🔴Among Us: Toast, Aphmau, DanTDM, Pokimane, Corpse, LaurenzSide, Smajor (Gloom POV)

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hold my hand it's a big one oh it's a big one unbelievably large stream today unbelievably large we got corpse lauren toast pokemon dad scott my old buddy o'mare terry get in the lobby we got terry fill in for brianna and preston but they are showing up very soon yes they are welcome to the stream it's going to be thick it's going to be big we're just waiting for 10 people to get into this lobby hello chat welcome thank you so much to everyone for supporting my among us music video really appreciate it we're just waiting for this lobby to fill up this is this lobby is the perfect mix of like brains and chaos like i hand picked this lobby myself and i just chef's kiss chef's kiss i can't i can't wait i'm very excited i'm not saying it's you lauren but yeah he was right there try on my screen i i just can't believe right now i just like had to mute them for a sec i just can't believe that we have scott and toast in the same lobby like two of the biggest brains ever if i get imposter probably gonna kill them both but we'll see i mean cassie said does he spoke about it or like that would have worked with no one else except like it was only long as that would have sworn oh he wasn't paying attention oh yeah i think i was eating i'm always at the world it was just done to the elevator fast you were like wait are you guys ready to go does everybody does everybody is everybody comfortable with their color is everybody on their main color i'm like i mean but oh my goodness it's me okay so omar is actually uh this time he's a good buddy of ours and i just can't believe i mean he's probably really excited to be in this lobby he's a stand-in for bree and preston um i i always get imposter first during streams like always i'm just gonna try my best to just kill somebody right now just get it going fix the lights maybe where is everybody oh sorry pokey i had to oh i'm so sorry oh no toast okay the like the last person who should have seen me go that way saw me go that way flipping the switch what yo so brown is dead at the junction um of cameras and reactor just left lights to see pokey um did anyone walk that way to get to electrical or no i didn't i came in from storage because i was i was in um admin room the whole time there was a lot of people in electrical oh yeah there was everyone at least yeah we were talking that's why i find it weird it was just it must have been it must have happened the body is uh the junction of where reactor upper lower engine and cameras well they could have vented through security back down to lights when they were off so it could have been somewhere in there as well i think um sorry i don't know uh aphmau i think was the first on lights right yeah it was the first on life yeah i was like the second or third i came in only but i came in from the right hand side because i done my download weapons and then came down to lights when they were off i saw a light green come from the right a little later yeah i was i was waiting for those lights to get fixed i was stuck in nav and afraid to come any further yeah toast you were like last right like one of the last one yeah like second last i'm gonna skip because i feel like i don't know anything and then everyone i'm literally too afraid to talk i don't want to be one of those players i don't want to be one of those quiet imposters but toast literally saw me coming from where the body is i'm just okay i'm waiting for my cool down we're gonna get it again oh i think corpse might want some right now i think he wants some aha he does uh oh uh okay um let's just go ahead and hit this oh i'm shaking okay this took me a second to find because it was behind the chair in nav i saw the report button come up and i was trying to see where the body was and i couldn't see it but it's behind the chair in nav some people came in from the right cassie you came in from that side right the door was stuck shut yeah yeah i was uh watching terry do download and communications and then i came in but i came out and the cafeteria door closed yeah so it was only people that went down because no one came from the top cass where did you go after you watched me do downloading i went to storage there were a few people in there and then reactor was called off did you see anybody do you see anybody around there because i saw in the peripheral like in the shadow i saw one of the vents pop but i didn't see oh no i didn't see that there was a few people in admin because i got stuck in storage after our past or locations wise um i don't know if anyone saw i went one out of two for reactor i'm on the top part of the yeah i passed you and bought electrical you were on that side of the ship yeah i think uh teams was at the uh garbage chute at the bottom of uh storage as well when i was going to the bottom left i'm so confused forever this is like killing like really carefully just one time like that not anywhere near i compare the people here oh go ahead i want to clear gloom and toast because i was in admin doing the card swipey thing and i saw them run with me so i don't know if that proves anything but they seemed like they were pretty clear uh did you see teeth that garbage chute at the bottom no okay so this kill is probably between it could be a damn self report as well uh-huh dan you've done that a few times done it if you don't just just i gotta kill toast i gotta kill toast right now um oh no don't do that um oh oh no there's somebody with him it's probably a waste but i must kill toast i must kill toast he's got to die the man knows too much terry stop following me stop following me uh where'd he go i i got a kill i gotta kill i gotta oh you went to the button all right just uh making sure everyone's alive okay we're good we're doing it gotta stay safe yeah um gloom were you ever on the right side last round no no yeah you said you saw me download though i did but that's not like far right i went storage communication storage oh okay yeah uh did anyone see your weapons thieves that's yeah the only time i've seen cassie or gloom last time was when she was stuck at their side of the doors it comes mind if i ask why um aphmau cleared what was the clearing from last round for toast and cassie uh just because we looked nice i don't think there was a reason right yes good in my for this round alibi at least i know lauren was on the left side with me but i guess no one got killed so it doesn't matter about that but most of you were at the left side there was someone an electrical and someone in comms it was like two groups there was one at a reactor right now and one at like admin reactor went really quick so i was on my way but went back to comms to okay where the one in columns okay yeah you're not trying to shoot someone are you toast but what are you dealing with an experienced killer they're using doors and trying to hide yeah i've noticed i've noticed the door shut so yeah it's got to be toaster dan just kidding i don't know who it is wait me i'm not an experienced killer you've gotten so much better dan come on yeah you really have thank you toast you're gonna kill you're going to die very soon i'm gonna leave terry oh oh there's two of them why is he always hanging out with a friend okay also i'm the only person who's killed okay i'm gonna try to like curve around and maybe oh no there's too many people here come on toast come to me oh no this is getting really hard this is getting kind of challenging oh can i just can i just no dude run we gotta get out of here oh no oh no oh well i was leaning towards being toast because all the doors were shutting us like they know what they're doing yeah i mean i thought you locked me in storage with you there scott no i was panicked i was you were running around in circles and i was like maybe he won't see me if i cuddle the door the doors were going crazy at like electrical side electrical was shot uh low engine door was shut where was where's the body so i was gonna say i found it going from nav down well that makes it like right now the only person i saw was aphmau during that oh i've been voting for you this whole time is is that it well you did it that is true you actually you're voting yeah you have but and she did like going off past rounds like lauren seems pretty like towny like she's been doing a ton of tasks when i went outside around minding my business she's going to like you know no kill route imposter she actually doesn't realize she's imposter yet she's like wait yeah i don't think it's done because i've seen him on the left side of the map a lot and he was an electrical and around that side i mean he definitely wasn't that much but electrical would definitely i was i was i didn't want him and then he went towards like reactor uh can i say something i i okay so um af was in the area during that last kill and she cleared me and toast for no reason other than walking beside her i think she's trying to mind-game us i was on the right when i saw you were locked out in cafeteria and i saw cassie aphmau and toast and i'm gonna skip let's get to it i'm done tasks anyway i see how it is okay i'm just making it equal now i'm okay um okay who's smart here man time is going ham on these doors absolutely ham okay well i can't kill af because she's suspicious i can maybe kill scott oh no oh geez please close please oh god oh all right um well i'm done with tasks yeah i'm done too close this is like a numbers game at this point it seems like because four of us are on um what are those cams cams four of us are on cams right now me lauren um who was i think that was um i was kind of babysitting after now in electrical so before that when we were in storage i saw like all the doors were locked saw afmau s major and gloom and then i went up to do wires in admin when the doors unlocked and then i came down saw aphmau and electrical and she was doing like all the tasks so then i just decided to go left to engine my issue is we've done like lights like three times and everyone's gotten their electrical done is my issue with that but it's just like the second time that aphmau is around a body yeah that's what i'm saying us us four are stuck in uh in security the lights didn't go off so we're all still there where's the body story it's in lower engine unless it's over like maybe no way like maybe just outside the door and lower engine like it might be on the electrical i think um well i i honestly at this point i feel like lauren's 100 town and i feel like dan is also town there's no way dan could have killed this one he he's literally stuck in the doors with me yeah lauren and uh i think cassie i think was the fourth i think this is a three strikes on f we've got 14 seconds wait no we have to vote for someone right yeah i'm going to oh my god i'm going to get it to be right you're putting it i changed my mind oh i said it's either app or it's same i will too don't remember too much well that's uh