🔴 Among Us: Smajor, LDShadowLady, LaurenzSide, fWhip, Seapeakay, The Orion Sound, Smallishbeans

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hello everybody and welcome to the stream welcome to the stream we've got a really good group today we are playing some among us hey haven't done that in a while i'm excited because i really like this group i was having a little bit of among us fatigue please say i'm not muted okay i'm not having a little bit of among us fatigue but uh the homies are here today we got scott ollie lauren lizzy lizzy she's uh she's a hard girl to get to play among us but she here she here lauren uh she was recently sick with um you know what and she here so i'm excited for this one hang out from around your head if you tell us we'll all be silent for you scott huh yeah okay i'm like i'm on push to talk right now on pushed a talk on just just so i can like fart um that's fine okay cool i can get behind that maybe i should do that again near the body people are gonna know it's me if you're talking i can't hear you know we're definitely going to need to take this oh perfect okay yeah apparently if it doesn't work my chat's going to hit control r on when you go to the app and it'll refresh it all so that's cool to know hello and welcome to i think everyone has to do that if it stops working then everyone has to hit control i think if it i think it messes up if you control our own game though right i thought that scuffed it oh really i can't let's just see let's roll with it and we'll see can you guys hear me now stand right on me if you talk to me please throw me out yes yeah i can do it yeah what's that wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait can everyone else hear jimmy right now yeah can anyone hear me yeah yeah i can hear you now i've got push talk on nice that's hot that's so cool my guy here we go sorry california i guess very little of you are from the us you probably don't remember that oh kirsten says you can control our in-game right now and it's fine i is from the us do you remember that was that a sprint commercial right [Laughter] got a close one i have clothes on jimmy what are you on about i've got some jeans on you've got nothing on you've been hopping on me you're naked you are embarrassed i mean jimmy somebody should just be the stay away from lauren and nurse laura health yeah strawberry i is everyone here can everyone hear everyone yeah and i think the distance seems to be working for me where i can hear people when they go quiet when i walk hello yes no can you can you go that's directions i think it's i think [Music] all i don't have any friends i'm with you hello hello hello where are you oh hey maddie based on disney's though i also can't say it oh hey guys hello hello what's the what's the slides right now i want to speak it's been a long time since we had a chat okay okay so is anyone doing a bet to like what's the goal today we did we didn't discuss this in advance uh i'm waiting for lauren to be the imposter so she can spread the uh the love if you know what i mean you know she just kills people right over here yeah you said over there that'd be great yes i have an idea of what i'm gonna do but i can't do it yet because i'm not imposter oh i don't have an idea i didn't know i couldn't think of anything do you want me to see i don't know if i want to share my idea because i know smile is me when things happen come on your henchmen are here i'll explain it later i'll explain it later i need to wait until i at least get to do it once properly and then i can explain okay people could be dead yeah i'm kind of waiting till i die and then i can like talk to my chat and see if they don't have any ideas [Music] oh my gosh [Music] i know it's not solidarity joel i literally just i was with lauren gloom and jenny and maddie both cena's all there and we ran down yeah you run up so i think it [Music] oh good we don't have confirmation sometimes these guys play with it [Music] [Music] no i mean i saw jimmy teleporting there i don't know about you what i was swiping my admin card i don't know why i was doing it but i did it you're just like the game's about to end i'm doing one one task today i'm doing it oh man why aren't you dude they got five all i can say is uh 100 worth it yeah 100 worth going out okay we had a chat for way too long [Music] kept walking up to me joel and i kept running into rooms with two people walking up to me and being like so flip are you feeling good today i'm like yeah feeling great today he's like one of those people that likes thank you so much [Music] the song then you know i don't believe you lizzy i don't believe you hello i don't i don't believe you oh wait i'm on people's twitch i can't sing acting songs songs what tasks in here are you just following me around i'm just following you around just making sure you're good you're getting mad right now no we're going to win this we're going to big britain there's no tasks come on lizzy by the way i feel so rude running away from people when happening let's get it no testing i completely miss it okay hello i want you to know that i can hear you everywhere yeah you you are so weird because i forget that i'm talking and when i run away i can't hear them tell me that hello wait hang on are you gonna kill me no i'm gonna go lizzy we gotta keep marching girl oh no okay yes let's keep marching this way towards the lights i've run away from people and then when it happens oh no i'll do it oh god jimmy why so i saw jimmy didn't say he was an impossible no click on the game no he didn't wait he was taking his solidarity right yeah i was i was singing here i love that where was he okay so i was with lauren in admin and i was like lauren there's two people stuck in the cafeteria on the admin panel it's suspicious i'll go check it out and uh whip's body was up by the shoot in the top right wait uh lizzy didn't maddy come down from there or who was that oh wait she died wait so i just passed gloom lizzie and who else was in that uh solidarity that was me so everyone is accountable i just want to say that this whole charade of callum being like oh there's there's two people in this room i'm not saying we should vote callum i'm just saying we should be aware of that logic ollie was stood with someone at the end of the round and as the game came in he went i'll do it and i'm like oh wow you talking about the lighting i'm skipping unless you're on top of me right now you might not be you can't talk he'll [Laughter] all right get it going get it going get it going you're not on our heads anymore you're not on our hands anymore i'm not global yeah oh hello oh god that's right wait what happened i'm doing it no one else [Music] potato potato tomato tomato i've never seen this panel before [Music] what's your role play for this one hello friend i don't know everybody keeps okay [Music] what the heck ah hey how's it going we just screamed did you hear that i'm sorry yeah sorry i i thought callum was gonna kill you oh okay okay he was right here he went killing again what oh geez i i i you know stay away from me i got this i got this run hello hello to anybody please someone's dead oh god sorry oh only one interesting oh yes he wasn't gonna be like five dead bodies i was so scared yeah no you didn't kill enough maddie for them eventually she was alone in comes what comes now voters this was obviously corona yeah because i got it wrong and then i said i meant nav because i was doing it was nav nav oh it's now huh well i was with ollie and jimmy in comms which is why i had the little freudian slip of same columns but i was it was callum that sounds too much like you've planned that and you're trying to get an album yeah i believe that cpk has been marinating me you think i wouldn't have murdered more than two definitely lizzy he left you in med bay he went right he killed somebody we scanned like the good girls we are i left because you just came in and went sorry why did you leave me alone with gloom she killed me you were meant to be protecting me you were on the scanner what could i have done in front or part of the body maybe yeah that bullet yeah women and children first well i have a task left so i up to you guys i'm going to skip anyway yeah i'm skipping very suspicious of you stop voting for me you losers [Music] and then by the time that i seen her again she was dead there's something funny after all what were you discussing in the in the in the in the admin room what was what was happening there because i left that oh we were saying lauren had to stand six feet apart for sure stay away from right but then you stood wait this body didn't this body just yell jimmy get away yeah didn't that body just scream something and then you cut it off by screaming that body that body just yelled at jimmy get away from me oh what i was afraid he's got to be one of you too time-wise it has to be it has [Music] that was the reason if it wasn't if it was me if it was me and scott like more than