🔴 LIVE Trying the NEW Among Us Map, Airship

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okay hello everybody and welcome to the new among us map yeah we were sitting here watching it is 206 i think that the new map went live at like 203 we got like the new update we're freaking out we're in here i'm wearing this cute new hat different to me what's going on i think you only see the i think it's just me the frame rate's really really high like look at like oh it looks crazy i we just have to pray and hope and pray and hope that the servers do not crash like hyper realistic like there's new colors like that total biscuit is rolling over it is great i think i did it wrong and like it came out being like sent in your parental guardian email and i was like what i thought i said agent wrong i didn't think i did do you need to do that when you you can't type now like in the chat yeah there's going to be a lot of different there there's going to be like oh you can do like did we leave the video i can't say someone got in did someone i don't think it was me but it could have been me no it's covered but there's like who's no i didn't leave the chair i don't think ollie you could see i linked the code guys it was me it was me the whole thing from two letters i'm so give me that i'll make it bigger jesus yo gummy give me that pink give me that pain sorry sorry sorry this is like 4k unreal engine among us or something it's crazy i love it they do look different what the heck i just want to see the new map yeah i know it's it's kind of trippy hey so i got a quick question y'all uh do we want to do like one round where we just don't mute and explore all the stuff together or do we even play like what do you want to do for the first imposters that don't know the map at all yeah and i just hope it's not me the raw experience yeah cause then we can lie about our tasks this is an am right yep um oh you can buy a polish it is really out all you have to do is update your among us guys we are on airship why would you say that i'm so excited i'm so so excited kind of toxic what you're worried about i'm actually i'm worried about scott right now i'd like to know where he is i'd really like to start playing true it's complementary how about that well i'll just go back to my old schools it works this is good does the game automatically update um welcome back oh thank you oh i'm just so excited to play oh my god i'm excited to play oh my god wait can i how'd you get that did you buy that in the skit it's look at the skin oh where you belong to my god me you're not she's not the one who leaked the cord i didn't my chat said it was gloom yeah let's give it a go oh what i was told i'm just passionate on this side we're still waiting wait we're subbing and joy to join does anyone have the bubbles for discord uh i don't think we should lose it because like i just left i do one sec dude the cyborgs the bubbles are in the pen oh yeah oh yeah okay bless plus you should so yeah all right like it's an old computer like oh they haven't been used in a while i'm not sure if i'll run we are just waiting for joey right okay i'm hopping shelby's running late anyway so we'll have to play like one or two without her bubbles for me yeah the bubbles i can't be authenticated if joey is one second later i'm going to sk i'll like i'm gonna scream but that is my birthday oh i'm in okay yeah but can you take the chat the thing that was weird though is when i went to like the confirm account thing it then asked me for a credit card and i was like no thank you i got taught as a child okay let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go if anybody's game caps gonna show up like in a weird format mine looks normal so we're just explaining the map oh yeah we are we muting we're playing we're playing let's play let's play let's play or what i guess so uh yeah mute oh my g i don't know where i am okay i'm in the medical bay uh this is crazy this is big i feel like i'm gonna be able to do a lot of stuff here uh without getting caught i gotta find somebody i gotta find somebody quick i don't even know where i am hey buddy oh boy i can't do i can't do i can't do bass like that immediately i'm gonna have to uh oh i'm so lost i'm so confused i'm so confused [Music] what type of psychopath not only kills people already but also a reactor and about none of us i found it's like the o2 thing turn a couple sweet scott were you doing it i was doing one of them oh okay um but then the body got called base is dead and he's just behind me or he was around me joel i seen you around there uh i was trying to run up to the top bit i was lost like everyone and also i wasn't here when we started as i was there so i was very confused this is so stressful i'm so confused i've seen no one apart from the people that i've seen rifkin joy and joel but redken's now dead the yellow one because i walked over it several times and decided not to report it is she the jester no i wasn't reporting it because i was looking around for the culprit but i didn't know where i was going and i got stuck so i'd so then i reported it just to get myself out um oh okay but i mean he died near where i was and he was all he was alive like he's died in the time the reactor was going off and i was running to find the reactor and then i seen rifkin that is a hundred percent not a lie it's not a lie uh okay well i don't know i'm gonna have to step on something i'm so confused give us time to look about it yeah that's just and no reaction that's just bm oh my god give me i was just uh organizing the past it's kind of worth it remember to deafen so that the girls can talk yeah definitely dirty imposters what is going on i'm so sorry that i didn't talk at all um during that chat i'm like i'm shaking right now um and i don't know how to defend myself oh hey bud i'm just gonna stick with my old buddy old pal joey like no one's gonna find anybody in this map like i don't know what to say because i don't know what the tasks are i feel like we just gotta get this win before people ask me what a task is cause i just don't know um oh geez oh geez oh god um should i go get goon where are you going bud okay went past gumi i'm in i'm by the bathrooms there's scott there's time what is going on here what what is this how do i use this oh i don't know where i am i don't know where i'm going what the heck is all this please somebody somebody ran into me me too it's so pretty who can use the vents bad guys clusters what do you mean i saw someone use the vents but i didn't know i didn't know how to get to the emergency button who used the vent it was gloom what absolutely what do you mean it was a pink body i did not use a vent time you