🔴 LIVE Among Us: Smajor, LaurenzSide, DanTDM, Kara, Tiff, CaptainSparklez and friends!

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i lit i literally have food in my teeth uh no i'm actually streaming great yeah i just i'm eating this like bar thing right now and uh it's very sticky it's like the least ideal thing you could possibly eat for a stream like it won't go away oh but we have a very very fun lobby today like all these people i just know it's going to be really really fun can't wait to get started all right i guess i'll be yelling welcome chat welcome right now even though he's so bright welcome everybody the championship dark colored ones outer yellow i might have to brush my teeth in between games oh oh okay so lauren is like kind of um coming in hot today uh she apparently has been watching strategy guides all morning which i think is just the cutest thing and i'm glad that we're in imp together uh wait oh you gotta mute sorry okay so boop i'm just gonna like maybe hang out by actually i'm gonna check admin okay so i've done shield i'm gonna check admin i think i've got no checking admin somebody's in calf the lights are out i don't want to like throw my first game i think that sparkles might suss me for that somebody is alone in med bay so i'm just going to head in there and take them out what do we think this happened before or after lights um probably you you tell us it's in lights then well no you you said you said that it was electrical so which means i don't think it's dan admin with cassie was there and was there yeah because when the lights were off i saw pink and white running the opposite direction of electrical through cafeteria yeah i checked admin and somebody was in calf and so i just wanted to meet the person in calf uh so i didn't have to walk alone and that was you sparkles i saw the weapons and i watched uh sparkles leave first then scott then i went to nav and think was still in there if it wasn't around if it's fresh i know who it wasn't but if it's old i don't know at all yeah timeline is the important part where was lauren lauren was i was on the admin panel and then jack came in raz came in and left so he might he might have been killed before lights because modern was that one of your tips and tricks like murder and then destroy the timeline me and sparkles were uh together when the lights were in storage when the lights got turned on why isn't it good nobody wants to admit it because it happened so the person who turned on the lights killed the person or raz might turn them on and died and then you would have died after lights good interesting okay so cute lauren's a lot more vocal today somebody is in weapons i'm going to fix i'm going to cure them of the curse of life oh it's dan listen dan it's a tough life out here might as well just oh um scott is chilling there oh another oh it wasn't that that was in navigation and i didn't see anyone on that side yeah i haven't been over on the right where did you come from med bay okay wait i said i just know just know i i was in med bay i just submitted my sample and i was i was trying to do um my scan did you just that's the last thing that's a lie i think no it's not literally like a scanner oh no i literally said oh no i was you picked the wrong place anybody who doesn't believe me go ahead and skip and i'll do the scan before the murderer gets his time out yeah we can do that no i didn't i saw you i saw a cup quake i saw cara i saw you were you if you were there in the last if you were there in the last few seconds i wasn't there um i saw i saw that because i submitted my sample and i was i had like gotten like 10 seconds so the reason i asked cassie was i went into electrical right away seen cara did the wires outside admin and cassie came down from cafeteria which would put her and that's like she could have went up past weapons and back down that's possible that was wait jack said she was in a position he just ran yeah and i'm not sure i believe cassie's story of like being a midfield that's fine you don't have to vote for her because of it and i will go on the scanner if anybody wants to follow me honestly we could do it i'm going to go because i can vote all right we have room all right ggs sorry cassie it's okay right i didn't i've never lost my first imposter game but i'm going to help out lauren i am cassie the friendly ghost now and i am a pretty good ghost so gonna help her figure that out she's been watching instructionals this is this is actually lauren's time to shine i'm just gonna like wait for her cool down a little bit oh she's calling out too that's interesting but she's been watching strategy all day so perhaps she knows what she's doing okay cams are on you might not wanna oh i'm gonna close the door just so i can like force the kill on scott he's gotta go he's gotta go lauren thank you that's my girl where'd she go nice yeah just get out of there i'm going to cut the lights our baby girl needs an alibi what are you doing she's gotta down this whole lobby by herself so hopefully nobody needs to go to weapons anytime soon [Music] i'm gonna close calf again because i really don't want anyone to find scott i'm going to close storage because again i do not want anyone to find scott cara needs to go um hopefully oh yeah hopefully lauren gets cara here that would be the best that would that would be better okay shout out watch out watch out would you chill watch out holy crap uh it uh weapons like right right right as you're going into captain lauren ask if they scan confirmed think ask if they scan confirmed i have no idea because i was coming around the bottom and then i went in like i did my wiring tasks and shield and navigation and i was coming up back through cafeteria to do the cafeteria wiring i did i did 102 a long time ago and then scott came in after i finished typing it in and i left him there um i mean i didn't see i didn't want what else did you do at shields uh the wiring on the top wall it's like this you spin the um like the fuse yeah i don't think i've ever had that task there by the way but yeah uh that matches up because i still think on a shield well i didn't see thing i saw someone at shields on an admin table and i ran away from edmonton because i thought they were going to invent inside and kill me because both doors locked like cafes oh okay yeah i was on cams for a while i didn't see anything yeah i saw you i saw someone on camps for a long time and i felt safe until you went off all people were cool i thought we were right on happy at least over there scott wasn't there yes no i think that captain maybe could have killed scott after o2 yeah that's actually not actually that's what i'm thinking no no lauren lauren you chill chill chill chill i think i saw jack somewhere on the way i wasn't i wasn't paying enough attention but i i've been chasing the next person we got to decide we got to decide i think i think we think we're safe all right let's go let's get it i don't think we're i don't think we're safe i voted jack i didn't add me like the whole round i i think we only have one okay i like that okay so i hope that lauren knows that um she cannot kill jack right now she cannot do that cara's pretty sus on lauren i'm going to wait going to wait for the cooldown this is going to be a task win if she doesn't hurry so she needs to hurry get her oh okay i mean if i was you i would actually no car was suss of jack lauren knows what she's doing um you you should go to lights girl you should really go to lights you should go to like girl okay that's fine um lauren is hanging oh oh everybody's grouping together so much i really think this is going to be a task win if we're not careful um what can we do what can we do what should we do lauren's hanging out by herself a lot but cara is like like cars tailing her pretty bad i'm going to lock them in here oh um hello i knew it was outside the ship already i knew it haven't i i did a couple but then went to the left before why so i went back to finish why are you not finishing your trash task the tips and tricks videos said to do everything out of order i will say i've been doing a lot of like admin panel and like camera like trying to use my tips i haven't been in the cameras on cameras lauren did you do wires this round me i'm yeah wait who's got tasks left i'm done i do okay i haven't done wires lauren yikes i'm doing my tips and tricks okay which means that we could we could afford to vote somebody yeah it was the one that didn't vote gloom because i didn't just because i i didn't really hear her talk but i i mean just for for more confirmation i saw lauren do trash on ot side or on the right side she went to shields and didn't go finish her trash in the bottom storage instead went back up and yeah she didn't yeah because i was yeah if she had the second trash why did she not go do it are we boring so you did it when the lights were out i'm pretty good i will say i'm doing things a little differently but i'm happy to i can group up with whoever because i'm done [Music] left on the right left side okay [Music] well done cara yeah yeah well actually lauren lauren i closed the door so you could kill cara and then you didn't do it and i was like oh in round one you were like i saw you in storage and i was like uh with imposter vision yeah no we were no we were we were stacked in storage yeah cassie i went to do it but my q like the cool down wasn't done yet what i counted down in my head oh thank goodness wait what's the what's the cool oh it's 25 seconds oh my god for so long i thought the kill i thought the cooldown was 22 seconds rest in peace they were an admin table oh you counted the wrong amount yeah yeah i uh unlucky yeah yeah i was with her and i was like daisy stapleton life of ken bandito thank you so much for the super chats molly mccoy all right here i go killing again one two three four five six 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18. okay i can't get think here um i don't know uh raz cut the lights we could get a double here hmm i don't know if i trust raz to get a double oh interesting is that an o2 by any chance i thought somewhere right wait damn why did you say interesting you were for the body oh i said interest oh wait oh i thought i thought lauren reported it like at the bottom near the gas okay that yeah it must have been after tiff and i ran through so that was very recent it was almost really didn't do it me and yeah me and razz or rather me and daddy were together and me and daddy [Laughter] i saw dan in so do you think it's someone who's on light panel right now i'm online right now person that i saw we had exactly edmond shields yeah where in the storage was that we're exactly in store like they said by the guy right next to the gas can so i ran right next to the gas station there was no reported body no i haven't seen it so that means it just happened in front of jordan yeah i i i did not see jordan because the lights were off it could have been him he was behind really four people ran together towards lights like four or five of you guys it couldn't have been jordan jordan because he was ahead of us and we didn't see a report button i think he's way behind i don't think it's dan i don't think it's jordan i don't think it's kevin or this kill