🔴LIVE Among Us: LaurenzSide, DanTDM, CaptainSparklez, Tiff, Smajor, Kara, and friends!

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hello and welcome to uh another among us stream i've got the dream team assembled my favorite people to play with actually so i think it's going to be a good one also i was going to be late to this stream but i just got my hair dyed i went really really dark i was gonna go black like dyed black but i decided to go toner black because i want to know your guys's opinions on what you think of dark hair i've had like blonde hair my whole life well not my whole life but like a lot of my life i've had like blonde light brown or ash blonde and like i kind of want to try to go back to my natural but this is actually darker than my natural my natural is like the darkest brown all right yeah okay all right lauren i need to pull up on that i don't know all right all right lauren lauren you have to give me your opinion you have to look at my stream yeah yeah i'm live i don't want to open youtube oh my goodness should i like full screen i want to go there i can't oh it looks so good you like it yeah oh thank you could you imagine somebody but it was like oh god i mean you always look really pretty so i don't know why you were worried oh jesus i knew it was gonna look good yeah it's uh i i went halfway i was gonna do die but i was like let's just do toner so it can fade in a week because i'm scared yeah that's really nice yeah just test her out i told her last night i was like i dyed my hair black once i was like and i hated it for like two weeks but after two weeks of showers it was better so yeah when you said that you were gonna hate it for that long yeah i was scared when you said you're gonna i was gonna hate it for like a few days i was like but i have to film i have to stream yeah that's fair hi at least you purposefully went in that color i once tried to go like a really dark blue and it was just black there was no balloon oh i wish this sounds like when i tried to go purple as well it just it was just black yeah oh at one point yeah um well it was more like purple highlights natural hair color with purple highlights through it and then it did it didn't work i've got videos like are these among us colors no we're talking about our actual like hair color [Music] i was like i didn't know you go that like specific on your among us time let me get on that pink just holding on to the peptidal color in fifth grade i look like draco malfoy i kind of wanted jordan instagram like if you dig down real far i know what i'm doing after the stream can i go searching for those frosted tips see i found like it was full hair full hair okay okay that's better i don't know if it was much better i mean it turns into frosted tips after it goes out a little bit see that's the thing with like guys is obviously for us like the difference between like a hair color we don't like in our normal hair is like two months like and then you cut it all out and start again razz what are you doing i'm poop brown that's that shower sounds like it sounds like a problem hold on there we go you can be what i'll be poop brown oh yeah actually i think i think i'm usually the black one and cupcake's usually the purple one we don't have a purple in this lobby that's right yeah no one's even not yet there was well roz you can go back to purple enough for tesla if you want blue i could take brown you want to be you want to be purple guy don't you whereas yeah i see what i see what you're doing i see your post play i see your cosplay i respect i respect but yeah come on dan i ran from the hair salon for this ran with wet hair in the cold wind she has hypothermia but she's here that was you running down the street i was wondering who that was yeah that was me running screaming masks flying everywhere they are kata are you happy i was trying to get his attention quickly but no cars you're correcting me you're never safe you think you're safe enough discord with your friends no the grammar police are here today cta cutie pup tyler that trans dude joshua thank you so much for the super chats i hope it goes well too it makes people english speakers can't normally understand us it makes sense that i spelled it wrong yeah scottish is completely different we we've got our own oh i don't know how to pronounce this one have you seen uma you don't like scary shows if you watch the haunting of blind banner there's a guy oh boy he has a speed hannah and it's very hard matt martindale the willow bee baller i loved his accent shows with subtitles i always watch with subtitles no matter what even when it's english [Music] dan you know what mike diamond at least it's not me this time oh i loved that blind manor guys scottish accent it was so cute yeah i love that show that was not you should watch it i'm so weird i don't quite understand how my brain works with horror because in one hand it's like things like that and like no stay away i'm not interested but then i will also completely find play phasma phobia or what i love american horror story like i don't think so i think you're good to go if you watch that yeah blind matter is okay actually blind man it's not as scary as the first one and it's a lot like okay the bent neck lady no thank you for the bent neck lady i didn't moms were sweaty on the first one oh yeah no stan you get in here i'm here he's here he's green he made a big deal of it being first and then his last one to the lobby i didn't realize i got kicked hold up no no the lobby closed it wasn't you that lobby closed we can't wait let me make sure what color do i get oh what what's happening there we go okay yeah oh yeah dancing angel okay let's start you keep dying that's why it probably is good luck have fun great lobby good friends good times oh polish first i always start unskilled first kate i'm so you can tell me and dan are not ready we're just standing in the correction yes i know i'm not muted okay so my issue lately is that i've been speedrunning tasks a lot and not really knowing what's going on but maybe i can like get somebody to watch me scan because i do have a nice little i don't want to get killed nope not me i'm hiding my nose is running my nose always runs when i'm like anxious because my body like heats up and she starts dripping all over the okay dan come on come with me come with me bud if you are the imposter first game first day i will hurt you come on over here oh he's look dan dan dan all right she was disappeared right now it was think i literally watched him do it did you know before you murdered her like what you did name timer led cleaned the room above her i didn't know there was a room there okay it was the way i just walked and seen her body fall he's played this a lot though not this map i am i i'm imposter every time except for once i played it six times i've been imposter five out of six you even die first or get put off the only time i was actually no even when tabo played it was i was an imposter and whatever oh no okay well cara come with me come with me come with me i need someone to i need someone to vouch come on this way this bruh lauren you're not muted you just wanted to say that yeah i did all right screw it i'll scan by myself i gotta get these tasks at [Music] it happened like five seconds ago wait right where the lights were off carl where'd you where'd you find it cara like right in lab what there's four people in labs i just saw an admin oh lab okay no no and then i get off telescope and i see the report button okay so someone someone i went to i was trying to lure you into med scan i was on med scan oh i couldn't see who's the third person in there it was i just it was just me scott or me car and scott and then someone must have come in late yeah yeah they must have right he came in late so i went i saw it on vitals and then went up to try and find a body i went up near the rocket and then the body was reported right oh so you you saw it on vitals and you had enough time oh could have been no so dan definitely didn't do this because i was also on vitals at that time and i saw the body die live okay okay so we got we got a voucher kill like that could have been invented in and invented it out so it could be cara or gloom what about what about where are we at i was in specimen that whole time where's um blue purple black i was in admin and also i leaked the code okay all right where was raz where was res that leads to labs where were you yeah i was chilling out bottom left yeah like it had to have been somebody who was in admin or it had to have been me and kara but i really don't think it's kara because that would be a that would be a ballsy kill that's like balls on the table kill bottom or the left because i'm thinking one but orange was in zekentam right wait how did i i was did you see him no i was in specimen i didn't go up to lab we've got a good classy adorable killer here a sneaky one at that okay so i definitely i definitely think that time and dan are clear because i believe the whole vital story unless it's both of them um i guess i'll do my maze i know that i left i left time in cara in calms together so if one of them died then okay well i'm gonna do my task i'm trying to do my tasks less but i can't help it they're just so fun to do clicky tasky simulator okay i really think time is okay unless he's marinating me you never know you never know what do you think of my black hair chat you can be honest it'll fade okay so lauren just came out of here lauren's looking quite tasky i don't think it might be lauren but that that would have been an easy kill on me if it was lauren why did they keep closing this door i keep thinking that i'm gonna find a body in here i found the body uh it's right under the button and i'm inclined to think it's lowering just because you just walk into office area and right i did yeah that's right she walked in there from comms yeah the body is right under the button room walked in from coms and she was at lava lake when i was passing her right now i know it's not cara now i know it's not kara because she did her upload and i saw her do the download earlier yeah i left you guys in there and uh yeah if one of you died but she could okay that may be true but i was gonna say i did walk that path but i can tell you it's not me although that looks very suspicious i don't know is there like a hole or anything over there that somebody could have went here there's a lot yeah that's true i know it's not uh razz that's the only person really 100 because he was on left side and he didn't lie about it and i saw him on admin on that kill last time and we got um think noodles right i'm a good good boy yeah yeah i mean lauren was the only should we get lauren i don't know i was in i was in comms and weapons the entire time and time was there for a lot of time right now if we're positive we got think then we oh oh yeah no no you're right i forgot i forgot everything i'm on here i forgot yeah you can skip if you want where we could make it spicy where were you guys with anyone anyone had a partner i saw lauren earlier in the o2 area um when the lights were going off but i didn't really track her after that then i went to weapons and uh at the beginning yeah until you've seen no one oh that's weird i didn't see you in weapons but i was in comms a lot sparkles where are you at i was in the building turned on the lights and then i went back down did some tasks and then i went to weapons and then i went to try are we skipping or what are we doing you gotta you gotta tell us you gotta tell us how you're being spicy but i guess it's anonymous yo that is kind of spicy i think it's uh orange maybe guys be aware of the spice hmm well we didn't get him i didn't think about it well then it definitely can't be rise oh this is good i have tasks in here guys great hey hey come on no please please please oh it's not sparkles bro someone fixed the light someone fixed lights i'm running to the button as fast as i can aim run into the bit as fast as i can time is at you [Music] okay so here's what here's what oh you killed him oh i was i was saying okay so i was hitting him i was hitting the button just so i could i was hitting the button just so i could say that jordan is fine because uh he scanned ironically oh i did see you and sparkly on the on the mid-back and then he went to dika tab with you cara right i was by myself he did not go into decon with me he went into decon at some point and you went in there first right no he didn't i don't know i