🔴 LIVE Among Us: Sykkuno Smajor Valkyrae LaurenzSide DanTDM Hafu Showthyme QuarterJade OMGChad

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oh my god we are live oh i'm late i'm late i'm late to this lobby lord come on come on lauren how are you doing oh wait wait that's tomorrow's video though my editor said she was like crying laughing she couldn't edit it is he gonna play with me or is he gonna report me i can't there was i was one of those where i was literally i was like lord all you need to do is tell us your other one and we'll let you do another summoning but then you didn't tell us it was jack oh yeah well in all honestly i have no interesting way to play today for once vanilla unless my chat can tell me um are you set up for going live yeah i just went live so i'm playing so what i was gonna say is we're gonna we're gonna adopt the way half his group plays um so basically you deafen through the game and then if you die you can understand the ghost can chat i think it's just more entertaining for if you die early it's a little bit better it just stops us knowing you've died if we just see like two people wonder true [Music] yeah so just if you die you wait until the meeting and then obviously after the meeting's done you can just knock it and then you can pass through your buddies i need my truck yeah yeah good luck good luck okay all right here it comes should we just jank thunk no i can't although usually it's good to get an early bird okay why is dan looking at me like that flip switch let's see what we can get here where's oh they're hiding they're hiding um where is this hafu where is this bang um hmm okay so i already did card swipe already uh i i i i don't have it in me i don't have it in me do i go for our our lovely boy dan i think i have to oh how are three people dead right now um okay so the lights you got the report awesome oh i didn't see yellow i don't know if any other bodies are near me you uh did you get are you in nav right now i'm in reactor oh there's a body in nav as well i saw lauren run past me and there's a body and nav i didn't see which one wait where were you um dan i left dan on weapons so he was probably right side maybe let's see i saw i saw lauren standing on top of a vent [Music] i was trying to stay away from you you mean stay away from me yeah i was at leaves and i see her run past and then i'm going into nav and there's a report button i thought i got the report off but i guess uh this is on the other side of their body i'm all discombobulated because i was still getting stuff set up but i swear it was not me i don't know i haven't seen any bodies at all the only people the only person i've seen is psycho and that was right toward the end i mean i saw you but i was like i saw you first lights that's it and then there's one in reactor i saw her standing on top of the vent by shields after wait you saw me doing shields and then i moved away from shields and stood in the corner away from you [Laughter] stay away from me what make sure to date them i guess i'm gonna go fill claw okay so i think that we can like rock together now um since everything do be looking good one no don't go don't go deep or meet her oh man what do i do i no no no no no oh oh oh that was actually fast i okay i had my cool down time i was like no not right now not right now [Applause] there was a couple of things cassie did that maybe a little movement but then time killed who jumped in the vent who did i see jump into the event electrical uh no before i died i basically was analytical chad was there and i noticed the lights got fixed and i noticed the vent and i was like shaking at them if it was chad in the back that was me i'm like chad saw me i'm waiting for him at the button nothing yeah i've seen that and then i went to advent i've seen timecard and i was like maybe it's time as he murders yeah so i was like okay i did see a flamingo hat so i'm like if i see that flamingo okay now i can be a good little girl hey come on lauren where is she at well i guess i'll just hang out with all these all these attractive good-looking hot gorgeous beautiful seductive people hi hey scott how are you do you remember the time i didn't kill you first yeah me too actually it's a really good one oh remember that time you remember when you remember when do we remember when scott dan do you remember when dan please i'm too young to oh no no oh it's right in front of electrical doors yep so halfway came in after me dan came in after me i was heading first though it was funny i i opened the panel as i said yeah you came in with like you were yeah ended up just letting you do it because i realize you're much quicker at these things than i am so it's like i'll just have to do it yeah i leave it because of pink yeah you think it's someone who didn't actually go in electrical they could have done it because all three of us did the same yeah that was pretty awkward it was a very nice was the titanic wait what oh generally you don't have three people on the same download so probably okay spicy well this kill couldn't be uh jade or myself because we walked up on it jody or time yeah he was first likes second to lights wait what if we all really have downloads yeah i i actually did have download there yeah that's what i'm saying like i have that one okay okay it's very impossible it's just a small thing well it definitely you should either see us as both imposters or not because we both walked up on the body and it's already dead so either we're lying together or chat can you like see all of the bubbles and everything either we're both imposters why is it so blurry and if that's the yeah the am i blurry that means the other impossible we could be the second imposter but not for this at certain times it looks like it just depends on if your face is music oh i'm trying not to be blurry broken gamer chloe dreamer boy look resha ja jolla thank you so much so much i feel like i haven't streamed among us in forever even though i like i feel like i did recently one week ago one week ago today i guess i'll do my garbage chloe do you like netflix or youtube more i like them both for different reasons nishinoya's knee pads thank you so much for the super chat chloe oh i'm going to follow this dan man google duo or facetime why is everyone asking me questions thank you for the super chat though aaliyah gemini pharrell photo thank you for the love from new zealand love from canada oh lauren hey hey beauty how's it how are you doing where is everyone ray is on download and i just am standing under her okay i just passed electrical halfway went into electrical and then the lights went out i went and fixed light half of his dead at the back electrical i'm pretty sure i just saw either the event move in security wait you can see that move even in dark right right you're going to grab my hand you can see walls and such but i was just that security oh yeah where's my day you ended monday with me yep yep so wouldn't it also good i found a lauren's body in storage oh i saw dan run from comms into storage that's one yeah that was that was a while ago though yeah it's like i was on cameras and then i came in that day after oh okay and then i did the alignment thing and about time i was done the alignment thing i wrapped around left and then i went ultimately to my upload did my upload and then ray uh is on upload now i guess oh he's clearing right now i don't know where ray came from though because the lights are turning off i just ended up sitting under her because my upload finished this was the only thing that's making me slightly more sus currently towards jody and time is happy obviously had the task because she was okay that's yeah so it could be time all i'm saying is halfway through you had the same download bruh definitely was on this one like who knows huh i think it was quick definitely somebody oh my goodness somebody's got to try to keep um seikuno alive because he's got one of them hello ghosts uh dan oh this one's going to be a juicer with those two i know scott's playing it good too yeah playing it dirty i was pretty i was trying to protect him too yeah it feels weird not having like an objective to play today like last time i had the ritual it's like when you find a dead body it's like a tick-tock meme if you find a dead body you have to like circle it with witch's hats until someone finds you so it just caused chaos because nobody knew if you just found a body or if you killed somebody in the certificate um then i had like the color wheel thing that i had to kill whatever color wheel color came up but now i have no creative way to play today i've run out of ideas you could just throw how about that yeah scott was like just be suspicious all the time and i was like i'm do it i do that not even trying i got i'm gonna throw it here and i'm gonna clear jody because as she was doing the same thing as i was doing the lights right like running around looking for a body and i passed over her and got a panic attack but she didn't murder me right inside the ship so i'm going to take it because i saw time go to the from right so i was like oh and lights just came out so i went and tried to check if there's bodies but obviously there aren't i also passed like on cafeteria and he was running towards med bay oh okay um okay so that's interesting because like i actually want to say i'm super suss of jody yeah oh that i'm not i have never seen anyone double back oh i okay so my my pathing was weird because i thought you were gonna kill me so you an electrical i avoided you walked out with time so that you if like unless you both are the imposter it's a great game i walk by the infinity electrical test and then i think it's not jody or ray i'm still so so tight i don't know why you say it's me because hafu scanned in front of you and then hafu ended up dead so i i'll reciprocate the sauce no allah so the reason i'm saucing you is because of what happy said before she died off the fact and i haven't seen jodie at the upload that's what i'm saying let's say is there a rhyme or reason behind that oh there's extreme reasoning i'll tell you mostly a rock okay oh no oh ray i could tell there's nothing good of you [Music] oh my goodness somebody please protect psych who knows somebody he's harping on the thing it's really unlikely for three crew to have the same download because there's one in cafeteria oh no there's five downloads yeah it's really unlikely there's one in cafeteria one on top of weapons one navigation one in call and one in the back of electrical and there's eight clear right two imposters so having three on one is super unlikely but it happened once in afternoon that's okay statistically you're usually right and that's what counts oh this is scary oh no this one's an admin um oh two oh wait oh no i wouldn't have if you think i'm suss why would i do that i knew she was innocent well i just where was the body because i for that i don't know jody's 100 percent clear there's nothing okay you're making me yeah you're gonna work if you are so hot well how would like okay to be fair like why are you clearing me i saw you met scanny oh that's true i didn't i was clear well i didn't know if that was oh yeah yeah okay scanning in the dark so that i mean asking to be murdered but also saying like i'm safe from the halfway thing of it being three of you having the same download which is possible very unlikely halfway is innocent and jade has scanned which means if anyone was faking it has to be tied the reason i'm well so the reason no the only reason to go against that logic because i played with you enough is if you had please vote for somebody please scott's wasting all the time but uh i'm thinking about ann and scott well you just thank god at this point scott scott for some reason my name though is white so i'm not sure why i wasn't able to kill anyone i think that's because i have the red one [Music] chloe landon warren marisol r thank you so much for the super chat i'm actually not sure that's like a terry question or something oh my god oh my god i flew the charger yeah i thought so too i'm like okay he's with me and then i'm like what it's like you know voted first that we were safe at that point but oh yeah no i checked the car i just knew jody was innocent so when he accused jody i was like okay he's trying to kill an issue i just said i thought until he said this again so i was like hmm and trash leaves trash chute leaving first so i can't really do anything here unless i'm gonna go for a risky a risky one risky business fix the lights i see great wow everybody's really sticking together here um well then oh i was just seen i can say i was hiding in the back of electrical i don't know though uh oh here we go i'm just gonna try to do as much as i can it's to her every time she's scanning you cut her down killing her first day i feel bad i invited her here she's been murdered for several times i used her evidence against her yeah yeah we were dead together so i got to talk to her but she's been quiet a lot he's been dead for like at least 10 seconds because i was on an admin and i saw someone on med bay that's why i started going there and the door is locked so i couldn't get there so maybe 50. cameras and electrical okay there was no one in a little because i ended just coming out of electrical it also confused me for a thing because lauren and ray have swapped colours so yeah i saw her electrical and i was like wait who's that i thought experience and i didn't see anyone but glue walked out of reactor like when i finished but i don't think yeah that's correct yeah yeah i couldn't i don't think it could have been rey if it was recent because she was doing gas and then she got stuck in bottom left we don't know where his is yeah wait we don't want to say which body is reported on scanner um so the last people i seen was chad and tymon admin because we stuck together when lights went out and then i went did my trash in and went into lights and then your body was fine so um i know nothing yeah i haven't seen a lot of people i have absolutely no i've taken like several days off playing this now so i'm coming back yeah me too little brain dead it's okay yeah luckily i feel like baby rain wrong like i'm going to hang with a classic lauren she's a classic she's a classic unforgettable unforgettable oh chad come on boy you're asking for it can someone please like go on cams or something so i can just that was really tempting hmm we got the scot man on cam i just saw blood i saw that blood spur through the wall wait have you seen the blood does that not mean it's a jody kell no i just walked up and cam saw me uh did cam see it i