everyone who loves it then it's jimmy and matt just just kidding just kidding i i just i her i thought i heard jimmy get away from me i don't think it's maddie i don't know that's why i said i'm going to electrical like that's why i that's why i left the scotland oh somebody else you heard them yeah i heard somebody screaming for me so i don't know if it's i honestly haven't seen it i feel like it seems being very quiet [Music] [Music] normal we can actually discuss a buffer body that is one different person from each round now i feel like arguing a very important point but i miss most yeah we just left you two up there so i was like well this one can't be maddie and ollie and is it mere gloom because we discovered it yeah but what ended up happening was you imagine you're standing having the discussion and it matters like ah [Music] that was the convict i just walked in that you were standing here with having a conversation he could have joined us i ran up and pressed the button i wish you hadn't i'm pretty sure that i can't listen to things short okay so i was talking to jimmy right literally jimmy don't interrupt just just all right so he did jimmy at lights and then he would start just going backwards and forward talking to me which is fine because proximity mod but i was like okay yeah and i started leaving and he was following me and then as we both walked into storage all the doors closed and i just kept my distance and was running around he was like stop running away i can't hear you the door's closed on us right in storage he was saying something and he went he went don't do it jimmy and i went i can't hear you if you run away now so i was trying to catch up to him saying kind of nothing's happening i'm not the person and he just kept running in circles that doesn't matter she's still got taxes my issue is that callum and jimmy are the two persons and they're both going to each other which is [Music] then it is also me and it can't be me right lizzy okay it's both of them cause it comes out why didn't you check mine i didn't foreign if it was right then it's not mean gloom but surely it was about one of these equalizers or both of us are neither officers that's the thing yeah but we don't yeah i guess why don't we watch me scan it's just very convincing lizzy watched gloom scan stop using that as evidence i guess that i have presented she did stand on the scanner yes yes did she stand i don't know so i had scanned to see that she had scan you know what i'm saying oh that's why i feel like i feel like scott and gloom would have had so many opportunities to kill him we killed maddie and ollie last round that would have been a double which makes you think it's now that it's flexing on you glute be to get rid of one of gloom [Music] between callum and jimmy we definitely know there is one between them i think it's gallon what do you think i think it's callum wait no i'm going to explain the logic why do you know that's a game because wait but that logic is what you're saying so much i hate you all oh it's him just a game no no no it's not it's not me it's the logic so ollie the way no no i thought it was callum i think you're right well who but i think one of them was between calum and jimmy so we know definitely there's only one in four crewmates oh you said it was the other one is the reason it was safer to vote callum there was because if we were wrong about jimmy hemmon has impossible why do we keep using our buttons why because i think we get buttons i think 5050 callum scott is what callum would have wanted and that way we've definitely got some sort of why wait hang on using buttons like that ollie why are you saying guys who here has tasks left to do 100 all of the tasks are me and ollie i have only done two we've been waiting we've been vibing for sure trying to get trying to get there for there yes i have finished my photos out for the vibes the video i'm yeah plus you don't sound so surprised that's all right no i am surprised maddie has finished the test ages ago and that's where it dramatically ages ago i feel like she doesn't have right around doing a test i do my first thing to do is just to do my tasks i think we do honor cpk's final wishes and kill scott i think we kill maddie and win i think we kill maddie i actually go back there no i'm not someone was stuffed at the start i can't remember who i have done nothing i have done nothing lizzy remember first tasks maddie did a kill yeah well i have to not nothing to be suspicious of if that makes sense first round [Music] it's you isn't it scott it's scott it's not scott it's especially for you because i think it's you if it's actually you you literally killed so slow there's no buttons i just didn't see yeah you just confirmed that haven't you by asking us all oh how suspicious of you yeah i mean you can't do it i can't believe you gaslight calum so badly he cries all right stick together stick together stick together which one of us are you gonna kill scott uh get get me i deserve it i'll stand over here so it can be me i'll accept it i literally said it's either both of us kill you guys also you're saying the kills were slow i killed the first two people jimmy did nothing like that i almost i almost i liked him i was going to film this like you murdered two people and i tell them it's you you helped me get jimmy though so i thought it totally wasn't you all right kill me kill me i deserve it take me out i'm gonna kill all i'll be back right now oh no no no no no no no no no no no we no no no no no ollie oh my god get scott out of this [ __ ] oh i was like bulldogging when you lose you're just in the chaos no you lost thinking that it wasn't me wait ugh [Music] it was him oh i was like who's that who's not in it yeah no he's back get out of here get out of here yeah get banned right so what we've learned is um scott needs to be ejected from the ship round two i mean i'm confused i was 100 jimmy get away from me joel was running away from me i went do you know what the word is and he was like jim go away and i meant the bird is the word and i killed him and then he went quickly scott said during that we were definitely right with uh with jimmy or me right we i pleaded to vote jimmy out and then scott went so it must be callum in the next round oh he sacrificed you oh you know was scott was the only one who helped me get jimmy out my logic still makes sense it does because you and jimmy it was between one of you for that kill so we didn't know who it was so that's why it was safer to get both of you in case you were wrong that's why it did logically make sense thank you so much for the super chat i'm great today thank you so much [Music] oh i like that look at that yeah wait lauren stay away from me please come on gorgeous don't worry i'm back have you heard recently she's fine i'm good i'm good we're good hey lauren okay cassie cass again get away oh oh sorry i can't believe i didn't notice that scott got you oh who can i hear hello oh okay okay hello can you hear jimmy no i can't can you yeah he's so loud oh uh hit the button let's let's uh let's get him out of here help get him get him out of my head hold me in the middle where is he grippy jim jim buddy [Music] oh everybody was there except lizzy right okay so well i actually had left but i was running past uh admin and i heard maddie go why am i so bad at it oh thank you for the tier one sub there is this a hard accused why did you say ha lizzy when you have to be hard accused we were all together tier one because i ran past her heart on the hallway and i heard her saying that nah lizzie didn't exit the room because i went into it did you ever hear maddie follow up yeah how did she feel about the tier one sub did you get name you've not ever said well i don't know who it is i don't have anything i was just literally not you i was doing my test on the left side and then i went to the right side and then you know you want to see my puppy because we don't vote yeah i'm gonna have a great time [Music] yeah okay i think our best bet is if the four of us should stay away from lizzie for one round and jimmy no that's it jimmy jimmy jimmy jimmy please where are you little buddy where are you little buddy uh it seems pretty safe and safe and good i'm okay i'm really nervous i'm all um six people six of us yeah right let's all quickly run in different directions i don't know but he was trying wait wait i got a check of a more that happened a moydah joel a moida yo yo what just so you know you see i'm leaving now okay by the way lauren's here with us i think i died i thought yeah i thought you died i was trying to get joel to come with me well i was trying to say that uh callum seemed a little suspicious because she was trying to get us not to say that lizzie's clear right guys i did my card swipe first time yeah i don't know huh [Music] oh three people were on cams i don't think you're getting away with that pretty sure i saw you with calum i can't remember where but you and calum i saw