I scammed my friends as impostor 4 times in a row (Among Us)

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i feel like gloom is really good at this game but we're terrible she was so far off my radar i didn't even clock her cassie dude it was over from the start this could work somehow oh man i'm not gonna fix the lights because that's where everyone dies gloom's here bloom i might be the wrecking gloom safe this time i reckon i can't believe this let's see what i can get here i'm on cams i'm on cams i'm going to say i was on cams the whole time blah blah blah blah blah blah did you see where that is so much where's the buddy buddy was in storage uh squiddy where were you uh i went to the right hand side i don't really know the name yeah i was on cams and i don't know i i don't i wait maybe it was think he came into electrical after me i was in electrical with james he didn't kill me so i could vouch that this is not a self well i can't but i was in there first right yeah see i think no i was there first because i turned on the lights the safe bet might just be great to think i've just gone outside okay i think we should skip but i'm kind of squishy yeah what do you mean i saw you on cams and yeah you were on the right-hand side uh i was doing o2 with leaves and then i went down i did see him dirty with leaves i also didn't well you were i thought dan was going to murder makes he came off well i didn't know you were going to murder me no i went up to the door i think i just made myself look even more sus i didn't think we saw um squid to be honest with you so okay so i can't kill squid i put a hard sauce on him i've got to get somebody else oh she yeah she's good she's good i don't know if the plays themselves are good but the lying is oh top notch please don't kill squid sparkle if you kill squid okay good job hopefully i can get um scott on my side i'm going to try to play like a long haul game because like scott is the big brain here so i just want to see if i can get him don't do it don't do it sparkles don't do it don't do it okay scott knows i went right so i gotta try to like just kind of this girl has no idea what she's doing oh that's too easy i was seen i was seen i'm throwing hmm where's that body wait a second again where was the body james jimmy james i'm unmuted now it was electrical uh-huh that's really cool okay this is gonna be it's gonna sound really bad but i was in electrical i just went to task oh oh that's i saw a cup sell for people just just just just hang on i saw a cup quake come in and then leave and then i left and i went back to admin uh and i was uploading from i don't think think would have said like yeah i was in electrical if it was yeah yeah yeah so you're thinking was it was the body near the vent it was right at the end wall yeah thanks has reported two bodies now after our second when i just keep running into them like yeah hey scott where'd you go after cams you went to admin right uh yes okay i run uploading in there yeah okay were you saying like ran in and then did a task in reactor and the body was called when i was on manifold as you would call it manifold the counting game please see i did the first reaction no one comes to crisis in this lobby yeah it was only me and cassie i was like she's going to kill me and i'm going to die what i'd think i am still sausage and jordan although they did not murder me the fact that they both run down towards electrical that's what makes it feel a little sus we gotta get rid of scott you're right you're right we gotta get rid of him we gotta get rid of the mans he's a little bit too suspicious over here i think it's tiff remember i said that so i think someone's going to want to get think like i think he's just going to play himself so i'm just going to try to kill somebody yay i think i have scott on my ah the problem is you never have scott on your side i don't trust that i'm sass of cassie get rid of him i had to do it thanks see the body see the body thanks [Music] i'm gonna check security i think who's that was that sparkles who was was that there's gloom hey bloom stay with me here so we can do our tasks i could get cup quick right now but i'm not going to i don't suspect gloom so she could be playing a really good game i'm just going to hope that sparkle gets a kill wait who's blue what oh someone killed scott i just saw sparkles kill uh scott on cows wait hold on how long ago did you see that like literally two sec i just ran from uh where the cams are all the way to the emergency button wait which way did you go bro you did you take him out and then run to self-report to throw me under the bus wait squid which way did you go didn't report i pressed the button which way did you run up or down i went up i went left and then open right yes i did right vote me but it's i should just come there nope honestly if it's not sparkles you can vote me straight after i don't care okay i just know what i just squid i just know it wasn't covered i swear i'm not it said down you would have had it but uh no i feel like we would have crossed them yeah we would have i mean if you if you vented to med bay and then did that maybe okay oh my god are you guys voting that's the right choice vote for the self if you want to take me out after that's fine what are you guys doing all right i'm just gonna wait for my cool down just a little bit and wait for my cool down just a little bit i'm gonna try to get a cheeky one right here right now please let me get within melee range we're too close we are too close i'm gonna just take someone out in front of everybody because i might as well before the emergency meeting because they're gonna boot me and then it'll