wasn't this kill wasn't any of those four people that's what i'm saying who's life could have been one of your tips and tricks why did lauren let us know that she was watching tips and tricks like obviously people were gonna meme her after that like come on all right scott you ready are you ready for your death sir um all right jack lauren razz running around hopefully uh he gets somebody he did the dirty work sparkles i'm gonna get off cams because i don't wanna have to accuse somebody oh well it's a bit it's a bit easy for me okay what do we got okay um where is everybody oh no [Music] yeah yeah jackson electrical things electrical me dan and lauren just got here okay so um it is on upper reactor i was on cameras yeah it's on upper reactor i think that somebody might have vented walked past me while i was on cameras and i didn't notice because i was on cameras and killed sparkle in upper reactor so if you guys are where did that vent go i can't remember uh the it goes straight into cams oh you mean they've came but you would have seen them walk past then i was on camera that's what i mean you didn't seem to come in that corner you've seen it okay also the cameras are meant for you to look at the only way the only way it could no the only way it could have worked was if they'd went to lower reactor vented into reactor room killed that's the only other way so the body's in reactor or engine uh it's upper engine okay so there's a camera from like the administrator if there's a vent in upper engine and operations yeah that's all and i would have seen it right if i was on cams oh i saw so many people walk in the hallways there was quite a few of us in electrical though like scott yeah jack yeah i saw jack i saw lauren i saw jack i saw lauren i wasn't paying too much attention to the quad i just just said blustering i was going to just keep dan alive so they started following him oh nice you freaked me out thank you i thought i would but i realized when i kept doing the let's go for something from catholics okay so i think that my days are numbered uh because that little stint was not good like that was not it that was not what we support um i think that the only two kills right now are me so i really have to uh i really have to be careful so i fixed bottom 02. jack is on admin i can't like hmm raz has got to do something raz what are you doing bud like i need your help dude i'm getting like they're gonna throw me out the chute next round oh he did something well and you can't even see the tasks this body is on camera and it's pretty recent because the camera's only just turned off yeah oh she was on cams so yes on the camera she was on she was watching the cams like literally she was do you think this is an event yes because i went we were me and squatter and admin yeah i'm pretty sure i saw someone vent from electrical to med bay that's why i went there but then there was no i also one there and there was no one there yeah okay could it be a self report i'm just saying no i mean throwing that into that jack and lauren were two of the people that i saw in cams last time but i wasn't paying attention to the choirs but i'm not sure i don't think i went into cameras last round no i mean i was on cams first everyone so where was i tell you what i just did scott and dan because i just left you guys an admin right so i went up into med bay i started my dropper i saw the camera was on when i went in and when i went out by the time i've gone around upper engine into camera room the cameras are off and the body's there so it's that reason okay so i was with dan for all of that then yeah daddy razz where were you hiya um i'm across at navigation were you in think together or was that you and or was that thinking i was i was i was heading to shields to do my last task okay oh were you not think think were you not with lauren in uh upper reactor i crossed you guys on my way to cafeteria all the other people are cupcakes quake was the one i think isn't she we have to vote you can't just snipe people jacks there's a stealth boat there wow okay all right yo all right i gotta finish my last all right i've already done weapons i think i'm just gonna run it by saying i'm done my tasks um please scott still be here call it a day there fix the lights um oh no oh [ __ ] they're gonna find scott okay okay okay okay wait oh man oh wait so one is one killer is dead there's only one left yeah that has so it has been razz because he was the only one we voted off right i did so we were all we were together except and i was with jack dan who were you with i was with you wait i was with you jack for ages when the lights were off because this this body is on the button i think that scott was waiting to call a button oh what happened last round and he's died this must have been this must have been or this must have been early because we were all together for we were all together for the whole rest of the like after lights we were together the whole time so this happened before the nights okay gloom first what did you do as soon as the round started up until you got into electrical and the lights were off okay um i went i'm done my tasks so i uh went all the way right all the way around um then the lights went off and then i ran to electrical okay where were you when the lights went off where was i when the lights went off i was around shields area by storage thank you did you get to lights before i did get too long yeah i did get to lights i i went i went down i went to shields [Music] but i'm pretty sure the skill happens in the first half and me and dan spent the first half together i will stick with you the entire time i see your tasks i've got some left i'm done i'm done i'm done it's gonna be really really tough it's gonna be really really tough um i just i have to wait and i have to kill either jack or think and hope that my cooldown enables me yeah where is this guy he's in reactor i need to close this upper engine door and then i win seven six five four where'd dan go where'd dan go dan where'd you go boy well i got to find somebody somebody's got it oh thank god you guys are very confused um dan you were in reactor doing your task right did my stupid i've done the simon says thing wrong dan where the hell where the hell did you go i went to press the button and then forgot you can't do it while lights were down i thought someone was oh my god okay well i watching me do simon says i feel like you might have been ready to no okay so um so we were stacked we were running towards lights and then all of a sudden i couldn't find you anymore and i thought you were dead i was like oh i went right and then up the middle to press the button but then i completely forgot the lights i can't see that okay so yes oh yeah okay on cameras that makes sense okay so wait where's this body this is the third report you've done by the way is it yeah yes okay it's uh upper engine however jack you broke off from me and dan and you like went up like i was like freaking out on lights i didn't want to i didn't want to group as a three or a fox i made a half for the final impossible you have to stick together as four you have to stick together as four otherwise you lose what do you mean it's boring like okay so i checked that losing isn't boring i checked adam and say well i saw dan was in reactor doing his task so i went up and around to go and find him lights go down i go onto camera who's voting what we're going to vote i'm extremely suspicious i'm really suspicious of jack you can do whatever you want let's stop wasting dan's time we have to let him make a decision jack broke off on four we were together when the lights were out and the kill happened i'm sure it happened then i'm sure it happened i'm sure you self-reported it you self-reported it and hit the button jack i have no idea rip understanding ggs gg's done [Music] please please please please please please he he sniped the right imposter i couldn't bring that up okay so the big issue okay i had exactly right i had the sabotage map open and i was like okay like two seconds and then i i closed it and dan was gone i would have won that game if i didn't have the map dan running yeah dan running for the button was like it was actually clutch did none of you waiting to kill [Music] i was waiting to kill the person yeah i was waiting to kill the person who uh fixed the lights and nobody fixed the lights yeah and i was just betting that no one would find the body done did you catch on to the fact that gloom what don't you like with you but then just never fix them like was that not sucks to you yeah that's true yeah yeah jack smacked razz out that should've been like yeah that was rough though yeah that was i hadn't been a shield earlier people are making stuff up okay well it's not me this time so i can relax a little bit oh thank you it would not be an among us game without someone saying lauren you're unmuted it's kind of wacky actually the good thing about this lobby is it's smart enough that i feel that i will not be sussed and i just don't have to pay i can pay like close attention to who's where and what's going on youtube invited me to this like lunch thing today and i slept through it feeling kind of bad about that if jack's the imposter i'm dead never mind there's a few of us in here um lauren's lurking really weirdly ew lauren is being really weird i'm like kind of shaking a little bit a little scared but there's a lot of people in here right now so hopefully i leave i feel like being imposter twice right off the bat um probably isn't too good for my luck hello everybody i just found a body in med bay no i don't think it could be lauren bloom if it's news you guys still an admin [Music] honestly i don't know what oh yeah i was just coming out of admin i was an admin it was just running to electrical enough yeah i can verify i was on cameras and dan left you guys and went up very recently and i think purple was in the area too i didn't see people go up or anything but i'm assuming if they've reported the body they did um like pretty in the last 10 seconds okay well then who can we clear we can clear i will say if it's in the last 10 10 seconds i could i was in upper engine and i know that sounds bad was also an admin by the way i ran right past med bay thanks i hopped off cameras so i think i missed like vital information you didn't see her when you were on no the lights the lights definitely were on because i seen them on admin because i position myself in the halloween i'm doing my download okay so do we have a sus on what cup quake jack and cara yeah okay i guess so i think it'd be really brave for tifton yeah i don't think it's that i literally just walked in and it was right there in the middle i generally don't think it's a tough self report i'm more suscutta okay next time i won't be so happy to report a body then no do it do it you're fine sound really sad next time please don't be scott i don't know about this uh all right let's go check up a reactor please don't kill me i'm really obsessive jack okay well there's three of us here so nothing can happen right unless it's both of them oh god oh cara that door closed i don't know about that one ah don't do it oh geez god no please don't leave me alone okay thank god where was that just