just saw me i was just walking all the way yeah now i'm just trying to grab myself wait so why when why when golden questions you do you doubt yourself but when i question you you say i'm lying no no no i know what happened scott no no okay so i walked by i walked by gumi walked by joey walked by time and now i'm by this i'm by like the front of the airship with all the bodies like like not the bodies no like no the among us guys it wasn't me i've been seen where's this bot well i mean i guess it doesn't know where it is oh yeah also there's a dead body excuse me wait lizzy did you call her a body or the button i called a mommy i just ran around looking for the button but i found a body instead i think i think i know where the button is because i'm there right now you have to climb up the ladder to get to it so if you find them i honestly didn't see cassie walking around but it might have been because i'm just listening to a big map i'm trying to read the map okay pyramid also feels like we don't even need to vote on our sex because the gym getting a double kill no no no no no it's not me lizzy's gonna win this game i voted oh my god we didn't sink off anyway joy it's not me okay we'll see you will don't kill me oh my god [Music] uh i need to get it i need to get a killer right now right now right now right now right now right now oh no it's i'm not gonna be able to find anybody i'm not gonna be able to find anyone there we go um oh this is the most this is the most botched game of my life oh my goodness is anyone gonna fix this we've got 50 seconds [Music] i found three of the bodies i know what it looks like uh-huh but i promise you i'm just stumbling across these bodies uh-huh okay well if it was me if it was me game would be over so and also scott's dead which means oh it might have been scott's body actually i didn't really look but it means scott's not the imposter oh true that is true and also last round i did see gloom vent you did not see me now she's sure i'm getting i get this yeah a lot of self reports yeah but why would i do that when the emergency is going off and clearly nobody can find it i think i think yourself working on it you're self-reporting because you don't know what the tasks are and you're just that this is the only thing you know how to do in this map is imposters accuse me i did not i did not vent it's definitely either lizzie or gloom i'm gonna i took if time would just remember that he saw me she took a shower cassie she took a shower [Laughter] oh my god that was so that was the most botched game in my life because i just didn't know what to do or what to say like i didn't know any of the tasks i didn't know where i was i'm so sorry rifkin i was like i can't do them like that but then i was like i'm not going to run into somebody for the next 15 minutes yo yo check check the uh tweet i just linked you oh let's see i am using this time to actually do my tasks so that if i get imposter i have some example tasks i can say i was doing i'm going to upload right now do you have to move the phone around you have to like look for the good wi-fi when you're doing the upload yeah so just to drag it around and see if i have a good connection oh my goodness i'm doing the have any of you done the tape one yeah oh whoa this is crazy today but i spawned in the same place as joey right yeah and then i ran because i think it could be joey so i ran away i was running as fast as my little legs would take me and then what do i see but joey appear on the other side of me huh how did you get that guy took a shower and i believe you so i'm i'm down with you i don't know i think i did one of the i did one of those like you know number codes someone else must have done the second one right joel and i did it yeah so then all right i'm still trying to figure out this map i keep getting lost i literally don't know where i am because because you don't have to show you wait wait what tasks did you do joey i've done one where you have to go and sort through a treasure chest where was that it's where there's rooms there's like a couple of room and then to the right and what was in the treasure chest um there's just different like random items like what what random items i don't remember all of them there was a stuffed animal like a little teddy bear like a purple teddy bear with one of them and then um there was like a a toy he's choking it's like did anyone even die no no you just vote yeah i just kind of i kind of got scared but i think it's jerry if it's not [Music] why didn't you kill on six yeah joe you could have killed joel when you're the one they didn't wrestle with anybody give me something change bring some of the tasks down i do not think we're gonna need this many times but like the download's different or the upload's different on this map and i didn't get it for like three rounds so like when you when you do the download it's fine and normal but when you do the upload you actually have to move the phone around looking for the wi-fi signal to be good otherwise it takes like 10 years i just let it go yep uh yes in a bit too yeah okay there's some cool tasks on this i really like the like burger task i like the dressing no you're gonna have to do the bhs tape that's awesome i'm excited to try the tasks on this map i can't believe i got imposter first i feel like it would have been a lot better for me if i got to play the map once before being imposter but we shall see apparently there's like all new tasks on this so i'm really excited to just see what the tasks are and what the experience is like it only happens if you've got that skin on i want a laser beam i'm switching skins let's hold this all right fix that she's stored maybe if you're imposter give like a little while before you murder someone i i did i didn't kill you scott when i could have no that's true you did leave me alive thank you joy this sucks because like i can't choose i can't like stick with scott to like stay alive um uh what okay oh this is like this is like a labyrinth like oh okay some of the tasks are the same let's try to find some tasks that are a little different wait what is this oh leaves oh no the switches okay electrical tasks are the same we'll keep that in mind uh man i'm going to have the map open some okay rifkin walked by me and he seems fine is there a way to open these doors there has to be right oh my goodness oh goomy oh please god oh geez no oh god oh god no oh go me no oh goomy no please i can't i i don't want to die i the only tasks i've done are ones that i've seen before i need to at least do one more he was awfully close to that vent awfully close to that vent whoa please don't kill me please don't kill me please don't