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[Applause] but slaughtering me oh yeah good thing in caramel what is up guys today we are doing the $10 vs. $1,000 survival kit pallet okay we are each going to beginning survival kits at different value and we're gonna have a big race where we have to complete some challenges and get back to the truck and whoever does in the quickest amount of time is the winner each survivors always gonna be getting a water bottle some dried food and a water boiler as part of the challenge it's a build a shelter a campfire it's a mega meal eat it and race back to the truck whoever can do that in the least amount of time is the winner so we did a little poll an Instagram to see who gets what kit and the question was which danger bro do you think will survive the longest in the wilderness I got first place Chris got second place and Audrey got last place that means I get the worst one Chris gets the second worst one and rubber gets the best kit so this is my survival kits worth about $10 you can see this an axe and a hammer also has like a little plier thing built-in also some cool little tools like like this saw aside it's and there's some other cool little tools like this blade in a bottle opener even though I probably won't be opening bottles up in this hizzy but that's my kid so this is a $50 survival kit we got a cool multi-tool shovel plus there's a knife inside and also screwdriver not sure why I need that then we got this hard edge for like breaking windows we've got Flint steel we have this pocket knife we got a handy-dandy whistle we got this heavy-duty pin so if like a wildebeest comes by and asked for my autograph I can go ahead and sign this we got this bracelet with a compass on it and it also turns into a rope we got this cool-looking compass where'd you see blankets and this like Sala can thing that you can like saw stuff with and it all fits in this nice little plastic container alright guys for my survival kit no clue what's in here keep you honest when you open it up first you have a bunch of different weapons a machete and axe well looks like a hatchet okay these are some The Walking Dead pretty neat and for obvious survival reasons it rolls up real nicely we take a gander at the bag here you got some fire starter sticking out oh the main compartment well you have a little fire thingy oh no way also comes with a personal water filter straw you can go to any River start slurping some water I see that there is a medkit in here silicone bowls yep got a flashlight and then you have this box put in the box emergency drinking water look at that and this kit seems like there's everything you need to survive in the wilderness turns it back to that big white stupid truck Wayne hey that's my truck just kidding great do let me stick with you up there over there running wasting their energy they only have a limited amount of water to keep the pace up because I don't have many tools some time is everything for me they don't have as much as Robert no oh gosh I'm out of breath anything extra special all right we're walking not running walking they don't really say how to go anywhere specific the only thing is there's a bunch of dry brush everywhere it's an Omega shelter to me is very very difficult I'm so tired I hate running and it's also kind of hot I should take out the sweatshirt know what the weird Jeff is looks like we're in first place they're behind me I want to find a spot with a lot of like plants so I can easily make my shelter work on this way and you can find a spot with lots of resources and it looks like you go down this way there's a lot of rocks and bushes that we might be able to take advantage of mmm oh look at that that Bush right there there's an opening since our survival kit came with a bunch of weapons we can just use these to chop down our sticks over there all right given the walking dead I can imagine if a mountain lion tried attacking us here kitty kitty kitty oh you really need some food I think cooking up a bird sounds mighty tasty shut up like this cheese Boulder [Music] well I think I might make my ford over here okay I think you can use this spot kind of close it off a little bit and then I'll have like a little cave that I can go in but yeah let's go ahead and start building I need to see if you can help me right now I could use this to cut wood we got Flint steel for the fire this knife I'm gonna keep this just in case a mountain lion tries to attack me okay so I think this is gonna be the main tool that I'll be using it's got like a little axe edge right here oh that works really well how neat is that that's pretty neat stupid stupid stick let's stick this one I'm gonna be used that's fine get a bunch of sticks this might take a while they look [ __ ] the rocks are guys I've actually been here before and have climbed this actual rock fun-packed okay okay so when I died I had to use my jacket partially for my shelter I don't know exactly how we do that but they all will be little private I'm here I asked you got to make sure I have a spot to actually lay down so I'm comfortable oh you guys are trapping some bushes down though well let's get chopping now here is a good spot number one down oh there's nothing sharp on that if need be we have a medkit all