seen you all move but then i came off cams before i bought no no lauren like she was like she was like right ahead like she was like ahead of us and maybe she was like it could be a self-report like wait these people are coming right behind me a little bit where i came from cams knew that i came from admin i walked up and then the body was already there and then i walked in more oh wait i thought we were all coming from a reactor i okay my brain's not working cassie learn and time all came from reactor ray came from other side i was on right hand side i was doing my right hand side task wrapped up and round i was running down through cafe at the end i crossed ray uh okay so you're saying that showtime was on cams no i was on camera oh so you saw me like an evolution oh well i only i only saw lauren so yeah i screwed up on simon says so it took forever the worst it sounds like it's just ray rain dance but who knows wait why are me just because the ones that are unaccounted for in this situation right side isn't that where the body's on the opposite side though so why wouldn't it be you guys yeah okay i gotta i gotta put in some how'd they say okay chad seriously like three of us that's like too many right now it's too many jeez where's lauren where is everybody what okay i need i need to put in the work i need to put in the work i need to put in the work oh i missed okay yeah i just thought like i've been following lauren around a lot and i like i should be doing tasks but like chad's like following us a lot if she's saying she should be doing tasks but the bar is almost done but she feels like she doesn't have tasks because she's the imposter no i don't know i don't i don't have a bunch oh my god no oh my god no [Music] oh so she was running after chad and i know chad said he had one thing so i was like i was like i am going with them because i feel like she's gonna try and take me where's the body just outside electrical dan just walked past oh no i was i was almost at the panel i saw it just a minute ago it was like at least two body lengths away from me okay i was saying i didn't see it happen because they i lost track of chad when the lights went out everything was like i stayed in admin with jordy for you just because i was like jody kill me do it go kill it i'm not stacking kill it because she didn't and then i ran down the report button came up okay the safer base i feel like here i'm leaning towards gloom or done can somebody can somebody please vouch for me that i didn't do it i was stacked on like three people and i was ahead come on come on are lights fixed do we have two shoots i don't think they're i don't know yes we do have two um what did you know if lights were thick scott no because i can't see the arrow because i'm in front of a light what's that right uh i think it's lauren or jody okay or dan the whole time that's that's why the kills have been so slow like maybe you were trying to kill chad i thought chad was trying to kill you in between the gun run up to the dead body so then everyone unaccounted for is probably the one that i didn't walk i didn't walk up to it i was past it but i didn't realize that like when i was like i don't have that many tasks like i didn't realize we had literally one left i didn't realize we had lit i was like yeah i'm just not doing my tasks and then i didn't realize we had just like two left like that right there it was like the biggest throw but yeah seriously chad you were like following lauren the whole time yeah there is a singular task i think it must be a ghost i think somebody's bitter i think we need to vote off the way you play when you're in posters you stay quiet which you did last round because you're with me and in this room you don't really see anything that's that's my play style all the time because gloom said that she was successful jody and lauren so that makes it yeah right so it has to be your s major for me i'm actually throwing it i'm a little rusty yeah so that's basic like if gloom was the right call which i don't know no we would have lost no we would like the lights where it lights right lauren what do you want to do lauren and julia what are you doing i'll follow you no don't shoot me please i haven't seen yeah that's my other thing is i've barely haven't seen many people and ray i saw you top right i'll go for done i don't know if ray would reported that body if this is like a rain jody thing like i'm impressed [Music] hey guys guys you guys are you guys are always so grouped uh it was so hard the only time i the issue of those cats the only time i seen gripped was you lauren and chad like yeah i was okay no every time i tried to break off to another group it was another like every time i tried to break off as another group it's why at one point i was like joe to kill me wait so who killed in the electrical when me and cassie saw the blood that was me dan's like i didn't kill the person in electrical lines [Music] i didn't know you could like spurt blood through walls oh my god scott when i said that like i had i had some tasks left and then we like kept we continued the game and there was only like two left i was like oh [Music] yeah she's a she's a little uh she's a little rusty what can you do about it not too much not me i need to go with uh oh okay uh okay all right all right okay no thank you don't don't someone's messing with the lights all right off i go rain cycle playing together a lot it's good good insurance hafu you okay wait we don't know wait do we oh i just did it i'm actually brain dead okay well i guess i'm just gonna do some tests by my lonesome and uh hopefully it all works out for the best okay who's in navi yeah that's the body i think yeah i think that yeah i'm in o2 no no no i went to navigation okay so i saw chad running down oh from navigation well the body's been there for a while right well he's on shields i was an admin and then i went down through storage over to shields yeah i'm confused how does that make me stuff oh i i thought you were not from admin admin's the one with the swipey card right yeah yeah i was in there um also lauren when did you leave dan uh when did i leave jan i was with him a lot in the beginning we went to electrical probably after electrical yeah because then i went fan fix lights yeah i saw it turned on and off i was going to say well i didn't kill dan i would never do that oh oh wow uh what's that about oh my finger okay it's lauren actually i don't care i don't know about those two i'm just gonna mind my own business what do you think sekuno huh maybe i'll i'll keep you up what if it's come on oh my goodness oh my goodness uh i'm blacking out nice okay nav time oh hi jody i'm slept with him a minute okay well chad and jody i am so upset that ray i'm pretty sure rey went to the left because she thought someone killed the left i just like passed her top well okay not really i left her a long time ago where are you guys at right now i'm on the right with na in navi with bloom yeah okay me and cycuno were in weapons but you might think that i'm coming from the body then if it's on nav because i was in the bodies and reactor the body's like oh oh oh oh i heard it me and valk and valkyrie and jody we started med bay uh brave was scanning and then i didn't really want to go to reactor alone with chad because i was obsessive in last round so i waited jodi was there and then uh o2 was called so i ran to admin i think you guys saw me and but it was fixed so i read i checked on admin there were two in reactor so i ran back and the body is on one through 10. okay so it's a cute casual chad and lauren yeah that's probably chad and lauren why why the lauren because i was in uh admin and the o2 went off well for sure but for sure chad then right yeah if he was on the yeah you guys are uh right uh forever i'm not scanned no it was the only ray that scanned yeah ray scan but we left her i mean you guys can skip if you're not sure uh this is the second time i've been suspended so i'm gonna vote him again yeah i just went for it i trust your intuition i also i don't feel great about this but then skip if you don't like it yeah yeah take a moral stance yes yeah but now if it's him i'm gonna yeah pumps me up it pumps it pumps me up you get pumped up jody you like getting pumped up hey lauren uh maybe we'll just stick together and you can kill me if you want okay girl come on come on here oh all right i gave her an offering i gave her the kindest offering i could and she didn't take it she wasn't fighting landon warren zuri casmiro sadie care madisol modisol r thank you so much for the super chat oh and they took hafu right out wait a minute chad's dead oh wait we voted them off all right um so i was in reactor the lights went off i went down to go to electrical fixed lights and found uh hurt in the hallway leading to lights like right outside of lights to the left um i didn't know yeah i actually just finished my upload an advent i have no information same i'm doing download in comms i'm just standing there with my mouth hanging open anyone else uh you're doing downloading comms or i mean upload an ad okay yeah downloading um i mean i saw psycho last round in weapons um you didn't kill me even though we were like pretty secluded i would say but at the same time he is a wild card so i will not i'm one i'm outside there i'm i'm just innocent guys okay yeah who is it then does anyone have an unsubstantiated suss time to do an unsubstantiated it would be either or lauren um why well um well i i had a hunch a few rounds ago but i forgot why but the hunch is still there like the feeling's still there i just don't remember why okay well someone sussed lauren in the other rounds what's your truth seikuno tell us your truth my words you're true yeah let's shoot you could go for someone here but but who i don't know i think legit the only person [Music] oh my god god help us god help us all god help us all god help us all after doing that here now so this is awkward so did i mention that i didn't remember why i thought it was her yeah i wasn't sure about it um yeah i just felt bad so i hit the button anyways so uh leave that i guess my only i guess my only success would be left on time because oh gloom fixed top right oxygen by herself yeah but i fixed the admin oxygen when it was called by that logic yeah and i fixed light oh i really don't know i really don't know well it could be me right well if i just go into me i don't need the anxiety i don't need you no no no no anxiety yeah no no we just skipped it's okay i honestly have a lot of tasks left um yeah same um okay this is i don't know i i don't know like is it cycuno did he just like throw lauren out is that his thing i don't know all i know is that i kind of want to kind of want to die oh come on all right i guess i'll see what happens oh boy okay i gotta go in here oh geez okay come on who could it be i'm really not suspicious of uh jody at all like i really uh was not out here trying to get some valuable information whoa whoa whoa they're partners on the bright side i only have a couple tasks left i can finish this hopefully nobody dies in the meantime this is just not the time to be doing download this is not the time but i have to all right here we go is it the whole troop here yeah whole troops in nice i can do my wires my download maybe we can get a nice little task when oh okay i'm stissed all right come on guys come on fellas we gotta go we gotta go gotta get the job done flip the switch i think i have one wire and then oh no dude yeah not like this not like this the 50 50 anxiety yep where is it uh it's uh on on top of weapons no way dude yeah who do you think uh you went where did you go i went off i went to flip my switch they went off while i was flipping the switch i think i'm headed towards the lights so it's a bit different than you guys no wait where are you heading towards lights i'm near admin wait you think this is me i don't know either of you oh so i'm actually oh god i'm actually leaning towards the game only because me and cyclone and gloom were together and if she 550 there then i think it would have been obvious that it was her but then the but then i really don't know the second that i reached like checking i wanted to like bait the killer into just trying to get a kill and then so i went to like admin i left you guys no one would kill and then of course when lights turn off it's just like dude so wait time you were stacked on top of us right you're stacked on top of us right or no no i'm i'm not like uh i would say i'm in like uh cafeteria right now oh so so neither it's on weapons like where you do weapons so neither of you are anywhere near the body is that what you're saying right now i didn't i don't i don't i don't know where right and i don't know where you are in this right now i'm in weapons i flip the switch and there's no way well it's not me so ggs no no oh that's a youtuber oh my goodness nice job oh nice time yeah when you had that 50 50 anxiety i was like he's not that good of an actor like who is this cassie never trust me you bring him to these lobbies yeah no that was really good never trust him time gaslights when he's the imposter that's true dude i thought i thought the cast were gonna finish my hand started power farming the tasks i did see his i did see his green body but i figured that jody might be lying because she's so good i just didn't think that um time was that good of an actor it was really well played by him oh god that scared me so bad right outside of admin uh sakuno just flopped like just died in that case i can clear lawden from this case because we were on weapons i literally walked i walked down from cafeteria the report button flashed and i thought you lost so i was top right cafeteria doing my trash i stayed there for a little bit and i left uh rey saicuno and i think it was hafu there i'm not like i was gonna say i left sakuna with dan uh as i left i yeah i'm going i didn't see ray hear this you didn't see me right it was definitely totally i was on the download right that's i mean it was before light so i couldn't see but after i got off the lights were off and the only two colors i saw were green and blue so i'm really so sedan oh this is not me i was i was a head so i walked ahead of sycuno and rey and there was one other person i thought it was yellow but i must be wrong no no ray was definitely there i definitely left first i'm already on the lights panel there's four off and maybe i flicked one on but they were uh the left four were off so i i believe that the only person i definitely left there then was rain cycuno and then i'm top of storage i'm really confused why so i