just it'll uh add insult to injury i'm gonna just do it i'm gonna just take someone out like right now hold up think who is that oh my god dude that was right in reactor right now i was at the upper panel with james you were not at the upper panel i just want to know what tiffy saw was just there i just watched you i mean i didn't see who did it i but you were right there okay that's so obvious i walked into the reactor think was already standing at the top and i went bottom so i it could be either sparkly or think i don't know i was hoping tiff would know i was about to start the reactor doing the stupid memory game but i thought that was 100 think i think it might be but i need confirmation from tiff tim i went to the bottom they were they were there like i don't know who it could be but uh what do we do dan do we skip yeah dan did you see anything i was on the right hand side i had a long trip to get to reactor so i just as the reactor was solved i went to lower engine i was just about to do my task and then um that's a lot of time popped up that is a lot of talking i don't know i mean it can't be it can't be dan it has to be sparkly or think i'm kind of leaning towards think yep but i i don't know tiff help i'm just saying come on you guys i didn't see him [Laughter] played that so well thank you squid lunch sparkles and murder me and kinda [Applause] oh here we go me and tiffy i'm just gonna like fake tasks for now oh okay yeah i just want to get this out of the way okay yeah all right so i had a hard time last time i played with scott he's really getting out the way [Laughter] that means i gotta kill scott i've never felt so victimized in my life i'm just gonna like scope some things out i think what i'm gonna do in the first round is i'm just gonna like stick with people and hope that tiff does some work i'm just gonna keep doing my tasks i think we've got enough people alive to deal with reactor okay i gotta go to the reactor i'm gonna go to the reactor and hopefully people see me solving this task i'm a little bit suss about all the people that aren't going to reactor ollie ran away from reactor someone else is clearly more trained than i am here maybe i can get a good suss on yellow for running away how could molly can't go in quake no i saw you coming i saw her coming lauren also didn't come to reactor all right that was not me oh bottom right oh he's dead i'll fight to get myself in and they kill me off immediately the toxicity of it all okay so i thought it was very strange that ollie was running away from reactor so i was gonna assess him but he's dead there were a lot of people in navigation who didn't come one of them being lauren yeah i said i didn't come right away and i'm going to do it i knew you were watching me so i actually saw scott bent what [Applause] i would have no reason no i started no one i just saw all he did i didn't see anyone i'm escaping i would have been thinking because he was too eager to try and get rid of me but i'm going to skip for now i thought that was an easy kill no wait who did reactor though me uh i did done i did upper and i was in there thank goodness yeah i know you skipped already but why weren't you pressing the reactor hand i was i had my hand on it oh [Music] they're all too gullible they follow their hearts not their minds it's quite clearly cup quake because she's got an evil personality it makes a lot of sense everybody is doing very interesting susses on each other so i think that i'm just gonna let them talk dan has been really quiet i kind of feel like i could just get them for free okay cup okay i gotta go i gotta go somewhere she isn't but she did a kill it's time for me to do some dirty work scott's right there i could get him right now he's really smart like they say where did he go where did he where did he go i need him dead i need him dead okay so i'm watching lauren do communications oh god what are you cassie cass what are you doing it's going to be an o2 split i got scott i can see i did top o2 10 602 okay dan go down and find my body thanks see you go down and faint not someone good no one's gonna fade my body thank you guys for sussing scott early because he has now been removed from the game and these guys are going top so they're not going to find the body for a while oh my god dan i thought you killed him it's not scott i think i can confirm it's not dan because we were on o2 together but so where's the body when you go down the corridor from o2 okay so in between the navigation by the vent yeah did it look fresh it looked pretty fresh okay i have no idea i didn't see anyone so i didn't so i was with um tiff cup quake and she definitely could have killed me invented but didn't yeah i was with dan and sparkles in admin yeah i swear i saw dan fix the o2 yeah he did yep so i think he's good um but apart from that i didn't see anything maybe he was pretending to fix this he might have been no no he fixed it i watched him i'm gonna have to vote to skip i think i didn't see him yeah i have no idea someone's been very sneaky very sneaky big sus i'm staying away from that man okay so dan has been i vouched for him so i i think i'm gonna leave him alone and i think i'm gonna try to get somebody on this side the lights are out but i don't have time i think that squiddy is dead if squid is dead it's justin this is bad i don't like being on my own in the dark it's kind of scary you know lauren doubling back hold up that was sneaky i was about to say they were the only person that i didn't see like i saw everyone else like together but they were the only person that i actually didn't see together so that was kind of sauce oh no someone's on cams maybe somebody