that's a cute casual steady ggs i'm so that was intentional i hadn't eaten breakfast yet i'm gonna run around alone thank you no problem all right let's get it i gotta be a good detective this time the best of detectives i hate doing download up here because it's a really really easy way to die ugh okay so i left yellow up there the lights need to be fixed please i don't want to die oh jesus the quick one i love it already this was like right above the weapons uh i think in download because it barely gave me the report option let go of everything from last round already you let it go let go of what i have are you sure at the entrance to that cafeteria side towards weapons but i think he started heading towards lights is what he must be like i'm pretty sure the body must be on the download portion like right on the vent or something in the cafeteria or i'm almost certain it was only me uh lauren and toast there and i did see toast go left unless i'm being brainwashed or something so i feel like event for sure okay did you see anything i saw i was actually gonna say um that it was show time but i don't know if he would self report i was the only person i saw in that area prior to leaving to be honest and obviously lauren but she's dead you didn't see toast like he did i actually don't recall cinnamon toast but if it was before the lights are off then he went uh he like pre-ran two weapons and then came back but the only thing i know is pokey's on the downloaded weapons okay that is almost literally where the body is but i'm not gonna say it does the lights um turned off did you finish it download yeah did you go through calf pokey no i was just heading there but i do know that that's where event is so i'm assuming that's who it is unless it's showtime wouldn't the report button be there for you as well then if you're hanging out not if it happened after i left off that's okay but i wish we counted who wasn't there okay so i've got a good feeling about corpse this time so i'm just gonna kind of try to stay with him i don't feel like he would fake both download and upload so that's kind of a hard thing to fake although he is smart i just i'm gonna stay close to corpse to ensure my safety in my life yeah i don't think he would fake a card either oops yes thank you you don't get away from you freak i'm just gonna kind of tell corpse because i feel like he's okay i'm gonna hopefully he has an electrical task he does not but you know what i'm just gonna don't kill me this is like back of electrical otherwise known as the morgue but there's a lot of where'd everyone go um oh it's very lonely over here very lonely like dark and scary i'm shaking oh oh oh pokey oh how could you do to my imposter deal if if you want to just go again we can that's my bad how about it i feel like more of his would have been dead it's fine we'll just wait and see what happens i was so unlucky oh and she would have gotten away with it too she totally would have gotten away with it if i didn't go for a little walk all by myself okay so pokey was blaming time i feel like she wouldn't do that to her impostor mate so i feel like time's okay oh gosh i'm never gonna get wires done who's here just a bunch of great fellas they can keep track there's enough brains in here for them to keep track of each other oh what are you chasing me for oh what are you chasing me for oh don't you dare oh get away from me oh scary okay i just have my tasks on the right and then i think we're good i mean i don't think there's a body in here but you can never be too careful f is a bit chaotic of a player so wouldn't put it past or walk past a dead body okay finally it's wire time yes ah that feels good connecting the dots yeah oh i'm not going to lights not me not today i guess i've got time to make it making my way down oh did it here oh where was the body uh by shields oh okay right hand side yep i've seen so many people everyone's just moving all the time and i don't remember who i've seen and where i've not seen them do you think the kill was in the last like 10 seconds five seconds uh it had to be because i was in sorry i don't know yeah i don't know um s major's name scott scott yeah all right yeah scott was on lights right now so the timing would be like a while for him to get that kill i'm on lights as well yeah show time lights went out so i just actually hung out by the vent to see if anybody would pop through yeah you're looking in the vent like those wires at the top of cafeteria which i don't think he would you know just randomly do when no one's watching like i kind of ran in to him doing it so i feel like that's pretty good so where was afma toast and glenn i don't have a tear with post oh really yeah mostly hang out with him so uh i threw pokey like sustainable round one gloom confirmed it it makes us pretty clear um yeah that seems like good math half mouth was anyone around yeah gloom when she saw the pokey kid i was alone well i was gonna ask last round um at o2 s major or scott um corpse and uh pokey were all three together so i don't know where you ended up going i went into nav and then i passed off my and now she came out when they might have been trying like a double kill i thought it was you and pokey that were trying to double kill but i don't think the timing you could do this one so it might have been half mao who's trying a double kill you know what we can all just vote for someone who we think is the killer okay let's do it that always works just take your shot damn we weren't on the same wavelength obviously i'm sorry she donated oh snap oh uh i don't know i was really suspicious of uh affine toast but they said they were together in cafeteria and it wasn't f so like who could it be who could it be time oh yeah scott my tasks are done i'm just gonna follow either scott or toast and hope for the best wait did you kill some okay um terry time anyone oh oh has to be s major this has to be a small absolutely no no no no no no no no no no there's no way terry gotta be it's gotta be scott scott he's been creeping around scott sorry i'm not sorry i've not been creep enough and sprinted you were following you were following toast just drooling licking your and lips some reason they went into detail you can apparently see guessing yeah no i so i was on lights and i seen you all come around from the top so then you were all messing around at reactor thing and then i went up to the top side to go and do my samples and made when the lights went out and then i was literally just coming out of maybe when you had this body i'm almost certain it's not terry you were also almost certain it wasn't me and you've now turned around on me oh you you were just in the area when i said you were gonna do the double kill with pokey you're like you kind of changed it to aphmau so yeah you said the double kill was uh pokey and i said i passed off my en nav and you were like yeah okay that's enough like no that's half my thing i didn't say it was off now you did true she is right at the top of the lower engine cassie's walking onto it so either she killed during lights and is walking back onto it or scott killed and i wouldn't throw out pokey if i was the imposter that'd be silly yeah i don't think it's cassie but i'm thinking it could be showtime i don't think i didn't see it no way not me all right i'm skipping but let's just stick together my tasks again i can spy yeah i have tasks um on the right side okay i follow you okay he'll call reactor watch yeah maybe uh once the sappo's done we hit a button or something um that's a good call that's a good i can't breathe okay scott you're not you're not getting up to this you're not getting up to this again scott i oh just kill me they're gonna know it's you just get me get me do it um i mean all three of them are in my sight lines right now so not much can happen why is it taking everybody so long to finish their tasks oh what happened it's so obviously scott come on we're hitting the button we're getting about it ah no wrong person to kill i think wrong person to kill all right teams all right wait this would be a mastermind performance terry if you did this yeah this is kind of the old classic nothing else you can do but kill and self-report i was gonna hit the button um i was hoping the door would open otherwise like i was waiting for the door to open i was kind of like just shocked that he actually did it i didn't do anything what do you mean you're the one who killed her you literally uh could you just tell me the tasks that you ended up doing like uh terry oh man i've been done for a while though same okay it was just you that had anything else from past info i feel like it's scott just because terry was doing random ass tasks like um you know the wires in cafeteria that was this game he's also such a good liar i don't know why you're believing that he is i i play with him and exactly he gets me i'm just gonna vote scott guys hi youtube enjoy the youtube oh not like this dude you're right why'd you brainwash me dude it's all good we won who's we the imposters in town there's only so much i could do hey i'm sorry i tried but yeah i literally managed to pick up but almost everyone on the right side too and then yeah yeah you played really well till the end i couldn't believe you got to shields that quickly and no one found that kill i'm like oh he's yeah he's pretty good he's he's i had to i had to kill cassie there because i don't think i'd have been able to cope with her stressfully like on youtube get off my ship true that's what she does yeah i would have been so mad yeah i was like man why did he kill cassie i feel like he should have killed like harry i suspected both oh i think passive words okay sorry imposters just just kill just kill and we'll we'll get uh brie and uh preston just kill who is it yeah just listen yeah just get it just get it going and we'll just see what happens just set off reacting oh yeah that works too laura look at this come here yeah we just won't oh oh oh you're not supposed to report it actually seriously i've thrown her out the ship way too many times and she was innocent now you stole my color and you killed me you also need the ball oh she needs something yeah you need to go oh oh okay uh who's the other oh there you go oh that would have been a good that would have been a good one i'm sorry she's still trying to play the theme faster yeah just send off more move on hello hello welcome hello hello welcome hello we're just trying to end this game real quick someone said i'm reacting someone's there yeah who's the other one i think it's easier for me to kill me okay i knew it all along and do it all but i have to think about it for six seconds was she just double bluffing us when she said it was jordan uh wait who is it oh that would have been a good yeah i think so too yeah that would have been like i feel like replaced so differently so it would have been still funny oh let's hope we get it again good luck guys yeah you have to take it from my cold day if you can kill