$1 VS $750 DESERT SURVIVAL FORTS *Budget Challenge*

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i'm pretty sure i'm gonna win because i got ac i got comfortability and i could take a nap right here so take that chris's umbrella you think you got this chris i'm totally gonna win yes what's up guys today we're doing the desert survival budget challenge we couldn't have timed it more perfectly there's a heat wave in our city right now i'm literally on fire rob's on fire this sign is on fire the whole world is on fire it is going to be up to 110 degrees today so you're going to spin the wheel and that's going to give you your budget to spend on the fort and items to keep you cool all right guys let's spin this wheel and let's head to the desert nice oh hundred dollars okay it's not too low it's not too high i'm gonna go to the store and buy all right spin that wheel boy oh that was a good stick five dollar boy no you're just not that you're in the game no chris always does this every time he gets what he doesn't want he always brings up an excuse to try to get out of it you need a bigger budget oh no all right everyone flash stuff hey guys look how cool this stuff is wow guys i got a hundred dollars to spend let's do this so i'm thinking about buying a fridge and just sitting in it look at this just take out all of this stuff and it's nice and cool in here and you get to sit in there and we need a full-size fridge for our break room anyway so then we could just keep it for that it's not a waste but i also need to find one where i can also buy a generator with my money because you would need to power it and then you would need something to make it cool calm and collect collected you dude cut that out [Music] so i was thinking about buying some insulation foam making a box and i had to figure out how to cool it down on the inside though i think i just need to make something that's going to protect me from the heat and then i was thinking about just buying a bunch of water and just dumping it on myself whenever i get hot hey guys don't tell anyone but we're at lowe's right now dude home people will be so jealous yeah i tell them they didn't have the stuff we need your stupid home depot we're never going there again guys so i figure out what i'm going to do i'm going to build an insulation foam box and that's going to keep all the air that's inside in and then i'm going to buy a ton of ice fill it up with ice and that's going to cool the air down i might buy some jugs of water in case i need to dump it on myself but honestly i think it's going to work hold on i got a lot of ice i have 15 left i want to find something i can sit on cause what are you doing 35 well good luck with that what are you doing we just got here and for some reason there's a river where we wanted the color for guys there's a fire there's a fire the punishment loser has to go stand in that it's gonna be you yeah okay the loser the first person to leave the fourth loses and has to go lay in the river it's chris chris 100 i'm sitting on my fort okay i'm done chris you suck this actually is good dude i love five dollar budgets because barely any setup you know they're just gonna start sweating because they're building their fork and i'm already standing here covered ow ow what do you do stop hitting me i just hit my flipping head on the roof take that butt dude chris has no protection they broke what the heck dude this stupid win get fixed yeah pick yourself yes back to normal okay i gotta i gotta keep this like this to the wind okay guys so i gotta make a box and then i'm gonna put my ice in it and then it's gonna make a cool box for me to chill and then i also got this cool chair guys check this chair out dinosaur yeah everywhere we go you just glitter you can't believe it's high in the wind look at my chair there's dinos on it sit in it dude i'm gonna be so nice in my my little port i got this ac unit that we're gonna plug into this generator that i also got and i'm going to set my tent that i also got and put my mattress and then all these fans in this ac unit inside the tent that i got it's so hot chris this is your idea i'm not hot stop who takes a boat to banish chris from the danger bros why you're gonna have no ideas to fill no we'll have ideas that aren't suffering whoa whoa oh what's up i had no idea it was going to be this windy today this is bad i think i'm just going to lay all my ice on it and hopefully i can stay cool that way are these rusty how are these rusty they've been in a bag the whole time unfortunately it was too windy for my ford so i made like a little ice igloo so i guess i'm just gonna have to sit in this and hope that it kind of keeps me a little cold it's kind of a little cool i can feel the coldness coming up so not gonna have one of these so i'm gonna break it open how do i do this shoot are you supposed to freeze it yeah just kidding i thought it was one of those instant ice things well this is my fart you like my fort if i stand here then i i give you shade too oh we have to go against rob wait are you saying you want to form an alliance yes the cheapos versus the rich challenge at the budget okay i'm gonna start my bid at five dollars what i'm sorry my bit of five dollars you can form an alliance with me unfair give me some of your supplies no and i'll formulate a line get away from the ice well i guess i just have to sit here on my stupid fort that didn't even work how's it going over there rob it's so windy i can't even put this tent up it's so windy i don't know why it's so windy guys i think i'm gonna call my fourth the avalanche because it was a good eye structure that it all just fell apart and i'm iceman formerly captain summertime and i'm now iceman oh nice that actually looks really good dude that looks like some nice water that is delicious that'll give me the energy i need to make this challenge the ball thing about that is your ice is melting fast well i got 20 or 15 more bags so yeah but they're all melting at the same time well somewhere underneath i it's gonna last a long time dude i'm chilling i'm dying it is so hot we didn't give our cameraman a budget we forgot to sorry ryan 20 pound bag of ice on your head go for it i got 14 more sure do it pick and choose whatever bag you want dude nice that's a good choice oh it's dripping it's a good choice