kill me please don't give me a new task armory this is it ah oh oh geez okay how do i open that door wasn't even close ah there's too much there's too much ollie in this game there's way too much ollie in this new update oh god oh oh joey please joey beans trash get it out of here okay that was kind of cute lizzy ah joey ah no i'm gonna get killed i'm gonna get killed please leave me alone leave me alone let me leave me alone leave me alone oh my gosh i'm so stressed i just want to live jeez oh my gosh oh no oh i mean i think i found uh i actually have no clue who i found but it's on the left side of the ship like left side um i just have to say last time when i was killer i did not take the time to look at your show and realize you literally have a wig on orange is the new black i need a wig so i can have it snatched snatched am i right yeah so uh you know i was just doing my stuff and then uh you know the old report button popped up and then the music started playing where do you know where right far left left far left far left okay anyone else do any of the same tests maybe we can figure this out by who's done i did the laundry like towel i've done wires i've flipped the switch and i've emptied a garbage can and i ran away screaming from ollie for the rest room it was kind of a sketch but i would have killed gloom i think if i was going to kill him he definitely he definitely definitely caught him in the ballroom no the body was like beside the cockpit area which is like far left i don't know what that means yeah i know i also got when the lights went out and that's the last time i saw scott and he's dead but he was heading like southwards ollie was in the vault room and i was kind of sketched out by that but i don't know who are we voting for is that the one with the dress-up test how do you know the names for the party i'm voting lizzy i'm voting lizzy i'm voting lizzy yeah you guys were together oh i've not even voted oh i see right cause he were extra quiet well there was no there was no info i had to just throw lizzy out of there love that music it's very intense an intense victory for the boy joey [Laughter] oh do you want to go on this okay i'll bring it back for you i didn't have to do that joey i didn't that was the worst info i've ever heard in my entire life it's cost none of his renewal also probably your stream oh she's deafened her stream apparently isn't working so okay yeah that's so stressful to kill because i don't know where people can come out of them where is like a normal place oh you could have killed me like 16 times yeah i know there was always people around i was like stressed have you actually had to go nut and foster yet no i don't know no because it's rid of your like joy or something like in my head like joel went and did a task that was the same as me so i instantly was like it's not joel i trust joel but i'm not gonna then get to meet him be like did everyone else do this comment that i know we should all have not seen any kind of if i ever survive to a meeting i'm going to ask joy about every task he did i swear to god specifically sure yeah i'll be able to clear myself next time i'm crummy by that true yeah there was a lot of that i was just wandering around guessing what tasks look like and standing there things not sure if there are no tasks but they look like tasks right are we ready oh lizzie have you fixed your stream by the way yep yeah i have no thank you very much i went to shogun you're deaf and i was like never you get the air you get the airship by just updating just opening steam and updating you're among us i went live and we we're looking like orange is the new black all righty i'm here all ready yep yeah yes wingy girls wait i want to look like that i want to look cute i feel like when there's when there's only a few seconds left you don't just sit there going and then i saw that guy over there and i was like what like i feel like at that point you like at that point you have to start deciding who you're going to vote for so i got a lit i got a little bit frustrated there because the game was kind of just i mean i should have just went with i should have just went with my instinct and voted for ollie but at the same time he did have a lot of opportunities to kill me and he didn't and i really didn't see a lot of other people over there if i was ollie i would have just went for it it's a oh the guy keeps running off while the animation's going yeah me too so too yeah mine tail me it was in one of the circles [Music] what time have you done doing okay you know i actually don't even remember what i just said no no no please please let me let me enjoy um that's why i'm teasing him oh that's what i did i did comms but you didn't i did columns you tried to do it i tried to do problems i watched you for like 20 seconds struggle with it i still don't know how to do comms [Music] is it the same on the other map with the dial the swiggly one yeah you do it until you hear like less static you're trying to make the waves overlap in a weight form kind of i spawned at the cargo ship so when i went off i was like i'm not getting there someone else can deal with that who went who was near me at the end with the guy oh that was me we were around the guns did you do a task there why were you i was looking on the map to find where the task is and it was like these pistols or something you gotta like i picked the pistols up but i don't know what to do with them now oh yeah you have to put them on the wall elsewhere see the fact that we have weapons makes me feel like what's to stop me just taking the gun and killing the imposters like in the other map says i was a defenseless crewmate but that's what i can fight back no you can't take off the fightback but theoretically canon logically yeah there's this interesting theory about how we're actually like the imposters are the good guys and we're the bad guys little bits of deep law i didn't see i don't think i saw anybody except for at the very beginning in the kitchen i saw rifkin and then for the rest i was just stuck in the shower i'm gonna go to the break this time oh hey scott i do have a task here what is this what do you do what do you what do you do with this oh you clean it oh i polished a giant gem i have to remember that if scott doesn't kill me oh man this comms room is very deep polish the giant gem download gotta go find my upload man there's just there there's so much to consider with a monk oh geez okay guns did i load them or oh great that's just perfect at least we can see the tasks it would be time and scott it would be with this one you don't even do anything just wait it's like download but you don't even click these two are gonna