me then you can have it oh wow and if i die you know it's her lauren's going to go around people's streams and donate when she dies like just murder aftermath um do you guys do you guys want polish or do you guys want a little bit more skilled uh paula's works okay let's did you feel about the sky map yesterday i actually had fun with it even though everybody hates that map oh wait are we changing maps yeah oh is spooky here hi how did you feel about this skylab yesterday you know usually i do kind of hate that map because it feels so hard to win on as imposter but uh for some reason the way we played yesterday was fine maybe the kill cooldown was shorter maybe i don't remember what it was i want your voice request you have a voiceover i don't know if i'd like waking up next year how you doing um all right let's get it if i'm imposter dies first oh we know what a hundred percent it's okay it's gone oh no what's this gonna be like what's this gonna be like oh i don't know i i actually have no idea how brie plays do i fake scan do i like just risk faking scan it's kind of messed up i'm gonna do it anyway hey reno's had a sob that's pretty good what are you doing girl did you kill somebody i'll get your husband oh uh okay well i'm just gonna try to get as many kills as i can yes it wasn't me oh wow the kill on scott this is horrible extremely recent like last three seconds oh okay oh bottom where you put the leaf in the crystal in a box okay um i confirmed preston right before he died at med bay and then he died on the scanner i thought it was odd that brie was running right side when reactor was going off and she's saying she's in specimen below where the body is so it's potentially hurt well she walked into specimen when i left so i mean yeah so what happened was i i checked med bay with uh preston on the scanner i cleared him and the reactor went off so i went left and as i ran left bree ran right and now he's dead i would never agree with my husband first of all guys but two i might have been running with the map open i get lost the map or the sabotage well there's also a big blinking red arrow what tasks have you done bree i did the very one at the very top and then i had a couple little wires to join together and then i was heading down to the specimen box with the crystal and the leaf and everything there might have been one other person i don't remember i'm pretty sure like she's definitely the most us here that's okay i feel targeted i am very curious about uh the kill on scott though wasn't he at the reactors yeah where was he or where was the body we don't know where his body is but i saw you guys all going to reactor and i'm pretty sure he was there right yeah where's scott's body i i don't know here i found preston's buddy oh yeah i'm gonna skip no one remembers damn i see how it is i'm sorry okay well hey i can at least say in subsequent rounds that i voted for brie that helps that helps a lot oh i'm gonna go back down to i'm gonna fake going back down to specimen actually no i said i was there for no re okay i'm just gonna oh i don't want to take out pokey so early in the game again oh bri you want to hang out i think we got to get some killing done hey why are you locking the doors on this girl oh she's going ah whatever hello hello what happened how's everybody enjoying their tasks how cool um you guys are enjoying your tasks because none of you have wires right ah pokey it's a common task we either all get it or not everybody has wires or no one has wires yeah i haven't had wires but you know what we can skip and just keep that in mind cassie what was your new round one uh first round i went and did met i tried to get corpse to come to med scan with me but he didn't so i did it all by my lonesome and then i went down i did simon says i did the little container thing and then i tried to get up to reactor and the button was called yeah i did so you were never into office right not in first round no divided okay no right like a card swipe thing uh-huh and since you're a good guy you have the card swipe right uh-huh well i don't really know i don't quite know what you're saying what i'm scared what's going on for no reason we can we can we can we want to let bree live or we can go next uh what tasks have you done this round oh my god i did uh when we started i went over to the right i guess admin and did the key card swipe and then i went up and did the little like maze laser thing and then i was walking over to the left to start doing tests over by oxygen and then that's what it was called i saw you pop around in the labs but you know i did go in labs to to do that the countdown it's so amazing how toast knows it's me already unbelievable unbelievable precision this man all i can do is go on a killing spree and hope for the best i'm going to get corpse and what in communications oh i can't it's too late oh toast would have caught me red-handed okay lucky for me this lobby does tasks like very slow oh geez oh no oh someone's on cams should i oh dan oh lauren what do i do is any of you ever gonna hang out by yourselves who's on cams ugh i'm gonna get you right now that's great we love that oh no bruh let's see i had one second of my med bay corpse is dead when did corpse oh poor guy so that was athena did you you went in lights were you me yeah no i went to med bay okay but corpse was in lights wasn't he with us he was yeah yeah what did he split off to i went down and didn't see him so he must have gone right that's towards the storage area toast why did you call a meeting because someone died oh because i got no cassie you gotta tell me man did you swipe that card oh you're so you're scaring me you're scaring me i i swiped it a long time ago yeah a long time which round round one no round two because you told me to where oh no no i told you in uh round three going into this round oh it's all a blur to me you can't have swiped it because that was standing did the whole time so when did you slap the call oh dear when did you swipe the card so cassie do you think that perhaps you forgot to swipe your card or do you remember no no no no no no just just just point out something pokey just soft clear me just be like hey quiet awfully quiet this round and not only that i saw him swipe this card too fast it took me like 20 times to get my card how did you do it take some time and you'll get it you'll get it there's a sweet spot but at least i did my card hold up i'm curious and i just put out that he's been quiet i'm normally quiet there's a lot of stuff going around i'm fine i'm not listen listen to someone else right now i sussed brie first i was the only one who voted for her in round one we gotta oh you can get away with not liking a card i don't remember oh no i have a small brain thank you okay i like usually i fake tasks pretty well but i'm playing really recklessly i think that the first game like it uh boosted my ego a little bit too much and i need to start like playing a little bit more carefully oh dan what whatever should i do what whatever should i do bring up the music video tell them oh no should i just oh i have to oh oh toast oh toast oh jeez oh no oh no oh no oh no i just got to kill people i just got to kill people i've got no choice toast caught me he caught me red-handed he caught me lauren you're gonna die next you're gonna die next if it's the last thing i ever do you're gonna tell me oh pokey oh pokey how could you sometimes they really do flip on you like that that's so unlucky because i'm like the most clear person um yo literally last game she walked up on me killing someone and i just walked up on her killing all right is gloom good good detective work toast actually toast that was um that was absolutely terrifying and i'm gonna fake tasks more but it's definitely it's definitely f let's get her out of here what i'm just kidding wait who was it it was uh it was uh it was me and brie she was like gone first round and i was like i'm just going to start killing it wasn't dan oh he's dead i'm the worst liar what did you what was your planned host cause you like you saw that red-handed yeah i i'm sorry brie i killed preston and you got the blame for it i don't know we impressed we're just having a picture it was fine oh unlockers oh i am walking terrified now if i toast like interrogation because that was horrifying that was awful is anyone going to fake keys i've got like my little sauces but i should actually probably try to like step up my game a little bit i think that right when brie got kicked out i started kind of throwing gonna try to focus a little harder focus up a little bit um o2 oh my god i can't believe toast big bring me like that i feel blessed and terrified turn into wheels i feel like turning the wheels is kind of like the morgue of this map like this is such an it's such an easy spot to get an easy snipe calm sabotaged kind of a useless um sabotage unless like somebody's watching you do your tasks and you really just want to try and get away with it hey terry do you mind typing a password in this oh no oh damn poke it again first she's already eating your breakfast finished all right so uh corpse uh what's your route this game um well i was afk for like 30 seconds ran down drop ship i think lights went off i did lights uh someone [ __ ] with the the switch with me for like 10 seconds then it went off uh sorry i was gonna say preston you left the lace but they weren't fixed like why we had trouble with this switch yeah we carefully it's really funny so i just came back from an among us irl and it's very different than it is it's very different corpse when um when comms went off why were you going up towards electric or not down were you going i was in the middle like i was in the middle i could either go up or down it would have been like the same amount of time okay okay uh okay okay uh preston what's what tasks did you do at the beginning my task i ran over the old telescope oh dude you tell oh it's a specimen uh president did you do any tasks in the spaceship like where we spawn what no oh okay cool cool all right that's it if i was going to be the imposter i totally would take out toes first that's very true i think okay density heart and toes being alive as a skinny jew and one of them's dead so i'm going to skip i don't know he's too big for me uh so that's it of course i'm always worried about cars interesting well i'm almost done my tasks and then i think after that i might el presidente smart player so that this doesn't descend into absolute chaos also i just learned like yesterday that if you do this maze here then it activates the switch i didn't know that before and like that was a really easy way for me to get big brained there's teal and blue on the telescope so if one of them died then that's i mean i can try to help out please somebody help me please i don't want to die uh oh please why is this taking so long i feel like there's got to be like an imposter behind me or something because if it was me i'd be like i got this i'm going to the