you running down together and then you went up and kept quick find the body perchance yeah you ran down i was going towards nav from going to the top over and i saw lizzy as the lights went out and i got scared and i started booking it towards electrical in hopes of finding friends that was fixed electrical by going along the bottom of storage and then i went back into storage and uh cpk was dead on top of the boxes so i think if i do not vote you here lizzy cam will never speak to me again i understand that it looks suspicious but why would i kill the one man who suspected me wouldn't happen we were all suspecting you for the triple block then why wouldn't that kill all of you if i was going to get and then she quickly reverted the other direction i think it's because the kill cooldown was on yeah i don't think she could have killed me i would also like to look at this one like before discussion ends i'd like to put a sauce on jimmy because him and literally flying against me and trying to make me seem like i was a bad guy i walked out reacted they were like he came out of a vent lizzie was like jimmy you saw that right he came out of the event oh you did just randomly teleport there i you did not lizzy was it you your final word what was it it wasn't me there was only one kill that round lizzie say sorry to maddie oh she's gone at all in that regard and you know i feel like it's time i hate going to right side by myself i feel like i'm gonna get moisted but i mean if i do it'll make it a little more interesting i don't like how oh gosh i don't like how i've been seen wait are you are you guys doing detective work yes literally there she is she's appeared out of nowhere gloom you're alive hello what you've been doing i'm actually doing tasks this round because i feel like i feel guilty about that i'm still not i'm not about it um yeah well if i said what's happening why have you been in here what's the follow-up line uh why haven't you been in here this whole time who just went around i actually don't know the answer to that the answer is that is the answer oh i've never heard of that right i'll send it i'll link it to you all after this thank you okay i'm pretty sure it's an important meme in society no it's not oh no oh it sounds seems like someone died yeah i bet someone's going it wasn't me i was wearing my mask that's true we've all been on top of you now we all need to hey you all you all have it uh it's porn storage i completely forgot about checking the admin table haven't done that yet today it's been it's been a while oh lauren i wonder where you are are you a member oh my gosh i am not a member of jimmy's channel oh god remember jimmy's channel no you know we've all i am guys hey are you okay uh they're all down there all right ollie was just saying how he's a member of jimmy's channel and gives jimmy money every month and then lauren just came and killed him she obviously hates jimmy martin he obviously has something against me i mean we all do jimmy wait wait wasn't that pilot it wasn't me is you and they can't all be imposters and yeah and you were you were like during when lights were you were just like on admin table going who do i kill next so i think it's you know that's enough for me cassie all right that's yup all right in my defense ollie i told dollar systems social distance from me so he brought this on himself hey that lie that i completely made it [Music] i like that good job good that job very duncancino are you suspicious like so early obviously yeah i shouldn't have laughed i couldn't hold in my laugh when i kept it i screamed if you'd argue [Music] when we were all in electrical we just guys she's in here with me and not killing me okay it didn't work wait why am i blue what you done you're a blue boy by the way thank you so much download i'm doing download please don't kill me over here i'm vulnerable why did i have to announce it why did i have to announce it [Laughter] he's just with us there's four of us in a room right now so it can only be i can't hear caleb there are eight controllers ah calum because people can't hear you someone uncrew like yeah i have control odd okay there's like four of us in the room right now [Music] so i also seen the vent and the hallway open and close which means so if it's lizzy callum flip and jolly and electrical that means that the kellers have to be well i mean one of them could still be out in you because we don't know where gloom died it wasn't like no we didn't was with us she we had a speaker she died on the right side yeah for sure because she was just we heard her singing that she was downloading yeah and then she was saying that she was um if nobody's suspicious of scott you've got to be suspicious of scars i'm very suspicious [Music] i have been terribly singing songs to each other don't kill us i don't know who to be with hey let's kill this way why would i say that i'm pretty sure you're definitely confirmed not yet then because you were miles away apparently there was four of you so well then i mean like scott if it is you just like good to me like somewhere safe it's not me you can take me into a corner cam if it was me i would have done it when you rover and navigation tucked away in a corner that was the perfect spot i'll look at admin panel okay i'm gonna do my car two security three reactor scott it's not let's good wait med bay electrical to med band pretty sure oh wait there's three inmates do you want to go to scare anything you're more than vulnerable you're dead into me and calum running away from the scene of the crime like you're awesome i was running away from joel because he literally just called ollie what's up cameras yeah i couldn't have killed anyone we saw i saw ollie but joel ran in and killed ollie and i was running away only literally just died on the entrance of the camera's room by maddie because we came over from med basically yeah we did we saw yeah we saw you and calm together on the cameras don't do that thing where you always [Music] the right at the start anyway so you were sussed from that whereas joel was apparently with three i was with three people if it was joel i would be dead right now because i was just i don't know what yeah well he's trying to do simon says yeah yeah so not but i don't know if available is a good point i'm still alive just to be clear it's obvious 100 well i i feel like he would have noticed that it was lizzy but he cleared her first round right i thought that was kind of weird wasn't it but what do you mean because maddie killed me sorry wait who's the other person then lizzy right what yeah wait what yeah oh i would share it with scott what wait so it's maddie and lizzy i thought it was scottish everyone could hear you gloom everyone could hear you you just got to see your way to everybody what was your plan all right so so i i called the meeting here and i saw joel's dead body in the oxygen room on the very edge of the cameras as lizzy was walking away oh the lights were out of that one time you need to stop i wasn't laughing that i murdered people i was met laughing because i was stood behind joel and then an omnipotent voice came out of nowhere of the ghost of gloom exposing me that's insane i'm so sorry [Laughter] or should i need to control it okay it's [Music] okay [Music] this is exactly what i needed to end the week yeah i am so sorry right out if everyone just control ours their crew like just to make sure it resets and we it won't oh we gotta try and do that between each game i'm so sorry that was so funny [Music] [Laughter] speak she was playing such a good game nobody suspected her i ruined her game last time hey i'm the captain of the ship lizzy lizzy you were you were playing such a good game i i i'm so sorry not wait was i i'll take it yeah no nobody suspected you okay oh sorry i could hear your voice so i knew you could hear me is anyone at that no one's at the other one excuse me last night i'm so sad okay like when i said it was lizzy everybody was so surprised i didn't stop singing please joel oh no and i'll accept it you can play me [Music] i don't know anything i'll just mumble on you know [Music] it [Music] so i jumped that's definitely not him i don't think we were having too much there was too much she was standing down by the shields but she was like really far away from it and she was just standing still you can access it from closer than you think you can do it further away uh yeah further away than you think i don't know you were very far away also i was a little bit distracted because i could definitely hear a lot of singing going on okay we've lost our pianist now thank you i can't believe you've done this but me flip gloom and jimmy were all stood on ollie just there yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we're right it's one of us it's not me because i just ran upstairs yes i was going through the light yeah at the end as well when the lights went out two more people came into there and so into that where into our