watched yeah i watched him go in admin i'm an admin i'm an admin with time and you're not an admin yeah i'm at the admin people where's that i'm at the admin table i hit the button you are you're at the button table not the ask no you're not at the admin table could you just press the button you're crazy i just got out of deepon and he was not in there with me okay okay wait wait wait wait wait wait i voted for her i voted for her five seconds i voted for cara time if you're not sure then please like you guys have to skip because if it's not cara it's right it's bad to vote on no way not me do you know do you know what all right all right then vote all right then vote for cara you could vote for carol you want i'm very suspicious because she's really forcing the agenda but she was in me and sparkles scan confirmed and sparklers died must have just died in the last five seconds i've been nowhere near any of the body time time is it you sparkles no it's not i voted cara okay no votes this is such a bad idea to vote on four i don't like that you've got to skip you got to schedule no no no rise you gotta vote for cara you gotta vote for car oh oh please if it's not a win then i felicitated a large throw gloom [Music] the reason you have the issue was that you used the vent to come back into the room together it just gets to the admin table yeah but you give it to a maintenance card i just knew raz was at lights because i saw nobody's in here that's if we were all quick it was fine we can just keep playing until it maybe does yeah it's fine yeah okay so somebody else pops inside okay i hopefully don't die again oh no good luck good luck well that was good that worked i did it i made myself useful we love that we support that [Laughter] an easy one who wants to come to specie okay that's a that's an innocent car if i've ever seen one yep that's a good that's a good girl right there come on come to specimen with me oh don't leave don't fine i guess she doesn't have any reason to trust me but i'm gonna do my best take care of the take care of the squad make sure everybody has a good time cara welcome hey i knew you'd want to hey i knew you'd change your mind found it in storage sorry yeah i literally hate it it's okay oh they got him he's never gonna learn i don't know any route so i'm just going through the wall okay so who's with who i have a question actually i want to know someone's pathing okay okay dan can you give me your path thing part thing i'll be honest with you i was afk for like half of it at the top and then i did my then i did my key came down and then i was on vitals for a little bit did that well i seen you go up towards lab site did you not lab side yeah no i hadn't been that way i came out through the ship and then down past what's the building outside that storage down past the door there right and then down in through that way i just for some reason i could be wrong i haven't met that i seen you on the right side of like vitals and then you came in through the left side of vitals which seemed quick and weird but i could be wrong no i was just going backwards and fours i like camping vials at the beginning okay i know i saw um razz at the top left there at the start um i don't know where you ended up going though oh dude did my tree i like trees plants are my thing true i'm still sausage so is anyone is anyone gonna vouch for anyone for this one gloom was with me the whole time but there was a third person lab who was that gloom earlier doing telescopes no it was someone else who was about to enter decon after me that was late though just getting into labs there lauren oh i was doing other stuff before that what were you doing i saw her she was over on the life to start with oh okay okay the thanks rez so this is a what does it say i didn't realize we had to do labs a cute dentist i don't think i was getting this outside i wasn't trying to force other people to vote but i'm just putting in there that's a dan and tiff impossible i'm scared she's i think she took too long to do that i'm scared what are you doing are we going to follow her what do you think what did kate she's creeping me out dude hey raz here you fix it i don't i don't want you within melee range oh cup quake please res why isn't somebody on the other side yet what's going on what just hap huh i really shouldn't have reported that i should have finished my sample task and then reported the body but where was it it was in lab uh next to the telescope okay who did right reactor i have a question okay so then why was raz raz you were sitting there for ages i know poorest was there for like like 10 minutes he was just standing there right yeah so we went to left first gloom and razz were there and it was just pending so we ran over to right nobody was right i saw a point in spooky going to the right when i went up to the left so that makes sense so when the reactors went off again i went to uh the vitals and i wrapped around the bottom and i was on my way up and i met i can't remember who it was it was cara and a bunch of others on the left but it'd already been done yeah we were all there i did see dan come late and i went away enough to do a murder oh it looked like he came from the bottom though i don't think he came from the right josh that's enough for me he's so did i mean he could have uh i've gone through the vents and then come back up through the bottom yeah wait wait wait wait wait because i was with cara raz was on this thing yeah i went to vitals i went to violence to camp because it was lauren still alive while you were on vitals she was she was alive for uh yeah she was alive um tiff took too long to do her uh passport thing and then she was running around real weird and it was creeping me out what i mean is dan's the only one not accounted for yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i just mean for like you know next round but because reactors have a long time so i uh yeah i mean cara did do the downloading i'm always drinking some of the phone calls why did you download before upload or sorry [Music] wow shouldn't have done that it's dan's lobby and i'm just like get out out you go um don't okay you know what i'm gonna take a walk on the wild side and do this task like this is such such an unfortunate place to die because i feel like no one will ever find you okay scott obviously wants me to come here with him i'm guessing oh we both have tree that's nice all right what do you think should we check vitals i don't know where you want to go bud got him got it who was it wait wait before you start going for a show that was you you're just self-important buddy i got him as in i caught myself stabbing you don't even know your victim come on buddy that's a bit hard wait if time is right i am sorry tiff that i yeah that they're bad but anyways i'm voting rest yeah wait wait hold on i think we murdered them no that's it no if you want to know what was actually happening uh i go check vitals no one's dead and then i go and see on admin and i see some activity on labs and i had like three tasks in labs still to do because i never gone there yet i run in and i knew uh razz was on that side and i thought maybe spookley was dead there but i see spooky pass me at the rock i run in and ride good voting it's nice to see people believe in fairy tales still i mean well no we could be very wrong if we're dan and rasmus disney is thriving okay oh let's go i'm sorry tim oh yeah i completely forgot we voted definitely lauren definitely yeah make a new one yeah yes scott yes did you lie to me were you off at labs i wasn't at labs no but i did vent from the other side you didn't that was uh okay i don't i was like excuse me about the vitals thing i was like oh god oh god oh god i was hoping you would say she was dead i was going to find the body that's all that would have been a smart thing to do but it was just it was one of those things like yeah i swear i've seen him at the right you said thank even as yeah as you said i want to ask about parting i knew you were going to ask me i need a story i need a story i was just i i i just there was nobody on their own at all and then you got voted out so i wouldn't know i would i really didn't want to kill justin first but he went into the storage room thanks for the tip and trick then i'll close the door i want to play scout but i prefer police as imposter oh scott took his clothes off okay come on bud oh uh uh i don't know where this is uh oh i don't wanna i don't want to die doing this okay all right come on don't no one ever comes with me to med scan except for my two eggs on my head hello hello i guess i'll just i guess i'll just save it oh oh my goodness i thought my game just froze if i die down here no one's ever to find me my hair smells very strongly of being dyed it's like giving me a headache a little bit oh okay maybe someone's in labs by now no no one at all i gotta go to admit i'm a little scared i'll do this first [Laughter] oh cara thanks for letting my upload go through that's okay okay this one happened a long time ago i saw it on the vitals and went looking i couldn't help okay where it was in um in weapons she died shooting asteroids oh always always wanted to go out there well i can say me and raz were near each other like the entire time they were admiring trees in the tree and i was like really obsessed with that yeah you guys were just like hugging near the trees it's adorable we finally i do have a question actually justin when did you see this body die like i i don't know like 30 seconds i don't know how to tell time but but when i went to the vitals table was you check vitals as well about 30 seconds ago didn't you yeah it was was she dead then yeah i was running around trying to find her ages ago yeah it was yeah because jordan run from weapons happened when the lights were communicated i feel like i seen almost everyone that came because i was running around myself because i didn't want to group up like when i was like i'm just gonna freeze i'm just divorcing i don't think you saw me at all cassie we did the rocket to start with and then we did the telescope oh yeah oh yeah yeah afterwards yeah i didn't see cassie at all yeah so i went my i went lab specimen lab admin that was my pathing oh okay i stayed on the left side for a while i did too on the left okay labs specimen admin communications could you have yourself yeah she could have that i think what happened when those lights probably went out then yeah i didn't know that was walking on me no because the lights had been she was dead before the lights because it was always the lights only just turned out they went back own up to it hmm i wish that we had the taskbar things but it's kind of i think it's probably a good thing because a lot of people think it's very unfun to just watch the task bar go up i have some stuff to do here i really do feel like like with his with uh jordan's pathing it could have been him on the first one so i'm just gonna oh hey no scott's here saw a chill for now hi this is a very dangerous place to be [Music] please don't do this to me okay now run run like the wind i don't i'm not going to lights no way i'm really glad that i haven't gotten gas cans in this map because like they were saying it's a real good way to die not interested in dying interested in solving the case [Music] okay off we go to admin table and then i have to figure out my wires nobody died what you doing think looks like a download no one's ever gonna scan confirm me i hate doing wires here oh if somebody pops out and kills me okay hey cuppy i did suss you for no reason last time so come come oh we both have it perfect perfect i have my little vouch my voucherino my compadre don't leave me no dang it oh i just saw him running down to admin or office area yes so that is outside the vital screen okay oh so who's on lights right now i see a lot i was almost at likes who's on like who wasn't me razz for sure i think lauren as well yeah she's there 100 percent into it i was near that storage room that dan killed me in last time okay specimen for a while and then i saw cupcake and one other person uh me i went uh i went up to med scan and i met gloom there and i can vouch for her we both met okay okay med scan is that true gloom that's true did you go up as well showtime um where two labs doesn't look like from specimen from specimen i checked the vitals no one was dead i started walking the labs thinking someone was dead but then the lights are turning off so i went to lights and i'm with