dude how do you feel uh my neck hurts i don't think i can do my job like this here you go but i'll try yeah ryan has the budget all right i'm getting really wet the water is just slowly dripping on me but it actually feels really good i feel great oh dude some surfing on you right yeah check it out oh dumb dude that almost broke my butt now what does it stay here yeah is that the point just to escape the heat it's who can survive the longest robert's still building his fort i feel like when he gets set up he's going to be chilling no no no no what's happening his umbrella [Music] stops [Music] rob finally got his tent set up rob what are you what are you doing i gave up because i got a little sketched out risk of fire explosion flammable refrigerant used dude if that explodes in here i'm toast literally oh my gosh are you guys the daisy bros are you a fan i'm such a big fan that's our biggest fan rob oh i'm jealous you have an ac unit you got fans i just got a lump of foam and a lump of ice look how sad that was oh i heard the beep let's bring the temperature down i feel like getting colder hey this is my fork get out go go go go do your own challenges and then once that gets cold we're gonna put this in front of it so it blasts even more cold air oh my gosh it's so nice and now we just sit here how is it rob it's good very bueno i'm pretty sure i'm gonna win because i got ac i got comfortability and i could take a nap right here so take that chris's umbrella you think you got this chris i'm totally gonna win yes are you okay i need some water i'm definitely going to win this i feel like for you to roam around and i have a portable cooler on me you're dripping ice cold water i mean it's nice i'm bored so i'm going to go embark on an adventure follow me we're going to cross the river it's going to be the most epic thing i'm going to teach you guys how to survive in the wild rivers are very dangerous and if you have your ice pack you'll be good to go so follow me okay so step number one you never want to turn your back on the upstream because when that happens it the water comes down slaps you like moana so you don't want to do that you have to always pay attention for the water step number two bend your legs you never want to strain your legs otherwise your legs fall off the fifth and final step is once you get to the deepest part the anacondas will oftentimes come out and eat on your feet they'll nibble your toenails away very bad situation avoid it at all costs now we have made it across the river you know all five steps of getting across the river don't forget the steps of the weiss this just might fail so we have a couple challenges to make this more interesting hey i hate this challenge number one is first person to run across the river and back gets to stay in my truck with ac for 10 minutes so we reviewed the footage and it was like completely dude that was an exact time our feet landed at the same exact time dude that was crazy it's a tiebreaker go again you're joking right we should just steal his keys chris come on come on you gotta get out because the viewers will be mad get out chris get out oh yes i get in here for 10 minutes dude it's so nice in there now you have nothing i broke my umbrella maybe i can fix it i doubt that enjoy your air conditioning dude yes oh it feels so good bye guys guys it is right now it's 4 19. so on 4 29 i get to leave but this feels great i also feel really tempted to just cross the river in my truck but it's so sandy in the middle i feel like i would get stuck at least i get some ac look at him out there chris is still struggling with this stupid the whole entire clock is basically ripping off of his thing hey guys it is no joke so hot outside right now i can't i don't even want to be out there anymore luckily my eyes has really kept me a lot cooler they feel like you have 10 minutes of ac but they never said i can't drive around [Music] guys i'm having an absolute blast this is the best victory ever that was fun while it lasted i have four minutes left until it's time for me to get down dude there's no way you can fix this no it still works it's fine no it doesn't you're not even getting any shade this is nice this is real nice this is the flag of defeat i'm going in my tent ah nice and cool air while chris gets to stand in the sun because he broke his umbrella don't know why he did that i'm so confident that i'm gonna win chris you look like you're dying dude it's so hot dude the lights you do know does that get drinking water drink that we've been out here for so long and it's really hot i think i'm giving up you're giving up i'm straight chilling i knew you'd give up because oh dude he has nothing to cool himself it's been it's been literally hours that we've been out here dude i've been in my nice ac filled tent these ice bags are coming in clutch stay tuned in the end because you will not want to miss chris belly flopping once the challenge is over between me and rob then uh chris is gonna belly flop what's up flip your generator run out of gas yeah what a piece of junk oh no no no no no not our fan bro get it get it go go go go go come on rob you're so close yeah nice bad idea so your generator turned off yeah yeah you have nothing to cool you off i have like several hours of ice left it's going good for me then shoot it's so hot well what are you giving up love you suck dammit crash dolly flop now i get ice cream and you guys you know guys dance that actually feels really good chris is a loser robert is not the winner can i win so i'm gonna go get some ice cream jeff how does it feel to have your own guys shake shack shake instead of ice cream but it is delicious this is my delicious victory prize so well guys i hope you enjoyed this video click here for the previous video click here for the video that youtube recommends to you click in the middle to subscribe we'll see you later
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 2,979,122
Rating: 4.8883309 out of 5
Keywords: $1 vs $750 desert survival, budget challenge, desert, survive, dangie bros, desert survival fort, home depot, walmart, cold, forts, fort, desert fort, challenge, 24 hours, last to leave, last to survive, funny, vlog, vlogs
Id: jbqn0Xvpn4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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