win they are going to win quite quickly it's a little glitchy like my ghost just made walking noises on the ground oh i'm developing photos constantly oh my gosh um we haven't voted anyone out yet no i feel like we never do because we never know anything else okay i trust john anything i feel like i've seen him doing tasks i've spent a lot of time doing what's happening at the same tasks time i think it's it's joel it's no sorry it's scott and time yeah why because it's not me because i actually have tasks this time yeah either i told you why did everyone think it was joey at the start why did you want to know we were joking oh okay it was uh base traded was joking why would you think it's me and john well joyce is not him and it's you and joel are people you believe joey saying it's not him no lizzy i did not i said it was scott in time i know i i saw joey once but it actually looked like he was stuck on a task and base had said that he was stuck on comms so i feel like that's a good vouch yeah but this guy bought joel it's les angel [Music] because you voted too quick level 100 confusion well done guys i'm voting for this terrible switch it was almost so good and then oh yeah it was too perfect to be like oh yeah yeah how did you get because joey like like joey is a really really smart player like he he makes the right call like a lot and he made the right call that last round but then somehow scott and time were just so good at this that they like switched it around how do you think like i just invaded your privacy open the door i think did he like australian tunnels sink me out of the toilet here i got a clip i got a clip so you can see what it's like no you were like standing staring at the stall i'm like is this uh are you good bro you know look i put in general that's my point oh you're like completely outside the door for me and me and time just started he started running around together dude i couldn't find anyone i'm just like scott probably knows where people are i'm following you know you're saying like i've killed you every time that was just i literally said i was like whoever i run into first i am mowing down and you come right the corner as i do and it's like bye give me okay so cumin wait wait wait listen okay shelby's not here she's in the call but she's not she's not she can play next one all right what she'll be on the next one goomie's in witness protection nobody kill her okay thank you oh hey nice ponytail i'm gonna follow scott around until we win okay it looks like he's actually trying to find a task here or is he okay this looks legit i think that looks legit this looks legit uh oh jeez oh please protect me scott please please protect my honor you can do it scott where'd he go i don't know if i trust that scott trying to stay alive where'd he go oh do i sit oh he died i just died are you serious hang on hello oh no he left me on download and i was like where did scott go and now he did he's dad i just ran off because he didn't sound very sad about it lizzy explain your tone because i haven't been able to connect with him this whole time really i saw him at the start but then that was it he is hard to connect with he's like okay he's a cold man i am sad about it though oh i thought you were lizzy me three i i think i have information yeah what's up god literally just passed by me and so did joey and then right a little and yeah i did see gumi in the in the frame when i came and reported ah because you saw her so you reported it what no he reported because there was a body i'd assume i didn't enjoy joey were you sloppy was it a sloppy kill i did not kill him i just i literally and i i don't know if gumi was running away from it or she was running towards the body but i did see her when i reported it she was in the top left of the frame yeah i was picking up towels in the shower that's the thing that i've heard that people that is a task i have done that it's laundry day well i'm gonna skip and go plunge a toilet hey guys i'm innocent too all right that could be a thing that people do i'm just joey this map is like the sims okay that's right i got my eyes on you lizzy i got my eyes on you all right actually i'm gonna go plunge that toilet uh i just don't even know where i am ever this map is so big wait what did i do that wrong please somebody's gonna come kill me somebody's gonna kill me okay the the footsteps is very trippy wait what kind of a task was that what is oh you take the book and you oh oh that's cool lizzy don't please oh please oh god oh joey oh geez god okay i just want to try these different tasks oh we're putting the books away we are putting the books away can you believe it we're putting the books away i think we i think we have to make some i think we have to oh thank god you just fall off oh thank god thank god goomy i'm vibing um how do you get across that bridge yeah you have to be on the side that it's on it's weird oh i was trying to figure that out as well okay so i don't call it over or anything i tried [Music] to get to the other side without it oh you got to watch that let me have crews maybe get another guy and call for them to bring it over like a taxi man okay so i was i was sorting books in the you know when you take the book out of the folder and you put in the bookshelf and then lizzy passed me and i was like and then joey passed me and i was like and then i i kept sorting my books and now lizzy's dead oh lizzy is dead yeah here lizzy died this turn do we know where about special steps in the record though yeah oh we hit the button yeah wait yeah she's here she's below records so last time i saw lizzie i was waiting at the doctor to come back and forth what's all this texting about they're slandering your name we're using the auto response oh my god comment and say to stop but i can't i'm not of age i've not got the last time i was i saw lizzie there and then i left um you didn't see her in records i saw i the last time i saw her was with you and then i went through bathroom into the vault area and lights were called and i haven't seen anybody since so you were the last person that i saw with lizzie you went with lizzy gooming who do you think the two imposters are right now might be gloom and show time i voted joey but that clears gloom and showtime [Music] definitely um oh geez okay so rifkin voted for me but i feel like he's too smart of a player to do uh i think it's maybe rifkin's the other one i just don't have any oh oh a card swipe too fast it's a slow card swipe oh my oh you have to swipe cards to get through all of these doors oh hi ollie i don't think it's you this time actually i think yeah never mind hopefully i was right about joey because if not then i just