guys that was in reactor um cara oh wait no you came from cav right i mean carl was running towards cafeteria but also an upper engine was gloom and somebody else yes scott i was walking the hallway no i will say so me cassie and tev have been together quite a lot and we were just running around doing our little thing checking the med bay and just as we were about to get to see where the body was the door shuts and then yeah yeah i came from weapons no it sounded it was there's no way there you go she wasn't an o2 it was just 202 though i don't know she was on the wall for ages though because it took me that very important [Music] yeah but i don't know about you right now jack i didn't close the door i was stuck in admin razz was stuck in calf as soon as the doors opened we'd cross each other like you know lauren was one of your tips and tricks to use doors doors forever scott i don't need tips and tricks to tell you okay she just met you that she said she's going i think she is an accountant together right now i think i still don't know i was with cassie yeah i was i've i've been with cassie that entire round basically so i know it's not cassie and then we met teff basically from i'm still sausage of carrots no no no i don't know i don't know about that i don't know about that all right i don't know about that reactor yeah no we can afford to we can afford to wait we should have support should have shot someone there who's playing dirty all right come with me to simon says i will die here scott if you leave me alone i will oh thank god it's over come on guys let's get out of here he's certainly got that done quick right connor where did you come from what did you come you came in from the top or the bottom from the bottom okay then it's caught up because ryze is dead right now i know actually i went with cassie over to anne sparkles over to reactor we all did our tasks jack can i also say who are the three people at the beginning that we thought were sus cara me tara carter's just said that she was the last one with thrives alive so i think it's both jack how did you know that cara was an admin how are you vouching you were in reactor how are you vouching for cara seven right now i wasn't vouching for cara no not you jack i was on security and i saw kara walk out of admit we're not voting on seven that's my test table yeah michael says cuddle she pleased at the end of the round that's all i bought and i only know that because me and um spooky are on cameras yeah you always think it's me that's true but for good reason stay with me there's still two imposters so we gotta be careful we gotta be careful i hey please scott please please please why do you want to go this way oh he never finished his task here this is like a cute little game of follow the leader i just need to i need to do this i'm sorry someone's gonna die okay carl that's enough for one day that is enough for one day i was near you guys then all of a sudden i saw the body on the right when i who did it cara carl who me jack and cassie were there and cara just came in and as i run back there's a party lauren and cup quick i am being frank oh that's a cara [Music] why would i do that i don't like how we were all together there uh because the taskbar is so high so you figured you could get a quick one in yeah i was like we're not with us i think you were hoping lauren was going to kill i think that there's a chance if it's lauren and cupcake i'm watching those tips and tricks after this i think he's learning because it's not fortunate who voted i wasn't [Music] apparently it's me now uh hopefully we don't lose right now oh it is lauren and cara those kills not good poor cara that's so unlucky you hate to see it you really really do it's lauren right yeah i can get her out of here but where was i so the extras is we were all together and lights went out lauren was nowhere near us and then she for the fact that she wasn't she should have been the first on lights yeah um right behind you guys did you not even well first of all where was jack i just want to say i never left nav when the lights went off i stayed perfectly that's really funny with you i don't know what else to do lafitte bendito molly mackery ava angel ava cohen little watch chelsea listen thank you so and then we went back to check for bodies and found yeah and he finds together and everything it was right in your if you believe me i love enough i never left nav because i didn't want to get it [Laughter] get her out of here get her out of here get her out of here jack was vouching for cara okay like i need he needs to understand that that's why i was so excited okay i got blamed for all of laura jack when you jazz jack when you vouched for cara i was like come on dude like quit it i was just saying that i would do something and then they'd be like all right it was kara and i was like see mary little moi chloe jones chelsea listwin tobena akali kathy sabaki thank you so much for the super chats delilah munoz anielle thank you for making it to one of my streams before work caitlyn lopez katarina ust poison nyam hana villain izuki todoroki thank you so much for the super chat lexi thompson hey cassie my nana is dying my life's been pretty dark for the past few days i just wanted to say thank you for making content that puts a smile on my face during this hard time oh i'm so sorry about your nan why am i always oh girl i'm always imposter really glad that um my content's cheering you up cassie you're on me like it's just having a heart to heart having a heart to heart with my super chest okay it really is cheering me off so keep going hey i'm i wasn't talking to you i was talking to lexi thompson oh all right oh no my day's been yeah i'm just really glad that my con oh sorry might love you i'm glad that my content is making your day listen it's a serious story okay lauren show some respect kill me let's just have an open mic game call it a day okay lauren is near me [Laughter] um i'm kicking it kicking it in reactor that's a lie i was just unreacting she wasn't there that that okay i almost cussed literally meet me in reactor right now let's go meet me here speaking of cola nate and anybody seen the bathroom there's no bathroom is there not on this one okay that was it that was in electrical aka the morgue and i know i just saw someone running out of there and i don't who was it who was it oh are you covering for the other imposter or do you really not remember i really i really do not remember the last person i saw running dude it was like more in storage when i know i saw somebody uh but it could honestly it could have been an event too advisable quick and jordan jordan the person i didn't go to shields jordan the person you've seen past electrical walls oh i think okay scott you're hurting my feelings all day just from all the pain and torment [Laughter] he said that i wasn't in reactor and i know he was joking but it hurt no no no no no no no no no no i did the gas and did the top one and then came dead the reactor which is why when cassie is like i'm not trusting who is making fun of me for thanking my viewer i'm voting them uh raz on lord all right all right raz that's enough for you oh my [Laughter] i was making fun of you so i voted myself we're just telling the truth your content brightens our teeth oh hey stop making fun of me i'm cringing i'm smiling i'm wrong it's bullying lauren you're not muted just kidding i need to like print that on merch yeah you do um [Music] uh is i'm gonna hope that uh cara does something [Music] um um oh my oh my goodness what that was stinky that was stinky who you must have seen that because draw was just an electrical right yeah i'm so glad i was filling that fuel canister i was guarding him with my life i opened the thing and right when i closed what i thought it was lauren i thought that was your tips and tricks no i i have spent almost the entire round with lauren minus her going to yeah but only one person died okay it was hara yeah it sounds like yeah 100 percent 100 because i walked in behind quickly you were running away from reactor and it was scaring me girl okay like is this a cup quick lauren all right now i think it's cara and cassie because cassie was really in front of me and cassie but cassie's claiming she didn't see lauren thinks okay so i think it's because i think it's lauren lauren thinks it's kara kara thinks it's me lauren do you actually think that i was stacked with you and that happened you weren't stacked you just said i was with you nobody would have seen it i didn't huh okay thanks okay whatever tips and tricks all right i just gotta do my best here because i'm done anyway i'm so done my impostor games today been so botched okay oh i'm so screwed oh oh i'm just out here trying to make content bring people joy out here telling lies you're out here lying on my name how could you i'll have you know dantdm it's an angel so i'm gonna thank you yeah fine i i would say that that was possibly that was possibly me and cara's best game yet for a long time like okay not many people are there oh we were all there girls all of a sudden yeah if you would have just played off that you had seen what i saw and didn't deny it no i'm no no i'm never going to throw my girl car under the bus loom by blatantly accusing her no no no no no i wasn't having it can someone encourage him clap that because i wanted to see that like meme of just cara kelly when it ever just floods into the room scott we did that last time i see i was still crying there when lauren was like you kind of never no longer brings me joy and you're like whatever tips and tricks happily talking she cut me in half [Laughter] yeah what was that it wasn't me it wasn't me it wasn't me i had no weapons tasks oh i'm on weapons what do we what's the group real on like loki meta gamer sauce yeah who does this kind of kill am i allowed no of course you're like mean get him scott someone said something before they muted uh-huh i ignore that oh was it that was it that sneeze i was gonna say something but no no get him get him yellow yellow pink because i was up at the download i could i saw the body get sliced and reported and it's either yellow or pink okay brain dead next button as i left think didn't do this kill either no no it's actually it's actually not me if you if you want to waste time on me for the rest of the game then you can vote me out right now but it was not me in that case i don't think i'd say because cassie is happy to do those when she's the crewmate so it's not cassie that means it's lauren all right lauren we'll call it a day have you guys seen any tips and tricks videos where it says just kill immediately yeah in front of everybody you can actually vote on nine and eight those are the two that you can get we should say yeah yeah we could do that that'd be fun okay oh is that actually you lauren what video told you to kill in front of everybody are you watching oh my goodness girl call it a day i don't want them fighting over me i don't want them like i don't want to clog up the comms for the rest of the game like i don't want it to be like oh it has to be cassie like i just can't i can't with that right now it's too much stress i can't deal with it oh well they can fix the lights they're they're a bunch of