$10 Tent vs $1000 Tent OVERNIGHT Survival!

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let's gather around the campfire and sing a campfire song what do you guys say we're gonna be camping overnight we bought two different tents one was worth ten dollars literally the worst ten you could possibly buy another one is $1,000 Jeffery ended up pulling the short straw so he gets the little $10 tent he's gonna be setting up first and that means Kris and I get the big tent the most epic and luxurious one and we're staying in them overnight to see how comfortable and cozy they are so let's get into that what are you doing all right what are you doing as you know I was over here because I saw your bright yellow sweatshirt oh all right so I'm sending my tent 4 feet 6 feet well it's like it's harp it's like someone just rolled up a tarp attractions I'm 20 my hottest all right so we got a caffeine you find your prime positioning a nice spot yeah okay so here's the 10 it's green presumably these are the stiggy's I'm guessing you know like any other tent are you talking about cook steaks like either cook dinner yes I'd find the attachment point first you want to level out all shrubbery say have a nice flat surface this actually looks like a pretty easy tent to build yeah it's gonna take me five minutes before they get me garbage bag so how are you gonna fit this Ted bro oh yeah you're sick sorry you this guy right here what six-two six-three Jeffrey's not gonna be able to fit in this Ted look at this Oh your feet are gonna be sick it out that's how much room this all it gives me bro I'm not gonna lie I'm actually comfy already get off my tent well I'm gonna take a nap this claims it's a two-person tent dude no way presumably you stick this here how's this want to stay on dude you have to hold it up the whole night that's why it's $10 wait how does this make sense put in the sides and bring those out strap your stakes no guys no eye doctor doesn't really look like you got this you guys can't leave me alone hi Chris let's go here crucial distancing yeah yeah can't get whoo yeah whoo yeah Chris can't get a hole yeah yeah insert tip of pole into upper tab utilize line providing time one end to pull tip I mean it's very nice Jeff I picture now 3 o'clock in the morning Jeffrey moves a little bit in his slumber and this pink collapses on him and you can't go to sleep last night I can so hammy steak please you tie it to this guy here with your basic knots if Jeff water let us help him we want to be done with this paint right night and actually you're pyrite it's totally true but this is my tent it does not look like the picture yeah it looks like he has a tumor well it's good because I shouldn't give me more room with a little bit of adjusting angle what what he's trying to say is he's gonna have more Headroom and both she's done I know how long it took you to build this simple little $10 10 Jeff for 10 minutes and 38 seconds 17 minutes well that's not bad no that's terrible but I figured it out and I'm gonna put my stuff in there first of all he goes do you see my food supply chef Barty and some in Custis which are gonna go down yonder it doesn't seal Oh does seal okay good hey Jeff if they're called Incredibles why do they not have crust [Music] take the jacket off the top you're hot why does it make sense to put more clothes Allen because this is Lydon and sassy all right as you guys can see we have a blanket we have our 10 degree scene back from when our temperatures get real cold at night and let's head in really tiny through it that's a big dude how's this even work hey Jeff you got to give them a tour it's actually very hot here right now but as you can see we're set up here honestly I don't see a need an air mattress it's pretty soft it sounds like fish in here dude like fish well my 10 is complaint all right so apparently we were from the south so I guess I'll continue that so this is our big tent here we got this joint bag the mantle poles for it some are nice I'm talking you action let's check this out this better looked like the picture because one time we bought something it didn't look like the picture and then we're like wow what the heck so this time is gonna be huge so we got some rope we've got some more rope we've got dude look at these stakes compared to Jeffrey's little puny cute ones and some more snakes we got enough stakes to feed an army take a pretty good real estate here person deer to hunt this way all right what are you doing just standing around help me out it's gonna take a while during the apocalypse I brought some weapons in order to protect you guys while you set up your scent I'll be mad job to Patrol I think that's him saying that he's not really gonna do anything there's a bug on me it's the we are laying out the foundation currently and I can say it's coming out quite nicely this is the center let's stand it up real quick see what we're working with this is a big time constructing a Bulls complete mob good work W a supervisor I'm the supervisor make sure you guys speed up a little bit customers are waiting for the video to be film cannot disappoint the customer is being filmed you don't hate your visor you never my subordinate you listen to me and I say you jump you say how high no what's here to jump off a cliff you say how far no when well I tell you to jump my plane you say yes sir when I tell you to shut up you don't think okay