other one what are you doing here bray oh preston you just killed scott right in front of my eyes what makes you think that i saw it he was up near telescope i was round the corner seeing if his green bar went up and before the green bar went up you walk past me and sliced his head off and i couldn't press the button quick enough because his reactor went off that's right wait i love med bay wait wait wait wait what do you mean you can press the button fast enough this reactor went up oh i was hovering in the button ready to press it but the reactor had already gone off sorry why didn't you report the body i mean it very well may have been pressed in but like i'm just i mean i could have done it in hindsight i i panicked when the other way okay uh from the body i'm just i did huh okay um 100 impressed 100 million we got one maybe dan since minecon don't do me like this it's been a while don't kill people in front of me how do you know i why were you just like standing and not doing reactor because i was in admin with that card swipey key thingy i'm suspect i don't know again wait corpse did you sleep did you see athmo at left reactor or was she like just no she was just standing like right outside like in your admin area scott's been dead for a while i promise you i can't swipe the guy that's nothing yeah so scott died just before react went off how do you sweep the guy cause i watched him do it i mean it's probably preston but it's still weird that he didn't just report the body i know that's weird i didn't know whether there was someone else in there so i didn't want to get killed voting voting oh no he's president i think we got him you know i will trust you dan you have my you have my sword thank you oh wait wait the wrong person wait what oh great skits i don't know i have not seen russian hmm okay well my tasks are done so i'm gonna hang out with the team oh lauren's wearing her scary halloween mask this looks like a safe situation i think um lauren was kind of waiting by half and a i would like to kill her fashion i didn't see her oh okay well that's kind of suspicious hopefully nobody dies in labs green was running towards there lauren where is he why didn't he come to lights i'm gonna check if he's dead in labs hmm no sign of death i'm gonna check specimen it's actually unreal how slow this task bar is going up i'm kind of living for it because sometimes it puts so much pressure on the imposter to like kill within like five minutes oh lauren what are you doing by yourself girl oh no please let me out okay so lauren and toaster together so if toast dies then i think that's an easy sus i'm gonna see who's on left side oh there's dan just minding his own business oh i hate this i actually hate it hmm interesting i'm going to check vitals because i see lauren acting weird and if toast is dead i really think it's lauren he's alive okay oh so i think i'm going to be less sus of lauren and more suss of course poor scott it's been like dead for a lot of this i really want you guys to be able to see scott shine he's such a good player we're going to win on tasks if these guys don't like get it going everybody's so elusive oh okay um since the impostor won't kill anyone i think you should start killing yeah fun yes we should we should start killing speedrun oh we always got a speed run russian roulette wait we're on seven oh wait no one's dead okay i'm done lauren i'm done with my task i was watching the cameras left how about um hmm do we all random bow or should we all speed around somebody oh yeah i like that which one you oh i like you too toast yeah that is kind of true uh-oh wow oh thank you oh no they aren't really doing sabotages either are they lauren don't um okay what was that a visual glitch after did you just did you see that lauren what was that where's your hey where'd she go chad did you see that ah oh she's back okay i'm gonna go way down here and spam report on my f you gotta go to lights girl okay hmm okay uh like who has tasks left i'm absolutely appalled at how long this is taking oh we all walked in on that one uh my sauce would be came really late to light that's why i went that way to look for someone uh yeah no she she came from bottom i i was standing beside her wondering why she wasn't going to lights isn't it okay i was like what i thought that was red so i ran from right i did my med base scan which was my last task then ran straight into lights and left yeah all right he watched me do the scan i'm down to speedrun of course you already you you try to speed run me every all the gloves are off bro you know it's preston right and round one the sec two people interrogated with corpse and president because president yeah and i agreed that it was preston i wouldn't do that if i was the other one you didn't hardly agree you caught you no no i asked why you didn't report it and you admitted that was kind of weird right it was weird yeah yeah yeah lauren i kind of think it's you but i could be wrong whoa no no lauren's 100 innocent really you know you would have killed me yeah okay i'm just voting toast i just who'd you guys vote for dan f really oh my because he wasn't there oh my oh my i'm clutching my pearls who do i vote for guys laura who'd you vote for of course so uh gloomy you can either tie it by voting me or you can skip and your hand is clean or just not at all oh i knew it i knew it was corpse but i didn't want to like stand toast more than i already do ugh oh gosh now we're gonna go die on the button how do you like that lauren hey you don't leave me if we're together then one of us can't die let's check the other reactor lauren for some deads oh it looks clean oh geez actually you know what i'll let him kill me just so people know what if it's not him like wait why do people keep disappearing on my screen my pink's not that bad oh geez here we go corpse how dare uh how dare you see who that was dan wait what it was glue oh um no but i saw corpse run to the right yeah i'm gone i'm not oh my god who's like was it half bell then it's either corpse or aphmau i once the whole time waiting to push the button because oh chad i feel so stupid i'm gonna you were there the whole time i have to go to the bathroom really quick and then i was about to run out and then the body got reported okay so i when i found the body before because she came late to lights but gloom said she came from the bottom and corpse and toasted the only two people i left on right now this should be easy i wasn't there you guys saw me walk away where's the body but it can't be lower it's okay no it could have been euclid's it could have been used because we me and lauren were in outside vitals just chilling in there we go left to life carter boston miso chan with the 49.99 kitty charette alex fee hey gloom i really hope you noticed this well she's in the bathroom but i'll tell her about it you know i noticed it and that's maybe even better harry potter fan super chat i'm your biggest fan and every time i feel depressed to watch your channel make me very happy been the sunshine of my day wow she's the sunshine on my day too actually this is great alex v another super chat bloxy girl among us has become my life now us too so cast them right here i'm right here are they still not vote they still haven't gotten corpse out they're dead okay that's fine that's oh my goodness okay unlucky i mean i really hope they get them we just have two tasks left um bloxy girl thank you so much for the super chat prototype human patent peyton broad thank you so much for the super chat izzy crossing miso chan and bloxy gorill oh beanie blossoms thank you so much for the kind words is corpse gonna kill somebody we have one task left oh scott's mad all right get out of here get out of here corpses wait what are you doing it was very silly of you to do it i saw him right in front of me my friend was there and he was murdered no i saw you do it it was it was it was boring i thought you just said it was corpse i want to present wrong do it but then you said it was me and i was like what are you doing because we have a rivalry going on we won good job i can't believe corps got away with it for this i thought i'm running i do not like he's gonna win this he's actually gonna do this corpse was literally single he was carrying the team on the back you always convinced me yeah very good job oh that was terrifying bravo uh okay we have keys hopefully i don't get killed again oh wow that task square it goes up so fast in the beginning i can't believe somebody had a last task and like didn't admit it hopefully that that doesn't happen to us again hopefully we get a little bit quicker oh corpse did you kill somebody in there no i don't think so i hope i'm just gonna go ahead and not go to lights i'm sure yeah they fixed it i might get sussed for that but and i've i've sussed people for not going to crises so what are you doing down here already ah i mean i guess some people go through admin first i just i just don't really do it i kind of just do like the meta rotation i wanna what are you doing back here oh are you good oh my god oh i'm running i'm running up screaming can you please open this door to ah don't leave me with it okay you go ah just go without me i don't want to be near you what are you doing back here okay i just have to oh oh my goodness that scared me okay well that scared me where was i oh i found brie as i was trying to walk over into like where labs is like that building oh there were so many people over there there was who was the guru oh wait and court corpse died too i don't know as well so i think it's been a double kill and you've only seen one i wasn't over on the right side at all i was just dan was over on the right side was on the right side yep i was with dan yep and i saw you on the camera yeah okay uh at the beginning i could have sworn either f mount or lauren faked a task because they both stood on the same thing but the task bar went up only once and the timing was just really off so that's just my slight sus not i will say aphmau was also slow to do the keys and then she just kind of watched me do tasks yeah i saw that he was just kind of still staring maybe she's just got the rocket right yeah she watched me rock it i was watching on the camera i literally was like every time i've not went to fix something going off i've died so this time as soon as the lights were off i was out of there i wasn't having it i was gone uh why didn't you go and go to lights because we were up top right guys i was busy trying to watch people see what they're doing i don't just do tasks so we shouldn't be able to watch people i was gonna say yeah the lights right so you should be able to watch people last night why ladies and gentlemen it's enough for me i've died too many rounds this time i just want naturally bald to yolo vote but it's hurt you guys i can't we can't really do it on seven or later it'll be tough that's what she gets for creeping on me wow oh my gosh she does a lot of silly stuff you guys are crazy i'm gonna