uh raz and lauren and i saw uh spookly past me going towards vitals so do you think it's a recent death then yeah for sure for sure yeah you left yeah after the like so i fixed one lights and i think you raz lauren and sparkles were really interesting yeah or maybe this was one before this one and then me and him went on to cams and i think he must went out to the right and i went down back and he died right when lights were turning off oh second one oh well then i feel like i feel like it can't be think because he was like i saw him doing his download don't think so i don't think so yeah like i think it is maybe him maybe you maybe both of you time you also watch it at one point yeah it's definitely not kada okay tiff we gotta stick together now because they're gonna want to kill us i said it was definitely not herb right yeah you said it definitely wasn't hard and it was oh but oh true i'm confused these guys sure are slow with the lights what do you need to do will you come with me to labs please and then we can sleuth i just have to finish my med skin and then i'll come with you okay now we gotta go get info oh no oh somebody who just walked past us we got to find out who walked past us who went the other way yep she knows she knows what's up she knows what we're doing was that dan where do you want to go i guess we can go with scott because then if one of us die we'll know hmm oh by the lava pit [Music] yeah like okay can i just throw a wild accusation out there please please do okay the killings have been so slow uh-huh i have been tagging along with raz this entire time just for fun for funsies he keeps weirdly standing over holes which i thought was just me and him both stood at the tree and did the task he literally just went to o2 again three rounds later and did the same stood at the tree today oh oh oh which one you faked hold on a second that's because i didn't bother doing the task the first time i actually believed that he never was standing on the tree so then when i saw the total tasks were quite high i thought we'll win on tasks i should probably do my tasks so that's why i've been systematically going around doing them i think it's a self reporter you usually go to all the tasks first like the last round you were i will say dead the game's so quiet i will say it kind of makes sense what lauren's saying solely because there have been almost no kills i think it's a self-report the skill why because think was on the vitals okay yeah yeah i think yeah i was on the vitals lights went out i went running by the lava and it was right there why aren't you seeing this cup key yeah quick when i think it's happening wait who who's accusing cup quake yeah who that rhymes because that is so good and she's so nice nah not today ross that's not a good enough excuse if you vote me out lauren you've done this to me we're not we're not voting what oh my god it's gotta be time it's gotta be time it's gotta be tired good job i hope that haunts you and your two little children oh my god oh okay guys go get it go get it go get it go get it children that she's got whether like a character children are you good good thanks for clarifying sorry the ghostbusters please please it's time i know it it's gotta be time no it's gone scott knew cathy was murdered oh no no oh that was the one that we knew was safe for the year i mean is it safe no wait wait wait it's safe cassie vouched for tiff right so she yeah pink and scott can i speak wait it makes sense that razz was one of them because there was no double kill no wait we would have lost who did that uh right you're right you're right i did me i did left reactor i saw lauren come up late i did right so i would have voted i mean unless i was just getting people out that makes sense when i left the office uh think and major were i think on vitals yeah i would have shown you guys just but there was no deaths although i thought there was one because we voted someone off but then when i reached down i went back down to office and that's where i discovered cassie's body in emergencies he's an emergency that's where the body is oh but i didn't see things running from uh that area yep well yeah i was on the i went to the bottom thank for that so who's on the reactors i was trying to get into storage [Music] so we don't really have time to do other stuff because i think scott killed on the button but i maybe maybe yeah i love time this is why i love times we still have one more by the way for scott though remember time is a brand new streamer love him to death like played among us with him and i was like you are so cool so awesome so funky fresh like please play with me as much as you can um he's like a brand new streamer he's only streamed twice so please go check him out on twitch if you like him i'd really appreciate it he deserves it terry will probably put the link it's really hard to break into this fear of being a content creator and there are a lot of people who i feel like deserve it but it's really hard to break in um i feel time is definitely one of those people who's just like fun to play with good personality doesn't like no matter who he's playing with he doesn't change how he plays some people even myself like you get like kind of starstruck and you just choke but i really like how he doesn't do that like how he just like knows who he is hopefully these guys get scott i think that scott's play right now is to kill time because lauren and cub quake are actually quite impressionable so that would be the play right now it's going to be a tough one it's going to be a tough one for scott but if i was scott i would definitely kill no oh what would you do maybe you kill lauren and blame it on time yeah because he needs he he has to keep time alive he's got to blame it on time oh no oh no oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay i mean okay so that's just kind of luck of the draw um i think that scott is just playing right now in hopes that he can hit a reactor that sets him up to blame the right person or call a sabotage that sets him up and hope that the ghosts don't get their tasks done i'm surprised that lauren still has tasks at this point in the game but sometimes it's smarter to like not do your tasks and figure out oh no he's gonna win scott's gonna win unless they go back scott is going to win because his cooldown yes lauren please please lauren go go go my baby go no not that way don't he's gonna oh don't touch things just let me sabotage them it was a win there all you needed to do was double kill it just stick with being double killed but you wouldn't follow me the other option was just camp cassie's body and kill the person that walks in oh yeah we wanted scott stop complaining we didn't when we lost [Laughter] that's really funny is my last game by the way okay i'm not fixing those lights nope not for me oh whoa we are awesome button came up oh pure tiff it's not your car was that time okay yo there's literally no evidence on this one right no it's not i mean okay so if it's if it's by lights it can't be mere scott on this one yep right why it's by life in the hallway of lights i'm still on the spaceship i was just about to go back where is it that razz where is it i literally just left the spaceship so it's on the way to lightspeed i ran down yeah i saw the button come up and i was like just outside storage so it's in between there yeah so it is on the way to light so you you both could have done i'm not seeing you aren't you have done it but you can't clear yourselves completely oh yeah no me and kara can because we're i literally open lights and i think lights is done now uh cassie and scott can't clear because they're just saying they're together they could be the two imposters oh no we're on there we're on the right side of the map we're cleared for this kill right we don't know um jordan you're awfully quiet what were you up to yeah i i literally just said i was running down from dropship and then i went towards lab and then it was called immediately think what were you up to i came down to the dropship i avoided the storage area because that's where dan killed me the first time went around the side of it and was going to the ad or whatever the id scan vitals i just wanted to see everything that's enough for me to vote him off i don't know don't follow it don't all right i think that scott's still mad from the imposter game where there were six and they could have won and then think didn't double kill well that's kind of the good thing about think you know he adds that that chaos sometimes if a lobby is way too sweaty it's just it's just intense it's good to be around some jokesters sometimes [Laughter] oh spooky don't do it to me don't do it to me oh it actually looks like he's doing tasks i feel like he's okay it looks like car is actually headed to do scan okay so car is cool i do want to have an imposter game one day where i like actually like try to fake scan so risky though like it's kind of a throw i think that's another thing how didn't you see this body dude what the lights were out just yes thank you again what body might be um so this is what i see okay i i me and dan walk out of lights together okay and i'm in the hallway of lights and i and then think comes into the hallway of lights i literally just leave the hallway of lights and the body is dead at the entrance of um storage thank you all right okay fine i'm talking about it oh my god hear me out hear me out hear me up i think it's time here because in the beginning he was so railroading to make sure i knew he was with him and to make sure you guys knew i was with him that's just kind of how time plays he's a little bit special yeah i won't i won't clear anyone from now on okay all right it's good is everybody i could um i mean unless he's framed i don't know he walked right past the body though i did not do this i'm just i swear on my youtube channel i did not channel his third one wait who said that wait a minute i think he gets it wrong do we get his youtube channel yeah wait so you know wait slide the subs out spread them out can i get a little bit more i'm close to a metal can i get a little bit of any of these it's probably the other imposter you should get your frame for it makes it better well poor thing if it actually wasn't him it's really sad he almost gets owned all right time to do my part as a citizen of humanity oh it's quick i like it um i need to think more about like my like my crewmate rotation just makes absolutely no sense and it makes it hard for me to be a good imposter because like on polis in particular oh running running running running running [Music] um yellow is coming up on me okay there's two people thank god man uploads okay i feel like dan is okay scott i don't know because he's so good at faking tasks that i just never know who the heck are flipping you oh it's time left time and scott together where the where's time what did you do with him why are you following me oh no oh please no what no one's ever dying these days hmm man we are getting the shyest killers in north america if it's scott like he really is being patient on this one hmm all right it's vitals time you ready scott you ready for vitals time hello what's going on here come on someone's gotta die at some point oh lauren okay okay it was so i went to vi also no one was dead and then i went to yeah so i saw mr sparkles walk out of lab and i went into lab and there's a dead body near the vials task which is he walked out i walked out a while ago yeah he was he was there when me and me and scott crossed him yeah yeah that means cassie he was there when we left him no that would that would mean that he was standing there on that task for like a minute or something because we saw lauren come out of it uh i ended the samples and then i walked out after you guys oh but dan's saying he saw you i crossed you on the way out of the door yeah which is me 100 yeah wishes like right after they scott and cassie went out as well no we didn't see dan that was a while ago yeah yeah that was i'm talking like just now and also the body is literally just dead because me and cassie weren't invited i literally i i don't know what his timeline is here because no i i left and that was that was that no only one so we were definitely right now oh wait yeah just learn your timeline your timeline isn't right there dan i was out oh no yeah because i i was out of lab i mean i saw cara in um vitals on cameras then i saw her in admin and i didn't get why she went to admin when she