cuties oh oh that looks delish what is that it's your youtube food oh my goodness the lunch that youtube invited me to that i slept through that is so toxic that gives me all right that's enough get me out of here but i couldn't see him you uh initiated the meeting to get voted out right yes that is correct i wasn't actually going to fight around yeah that makes me feel like it definitely isn't cossy i just if it's like what if it's yeah the double ring you know what you know what it might be it might be one of a handful of people that i would think would play that game but i genuinely don't think this is her why was there only three in the stack she's doing this for the content i mean that was all that was all that i saw okay who was in that stack dan i was in the stack dan were you doing the leaf task yeah okay so why didn't you go back to the leaf task because i was there first and i didn't finish it but if you were doing it you would have went back to finish it and you weren't on that side of this i still have it i need to go back around but anyone everyone goes to that first you would have went to that first i wouldn't necessarily go back to it i didn't see you one thing but then thinks that he did but then mean think both went back to that to finish our task because i figured you guys were all going to go back so we go together as a good normal friend if you're not the imposter you would i just whatever she did and she called the meeting how satisfied is she yeah so i think that maybe you get me and then if more people die you get sparkles because he accused me and not lauren for the first kill oh i thought you said lauren with bias no [Music] all right fine if you want me to stay i guess i can but i'm not doing tasks i'm doing detective work i'm gonna be detective cass or cam girl cass which one's it gonna be where the heck is scott see if i can see my bud scott you i'm scared you oh rez please stay away where is every oh all right raz your movement is freaking me out jack is running away from reactor i don't know about that i do not know about that i have some admin info which can sometimes be deceiving but okay okay okay i think someone missing cameras yes and i'm pretty sure yes someone was someone definitely was pretty sure it was uh daddy res both of okay so what happened was i'm pretty i think it looked really like someone vented from electrical into security and i was like oh they're gonna die and then they both walked out together i walk up to cafeteria to see who's leaving security and it's gloom and daddy rise i have a feeling it's both of them okay that's that's the admin table looking sucks i mean that's something i was i didn't see anyone vent in there yeah that's some small brain stuff moving on how could we be crazy we can look at it in the optimistic way of like being very smart and starting the cooldown for the kills back to zeno no that's awesome yeah you were just resetting the kill kill down it's fine no i wasn't i would die on this hill uh all right who's gonna be it'd be so funny if it was scott and he's just like refusing to let me die early all right fine i'll do one task that's all you're getting i'll do two tasks that's all you get i can't count okay fine we'll do lower engine if we have to don't die oh my goodness if he dies no not to wow that was not straight come on scott come on we got stuff to do oh oh yikes okay well definitely it wasn't scott it was right beside electrical like right beside like the electrical thingy it wasn't deep electrical and which cases do you mean the can anyone account for dan no no no not at all and you were in now when you yeah i checked in there to see if there was dead body from off the lights but there wasn't you were fine it was very recent because i just saw cara running towards electricity wait wait what do you mean after lights lights literally got fixed in casper in the body instantly like there was no afterlife they just came up like yeah because raj just fixed it and cassie found the body so it wasn't uh after lights there was no in between time he was like unless you had a vision done oh yeah so the thing is i was i was in cams and i saw dan come out of security but i don't think he could have seen me on the cams if he just went down and then came out the door unless he did impossible i went to you know where the little wires box is i can see you from there not with the lights the lights are out so i have an idea what we do here is we go around to security someone stands at the camera i will stand at the wire box and i'll see if i can see them with creaminess all right let's do it science experiments the lights were out even so and he was running out of security that's what i was asking all right okay okay we'll do an experiment yeah let's do an experiment we're doing it for science all i'm saying we should keep in mind is the gloom and black were in the room as well okay we gotta go i'm gonna get killed i kind of feel like raz is okay i'm kind of like i i am obsessed with him cannot you can't see it oh no you're not even there and i just did the experiment i couldn't see him hey dan before you go yeah no as soon as i saw you in security like run out and i was like there's no way i would have seen him when i came in i almost came away with that yeah i'm so sorry there's like four people stacked i was like there's no way i was like i don't know where it all was is that tips the imposter games are a mess today it's all trial and error today yeah just doing my tasks yeah help oh that's a daddy razor-looking real sketch oh that's akara just being a bad bad girl i mean i guess i did ask to like get voted off early last time so maybe this is what i deserve okay oh gloom she brings us so much joy [Music] why were people in navigation i don't interrupt my download for nothing yeah harry weren't you with glenn what what right right right yeah the only person that's nice under the body was green think i'm thinking you might wait was it in navigation it was a musician oh i had no idea i never saw it it's a youtube gloom tupperware okay now i feel really bad can you send them an email okay i saw you a spider all right lily john fernando campos kaya anderson oh if i unmute again we'll think in the super chats okay listen we have a connection okay i don't want to like i like to i like to have that connection like you know when you're like with your boyfriend and then you're doing like you know you're doing like lovey talk and then someone else hears it and you're like oh it's really embarrassing savage worlds ian's bffs harry potter fan name hannah enrique ramirez haley wilkins sammy alamosadder maybe you lol thank you so much for the super chats the cafeteria yeah everybody went to the one task on the right the body near the vent uh no i couldn't tell you it was dark okay does lauren come i think running out of admin up when the lights were going when the lights were out run past me well we know he took away anyway i think it was yellow i knew they weren't gonna reject anybody bridgette music thank you so much for the super chat snack this sneak thank you for always making me laugh with your videos it's been a little rough past these weeks these past weeks that i'm watching your vids and it makes me smile well you know what i for one appreciate that sentiment and my friends here can lick my balls i'm just kidding lucy fitzgerald cta sumari rattle yeah nadia deception disgrace elisa lopez thank you so much for the super chat avril serda thank you for the super chat oh i should probably do tasks now perfect will these guys figure it out me and people i would be running all the time from uh storage past electrical and as i went past the entrance of electrical i solved the road and be button light up i do not see the body i don't know who it was even wait i just so i just ran from gas yeah you would you just finished gas right yeah i was filling up the container with you i was on top of you and then i noticed a report button pop up and and then i went back yes like as i passed it showed up like as as i passed the entrance of electrical it's in electrical oh it's got to be it wasn't in the hallway i did not see the body i just walked past that a second ago you followed me there yes i know and as we went by i saw the report button i'm like oh my god and i went back and i reported it like you saw it like a second ago you saw me turn back right i saw you turn back yeah yeah but that could be like how am i going to run past electrical and like i'm not saying it's normally the lead of the vote think out club but i don't think it's him thank you i don't i normally have the first to just eject them from the ship absolutely it was white wasn't it white yeah yeah it was all an electrical i life electrical lower left electrical dynamological spring couldn't have been done because was in there yeah no right yeah but raz had left i'm pretty sure yeah i like pages to go soon like early early did though um i hate when your upload gets interrupted when you're when they find a dead body it's really annoying there should be a notification that's like sorry the ghost doing simon says you can report in five seconds hopefully you don't die have a nice day i would like to see some imposter wins because the imposters have not won yet today it's been a little rough i think that we're uh i mean except for scott we're all playing a little sloppy okay it wasn't him where where are you i am in admin right now so i do med-based scan and then i went to the right to cafeteria and then the lights went off so why didn't neither of you so i don't necessarily believe that because right at the start you ca teff you went to the left um and i went and made people think and cara think ken carr both left and thing is now dead in security the lights went out and everyone else went to lights or was going towards except this is really sweet can incredibly [Music] you're a lot more the lead of the conversations like trying to i don't know if i trust that you really went downtown saw me on the left got the legs but i just said he's coming out anyway we can skip on seven suspicious acara no one saw me on the left scott i was not on the left i [Music] and i didn't do anything well i think she just admitted that she was she's getting called out for the wrong things like she's getting framed for her imposter's kill they know it's her so best case scenario for her right now is to just like draw bodies as fast and as ferociously as she humanly can as well go for an o2 win yeah i know there's too much time i'm surprised she fixed the bottom one like you have to fix it eventually if somebody walks in but you can wait you have imposter vision i think she's just like trying to get back on people's good sides i feel like o2 is like the final sabotage oh it's like the final good sabotage a person can do or it's a good way to get people to go huh i mean he did fix o2 the game didn't end because he fixed o2 oh this looks like scott screaming and running for a button yep hi so i just wow nobody's down yet i just watched cara come out for vain i didn't come out of a bed oh you did girl what you did and now everything happened we were all on like doing leaves and such and i ran to the right so i was gonna go and do the wires and i noticed the animation of the