saw that oh if it's both them i swear to god hopefully i can get lauren to vouch for me or think i feel like it's cassie and thick i'm gonna go ahead and kill him all right i'm not seeing anyone doing anything suspicious man squid are you alive is he okay i'm gonna say i did leaves uh i'm gonna go to cams is there a way to check vote i just said to my chat if squid is dead it's justin because he went to the right with squids i was in he was in cafeteria body was just outside of storage i can confirm that think was in cafeteria i will throw this out there that i think that it's thinking cassie what why would you why would you two of them were circling me for a long time if it was us lauren you'd be dead upper engines so i i mean i don't know how fresh the kill was but yeah that was my rotation and then i saw a thick uh thinking calf i wouldn't vouch for him because imposter just you weren't vouching for him though no i mean i'm saying i wouldn't do i wouldn't do that if it was me and him because then we'd both get sussed immediately we really we gotta vote someone unfortunately thinks squid went right i followed and then as justin was coming back up he could have killed me but didn't yeah so i believe that he still had his um he could kill the thing i'll go with think let's do yep let's do it he's super suspicious when it's not me vote dan next are we confirming or no no i don't think so okay well let's see i don't think i feel like it could be think noodles because he was being very very aggressive with his plays but i'm not sure i'm not sure i've got the evidence to support that yet if we did not vote out the right person then it's a gg for us in like two seconds here okay i'm just gonna wait for my cool down a little more and then i'm gonna call okay tiff's just getting right in i think cassie's the other one she's being turned oh no she's over by o2 though lauren needs to run from glen i hope someone actually finds them out i reckon we can win this chat oh no gggs i knew it was good to see it being terrible i knew it was tiffany because he took me out first when you guys said scott was smart you signed his death warrant yes as soon as i was like she's done this so i wouldn't call her right justin well i think it might be him so when you push the button and then that round scott died try and keep me alive [Laughter] it's got purple green sparkles and there's so many people up there every no one did lights everyone doesn't care oh my christ surely someone catches her shirt there's two people here okay we got think here oh it's the same place they died last time okay no one catches her that's fair oh dude oh wait i pushed the button at the same time oh okay top right yep top right sparkle you were over there yeah and then i ran back over to fix lights the lights went back on so i went south to coms did the reboot thing ran to weapons and i was shooting cauliflower think were you not over there no i was in the yard no by the very start i just saw dan at the yard yeah i was right behind you yeah but i'm not sure i saw you justin i was with james at lights maybe the second time i found out or did they only go out once uh i think it was once also i feel like it's about time scott gets imposter again if the lights only went out then it was i think i saw a tdm it was just the top of your head lights went out once and jordan just said he was over there but it was only me and james over no i wasn't on lights i was walking there they came on and so i went to calm room i saw jordan in the calm room but he might have been on cooldown or something okay you guys are immediately following scott's recommendation when immediately come on i'm definitely june and poster but i didn't get it this time unfortunately do you promise promise close my heart oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i saw scott on vitals because i just checked them i went press the button and squids reported at the same time scott wasn't running over to the button yeah wait what i don't know i missed it i missed it scott why didn't you run to the bun because if you run to the bottom you don't know where the bodies are i always prefer to find the bodies rather than pushing them because i wouldn't have known they were in lab otherwise um there's sauce of me for no reason [Music] why is the scott was there wasn't scott think was there how did think not see oh i can't believe you've done this that's very not nice of you gloom no orange is dead as well this is about scott all right yeah blue and orange are dead oh i checked vitals and went to the button this time i tried to i saw squid was dead on the first time i checked vitals went to try and find the body body to see where it was went back and then i thought you like you were down at maze and then we both went to vitals and we both ran for butts who's together yeah amazing it's like the thing with the rings around it that you like do the little maze connect the dots yeah yeah okay i thought there was like literally a maze we were supposed to go through it's not lauren because she did made me and it went up yeah but i'm confused when the lights went out you were in med bay and then when i walked out of that area you were in a totally different spot that could have been a ghost though scott how can you be so sure i could depends on this map i don't think it's gloom which makes me think it's a c on the thing where okay what was your route no i saw justin though in electrical he ran when the the thing was sabotaged mm-hmm the only reason i think it's i think you had just finished a double kill and i'd seen both of those people at lab at the very start of the first round which is where the first two kills were