knows everyone's alive unless she's hunting that's what i kind of thought we gotta vote we gotta vote we gotta go the hole is right beside the admin table you know that right yeah that takes you to life dan your timeline was actually completely wrong but you got it oh what none of those kills all right ggs [Music] [Applause] all right who has a friend who has a friend who has a friend i think jack solar dancer staring at the screen waiting almost like he set up a tournament don't kill me if you're the imposter at least let me get one round guys guys guys can we play can we play skilled please yeah let's make a rule that if you're the imposters just this round he's going to change the maps that's fine um we don't kill think first okay first round i think is not allowed to be murdered okay so get him first round i'm going to do really dumb stuff now this has a mountain of parties sitting behind him i didn't see anything wait guys what are we gonna do with things channel now hey kill any of them i had nothing to do with any of those positioning i guess sorry yes it was it was a very it was a very uh very chosen very specifically those words i had nothing to do with any of these kids it was all jordan here and you don't want to color away sorry you've come in here you've stolen test color and you've got your brain that's really right sorry i thought it was purple's hands well it was not this room i'm going straight to electrical four five six seven eight nine ten oh jeez i am not ready for this i'm not ready for this okay so download trigger thing upload hmm oh this is going to be tough um i just gotta do some hail mary's i was literally about to say there's only nine on that one huh so i found i found this body right outside electric uh security cassie did you know murder i was i was with you walking the light sky because i can you can't answer that scott we left him together tiff which direction the other direction i was coming from uh it was like you you just left electrical as i was coming into electrical yeah i did uh it was it was like outside of this right outside security right by the door on the left side learned security oh yeah it came from there so the reason i'm not saying it is but the reason i have sauce was at last i seen was time and cassie were up at reactor side time went into security cassie was already in reactor but then doubled back but then lights went out and i went down to do them yeah so the lights went out the lights went out and we went together you were ahead of me so it actually can't be you but we left together we left him alive i didn't you guys just showed up i mean someone someone easily could have ended but yeah i think dan's pathing was because i was in electrical dan joined me then he went back out and then as i was exiting electrical because i had four tasks dan ran back in again i did the lights i fixed the lights quick okay see a body there when you did you come from security or where'd you come from i came from the right i came from storage that's why i asked what direction it was from because i just passed you one going i was going from the right electrical okay my issue is i feel like we've rubbed shoulders with the impostor several times because there's only one death because everyone just happened to be meeting each other the only person i didn't see that entire game was jack i also think for the second half oh we don't have anonymous voting time oh yeah it's my game oops we just see john the no evidence vote by jack classy also the halloween decorations are super cute the first time i've seen them yeah they're only in this map yeah i really like it i know right okay raz is really gonna have to kill somebody this is a guy who i actually don't trust to double kill on six so i'm just gonna do the best i can i'm just gonna do the best i can oh oh thank goodness it's scott i thought it was eliminating the big brains okay i just turned up i saw the blood splash in lights i only saw scott's color though i'm so glad i didn't go in there okay i would say jack why were you running past electrical when i got there i was running in circles at the door because i did not want to go in there yeah he ran in and ran out past me could he have done it quickly did he kill when he no no way he didn't go up far enough all right like he was still standing fresh whenever who was there i wasn't here the lights were out though somebody said i reported too quickly yeah yeah um so where's so vote dan then right because he bothered whoa i'm in storage okay uh i wasn't i was in admin i saw jordan and i was running around i i went i was considering going right side saw razz and then i was heading towards the lights didn't get there yeah yeah it's definitely not lauren because she was chasing me around the table yeah i was just saying i was chasing think so no i don't trust her at all she trusted me i don't trust her i wasn't scared this one couldn't have been her i don't think it was jordan for this one either wait i think yeah and dan could be working together on it and excusing each other lauren also saw me not go in there is that true i saw you run past electrical yeah i was running a circle oh true true i should have left a little longer to do who it was i don't know but i can't say he wasn't in there as far as ice maybe it's good you didn't know saying you would have been framed maybe yeah true was it you that [Music] i was playing tag with fink in the cafeteria um okay does the killer want to come forward or do i have to rat you out whoa jordan what i don't know i've done nothing whoa why are you throwing it on me i'm just asking come on hey who's on the left side forward i mean yeah i guess not i it wasn't cassie we literally saw the person do it no no cassie said no no no no no she's just waiting for the person to no no no no did it i was you it was your ass what the person do it okay what do you mean i wanted to see what everyone else said but i was insecure i just walked into this situation i see a body hit the floor and it's gloom and razz standing over just sliced them in half well the fact that raz isn't immediately going on the gloom makes it seem like yeah probably why why would i blame gloom when it was done oh okay he should have counter-accused me and they as he was coming out of security as i was running past gloom was there i feel like very confused because dan was obviously on camps right okay okay unless okay unless it was a visual glitch two are there still two impossible there are still two imposters so yeah how am i literally getting framed for this right are you kidding me well if it's not you it's good because you need to be more like up front and assertive as soon as it's cold i said it was done if it's not d if it's not red it might be cassie and dan yeah me and den watch out for pink and yellow so dan was dan was coming up on that kill he saw me on the body i had to accuse raz and the fact that raz wouldn't accuse me is the reason why i'm getting voted off next so i kinda just gotta do the best i can to get some killing done i have no choice here i have no choice i don't know where jack went i'm hoping nav no all right cassie get get out of here yeah when uh when raz didn't counter accuse me it was over because dan walked up and saw us on the body so i had to accuse razz and then he was defending me still and i was like please stop please stop i was like i i saw a thing like past me and i was like oh i gotta finish my task and then i'm gonna meet up with think cause i know he's good and then all of a sudden i am dead and you're up there i was like for a reason i didn't probably i was right you didn't kill typhoon yeah i knew i had to stay quiet because when none of them said anything i'm like yeah you had to have seen me there's no way wait how quick do you want purple oh no you could have her i was white earlier changing jack's accusation was based on nothing she was your party listen yeah why is normally my color and then i thought cupcake was normally purple which is why i took it yeah that's why i didn't take purple i was like it's been purple every time we play with arrows are you guys ready i did that because dan gets so tongue-tied i was hoping we'd make him sweaty you should have both accused each other and then it might have been like yeah that's what i was that's what i was hoping for yeah i was trying to hope to try and keep cassie around because it was i think that i think raz you were a little bit you were a little bit far away and you didn't see how close dan was to that oh yeah okay cassie you need smarter than that that's it i need to send you a clip because i literally said to my like to my stream i was like you mean cassie have this kind of like unwritten friend rule where we don't murder each other hey i got time first i know you're dead so unlucky i tried to do the classic throw my imposter under the bus to clear myself move because then i could have said like i got the other imposter out and it would have like saved me for a few rounds but i don't think that razz knew what i was doing he wasn't sabotaging and he wasn't killing so i think that he's just like a little bit new at the game and i shouldn't have went for that like maybe we should have just i i there's nothing we could do i swear i thought lauren just killed me so i don't know i don't think i was meant to so basically i went to wait you reported it yeah i went to admin seen the logical there was someone in electrical when i went to electrical there's no one there so i was like oh that means they're in the vent i should get out um and then i went around to security and as i got in the room the door shut behind me i think whoever was impostor was just too slow on it which makes me think it's possibly time wait i literally followed i went to electrical you came out so i went into electrical to check if you killed anyone and it wasn't and then you just reported instantly yeah the body the only reason i haven't come from left i saw jack i was on i was on the right side but i think jack and someone else you can't sabotage when you're in the vent right so the only reason i think it might i'm not hard saucing the reason i think it might be time is the door shut just as i got in which was as though it could either be completely coincidence you're walking out of electricity so early alone in security you walked out of electricity alone like so early and i'm like he must have yeah i went to see because i seen someone in there and i was i have four tasks from there i just started the game i was like i might as well just jump out the window because there's no one thing for lauren then lauren you are muted metis i literally was on the right side i was on the right side and i just got yeah i did see time and jack on the right side in nav i literally [Music] electricity as you called it basically well that was an interesting he said she said when i got that last kill here i really should have entered it's a big mistake on my part no one has seen me this whole game i feel like with two imposters i will get sussed so i have to be a little bit more strategic and find some people and stay with them oh no okay lauren did you go up to cafeteria no no i i was with laura the entire time i was in cafeteria the body is in the body is in uh cafeteria oh where are you lauren and shields like a few seconds ago yes sparkles and think we're all like in the same kind of in shields and then just in navigation doing wires so who's right now i'm no okay so before this is this is kind of what i uh see so i did see lauren go up to cafeteria but she came back and i don't think it was her for this kill and oh is this two deaths there's just one side electrical room one um so i didn't see lauren go far enough to get this kill i saw dan like in the um storage-ish area i think so i don't think it's him either and then i just being weird together i'm just going to say who i don't because last round for last round she was really like she was protecting me as a bodyguard and i figured like scott always says gloom as a body guard so i was gonna well he's not gonna have to be alive like he's saying like maybe like 15 seconds ago and i don't think it could be lauren because she does okay who are you voting for it's eight yeah i mean you could vote around i don't think it's lauren i was everywhere if you if you guys are obsessed of me i say you get me out now so that you don't waste further rounds on me is this a tactic no where did you end the round where did i end uh i ended on left side heading towards upper