threw the entire game but this is like this is very elementary um among us right now because all we can really do is just accuse each other because we don't know the map we don't know the tasks we don't know the last place we saw somebody we don't really like the map is so big that we can't really know like we don't really know who's like going together like we just don't know i think we just lost hmm actually ripken's looking pretty good these days [Music] hello boomstead i absolve my sauce of gumi so because anyone had to do the doors yet or is that just me who just did those oh my god it's not able to get through the door that's currently where i am you can do the vertical card swipe it's so bad it's so good oh i couldn't do it i was trying to do it oh i'm still guessing dominant sound yeah i'm like i'm very much trans if these guys just use the power of deduction bang react on the left side i don't know i got the bottom one or middle one or whatever it is i was watching showtime dude okay well guess what that means hello thank you for the sub no problem thank you for supporting joey enjoy thank you for supporting small streamers like joey guys we got a button didn't you i didn't yes because i was right by the she's the cutest little task and then went into the the bit at the front of the ship because i thought that was where i was supposed to go and then the door closed behind me and then i was just stuck in there for the rest of that round yeah that's nice that's a villainous sounding voice that's true yeah maybe i've i'll i'll target to cry required yeah i'm gonna vote for you this seems unfair [Music] [Music] we've done it yeah the burgers is there somewhere when you killed him so i i i you just yeah i was in an event for most of that round yeah you came out of nowhere yeah i think with especially considering how big the map is and how difficult the doors are um i think a bigger kill called that might actually be better yeah the first round joey got two and it was pretty quick right honestly uh shelby you can join shelby shine ryan meister and mckenna bar thank you so much for the super chats the new map's fun i enjoy it i like i like a new learning curve i really do oh my god ollie doesn't have yellow he never laughs oh my god you gave up yellow for me but not ollie what the flamingo has become my friend at some point like a ponytail all right now you you need to compliment me you you're you're yeah great joy i love your ponytail no sorry your reviews shelby what the hell there's so many cyborgs there's so many slime arms today i swear okay everything always done one of them was like your hair looks like it's like my real hair it was my real head i changed it good luck all right here we go i'm gonna try to be useful i'm gonna start on the left side of the map work my way from left to right scott's looking good right now he's looking he's looking like he's doing stuff i'm gonna go through the engine room i'm like just like saying the names out loud so i can eventually remember them going through the engine room to communications into the armory where i'm gonna put gun no i'm not putting guns away oh i am oh yup put them away oh geez okay yep got it yep oh satisfying noises i like that it's like asmr um off we go through the kitchen through into security this is the bottom of the map and we're going into electrical aka the maze the labyrinth i hate it here lizzy is such a little drive-by woman oh is it scott lizzy oops scotland did get to that part of the map pretty quick but then again i was doing tasks on the bright side the cooldown was turned up so it'll probably take a while for them to get um another task i do understand why this map was made for 15 players because i feel like it's it's really really tough to play this game and like do your tasks with only 10. look how big this thing is it's gigantic like in any other map you can just like kind of do your rounds and you're going to end up finding this but the maze is a really really good spot to kill people so i feel like that was really smart of lizzie and potentially scott if it's [Music] vitals danger there's victory where's vitals yeah yes i just found it and i've been still afraid for comes to come back on it's in the bit where there's like two like hospital beds and there's a monitor between them and it's the most oh there's no treadmill i was on cams cans is interesting when you're on camps you can see yourself on cams like one of the cameras is in cam's room it's wild it was really interesting you can see the circle room with the big shell records you can see one of the engines and i think you can see up near the meeting room it's hard to remember because i don't know the names of all the places yet i just remember seeing myself and being like that's weird did you see anyone else like running around i was on cams and then comes got called and then i got lost in electrical because that always if it is not lizzie and scott together and lizzy did that drive by right behind scott that's really big arrange the steering wheel and then i am uh i love you guys so much better i mean it's it's either s major or lizzy then okay i was about to call on joe because it's been rapid kills and joe's been rapid killing every round he's never i believe that he's done tasks yeah i believe i know i've done a couple of those times i've just been busting down the bathroom doors because apparently open them think it's i think goomby because the first time he's not had a sauce on someone game he's been big brother everybody i'd rather do lizzie because i was crossing over i don't know thank you you know what you got five things what does that soft space you see what you want gummy didn't make sense for a vote there that was a bad vote [Music] we'll stop and call a button no i will not i brought rifkin to this uh lobby today and i happen to think he's a very smart player and people should listen to him more often he was saying i think it might be lizzy and then the ollie suss of i think it's goomy because she hasn't sussed somebody yet like that's not that's not it that's dumb wait what oh oh my goodness this is so jesus oh no wow the unicorn horn nice try ripken it was not giving it so there was a sorry there's three people who had lizzie and common for a sus and only two on goomy [Music] i know i didn't i didn't know it was you scott but i just mean like in general uh smelling my peppermint oil staying calm serenity national streamer question um somebody donated a bunch of gift subs and my alerts are just broken because i don't have anything to like punch them all together so now i have a load of them coming through and i don't know how to stop it so it's like just turn off the alert