dude this we're gonna have so much Headroom with this money I didn't read the instructions but I assume they're clipping the black things I do this thing is bigger than some people's houses they don't understand how you're supposed to put the center ones on you gotta you gotta put the put them in first and then you put them in these holes oh yeah you're right use your nog what are we cavemen yes Dean here's the network you're the king of unnecessary actions eventually this 10 is like 30 times bigger than mine you jealous aren't you no I'm just my little tent good it attached to this a-frame here - there you go Sonny it's like honor I call you sonny know what are you my grandpa oh this is quick to build it's only been two minutes on your guys's timeline probably about three minutes or so we just repeat this side soon as the other side that's good all right we got the B frames done it's really hot oh yeah does this white one where the in here so the loop right here I'm gonna tie a nice thing to little knot but I like to call the I have no idea what I'm doing that put approximately 10 feet away from the set you do it this is your attempt Mary nice that's pretty close to that little plastic covers for the rain no peeking yet we're gonna even guys a tour in a set of a grand reveal of an hour 42 minutes to build the set you took I was close over twice as long as me all right but it's about 10 times bigger though yeah multiply 17 times 10 that's 170 minute stuff which means we beat you I'm going in oh let's go ahead and give a tour very nice cool take one you all the way whoo whoa my dude head inside bro door on the floor right there on the floor so you can see nature Wow maybe that's where you can put your campfire apparently $1,000 isn't enough for the heater to be included really cup holders I'm gonna go get my cot and set up included with this test we got a bunch of cool survival gear Jeff gets nothing except for his stupid little Ted that's a cool military car oh what oh what is that what asking about your bed do you mean the bed yeah is that straight from that let's go hunters what are we doing it what's the flip what do we do with him all right leg oh Jeff steer this tiny feature dude he's venomous he came from Africa don't kill him great wilderness it did o-5 cardboard it's okay little guy don't don't be afraid don't be afraid little guy he's very furry he looks friendly all right we're gonna take him somewhere far far away from our tent this guy's cool man what kind of spider is that oh dude what's I laid out my face I was hoping it would be bit my face what are these venomous I'm gonna look it up I'm gonna go right next to the window I think the outside world and I also got my cup holder I can put my snacks in here and I can put my iPad right here I'm gonna close up the tent so buggies don't get in our tent and eat at our skin while we sleep also we will be resuming this video at night and we'll have some more fun adventures and shenanigans and food eating and why not everything you can think of I'll see you there it's getting dark folks Jeff what are you doing I'm cooking me up some dinner I brought some chef Barney Oh Rob what are you doing look our cameraman has a tent - this is his W Ted what a kick it right I just kicked your tent how do you feel about that is it okay dude don't be rude to my friend ride that's an expensive that doesn't mean sorry right guys check ahead okay afford my chef party you got mini raviolis do you see it just you said yeah yeah okay we're gonna glob it into this canister I like that down gather around the campfire and sing your song wrong it's boiling what is that wow dude there could be a human being over there just do a sword it was a coyote he threw a sword over there was a machete guys we're actually in coyote country there's actually sikhandi poops up here actually one pooped on my tripod so we could literally be attacked oh I forgot napkins good to go folks mm-hmm and we're gonna eat it right now the camp doesn't this sound satisfying no it's like nails on a chalkboard just what I say that dusting either I've ever heard hey Rob let's go separate it that's already set up right I was gonna play a prank on Jeff but you were in this oh hey Chris I can't really see my raviolis with your light flashing like that because it's dark and lashing more like is that better I need to be able see my ravioli is that better mmm no better it's a lot better hey Jeff we're gonna take this lantern because you don't need it because you have nothing in your tent to see go on it oh dude it's Oconee I can see my breath well I have a 10 degree sleeping bag so it looks like I'm gonna be good as long as no more spiders are on my cot I'll be fine so we're actually gonna go on an adventure tonight and see what we can find around us cuz why would you go camping to see the inside of your tape unless it's this one meanwhile let's to be recording yeah all right do something we need more footage video videos Ryan turn the light on and then I just see this taken over so we got this these from the truck I'm gonna light for a tent it's huge oh dude I can't believe you didn't hear me sneaking up on I heard I heard running that's what freaked out Nick I can't risk a game all right so let's put this light in the tent once I want to make this tent a glow stick dude turn that around you don't need that much light do this and then it kind of creates a glowy