reactor okay i don't know where the reverse psychology big brain galaxy no i wish i i wish i was that cool i'm not because well the reason why dan didn't talk that entire time hey i'm listen yeah so like i was saying i i just don't want to be in a situation where i like nobody saw me that whole time if there's two imposters then you're arguing against two people that don't want you on the ship and i've been screwed over by that so many times that i kind of don't want to deal with it but they decided to keep me so i'm going to try to be i'm going to try to make it worth their while right after i do simon says unless i get killed right now okay now what do we have here we've got jack on cams cup quake um wait i forget who i just saw in there cupcake and yo girl are you good is that a den wait no no what i need to do is i need to check up top what okay uh i i oh okay i just i just stumbled upon tiff did you not just get locked and calf with somebody where are you think i am by lower engine just in the like i just was entering the hallway there and i was i just came on jordan's body was about to report and then white report or blue reported the white body i'm almost positive i saw tiff and dan go into electrical the doors closed i went wait i saw two people i'm gonna go back up there and then it was just tiff no i didn't get i didn't get locked in with them dan was in storage so he couldn't have done that um i don't know where think and cassie were but i feel like i was with cupcake the whole time in elections we were locked in electrical i saw a thing coming from electrical slash like engine side the start of the round so i went to security right and no one was dead so that's why i was kind of suss of him so i have no clue as of yet i think cup quake is actually crew because i've actually seen her do like a ton of tasks that are like the random ones so the body i don't know i don't know okay so with the body dan who are you dan who are you sausage let's just get it out of the way we don't have a lot of time i'm i'll be honest obviously i'm such a view because you just accused me of being locked in and then disappearing okay anyone else says it was you all right tiff who are you obsessive i'm a little so stinking dan white bobby is actually time for you uh um maybe think or cup quake all right i'm going for thank you okay you guys lost oh we may have no i think we won didn't we then i don't know i think oh no i could have swore i could have swore i saw dan vent i could have swore but then cupcake didn't see it was perfectly right you just got the wrong person yeah yeah you did you like i i ran into security security this little yellow head pops about the vent i'm like oh crap try to get outdoor shots me get murdered tiff are you sure you didn't go into electrical with dan like maybe you were doing it it was so scary so the reason i was so tight oh yeah i was like smooth operator he killed scott i'll just build him an alibi can people's not count me second please the best was i was like dan didn't talk at all that round and then he murdered me right you're right god i can't believe that getting imposter with time is like it's like winning the lottery because he will control the flow of information for you and just like what happened to dan like you can just sit back relax and watch people fight i should have been more sus of dan when he said that he thinks it's me and i should have been more obsessed of time when i said throw me out now and time said is that a tactic but i feel like as crew he would have said that anyway hmm i should have i kind of wish that i got myself thrown off there because like my fear happened like not enough people seeing me throughout the game also think was just like he was being really quiet so i was really suspicious but dad was being quiet too it's just one of those just one of those cute casual third imposter games please don't tell me i have simon says easy enough cupcake on cam's leaving i mean maybe it okay that makes sense scott was late let's see if anything fishy is going on around here i just want to get this out of the way that was a lengthy round i know who it is i know who it is who who do you think it is yo my man showtime it's time to tell everyone what you've been up to baby wait what is this where am i it's your show baby your center stage that fits her on the crowd is going i walk up i walk past cafeteria i go into weapons and then it's called yeah did you see him in there cup quake no i didn't see him because then and he disappeared he's no longer there jack went in i'm on cams baby i'm watching everything i did actually jesse yeah so just to make sure i'm getting this right razz are you saying that you see them going one way and then appear on a different cam no but they never and there's no cam on that side yeah there is just above them literally just on weapons there isn't a cam on weapons is there yeah it's below weapons because i don't know what's going on there's no cam at weapons well whatever room you both went into you never both came out so if that was a bad call i'm fuming let's take a little walk to weapons right now and see where the camera and weapons is i happen to not see one i do not see one time said that he was in cafeteria and then he went to weapons there oh there is no cam there it was wow oh i was so cheesed i was so cheesed but it was a hey it was a good it was a good call i just i guess i just didn't understand it what was it based on then where was the body it was in between weapons and cafeteria in that hallway uh-huh were you on cams i was on camera a lot that round oh no to verify anything oh that comes near the end but i did see dan on that side of the ship earlier on i don't know how old this body is but dan was was there between o2 and electric or o2 and nav on cams he was placed in that area in the area in the beginning i have no idea was alive when i left i don't know if you saw him i have been with lauren and think for most of that yeah so all three are as three are clear for this kill i'll be honest i've been with a lot of people but also raz is also clear for this girl he was with me for the time that i wasn't with thinking lauren and then raz was there and then he met his electrical so he which we means it's jordan definitely been on camera the whole time other than the very end when i found it yeah so that makes sense i think that's i think it's dan but we don't have to vote on seven in case we got the first one wrong wait sorry where is the body found between weapons and cafeteria i mean i saw gloom when i was there i went and i did my wires in your nav and then we crossed paths in weapons she was alive i went to med bay did my little vile fills checked who was on cams went back to med bay but it was discovered so i mean yeah tiff's whereabouts line up there with what i saw i swear i was that sideways i went down and then i met with people outside electrical and then stay and then i was at cam on cams at the end of the round yo scott's voice minion that's not a new thing me and dad have become like pokemon rivals in this game except instead of catching them all you're just killing them all oh come on dude why did i oh the energy drinks they're getting to me careful scott wouldn't go too close to dan if i were you yeah so this is he's doing oh oh let raz live interesting oh time closing the door is going nah get go get him time's running out unlucky timing what's he doing what is he doing don't just go jogging check and vin to see where they are [Music] i was in towns and nothing was suspicious jordan was in there with me i left cams to go to my last task in electrical doors are what were you just doing cap what do you mean what was i just doing i was walking through stories don't check admin it's just the last person i saw you with was my man scotty boy you were just yeah i watched it's not even funny dan is just sitting back laughing right now i went to see where tiff went i was trying to find her dan is the last person who went no i don't know all right oh my god he wants me i don't know where the game won't end then vote right right no no no stop stop stop i i see we vote for dan dan first and then cap afterwards because dan has been held with us the entire time for jordan both times he called me this whole brain i i i am very upset at the small brain comment right now i'll call him guys i literally just told you he vented and none of you when did you say that who's that vets at the beginning nobody mentioned that are you guys not paying attention wait wait okay okay okay okay krista berger jordan scriboli ami sophie flame eda w thank you so much for the super chats mg mia espada roblox 3 oh this game over i know scott was stuck in electrical who was with him wait wait wait wait wait who did captain i don't even think it's tiff i think tiff just i don't know wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait throwing me for somebody hold on a second who did you vote for i voted for dan think who did you pay for i voted for jordan because he called me small brained oh my god that's that's that's that's small thinking though i i your name is think noodles so thing people call me names i push back lauren i voted for david your name is think please think i don't think it's jordan from what the way he sounds he doesn't normally go this way but yeah yeah easy when i went that high everybody said it was me and then it wasn't thank you lauren exactly i'm being open i'm going jordan proof vote with me here we'll vote down out first no then we'll go can't help me yeah i'm kind of dead if i wasn't voting for george would i have sabotaged it must have been like i'm voting if the game doesn't end then it's just what the heck right now exactly oh my galaxy 90 9018 it's knox niv hannah thank you so much for the super chats the new perspective aaliyah the lazy toast girl cheer awesome will roan will rowan ronnage gaming katie ryan i not driana clint weddill valerie benham thank you so much for the super chats i feel safe and the one you say there's no canons there there's no yeah i was so confused yo i got that wrong i was just really blind oh my they went the same area and then they didn't come back out so i was lucky [Music] oh i hate these top tasks oh yellow please don't do it please it's too early it's too early oh wow so that was at the junction between navajo too and going south um all right well well not dan who can vouch for who i can vouch for lauren and daddy razz that's right and he left down and then i went down just a second after him i can tell you that uh jordan scott and cub quake went right side i didn't see time though right okay who who is left who's left who's not vouched for was it dan again no it's not dead i just called for process of elimination and nobody's using it jack does the same thing i do is he goes to nav instantly gets no i don't so jack did his first task in the left he did so i did the alignment and then i did the ship and then i started running down and then i was on my who went to administration i did lauren and rez are you guys both in there now and me yeah i didn't go down but i did see jordan doing the download and walk down second so it could have happened the other day i didn't see blue on my way out of right side and i went back up so i don't know how blue got there probably from the bottom i don't like when crewmates waste a ton of time like when someone's not being sussed and they go okay well you know i did uh okay when they're like oh yeah you know i did my nav task and then i went did download and then you know it's like shut up please like we need to find out who the killer is like i feel like that's what an imposter would do but i also feel like some people just really like talking a lot it's like i don't know my policy when i'm like playing with friends at night is very much like okay it's not this person next next what else do we have what else do we have who is together who can vouch for who what's the what's the sitch but it also i maybe it just frustrates me because of the way it's like the way i think i think because like when somebody's telling me their tasks i'm like trying to take it in but my brain doesn't know why i'm memorizing it maybe i'm just stupid probably foreign i have so many tasks in here who's here okay there's two i don't mind that that first kill must've been pretty early if i still have all of my nav stuff please not me i promise i'll be good i promise i'll be kind hmm ah medscan medbane scald is so tucked away it's so hard to get people