was i'm very confident hot food didn't do this because like she was in my vision the entire time like we were download or upload whichever ones together lights were out and she was in my vision all the way until light panel oh really yeah like i was like on you unless it's like decent it could be a lot better to be fair yeah okay cause i i i did like your colors and i only saw green and blue no i don't know did you see chad while we were walking in that area because i swore i saw red come up uh i don't think so but i found it in the dark so are we doing the rule where i didn't go on cams until i've done my tasks it might have been the report read but i was thinking the imposters are waiting on we need as much as we can okay i'm gonna go fix the lights oh my goodness i have so many tasks in electrical okay i feel like when you play a lot of among us like you get like this fatigue um that makes you it just makes you think in a meta way too much and it kind of makes like a low-key makes you throw a little bit it just makes you like ask yourself like would this person do this rather than like what did i see like i'm just gonna go off of what i saw okay hmm chad is just he do be lurking what for though like what what is he doing it could be the case that lauren suss was correct but i just missed it okay well i walked up to left engine and chad is killing and walking away oh i saw the entire lights are on my friend i didn't see the body but i wasn't you know i saw your little red devil in the stubby thing in the blood and so much hey hey nice call on that lauren i just missed it it was not me was it bad it wasn't then i don't know i didn't see anything okay with the lights off well at least you don't have to do the 50 50. [Laughter] chad chad all you had to do was say was [Music] hawful god my tests are everywhere i've been walking the dog so much that like i've done enough cardio can't all my tasks just be together okay me it's my turn to fix the lights mia ha ha [Music] um oh hi jody chill game hey we got shout out just relax a little bit kick back enjoy ourselves think about our futures think about the kind of people we may become oh uh okay well ray i mean uh this is on med scanner you're hanging around there i went to admin i saw dan try to scan and then he moved and i was like whatever and i walked away and then i'm done with the pass i went to admin one in storage two in med bay i don't remember the other day kicks but just because o2 got so we both went into all three of us went into med area hafu and i uh i'm assuming you were finishing vials as well and then dan did scan you left and i also left and i am now at the top o2 oh so this might be an old one or new wait it's pretty it's pretty i just got there like hearing weapons uh probably yeah actually i don't know my exact exact location but like i'm i'm literally heading them to fix it okay i'm doing chopper 2 right now gloom should be somewhere like on navi or something someone wasn't storage who was that that was me walking across the track i'm in reactor i failed that simon says that i was doing when you left yes do you see why don't judge me i think it's rey it's not me it's not it it can't be me and jody i don't think if it's new uh if you're a crew we're a hundred percent on chad right just wanna yeah okay anytime yeah i believe her for the chat okay i was trying to do that too and i had so many left you run fast oh yeah this when i play with happy group they play on like full tasks like the max amount of everything this is right now too oh aren't we oh i didn't even realize do we okay i'll remove one of the long tasks and no shortcuts will just make it a little bit easier there we go oh chad killed me chad played it i thought okay so he wouldn't murder me here and then i was like oh my god it must be the most reported never mind it's not just chad it was like your defense was i didn't see the body should we play um sweat style sweaty ball style run oh man i hate this i hate how i almost always go and i almost always get killed just trying to keep the lights on for my brethren that's good oops hmm me looking kind of clean scott i don't think about too much because he doesn't typically kill me first yet again we have another medical that doesn't that i don't know not ideal okay ray's looking really clean i just have one or a couple more i'm going to just like peel the perimeters here so uh i'm probably going to die oh i can't see where's the body right in front of med bay oh yeah i just actually walked over it before i realized it was still standing wasn't it oh you mean in front of the door yeah yeah okay so then you know it's not me because i passed you and went into it i was on the med base guys so uh everybody [Music] just happened yeah no it was still standing i saw i saw dan's little legs at the door of it like literally on it i had four seconds to go do you have a uh alibi me okay yeah my alibi is i'm on the midway scan i passed you going into the room jordan did anybody see you there yeah jordy jody came out the room and i went into the room and also if i was making up i wouldn't be like yes it was me i wasn't in the party jody i feel like i'm choosing the one in there i i feel like you would have had to have seen who did it because the legs were standing there that's why i was saying that i had i wanted to wait no i think no no no one of you is either gloom who rovers in med bay i'm willing to 50 50 on jody oh wait i'm not trying to fit this way it's gotta be it's gotta be it's gotta be oh i don't have my med b if anyone see from my point of view it was like we both walked that i didn't really i think just be kind of we both walked up to a pair of legs from different angles uh maybe you're the imposter then maybe you okay i'm just gonna stay the heck actually i'm gonna do my tasks am i like gaslighting myself i i was just walking i was did my right side tasks okay lights went on i'm walking up the bodies right next to the gas okay i can hard clear me uh chad and sakuyno for this kill because we are stood in a corner on top of each other and made babies major and chad yeah yep okay i took flights got them on really really really i was up in the top left finishing my like task where you have to line up the line thingy okay where did you go after your life that's a lie that's where i am right now guys i just left s major chad as well and lauren and i'm there doing the exact task that you just i'm so sure it's jody but why would she self-report twice why would i why would i say that i was doing a task that somebody else was there and would obviously know that i was not bluffing because they said it first example yeah yeah it's unlucky that that's the exact task i was doing oh i still don't know if i want to watch this i mean i feel good to shoot but that's from my perspective because you guys are together i know it's not a chad did you made me yeah yeah yeah i don't know yeah i swear you only she on seven when you're imposter no really because i shot yeah she's lying [Music] okay okay so what just happened here's what here's what i don't get me mia okay wait who's the other one who's no wait yeah and jody so what happened yeah so me and jody walked into this body in separate angles like how do i get people to believe me i'm surprised they didn't vote her next because after you're dead who else is there to blame yeah wait it's not rey no no why didn't she say i wasn't there i wasn't what does happen oh i can't believe i reported it that fast it's like really you think it's me and hafu yep oh oh um well i'm talking about hafu because i'm pretty sure i saw her kill but oh wait wait jody i have a good question for you if i was the killer why did i why would you work your body instead of just killing you and winning i don't know just just because i know it's not chad he's the only one i'm trusting like look it's major chad you guys trust me right i cleared you for one second as much you guys see the one out of two on the reactor right that's me that's i'm holding it kill your i saw you kill didn't i okay i'm gonna be honest thank you maybe there's three imposters i know you guys we have to vote for jody we have to vote for jody because children dude i was holding the right thing [Music] it's not hafu [Music] what hello you know reporter in the universe i really thought we were going to do the double kill there like deja vu i remember he did this to me when me and ray were imposters holy crap this guy's yeah he built that fortitude over cookie clicker or something what's it called my chat is saying that ray was at the bottom left doing the line thing and i said i was in top left and she got confused and just was like no i was there with you and i was like wait so apparently she was in the bottom one doing the first part of the test and i was in the oh i'm glad i found that body um major yes um what'd you see i seen you trying to lock me in the electrical one she's like you know also jody's dying words where he [ __ ] up this double kill huh that would show these dying words wait so you you you thought i was trying to lock you in electrical to stop you from finding the body yes oh that that would make a lot of sense because we were the only ones there and i was trying to trap you there so you couldn't find it right mm-hmm but i was in electrical with you how did i kill you close in the mental light yeah oh that makes sense yeah it could have been me huh but i know [Music] you're very good oh my god me and scott just got dumpstered [Music] it was it was that and then it was about there she did because she's an actress get her the girl get her the grammy and then but jody was the imposter and then halfway i just haven't used that you need to stop being no happen i'm always scared of your knife huh when you were like you need to not be scared off me huh yeah i did but the reason i voted for jody was because the innocent people locked in jody oh wait oh jody killed him i killed oh i thought i thought hafu killed but since i knew s major and chad were clean i had to vote [Music] oh that makes way more sense yeah [Music] top left doing the second part of that line thing and then ray was like i was there and i was like no he worked i was there that's so weird it's so funny for the same target yeah yeah yeah i know i have trust issues i tried to give you the benefit of the day is meeting like this chad chad did you do a mother murder chad did you kill in front of people again in my entire among us career i have never self-reported a body oh okay okay because you reported i thought i said okay okay i saw a black thing and then i saw chad and i thought i maybe saw dan so uh you saw me right after the lights went up uh-huh i fixed the lights and then i ran to the back like on the panel and you were running away from the panel uh-huh the lights were fixed right i fixed the lights i ran away from the panel it's not me why would she fix the lights and then run away yeah that'd be why would i fix the lights and killing broad daylight yes is lauren fix the lights and then she killed and then oh that's yeah no yeah you got me yeah yeah i was gonna hit skip too cause i was like no i was kidding he didn't actually get me but there's nothing he didn't actually get me but there's nothing i can say like like i didn't do it i fixed the lights oh yeah i think that whole 20 hours a day thing is a bunch of phooey sorry chad oh i can talk to my buddy somebody hey oh hi how are you going thought we could catch up oh i said i was like oh she didn't have mute she's too scared to face me after what just happened oh no i went to the bathroom thought we could catch up um yeah i know that okay so can you please like get a restraining order on chad because every time i'm imposter he just follows you around hello friends i think gray is hiding a body ray just called the button oh yeah that makes sense i called the button because i lost i could pretty clear of it second was dead yeah that explains everything is anyone in weapons right now that was rey she just came out of it and hit the button unless you mean someone's still there then that's probably his one i was i was locked in cafeteria and i was running around and then i didn't know uh you know the old saying i thought she was locked in there with me and then she i think she went through the door yeah i was an admin yeah but while i was an admin and the doors are locked someone is in weapons but that was for me not you so i was thinking that maybe dan what tasks did you do i'm i'm i'm confirming i was also looking at is anyone hard cleared like did anyone scan her probably chad because he got me i want to know what dan tasks stand on no because his movement was so weird so i was i was trying to follow you i was trying to come with you i was an admin for ages at the beginning i've done gas fill i've done my upper and lower engine i checked security a few times and now i'm coming up from shields okay that makes sense if you're saying you're following it's just because i ca i ran over you in the dark like twice and i was like yeah his movement's really weird but he's also not murdered me and i don't know if he just cause his cooldowns not up i'm not sure no my movement's always weird so why did you call button because i sakura's the only person i was sure was clear because we were together for a lot until like the last 20 seconds i lost him i think it was when the lights went out i am really obsessed with the button but why that that's your only way just know what it is none of us thank you so much for the super chat hey happy birthday boom you're right you're the killer right of course duh no i got caught red-handed like the bot that i am there is a good one now oh really yeah i thought you were innocent actually oh oh it worked this is like this is the acting lobby great performances tonight she just killed scott true nobody saw we i have no clue what happened here but uh i think red who who did lights dan did lights it's it's either red and brown or red and white just left uh cafeteria and there was a body in there i didn't leave calf i went from lights to yeah so jade was definitely light ray left catfish yeah yeah i i definitely passed through the cafeteria yeah where exactly is the block the body i don't even know where it is i can't even find it but uh i went to go butt in because i saw when the lights were off chad and someone else uh at the left entrance of the cafeteria it wouldn't be me because i threw cassie under the bus super hardcore i was also super hardcore through her outfit like i said i'm still not convinced she was actually yeah so you think there's two killers still yeah so ray just came from canada i did they would