right sorry guys just chopped up a bunch of wood here now I'm really thirsty aqua leaders 5-year shelf life emergency drinking water tasty yeah a little divot right there but the more you go up bigger it gets so I'm thinking and I'm gonna find something you get tied to what together with and then make it a little like roof now I just gotta get these things up there Frank poor oh no oh no no that's not gonna work thank you I can break it off what are we thinking okay I'm gonna use this branch here it's like what I'm gonna put all my sticks and stuff on so I'm actually gonna need a bunch of branches for this I'm gonna go down to this tree over here I wish I had a big weapons like Robert has like I like only first branch some trees have a bunch of dead branches I'm just gonna use those to use all the dead bushes that'll be better so when I don't have to take live branches off trees because they're technically living creatures so let's do that let's clearing out this spot so I can have a comfy place to lay down hoping that I'll find any creepy crawlers over here I don't want this stupid Jackie here it's not good idea with stupid I don't know if I'm gonna move that rock to be honest it's alright it'll be my pillow it'll be my my pillow pet just take you forever now you know what it's actually are you kidding me I can just pull it off the whole time look how big this branches all right well it's a branch on a rock that's what I made so far Wow that's a big drop right there I realized I'm out of materials maybe this wasn't in good spot can use these to make my port a little bit more green looking pretty good stick that in there you know I have a vision for it oh just bump my head I don't have a first cated what first came it what first big hit where we got our branches since the weapons up here now to make the port first we're gonna take all the branches we have with laying across just like so here's a big guy what always has the worst ideas this is so bad what am I gonna talk to the home the wind is making this very difficult look at that that's not bad so as you guys can see I kind of made a little shelter with this grass roof all I have to do is the other side to create a full enclosure but it's taking quite a while hope they're not done with their shelters yet I've no I cuz I'm an easy saw to get this thing uh-huh yeah oh okay Mon good stuff okay so the structure of my fort is complete just had to add grass and then we're good to go what Julie there's a lot of grass actually like right outside my fort for me to just throw on so it's nice and convenient thank you mother nature for your donation to my fort this is cool dude I'm creating a little ghillie suit for it where it just like blends in I feel like I still need a little bit more grass to cover well that's that's pretty darn cool if you ask me looking thick boy real thing yeah well let's say crawl in there shall we we go this rock serves as a great pillow dude toy handler ooh it could use a little something else though okay that's a workout trying to get in and out of there dude huh see what we could use to make this support a little more comfy your new blankets in here anything oh it's a lantern Nicky little spot for it no batteries but uh Elliot could just fly it up my night oh yes here I have an idea what would I do you think full of attract predators more the chrome side or the orange side I'm gonna go with the water side so watch ready lace out nice and good oh no that's just ripping it oh gosh Oh No so we just stuff that in there somewhere yeah boom I've got this whole left side pretty much done as you can tell no we got to work on the right side and I decided I'm gonna use this sock thing see how it works you just go like this back and forth and get stuck a little getting stuck do that suck I'm having a frustrating day this novel axe is actually working really well I've been like chopping down like big branches like look at this already done hey if this was minecraft I had I'd have so much wood right now town and save myself trying to do a stupid minecraft you huge tree killing a tree so that I can live on a day's work let's see if this would actually be a really good minecraft tool dual-purpose let's see if it can break a rock well plus one rock material yay it's a good minecraft tool well guys I finished my fort this tool really came in handy so now we're gonna go inside and check it out here we go no spiders I really don't like spiders well we're the other creepy crawlies alright wow this is actually really Spacey in here lots of room as you can see I have lots of foot room because I'm a tall dude look at all those branches that I put there I wouldn't say it's the most spectacular sight but it is a shelter so this shelter took me 45 minutes to complete that's it I chopped down a whole tree with literally just a shovel well here we go guys here's my sport let's go on inside and check it out it's a little cramped I will admit as you can see it's pretty cool it took me about an hour we really got to get on to my next challenge I gotta build a campfire eat some food then we can head back to the truck so let's do it so I thought I'm gonna make a little pit from my fire using some rocks alright here's my fire pit how do you collect some wood and then we'll make our food