone meal so compared to skeletons you know it's not much of an option but hey it is there now of course iron golems also have a use as defensive mobs and because hustle mobs attack them they are useful for making all sorts of mob farms slime it's time baby come on down you're the next contestant to i think he might be too small for the farm anyways heading into creative for this one you'll see that these guys went up appropriate size are y'all really y'all small there we go the slime instantly heads through the iron golem and can get seriously messed up even the baby ones want a piece of the action they'll slowly make their way over to the cactus and turn into balls which is my favorite thing to say and it not means something anyways look slime balls that's that's a that's don't look at me apparently they're really good for speed running as well got me our final two useful mobs have their own unique category so while they do fit into these seven mobs the piglen as an example does have some really cool stuff that's because piglets themselves don't really drop anything useful right they only drop crossbows and gold and swords really not much of anything else i mean hey you can smell down the golden swords in theory to get nuggets but it's not really worth your time all things considered however you can barter with them for a handful of useful items i've come to bargain i mean barter good one good one caleb who put together this world by the way shout out to kale you're gonna right-click gold ingots onto piglens and they will drop various different goodies in exchange for your metallic wonder in this case soul sand which is you know it's whatever i mean you're really slowing things down here buddy can we get a decent drop in exchange maybe can we oh hey soul speed i'll take that that's not bad at all now here's the full list that you can get of bartered items right we got soul speed boots with soul speed fire resistance potions plain old water bottles iron nuggets ender pearl string quartz different types of blocks from the nether spectral arrows bricks sand leather charges and of course the variants of obsidian now this allows for quartz obsidian crying obsidian gravel and blackstone to all technically be farmable and on bedrock edition you can even get netherride hose from them from time to time so overall bartering is a pretty good deal but it does have its trade-offs our final useful mob today is the villager who to guess these worthless piles believe it or not they're actually pretty useful they're fairly definitively the most useful mod because you can get so many different items from them it isn't even close which is why we excluded them from the official list even though they're technically still on the list because that's how we made the video now here's an example some of the things you can get all the diamond tools and armor you can trade once you've done enough trades you can get things from the armor such as enchanted diamond gear enchanted chain mail objects like that you get all diamond tools and armor all enchanted books including mending the only one you can't get is soul speed which you'll need to oh man he's got to rethink his options he's looking very close at that stone cutter you get all the enchanted books all the best food items redstone lapis glowstone ender pearls experience bottles books glass lanterns name tags terracotta quartz blocks bricks polished stones wools beds banners and carpets all from these guys believe it or not these stupid big nosed selfish expensive unappreciative i mean look it's 18 wool for an emerald but which is the most useful well it's hard to tell depends on your play style when you embark on a minecraft adventure so why don't you let us know in the comments below what your choice of useful mob you saw in today's video or did we miss one tell us what makes that mob useful and other than that we'll see for another mindbusters real soon
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 387,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, skeleton, golem, wandering trader, mooshroom, cow, dog, useful mob, best mob in minecraft, new mobs, best mobs, most useful items in minecraft, most useful minecraft mob, minecraft mobs, nether update, minecraft 1.16, 1.16, logdotzip, witch, best item in minecraft, new minecraft mobs, mountain mobs, new mobs in minecraft, 1.17, pets, mob updates, villager, mobs, new, update, minecraft updates, rare minecraft mobs, variants, piglin, iron golem, minecraft potions, potions
Id: naKEFwtKzJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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