group into us not me it's not me i'm pretty sure i saw joel so that's not me why would you do this we are married we made a bond for life for life how could you do it we made a boner for life what do you say women are born for life we made a bond for life i'm missing i'm just dangerous so what i want you to do is on your keyboard just type the sentence the quick brown fox jumps over the fence isn't it the lazy dog another quick burn fox yeah it jumps over the lazy dog oh i mean the thing is my download what what does that mean oh no virus all right i'm gonna push this her i don't know you don't know what gloom did was joel in the stack it was you it was just joel wasn't with us this was actually cpk this one i thought i saw him did anyone else see that i saw it right now because glebe is on that pile earlier i was on the pile earlier yeah i'm very in scott i've already voted okay shake me against caliber do not let scott trick you again but come on i'm very confused there was only one pill and me lauren and gloom all seen it we can't all three be imposters all three of his ones what did you see i'm pretty sure i saw it i'm pretty sure it was calc it glitched okay so the last the last the last kill calum was exactly where like the kill was but you said that joel ran away which i didn't see the lights were out so i like went with that but like callum was perfectly in line with both of those kills yeah yeah yeah also that during that one that happened yeah yeah you guys weren't there for that one yeah was he stop just making me okay i'm going to a really good place to die i was just nearby [Music] yeah we didn't even get over there i'm in reactor right now i'm on the far right of the ship just did this like that you wouldn't break your bond would you you said you were just with maddie she's an election yeah she was she was i was you know by the communications room i was there with her i went up the right side she went to the left she left she was talking to a chat like usual and i uh i i heard her go that way glenn where did you go i went uh i went up you guys yeah you guys saw me go up from admin i'm going into midbay right now jimmy or lizzy then right no i was i i literally was in electrical move to reactor that's but that's right you were in electrical i wasn't electrical but it wasn't me you can vote me off if you'd like it's not me though was maddie alive in there when you left i was only in there by myself haven't you made it through the dead body no you might have went over through the veins that's why you didn't see it no i went in right now where were you it's not me but you can break me [Music] it's really distracting so you got to stop because it makes me think it's he's also gutting for doles i am running for joel i'm going to get the lights i have no idea because i don't think we were right with jimmy i have an idea [Music] no no together so i don't think it was jimmy yeah why because there hasn't been a kill yeah exactly nobody would have he would have killed me he's giving me says which makes me believe him why were you doing the why are you doing simon says not coming to fix the lights yeah the lights were down i was doing simon says no the lights were down they were down so why what's your facts about it we started the game with the lightsaber simon says was invented by a person called ralph and i think that's pretty strange you know after why would you name it after yourself yeah probably okay so i was in the area around cpk twice when the body died people are saying that they think it could be me and scott so i think that we should vote me out and then win the game so that i don't get cessed later i don't want to get so sleepy oh i thought you were meaning like before you and because you're the emperor i reckon it's lizzie thank you much amazing work she done his goals to create last time yeah yeah i really i really helped i'm such a good ghost pastor i do i think it's lizzy i think so too just because you've just been throwing stuff around i haven't i did a huge goal but that's because when i walked into the group joel was walking out of the group and there was a dead body yeah yeah but that was calories right there and then but then round two joel wasn't in that stack so i do i i think it's jimmy or joel i don't know which it's not us i know i did vote i'm voting lizzy oh no okay i need to start voting because i this is twice now i could have got someone out oopsies you should sit together let's go oh no i'm never going to be able to finish i'm never going to be able to finish my tasks [Music] same i've been too busy defending myself but it wasn't me too every game oh i literally don't know me why is okay if it's actually scott here i'm gonna be very confused [Laughter] i thought we're gonna happen that wasn't anywhere on the radar oh no wait was that actually lizzy all right your face is red oh baby i like it wrong the game called that is basically you can only see that if you've got the rank so it makes sense it's only people that can ah it's only cool yeah this is the bigger match okay can we do the rule again where people don't group so much because it's so hard to get a kill together every time we turn the corner there were like six people all stood up and i was like in practice [Music] was fun to chat with people yeah yeah yeah let me just like two off you at max okay or just like group and chat for a bit and then like move on to a different video yeah just don't protect jimmy out joel and flip just went with they killed like yeah welcome so i was like i got the first stack kills that was fine and then i'll just uh that was still one of my favorite favorite kills with lizzy like the only person i trust is cassie is like what why kills her good person to trust great you can only trust people when they're dead apparently in this game oh my god once i never get impossible i hate it so it's a good old face by the way i don't have any crafts in here i know this looks super particular i do okay well you're on it thank you gloom you can also say i'm on it yes i can see you're on it he's on it on it oh i'm on it oh he's on it's a specimen we love 10 seconds away from each other we do live 10 seconds we all live 10 seconds away from there oh that's awesome going in here oh she's here through the door okay i don't actually have crafts here i was just babysitting old so yeah i was very scared are you scared i should probably move so in life stay safe do you know i think there's a glitch uh i was gonna do weapons but you know that's just asking for it these days like it's half a s like second how do you know that because i was watching one of my friends hey hello hey i gotta do this like maze over here will you come with me because i i was afraid to do it at the beginning so i didn't want to die the maze of wonders oh i got it wrong ah okay node flip come on come on come on come on come on come on come on on your marks get started come on oh oh hey maddie hello i'm not gonna lie why because you just like disappeared went into weapons and i was doing the node outside and she was like keep talking uh so i can hear that you're still alive and i just kept talking the entire time and then i went and i was like why don't you reply and she was dead in the room and joel was there and he's like i'm just doing the thing where you reset it and then he left and then when i came out of comms he started walking to the left where i was going and i was like oh i just have the water wheels i need to do but you definitely doubled back there joel so did you kill lizzy and realize always because i looked at my map and i was just like oh i've actually got the wheel so i could should go do those right now so i went and did those instead you didn't even need to say you're in the area joel you didn't speak i didn't hear you scott knows i was in the area where i was lying about being in the area you're already caught in the act yeah not quite in the act i don't want to vote for not enough to vote but the only time i vote first round is if i see someone be murdered and it's a hardest pass yeah i am very sorry though lizzie i didn't ask how you were when i was speaking and that's how it did and potentially scott are clear for this one kill so on this one uh i can back up jimmy scott yes okay because why am i sounded white it sounded like no like i know i'm not it sounded like people weren't really because i haven't seen gloom and ages yeah no but it sounded like you were with people so i'm like trying to group people okay [Music] yeah for me was between like uh flip solidarity cpk and someone else wait oh [Music] and with scott it just sounded like like it sounded like a lot of people were with him and he usually sticks with him those makes us he's scary right away i'm in the camera i'm looking at the cameras all these scots over there just heard lauren laugh randomly i don't want to be with him alone wait i don't want to be with him alone i can do these here wires oh he's dead okay okay i just i was in the tree