have killed me they would have killed me i think they had two people up there and dan could have killed me no no no no no i was like literally the third person to vote for it because i thought she i literally just said last round i thought she confessed instantly this whole time that kind of breaks the pair up we have to break the pairs yeah so he broke the pair by tossing you and then um dan and jody are together but i saw chad literally right now in cafeteria leaving a dead body with someone else and i think he just didn't see it i think it's i think i did pass chad in cafeteria too there's no way i would have i don't chad where were you in the cafeteria where were you [Music] to feel bad after she's just saying me yeah that was me i'm sorry oh god dude ray that was my bad i've realized that like in my break of playing this i now feel remorse for people when they tell me like no i'm not like oh god i feel guilty like two weeks ago i was like get the night honestly yeah everyone's got too good at making me feel horrible [Music] oh we do oh yeah yeah courage oh yeah heck yeah alright i head up i was just staring at my game waiting for i drank this whole thing i had a morning floor so if i'm going to the bathroom a lot and now don't mind me oh i was watching elma ramirez lola grist landon warren thank you yeah oh i gotta death in all right who wants to come over to the med scan one two three medscan come on guys let's go to the med scan one two three med scan oh i can do this too that's a fun one come on guys one two three ha foo hey come on hey come on one two three med scan you want to be friends today huh do you really want to get to specimen don't you all right come on let's go hop on my back we're going now if she just watched me do all that just to kill me down here that would be really that'd be really something ah nice oh jody's got a weird rotation oh whoa someone's like camping lights i don't know i gotta go back to labs by myself hopefully halfway remembers the day we uh okay uh it's in labs it's by the uh the node thing i think oh he's been dead for a while yeah i think me and time were just running up to it he's been dead for a while no i don't know about a while yeah how long is a while like at least 20 seconds right really i don't know like i think gloom is clear for the rest of the game you need to watch your skin i don't have a skin but i did watch your skin and i stayed with her the whole time jody your rotation was hella weird you like ran up and down specimen like you ran like into lab through specimen and then back oh again so that's something i started with node did or that little amazing then i did my node and then i walked out checked vitals and then it went from bottoms messy and then did my tasks there and then i ended in comps to finish my upload that was my exact crafting oh how do you remember that i literally just like i actually was like i guess i look kind of sucks like if anyone runs into me and specie like from the bottom because yeah yeah yeah because he went from lab and then he went to bottom to go so then i was like i'm gonna i remembered my painting and the reason why it was like i wanted to check vitals and when i checked vitals no one was dead and so then by the time that i went down to bessie and then came all the way back up that's why i was saying like it's been dead probably for a while okay well i see i'm skipping i know i know gloom is clear oh i'll remember that psycho no remember what terrible judgment no no it was just it was just a misclick guys who do i feel is 100 clear that i can stay with because i've been cleared so i'm i'm disposable now disposable for the rest of the game but if i if i managed to stay alive then i could turn the tide i probably shouldn't go to lights probably should go to o2 i need friends god i'm so lonely oh who's this hello oh jody oh jody god jody oh my god no jody okay you know what maybe she was telling the truth lauren oh [ __ ] okay well i saw it okay well i saw two dead on vitals i checked admin i fixed lights with showtime yeah and then i went to vitals i checked admin saw one in weapons and i went there and seconded his body's here oh my god you did everything i just did wires came from labs i think i did over okay yes and then gloom is on the left with me yep yeah i know gloom is clear i mean she's scanned in front of me i've been in specimen literally this whole time that's all them has anyone seen anyone else so this is tycoon's body so has anyone seen chad or ray no no no or gloom and half of both of you but not sure i don't know yeah i know i'm i didn't move like this whole round well no one could verify that because no one was there you think it's me i do too no i don't think it's you i don't think it's you i just think it's weird where'd you fix the lights from like how did you come into lights because i opened the right door and then i i'm like where'd you come from because the left door was still closed no no no i came from admin area okay uh who are we voting for we don't have time uh i'm gonna vote for a lawyer i don't even know where the body is i don't even know where the body is we wasted all of the time i'll go left side oh it's 100 done get away from me you freak of nature oh my god oh my no dude no dude somebody no dude [Music] was that like a strat like you wouldn't say where the body was i was like where's the body that's the buttons yeah like at the beginning but then i forgot and it was like where is it like i didn't know how to move weapons i must have been and i must have not been listening did you start did you start the round going down to the node next to comms yeah i said dude i literally said i was like that's half his death valley so i'm not touching it behind a rock and just kind of stared at him for a little bit and then he followed me into labs and then murdered me rather than behind the rock i was so lucky uh have who called lights after that yeah i literally was like i said she was like is dan what are some weird tips and tricks of like now hides behind the rock i do that quite a bit right now so that you would not find that that one was kind of short yeah okay yeah we'll jump in then i need tips and tricks to not vote for lauren randomly and then loses oh [ __ ] i mean poops hmm [ __ ] i had to do it oh someone's on cams i should probably go take care of that come on come on oh whoa it's the fastest kid alive he do you want to explain why time's dead and really it's been dead for a while wait you've already been dead for ages yeah i found time to i me and gloom just walked up yeah oh i didn't see youtube but yeah we came from we're coming through yeah okay did anyone pass you no no then it's putting all the sauce on jordy that's fine because dan see me coming down from maybe i see i saw you do both wires as well i thought one and it's best two in life before basically i came down i came down through the common mid bay side came down past jordy about halfway down that tunnel and time is dead in front of simon says and then from my point of view i'm doing my one two three and he's doing simon says and then i left and then i went up yeah well it's either major or jody yeah yeah or it could have been tougher than going well that's ridiculous this is our last free shot because we're on eight oh oh you're just saying that yeah wow you don't want to shoot yourself shocker i know can you imagine not wanting to tell myself um couldn't be me but jody's the one i'm leaning towards just because from my perspective i pass her in a hallway and there's a dead body room she came from i didn't i didn't scott we didn't enter the actual room yet and also uh hafu you fixed those lights like a lightning bolt it's the fastest i've ever seen it oh yeah she's skating i just leave i just back off and i'm like it's your domain i'm not touching it okay well i'm gonna end up going to specimen now hopefully uh hopefully people don't stick together and i don't get screwed candy spray oh i waited here way too long i really could have oh keep miss clicking why am i so rusty i'm like bringing the rats out the cage bringing the rats out they cage wait who's my like friend like who am i who am i imp with okay we're all okay oh my goodness i just haven't had an opportunity i haven't had an opportunity need one sakuno and hafu are sticking together they both know i'm down here that's like the last two people that i would want to see me hmm you just want to ask i'll dance dad okay chad lord you've seen my icing right i did you signed the fact that we were all stood in love and then randomly at the vent and just glimpsed named paul oh yeah while we were all like running around in there for some reason i'm 90 sure it's gloom and jody uh where's because i was with lauren and chad for most of that dan has just died gloom and jordan were just there yeah and youtube just got there i found half his dead body just in front of vitals so it has to be you too i see nothing who do you want to vote lauren in chat would you want to go first gleam or jordy lauren listen i voted you off a million times you should probably get revenge by the way i did not pop out of that event the only time that i'm ever confident that i know who the imposter is it's always oh i don't feel bad hey no no well no no that that last one chad like i killed in front of you like it was actually a throw so chad go down to um what's called specimen and then came back up with him so i feel like if if they were the imposters together they would or one of them dan has just died dan left lights were going down i seen dan leave with the group because i like did a panic sprint of like oh my god we all have a single glitter event because of the wall i'm going to vote here for me i'm actually uh wanting to major here because i know that he killed time then because okay sure jody but yeah we're all voting gloom one point here it was bad timing we should have won we should we could have won the game right there but i think i was on cooldown hi hi yeah i feel like we could have we could have run we could have won it right there but i was on cooldown i don't think charity needs i'm surprised jody's survived this long she basically killed in front of scott well i mean i vented in front of i just didn't i was just trying to get the hell away from hafu as fast as i could chad you saved me jesus she shut the door in my face it's definitely jody on my face jody i no we would have because if we hadn't voted anyone else apart from that so i was right with glasses lights were off and move them to electrical jody i know you're an awesome i know you're on oh i know you're an oscar level actress at this point i'm i'm being very honest where was the double kill you saw a double call no it wasn't last last voting round a double kill with dan and chuck yeah right and so no no no food dan and harford at the same time no not at the same time half of his body was in front of vitals dan when i left him was alive and that group was lauren chad i think you're absolutely right on gloom but see i was just you because of time but if that leaves then i i don't haven't i don't know it has to be you jody i don't know why it has to be my computer if it's not you jody screw dang it word at four the issue is so happy half of what said like that kill can't have been gloom and halfway because half is dead so i don't think i think you killed it and then i'm brought in jordy i'm voting jordy i have not went with my gut tonight and i've been okay was i cool down track okay um jody i was uh jody i was on like two second cooldown or something like that otherwise we would have won it right there children you're so good at laughing oh my goodness she got away with the specimen kill is amazing it was because hafu was then like oh what do you think that's is it because half is like seeing what you wanted to watch and then i saw the gloom marisol r victoria schmidt thank you so much for the super chats madison x yeah [Music] thanks for having me guys yeah get in what is x you mean 99 oh oh 99 98. i think we're pushing into actually being oh wait my name is not the priest danielle curtis chloe marisol r angelina thank you so much for the kind words sweet softball kangaroo nick victory music glitch shift betty noir teresa and then after each meeting if you're dead you can talk to and friends who fits youtube thank you so much for this super chat yeah if you want to talk to chad you can definitely yeah i like talking to chat not we're just hey good luck come on um what can i do to not get caught download upload done trash shoot bottles um this is uh really unfortunate okay finally i can give wait oh it would have been caught oh my gosh what do i do oh i don't have a task on there are we going to be light goblins oh my god oh my god oh oopsies oh that must be so fresh so i just crushed half crust hafu in above admin went to vitals and she was dead so this is like less than five seconds yeah i'm just where does everyone i'm just out time as well i was just about to do medbay scan so i'm right over by member i'm like outside of storage going towards life yeah specimen was saikuno i don't think saikuna could have done that yeah right ray i couldn't you got off as soon as i got on oh they were right when you got there but i i saw them okay um the body's on the left side of office um i i checked vitals everyone was alive this was two kills in literally the last five seconds because i was gonna run and call button and make a joke that the killers need to learn how to get killed [Laughter] and then they did actually so but yeah on the left side of office i did know hoff who spent a lot of that round in office going between vitals and admin trying to be detective hafu um do you know which body it was there's tasks oh this was haafu's body okay so i saw the report button like milliseconds before you called it um outside of the office yes like by the door did you see anyone going past the only people i've seen i've been hanging around with ray a lot but i didn't see uh and i'm like um who are the people near the body then it was me me okay chad right i'm trying storage if that counts i'm not clearing chad oh you're almost like sometimes what i thought you guys thought it was him you said he was near the butt and then it's a vodacom okay well then i really want to be like goblins i'm just i'm i'm just going to go get some but i'm gonna check admitting i'm gonna go get somebody who's alone hopefully scott didn't want me to like stay there okay someone's in there someone's in there this is a risky one but i might have to make it happen oh my goodness this is so risky oh my god no oh my goodness please no okay oh okay so oh okay go ahead