to vouch for you or like even coming here with you and it's crazy how it's right next to event oh think please i feel like somebody died in calf i'm done huh that was a long round where was that whole round i can't get over how scott and jack apparently both went into nav and nothing to do with the first body anyways but i literally was a few seconds behind jackie was just out of range and caf that was two people right i was uh yeah me and res which one of you i went to i went to med bay first as well yeah yeah i was doing my scan think was doing his like test tubes i left i did wires in upper cafeteria and then brazil went back to med bay went back because i think they went in an event i'm gonna be honest with you but i could be wrong both neither of us went in the event because we both at the end of the round an event i think what let's talk about the body no wait are you saying that we one of us went to do an event right at the end of the round i think someone went into med bay and then sat an event like into electrical and then the body was called well it was me that called the body so it couldn't have been me yeah it kind of been unique and gloom was literally following you okay where's buddy it's outside security about half an hour into the vote yeah but yeah since it's outside security so whenever the random event was called which was lights obviously somebody that was up top left or bottom left i'm guessing it was probably top left went down to go to um do lights and they got murdered on the way okay well we have no time now that was another i was there for most of the second half of that story i went to storage on my way to lights right now i do have med bay right now if anyone has a scan let's go where'd you're in the round i'd have to check i would and storage and then into electrical in there if you want to talk more because there's a bunch of people that entered the round of electrical so i'm sure we can find out someone came from the left that vote was uh for wasting time but i think scott might do the old wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait done hello yeah it's over oh no [Laughter] the game's over [Music] oh you were right jordan i'm sorry i was really smart jordan you crashed real late in cafeteria and i was like this is weird i was going to bring it up when we were honestly that that's the order i would do and normally because i always get nav done i keep the central castle last because they're center wait um nutcat30 olivia krenn kaley cake tons of mangoes love your name uh how do you how you do your hair i curl it with a straightener rebecca chan wlt20 gabby darden bamboo jada jackson thank you so much for the super chats michael gondala general hargreaves why are you sabotaging are you joking me you have to be kidding me sylja congers lev eating is my bias elizabeth adkins thank you so much for the super chats rebecca chan envia willis neve hannah rosie norton jada jackson neve hannah again robert wanaco do or do not there is no try quite the name thank you for the super chat griffin roll voting for scott getting him out of here oh guys come on we knew it was really unfortunate i well i voted for him last time for like i voted for him last time for sussing me and rouse i was like this vote is for wasting our time [Music] you said and my ring clicked what happened you can see the gears turning and i was just like no [Laughter] no no i'm brown more like spoo no nutcat 30 dd fortune it's the way that the lobby works for some reason it does it for some people but yeah i don't know why it does that it chooses like select just give you your yeah i saw someone in a stream yesterday like six times in a row i had to like say the other day i could try and reach quite down i had it like six times in a row sorry i'm sorry someone's getting really lucky in this lobby it's making me mad [Music] rebecca chan julia no one k nkp one mia hugo chloe thank you so much for the super chat silas the gamer 3000 thank you let's get our uploads going nice killer galaxy wolf amber nicole samari radal hope you're enjoying the stream today oh i'm sorry i have to hear about your friends scott's either crew or he's faking his tasks like an absolute gosh right now oh i still have to go to nava who's going in here and why oh oh there's a lot of people in here okay so this appears to be an imposter who doesn't like to call sabotages very much never mind okay well i've got stuff to do in nav anyways all right who killed jack not me not me got it where was jack's body it was uh i was on the way it's uh right by weapons i was on the way just to check upper row two to see if somebody died and somebody just can't be think he's in electrical and i just was an electrified i feel like it can't can't be scott can't be jordan arnold and she was there like in the last five seconds you think could be dan i would tell you guys i saw him without an alibi here right yeah i wasn't with anyone but i came up from shields to o2 navigation doing those tasks but i didn't go up to weapons i was on my way but i haven't been the top one i was on my way i didn't get that who did it who done it i went to i went to o2 to do it but i didn't see anyone i didn't see who done it so you didn't wait and they're not staying the body don't want to admit you've done it because you did it and yeah you did it no i literally wasn't going to do it from the bottom i got that and it had already been done but i didn't cross anyone i swear we have truth but that just nightmares mean that and gloom could have gone up report no no no no no i had bodyguards i told you oh [Music] yeah i just wanted us to like feel each other's vibes so the reason why i went for razz there is because dan said that he was on the way but he didn't get there and uh raz just said nothing so i was like you know what get out of here it's so obviously done i think time what are you up to i need to like do some meditating or something to cleanse my mind of my self-doubt because i was so much better at this game when i didn't doubt everything that i think consistently oh geez i'm out of here who fixed the lights is did razz fix the lights and he's not going to admit that he fixed the lights i'm going to reactor do you not need to do this come on i'll watch you don't you dare lauren don't you dare don't you dare nah uh no you get away from him you stand back oh i haven't done this yet oh my god i need to get over myself okay i'll follow you for a while carry go what are you hitting the button oh interesting upper engine oh that must have just happened i saw him running by as i was on the way to admin so many people were just in admin that are exonerated so that means yes it couldn't be done wow okay okay dan was there a sparkles i know it is 100 not cassie or lauren because we've just been running around yeah i saw you guys together on campus together then i was an admin at the end with all of you who was missing from admin maybe at the end of me because and then yeah and then i found the body when i went up around because i was going to go hang out with lauren thinking razz just running no rats was on the left side of the ship yeah he's just running amok and we were suspicious of him last okay which direction are you coming from from the left so yeah you're obviously going to vote me but i just finished my past bottom left-hand corner so would think have not gone past me if you'd done it unless it came from cafeteria i came from security up to upper engineering what task there was balancing thing the balancing thing okay did you do the top one as well no i haven't got that far yet i need to go up that way i'm sorry what's the balancing thing i don't you got that oh oh okay okay i get it i get it it's sick we know it has to why are people voting me out it's amazing no evidence it was for the last kill that we just missed you on that was why but it wasn't me i'm sorry that's just stupid i'm not voting for razz anymore because yeah me neither it hurts as a ghost i just want to say that i'm very very sad right now you know when casper lost his life is worse than that thank you i love when people give speeches and say thank you at the end oh dan get away wait where's my where's my homies where's my homies gotta be able to find them surviving hey scott how's it going um all right come on guys let's get it um well that's great now what anyone have anything left to do okay this is impossible for the imposter come on scott let's get out of here maybe we'll go on cams or something not that sensitive tiff anymore okay this is so okay this is like actual trash i'm going to lights okay so dan and jordan are saying this is me yep what the hell cause we got that already so i no we no we don't know for sure that we got one out so i think that the two imposters are framing me right now please please you can okay so let's get rid let's get rid of jordan or dan and then get me out after convenient yeah yeah let's get rid of us both dan you and i should just jump ship right now i didn't do it i didn't how can you guys be so sure it actually wasn't me because you did it when the lights came on i didn't do it i didn't do it lauren lauren you've been with me you've been with me for so many kills i know but i was in there with you and it's oh it could have been you or dan but it was oh oh this is so old oh this is this is a stinker this is a stinker it's not me did you guys already vote oh oh short term memory lauren we're like we've been together meet you and scott nobody like people weren't dying without us that's why there's pains me so much did anyone vote did anyone vote for anyone who isn't with this guy or did you all vote me you can never use the word stinker again because we'll know it no no it's actually not me it's not it's not me okay so you all voted me all right i'm just gonna voted all right gg everyone else did and it doesn't matter it matters it's not her it's definitely dan that's not true it could be uh spock was too well i meant i saw i stayed out tatiana henry lillypad animations leah tillery clown 3d i don't know why i'm here thank you so much for the super chats samari madeline hooper julia nunn i don't know edits griffin rule thank you so much for the super chats miss hanako griffin rule kaylee faulkner andy's fun tv um cynthia duenas kelvin leverett oh that's an interesting name cynthia duenas victoria mcdade thank you so much for the super chat okay so it's dan and jordan i know i think we were wrong i swore i saw cassie kill the person yeah it was 100 so i think we were wrong about razz um so my suspicion was on dan then well i just wanted to make sure that dan was alive because so i don't know what the goal was with that electrical then because you couldn't have doubled there were too many people in there so i just like uh i don't know what the play was but i think we were wrong about raz i feel like i have a couple more to do i think so yeah um i'm just gonna like so when the lights task or the light sabotage went i saw jordan sort of like yeah he went through exit no no no no no no right before it went off you sort of like froze from a man like almost like you you can almost like you could sabotage i i just while you're sabotaging i don't stand still while i sabotage i i'm just i'm just saying that's all i saw i'm not saying you did it it's just like i know to not stand still so okay we just want to do the we know task good otherwise it would the game would have been over so we have one hour yeah okay get some info guys please i've never get done i have never been so thoroughly third impostered in my life this is pro possibly the worst third imposter i've ever endured olivia bolter the emma star show chow chow kit yeah nadya nice hair nerd way to copy me again oh you know me always doing that henry moray murray beans the cat wolf cc krista von ellington thank you so much for the super chats windeck josiah ortega carla gunter sumeri windeck and my stummy hurt love you too i had all i come on yeah the past we're basically done so we can vote him out though for who me it was you doing it without the lights off is a little bit of a stretch myself who was it because i couldn't i couldn't think please who died i can't believe you didn't see what just happened i thought we were i thought he was just doing the hail mary play because tasks were basically done do they ever vote in a way that isn't because somebody else said so do they ever lead the charge do they ever lead the charge with evidence or do they just vote suspicious of dan we were all ready