room and i was close enough to hear the camera room and i heard ollie going joel i'm in the camera room why are you in here no i'm in here because you're dead oh and then i walk back up and i see all he does that's that's a lie frick killed already i will also say that i was like okay i'll run to do water wheels because that's what me and joel ended on doing and joel never came back to water whales because he also was faking the chassis and then fripp has now killed and i'm going to get to the water wheel it wasn't real guys it was fake [Laughter] this way this this thing here you saved me when i was the specimen because joel was like can i go to space on my feet i'm scared one of the reasons i cleared you first around is because you never play alone in procs so i was like if he's with somebody and like all these seemed fine uh was like oh can you come with me to specimen i'm so scared and i was like okay joe remember i live 10 seconds away from you and then you and lizzy came in so he couldn't kill me okay i've got this today i think i might need to up tasks because we all seem to be doing more yeah i just have i just have weapons in o2 left i just didn't want to do download with foot but now i trust him because he got uh oh [Music] and if we came a majority of the time so i don't i don't know but the thing so the other one i was maybe set off was gloom but glenn was in before cam so you would have seen the body to report with lights off yeah the button would suck out to report oh it doesn't mean i saw it mate to be honest i think you got we don't play this game as much as you do we don't know i think it's evil i think it might be gloom because you guys are everywhere none of us went there we can't like hard prove each other but i've been like jimmy and flip for so much it could be maddie it's not quiet maddie was like no maddie was just chillin and scott said run so i ran and then i went to chill i that's that's kind of where i'm at right i don't think it's f whip because he got out i feel like jolly like i don't think bloom would have missed the button though i could have missed the report button but i don't think i know there was no i went in before scott there was no body there are you in before scott yes i thought scott was in first no i was in first [Laughter] it's okay if you're right you're right i didn't think it was oh my god like because he was with me for so long it would be some play by course it's not football what's up yo i think it's kobe it's gotta be scott right hey [Music] someone on a previous stream to say that there was a hiding place there so i was just oh and then we'll see what happens it's fine it's totally fine i think the marker is between jimmy that is a great point i will say jimmy and i have been together that's what killer would say yeah 100 percent he's trying to get warmed up before he does stabbings guys he's flip on lights right as they came back on who just died [Music] [Laughter] oh the final thing and then april may june taylor johnson all of our games split squad [Laughter] scott who is you two were in front of me what on my screen you guys were walking in front of me and i then i opened up the menu and then i heard the crunch and then i clicked the last thing last and then a hundred there was this is just callum and flip arguing flip's not saying he's got the answer yeah i can't it's not it's that is the first time you've ever said sometimes to that question we have one enjoy the lost like there's like two rounds every single game where it's me and scott yeah literally you always think it's mere glim so then we stick together because we're like well if there's two of us together no one can say it's us yes we can if there's a double kill what do you mean i feel betrayed i thought we had a bond between the three outside sources of like am i a good liar out of the equation in this game i think it's quite important i could have said that i got uh to be oh i've got nothing in my bag i'm gonna go hide over here and see if somebody died everyone say okay [Laughter] i guess i go to species it's so risky to kill somebody in specimen i feel like that's what happens i played a game hello hello what's happening here anything going on uh nah i just came in through admin nobody who was dead when i checked it's ki i feel like it's kind of risky to kill somebody in here hey cause i gotta like walk all the way out there's only one way out but then i don't know i think if you can shout but there's danger this way and then you just walked in people might believe it i don't know you're playing oh wait he was with it he was with i just witnessed a murder who was it what i'm running up the middle of the map so flip was like i'm never going to that room with you and he was looking at the window in storage and i went into storage because i have the gas that is sure yeah storage is a little room with the gas now i know where it is but he wasn't so no foot was looking through the window from the bottom as i was doing it the door shut and i was like oh [ __ ] this isn't good and he's like it's fine i'm a good boy i'm just watching and then i was like okay well i'm gonna open the door and he wants to run around to meet me at the door so as i opened it [Music] i have no idea what scott's talking about so all i can assume is that i've i'm about to well i was about to discover flip's body but i didn't see anything so i don't know if you don't want to vote on at that site scott did you see it in the act there was no one else arrived scott could it could there's a is there an event in that place i've never watched this stream have you improved in your acting game that was a good fight yeah when he stops he just looks at the camera and goes scene while we were having a little jam i heard scott i could hear scott so if he ran off then i can somewhat believe it but okay rivalry is every game it is such a fierce competition they need a therapy session after this right nobody kills scott i need to speak to you all right here we go i did my task yes i'm actually going to finish my tasks this time i really wanted to help so bad i wanted to help so so so [Laughter] how close was i to you guys because you could see it i couldn't see you all scott i could just hear your voices as scott was talking i was trying to kill ollie and i was gonna frame scott but then i accidentally killed scott um my favorite food is chicken [Music] you must have been able to see them what's that alarm for oh our pup gets his final shot today and he's gonna have full immunity okay this is the first game of the day that i actually finished my tasks praise be to yevin where's azzy uh i actually have no idea no not it i would have killed you as well if i was it oh what the heck who could be then i'm not too sure with that shout out oh smile and everyone right now i guess we're back in this wow he he got murdered real close i went we were in weapons together and he thought it was me he was like yeah you can do it now i went it's not me so i'm not gonna do it i ran away into the comms room came back out and he's that he's dead by the o2 [ __ ] how did you beat the master at this game what were you doing i was just in specimen oh maddie you take off that cowboy hat right now this man has just died literally like two seconds after i just spoke to him all he followed me he said hey and you can kill me go ahead and i said no not me we're friends here he goes off he's like oh i swear it was you dead he dies i come over see his body maddie where were you i was in specimen i think i'm about to me and ollie will talk to each other as ghosts we will see you on the other side i don't know i think we'd lose the game if we vote whatever you want it's not the right one yeah you got it you got to pick but i promise you it's not me jimmy that sounds like no offense whoever's dead is the one that didn't do it will that work it is maddie it's maddie it's maddie i voted jimmy oh is [Laughter] [Music] i can't believe maddie got [Music] scott just murdered himself oh this is too funny oh that was crazy so just to be clear you could definitely see me next to you guys oh yeah i knew that i was trying to kill you i see make sure to control your crew like i think lizzie can hear joel there so wait what just refresh during the meeting you said oh maybe i did but maybe i also wasn't listening either way we'll just do another one that was holy [ __ ] there's some was that the first imposter win we've had today yeah thank you oh my gosh hi hey nice quick you having fun thanks yeah how about you oh i feel like a third one yeah pretty good fun yeah oh yeah okay that's a terrible idea i have to go i have to go see if he's alive i have two and see how many do you have to try okay what's the plan i don't know it's you're always gonna suck either way i feel like we're gonna whip out the victim card hard today did we just make a green character in here we just killed them i think so yeah okay play long game when it came off because i was always like well we're