now since our camp is all set up I think we have a little fire burner good thing about my survival kit comes with the burner Chris and Jeff Stowell and they have to build their own little fire pit so it sucks for them there's a little windy though so I wonder if that's gonna strike explain [Music] there we go oh yeah that's the falling real good serious smoke coming out oh okay turning yeah now you pour in cause they're mushrooms in there I hate mushrooms bro now we're gonna close it up and wait I actually think there's pots and pans in the kit so now I gotta start building a campfire there's already a bunch of rocks in here that I can use so I'm just gonna make a circle airplane oh shoot I can use my whistle for the plane no I wouldn't actually wait for help oh that's true this is don't believe they know that we're building this campfire here I have all the rocks I need inside the cave gotta go out get some firewood tie two chopping wood all day Oh help you oh thanks Jeremy now we need some what's it called it starts with the T tinder yeah isn't that a date yet yeah yeah we need some tinder let's go back inside so for safety reasons we're not gonna be like an actual fire because as you can see it's a very dry wasteland that could catch on fire so for this section now that I've built my pit as a requirement I get an actual burner to cook my food these piece of wood can [ __ ] off and now we will cook our food we have water and some freeze-dried food that we'll be able to heat up with our burner step one we put this guy on pull this up and we're gonna boil the heck out of this like that mm-hmm how's cringy and then we must like our little burner whoa we got some power and so once that's boiled we dump the water in here let it cook and then we can eat home sweet home firewood not the tender for California safety reasons we're gonna be using this instead see if we can started with this thing look well Danko's cool this thing works really well put the water in whoa see me okay so now we gotta let this water boil I feel like I really could survive in here let's take a nice little nap yeah oh wait boiling I'm gonna turn the fire off now it's boiling okay let's stand for toilet 12 to 15 minutes okay gonna pour this in here there we go so I'm gonna close this up and let it sit out I'll get the wait four minutes stir again let stand eight to nine Bing 20 minutes late Dale all right people the mall you've all been waiting for please go well Cameron wanted something as well ill there's a big chunk at the bottom doing the jump you're getting the chunk I got all the veggies hey here we go taste test you know it's not bad if you truly have to come out here and survive on this stuff I'd say it's pretty good guys were almost complete with our challenge then we got to run back to the truck hopefully this to give me the nutrients I need to run back to the truck with all my energy dump boils quick bro it's already almost boiling that really really heats up quick I'm just gonna gaze off into horizons good thing in cameraman it's good dump this water in here Wow I just touch something hot and I always still let that stay here okay so I've made my foods not even nearly done yet but I did it completely wrong you're supposed to boil the noodles in the water it's been a while and these noodles are still really hard that's not a way to enjoy mac and cheese you shouldn't be crunching mac and cheese that's not pleasant to the senses at all I have to eat it though doing that I can go back come on something up you it'll soften up you do this gross well looks like we forgot a spoon for me just pour it up into my mouth mmm teriyaki chicken rice that's really good such sin is I just finished my lunch do you let me to go back inside I wanted to try and use this emergency blanket that I got in my survival kit and try and take a nap well so we'll just lay this down like this whoa I'm gonna take a nap right here on the nice solid rock guy I'll catch y'all well don't shelter eight boot dominated Sam go pick up ain't catchin Z's but I caught one heck of an afternoon we got everything packed up let's go we're done with all the challenges time to head back to the car let's go go right little four time to depart centrist but we got a race to go God we didn't really you gotta hurry it's getting kind of dark out like the sun's going down I'll see anyone dude dude I think I'm laughs I took forever stupid ten dog to sucks well Rob main in here first me second Jeffery third I mean Jeff's the loser that was a lot of work for one day guys well that's actually interesting based off of how much money we spent on the survival tools is how well we support going downside to this massive punkin jumble is it's heavy clearly the thousand dollar kid was the best we hope you enjoyed this video click here for the previous bed click there put the video you can recommend it you know subscribe
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 4,615,015
Rating: 4.8540993 out of 5
Keywords: $10 vs $1000, survival kit, survival tool, survival tools, amazon.com, amazon, primitive survival, primitive tools, survival shelter, shelter, fort, challenge, wins, dangie bros
Id: x0VqAdnJe78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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