dan me and lauren just stumbled across uh cycuno's body [Music] also you think he's dead at the top side he literally just had her five seconds or less yeah okay so i'm currently up the oxygen inside about to open the door i did say chad came out of specimen and went in the direction he but i didn't even i didn't even go into specimen i just did wires at the door at the top door so i didn't even go in okay so i know okay i didn't know if anyone could i was flirting with the idea of going into specimen i didn't go fully in because i didn't want to go alone i came out saw ray ray started heading down there and i was like okay now i'm gonna go okay no no no no gloom definitely did this kill and suspect no no no absolutely not yes because she came out and then i was on admin i saw that there was a head in specimen and so i was going in and she came out she checked admin too and then she went back in as if to like follow me to go report the body or try to kill me before i get it no why would you go back in the specimen twice then oh because i didn't go all the way because i didn't go all the way in the first time why did you say that why didn't you say that earlier oh no they have a button they have a button because the lights are out i'm going to die i'm gonna die right now you literally got me you literally got me i started flicking the light so that done oh my god it's so smart i was wondering how that worked why'd you guys skip and also why didn't you listen to me yeah definitely crazy oh that worked out great well done it yeah no that was yeah we're the light goblins yeah as soon as the lights were dead poor rae hopefully she's not tilted she wasn't just like oh i think she did it like she was 100 sure like she did some really really good deduction and everyone was just like that chad i really like how like okay so back in the day i used to get really tilted at like chaotic lobbies but i'm really enjoying it right now like it's really nice that like kind of anything can happen i feel like sometimes like we all get really oh the body is on top right gas i am currently clear oh no i knew he was gonna die in there i am with cassie i just got to admit table from specs it's two lab 202 one comms um hey scott where'd you come from i went and did the download on weapons i did the node and death valley and i went down to do my download death weapon urgent and weapons so if if it's top cop if it's top right gas wouldn't you have walked by it but then again wouldn't you no i have a wall i cut through the admin and did the boarding card because that's the other comment okay okay i don't know how old it is but uh anyone else vouching for just one kill here i just i was at the bottom of like right before you get into where the trash compactor is and i saw dan there i feel like the issue with this kill [Music] i'm very sorry i have no information i did the first light but i won't clear lauren because she came in after from the you know right side of the yeah i don't know how for some reason i didn't check vitals when i had the boarding pass which is unlike me but i don't know how long he's been dead sorry courage i haven't checked vitals in a hot minute i don't remember what i was talking about that probably didn't matter anyway i really think that like like scott was very like he was very heavy-handed about how he was with me and i don't like that like he he said it like three times you know what i mean like he's like where are the other and it's like you just walked away from oh wait so this is where oh okay yeah no you could easily that's something you could easily overlook especially if he was dead for a while then i probably overlooked it honestly i think i have some key to spell it really happy did you murder her did you do a murder uh no you sure have chucked down are you sure you are yes i'm on light's panel i'm on lights panel right now literally on it on it the issue you have is the the thing that i got flashed in front of my screen as the lights went out was the little blue policeman sit and because it shows us who wearing what you're the only one wearing it this is a hard accused after last time i'm not trusting it this is a hardcore person how often or early was the kill it literally just happened time time there's two lights on right no i don't even have it open so if you're the first one then that's so good that's something i don't know dank the only thing questionable is i don't know how you see me on top of you if you have the lights panel no i no you said you had lights panel open i have it open no you said it was i haven't opened i it to god i'm on the live panel that's probably true but uh where's the kill just at the bottom comes it just happened like it just happened pretty far away then because so the thing is i'm not believing that half is saying she's on light because hafu is saying that you said you've seen time which time was saying okay you're harping on the wrong thing here i said i will skate because it's seven i will go and check the lights panel and if it was two okay the the lights it means nothing the lights are probably true she's probably right what's this buddy real quick just as she comes because i saw him like five seconds or less yeah i just came out like i don't think she could get into lights then but yeah i don't think so i will say hafu is a fantastic liar fantastic like even with time saying i don't i don't have the panel open and i don't see you she still made a very very convincing argument the uh like two lights are switched on right now that's like the eq that's like the big brain equivalent of oh check my monitor oh and there goes scott i panicked breast i panic breast a panic breast um what do you mean what do you mean you're panicking i went so i went up into office following scots i i i was convinced he was innocent and someone sliced him right in front of me yeah it's hafu she walked before me into the buddha and i've been going wait i saw ha by the way i did the lights hafu got there first and doesn't do the lights i think to preserve cooldown no okay i let you see it it was two lights were on okay but you might have been on light okay where are there two lights on wait well then you should know oh my goodness scott died on button and you just walked into button right before dan i didn't walk into the button you did i just i waited this is not i'm like who's going to kill me i waited i waited what are you doing and uh [Music] and someone sliced right there so so did you see it when was it time it was definitely wasn't the time i was it's not me he passed me so it's either hafu or it's someone else and it's tofu because that's i let them do lights to show that i was innocent because i was definitely there for because first i was such a pair with first round she said she was on adam so what is you think i'm innocent after i said i trust you i don't know how scott [Music] have it oh my god it was the way it was yeah it was literally i looked at it and i was like as soon as i was running up i was like she's gotten there to change the light panel so there's only two lights on firestars like she's so sneaky wow that is big uh anne's clear i think chad's clear i think cycling is clear it has to be showtime right what i just got the killer out wait why is chad clear like the other imposter and was going to do a double kill but it makes no sense why he would report it then he would have just turned around and whacked me have you uh scanned it i confused time's voice oh yeah right right you saw me scan at the beginning right you remember i know cyclone is innocent no right he's innocent i faked the scan ray yep i didn't actually do it i could be the killer it has to be chad then right now i think i think it might be ray where's the i think it's me yeah i mean i told you i was white just because like when we're saying a tofu no one wanted to jump like i think me you and chad spoke the most and psycho apparently is scanned and ray just voted at the end there okay so when i saw the scan he was stood to the left of it do you stand in the center halfway did uh all of these kids know i saw him med base getting right a few rounds oh no i i faked the scan i was faking it that's why i look sucked now you never tell me i don't know what to do time who are you voting wait why can't i click i couldn't really click him back to back great job [Music] [Music] it's definitely happening no one else is this quick with door shut it's like timing like she was sneaking and she got me even on her way out i gotta leave done gaming miss tilly i only saw like the black outline of her body lilz frasier [Music] go you have to do it yeah nice job catching them right yeah my bad sorry chad i got mvp right now right no i said happened we could still be playing i could have i might be guilty i could be the imposter right now all right yeah i'm gonna do the old lab through specy sweep not gonna die right now hopefully run run yanny guidry chloe katie nugen thank you so much for the super chat is it nugent oh hi hafu no we're all good that's good staying healthy man i can't wait to eat dinner i don't know what to get you gonna be really good chinese food honey cookie chloe thank you so much for the super chat i can't make the lobbies whoa far out dude this just happened like uh like right in front of me i was doing download lauren was like chilling she i thought that she left weapons but i got the report button i didn't see the body though hi wait weapons well weapons we're just me and dan are on the asteroids you guys can clear me right yeah no yeah i mean this happened outside of us like i'm not on download and suddenly i got the report button it's like kudo just faked the betscan i'm just standing on it to be nice i finished as he was coming in and he went to go pretend to do it hot food comes and hafu gets on the scanner as like kudo is scanning i can never tell it's like kuno is just trolling like everyone's med scans last year don't vote on this you [Music] there was no lauren body by the time i got to vitals there was but it was weird because it came up saying dc not like red it was just blacked out that's a bug i was like i was like we had a round already i was very confused i saw courage and lauren in was it communications and then me and time were doing asteroids yeah i don't know how we didn't last person that i saw it must be on the other side yeah it's on the outside it's on the outside oh okay you uh um anyways yeah i can't make other people uh like do things for a super chat i'm sorry but i hope you have a really happy birthday chloe it would just kind of be like bad form you know oh my eyes wanted to look at chat so bad thank god i have bad vision where so this is outside actually where is everyone else i am in the lettering who is just about to walk into lights from the left side i just saw the start of their okay me where is it where's the body wait it's wait was there two of us so someone's popped into the right side where that door is on vitals to the right hopped in and then popped back out popped in killed him and dipped i tried to so i ran over the body this time and then but i couldn't find it did anyone see anyone when he's innocent and you believe if i have it i believe oh definitely has it okay anyway so i'll start good so gloom chad courage major dan can any of you like i don't know me racing me in specimen i science first as well oh okay i messed up the reactor because i was praying that you were there who who i fixed first lights with dan at a chat and show time chad did my wires chat over cameras at lights right now or i was i thought cottage said he was like no so i was i was entering lights well the lights were tied it's hard to see i was entering from the right side and saw like the start of someone's skin on my screen as i was about to walk in yeah i think i think that was funny where's the ball yeah it's a very weird kill well i'm done with tasks i've got like two more today it's like did you vote for the killer no no no no ray you know i'm innocent right right [Music] yeah ray knows on me um kind of sauce of courage not i don't think that dan self-reported because he was with time right when lauren's body died but i don't know like they were like they were in they were in asteroids but that was only one death but that makes me like i need to find it find someone who i'm like really suspicious of i really okay i just need to i need to be done i need okay i'm done who's this what's dad okay dan's looking very like crew esque right now i'm gonna stick with dan hello friends hello hello where is everyone i don't know ha who's this what could have cleared her who uh ray who else just showed it uh gloom me and dan showed up late yeah i was muted are you asking exactly where we are now or like yeah where people are at the end right now um i am by the rock i just left i can vouch that yeah i was the first to do lights and then it's like who know chad and major were the three that weren't at lights yes so i finished my tasks and then i passed gloom and dan and lab and then i head behind the rock that dan had hid behind the lights when i stayed behind the rock and then absolutely came on i ran past the rock into vitals and in half his dead in vitals i spent my whole round it was dead in finals specimen and then went up into med bay to do i think can anyone bounce no i've not seen it i was actually headed there right now no the only one in need it was chat apparently because i went straight to do my tasks i mean sorry what side did you go out i've been with dan [Music] no no okay i was i was standing right on i was having to do wires right on the hole i'm happy to skip this time but i'm just saying if they didn't see you or even hear the door open it's a lot weird yeah oh my gosh okay maybe like courage and chad the kills are happening really slow but i feel like is this a is this is it you what if we lose there's only seven of us oh we can't hide behind this bookcase forever we have to make a move a meager move oh my god what are you doing chad what do you do kate i did not say i was into that kind of thing i gotta check vitals i'm losing my mind we're all alive okay thank god oh this one wasn't checked no why did you why did you report it right away no so me chad cottage glenn are all on the left side of that door yeah the four of us are chilling on this one uh it has to be cycano no no no hold okay i know why it looks bad right because i just came from there and i just walked by right tell him it's not me you you saw me fake the scan scan in front of me yeah but that's how you know i'm clear no wait why do we know it's psychotic so the reason is they're gonna kill me they're gonna