effect well guys I am G bro video without a fun adventure is it nope are we gonna go on an adventure okay let's see we can so we're gonna go on an adventure now and if we get lost we can just see our glow Ted oh yeah so we're going this way and I have this big blade for protection you come and romp wait where's my weapon I'm your weapon this way we all got our weapons right we'll be fine like a giant tarantula they roam around these parts at night do you know that let's try it finally another factor is that just there's legit sameen there whoa hasn't even been a minute we got scared leave it to the danger Bros getting scared in the wilderness that's a little squirrel in a tree leave the bird I think it's a bird it's the bird sleeping let's not let's not bother the bird alright guys this is Jeff this is one step we're gonna find something this is Jeff first wild version 15 because he does it every time don't do that oh sorry well if we find a mountain lion out here we all got machetes we are I know that meat who cares about the camera babe can I hit it with the camera I guess with that I stepped on that turn what is that Dino poo dude I stepped in in a horse turd yeah we should be careful the poos there's literally poo everywhere hey Chris hmm there's more qu3 poos there's no turds take a turn down your tent you can see the tent over there well well we're back from our adventure that was poopy my hands are freezing yeah what a crappy adventure I'm going into my tent and I'm going to my warm slingback it's freezing outside so we're gonna go to sleep and then in the morning we're gonna let you know how comfortable the tents were guys dental health is important in the apocalypse if I sneezed on that toothbrush really no I think I'm ready for bed Jonnie boys is that were called now the yawn rose what is this let's make sure how do you sit in that with my butt thank you this whoa whoa now put your feet out more you don't like that find your balance soon your balance Zoey bro dude what is chair jerkwad I'm headed into my tent if you want to follow me over so you can see me get in my tent unzip is yep my tent II tent I gotta make sure there's no buggies in here it's dope I'm zipping up well guys I can't wait to get in my bed I'm gonna take my pants off so blur this out hey Rob that's my car there's my car I can't wait to go to sleep in my nice comfy time bro that's my cot no that's my car Hecky you guys doing what Rob let's Kris is caught greicy if this has creepy colleagues all over it hisle's been sitting in the garage this sleeping bag is honestly so cozy all right I'm all ready for bed going night-night mm-hmm goodnight kiss goodnight dude I'm ready to be warm I also got a change so should I leave yeah or should I keep going dude you could film all you want it might be a little weird I'm gonna go crawl on my sleeping bag see you in the morning I brought my own nice comfy tent so that way I can stay away from the snores handle snowing mine's probably smaller than Geoffrey's but I think it might be cooler one hour later yeah Rob mmm Bob the girls are pranking us bro dude it smells so bad in here smells literally so bad what you guys do what do we do I'm cold but I'm going out you're going out could it regret this they see mouth chefs all right guys if you want to see the rest of this you're gonna have to go to the danger babe channel link will be at the end of this video the next day good morning Ryan what do the danger babes prank day with how do you sleep okay up until about an hour to go when he got really cold I have a 20 degree sleeping bag and attendance agreement that was freezing there wasn't enough no I was so cold halfway through I put the 20 degree on it was robbed I stole it but he left cuz the danger babes prank them Jeffery left as well so it's just me and Ryan here but we made it we're gonna rape the tents real quick you so I'd say that this tent for warmth I'm gonna give it a zero time if they had the heater then maybe a bit I'm gonna say for space 20 minutes ten out of ten cuz I can stand up in here and you could probably fit a lot of people in here and then I'm gonna stay for looks this that's pretty cool I'm gonna give it a eight out of ten what would you say all right you know okay for value I'm gonna have to say a four out of ten because it's definitely not worth a thousand dollars no way so yeah that was my tent now go look at Jefferies oh my gosh dude we spray-painted it like water and flour King Geoffrey's tan was pretty basic so yeah space probably two out of ten warmth probably also zero out of ten value probably pretty decent actually I would say nine out of ten or should I say tenth out of ten well anyways those are the tents guys $10 10 versus $1,000 10 hope you guys enjoyed this video make sure to check out the danger babes video they pranked us right here and then check out a video that's best for you right here clicking the little to subscribe we'll see you next time
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 3,359,234
Rating: 4.8716369 out of 5
Keywords: best tent, $10 tent vs $1000 tent, overnight, overnight survival, 24 hours, 24 hour challenge, fort, forts, amazon.com, buy, vacation, camping, forest, wild, wilderness, dangie bros
Id: AIR7gYOnb_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 14sec (1334 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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