We Built the MOST Secure TINY House then this Happened...

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today we are building the most secure tiny house you will ever see on this planet we will be adding tons of security features in order to defend this tiny house from the most determined foes let's get dangy every building requires a foundation so we're building some frames right now david has already started working on it so we're going to help him finish it [Music] we've got the entire frame of the tiny house built this thing's secure wow whoa what about this that's not secure you lie to me no i mean the frame is secure no thanks so you mean i can just like hop on top yeah go for it wow think solid we use some really really strong wood because this has to be the most secure tiny house and now we're working on some details this is gonna be um pretty cool it's gonna be like a concrete pillar like this and uh just gonna add some dimension make this thing look stronger more epic which is what we're going for aaron built this hatch so we'll be able to pop up like so [Music] oh just taking a nap on my super cookie batch that aaron that i built so now i'm going to use the paint sprayer you're going gonna cover the whole outside with the cement color to make it look super beefy so i've got a bunch of these protrusions here and these are just supposed to look really menacing and scare people away and make them cry in their uh in the corners and pee in their pants and we're gonna be painting these like a darker gray for a very nice aesthetic very nice aesthetic welcome to our layer this thing is looking sweet look you got a bench if you want to take a nap you can do so or you can just use it to climb to the top boom easy did you notice how easy that was but wait there's more because look at this sweet desk that we built we're gonna be able to go onto the computer and hack the spies that are trying to infiltrate our security system and also we're going to be able to monitor our security cameras that we're going to be putting up around the perimeter so it's going to look very sweet the following day it's now day two yesterday was heavy on the building and today it's heavy on the decor and making it really technologically advanced technologically advanced is that really the term you've been using technological and security we have technology what are you wearing dude oh i hurt my back that's why i'm not helping build that much jeff woke up today and chose violence [Music] today we want to thank nedi's for sponsoring this video life after is an open world doomsday survival game that is free on ios android and pc the game has 200 million players worldwide and was dubbed the most competitive game of 2019 by google play in life after you're gonna have to survive in a doomsday world that's been overtaken by zombies and monsters and you'll get to explore the world with vehicles on land sea and air and you'll get to hunt collect resources craft tools and weapons and build a camp of your own just like our very own zombie apocalypse camp you can group up with teammates and your very own loyal dog companion to fight hordes of zombies from february 18th to march 4th life after is launching a crossover with the iconic masterpiece a cyberpunk ghost in the shell forging a new experience that binds survival with cyberpunk during the event popular characters from ghost in the shell such as major matoko are selected to be made into outfits in life after all new players who download live factor with our special link in the description below will get awesome new bonuses log in to get the tattoo comb pendant and complete simple daily quests to unlock the major motoko figurine plus all new players will get a free motorcycle so make sure to click the link in the description below to download life after for free on ios android and pc and make sure to stay tuned for our futuristic cyberpunk theme tiny house we got this really cool floor mat right epic some very futuristic looking stuff anyways what i'm doing running it and uh it's not going to be a perfect fit so i have to mark it up and cut it so it's going to fit the shape of the floor so that's what i'm doing today and uh guys i just want to show you that if you find me in the woods with a knife don't mess with me because i have major skills we are going to grab these concrete pillars that are going to add an epic look to our bunker go do it my back is in your bag i mean you mean them fine i'll do one i'll risk injuring myself for the cause are those heavy does it look like it's heavy maybe i shouldn't do that never mind did you also see did you see my my flooring nice dude excited to make this building looks extra beefy we got some side pylon is that what they're called nylons nylons i thought they were called oranges thanks huh boom now we have our epic secured looking bunker it is now time to put the infamous satellite dish on this thing is that heavy that's not too bad where should we put this i think we should put it in the back yeah i think that'll be good there this is small detail we put in the front it'll look too big what does the satellite do chris he gives us all of our the satellite gives us all of our intel we actually have a satellite that's going away up there oh there it is so the danger satellite and uh gives us all our information and uh gives us all the best youtube video ideas nope chris it's a difficult angle are you all ready for this dude there we go let's give it a wiggle test oh yeah that is solid how's the signal boys the signal is fired as you can tell from these cut wires let me just check on my uh dingy wi-fi here oh yeah 12 bars out of five oh dude fire oh yeah fire whoa oh that looks really good that is a sweet addition dude this is lit lit thanks neighbor our neighbor gave it to us for free for free we're installing the the door and so right now we're hinging this door so it's very nice and smooth but then we're going to be adding hydraulics that's just going to do the work for us so we have a nice automatic door just lifts up whenever we want this is a good workout you can do some curls you can give it away dude you can get down and do some shoulder press how many pounds is that bro uh you're like 50 or 60. all right that was the last screw all right closer up bye ryan you might wanna oh we gotta we one thing is we gotta scoot these pillars over thanks son does it look good out there yeah it looks cool hi chris hi okay so now i'm heading inside uh we got the leds hooked up and electrical is now connected so we can turn the leds on there we go oh that's what i'm talking about that's that is nice and we can't change the colors [Music] blue we are about to all of our tech inside the fort we have an epic gaming computer that is super powerful we have screens monitors we have surveillance cameras that we're gonna set up let's do it let's head in hey boys howdy y'all howdy y'all do we have any power in here yet yeah we have to turn look at the lights look at the lights well we need to bring a guy when you bring the power over here it's a danger party dude we need a power strip while we're gonna grab them go grab one chris i got the extension cables power strips everything we need we now have the entire tiny house complete this is the most secure tiny house of all time so let's take a tour after we're locked out it's voice activated we built it too secure the pat the password is dangerous is it it's supposed to work now right right pull did you change the password jeff pull to the left while pulling back technical difficulties there we go boom super easy to lift because we got these hydraulics inserted into the door this door is like 500 pounds come on in ryan check it out this thing is awesome what triple monitor look at that closes automatically look how sick that door is there we go well we got our paintball guns got our hacker screens computer setup well welcome to our most secured tiny house ever now we're gonna pull up the security camera footage and see if there's anything weird going on outside what's that it's nice and safe outside it's our bunker just protecting us from things i think an acorn phone dude who is that oh who is this dude there's someone here's a weapon he's like sneaking around he's is he he's so little who is that we need to activate dangerous [Music] [Music] oh my oh we gotta go see who the culprit is take his mask off who's the culprit who are you team edge sensor regards team team edge we took out your guy team edge all right bobby i know you sent him okay thanks again to naiz for sponsoring this video make sure to click the link in the description below to download life after for free down the life after because that's what dainty bot would've wanted well i really hope you enjoyed today's video click right here for our previous video click right here for a video you to recommend specifically for your creators we'll see you later
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 1,572,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0Datx-JcLBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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