kill me [Music] okay perfect i have never been more scared of my life i hope that i have a table today what no oh yeah yeah there's there's a lot of people no it's not me right why didn't why did you clear me okay now what do we do i really i really like i'm feeling like it's courage look he's acting ah oh no no no no oh nice joke guys oh geez let's go ray i thought ray was hard cleared by halfway so it made it sound like rey scanned and then it's like my skin is crazy and then how did i know how did ray scan i i think okay okay so what happened was i was alone faking scan i was like you know what i'm gonna pretend to do this and as soon as someone comes get off wait that's my strategy you you took my you used my stories it actually does her scan when we reported the body were you on admin table i did just walk by there see if you had told no really see if you had told us that it would have obviously been ray because the issue was all of these were on the left side of the door no all of us were on one side of the door we've seen the blood through the door and the door opened if you told us you were in the room with us it would have had to have been ray passed you guys no you didn't do it was a pretty good game unlucky thank you for the super chat hmm oh that was that's a quick one wow this is some really intense uh group in here really intense if i like how do you how do you uh win you know what i mean like how do you win all right i'm getting the hell out of here i'm gonna leave courage alone because he just got here oh hmm i don't know what to do everybody's always so gross i mean everybody is playing in pairs like i don't know what else i could want i i can't i can't do lauren again i can't i don't know what to do i can get her here i'm gonna have to whoops could not have been this could not have been psycho no this this hill okay so remember the first game where there was no kills and i said i was gonna go bring the button and say the killers need to beat up that just happened here i checked vitals after doing my download and specimen came out of specimens seikuna was sitting trolling by the vent i thought you were trying to come hang out with me and then no one was dead you thought i was going to hang out yeah why not all right well i'm hard clearing seikuda for this kill well i feel like there's a lot of clear people i was by the vent remember but you're halfway whereas uh it's right at the node below med bay so i saw blue and orange walking into lab yeah i went by the rock and i got the report and i had a double back but i see it and it's right on the node it's right okay so if it's recent thing going by what card said it lauren can't be either because me and lauren are down in the bottom left there's no way dan did this one then yeah time couldn't have done this either we passed by someone near me or i passed by somebody near we came from lights we light straight to the left you both you both went come on i won't sleep with that lights and then we went right up yeah i believe that so you two uh lauren so it might be courage hiding a body can't be choking like good insiders what do you drink why are you so quick yeah i don't know i don't know you just that wasn't a good kill i was just trying my best to like get something done so as to not the plan what okay oh i can't breathe i can't breathe i can't okay so oh goodness oh shoot so dan and time you're still in the top right right uh well i'm in the specimen now yep he's in specimen i just has to be psyched on glenn they were creating a little um morgue and comes um i happen to go past it i passed you two went to vitals was like oh two people have died and the third one went up and i was like oh god i should push the button but then i was trying to creating a morgan comms so i was i'll check admin so i went and checked there was four bodies and cons and i was like yeah he's really just brain in here me creating a morgan yeah i hate that he never lies dude he never lies no no never lie also there was three there was three or gloom first yeah i'm happy with either but i'd probably are you voting scott i just know it's not major i'm leaning towards psychonaut first what yeah either i know i'm extraordinary what i'm not the reason the reason is cassie is normally when i'm going to vote cassie normally how dare you cast him your voice is wait what'd you say was wrong with my voice because the fact that you normally you when you get accused of your crew you have like an alibi for this you're like what well hey hey to be fair you did talk a lot uh that would have been one of the greatest uh that would have been one of uh the greatest if nobody if nobody found the morgue some good old classic ring around the rosie i wonder if he can do it oh my god you can't just be standing over a dead body what's that what it's like you can't just stand over dead people what were you talking about yeah i went up to the left you were there and i was like that's bad juju i'm not touching that so i ran past to go to the right one as i passed dan going to the left time is at the top right one and dan and the button's still not gone okay we'll take it as a murder done and you just stood over his body oh you're in gloom's morgue was a smart idea if i hadn't i think if a kill kill down it must be like a few seconds i want to know how long it was before when he were able to kill me it could have been necessary time time i got it right with glover because the game didn't end it was gloom yeah the left button why wouldn't you press the left button dude because there i'm not i ran for my life either you've got two options here time you believe when we win or you give psycho a video those are your options no the option could be to vote you out and get the crew a win is what i'm thinking but okay i'll be totally honest i wasn't even near the button i wasn't even trying to push it um yeah i thought someone was gonna actually say that he's using me that is kind of accusatory as they say as accusatory because i literally watched cassian's like you know make a morgue i then found the body chat can you believe it and then voted cassio which was correct you also said last short time that you wanted once like really sure it's like just trolling at this point [Laughter] [Music] thinking jack was gonna [ __ ] double kill me i was like what i was very innocent honestly those are some good doubles though yeah they were yeah it was i think it was uh black and red's body was basically on top of each other like literally on top of each other we were about to walk in on the other bodies and then they double killed us [Laughter] i saw lauren's body on top of mine and i was like either i am literally the most blind person or they just like did a kill that is yeah the best i've ever it was just it was the fact that i just passed time and dan at the top right i was like well it physically can't be them like i know it has to be you two i know it's not me that was cool yeah i'm so bad at lying now that's my problem i don't know why my lying is like really it's really deteriorated maybe it's because i got a puppy and now i could never lie and hurt humanity i need to create a better world for my puppy all right who's got medscan come on bed scan time come on buddies oh hey ray sorry i kill you first all the time buddy you can kill me you know what i won't i won't be mad hey hey time come on let's get it going okay wolfgirl22100 oh you just got chinese food oh lucky that's what i want really badly what'd you get like i want soup dumplings i want oh there's so many things i want okay let me in audrey mallett lucretia george hola gracie ames hallie hassinger thank you so much for the super chat if crude does weapons you will see shooting outside um i think we have visual tasks off actually but you can only see it for yourself very good very very ray you good oh my god oh wait no i said you can you can just go go ahead i'll close my eyes what do you think if it's a double then i can say you're coo oh it's a double i can say you're cool softly lilz grace ames emily conley maddie gaines thank you for the super chat hey no killing me i've got information and by information i mean wait i need to stay alive actually i really do because i know that okay i know that ha i know hafu and i know ray are okay wait so it's in lab right who do you think it is um so hoffo you checked vitals and there was no one in specimen two right there was two bodies in the lab both checks but i don't i don't remember it you mean admin but yeah sorry um oh this is gonna be a crazy call but i think it is i think it's dan and i think it's dan and ray why i was in there with you uh wait a minute i opened the left side of uh or walking the left side of office and ray was like moving out towards the left side and then i saw dan coming up from admin um the the doors to lab were shut on the left side um the kills were i believe a double kill deep in lab um this one's unknown another one is i think i think that they both killed vented into admin and tried to run out of admin like nothing happened i don't think this one's ray no no no i wasn't there uh gloom and i when the lights are out we are doing tasks in specimen together and it's crazy we both have the the simon says we didn't kill each other so i can let her because no no no but no right ray was already yeah ray was already in there when i got down there doesn't matter yes we went through i checked vitals and both of them were already dead one was a thousand percent innocent and then i left his hand i scanned first and she scanned after me i also would like to say i did i channeled my inner half of the last round and finished all my tasks first round listen i'm either going to be the smartest oh yeah yeah halfway clear hafu and ray i think they're fine one of my brain dead just a little bit hi courage see you hey sakuno hanging out in the old oh he's doing gas that's a fun one to do courage seems to be playing very careful though and i feel like that was like genuine you wouldn't make a like a play such as that if he was imposter unless he was out of his mind can't really tell these days because everyone's kind of memeing scott five seconds i danced in front of cams until they stopped blinking and then i ran in and reported it reyes i saw that that's where is it it's in camps cams so if you can account for people okay very recently jack just peeked in on me and um when i was doing down or upload yes i saw um i saw your feet but that was impressive yeah you just peeked in and then ran away uh where because he's been very peaky this but yeah has been really like like he fixed lights by himself on the first round i i also just checked vitals in the last five seconds um yeah i did my trash shoot my left water wheel i only had one waterway left down there i was about to do my bottom right water wheel my last of the three and the body got found i mean i've done the past i have nothing to do i was gonna try i'm done in front of cams and then uh chad what were you doing so it's not cool you know i've just been kind of i've been trying to be a detective i feel like normally i only do tasks i miss so much of the like like what's going on so i've been trying to like see if i can see anything nice okay everybody's dan okay so i did i saw courage down where the water wheels were i did the gas canister thing and then i went up to i just finished on my tree you know the one where you do the sliders oh that's where the event is oh wait okay so jack did you see dan there did you guys see each other uh i was on water wheels i didn't see dan uh he didn't see me that was super sustained wait dan did you see jack we saw each other we crossed in the corridor 100 percent i'm trying to remember but i'm not gonna lie i was in the middle of telling my chat how much i hate the water real task [Music] okay poor scott um okay i just have this one this year one task left oh wait i was doing was i doing weapons when it's gonna be a really hard thing for the imposter to deal with i don't even remember who i think it is dan dan and chad right whoa whoa i feel like courage is okay oh well i didn't see that one oh it's not chad yeah what the heck okay so okay so okay uh where was this where is sakura's favorite place to kill yep on a vent no butt rock yeah it's on the rock i thought i thought chad was going to kill him on there so this is this cycuno and dan wait why me i walked in with dan i saw vitals tycoon is walking in from the right door i go out the right door and the body is yeah yeah i was just saying you because like hafu scanned me and ray were together during a double kill and jack's story just adds up lately yeah he seems innocent i mean those were separate round stories though right yeah yeah not this one why'd you do it why'd you do it saikuno why well you see the taskbar is almost done and everyone's sticking together yeah we're super grouped we're done with our tasks what do we do run wild and free in the wilderness run run i don't know why i'm going in here i just thought i'd see i thought i'd see what's happening silver studios thank you so much for that super chat thanks look at us i guess i'll oh okay i have something to do hmm come on don't do this to me are we throwing did everyone go down to oh is that on the other side who hey so this is near the the rook oh so two people did reactor who's missing i did left side i did right side after okay so gloom you and i ran up together right yeah when i was on admin table last i saw that there was someone in electric and then i saw ray running down like right after so i thought maybe ray had killed someone and hit the body and electric so i went and double checked i didn't see any there was no bodies and electric i went up the top left you were there i went to the top right put my hand on the reactor went down to the right dan was standing to the right of the body i don't know if this is dan's thing or it is an instant report or what but no i came up so when the what they called the antennas went off i stayed on vitals to see who would die and i saw the death went up to rock and then reported okay well i like that jack very thorough so uh dan thank you uh okay so wait it definitely is just dan wait why because okay first of all i was camping lights and i know you saw me there ha food saw me there yeah obviously lights didn't go out huh so i left and i checked vitals and i saw that hoffie was already dead and then reactor goes off so i was trying to find oh i saw a head in electrical so i thought maybe she died in electrical so that's why i went to go check and her body wasn't there so then i checked uh reactor was off by that time i saw glue pump from the left