on the first round i saw lauren run into the lab but that's about it for laughs did we know that both bodies were in lab though i think it was i think it was a double kill how did you how would you know that though you were incorrect we need to vote but i don't think we need to do the meeting because we've not voted anyone out and they're imposters yeah you're right i as an imposter would have no reason to call this meeting otherwise because i would have just killed and won i still look like yeah but maybe you knew that yeah but it wasn't me i promise you oh no no no no it's too much it's too much okay so i know it wasn't scott i know it wasn't down i don't know about lauren and sia no i genuinely don't think it's hard because okay well then i think that i think that i don't know i think why don't you think it's skull just because how he's playing the game like he's doubling back like we both checked left reactor together yeah it's got to be scott it's got it's scott because the other imposter is vouching for it so it has to be scott oh my god that's why i think it's thanks and think but we need to put one of them off this i think we gotta get thanks out first yeah kill last kill was a double kill i think he's playing a very good game yeah i think he's youtube yeah no he's voted i voted for sia i really don't think it's i really don't think it's scott please trust me is getting scott's size [Laughter] i think it's gloom as well you know what's think and i'm pretty sure it's thanks see ya as well gloom and scott were right i feel like i need to vote gloom off oh i'm freaking out i'm getting scott inside justin you've heard this like seven times gloom okay she's up there there's no one with her so we're trusting each other right now are you serious right now seriously i have the worst luck choosing oh my god i just saw that i'm vital i am upset as well so confused lauren was just doing the uh telescope really high up so i couldn't see her and then it said report and i could not find the body and then went down and it's outside there that's a ballsy kill though for lauren yeah i saw you in med i was on the med base yeah like someone could have come out the vent killed and vented again it could also be a self report as well was it left or right side decontam would i kill him see my original game was cpk and kara so that's i saw red and blue together and tom brady uh i also saw teams around the um the vitals where i found out the purple was dead so i went to try and find our body but um yeah i don't know where it is were coming out of uh vitals right who uh you no i came out of decon oh hmm so we have no info aside from that that's kind of weird sounds like everyone was top right there wait wait which side con top admin oh did you oh yeah we did no we did i'm so sorry yeah we did we did sorry sorry my brain turned off for a second i went back and looked at you just to make sure yeah and then i danced no you're right it did happen all right who am i getting who am i um i think i called that too early they've won this of its golem and teams it was over from the start elixir terrain thank you for the give me the 500 bits oh teams and cassie dude they are so good together i hope that they're not like talking to each other while they're playing because that's so opie they're really good together no he wasn't even on my radar she was so far off my radar i didn't even clock her he was in weapons huh why did you run into weapons when reactor went off yeah i was going to ask because i was checking for bodies because that always happens they use the reactor to make sure people don't find a body and i saw weapons closed and i just come out of what did you call gloom in the beginning i'm like i did i did i did and i called gloom and someone good and i guess teams is good so that works oh yeah like in the beginning of the round yeah yeah yeah exactly and dan had also come out of there before that but we left this corpse did it this is a good lobby now gloom corp cara cbk obviously played a lot i'm not i'm not i'm not gonna say it's her but i am very suspicious i'm obsessed with that sounds believable i don't know we have got two impostors all right yeah but why were you like chasing me around so much cara was near the the body of the first i don't know no i wasn't i was in communications and the body was in laboratory i wasn't near it at all i thought the body was top right the first or second round and then it was top right but i was in comms at the end of that game unless you followed me late which i mean it is a possibility but i didn't see her again why wasn't he following me i ran oh because i feel bad for you because you keep dying earlier oh my god guys you're gonna i didn't vote i didn't vote i don't think we're gonna win on this one honestly like they don't even suspect thieves in gloom yeah just let me get it as soon as you dropped that thing off i think it's kara that was it over there as soon as the game loaded and gave it to cassie and teddy it was over for us [Music]
Channel: Gloom
Views: 5,319,562
Rating: 4.9504204 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us live, among us stream, dantdm, dantdm gloom, dan, gloom, gloomgames, kassie, lauren, laurenzside, high iq, 1000 iq, imposter, imposter win, how to win among us, funny moments, among us funny moments, no cursing, no swearing, among us gloom, ballistic squid, squid, captain sparklez, captainsparklez, collab, video, among us gameplay, among us memes, corpse husband, corpse, Terry
Id: iuulJtA7F3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 37sec (1957 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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