laugh when the imposter gets stupid bye okay okay let's go back and do simon says hopefully toast doesn't do that again okay here we go bang ah thank god it's out of the way was someone else in here what are you doing back here is he just killing people and like trying to big brain me i hope not how embarrassing would that be i mean i okay so the last round was a double kill so like maybe it isn't him and he's just trying to not die maybe man i got a lot of long tasks this round i have not gone to i have not gone to lights once oh pokey oh pokey you dirty little guy oh oh dear well it looks like we're not going to be able to get a task win if that's how f actually feels oh thank god um i have a bit of information yeah what's up uh we were wrong about asmo um because i went to do medbrain it comes up saying waiting for aphmau which means she was doing it so we were wrong which means we're still two imposters right now you told me you were not big brain that's pretty big brain play bro oh yeah i mean it just came up i'll just go to bed feet and then she said waiting for our phone and i was like oh no did you complete the scan score without letting you find the body you're trying to throw sauce on me i think it's pokey and dan toaster yeah yeah um i don't think it's him unless he was super quick to sneak a kill but toast i do usually assess you because this isn't something you usually do but with scott's info i don't usually call a meeting with six players and two potential imposters has anyone seen him do tasks no i've seen him going to do that but then he came out of do you come in and no one had died at that point like the deaths are fairly recent dan why were you standing in the corner during lights i'm so confused because scott was there not doing lights and i don't i please please oh pink dolphin thank you so much for the super chat beanie blossoms thank you so much for the super chat okay you guys you can't tell me to say hi to people that i'm streaming with because i i don't like the idea of like you giving me money to say hi to uh somebody because like i feel like it makes other creators feel uncomfortable um so sorry donate to them yeah yeah definitely like don't like um lauren's like streaming right now so you could like you should just give that money to her um lisa kang thank you so much for the super chat loving fishing oh thank you so much for the super strength oh i'm oh thank god we haven't lost you you didn't do you're mad me lord i went on and you ran up to it and then i jumped off so i could check you and you didn't jump on it at all you just stood there scott follow me i literally went to do it no you didn't you stood watching laden yeah because you were doing it scott and then you ran away so it's either you and you're trying to throw blame on me you need to go on the machine so that i can then queue up behind you so it would say waiting for lauren but you didn't do that you went on the machine but then walked right off so i went to check you and i was like why are you kidding me oh no was from the very first round i thought it was either lauren or aphmau we got f out um and then my third sus was actually scott if it wasn't toast and i've been with dan a lot if it's not scott and i don't think it is because he cleared off by saying he was on med bay yeah then my last sus is lauren no i know why are you skipping there's two posters left you know it's 100 i'm innocent because i i was the only solo vote on that guy i think we were just voted and innocent hours yeah i i've won with that before i've won with a question what have you voted uh this is the only round that we can vote lauren next round we can't and i do think med base far away enough that some [ __ ] could happen along the way yeah good job pokey you deserve it excellent situation about 20 times excellent work although you're not going to learn it's really well played it's not me well if it's not we may lose you're going to lose really well played oh huh huh uh huh wait but who's the other one oh i didn't see preston at all running past me to clear his name then pokey kills gloom and frames me oh is pokey doing all of the killing who's the other guy was toast actually trying to kill me in specimen what's going on here oh my oh ma what's good i'm so confused if he checks vitals i just don't i why would it be him if he's checking vitals like this is this is crunch time oh this is a nice time to kill pokey and they're too grouped maybe you kill toast on the way in is she playing with her food right now like who's the other guy kate lodge thank you so much for the super chat and alex miss thank you so much for the super chat miss terrifying scary tales i'm glad i make things more enjoyable for you oh pokey be faking that task and the bar just not going up at all why don't you hit the button there dan maybe he already has or maybe she hit the lights before oh oh oh that's a nice kill i will say oh oh oh dan dan come on yeah ah very nice hey where was everyone i just did my first water i was going to do my second water at admin table i'm right outside of there um i left scott with you so i went up to the lights it's not me it's 100 not me i left scott with you i am right outside of like the door to the office admin area i just had my second water task there they i saw scott and dan together with me doing the first one and then i ran there lights turned off and scott's dead so i just happened to be running towards lights as they went off i don't know where toast has been the whole game were cams on at all no i don't think so ah okay where did you go toast this game uh again neither of you should be sussing me because i was the one who solo killed preston i'm on the vitals right now slash admin table i've been hovering back and forth yeah come on guys for me i've been with dan like 95 of this game but it is true that the kills have happened during the time that i haven't seen him but also i haven't seen toast and i don't know if he's massive braiding but he didn't know that we were gonna vote and he didn't want to see us not voting preston i've voted pokey that's my guess i could be wrong knew you would do that for dan if you left uh s major with pokey and i'm on admin and vice no he didn't i don't know 100 you're there oh dan make a decision please you wouldn't have voted me that was really see the thing is though like i did that where i like sniped i think lauren before but i was the imposter so we won like that was how i did it was let no one vote i'm just going to kill her this way oh damn so close yeah the moment i left and then poking over to kill me i was like i thought it was just the entire time i thought it was just the entire time then are you worried about being in a youtube video i think people don't know how you play like they don't know yeah you look at admin a lot you like the vitals a lot and that but like usually killing an apostle is a pretty innocent thing to do oh oh dear oh dear i'm gonna try and get a cheeky oh i'm screwed well that was quite i couldn't find my report button came up when i couldn't find it huh i sorry um i couldn't see where it was either but i did see gloom run past my little like i still press the front past as well yeah that is true yeah that is true this kill was not brie but also she took 20 hours to do the rocky time so i don't know i'll defend my wife she's definitely a noob okay but again wait dan did you see you saw the same body i walked i was walking from dropship to electrical saw report tried to walk back to find it but i couldn't find it whereabouts did you see the body i was going from where did i go i came down and went to the left after the electrical went out to turn the electrical on yeah that's where i went and then i just found it like outside i think it was like i think it was outside the calm building i couldn't see which one i was passing i mean i would like to just say lauren said i'd like to say lauren said i've seen cassie on the boarding cast he said that's correct no no no no she she cros she crossed me she crossed me because yeah i didn't want to go to lights in the dark alone so i just like but then again i dan says he was there and i didn't see him so i don't know how many people were well we couldn't see we couldn't see anything lauren yeah i did see you yeah yeah we i actually like we were actually stacked well yeah i felt like yeah the bodies seemed so my report button came up between drop fit drop ship and electrical not any lower than that i'm assuming i think it was it was lower than that wasn't it yeah it was low it was lower than that i casted a stone oh my god sorry i'm sorry you thought it was me enough yeah he's trying to snipe somebody now because it happened to him no i promise i'm not i'm a good boy i'm a sheriff um hopefully bottles is a thing okay um i swear that was not me toast as well okay um oh toast as well too okay what is this there was where is it so i i ran down i saw lauren come from down and i think gloom come from down right like you guys came upward correct yeah wait where from just from like to lights right towards light yeah i was going from the bottom up to lights and then i went down and then i ended up in oxygen is the body and weapons i think so yes in that case i think it may be bree because she came in from the bottom side last like literally just before that i was doing the trash and brie came in and then i was going around there and then you've i seen you just like at the doorway of weapons when you've reported the body green what we did so um i'm going to be honest i was being really slow trying to fix those lights got up there they were fixed already um you weren't that light's pretty i don't remember you by the time you got there yeah exactly exactly so i was walking all the way down to go up from where i was on the map to get into the light where it was down though where was the down part you were at you said you were down and you're walking up where was that down i had a map open i could explain but i was on the right side and i had to go to the left to get to the center where the lights were guys can we speed run where's the body uh weapons okay where is everyone i'm specimen o2 i don't know i want to know where everyone is sorry i don't mean speedrun the game i mean i was i didn't trash i did trash and who is very far corpse in me were the three the bomb card swipe id scanning i'm with you scott yeah dan i don't see you i just passed admin i was i did that first and then right now okay i still think it's free i'm sort of breathing wow okay it's definitely bree you can hear her smiling when she's lying preston already told us you're a bad liar button i promise it's not i'm probably going to get caught for this but i think i'm going to take corpse's life i have to oh no i can't can't kill brie they know i'm right oh where uh it's beside it's beside uh admin outside by the communications thing well i can vouch that i saw corpse and brie on the left side yeah i went back to specimen i checked admin table and i saw