i'm puking on me it's not me he was just behind things i don't know good try good try jordan jordan and jordan and lauren i've never been third impostered so badly in my life you did not get to say did you not see that when dad murdered me in front of everyone and you threw a glim under the bus i literally saw her do a little shooting oh that is so oh my god and i was with i was with lauren every round and she votes me out that last kill did no one see me accidentally jump in the vent did no one see me do that no no hilarious um nobody in that nobody who was left had eyes that would have been an insane clutch if he lived on that last vote oh my god oh man you saved yourself because i went up i said to the chat i was like chad is saying right now they thought it was gloom so i don't know i really don't use the word stinker into our daily lives yeah well apparently apparently it's a tell all right anchors i swore it was you i'm so sorry ah that dance oh that was a stinker wrong place wrong time yo this is matt sauce wrong place wrong time how do i hang out with somebody three rounds in a row there's a stat kill with everybody involved and they're so sure it's me like whoa six so i'm like not gonna lie i'm kind of tilt mcgee right now like i'm a little bit tilted i'm a little bit tilted i'm tilted that if i don't hang out with somebody who is very very aware it doesn't matter if i'm hanging out with somebody at all actually turn my camera back on for this one oh you already stabbed you in your backside huh finally tiff yes did you do a murder no did you sure see that's always like i can't answer that question correctly ever when he says it like that so the reason i think tiff did a murder is when oxygen went off i checked admin table and seen there was two people in security so i was like okay i'm going to run over there because someone's obviously died and on the way past along the top i passed dan and tiff and i was like oh they must be in the train security but the light was still flashing so when i checked into security it was the one cells that never mind yeah i was there i was in there but i don't know who the other person was that was with me so i then left and went back up looked exact same way i came and was like and you're like i was saying i was annually through there we got down to nine seconds and then found dan dead in the canteen i just thought i was over at oxygen also i think that rats i thought it was weird that you could run back that way just run into that i don't know which side but it covered from calf if you're saying the body's in care no they think i pass on the way into admin i'm pretty sure like the timing doesn't like i've seen things pass me into advertising or like into candidates no no no i've been in advance yeah you had like i went there like and jack you you you uh did the o2 and then i stayed in there you're not doing download okay i voted i'm a little scott just because you were running the opposite way and yeah because i was i explained why but then you literally it was weird that you marched on just after i've seen him he's dead might have been in security as well oh everyone jumped in [Music] i'm voting with yeah i'm speed running got the power i feel i've been so like careful with other people to like make sure that i don't get it wrong but i'm in a speed run and mood this is a really lucky uh day for dan and a very unlucky day for me i can't believe i've only got an imposter once oops oops yesterday i played overwatch for the first time in like a good while and my mods were saying it was like me going back to my toxic ex because i was like so mad after i played it and i kind of feel like maybe that's why i'm so tilted today like it just kind of like reopened this mindset that i have where i get so mad but like everybody makes mistakes and i feel like i was like doing really good for a while like not getting so mad at people for making mistakes because i make mistakes i think your body was there slower engine all right jack who was it let's get him out i don't know who it was but there were some cameras there was one in security one in reactor lights went out they went down together but killed on the way down i think oh wait wait where is it at lower engine lower which happened lauren who was into electrical there was no body there on the way and so what happened after that lauren who was on camps uh jordan jordan was on yeah he was on cams for a while there's three of you coming from that side because i saw cassie and lauren coming from left side yeah he went from electrical and think was following me even if we got the wrong person out uh at least one of you is cruz to be vouching for the other two so it's not like you guys are lying or anything so you didn't see any bodies when you guys came this body was tucked in the very bottom left corner on the um god didn't see it and he tried it yeah i just run past it if anybody was behind me i went i think i saw scott i forget what else i saw in electrical came out he was following me and then he stopped off in the lower engine i guess to do a task and i continued up that way and that's what i said sparkles in the camera area oh and then that's when i ran into you too right i guess because you you were kind of standing in the middle you were yeah yeah you were up top who's who was scott being so quiet because i got the first person doing no i haven't you don't even know if that's who skips on six oh jesus time coming that's how it works tree bun yes no yes thanks appreciate it appreciate it a lot always loving it oh i need to stop sitting like a gremlin it hurts hey everyone welcome back i feel like you've just saved me from being eliminated while scott was hot on my tail you're right guys quake just remember that like scott was the one that pushed that first uh vote out if if it's not scott i think it's jack it's mine i think it's jordan if anything he was on cams the whole time no no he was like because every game so far she has followed around one person and the one game she's people have been oh she was she wasn't following me though lauren in security left side so i see this is how i see when i'm going into lights i see captain sparkles already on lights jordan yeah and then i see lauren and cassie coming also from left side so um cassie were you with lauren the entire time no no i was with scott and wait scott right yeah i was with scott and then lauren and then yeah yeah i saw lauren chilling which i will say i won't say i was following somebody in the beginning scott but they died so now you're trying to pin on me for a reactor could not have been me because i was on the right-hand side of the ship and navigation and whoever was on cams would have seen me on the right-hand side of the ship and then i came down when the lights were turned off lauren was just stood menacingly in the electrical well if it was i feel great about shooting lauren because they would have called reactor or some sabotage there and [Music] [Music] [Music] that's i want to share the clip of the the gloom dan thing so that you guys can see why yes please like it's impossible oh it's i'm not uh okay can i do a quick bathroom break yeah yeah a quick wee wee wawa oh wow yeah it was just it was the way you were so confidently wrong jordan which was like oh wow no it looks amazing chassis ran over my i think me and cass were playing a lot of like standing on top of each other to protect each other so she happened to do that as she was coming out of the panel at the same time as dan did it so they both kind of pushed wow it was so hard to tell it looks so different from what my perspective was as well yeah i was standing there alone and i was like oh no and you had full vision too yeah yeah and because we're playing on american servers they're not cool oh yeah exactly we are there is a little bit of lag i've noticed it doing a couple of tasks yeah yeah i'll be right back bathroom wild how long do you think you guys will play with me um like 30 minutes for me another yeah yeah yeah i know that 30 seconds because you're a jacket with you streaming at 11 which is pretty cool yeah especially ellie foreign no they tend to stream and they keep their evenings to themselves i would love to be able to keep an evening to myself but it just doesn't work when you have a kid you don't have any time for yourself yep plus one for that yeah i know that of pain i'm single and gay i know that pain of a child oh way to go dan and think whoever said that how is it that was rare daddy ryan's it's in the name it's not not it's not a naughty thing it can be true yeah but it depends depends how you view the police uniform i'm wearing is it is it buttons or studs everybody's muted by me and you jack i know i'm back i'm back and jasmine mark and chloe thank you for the super chat jarvan was so sure he's been impossible every game oh no you know what it was sold as a crewmate it i was right on it it was just it was more funny because you just kept piling on top of like never use stinker again but i'm glad she can use it again and be innocent no i know what's bad is that that game i died first i was the one that fixed right 02. you guys were asking who fixed right 02. dan was like yeah i went over there you've been you been the blame on me i was nowhere near it and i told you that you're like well no the pressure you had was wasn't the fact that we were just randomly putting on you it was about everybody else yeah the whole game everybody's holding hands if you're the imposters you might need to go around and do some double kills so much and it's just a death trap man at this point you gotta hold hands okay thank you so much for the super chat alone and then i get like just absolutely distracted i do try going off alone but then times where i've died early i'm like no i'm thinking someone i need to say yeah exactly [Music] yeah yeah it's kind of tough but every time like a couple days ago when i played every time i grouped up with people they couldn't win and then when i went away we lost and i was like i don't know what to do i'm back hey if i made it to the first meeting i was going to call down a psycho for being in the back of electrical alone doing tasks because he wasn't the killer but anyone who electrical yeah i think i got unreasonably mad for getting third imposter there i've been playing overwatch again some i get tilted a little more easily oh i also forgot to say appreciate it you forgot okay okay okay it scared us there to impress everybody razz unmuted himself at the beginning of the last round and outed me right at the start if nobody heard that was like as definitely just out here it looks like i heard something yo i i did but there's some extreme lag that's on my discord so i double press it sometimes because i don't think it's muted so yeah i totally outed you but then i was like nobody's mentioning it so we're all good sorry lauren we'll just call it karma for you getting rid of me all the time it's okay i'm gonna do the old stick together and double kill like they recommended um i thought that was me okay so there were a lot of people in that like area outside of security lights went out i went into react or did the counting thing walk back out and jack was gone okay yo yeah so who was that okay so there was five of them there's five others there right there navigation right side i'm in i'm literally admin so everyone's on cams can confirm that just like when you see me no i didn't go to the right side i was just i wasn't like on the board like i was on the plane wait who was it i didn't realize two people died it was jack jack is the body i found right i'm gonna you know what i'm gonna go balls on the table putting them all right hard from the table it's lauren and gloom they're teaming up together what no okay so what happened was me and lauren were standing on the left side just stacked on each other i was like is she gonna kill me like i don't know we were just standing there stacked and then six of us stacked and uh i guess people died i've been following cassie since the start but just throwing that out there like i've been doing most other rounds with different people if nobody's noticed by now i had walked away by the time the body was reported though because the lights went off yeah no i was heading towards lights i mean it could be but me and lauren [Applause] oh my god guys we talk too much i have info i can confirm cup quake is innocent because she was med-based scanning she's dead yeah she's dead she's gone now she's innocent