either gonna win or we're dead first pretty much i'm gonna stand here for a second see if i wasn't listening i'm gonna stand here actually i'm gonna stand with you it's not me okay i told you they were down here yeah we we found you now jeffy i've got you i've got you both now did you not shut the door wait no wait what what i'm getting out of here someone shut the door on us wait you were in that room yeah we're not the imposter people no don't don't worry it's every game about you guys it's every game jimmy everything's every game no big deal hello i hear a voice where's that beautiful hey oh hey ollie and me were just he was serenading me i was serenading yeah serenading serenading i'm walking away so you guys can feel your business our business trash you know oh oh no i found maddie up in the medical area in the upper right oh she's been dead for a while then let's have a moment silence yeah i just i just walked up there to do some tasks like maddie was with us bottom left she's been dead a while ago yes she has she's lying at least 15 seconds that's a lot of us were just in the vitals area yeah and then i ran out to go up here and found her dad i made myself very so sure that we were lying there ollie because i've been on the left side the whole time manny was with me at the start and so was flip and i was playing piano for them so i just thought ago on the left side i don't know yeah that was a long round yeah i haven't seen callum the whole game where you've been so i was just saying i have no tasks left i'm done nah i don't believe that he had no tests from the start the imposter imperceptible that's what i'm saying in three well he was maddie there with you and johnny i'm all alone maddie was in lab no she was over 30 seconds ago oh like for sure because that's the last person i heard i went to specimen i did the unlock man of paul's number task and then i came to admin panel and then that's it wait flip and lauren were with maddie when i was in the weapons they were together same yeah lizzy was there so you met us in there i came from the lower left but i'm just saying that like yeah no no i was the last to come in but i came from the left side she's dead yeah but there's a hole where um wait jimmy came in from the left admin from upper right to bottom oh left i think it's not the bottom left not that far at all it gets to just below admin on the left because well whoever is the other imposter i'm going to need you to test it out so we could this hole right here you could just test that hole okay were you guys together the whole time last round here me and jimmy yeah no no he came in at the end and then lay i promise you i'm good i found i found ollie and joel just like standing there playing music on the left side yeah hi hi there's a lot of people in here holy cow hi friends yeah i feel like i'm breaking the rules oh yeah i just came because the door was closed and thought somebody would be dead so i'm just gonna look at that wait i'm just here to check who's on it look one on your head one standing there oh sure i'll never lie to them is it you jimmy no no i promise you someone shut the door on us again oh my it's so steamy in here oh my gosh oh no sleep mmm water i'm alive i'm still that wasn't me i was with joel literally two seconds ago i was telling you he died i'm surprised he's dead though cause you i lit i left you and julian columns and then left and was like okay i'll come back and jimmy so we went from we went from comms we went from comms to left side he went uh water wheels i went 0-2 i was coming up past lauren so i don't know i feel like someone swooped in and got him it wasn't me laura because lauren did a self-report kill all right i mean i heard it right lauren what did it look like from your side i i was going down okay and i was yelling i'm alive over and over and over again in case in case somebody killed me they would know when it happens i i can confirm lauren was doing that we were in the upper right together just the two of us were quite alone upon finding the body so i don't think that she would scream if she did i think she would do it quiet yeah randy was in the water room and found the body and screamed and then reported it the only thing obviously i don't know what it was from your side cassie would would she have ran up would you not have vented out there probably well i was in i wasn't i wasn't in the venture room i was in a i was in o2 like i was in the office oh okay yeah she wasn't coming out of the water room but i know because i never passed on the way there so i'm not saying i can clear actually there's been two kills hasn't there what about cpk where did he die just i'm gonna go to admin table hey okay oh no wait no you weren't supposed to come in here oh i thought oh i mean you can come if you want come on let's go let's go oh wait oh that's gone nervous i'm gonna check if she's there [Music] orange or red are dead do we know where oh oh yeah this is a real issue but i think it's scott because i haven't seen him in a while and he scares me okay no i fixed the lights that were off i fixed them i had a flick through cameras i seen lizzie in office and then i ran down to check vitals and i bumped into gloom at the end so how many kills lauren was anyone else ollie lauren me and lizzy were together lizzy jetted early but i think that she's not not demon i think she got a kill and is hiding the body because i was just going to find it guys there's two dead orange and red right and there's two people that didn't go up top right with us and it's you two so yeah i just came in here i think it's for the content it's definitely not me but i think lizzie could do that please i don't want to say it but i'm going to say it it's scott and gloom oh oh he was with me the whole time there were two kids only were you whether the whole i was just blamed the entire time the entire time at the very end yeah the only person that wasn't with us from specimen was lizzie where are these bodies did anyone see swift no because you've wiped them you deleted and why did you go left back on yourself i've i've thrown this i'm the third imposter here i've just helped them win no it was a good play but you did help us win thanks i told you guys [Music] how are you doing i was like oh i'm good and you're just like i've just been chilling on cams you're like where where are you i was like oh i came from the upper right you're like cool that's great you didn't see anybody right no i didn't see sorry scott i choked on the graveyard we had the perfect opportunity and i was like first of all i actually had been on my test in that first round yeah i don't know what game you were watching you spent about 15 like 20 seconds with gloom when you were with lauren no we were together though no wait no it's the final round bloom and lauren with like three words together at the end of that round [Music] um no i don't have it i cannot detect you but i trust you yeah you're legit oh wait i'm scanning see what these guys are doing over here is she did she do med bailey beans no we don't actually have it oh my god oh my god very sad i don't know i'm faking the task i don't have a casket i'm just faking cash just to hang out i'm going to kill you oh my god no one's dying switch dead thank you very much why do you not care about flip scott lizzie why did you panic call this emergency because he said no one's died not me i was doing the med base scan with gloom so we're legit and ollie walks up and says what do i say i do he said wrong code and then what happened when i said that nothing happened because ran up cpk ran up and i thought joel was next in the way of the double kill no then lizzy why is gloom still alive when i was down with their own specimens beans as a joke lizzy there's two murderers here well one of them [Music] is said try bodyguard cassie must resist urge to kill cassie while she's standing here must resist urge to kill cassie oh hey are you what are you doing why are you nuzzling up against cassie like a strange dog laura are you waiting for glue to get back so you can kill him wait what what how did he press the button press the button because i came from the other side i was quietly listening for about 15 seconds to lauren going must resist urge to kill oh no lauren i mean i didn't kill her true which would it indicate that she's not killed someone else has told me that it wasn't lauren oh scott's dead okay who's clear and who joel control ah oh yeah i can't hear jealous i wasn't speaking he was i can hear him oh he's in my house i can't hear him yes yes he's in my house well just out of curiosity why were you saying that if it's not you i wanted i was waiting i was waiting for cassie to come back and then hear me say that and freak out because i was waiting in admin to hear what they were saying but i didn't hear any of that i walked in like i also came in and i was wondering what was going on joel why did you go into specimen then turn around after me and come back you said no i