three people in weapons i'm assuming it was me scott um there wasn't a third person though me and him left at the same time they said three i'm pretty sure wait wait where's the body uh it's beside uh it's to the left of admin like outside by the communications side where you fix it okay um i i i think it's lauren why would me was between bree and scott right i'm really suss of brie i don't think it could be lauren on this one i would thought of dan unless it's both of them have you suss of me i was but then we ran together and you didn't kill me so i thought you were going to kill me so i was out to try and find someone else so you wouldn't kill me and she came up from bottom so i came out of weapons with scott he finished a second before me we both went out and then i went to the left to go finish where remember i said i had to go to oxygen before but then somebody reported a body didn't you just come from didn't you just come from right side door and electrical so you weren't coming up from oxygen you came from like the door i came up from weapons oh because the lights you just said you went to oxygen though i shouldn't have reported this i forgot that the lights were out i went up to do the lights oops and then you guys were coming out of there so then i went down to oxygen what the lights i just did i think she came from the right side dorian oh we gotta vote but i'm not sure lauren lauren i could be throwing it oh breathing that's toxic wow okay i think i might let pokey handle the saab we just gotta kill one person yeah i'm just gonna wait over here hopefully my cooldown can happen in time and then i can go in the vent uh lauren young that was okay see when i get when i died and i got told it was youtube i was like it was gigi from the start screen as soon as it came up that both of them it was over i'm sorry pokemon i shouldn't have reported that no i knew no no that was good it kind of cleared you that was really really good it's like surely glue won't kill me two times in a row that can happen i'm sorry you were so easy i swear you've killed me like 90 percent correct it's not intentional at all every day um do you guys want to go mira for a few yeah sure sure okay that's the sky map i'm so bad i'm sorry no it's okay like i saw preston pass me towards the body first around my lights were off so i sussed him and then he died and then i saw lauren come from like nowhere right where the body was called with her panting like i threw that game hard it happens who killed in weapons who was it because i believe it because she was near the body but yeah that was sweet who killed scott who killed you uh pokey again every single time you guys and i was like i need to split them up by murdering it was over from the start screen it really was did you take our toes swearly yeah pokey the kill time's really fun i like it being shorter oh you're stressful i was like i need to kill toast because he's gonna know he do oh i hate this one i've always been very afraid to play this map with scott and toast due to these sensors so if i get imposter i'm going to scream the loudest scream i've ever screamed and try to be careful should be interesting though i'm gonna do my tasks in here while i can uh please don't i only have one task in here i'm probably gonna hopefully we don't have wires this time oh you know what's weird how that's like a bone i always think that oh it's a fish i always think that it's a flower hi scott and you wouldn't dare would you oh i do have wires i'm gonna have to go back into labs i like finishing everything in there and then go like never going back there again but it just never works out that way for me man pokey is a fantastic imposter wait where am i going oh this is a really good place to get killed whenever i get imposter i also saw him uh fake a task at the beginning of the game whoo but it's probably a sad person oh the sheriff is an innocent man who makes sure that he protects his people oh ggs wait where did you see him okay i saw him admin i actually saw him like do the kill like the blood splatter and then i ran after him to get a peek at his name as he hopped into the vent hey listen if anyone can vouch for where you are then you guys can kick me off but it's definitely preston okay i would like to alleviate your trust issues by saying you can vote me off after okay if you'd like no no no no i think i think this is legit i mean i do think she's right because po like pokey normally if she knows or sees something she like pushes the button is like it's this person get them off my ship like i seen them do it defeat that thing don't you want revenge but i mean also like cassie did agree to 5050 before and isn't agreeing to it this time yeah yeah i just i don't i think she's telling you normally honor the 50. we're not honoring this 50 50. i think she's right the sheriff and i protect the citizens do not kill the citizens i protect them are you wearing a sheriff's hat yes he has dresses he has he has went full role pleasure for this but that is pretty convincing come on all right guys thanks for believing me oh yeah you were very you were on it very quickly to be honest i'm really bad at lying oh yeah i hate how the watering can task is like a two-stepper ugh wires oh let's water these babes great hydrate some good health oh i don't have a oh the risk we take when we upload this one's really cute i wish that all the uploads looked like this okay i sh should stop talking out of my butt and start oh no oh my god oh my god where was it dang it was right inside of the room that i was in okay it was it was the communication room down below next to the snack machine i had just gotten my sippy juice and it was right inside the room i just walked into okay this night machines and cafeteria i just walked from the cafeteria down to the to the communication room i saw toaster's dead body it was there up to the communication room and then it was on the right okay i don't know what what color it was a light color run by and i couldn't tell what it was what color it was uh where's where's uh where does that vent go to like the one at the bottom of the map all the i would like to say it's not aphmau because we were like in one of those things where you get trapped and then it like sanitizes you i don't know what it's called but she didn't kill me i mean nobody would no one would kill in the middle of detail yeah that'd be that'd be silly wait wait who just who just cleared f who just cleared up free okay uh it's lauren or corpse i was at lights with us i think gloom yeah he was in there yeah lauren was saying i honestly don't remember where i was looking at the map behind me i was in the on the road vote for who you think it is because the hallways are basically across from each other i saw a bright color that's all i know it was a bright color well i'm white yeah like a like a white color oh my f mouth oh honestly i think it is the mask oh um there's still two of them left they could really they could really do some damage if we're not on the lookout oh that's not where it is oh pokey if you follow me and kill me finishing my task i'll cry no it can't be she ejected the first imposter i feel like it's really oh huh i have just run up to the bet with the plant room and athmos dead the only person i've seen in the hallway was bree hmm why are you just doing wires at the bottom of the y yeah she ran down as i run up right that is correct i'm running back to do the like the task in spawn the one that takes 90 seconds right oh okay i actually don't want to vote here because i'm unsure who it is i'm really the only one i don't think it is is pokey yeah the only reason i made bree was because the rest of us were at the reactor yeah i think it's i'm pretty sure it's brie but while i was playing because i couldn't get to the reactor and i was like they're going to vote for me because i literally didn't get there in time we've sketched was skeptic lived your life to kill another one i'll let you do one more because make it mere we'll get you killed interesting well it's not me but oh maybe maybe the killer's gonna keep me alive because corpse said that i hope not wait did i finish my oh i did my tasks are done now i can go scare corpse i'm gonna go fix that i'm really not too concerned about my life right now because i don't want uh anyone to third imposter i really think it's brie like she's she was up here with all of us and she didn't run to lights like she's just staying here i'm gonna sit on her and then hopefully die and then they'll know it's her hi bree yeah take me away and just get me god oh no you are sorry hmm i just want her to like accidentally kill me she seems pretty antsy you seem pretty antsy girl why are you so antsy kill me come on come on i want it give it to me take it i don't care i really think it's her and nobody's dying because i've been standing on her uh scott move oh where'd she go i'm probably really annoying her right now if it's not her oh my goodness bri i'm so sorry what oh dear my eyes are wide open for a report where is she what is going on oh it's scott that's pretty good just murdered cassie in front of me oh no you literally just did it in front of her because and then came back down and you killed her okay wait wait one at a time scott say what happened and then bri you'll see what happened go ahead okay so we were all as a group up at reactor and i the lights went out so i went down and cassie was down there and i went back with catherine and then when we came back down to i think find the group i was just following her because i've been on my tasks we bumped into bree so i jumped back a bit out of sight and then when i went back down cassie was dead i literally stood up the body i literally go ahead blood droplets flew in my direction as i walk towards major and gloom okay i saw scott literally kill her in front of me literally literally literally i have a question so you know when the lights went off mm-hmm and you were still uh in the top reactor her movement is suss i knew in corpse i think you ran bias right yeah what task were you doing prior to that i was in the reactor room i believe at that point and then i literally played this map once so i got lost you still haven't answered what question she did because you can't answer what task you were doing the reaction room i was running to that task but i thought you went into labs but we were in reactors so many times why didn't you do the task there okay corpse corpse who do you think it is to be honest i think it's got it because i've been done what do you mean i like it i like it it's making a lot of sense megapowers104 thank you so much for the super chat is aphmau going to post her side of the video um i'm not sure shaq thank you so much for the super chat jayla rays thank you so much for the super chat see mary's thank you for the 20 pounds oh wait no those are euros grace agostino thank you so much lucy fitzgerald thank you for the super chat jayla reese raise thank you so much for this oh why am i