side um no your story is so complicated it's right no no no it's just hot food died way before you said that she died um i thought that i thought i thought half it was well i knew i knew it was one so but yeah i didn't know i didn't know that was she was it was so funny we were all just ghost watching oops we got the corpse of house i thought someone would run past sooner but apparently what was your kill cool down because yeah oh you have it well i thought someone would come around way quicker than that okay yeah okay so i've just paused like you know i went down courage was woken up and now he's dead instantly okay walking up carson's walking up on your phone i i just was just counting people that were coming off the ship i didn't walk all the way up what do you mean it walked up so i was probably at the i was at the exit to drop ship and we crossed there so as soon as i saw you walking up i followed you okay i did my my key i was the fourth one on the left side i did my uh rocket alignment i saw hafu do hers i ran down i counted the people that had gone off the ship and was counting who was still left jack you were the last person on the left side no you were not that's not true i just wanted to see your reaction and dan i don't know what you might have seen but i'm telling you right now i did not go up i just was counting and like making a circle was there anybody else up there okay yeah so uh i don't know why they would kill here actually because uh so many people were around well i mean they got away with it yeah nobody saw it it's like no one knows there's a lot of people uh i'm not mistaken there was four more people still up top that i saw when i was doing the rocket alignment i was first but yeah but uh sorry i mean four more people above me oh yeah i already felt my gas canister life comes out you fast somebody who exists uh [Music] i don't like how i was afk that automatically clears me so i'm just gonna play a risky game i'm just gonna play a risky disney game come on lauren get that door open let's go i i got it i'm gonna camp lights actually no i have to do all my tasks i'm yeah i'm just gonna i'm just gonna play by myself and if i die i die because i'm wait i didn't get clear cause it's only one kill uh oh yeah keys this would be a really good spot to kill me if you so desire i am on the bottom left node on the left side of office i know i'm about to get sussed for this kill because uh i was on cameras and i saw s major on waterwheel i ran down ran out past weapons uh and then was on the bottom left but i haven't said where the body is well i'm assuming it's somewhere near bottom left side i know you didn't because i just said where i saw i saw s major on cams finish doing it saw gloom doing uh i believe it was download you were sitting in the middle ran down past water wheels and i'm assuming he's somewhere near there so did you see anyone on the way apart i did not see anyone on the way past because this is in on the canisters and lauren just came out lauren just came out of o2 she just came out dan for what it's worth when i ran down i didn't go left i only went right so i didn't okay yeah that's fine the only one i still go down that's all i went down did the what's it called the leaf thing the leper thing and then walked out toward uh weapons but i never went into like the way i will put it out there i'm getting confused because lauren is black because courage usually plays as the black character i do might be getting these now yeah i was purple before i don't know why it swapped but um simon says chad is in weapons and then i went to do my upload after doing download so time you said you saw lauren come out too or not yeah she just came out of vote i just she was afk so that's very possible i want to say i put myself right where the body was and it's because i'm creating and i'm just saying thank you did i get finished up here oh no i didn't ah oh i didn't know that it like stays oh my goodness this thing okay lights time plane a risky game oh i camped i camped uh vitals after doing temperature because i assumed that there was people already on the left side uh this kill happened probably 10 seconds ago what i didn't know is that once lights got fixed i literally saw a person over near temperature that's impossible that's not that's impossible the game wasn't the game doesn't still cool down yeah the kill then it's not even telling him oh i listen i'm just telling if i okay if i had to guess it's five to ten seconds ago somewhere in that window it was not an instant it was not an instant kill like instant kill self-report i mean how do we know that um all i'm saying is the round started i did my card flip i did my temperature i saw show time on temperature i thought it was crazy how fast he got his done but i don't know if it was because i got there a little bit it was like 10 degrees yeah okay so you're saying it was fast good yeah that ended i went on vitals the lights were the lights went out a few seconds of the lights being out the kill happened lights took five more seconds to get fixed so maybe it was like seven seconds and then i ran and then my vision came back ran off to the right there's the body right there i'm so sorry dude oh yeah me and rey and dan are in specs i finished princess uh but yeah okay i don't think he's telling you exactly what the round was so you you three all could say that you're together right the cooldown's twenty-two where's lauren yeah i thought the lights were a little bit too early i went straight from there down to specimen but i didn't i hadn't reached specimen yet i was coming from the left side but uh uh ray and dan all together with you guys all three together yeah okay and i'm going back assignment says yeah i'm going back too three times okay i have to keep all this stuff in mind i have to keep all of these in mind what do you think lauren gosh i have so many tasks hey girl you can kill me i was afk i got cleared for at least one i'm kind of suss of you hmm i can't spend too much time dilly dallying this is down here i think i know it's here all right don't worry guys i got this i'll take these lights time do be fixing a lot of lights i feel like time's okay i feel like half is okay i feel like rey is okay i feel like lauren and jack were by the body but jack's communication is just really good i don't know he's just a he's a really charismatic dude so i could fall victim to that half one time together me going to fix lights did hafu kill time we'll find out in a minute oh his body at all she was dead for at least 30 seconds okay uh yeah exactly so i don't want us to lose a double kill i'm in specimen right now who me uh showtime i'm in storage um you're in specimen yeah well lauren yeah exactly i saw him go down there yeah yeah but is there still two left uh yes there's two how did i don't know how gloom just died but she just died and the last person i saw was courage yeah so i followed you into admin she split off the right oh the right side office where you killed it no i was literally right behind you who do you think it is cringe i believe it's show time i believe it's showtime and and and i don't know who the other one is earlier earlier oh in that round when i went to temperature it was the fastest temperature i've ever seen and i agreed um lauren i did the lights i think i've done at least five out of six by the way i saw lauren doing uh her med base scan when i was checking into where ray was lauren and curtis when i saw cassie yeah i think i couldn't run in it's not everything either that or it's like you and dan it's not i think it's not me i'm telling you right now it's not me you guys have to vote i have to go with it look at the votes do you get rained on sarah sanders thank you so much for the super chat oh my god the paranoia it's like stefan oh she did it i haven't cracked the cage right in the end lord knows her times away like her numbers up because she voted worth college at this point i i feel like courage got framed for one of lauren's kills i could be wrong though oh you did yeah lauren killed chad ah lauren i think we'll just try and get us another kill i don't think lauren like see me and laura she's going to kill titan here she's going to kill titan right and so i don't think she realizes like i can't believe i killed bloom right there because i thought there was no way lauren didn't have a kill yet there we go oh my goodness [Music] she's walking away from her body she did do the reactor and then walked away from the body wait what yeah where uh unleft reactor so you held left reactor and walked down killed showtime and kept walking thanks i wasn't even dead i wasn't even over by left reactor then where were you i was why were you there i was caught i was in comms trying to finish that like the downloader upload or whatever the thing i tried to do med scan so i figured somebody told me so i was like [ __ ] it and then reactor got called i checked no one was dead i went to see you dan yeah we're on the right one i went to the left one lauren's walking away after reactor i keep going i check and the body's on the left traffic oh 50 50. i mean it's on you did whatever i got there's so much stuff lauren pretty much the whole game so i'm just going to go gut feeling if it's wrong it's wrong good good boy yay please don i can't believe you've done this again oh dan you did it again you won i figured she was gonna find the body and i was like i trailed you with gloom into meeting and the second i saw you about to walk in the room i i was hoping that lauren got a kill somewhere else on the map my kill on rey was like the best spot like no one found her body the whole time so i i killed gloom instantly behind you in hopes that that would have ended the game that lauren got a kill somewhere else yeah i almost killed time but she got stuck behind the demons ray's body was in the upper left corner of the bottom decontam oh no way yeah if i mean for that d condom door getting lauren you don't want you time time to go into the morgue the morgue of polis chad jeez your movement buddy gets me every time [Laughter] all right do you guys like my oh killed him first again huh oh and lobby if lauren is not imposter she's dead first yeah dan is hard clear for me for the rest of the same for courage yep he has not moved i was about to go check because i wasn't i was like you were gonna be in your dad because i have not left dan this entire time yeah okay well in that case i can also hard clear time so then it leaves chad climb right in half oh that's convenient narrowing it down wait who did you heard claire looking at me through the window of storage and his body's in storage now his body is so large i went to i went through vitals and adam and i saw two that ah i didn't even realize it was i couldn't have died yeah but uh i saw it i saw this major come out of um what do you want to call it specifically yeah yeah yeah i saw two on drop ship i was about to go there to check for a body okay okay um gloom yeah what's your story i'm voting for chad i just don't like that he's on the left side right now i mean ray was on the left side oh okay um i mean i i did added gas cans and then i went to those labs yeah no i did i left when um there were a few people waiting by the door um ray opened it went in and i left wait three it's really saturday yes it's like you know i did it no psycho wasn't actually doing good no he was just watching us i feel like he was trying to avoid me because he thought that i was suss and i was just trying to buddy buddy your movement was scaring me badly chad but same here i was i was literally just trying to be friends with saikuno you want to go i'm always dead don't vote me out it's not me okay gosh you all scared me she did she did that's true and i'm staying with you [Music] i just figured you know there's eight throw one out why not we can afford to we've got the money we've got the finances the disposable income should i be cesare they were together he was following her maybe she was like get off me just killed him in cold blood while she was i mean that is a good spot to kill somebody oh guess not oh all right okay so this is in lab right outside temperature ah uh we walked in who did we walk in with dan there's many people someone was time chad was there as well right i saw chad in on the lava thing like 10 seconds ago right chad yeah well i walked by you it has to be gloom chat or halfway like it's not it's not me i mean specimen uh through admin it's not me because dan carter didn't work danny carter said that they were both on ship for the entire first round when there was that no there was two there was two kills if you guys have been there the whole time you irrelevant anyways um yeah no it's not me um like ray saw me leave like i couldn't have killed anybody last round and this round i was in specimen yeah yeah yeah but i was nowhere near they just eliminated the odds there did anyone see you go into specimen from bottom uh no no no i don't think so i'm leaning towards it being gloom and possibly halfway um get somebody who's not me if you want to vote on seven otherwise we can wait we should not vote i'm good to step on seven but it has to be between you three right yeah that's like two of them you think it's two choose three i think it has to be two between three yeah well it could be two cameras that's correct the only one i know is not is time no no i'm telling you right now don't even waste your thought on that i just wasted it what am i to do sorry the only reason i'd be saying more two half is because i know in hard grip they don't cancel maybe scans but the only reason okay the only reason i did was because i ran up and i was like oh god he's going to murder me so i ran off and then he gone guys all i done yeah yeah that's fine uh we like ran into where that is communications whatever and like gloom comes gloom and heavy were right on us and i feel like they were setting up for a double kill that's why i went okay i'm still looking anyways it's between my repair it's between golem for me it's between the three of them yeah no but chad i thought it i thought it was chad with people solo yeah i'm trying to say i thought it was chad but he keeps walking in with everybody to kill so i feel like it might be hafu i just did my upload with four of you there yeah i mean i never finished you could have faked it though i finished yeah how did you not finish it i didn't got there before me i'm sure i didn't finish i feel like it could be hafu because like okay so we were saying like she said that she saw dan and courage in spawn but you only have to be there you'll like you only have to be on admin for one