went and did my task when i did the numbers one the one two three four five six seven eight nine ten all ten numbers and then i came back wait what is it what have you been doing yeah my tasks were all in a similar area and i heard her being like she was running around tasks i love yeah we got eight seconds skate skate skip just skip just kidding but i can can complete all the tasks well that's what i said that's cool it looks like she's got a she's a banana with her pumpkins bananas like from the look at maddie imagine the green bay of the book and lizzy oh me me and gloom yeah yeah yeah yeah oh you definitely don't even try and kill me you know it's me come with me then into a dark corner and i'll confirm it's not me okay i don't like how i'm clear and i don't like how i'm cleared on lizzie and you're gonna be so upset because someone's gonna kill me they're gonna pick me as a target i'm so desperately lonely let's fix these babies maddie how are you doing how you doing baby girl right what were you doing down there that's kind of weird he's just fixing the light yeah right what the hell yeah god excuse [Music] guys are me are you sisters murdering i think i i think i drank too many gamer drinks oh what are you doing for it it's swapping it from the one side to the other i drink too many gamer drinks i'm shaking are you happy yeah how many gamer drinks uh just few too many too many people yeah go go go go go go go go go go go go go [Music] you're innocent for show so i gotta keep you up because you know med chance am i innocent for sure because i i fixed rat oh you didn't kill me in the first one you're looking pretty good to me oh i thought you meant that okay this is not oh hello who was joel my husband he was my boy the bond is broken but my boy um he's in bottom left yeah bottom left okay i will just throw out there that callum wanted me to kill him and he gave me many opportunities to do it even brought himself into my location nobody could find the body and i did not kill him right away at this point okay you wanna know who i saw around that area was me gloom maddie was me me i am down there i also was down there i did the world cup so lizzy if joel is dead that means ollie's meme at the beginning of the game on med scan that was like beans let's do it it was just it was just it was just a meme it was mean this whole time okay so here's the information here's the information so far lizzie and gloom have cleared each other i've cleared gloom no one's kidding me so i'm just helping other people at this point that's one of them could have murdered me and i'd be blown away if we were in a part of the map where you would never have seen the body um which leaves me with olly maddie and jimmy i think it might be jimmy self-report and wasn't maddie did maddie fix reactor was she in the reactor group there was so many people on the picture but maddie was with you guys it's not maddie maddie was with you guys jimmy you're defending maddie very strongly yeah no i'm saying those three were together why i don't know i think i don't know it's not your pressure she didn't answer when i asked if she was on reactor i had to oh wait lizzy [Music] yes they are [Music] okay wait why wouldn't he have killed me then when he had the chance oh my [Music] and then you killed me when i was in the last three let me make a point let me make a point i was with liz gloom there the whole time because i know gloom's safe lizzie came i said i think it's jimmy and jimmy went it's callum and then lizzy also agrees with somebody i don't think callum actually had the check on med bay and we're just joined in to try and pretend now what do you mean you've got it with me so you didn't finish it you had it but you have that bay now but you didn't mention the last call like when the thing got called i was six seconds into it that was something the round didn't end round round and yeah i said you checked one to check gloom on med bay and then all he said beans and i left came back and he went i was just saying it to freak people out and then i left to do other tasks i was like i'll do it later you're saying it has to be on your way back to med bay okay you know what you've got 40 seconds i'm done talking to me or whatever i'm done he's given up he's giving off his case you're threatening to kill gloom like round two so oh you don't yeah literally [Applause] [Music] it was no it was maddie and jimmy stop rail driving on him for nothing i didn't tell him i saved callum i saved him by the way scott did you like that i can like the powerpuff girls again my lighting wait i can't hear you right now everywhere can you hear from everywhere no i really set mine though so he's doing that have you reset yours let me reset mine i do you have us we're stuck we're stuck out of focus please no plum are you okay um oh i'm having some technical difficulties that's fichelle i'm like stuck out of focus and like oh well i i don't want to tell you to like open my stream right now because that's kind of cheating but the lighting is oh it's a hot mess what happened between ravens uh uh the sun is just like perfectly like causing this crazy glare also what you're lucky because at one point i could hear you everywhere so it's like you didn't see anything criminating yeah that would be quite awkward ollie was telling me he couldn't hear me at all but i was honestly i couldn't maybe you should control your crew like i just didn't catch anyone else it should be working now yeah because i could just say you'd be like i've got this upload today i'm glad i'm gonna move is i'm so dumb i'm so dumb oh you found him where was he we found him he'd be on it scott was telling people to kill me first and he died wait i found ollie uh in the lower right by the trash in the lower left just walked in to run up to the left i know this is a decision i was like being alone quiet the whole time and also i walked in on him in weapons i think are comms can't remember and then i found ollie's body around the corner now i'm not hard accusing but i think it's because you were with me when we discovered he was dead at vitals at the same time and it can't possibly have been me wait i was seeing if you guys could hear me because i couldn't hear you okay so well i left flip and scott together and i went to check vitals and i saw ollie who was dead on there was cows so is it whip yeah maybe i don't know who have i seen i've seen jimmy i've seen i mean i found ollie's body i don't know what's up with school who else was in scott and i were there going towards the lava pit area and then came back across the top and then i don't know as well when you were screaming identify yourself through the door so that was amazing that was okay that's suspicious yeah why didn't you say anything crucially quiet this whole time no matter what i say jimmy because everyone's gonna accuse you everything is famous that's so sorry we didn't see and evan monarchy i'm not even sure if he is just house he's just nervous no i'm going to fix the lights nope jamming it the box what are you doing [Music] i hate it here i hate it in here i'm just going to be really quiet and hopefully nobody notices me i accidentally looked at the chat but i didn't see anything it's such a habit oh my nose oh gosh you know you know i'm safe yeah i walked into a body maddy's body is in the water wheels room oh joel was saying no i just got there though yeah i was there i was there as well i heard jimmy doing his nose and then i did download and now i'm uh i'm in constant upload i said lauren cobbs it could have been anything i've decided i was there with that wait i know that was fixing i and then the group separated i think it was lizzy gloom was there and she and i both walked down the thing and i just left out of the room to go do the little maze thingy at the bottom at that node and then i'm dipped it from there to the upper right corner where i'm in med bay area right now lauren where'd you come from your voice is shaking a lot flips sounds like yeah yeah yeah yeah yes you seem nervous where did i go i just came back up from specimen and i was trying to find people because there was nobody over there okay and that's why i just said hello so i think it's a i think it's a cute mirror flip and i left scott and flip together the first round scott died i think gloom knows to kill scott and therefore i never i never kill scott first round if we're talking about okay then i just think it's glue because i did see her in the area i also saw joel in the area but joel was like dilly dallying around near a lieber i didn't even see jimmy to be fair he he identified himself as being in the air i just didn't want you to be like hey it's him you know it's not i was just doing mine was the only person i saw there that but then again i haven't seen flip or lauren at all and we don't vote on seven i'm just nervous you know interesting it could be i heard it could be gloom and flip no it's kind of weird that they were basically could be it could be