vent you know you can see it even though you can actually see it um yeah open and then as you're going through my dc camera running from the bottom left of the room up so even if you didn't come out the vent there's no reason for you to be in that corner because there's no tasks there you got caught up oh you didn't come after me you had no reason to do that why are we in that partner okay if you didn't come in why are you in that bottom corner i'm just looking around bro no no just looking right into the corners no i don't care no i was major you legend are we voting on seven yes what do you want from me based on how tim is acting i really think that it's stiff too [Music] yeah he's had a lot of times to kill me which he all right we're living life on the edge huh yeah we're going to go for it i don't think he would give himself up this quickly because if it's not heard then we could just do him next wow all vote cara come on guys give it a chance i would be very reluctant to take that vote on seven as well but i i i feel like i'd only take it if i was absolutely positive it wasn't scott a lot of these people aren't positive okay let's go oh let me live simon says is that my last task i've got one more well i think this game is in the bag adriana lammy thank you so much for this super chat avril serta brooks tyler armillo 1707. the gamer girl fung bold oh what okay so that order of running down there it was scott cup quick and then daddy razz yeah i saw in that order this is literally the he's still standing half of his body is still standing this is right now wait where did this happen i was doing the electrical oh so it was in the stack in electrical yeah i just arrived at the stack so yeah scott was right near me when i was going in to do electricals so who was who was initially there when the lights started getting turned on razz 100 because i just walked past him yeah we just went there i say there's two switches left when i got there so it was lauren cupquake and razz wow quick fingers down got there first okay so where did you come from scotland was on cup quake earlier yeah and yeah yeah i'm always suspicious that's just my character raz which side did you come from to go into electrical left i've just been up yeah he did he ran down from security like most others what tasks did you do just before the lights went out so i was an engine yeah what did you do yeah that one the download an engine and you were in you were you were in the reactor right top left of the reactor you know that's a tiff good show she did not make that easy for caramel come on there's a map in the distance oh i didn't know there's one with the tabs mickey dance lucy fitzgerald katarina roquette cheer awesome jakey garcia thank you so much for the super chats lindell tsutsui if you could tell your lobby hi hi the gamer girl and cheer awesome thank you so much for the super chats um just so you guys know uh with super chats please do not ask me to say hi to somebody in the lobby um sometimes i can make other creators uncomfortable and sometimes i can make the creator you're donating to feel like a messenger owl so the person who just sent the super chat they didn't do that it was like a super nice thing but it's just for a future reference shima robertson thank you so much for the super chat go back and report that and then kara was still alive i was like oh no i killed me that was insta karma they already watched ran away so it isn't just the fact that like you've been near bodies it's that i'm starting to learn your tales when you're the imposter yeah he's right you speak so much and then suddenly you go quiet yeah no you're quiet like every round you're kind of but you're really good at catching imposters didn't have any info [Music] i'm gonna do a different rotation i always go right hopefully this rotation doesn't get me killed but i'm gonna do both garbages first i'm gonna like start in the middle and then work my way outwards actually no that's how you get killed i'm go i'm going right um oh dear i'm just going to hide in the bottom of communications because i don't want to oh please don't do it don't do it to me don't do it to me i just saw white walk away from the body all right it's good enough for me like whoa there's two bodies which is these two where is that where is it right at the light lights right this is me talking only because i literally just saw it okay no also this is definitely jack isn't defending himself which is what he does normally when he messes up he's voted he's voted for himself [Laughter] really badly he just said his hands like oh dear awkward isn't it you're fine we trust you now how am i supposed to win on my own bud oh my goodness shima robertson mango magic thank you so much for the super chats it's upload time krista berger alexa loves you unicorn games anthony rivera thank you so much for the super chats melee ford roundage greyman thank you for being a two year sub and brianna hamm thank you so much for the 9.99 i'm doing training for a job but i i got that but i'm watching you at the same time because it's online training well as long as you get the job do a good job i have not seen anyone all game this is gonna be like i'm gonna be a really easy person to frame this game let's hope it doesn't happen if the imposter is checking admin right now i'm so dead i've been playing so much among us that i haven't played like a first person shooter in a while and like i'm noticing that like my aim is just not like even just like like moving wires together or like clicking on like the thing in the middle i'm just i'm just missing like left and right i could get killed in here i just need to do this one thing okay hmm oh dad are you okay i don't think it's cara because she got one of the imposters out so there's got to be one left so if there's any two sticking together if there's any two sticking together then i feel like they're good like they're safe to hang out with wow we went from like one bar total tasks completed to like i feel like we're gonna be like almost done by the time the next kill comes through dan where'd you go bud oh please don't kill me don't do it to me i want to live i've got a life to live where are you going bud i don't want to die in here alone scott it's raz yeah so i was i was thinking razz just based on the people i ran past that didn't kill me when i was alone he was the only one that didn't i didn't pass him i haven't seen him at all raz has been hanging out has been hanging out solo a lot let me tell you why i was an admin razz came in he was wandering around the room for a little bit went to upload scott comes in he comes off upload goes to um the card swipe lights i'm dancing in the hallway of admin so the lights see me or so the security camera sees me i didn't see that see razz come out yeah and and scott's dead all right that seems that's incriminating hold on a second the body is in electrical right so the only other person in there was dark you were there i thought no no no dan didn't do this that's ridiculous wait no he didn't do this i was the one on camera wait i literally did not have time to get in there is it is it is it deep electrical whereas no it's it's well i don't know where it was it's literally right in front of the lights yeah the timeline doesn't really work if you're accusing dan i thought i saw his body in there but maybe it was just dead body was it cup quick that just died wait dad did you go to lights first first round yeah i know you went back i went up yeah yeah yeah you went back dark blue but not at the very end the card wow guys guys what a good job i didn't vote there come on think bro interesting well we got one didn't we no we got one no there's two did yeah there's two we get jack jack jack oh my goodness yeah yeah let's be sensible it's not me could dan have had the time hmm he could have could he so i wanted him to come to lights with me but he went back up what he could have done is he could have run all the way back here went into the vent got the kill and then razz saw him in there it's either raz or dan since we got one of them i'm really comfortable just like shooting them both off of the ship and i don't get why we didn't do that last time cara got one of the imposters so i'm just gonna make sure that she stays alive i have no tasks left i'm really sass of dan now ah oh let's just think so there's four of us in here right now one of us is an electrical one of us is in weapons wait there's three of us here who is that this should be coming up soon oh it's sparkles i wish that raz maybe had a bit more conviction when he was saying that he got dan dan is such a cool cucumber when he's playing it's like i i'm just inclined to believe him i don't know if that's right hmm oh dear well gonna turn those lights back on and hopefully we find a body getting real nervous oh i just saw it i just saw it and oh i so it isn't dead oh thank god i thought that my vouch was a throw where was everyone where was everyone so i saw everyone walk down and i stayed near the cam because i wanted to see if the cams went off because if the lights go off then cams go off i'd assume that someone died there but jordan where did you i was i was camping outside to see if anybody went in think did you see him i i didn't i didn't you think it's the cap i think it's cap you think it's cap why do you think it's me we've already gotten one person out yeah and i got that personality yeah what was cap doing apart from just standing i was i was following everybody around you the whole time like i didn't see it at all you were missing quite a lot a lot i'm the one who got the person out it can't be me that's fair that's fair buyer no dude you have been playing very differently like there was one round where you just weren't eliminating anybody that's too meta leave it alone i'm happy to vote cap get him out get him out yes let's go but i like working there must there can't be that many tasks left surely yeah there's hardly anything left i finished mine i just know it's not pink and if razz and dan can vouch in security unless someone just all right i mean yes i can't vouch for him i know someone was on cams just vote please everybody was together when you started down vote vote vote i'm voting capitalism it's got to be kept gotta be cat the only person that wasn't together because everyone was bunched together was me i was on campus watching us i'm so glad i was right about dan you guys i thought i thought imposter yeah cam stayed on as well yeah i was watching the entire time the gamer girl harlan mckay thank you so much for the super chat sammy jones sponge brownie catherine cruz nikki lewis thank you so much for the kind message i'm 45 and my birthday's coming up oh i'm thinking damn it yeah i've got a 45 year old okay i'm sorry i keep pulling lauren and unmuting myself but yeah i know okay well when rest said it was down i was like that can't be true that can't be it yeah that's what that's why i thought it was him i'm gonna have to look back at my recording but i swear i saw dark blue there when i said i'm 45 my birthday is coming up but sparkles with my health is not the best oh well i hope you feel better soon nikki zak akik achiari thank you so much i'm so sorry for my pronunciation i've never done a meet