box on your like stream labs like just click the icon no but if you click it off and then click it back on it'll also do it yeah it'll reset any of them so just click the i and then click it again and it means that any that is already in the process will stop okay cool thank you so much you're welcome i think that kill call don't work so even like meanwhile it was on a rampage but 30 seconds definitely was [Music] oh oh oh should i fake the eight nah okay what do we have here main hall shower is this shower i think it is records hopefully it's not done in a certain order if it is i am done hmm hello hello hello oh hi hello are you oh we're all surviving this was just like a you know wellness check oh my god i have a question because why were you just stood in a corner forever just forever you were just stood in a corner waiting at the top of the stairs because there's a camera there so i just watched you for about 20 to 30 seconds it just bugged it i was definitely not just standing anywhere on my screen and plotting it wasn't like it was like he was just sitting at the top of this airs heading in the corner like justin because me and her we're doing the files together yeah you know you're going to put the files away i don't know what i've done apart from open the toilet dawn are you lizzy to try and stare wait did you know joey's been watching oh it didn't open on my screen no you won't see them inside the toilet yeah so me and me and shelby both stole i've been having a role play with you i'm your mother and we were in the kitchen and i was cooking the meal burger and you were in trouble because you weren't doing the dishes and you weren't i did wonder why you were following each other around i thought i was going to die when i was on cams when you both came and i was like oh i was gonna try to give info against joel but people were just talking so just gonna chill and go on a killing spree and see what happens [Music] download maybe this is where upload is who knows i hope i don't want to stand here too long just in case should i i think i might oh it's a good thing i didn't okay now it's time it's time to start the spree of a lifetime if i can just find one person oh cams are on where are they vault records armory communications shower where's security it's on the bottom yeah now it's gonna stand with rifkin isn't it so crazy how you can i i'm still discovering rooms i have not seen them yeah wait scott you just left cams i saw you on cameras with me yeah this this body was where you just wear i was interested time was behind me i went and did my upload off the like the ship where you do the phone and then that's one of the rooms for that is at the bottom of security so i then came back and security you were on cams and i went back to go and do where electrical was and times did scott spent a lot of time looking at cams hasn't he oh yeah i think about that very long time i don't know how to get rid of god was also on cams last time yeah [Music] only seemed to have event in it but there could have been tests there i just don't know i also saw me come out of a room i had little trash bags oh i don't know that one were you doing here at the top of a it was next to base trade and it looked like a weird symbol and i don't know what the task is i just want to know what it is i was entering in the little code that's cool okay and lizzy what were you doing there joel a bit ago i'm just kind of proving that was watching him suspiciously okay i think lizzie and joel are cool but i have no info about anybody else because i don't think i saw anybody the last person else see the last part last person i've seen your type was only but i don't know if it was ollie i'm just saying what is this ollie adams well shelby joey and moving on last round goomby baby together [Music] and she has a girlfriend her girlfriend's olly okay did you guys notice that last round i said i was gonna go on a killing spree and then i didn't i think i'm gonna take out bass next peace please oh my god face you can't leave me so rude should i should i vent to no i'm not gonna do that i guess i'll just find another way out i kind of want to hit the button and be like yo wait what is it that's what i'm assuming that is it doesn't look like it though okay i just need to i'm just going to start doing it oh base hi [Music] a man base why are you running away from me why are you running away from me i want a partner how did you take that boat away from me i was like see ya i was i was so sweaty it is on cams it is next to cams i just walked in there i still don't even know where cams is yeah where it says security oh oh oh okay this time is it because you killed joel there so and then ran away [Music] i was up with shelby for most of that round gimme was there gloom was just going up and down on the ladders i was trying not gloomy then i'm not saying it's not anyone i'm just saying that i was with shelby and i was like i'm really good about gumi and shovel right now what about [Music] yeah hands are weird i don't like them up and down it's very rayman very rayman it doesn't make me look feminine very masculine sorry what side of the map was the body what side of the map was the body on it's insecurity so it's in the bottom so that so then it can't so then it can't be me right right base come on no i was the top oh now you're trying really hard never mind i feel like it has to be close to the last kill which makes you think it could be them for this kill but i don't know but shovel and scott are together up and down the whole [Music] two seconds two seconds how do i get there uh okay i feel like joey's gonna i feel like joey's gonna get mad at me because i'm just not um i can't i i can't get him here jesus i can't get them here uh they're gonna know oh no i think i just threw this game guys i'm just gonna go get somebody i have no choice i have no choice here are the three in the end room that have been there like the entire is that where the the press button yeah the press partners yes gloom going is a base trade shelby went in there joey's been there and basically then went back up which is why i'm pressing the button why'd you go back guys yeah did somebody die i'm not going to reveal it now you must keep me alive i know definitively who one of the killers is oh did did somebody die why don't you say it right now yeah why don't you just say it right now because it's so lame to put them out on seven why didn't i make it a little written i mean just say it no just say it just say it say it no guys there is like i finished mine it's one of you it's one of the five people that were playing the ladder game are you kidding me that's so many people yeah but yeah i feel like