second to know that but then scott took that as oh she was there the whole time and i don't know she's just kind of like she's really good at you know butter maybe it's because i just like maybe because i'm scared honestly she's just really good at like um placing herself somewhere and making it seem very convincing because i feel like scott is crew and she was like how did hondo pia tafu okay i was uh so i was gonna go to med bay and i'm like she's probably watching admin waiting for someone to uh go in med bay to get an easy kill there lights start turning off i see a little short name over the wall i start running and she's trying to get me with the lock doors i think right so i run all the way to the bottom of o2 run through it and scott fix the lights and then scott and hafu are up there and i run back up and there he's dead yeah that's fair at lights yeah at lights but you could hear her side so go ahead i mean i'm against the mexican guy huh maybe well it wasn't me guys hmm that is very true that was solid yeah you were throwing doubt on scott's uh down or was it upload [Music] crew no it's not a self-report it's happening wait isn't it so i honestly still have scan by the way i never actually got to finish it but i never bothered doing it because i'm like she's probably watching on admin ready to kill me there i hope we're right okay what am i doing like we could be we could be wrong did anyone vote for chad with me no it's just me um [Music] time did you vent time ah time dan and jack together of course time holy god where did he go oh my goodness we would okay so i i think i just saw time vent that being said we would have lost the game by now if time was wrong and if we didn't get hafu out so it i must have just lost him right oh these lights are going out like crazy oh my goodness did someone die we're all alive do i have any tasks i don't where's everybody let's go meet up hey time bro so this is on you know the communications uh satellite thing comes up it's just above there yeah the link just above there hey communication satellite yeah yeah and dan you went to you went to med bay right or med side i didn't go to med no or like when we when we left lights because i went towards vitals yeah um we were at lights with chad chad went down towards o2 when i went on vitals first he was alive i went back to vitals he was dead i tried to signal for something to call a meeting because i was worried that something was going to be called thankfully you found the body as reactor called booming show time where were you guys i'm going into med bay right now yeah i've been trying to follow him around i i really want to know dan who do you think it is oh so i'm having i'm having a dilemma here yeah i think yeah i can tell i think it might be cars i was like either courage or gloom dan please please don't do this to me no no no no don't do this to me no no why do you think that time um because he was kind of broken off from you guys like you weren't really i'm like oh this game's in the bag because you guys are going to both be together but then i saw you and you weren't yeah you guys weren't done you guys weren't on the hip and i was like oh interesting i wonder i have been doing everything in my power to be attached to dan's hip hop go go don't worry what you're not do not whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wow why would you ever do that it's cassie toxic okay there's a lot of self-doubt today we got to believe in ourselves believe hashtag oh wow good job thank you so much yeah i'm gonna come to you until you get your first meeting that's the goal i'm so sorry card first that was actually amazing holy [ __ ] but the time was like no wait i was like did we throw oh god what's that and by one sec i mean i gotta play games and i gotta define off i go off i go yeah that's what you get boop boop okay i feel bad it's just like it's just it's just a storage thing yeah okay so um went down did mays saw time i saw he was checking vitals and um admin and i was like i want to be cool and do that too um i saw half who was dead and i went looking for the body found it in storage okay i will say that lauren has been i lauren's been dealt the worst hand for tasks she had like water wheel tree room ulting i was like oh my god i just i was like well while you're being my bodyguard i'm just going to knock all these out yeah okay first meeting though yes i don't want a group i don't want to grip after that because i feel like it's unfair if i grip the entire game so that's fine i like getting people to first meet them yeah at least at least lauren's alive that's what counts yeah i see him down on the bottom left as well yeah that's all i've seen okay well that's a good one everyone else where was everyone else sounds like they just got away with it it's like i know where are you like who knows how you been man it's been good it's good to hear your voice i just know it wasn't yeah i'm alive i'm finally alive because i'm the imposter he's the imposter you're right i'll get him i've voted him and he susses rape anything did you fake scan again today i might have i definitely didn't get him out of here since i did maze i gotta go flip my node oh i'm shaking i'm freezing this puppy likes to sleep with a door open because this is you know a big dog it's too risky i can't do specimen kill it's nuts it's not it's out of my mind um what can i do not too much by the looks of it oh no i did i shouldn't have done it i shouldn't have done it oh no i'm gonna get sussed i'm just gonna go with these two um the body's right jack were you trying to find that as well no you're just sketching me out buddy here where uh body is at lights and like just above the lights room and uh i think scott might have died like just recently like oh wait yeah yeah weren't they going to change maybe 10 seconds ago yeah right um where'd you start i saw gloom running from electricity yeah i'm in um i'm in upper d contam right now i i think i saw chad yeah that was me okay yeah so we're we're in diggingtown decon like north like left right side labs lab side lab side okay yeah i just i just passed like three people i saw scott specimen and i was doing the boxy thing with the nice foam scott runs north i don't see him again he's dead i see gloom run south yeah that's true but i just passed like i just passed uh i think time dan and courage and i didn't run into a body well where did you come from before you passed us i think i came from yeah i know i think i came from admin i'm from cotton joe yeah so yeah we went to lights we fixed it went to um went to vitals saw that lauren was dead um went up to check in labs saw you guys in there and then was starting to head down into specimen what is there's a lot of pairs in this game i think ray and cycuno dan and courage i don't want to be impaired i feel so bad i was pressing the wrong button i had my map up and i wanted to press r i know this looks bad um well who do you think it is then dan did you see anyone no so i was doing my tree i come down and then that's when i meet you guys okay that's where you saw the body yeah and you ran past it because my map was open i was looking for my next task on the after tree i'm actually i'm actually in that area um i i did trash i peeked into oh i peeked into bottles i saw time peeked into tree saw dan and then started heading up oh he really was so then it could have been dan or time then or gloom time's dead time's dead of gloom from last round so because i don't know why but that's not the timing it just couldn't have happened anymore i didn't i had my um my what's it called the charts open yeah so where'd you go after your task was done which one whatever you were doing at bottom left uh trash i was heading up i was heading upwards yeah it's six we have to vote yeah yeah i'm leaning towards gloomer dan gloom i've already voted well we have god what gloom just put ourselves people down yeah yeah i just put my i just put myself in i i get how it looks but i don't know i mean ray said gloom songs i am personally so i mean i kind of believed dan but i didn't have to uh oh i didn't have to put myself in there i just like i just kind of wanted to i didn't have to that was funny that was yes it's just like encouraged i think devon's on his side he's never deafened oh okay okay we're all deafened okay yeah i don't know i didn't have to put myself in there i just didn't i just didn't like her yeah did we really did bloom just give away her position and then get herself voted by that that's wild would she say that i don't understand what you're you're thinking the same thing as me right no oh oh wait yeah wait enchiladas okay you're thinking i'm i'm just gonna vote for who i think it is no don't i think me and ray are on the same page why did i have my map open because i had the tree task and i was going to see where my next one was and then i got and then i was like wait i think me too well and i was like wait it's not reporting and then close my map and then you'd already avoid it wait wait who'd you vote for a second what wait wait you're not thinking the same thing as me well i actually don't who did you vote for i voted yeah i thought she was trying to protect dan i was like the only reason she would randomly bring it up he's right is it try and make dan's story sound more believable the fact that we haven't lost means probably i could be wrong though that's just my guess because i feel like i don't believe it well this is good because at least one of them's gone i don't know anymore you're right cycuno you know me so well you know me so well i didn't want him to get framed for what i did so i put myself there even though i didn't have to so i was good yeah that's what i was thinking i saw a name tag near the body say that make the story believable i saw a name tag near the bottom but i didn't realize there were two people there so then i was like oh yeah that was awesome on my part uh guys i'm heading out okay dawg thanks for playing [Music] thank you so much for the super chats what's oh last game yeah nine if we have to i guess i can just drop some of the tasks this is going to be my last one with this wow that was crazy we'll try it with just two two three i thought it was cool i found it they were gonna try to kill me my favorite was that dan tried to like reverse and marin at you for the first few nights of sleeping no he wasn't he was not he gave us at that time it was like i was from the fast and furious trying to like he was so quick oh that was fun hey good luck yeah the last time or one of the times um me and cycuno were impostor together i i did a a bit of a rash kill and i took the no i took the blame for one of his kills i just don't like like when my other imposter gets in trouble because of something i did so it's kind of like a throw that like i'll admit it i used to be like way more selfish player but these days i'm on the straight and narrow i should do like like an among us with no morals run where i don't try to like spare people okay and like i throw my imposter under the bus if i have to i used to do that all the time but then like you just start to feel bad for him oh hey dan wow this game is oh burr almost like we have no tasks at all i keep having to like avert my eyes from chat it's so tempting just like see what you guys are saying you know it's kind of lonely i wish there was a way to like ensure that you couldn't say people's names chad's yeah i saw two dead bodies and i was looking around and then i went back to vitals and i found a body there yeah i seen ria or two i seen cottage was there but he's dead i seen time around there on cams he was kind of peeking into each room i couldn't tell if it was to find someone to murder just to find the body the first one the first one it was find someone to kill ya i thought so that's why i have any information okay where's the body it was right in front of idols i walked up on it with show time i think yeah i was just coming around to there i'm just outside at the yeah i just saw them i don't think it's show time for that kill but there's been three kills so i really don't know yeah i'm pretty sure any time i've played with rey she's a psychopath who just murders and she runs so the speed of these kills wait guys i don't think it's ray i was peeing at the beginning of the round and ray was protecting my baby for like the first 20 minutes or 20 minutes 20 seconds we're standing at the ship he was alive yeah and no no i didn't get killed when i was in the bathroom so did anyone die during that time though i don't know i would have died shortly after because chad's been dead for so long all right who are we voting for who are we voting for anyone except me let's go who's it gonna be say your name dan [Laughter] oh no oh my god get away from me oh my god no oh it's so rare what do we do what do we do oh we're in such a big trouble oh we're in trouble all i can do is say prayer oh gigi guys i was actually in the bathroom and chad was protecting me and when i came back i tried to push wasd and i accidentally [Music] yeah yeah the cams were on it was like right oh i mean i had cams very quickly and just flicked through i didn't see anything because the light all of them lights up but yeah this was really fun thank you for playing ggs i'm gonna dip as well nice to meet you great please guys yeah we should organize something again yeah let's do it again this is a really good group bye bye all right guys i'm going to end the stream thank you so much everybody for coming and for keeping me company thank you to everybody in the chat for being nice and talking to me um i'm going to try to make a um video very soon about the new puppy uh the puppy's sleeping right now i don't want to wake him up because uh when he wakes up like he needs my full attention um thank you so much to my mods for moderating thank you to everybody who super chatted all everybody who became a member i love you guys so much thank you so much for watching me play among us i'm probably going to try to stream again on sunday i don't think it's going to be among us though probably something different unique i hope anyone
Channel: Gloom
Views: 1,763,534
Rating: 4.8795657 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us live, among us stream, gloomgames, kassie, 1000 iq, imposter, imposter win, how to win among us, funny moments, among us funny moments, no cursing, no swearing, among us gloom, collab, video, among us gameplay, among us memes, azzyland
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 211min 58sec (12718 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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