could be but it could be blown away okay so now i'm gonna play risky gonna play a risky game now so i feel like there's too much suss on me it's because you're suspect i'm just going to try it again that was i'm just going to say english okay please don't quit don't murder me why would i do that because you're a murderer that's rude i say you take me out in water wheels yeah yeah cause i'm gonna be gunning for you if you don't do it jimmy why come on it's you kill me kill me me and jimmy were both talking to fripp and we're both calling him daddy and trying to get us to kill him and then i walked away and then foot killed jimmy so jimmy goes down at the bottom because the reaction because i was like i saw him die out the corner of my eye on the corner of the i'm just trying to push you because i know you're lying voice the vision is so short how can you see it out of the corner of your screen wait you're saying you know it's looking to my greetings no i just left the bottom area joel and jimmy were down there trying to get me to kill them when it's not me and then i left because the reactor thing went off and i was just waiting all right i gotta go fix that otherwise we lose the game i'm jealous of jimmy right now that you murdered him and not me because jimmy probably would be much better i don't explain that he's you than i am but jimmy you got the screen but like based on like previous rounds you know based on the whole game who do you think it is come on lauren i don't know it's got to be flip lauren then right yeah yeah that's well it's lawrence lauren was right there with us she she was right above it happening so if she's imposter she even probably saw it classic laurences but let's kill flip why me oh god who do we vote because you're all the different based on past rounds that's rude i'm going right away you murder actual that's rude look at lauren why did laura vote for me lauren hey that's pretty suspicious think yeah because he's your friend you imposter no no no no i was hanging down take that mask off and reveal your impulse away hanging with lizzy okay here let me give you let me give you a good one what's up here i'm going to hide by this rock all right now stab me in the ass cassie do you want to have a cold i'm in the [ __ ] and lauren came down and then only we can't hear you so he stuck through a bit he's like okay let me go fix it and hold he was like fixing it right away oh sick okay ladies because me and lizzy fakes the thing and gleam died in that i was running toward reactor joel saw me you were running towards reactor after they reacted oh do you fix lauren if this is lizzy now then you have betrayed everything that i believe i believe it could be lauren i believe i went over to laura is [Music] my favorite thing there was when you have to learn and we're like i trust you three seconds before she'd murdered kelly invented into that room and you right now i trust you i would just like to say when i killed jimmy i had thought it had been so long in the round that lauren had already got somewhere i was like this would be a great way to end the game i was counting people that ran through and i thought i had counted one less than that like went to calendar and came she was like count do you feel okay and countless but oh no she jumped [Music] everyone was in that bottom left side too lauren before she killed me and she oh right right i don't want to do gas alone murdering me i don't want to do gasoline what is shelby [Laughter] oh are you serious that's weird that's no i like straight up like yeah no i i really don't know why everybody moving actually okay i'm not doing simon says that takes too long you can do if you want i'm here uh let's go check vitals that's more fun i just ran from the one side they watched me on cam to do it whoever's okay is there anyone there oh i didn't check it out oh there's always i just checked the thing there's people up above us and then all right let's check it let's check it you guys have we know there's a body in here yeah this is a bust this is a bust crash i can't see you guys it could be dead outside go flip which means it wouldn't show off on the thing but it had three more people in an electrical oh bottom side yeah that's so funny it's in weapons he just hard cleared me and then forgot it happens but i hope whoever murdered him at least danced before it because that was the only thing he asked for was a dance thing you know he would dance i don't know why that's what i do love dancing no but i feel like it's if you didn't do it that's disrespectful so like that's all you wanted i'm just hoping whoever i'm hoping everybody can sleep tonight if they didn't dance in front before murdering the man so that was only you needed a sign from the ghostly jewel if they didn't that was that was a while ago would you have had time because do you think it happened recently or not no it happened long time last time it wasn't gloom because we ended up spending most of the time because i've died first the last three games so i wanted to make it to one meeting which was nice do you remember we met we met lauren we met lauren on the top side of it and like do you think she could have had time to run from labs to weapons and then to us at the door of species if it was early in the day i ran through i ran through like joel's been dead where's the body where's the body no i think it's in the water directly from liverpool there's been two oh if i'm innocent well we all have cracks in here huh i don't i'm just like he doesn't he's just watching me what he's just protecting me i'd like to talk to you about having your things [Music] [Music] [Music] place oh that was really smart that was that was a good one i gotta say i respect it baby i feel like we're gonna win i feel like [Music] the kind words the love the appreciation the goodness the wholesomeness the acceptance accepting me into your life oh my god [Music] and then you were like i just seen him with gloom they were just following each other singing chandelier which was red because that was my song i requested but the two people you said are now dead callum and you're listening all the other people who also saw them at the same time as me that you haven't had any chance to talk about you i've not seen how long ago you haven't seen jimmy uh i i was still going on vitals you were there yeah i'm right behind you at vitals having a rough day this team is falling apart at the same time he was dead at the download an electrical and ollie was just coming out of cam's side it's true and i've seen you all right i'm so inactive i'm just really bad at taking [ __ ] you know aside from like the last weekend yeah see that doesn't work out though because i ran out if i had been with lizzy you think unless he went ahead of you i'm in the upper right wait really no i i pretty i trust him i mean i'm going to skip anyway because at seven i don't want to get literally i never got to hear chandelier that's so ridiculous let's have a meeting in med bay okay i'd like to meet with you i don't like that because it feels like you want to take me into a dark or a murder she says what's the code we can't share the code we're just gonna have to make a new lobby if we do because we have 10. like imagine we're like sorry lizzy you can't play even though you took time out of your day to plan it with us got his german efficiency right and yeah why was he on cams exactly he's not announced that he finished his task which is suspicious first of all that's true he usually does that he's not first round done with all his tasks it wasn't the first round and he would have said something the simon says i never did what do we bet in chat do we think the crew wins the game that's it i finished okay i finished i i will hang around with you i know oh no we lost what did they kill lizzie what happened he killed me did you just die i was crazy dude ollie that was just i know but i said that's the original code word though okay we finally got that all right i'm gonna leave you and maddie alone if one of you dies i know it's you as she walks when you were dead giving me the free kill on the ship that was very kind of like oh yeah [Laughter] was that your german efficiency doesn't work with you finish your tasks faster that's why we were saying i'm not announcing anything ever again with you guys i thought i was normal i get meta sauce but can't just get stuff now even better but it's just his general perspective [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Gloom
Views: 910,373
Rating: 4.9213047 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us live, among us stream, gloom, gloomgames, kassie, lauren, laurenzside, high iq, 1000 iq, imposter, imposter win, how to win among us, funny moments, among us funny moments, no cursing, no swearing, among us gloom
Id: 6TAdnX3_ghs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 4sec (8524 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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