you know it's not you and me so it's only three other people i feel like it has to be joey right why would joe keep going who are the other lads it would not keep going up and down i literally just you should shut up and down he kind of wait i wasn't going up and down i feel like i feel like shoveling i don't think i should know i think shovel's so clear no no i think i think she's clear too i think did somebody die up there why would it be me why does that i finally discovered all this because you're one of those because you're one of the five and i don't think it's shoveler based i'm gonna skip anyway but there is less than a bar of task so we just finished yeah we win on tasks there's no way they'd have to kill really recklessly and quick i don't think they physically can because they're starting to kill killed him that's true yeah you know how did that make me by going up the ladder i don't think it is okay i have to just i have to just get it going i have to just get it going i have no choice uh all right [Music] oh no i was just scared that scott died behind me and i didn't want to die that was her office i thought we were trying to win on ted we are about reactor girls i mean there's literally i think there's equivalent of like two tasks left so who has them just so we know i'm skipping yeah if you've got the task just do them don't see if you've got them just finish them oh yeah because you'd be a target from base trade and well then i'm gonna say joey's the murderer yeah it's me again oh my goodness this is the worst i i've never had such a pacifist run in my life we have to find somebody we have to find somebody right now i have to just blindly do it i can't believe i didn't kill somebody the whole time i can't believe i've squandered and wasted that entire round with base that is so silly um okay i need to just wait for my cooldown five four three two one oh no no no no no oh no no please just let me do it [Music] oh [Music] six or something right joe i think you've killed me three hours joey's had that was an emotional rollercoaster it was like an almost pacifist win that was crazy oh i deserve death after that one i can't believe it i can't i can't believe i won that [Music] what the heck is this wait oh okay man they spent a lot of time working on this dangle thing and she sure is a weird map it's kind of hard to tell like what's where i can definitely tell why it took so long but like some of the like some of the passageways don't who died so the lights went out and i watched a vent flap so i ran back and stood at give me because i was like i'm not dead left my own and then i ran with me up there and i've watched joel die and i think i seen gloom jumping event oh really okay scott scott got me the power of deduction reigns supreme i definitely no it's not me i'm doing a task at the very front of the airship right now oh the colors could work you mean this is rigged no guys i never said where the body was i did just it wasn't me i was at the front of the ship i never said where the body was cliff what probably not the friends what does that okay where okay what does that okay okay this is yeah i'm staying where i was and i could have said i seen you jump in the cockpit i was doing a task in the front of the ship like i like i don't know where the body is what does that have to do with me have you been there because i just left there and it was empty i'm going to be collecting you past me coming down right the only people i've seen yeah at the direction you were going if that's where the body was what task were you doing you jumped into you have to you have to turn you have to pull a knob down to where the arrow is pointing remember that lizzy and then you have to put like a kind of a wiener looking thing in the other thing [Music] there's no there's no way scott would say that like there's no way scott would lie about that it's probably him like there's no way scott would get that wrong i feel scott and shovel trying to get me out on round one oh my oh it's so hard to not be tilted because like that was again that like that was a mick gang bang i'm literally the most sus person on the ship right now so i don't think um the killer's gonna kill me and if they do then that's really awkward and embarrassing for for them because you know this is a free win [Music] real talk i think the door's closing frustrating we were stuck on the same door for like 30 seconds i think yeah me and the doors on the opposite side it doesn't go like right it's it's worse for the sabotages i swear when you're stuck in the room with a supposed killer and you're trying to swipe i felt like i was in a horror movie and gustavo goes like joey was like in the same room i was and then i went to jump in the machine like i jumped on the bridge that went over and then you stood menacingly looking at me i did i i stood there with fear in my eyes because you left me with gloom right behind me and i was like did you not did you not see me did you not see me doing my task in library not even realizing that you were there like i didn't even know he's still 90 percent sure it's glitter but it's it's not or it was a fear but please i mean if the imposter if the imposter isn't scott i mean please kill me is it a party it's not it's like a heart accused yeah that's a hard accused he said he saw me vent i was nowhere near that it's like 80 percent i'm sure i've seen gone down per round well the more you think about it the more you think guess yourself he's doubting himself or attention exactly and you were right though so maybe i should have stuck with that i'm literally enemy number one in this game and i don't know why but it's gonna be really satisfying when they realize that it's not actually me wait how do you oh oh my um [Music] why is goomy not scared of me why can only one person take this at a time oh that's really sweet she's so cute oh i'm gonna get in big trouble if anyone sees me coming out of there i'm gonna go hang out with whoever is in cams i only have two tasks left but i really can't oh geez i don't know where to go oh time what what do you do with this oh i guess you just click it alya sarah thank you so much for the super chat oops wow this upload takes forever okay i thought he was going to kill me oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear [Music] ish trade a that was rude murdering on top of me but also i just flicked back to the camera with me on the top i look at myself and what does your murder give me who's refusing to stay straight base straight murdered no no no it's got to be gloom what wait no no wait wait wait wait wait wait i want to know why i want to know what i'd love to know please please please can we just