following you you're not the imposter what about scott why is everybody alone what if scott doesn't have time to kill everybody oh no oh oh oh oh that's not good for scott at all bree where are you i'm in the reactor room trying to get this dang task done what does it look like i literally can't even open it it's been 20 times i tried to do it maybe that's because you don't have it no i do but every time i get there the lights and stuff do i try to go down and fix this oh my god where did you find corpse i didn't you know if you snapped his neck i didn't i have no idea where he was i love you i haven't seen him this is such a troll game either brie is playing the biggest brain game of her life especially as a newer player or it's scott if she's up in reactor venting and killing on your body scott then you know what she deserves this win i want to give him fair point fair point i appreciate that i promise it wasn't me there was only so much i could do when you seen preston in the far skill there was only so much i could do no you played that great well done scott literally at the end at the end there when you were like i was like who do i kill who do i kill what can i do here that is the best person you could have killed carps was my only option but it was literally when you opened and you started questioning videos like pokey's just playing here she knows that she's literally seen me with the body yeah she saw because like i it was right on top yeah i should have just jumped in the vent but even then pokey would sass off me from last round to be honest there are situations where someone can like vent into yeah lights and kill and then it kind of frames you but i didn't think she would do that crewmate again oh no i have like like stress from past times i played on this map where like lizzy turns out the lights and just kills me and then completely gets away with it hope it doesn't happen again oh dan what are you looking at just gonna try to stick with lots of people oh not this again okay well pokey just came out of cafeteria so did brie f looks like everybody's alive and well here that's nice oh that's not enough oh my goodness oh my goodness poor toast cannot catch a break oh no oh wow on his back um okay so i saw i'm pretty sure i saw pokey and afmo and brie run out of the cafeteria and uh he's down by is this body and calf yeah yeah it's uh it's by like where you get the watering can outside of that room oh okay i saw i did weapons and i saw someone doing the balloon task before i left yeah two people left after you i think pokey i think it was preston i actually i didn't see him i was hanging out with everybody oh what the old what do you call it where you can see all the admin to the admin yeah he was an admin i almost tried not to talk because i sound suspicious hey tony baloney so the people that were so i don't i barely seen anyone after i left admin but so you were saying you've seen athena bree and pokey come out of there yeah well wait but it's kind of but maybe vouch for everyone and see if someone's lurking in the vents i mean i was on my own at the end there i did i was up in admin for a bit um when the first lights had went off and then i went corpse where are you i know you like to vent yeah i forgot i was alive uh i'm doing uploaded i literally said i was up at the admin i did the lights to start with and then you did admin and then i was on my way down dan f mal pokey and i were all in the administrator room and i didn't see no scotty boy i don't remember seeing you there i literally seen you there right this was early on and then i went down back to the start to do the the 50 second timer thing that you said i think it's kind of tough to know for this one yeah i literally was an admin what do you mean oh i'm getting this thank you i think i think you guys messed up keep your eye on guys that's all i'm saying it's thrawn stones please don't kill him because i think it's me um i don't know i thought i had good information there but then again there's a vent right here so i feel like a smart imposter would just take advantage oh i hate that keeps doing that i'm gonna pretend i left oh geez what are they doing hmm okay dead body up there into the tree plants the top greenhouse green one yes corpses corpse was in the green room but i didn't see nobody in that area though it's a lot of people in cafe i was and decom i was doing the james i'm in launch god i'm on no i literally i don't know i was nowhere near that thank you very much i mean everyone has trust did anybody see anybody leave the green room like anybody going down like into admin or anything like is there a vent up there i don't think there is it's only an admin right no there's an event there's a vent behind the plant i'm pretty sure suspicious sorry i'm sorry i have like 150 plus hours in this game so i was with i was in cafe pretty much the whole time i didn't leave and i saw gloom and brie yep i don't they were there right at the end app was in there briefly i'm pretty sure dan f gloom secure lauren what were you up to pokey's also innocent yeah i got a feeling i went through contamination up there so i've been doing so you were up where the body was was i where was the body up at the top body's in green at the top i don't know iceland i think on the top right yeah that's what he said that was from the building i said yeah but i was going through decontamination on the like through that area which is on the left that's not where the tree is is it oh no you were okay you're on the left i was gonna say i was like i was definitely not here you were seeing who is at the top and you're like i was doing my tasks at the top it could be a president right couple just got it for me that was a distraction literally that would have been a big brain play if i was imposter and throw my other impostor under the bus usually scott is a lot more of a detective and i wanted to know if he was going to play detective this time but i feel like everyone had too many questions first and you're unmuted again it's making me nervous ugh oh hello okay i'm so sorry i pushed it i thought it was a task it was oh you know like when you're a child and you accidentally left a fire alarm thing and like still in a public place and be like oh sorry i'm sorry i didn't know that's what she should do i promise i've got some gun that's out of hand guys she was just she was just resetting the kill cool down it was really smart for lauren sorry i don't know if i should still be suspicious of pokey and brie for walking away i'm like i think pokey bree and scott are like on the top of my radar right now uh oh oh brother well here i'm either gonna die or i'm gonna be able to see if the man's got tasks oh i don't have any tasks in here oh geez hopefully they fix it oh why do i always jump like it's an actual nightmare i wish that they would stop killing toast first i kind of want to play with them i'm just going to finish my tasks i think that maybe like if we have another i think i'm just gonna like el presidente toast like i do with scots sometimes just to like keep them up just to keep him up cause like this lobby is like too thirsty to kill him i think it's such a shame because it's really entertaining to see him do his work learn a lot from it too uh where was the body it was top of the left i was just about to press it top left it was hidden there's four of us stacked together all right so process of elimination there was me prison enough bernie where were you i was in the big what's it called like the decon hallway i was actually heading up there it's where i'm in the lord that's where the body was yeah we went up at the same time we were ahead of her yeah i priced them honestly like yes last round i really did fill it back but this time i was with like three other people for me it's between dan and brie because i don't think lauren would self-report a body i don't think anyone would suffer i was in there we were both kind of looking for the body yeah so dan and i both kind of i walked in a little ahead of him like yeah breezy could lauren do you either dan could have killed and then pretended to after or were you guys together the whole time i don't think so because i saw him doing a task outside of this pokemon i went inside the company he must have walked in like after me before the door shut yeah and then followed laura dan dan and i this is back a little ways but we were in the cafeteria a while back together i did the vending machine and took the trash out or whatever and neither of us killed each other that's true but lauren i'm wanting to step on the seven but bree's the only one that didn't have someone which makes me a little sauce but again wow y'all just trying to snipe me like i haven't depressed that scene not my necklace i can't forgive that i'm not okay thank you so much for the super chat baby bacon a thank you so much oh gosh she got a leslie slaughter muted oh my god i have to fix this after how does she make the same mistake every single time dude um mega powers 104 thank you so much for the super chat karma mckee thank you for the super chat mads facts thank you for the super chat the lights are out and here comes scott he is lurking oh i guess he's gonna go and kill the person by lights oh oh he already did oh there's two of them oh jeez oh they might just win this oh that's not good oh he's gonna get free oh it's both of them very smart yeah i mean if he i think that if he camps specimen and actually how many people are left if they get a double they win right they're gonna win well done wow i can't because preston's here and they'll blame me anyway so i turned off the lights and i opened the door and there's a body so now when he killed afternoon and it was like okay we just need to like kill one person and my kill killer was like six seconds and i seen this smoke and i was like no no no no no oh my god guys oh i can't believe that i he he only did one kill and he was sus since round one you leave me alive the opportunity was there but yeah i'll try not to i watched one my issue is every time i went to kill someone i would go an event like go to japan there's already a dead body like you were like two seconds ahead of me every time and then preston street was like it's scott it's definitely scott and i was like as foreign to be fair i hadn't even done anything he just seemed sus dude that was really clean oh that was that last kill it was stress to the cafeteria i go uh yeah that was really chaotic it's a shame that it's a shame that for the first kill i had to cess brie pokey and af because it just it gave them an alibis i maybe sometimes it's just better to keep your big yap shut just like keep it to yourself and wait till the next one someone's trying to fake a task oh i didn't get the okay oh i never get trash on this map cool i guess this one's called leaves okay um i'm all done with the right side oh don't die don't you hate don't you go dying on me thanks a lot okay jeez preston always gets killed first hey where was the body it