and greet before i've hung out with viewers but i've never done a meet and greet i feel like if you're you're just going to say hi it there's less of a point to it what are you doing i was just checking if you missed any okay chris radford thank you so much for the super chat pearl yeomans valentine thank you so much for the super chat nadia sent a pretty good one i hope that i i need to stop unmuting myself when i'm reading super chats nadia sent you uh a tip for the plumbing job you did the other day that means she sent two scott right off the [Music] did lauren run out of tiff she ran out of vote ii all right that's good enough for me i never i never went into o2 i mean you're literally right but all right shoot lauren then shoot me i don't know gloom cup quake ggs go down from weapons and think and i were still on weapons yeah i stood up at weapons because i was scared of the dark and then i went down to o2 and that's when i saw lauren running out and body reported i'm pretty sure they okay for this round so only for a little bit i went down to admin are people skipping or voting i'm voting apparently even though i didn't see anything because the lights were out but well you don't have to see the press the killer body without thinking yeah and also the imposter can see pretty well oh yeah all right jimin yeah which i'm saying cupcake said she saw me clearly coming out of there which i want to end this meeting by apologizing for last game my behavior was absolutely terrible apology accepted you're doing great i think i realize what my problem is it's that my mute button is bind it it's bound to something different to apologize for getting uh imposter three times in a row happens to the best of us we have not got this lobby has not gotten a single imposter win today and that's not because the imposters are bad although the plays have been sloppy it's because the lobby is smart but this is an interesting one because scott is dead if you kill cara i think that this will descend into chaos i really hope that it was lauren i'm gonna feel really bad if it wasn't lauren like really bad you know what what i'm doing is like toxic because even if it is lauren we haven't had a single imposter win she might be trying to get a video right now like and i'm just like yeah get her out of here get her then get me like that's like so not fun i'm not doing that again not if it's lauren if it's anyone else then i i will escort them out of the ship myself but we have a like the task bar only goes up during meetings so you can't just like do taskbar accounting because a lot of people find that really to be unfun i find it to be quite stressful as well so many like when you play with a lobby that's really smart there's like so many different game breaking things that they can like quiz you on so it's kind of fun to like take those things out another thing i really want to try is the private voting or the anonymous voting because then all right buddy chill chill chill he seems fine no he seems fine okay i oh my goodness my tasks are everywhere okay so i feel like jack is fine i feel like dan might be he could have killed me and nav but he chose not to maybe he was on cooldown i don't know how he got there [Music] all right i think i'm gonna rock it with jack no i'm not gonna watch him do that it takes too long there's a lot of people here hopefully somebody can like oh oh wow that's a lot of kills wait no there were a lot of us in security who's all there i mean that was watched this one yeah yeah who's who's who's in the security cams reactor area right now i am doing wires i was just running and jordan came from wait so think you're doing wires who was in the area uh all i saw was jordan i was saying that i'm on campus right now and yeah someone wasn't tiffany i don't know who it was yeah it was what were you doing in there jordan i'm done with my tasks oh so you're just chilling checking all right did you check reactor i was running into reactor when it was cool okay okay um where is the body it's in the it's got to be on time it's gotta be on simon says cause that he was alive when i left them there and i went to upper reactor but oh yep so it had to be one of the areas i think most people were in the area were they not yeah were you there i mean i don't remember seeing you i mean cup quake was on cam so i i she wouldn't have seen who's around did you leave dad um yeah oh mia sorry after you said dad oh yeah hey hey dad you leave so i went right i'm in o2 right now oh really oh you you got it where you redirect the power you got the heck out of there all right well i guess me and me and uh jordan are probably the most sassier than right if cupcake was on cam don't know what i think was on wireless suspicious i'm not really in this round really well then who the heck was it is it a self-report it could be rez yeah hmm well i think we got one yeah it was it was too quiet that ran for not to beat one yeah i just assume that like most people don't self-report because it's a silly thing to do i i do it in desperate times i guess i guess that was a pretty desperate time we were all there what a ballsy kill my dad was an o2 by himself just checking men and cut his throat why'd you have to get the guy where everybody is all right i'm gonna go i'm gonna head out fix these lights if i don't come back then please avenge my death you're all together in security so i'm sure i'm sure you'll figure it out where the where the hell did think come from oh wait dan was just there just literally run it's the same room as before yeah which room the um raptor the reactor okay so i was i was literally locked in yeah jordan and gloom i was on admin table and i saw some venting between reactor and lower engine okay someone venting between reactors who was the last one who went into security uh i've not been in security was it yeah yeah jordan was in there first eye came sometimes it's gotta be gloom then it's gotta be gloom oh wow i've not been there anywhere near it did we get one imposter out cause i'm happy to i'm happy to get kicked if we got one already me jordan and fink were locked in the cam's room how long has dan been down i didn't yeah you're right you're right i'm sorry what do we hate this kind of tip i just don't know i'm kind of sauce of tiff as well to be honest why because you said you were with us when you weren't yeah it doesn't matter what you said [Laughter] okay to be fair i killed scott while everybody was going to lights and for some reason tiff didn't go to lights and went to oxygen sentence i'm gonna i'm gonna go to the bathroom so i'm gonna be fk for a bit oh sorry i'm just gonna do the bathroom here so if you hear anything suspicious that's just fine ah i'm gonna pick the best comment and i'm gonna read it i'm gonna read it from chat gloom i will give you 15 if you say and jean liu well prove it oh snap i'm just gonna watch actually is somebody gonna die here it's three people stacked on cassie maybe i'll just freak him out a little oh you think she's back but she's not it's actually me guys i'm back why don't you do some tasks maybe i guess i'll go to react i was kind of thinking i'd stay away and then that way they would uh cassie would have the excuse that i was just going around doing tests but now she's going to be back and she's not going to have any info yeah i kind of regretted it once i started i was just carrying did the chat tell you to do that no karen scott bet you can't guess which one it was oh car and scott were standing on your body so i thought that maybe oh they're regarding me yeah oh what the thought freak him out a little well i'm light-headed you know you can do you can like do that and then you can exit out so you can check like what's going on and you can oh really i always like just bought out and just okay i'm out of here i'm out of here we're not doing tasks today oh yeah we are we're doing tasks today we are doing we're doing tasks today she probably killed me because she definitely came out of a vent there i was a little suspicious but i wasn't sure but it was probably the best move to think oh no i didn't finish it wow that was a while is that the first round we're protecting nikki lewis zach ackley chris radford pearl yeomans valentine vrd kitty dragon eight thank you so much for the super chats yeah nadia pia here's a tip for that plumbing job you did uh thank you whenever we play uh phasmaphobia together we do like we're like yeah we're the best plumbing team and there ever was yeah and we're just like pretending that we're not scared and we're just like yeah there he is there's the ghost i have a picture that i really want to show you chat it's like really funny like it's like my friend like fixing his hair and there's literally a ghost behind him it's hilarious pearl yeomans lupita segova andrea bragg thank you so much for the super chats yina nina mandugo hi gloom today is my friend's birthday so i was wondering if you could say happy birthday happy birthday hope it's a good one kayla oklahoma hey chloe quinones hey carol a hey cassie i'm 50. 20 years with one old white dude is it your anniversary hey congrats on being 50. i want to be 50 one day jane williams i edit the world jennifer clayton and vrd thank you so much for the super chats i i do appreciate um my older viewers i appreciate that you watch me um i direct my audience with like a certain level of respect in hopes that my audience does skew a little bit older are these guys voting me car then i i would go over there i was i think pink's gone oh no he's not oh i thought we were all no suss on whatever [Music] i don't know how to tell someone to follow me into electrical if someone would follow me there they'll be great electrical okay this has be this this whole playthrough has become cassie versus simon says oh we did it ah we did it ah and q and q q q q oh yikers it's not me i was just following jordan to cue and kill him i thought you were just qq crying i was just making a joke oh let's cue the the quick kill thanks that's not something you want to say when you're unmuted okay is it i didn't i didn't do that it was right below admin like in storage i was just in storage and i saw i did see car was it yeah cara you were there spilling gas yeah was that the noise i walked my car honestly i thought it was like pretending to do like asteroids i will be like pew pew pew i don't know why cara would do that but it wasn't cara it was cup quake okay i'm happy to believe it no dude what's your defense because i i mean it wasn't me i walked through storage i did see cara on gas tanks slice a body in half on the cameras i believe it i don't know i don't know very nice [Music] [Music] vo anonymity is that that just it's just going to be nobody out of the ordinary chloe you hara abb this is anybody want me to share my tips and tricks thank you so much yeah let's go let's go i'm the imposter and i need to win please help yes she shouldn't have told us that she looked up takes tips and tricks like that's that's so embarrassing especially like she shouldn't have told me because like it made me more suspicious of her like it's she said that she really wants to like get back at me and scott today and so i dm scott and i was like we gotta watch out for lauren today because she'd be watching