look can i vote off either groom or lauren because they're both chasing me around oh my god we were standing on you please for the love of god let me talk you're where the body is but i'm just wondering was it in the like last five seconds since you guys were stuck [Music] no because the lights went out they i saw a bunch of people it was like guys can we please like kathy's because cassie didn't get to watch him okay so me and lauren were standing stacked on each other again in storage and then razz walked by so i went and stood on raz because i was like maybe he'll realize that it's not me and then lauren came too and then razz ran and hit the button that's essentially what happened why why did you chase me then like if you if you didn't want to seem so sorry i didn't know you were going for the button i was just following you around yeah we're trolling bye we were trolling first round we're trolling second round and now we're both going to get thrown out for trolling we would think last round i have no idea where i am i've completely lost track i think was on the right-hand side i saw him on cams yeah yeah yeah dance in front of the camps there we go thank you and here it comes makes me feel like it's not done because it was the perfect opportunity to murder each other and tiffany also died on that side no this was dash around me so you're saying you're saying that you're saying that last round tiff scanned and you saw it no this round he went to scan that came up saying waiting for ted i can go already it doesn't matter oh anybody want to verify my scan can't yeah yeah [Music] we weren't even it hmm it's it's a tricky one it's a tricky one this is very very interesting i see him wait one second i'm just gonna map up i'm in um lower engine i am walking towards lower engine and i see the vent animation right and i go into lower engine and lauren's just standing there seriously because she watched the vet and and who was what did you see right so lord and you've seen the event so then who was jumped to an event because you obviously wait wait wait so i saw so i we're in past electrical right so i went with i think it was it was captain sparkles and thick i went to the right then i broke off and went back yep i saw gloom lauren and showtime yeah okay there's only one of them missing what i'm saying is in this situation if lauren doesn't right out who jumped into the event because she was staring at it it's loading and she's defending the other and parker if she does right if we know who it was lauren was it actually you look at the bed no morning there's a lot of laughing going on right now i just think it's so funny i just think it's so funny that it actually might be lauren because we've been together i feel bad because i've been following cassie so people think that it's me and her girl you if it's you if it's you you marinated me yeah so the thing that i will say is she said she was following cassie around and then defend person no it wasn't me it wasn't me does that mean that i was right from the start it was also following it does you did call it no it wasn't me i went up meeting time it's not meeting time i mean that that was really something i was really botched so we just vote for cassie right what for what i like literally no see if she was going to murder more no so are we sure that it wasn't lauren like coming out of the vent and standing there it was her waiting at the vent for she was standing lauren was already like top right corner so i was with them and then i was headed up to cams i did not vent they could have they could have vented to re like they could have done the kill invented to reactor but i didn't see them in there was anybody across the left-hand side to verify that they saw gloom on the left i saw gloom i was obviously on the left yeah and i saw and lauren together i thought he we literally just said the previous game the only way to win it is to team up i think they've been searching for a double yeah i think that kind of spikes up a little bit and i massively appreciate that because if i called it first round no we've just been we can shoot one right yeah i mean if it doesn't end then the only one who was like wandering in that direction and i verified jordan on end who did to skip i'm never just going to like stack on somebody ever again because that's just that's just bad luck bears yeah yeah you know what i'm starting to believe her i'm gonna skip i don't think it's gonna i don't think it's gonna do anything that was just really unlucky no i was no i was laughing because like lauren had time to escape but she just stood there last round scott thought it was me because i wasn't following somebody so then this time i was like you know what i'm just going to follow the other imposter and like i even though we lost lauren that was really fun i i appreciated the hilarity of that my favorite i did that my favorite we learned was when i was like right lauren you have two options you either seen the event you tell us it was you and you just passed sideways starting trying to figure out what was the right option i was trying to figure out who else i could try to blame so that cassie would at least go free that was that was really fun but yeah this like this group does stick together a lot like how many times can you count the last game where there were like six people in one room and i just thought it was kind of funny how they said like oh the imposters have to like stick together and double kill and i was like lauren let's just do exactly that but it was unlucky i feel like you have to be like really really decisive i feel like i need to play more like wendy like you know like wendy who plays um in toast yo i just saw the vent close who can vouch for each other wait yeah so me and raz were like dancing in cafeteria went down razz you went past admin i went into admin it was right it was right in front of the admin panel that's why i didn't see a thing flash up so i didn't sleep where are you um yeah no no i was just walking out of nav i was just walking out of nav it's like to that little yeah and then like the vent closed and i was like oh and then the body got called like right after so who can vouch for each other that i had was like i'm pretty sure cassie was just behind me um dan was on leaves i don't know if dan kept going down the right side i went to leaves i went to the right i passed gloom and she went down and justin was supposed there was a couple of people at weapons and i don't know if they could like continue down the right side either so do i went backwards on the nav hallway into admin and then eliminate the body and jump back into that navigation how far uh behind where are you like you went into nav right and then so you must be like entering storage i've just realized this jack that's dead again first oh so i did shields and then i was still doing my download and just like calms did you see i was going to say so i just think no i don't think it sparkles i don't think it's tiff those were the two that i see didn't cassie go through weapons to get to nav i didn't see it uh i did i did i could get your time wait you went upwards [Music] to be fair though that wasn't a hard one to guess like we didn't make it we didn't make it a super brainy sneaky game that one but i just love i just love memeing with lauren [Music] so anthony davila thank you so much for the super chat i'm a little bit suspicious of uh time actually because he said that he saw me and i don't remember seeing him and he said that he was ahead of me um i cannot see the butt no it's dead i was following him i could have died all right i was i was at the end so i was so i i went into med bay with dan and i was going to do my scan but no one was there to verify so i i held on to it i saw you in there which yeah it'd be weird to fake med scan i don't have one yeah yeah if anyone wants to verify come on come on come on all right where's the body where's your body anyway the body is between cafeteria and admin ish between that cafeteria because the lights are awesome can you see it on the cams or like i don't know going that direction i thought someone was on cams the whole time like before you i saw the cams were on like almost 24 7. yeah no one would work on cameras well dan was on cam's with me i think it was lauren and scott who were going that direction uh i never saw scott i came out of med bay when you guys were going my pairs i remember is lauren with uh razz was one of the pairs i was i was just okay and tip i saw for a while yeah i was hanging out with raz and uh yeah simon says what was show up to i'm i'm at lights almost i was at communications doing the download and then lights get called and i'm walking the thing right now near the body yeah thank you yeah you saw like i would if i'm if i'm impossible i'm in weapons or something and lie why would i say like i had no clue the body was right beside me because the lights are off when we went into med day i thought it was john lauren who went towards cafeteria yeah i i agree i agree i never saw scott i came out by myself in bed bae because i was doing my task down there hmm and then i cut across period to the right so i don't know if he went down [Music] i'm suspicious of time time rez lauren jordan's very trigger-happy but i feel like he's very trigger-happy when he is crew so christine and jasmine mink thank you so much for the super chats keeping up with it this time jordan's like overall movement is very town-like okay who was not at lights or who came late to lights uh i think i i think i walked in okay lower engine i was like we had uh me and tiff were in the bottom right and i don't know she must have gone into the lights like she has to have gotten into like straight yes i went into like uh sorry go ahead go ahead go ahead i know that's why i went to admin and i see two people in lights but then i saw two people uh upwards like maybe cafeteria slash med bay area so i walk up there when the lights are closed and she's dead on the button or think is dead on the button i guess that must have that must have happened that must have just happened well when i when i got on the admin table there was someone in cafeteria already so i'm assuming it might have been like okay sorry where is it where is it right on the button right okay so okay so it can't be jordan i think it's like 10 or 15 seconds because when i got on the admin table the there was already someone in cafeteria and i just didn't walk up because the lights were off so i just okay so who can vouch for who right now for this round i i i think we're the only ones that went north into the cafeteria is is lauren at light uh is lauren at lights or no she wasn't twice can nobody else all right who you well asked karma because the two imposters have just voted we need to we need to be more efficient with like figuring out who we're voting for before there's like five seconds left wait what are we doing button we have to find a way to clean up our comms this is absolutely absurd it's absolutely absurd our great lauren is when you're giving a reason for being someone you're not explaining why you're just saying it's them because it is so then people are like well i'm not going to listen to you like what's also this group gotcha maker gumbinner and unicorn thank you so much i'm going to call it here um i hope that you guys enjoyed the live stream sorry that there weren't that many imposter games uh i just i can't control that i can't control that um but i did have a lot of fun with this group of people today hope you guys did too thank you so much to the super chats the members the mods for keeping the chat a safe place everybody who came to chat um i assume that time is gonna keep going so if you'd like uh go to his twitch channel and i'm gonna keep playing a few more with these guys i hope you enjoyed the stream and i'll catch you later
Channel: Gloom
Views: 2,280,211
Rating: 4.8882527 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us live, among us stream, dan, gloomgames, kassie, lauren, laurenzside, high iq, 1000 iq, imposter, imposter win, how to win among us, funny moments, among us funny moments, no cursing, no swearing, among us gloom, collab, video, among us gameplay, among us memes, Terry, smajor, dangthatsalongname, among us game, stream, live, razzbowski, karacorvus, ihascupquake, cupquake, captainsparklez, sparklez
Id: zjXPH56pT_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 168min 35sec (10115 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.