was an electrical i and i honestly did not see anybody up there because i went into is the room to the right of that the one with the big green round thing yeah yeah i went there did that and then when it's electrical and found for so for this kill i want to say it can't be breed toast or glim yeah i don't think it's off i don't think it's dan or maybe why does it leave me though i'm just curious like is everybody paired or like oh no i was only saying those were the people i'd seen like could have vented but pretty you were stood at the little start test when we like set off and start again really long time i tried to do it okay okay i didn't see you doing that corpse but i didn't have the i didn't have the time y'all that turtle it takes forever to scan yeah you can yeah it takes like a minute yeah you're normal yeah okay the top tip with that one is like you're gonna start it and then leave do other things then come back to it oh you yeah it's a 99 second counter but you don't have to be there for it yeah well scott if it's you again i'm so dead oh hmm i haven't got the crystal test in a long time well well then why don't you guys find my body huh me and my hamster just right over here oh don't you no no uh yes stan yes oh yes oh no okay so i saw the report button top right of i'm in lab like outside just in the doorway i couldn't see the body but the report button came up so i hit it okay so it's somewhere in the top it's in the lab okay i so cassie went there right to start the game because we both left canteen she went there and i went back down to the start task okay but then i came back up and then stood at the thing when toast was there and then you've rewarded the body so it's she died quite early on i know she went up there this year yeah i feel like because me and me and pokey when lights went off we went up to reactor i feel like it was early or someone vented pretty recently corpse where are you admin table i was there the entire game there's a ton of people around um did anyone see you i didn't i did when i walked by i went up to the tree which is where i was when they recorded it but i walked by him in there dan why were you kind of going into the water can room but not getting the water oh i thought my um my wires task in the corridor was in there but it's not okay i'm new to this map where toast have you been with anyone no just manning logged i think yeah see me on it i've seen toast logs anyone's logs not adding that no corp says he was on advent table i saw him pass the north sensor for a long time he never went back down but if he's on admin table the whole time his story checks out corpse you have any info for us uh i thought i saw two people in decontamination now i thought i saw two in reactor room early but um i will say admin table has a vent that you can do when the lights are off but i'm still doing all the events connect on this map are they all connected yeah every time because i knew everyone would be assessing me the loads mean nothing to me i don't understand them your voice tells me to trust you i guess oh poor corpse mrs terrifying tales thank you for the super chat i'm glad i make your day better firestorm thank you for the super chat karma mckee thank you lily pad animations thank you wholesome c flap it's quite a name hi evelyn who's the other one is it pokey again she gets it a lot if it's her see mary thank you so much for the super chat and the kind words d phrase thank you for the super chat mads facts thank you for the super chat amanda isaac thank you for the super chat surprise it's sun hi son leo love thank you for the love macy jensen i always come late because of school because i'm here well i hope you're enjoying the stream this is quite the lobby this is quite the lobby fuzzy gecko hide and seek run oh that'd be fun well it looks like af trusts corpse so they can at least vouch for each other keep each other alive i think she wants him to hit the button i think she's trying to give him a sign scott is nowhere to be seen scott takes me out too early on his imposter runs like i wish he would just let me try to get him hello hello wowie knowing what happened nothing i just um dan you didn't try to follow me up i just wanted to check for bodies up there and i was worried that we were a double kill away from death but we can just get just skip don't mind me i say i'm done with tasks so yeah same thing i only have one in launch pad hey guys how do you do in lab the little purple like glass piece you have to align it like a tall crystal so it's kind of like a jigsaw so the top piece bring that to the top the bottom piece bring it to the bottom and then puzzle it together you start from the bottom i believe breeze innocent by the way okay johnston thank you so much for the super chat vegito super saiyan blue says yosha you're not muted chloe quinn owns thank you so much for the super chat macy jensen hello oh my alex mezzo metsuo i'm not quite sure um uh what is scott gonna do here oh yeah this is a good one that's a good one i respect it oh he killed pokey is he going to get another really clean one that'd be kind of cool as long as corpse doesn't find it in time like he could win this he could win this right now oh come on he's probably like five four three two one oh it's both of them oh and toes just missed it oh my oh okay once again couldn't see them there's so many dead oh [ __ ] you need to find the bodies before you deport them wait is that three nope yeah but then if i take too long then people are like why were you standing in there for so long with the body whenever i see the report where is the body it was in the electrical at the bottom um but i was literally just with aphmau i'm trying to i was in that room too again where are you you weren't lights done i went to lights when uh they'd already been done though by the time i got there and then i was on my way to i went up to reactor toast where are you i'm in reactor right now too oh oh no um going up the way i feel like toast faked wires i was next to him with wires i didn't see the green go up i've always also seen this as the longest toaster has been alive and i'm not sure how many blazes no no i he was on logs a lot though yeah yeah my sis is corpse and lauren right now because i saw the vent open in reactor okay wait i mean lauren is the one that reported it could she have self-reported it could be okay so the body is near lights correct yeah lauren how did you get the electrical what do you mean how did i get there what was your last thing there oh i was like uh i went you don't have time you have to vote you have to please self report oh unlucky i mean that is a really good imposter strat is just to like make people talk i'm amazed we just can't get a task win we can't not in this lobby the phrase thank you for the super chat yes nice i stayed at the bottom nice you just took forever for life so doing that but then he called the button so i don't i was at the table with toast he came in as i was pushing it as well so lauren voted scott why did you why'd you both go lord why did you vote me because you were going after me and i know it's not me but we were only trying what we were suss of you and clark that was the two we were suffering yeah that's a thrill yeah but then you went in on me and voted me yeah unless this is a massive brain play by toast i actually don't think it's him anymore um because i thought he was flicking the lights to like make it take longer but then he called the button but then yeah this could be like reverse psychology or something so yeah i feel like he didn't flick the lights he went up to him but then it was me and someone else i can't remember who it was flicking it backwards and forwards was it lauren lauren were you the lights i was at the lights but i got there late i was the third person i'm telling you it's not me i mean i stayed at the moment i don't know how else to say it but i saw dan and toast there and then and i came last week please just get corpse out please oh what oh i actually think it's plus we missed the two right there's still two yeah we have another one there's still two i keep getting one i will 100 say if you vote me out you guys are losing but i'm telling you i i feel like it's scott i can hear it i feel like this is nothing to hurt you in this game you guys ran out of time again oh oh no you guys are to lose you guys are good thai situation hi lauren oh in my direction i was like he's taking the easier yeah it was really smart of you to get on his good side at the end that was impressive good play that was scary i feel like vlogs all the time too cassie you don't realize like the internal things like do i have kel cassie yeah it was a good call it was a good call i was screaming that was that was my last one all right ggs speaking of that beautiful people i got a friend's bachelor party gotta go too so it was so much sounds good jesus christ thank you guys so much it was bye-bye all right guys i am going to end here i hope that you enjoyed the stream um thank you so much to everybody who watched the music video and is supporting it i'm really really glad that you liked it um i did change the title in the thumbnail a few times just because i uh a lot of people are commenting and they they didn't know it was me because i wasn't in the thumbnail so i just like kept changing it because i didn't want people to like keep being confused um da what thank you so much for the super chat laura goss cheer awesome macy jensen harry potter fan christine laura zarate wormy boy sherb hufflepuff ackerman crybaby lexy farron may foie milla oh thanks burbee bro d sunset flower it's alexis monty fenty hufflepuff ackerman hey you did it again loving rixx's ava angel gwen bloodmoon heather marie melly cakes m thank you so much for the super chats and thank you so much to everybody who sponsors my channel um i'm so sorry with among us that i can't pay as much attention to the chat and you know everything because i i got to keep it like got to keep it fair during the game um but yeah i'm going to end this stream here i hope that you guys enjoyed it i'm probably going to play a little bit more if um people are if others in the chat are still streaming then um i will be on their streams but i hope you enjoyed this one and i will see you guys terry announcement time
Channel: Gloom
Views: 2,698,810
Rating: 4.923636 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us live, among us stream, dan, gloomgames, kassie, lauren, laurenzside, aphmau, disguised toast, toast, corpse, corpse husband, pokimane, brianna, preston, prestonplayz, high iq, 1000 iq, imposter, imposter win, how to win among us, funny moments, among us funny moments, no cursing, no swearing, among us gloom, collab, video, among us gameplay, among us memes, Terry, smajor, dangthatsalongname, scott, among us game, stream, live
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 58sec (8758 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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