tips and tricks chloe uh and alema johnston thank you so much for the super chats i love your new song and thank you for all the laughs thank you thank you for enjoying the song we worked really hard on it it only took five days to make just because i was really stubborn i was like yeah we're doing this coming out five days and everyone was like what and i was like yeah and they were like can you sing cassie and i was like i could try oh my goodness have you guys heard the first draft after you die what i'm literally in admin explain so i went over to cam site and i was on there with jordan and i noticed a bunch of you come out of navigation which was raz lauren this comes rms it was just razz okay then razz and lauren both went towards oxygen side dan went up to weapons and he went up to weapons so i was like okay so they're both in cafeteria and obviously the four cameras show where you come out cafeteria either through to admin two weapons or two med b so i was like okay well i'll see them both come out and then it time passed and neither you came out either you came out and then you came out so i then decided okay i'm gonna run over and see if i can find dan because that's really strange and as soon as i just got into cafeteria the door shut which means feel like the other imposter shut the door just hoping i wouldn't get through it but i found dan there so let's think he's the only one that was in i mean i didn't even follow this when i was on cams but heck yeah wow it's like lawyer it's like watching legally blonde i'm i'm illegally blind of all the lost shows should you know if youtube ends i'll go into that one part organizing either one so who's the other one okay this game's gone so long sabrina show and brooklyn clark thank you so much for the super chats yeah so for the song um i'm like pretty i'm like i would say like a self-proclaimed competitive oops not even typing the code in i'm like a competitive karaoke er um and i learned when we were recording the song that karaoke and like in studio recording are not the same thing and like my first drafts sounded so bad and my brother was like cass like stop going like like just like just like chill like like bring it down like don't like just like talk really prettily right now because like you're not ready to be like screaming in a micro like you're not adele like you just like take it down a few notches and it sounded so much better when i got that tip also one of my moderators on discord um sherby like helped me like she gave me a lot of like tips for my singing as well and that's why it turned out so good well mostly it was like the um mostly it was the what's it called the arrangement that um my brother made and also one of our friends rylan he's like the best thing i've ever met in my life he did the harmonies so that's like also like what made it better like for something that was made in five days together or so our children were together yeah oh yes i can finally figure out what the tasks are on this map okay sparkles didn't fake keys he does that a lot like that's kind of like a mannerism he has hey jack do you want to watch me do um hey come on come on come on watch me do med scan i need somebody to clear me come on come on if you are the imposter and you kill me right now i will scream the loudest scream i've ever scram yes that's what you gotta do boy you gotta hop right on top make sure i'm okay yes and we wait here together you wanna go specimen you can't just leave me after you see me medscan like this is my way of saying protect me for the rest of the game come on we've got some tasks to do i don't know how rating works on youtube but creek i do appreciate it i think he just sends people there's no actual way to do it he just says he tells him to go okay really that's super nice i saw yellow die on vitals about 15 seconds ago went to find the body and happened to find it top right in lab while the lights were down so that's kind of been jordan cotton me or razz couldn't have been couldn't have been me or jack so who's left wait so me jordan and yeah all right i saw dan on the uh i was on id scan with him and then and then i was looking for the card swipe because i don't know where anything is on this map and the map that you gave me is great dan but i still don't understand it kef where were you coming from yeah i was afk in the beginning and then i just came straight down from uh if she wasn't that don't add up i don't remember yeah more of us were in there than us to start the round really yeah i just can't remember who well i know for sure it's not me scott or sparkly and tiff left right yeah okay yeah so i saw justin admin i haven't seen tiff though jeff said she was i went yeah and then i went down to is orange jack where'd you go boy hey oh my goodness don't leave me alone with pink oh my goodness where did he go oh ye okay there he is hey i thought we were i thought we were rocking together i thought you were rocking with the best come on let's do our bottles oh geez i'm gonna get oh raz running away from reactor why are you okay [Laughter] nobody died yet if it was jack this whole time and i've just been like following him around that's unlucky okay well at some point i have to start doing tasks so jordan were you there as well i was and then we were both running back up to lab youtube where i i was came late and met cassie jack and teff who were all there yeah jack did kill himself report really quick no did think uh do a reactor does anyone remember i didn't i was top left one oh okay yeah and then jack was sitting near the hole on the way back yes i think that this kill might have been during your the point i'm trying to make is i think that the body's old and i think they're probably if no one saw a thinker reactor then oh did you kill him yeah yeah yeah yeah i didn't think your reactor ink wasn't dead during the reactor because i checked vitals when it went off and there was no one dead which is why he was there on the left i'm hesitant to think it was jack do we have any other suspects no i got nothing for this round i know that razz and cupcake were in lower o2 yeah yeah i did o2 and then water will then run reactor went up i ran up to i met you guys after it was done why didn't you do third water this is slow and sneaky the only person i'm sure okay whole round it's very slow and sneaky which makes me think it makes me think task wins they're not familiar with how to do this thing this whole killing if i get killed up here i'm gonna be mad this man i've got like so many long tasks this is like the number one place to get murdered in this map it's so easy just kill somebody close the door and call like reactor or something it buys you so much time i have to do my o2 tasks too i'm scared just two more and then i can creep around gotta flip a switch and do the wires what the hell is this oh where was that oh it wasn't razz uh it's in specimen it's right on the oh right okay i have some little info i just saw scott come out of there and also i'm pretty sure it's upper right specimen in labs okay first sorry upper right decontam decontem not specimen i have one other sus one over sus and it's on scott again the other shot because i was just going into there i wasn't coming out of it i've been in that like kind of scene here jack seen me in there i've been an admin for ages i'm pretty sure i saw you just about to jump into a vent i'm almost sure almost sure or in labs i'm confused i'm sorry it was in uh deacon right right upper yeah all right i feel like it's been there for a while it has been there for a while yeah yeah carol you carry you and jack seen me when you were in admin yeah but where did you come from i came in from the side i'd done my download and the reset thing with cassie and then dan jack came in i then went up passing to the left reactor i met her and then i went to cams with sparkles and then i went down in through the lights yeah i still think this body i think this skill happened during after reactor and i haven't been outside of the map at all because the only time up there is med being i'm scared to go into it i saw three people go into lab and one of them was razz who were the other two uh i didn't go in with them but i did go in i saw tiff at the exit of lab earlier interesting i mean yeah i don't know what to do tiff is super unaccounted for i'm skipping i'm going to skip right waiting that you were there for so long well because i don't like talking over people oh you just yell next time i went to write reactor and then i went and i saw you and cassie coming from left because jordan and someone else was on right reactor i don't know about that chief quite suspicious quite suspicious indeed [Music] oh jeez you good scott is he scamming interesting you gonna kill me or oh it's tiff going to the scene of the crime you know serial killers like to do that they like to revisit the places in which they did atrocious crimes oh this one wasn't tiff come on scott we gotta go oh no that's pupils okay orange just died with chef and cassie so that rules the three of us out for this kill it's gotta be jack yeah no where is everyone storage and then i went top right where was the body done where is the bug uh it is in the door to admin oh so if you go from weapons you go right and it's in that door okay so me so i did my specimen task met cassie decomposed wait jack is in storage that's right what no no no i was in storage now on top right you aren't on top right because we would have passed you i'm just about to hit the lab i'm just about to enter the lab well then you just slide there because you were like i'm not i was in storage but i wasn't in the storage but i haven't stored my lifestyle to the right you would have seen me because i was there also i've seen the body then nobody's nowhere near that i thought it was bottom admin it is it's bottom line oh it's jack i saw no i think it's someone who's in that man no because me and cassie and tef have been together for name definitely not so yeah these people are dying one at a time so i feel like maybe tiff was trying to get an alibi with us that round yeah maybe it's tiffany jackson about jack here this time yeah i do i don't i don't have a reason for it to not be done with dan several times alone and he's not i don't know who his partner is if it is a partner that's like well there is a part of that i think maybe scott and carlos or scott and dan i don't know who's only one person if it is jack he had the most incredible strength restraint in the first round to not kill i just wish there was a double kill in first round so i could hard clear jack but it was a single kill and people have been suss of him before but that's the problem with having two impostors in the lobby is that they kind of mess up the info i think we're about to lose i think we're about to lose nice guys i don't know if you saved it or not and i still think it's cup quake look did you say you had med bay no i've just done med b i did it with cass did you have it yeah i've got it now you should have said that i'm sorry i know i said that i did it with cassie like cathy watching me so tiff why did you never do your last water wheel because the reactor was going off and i went to go run up to do it that was like three runs ago yeah i know there was a lot of time to do it tiff dude i didn't even know if you did it or not i was just that was greasy i liked that that was slimy see that's this is why we know it's you when you're the imposter because you don't this is creamy color this is why i think it's tiff see i think it's tough but i also think it was jack which means i'm happy to we're almost which one in task so i'm happy to like step in to see someone i mean it's not me i'm going to go ahead and vote too hail mary i think it's done oh okay i've heard it too oh oh yeah i hope not people are talking [Music] okay that was the longest game ever i felt like i was third impostering because like i've never been a crewmate on this and i didn't know where any of the tasks are and the arrows suck on this map i was trying to i yeah yeah if there was a if there was a double kill first round i would have fought for you to the death but i was a little suck i was really hoping that um tiff would kill twice in the first round so i could play yeah that would have done it i would have done it waiting you've seen me open the door like i came in from admin and opened it from your side you walked over there i didn't so oh are we bugging out the servers all right jordan rejoins it might work again if not i'll probably call that as my one i i kind of want to take a break before i stream so i'm going to dance cool that might last if that's okay cool yeah okay okay no imposters i mean i just never got to beat it again no one won imposter yeah no we didn't get a single imposter win today we were all so sloppy everybody was playing too uh too cautious [Laughter] if people want to play play who has the start button i have it now i haven't now okay thank you you're not doing one more lacrisha jojola emily oleg tyler is lazy pete zit and crystal tears thank you so much um all right let's do one super chat we'll see what happens um there's only eight people they just have to double kill twice and it's oh fur oh i had this thing i thought i had med scan i think that you just at this point you just got to take a risk okay can't be s3 where was that so that was just by trash on the bottom left okay i just want to fill clear me and lauren because we didn't meant to be and we can both account for each other yeah and we're i was waiting for cassie to go on but she didn't no i don't have that controversy but she was yeah that's fine so wait where is it again so it's uh bottom left you know outside trash just by that door so i feel like i i think i saw kara go into uh yeah yeah she went into deacon so me scott lauren and uh cara weren't there nowhere near there i was also i was in specimen i went through uh admin admin side yeah where did you go before that jordan uh let's see i went and did telescope and then i walked back out and then i went down to admin and then went in could it have been a self-report i'm just saying this early yeah yeah it's pretty early it's not me i know i can trust you dan raz where you at i told you i was doing go to the office to do my card oh my my swipey swipey why from where why because it's my task where were you before that that was just one part of your path uh-huh i i was wandering around looking for the thing the office i'm not playing so at least okay looking for the old office [Music] oh ridiculous all right all right i hope you gotta act fast i hope you find the office this time it's here i found it it's all right jesus who left jack and who oh think yeah makes sense i'm sorry are you gonna question what i thought yeah rez didn't you say you just did that task yeah i was going to your rounds you said no your wording was i did my swipe card oh no he asked you what you've done you said swipe card before that and then you went and stood at doing it again no i was going through it and that's why i wasn't being losing i'm sticking with my previous road i'm voting i'm voting res just because uh the imposters haven't got a win today this is kind of sauce remembering raz why didn't you do the badge too then the what i don't know what literally i don't know how to play this map i've literally never done it apart from the time we've just done so you get i'm waiting the time i'm salty we're greasy right now i remember the time when you were getting salty because everybody was picking on you and now look at you was a big girl i'm sorry rez i only voted because the imposters haven't won yet today and if this is a bad sus then that's kind of interesting it is it's a terrible sus to be honest yeah but also you committed through your im like being innocent all the way to the ejection screen so yeah you committed to the role you're gonna do me like that you're committed to the role i believe it it's i'm just i'm just because i didn't actually say that that's what i'm annoyed at because people are misremembering i said i haven't done it that's why i went straight there do you think i'm that stupid down there and to do it really really annoying sorry dad you said sorry sorry daddy okay i can't say that i can't say that just so just so you know i'm not doing my tasks have fun okay i'm scared i'm hitting the button we're gonna have to do some rapid fire stuff because i feel like people are gonna die oh another one most emergency meetings i'm sorry i'm sorry i feel like yeah i feel like if we were wrong then that's just really scary so what's up now well somebody is there only one if the imposters no there's two they would have done an emergency yeah i think you would have lost if they if there was two imposters if there was two imposters they would have called an emergency of some sort and then just double killed unless they're newer players who forgot yeah i'm pretty sure it's not me oh no we also know it's not lauren meanwhile 100 confirmed oh true i was just i was just looking at lauren's name not scott gloom lauren i'm not hard cleared should we no probably rise then [Laughter] we just step and see if a double happens or not oh but i don't know yeah let's just get let's should we just get dad out of here and call it a day yeah dan hasn't even gotten a kill yet i am now yeah but what's the sausage i mean i'm always down from wrong people unaccounted for reported first body yeah it could have been what's up report let's just skip then all right fine wow you're being so chaotic and then you change your mind you back out of it kara because i still kind of want to win you know i joined down at the end pure pressure i know it's not me so it doesn't matter what i do i'm spamming my report button where'd dan go lauren where'd dan go run run he's gonna kill us all lauren lauren oh oh my goodness get out of my way oh jeez oh oh don't leave me with that where's cara i think she must be on admin okay i'm fixing these lights and doo doo doo i really need to stop with the whole vote me out uh i'm clear thing because i'm not gonna do that as imposter i never do i mean i have a few times but oh that is a risky game to play wait where's everybody going what's going on here huh i don't have a button there's no reason i should be on admin right now i you know what me fixingthelights.com that's who i am that's what i do did not expect that uh i didn't see the body but i was walking toward electrical and then the report button flashed shut up where are you i'm right outside the door of decon i saw s major and someone else in there okay move she knows what she definitely that means she's an admin so she would have had her i was on adventures said she's seen you i mean i mean that leaves dan as the only one because scott and i were together i confirmed her scott and someone else was i just where mean sparkles are before we said where we were so i mean she did see us yeah okay then it's dan says me it's me okay but you misheard everything i said because you were so entertained i never once said i'd already done it because i'm not stupid enough to change it again someone's leave the record because it says so called live stream [Music] and then it would be obvious oh is it nice are they being nice in chat they said love you all tears duff jay 1378 pizza burger sushi probably sushi yeah alex suing and jenna wade thank you so much for the super chat holy heat no i didn't stop stuffing yourself just knowing no thank you so much that's a massive super chat thank you what are you doing all right what are we doing what are we doing here i'm calling it yeah all right scott all right tiff oh when i typed it oh god all righty [Laughter] well it looks like that's it what's up yeah yeah good games everybody i know it's all right it looks like that's it guys uh play again in like 15 minutes because that's when you i am going to end here i hope that you guys enjoyed the stream it was really chaotic today and there was not a single imposter when i think that um everyone in here is just really good friends we all know each other pretty well and um we're just really good at sussing each other and we were like trying to get like meme games or whatever so that's how that went terry what's up nothing just hanging out what's up boy thank you so much to the super chats thank you so much to everyone who's in my chat thank you to everybody who moderated my stream keeping my chat safe keeping it clean keeping it positive really appreciate it i've been really enjoying these among us streams and i hope to do more in the future maybe i can get another going but putting a lobby together is really hard work so this lobby was made by dan and he's pretty good at uh just being like among us and everyone's like yeah whereas for me i'm like i have to like get on dms and be like who wants to join and like try to like make this really cool super lobby by the way guys um there's a lot of people saying uh play with azzy in the chat play with azzy in the chat um i just wanted to let you guys know that azzy is very very busy in fact she's not in town right now um and uh you know i'll play with her whenever i can chat asking me to play with her isn't going to increase the frequency at which i play with her because that's dependent on scheduling and external factors also to add to that just because um you don't see two players play together doesn't mean that they're not friends anymore and also like uh please just try not to insult uh lobbies just because a streamer or a youtuber isn't playing with the group that you want that you would like to see is that kara anyways thank you so much for coming um i'm pretty sure is valk streaming right now yeah i'm pretty sure valkyrie is streaming right now so if you'd like then hop in her chat and tell her that gloom sent ya i hope you enjoyed
Channel: Gloom
Views: 1,965,552
Rating: 4.9152875 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us live, among us stream, dan, gloomgames, kassie, lauren, laurenzside, corpse, high iq, 1000 iq, imposter, imposter win, how to win among us, funny moments, among us funny moments, no cursing, no swearing, among us gloom, collab, video, among us gameplay, among us memes, Terry, smajor, dangthatsalongname, among us game, stream, live, razzbowski, karacorvus, ihascupquake, cupquake, captainsparklez, sparklez
Id: 8IGFUi9d6eU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 0sec (9120 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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