listen for this one i turned on camera flicked through looked at the one of me seen gummy on it watched bass trade kill her on top of me and and why is gloom running away from the camera room right as i run in i mean what literally is guys give me 10 seconds here i just got accused hello so first off i think this is scott just self reporting because first off i'm i'm right near show time we've just left like kitchen here we're going to light say thing together i'm assuming he's going to lie because i'm going to lights i think he i think he accused gloom early hoping that we would vote her out for a free kill i would have wondered i would have murdered gimme a clue just ran away from that i would have i was going uh no no because the ladies trade please i'm skipping i'm skipping i'm pretty sure he's a killer you don't vote on seven a hundred percent i'm skipping god i've never had such a hard time getting a word in in my entire life oh my goodness what [Music] oh my that is a loud and rambunctious um well my tasks are done uh what left side not active okay so 82007. what man i can't believe you have to card swipe to open a door in this i i need to go and hit the button i'm scared i'm actually scared i think i'm going the wrong way uh how do i get through oh no i don't want to lose this i don't want to lose this i don't want to lose this ollie and lizzy went that way i'm scared i don't know what to do only and lizzy went that way and scott is in that area as well please please no somebody's got to fix these dang old lights somebody has to fix these lights is somebody gonna fix these lights oh okay she's gonna hit button i'm gonna i'm gonna get the heck out of here and fix these lights oh mike did somebody open this okay we're gonna lose [Music] hello hello oh wait scott's dead okay it was i who fixed the lights after seven doors yeah so i was waiting with lizzy by button but then i decided to like go but i was only halfway there trying to figure out how to get there so scott was not imposter but he was wrong about me lizzy was waiting for the button the whole time not the whole time oh really i saw i saw ollie and shovel together on the right side how could was scott wrong about basically do we think that scott was killed like just a big color blind and got the color wrong on orange and pink right like that okay but i right okay guys last round i was running into ward's cams and i ran past gloom in the dark i think it was gloom and then a body was reported like right in front of me like the report button popped up but i didn't get a chance to press it because scott reported it so i was a little bit suspicious of gloom and scott and then scott scott accused somebody else so then i was really thrown off and then i thought maybe it's scott and gloom but now scott's dead oh my god oh my god get me get me out of this game get me out of this game get me out of this game just get me out of here get me out of this game get me out of here i cannot i cannot yeah no just get me out of here just get me out of here end this game end it get me out of here get me out of here i can't be here anymore i can't i don't care i can't live like this anymore this is the worst game ever get me out of here get me out of here do you think he's probably colorblind and he just met baseball respect the dead dead man's wishes and uh yeah get her out and respect her wishes what happened what happened otherwise what if it's me a nice calming spoiler and ollie both of us and we've won the game over here it's like a bird this is this is the worst this is the worst calm lobby i've ever had in my life i think no one knows so we're all just like trying to make sure we see our thing because we all don't know enough i've never been i've never been like accused so hard and not get to answer at all for an entire game like i was like get me out of here you know i can't be like angry and yell but it's like give me eight seconds god damn it it was such bad timing for you if i flipped cameron just seen you [Music] like orange right and thought it was pink like yeah i must have fur yeah but then everyone else like went with all the dead people were complaining about this and i'm frustrated too can we just like not clog up the comms like maybe we need longer meeting times or something but this is like really not like frustrating i think 90s i think it's kind of because i think it's like teething problems of it being a new thing so none of us really know anything so we're all sure should we upgrade longer should we upgrade the voting time should we just be more conscious this could be so much better what's the next voting time up give me because i know it was up in increments wait are we talking about the discussion section yeah we need more 105 do 105 do you want to find we'll just try and be more conscious of it i've i'm starting to realize why everyone hates imposter early smile does i hate it when i don't know what's going on he's so bad it's stressful i've had you added on discord for over half a year so i just someone pointed it out to me that your profile photo is your bum it is isn't it it's it's a i didn't know i did not know oh my gosh why did you tell me though i was sure at least appreciate it underneath yeah the head isn't there naturally that's part of it it's an angle it is thick thank you if you're as thick as him you'd want to show that off that's true oh my god get me started i can't unsee this oh my god [Music] hopefully the extended calms will help us i've never been accused so hard and not get to answer anything imagine not being accused and just having so much to say oh i always go down here with this vent even though there's nothing that an actual crewmate could do there actually i'm gonna go this way i hate how only one person can take that at a time there's gonna be i feel like there's gonna be some like really good clips of uh people escaping an imposter like just like the slowest like escape ever it's going to be very entertaining cube studio thank you so much for the super chat and hello i'm sorry that i got so tilted last game there's something sometimes you get um lobbies with like really really good chemistry and sometimes you get people who just don't really like respect what other people are saying like they just want to get their own thing in like maybe i'm at fault here too like maybe i'm talking too much but yeah like just i guess like the chemistry and like the vibe just isn't on right now and like this that combined with the new map maybe it's the new map maybe it's just that what a blankie what do you do with the blankie oh oh [Music] glenn i love it that you're like picking up tables and just north of you is a dead body seriously yeah no i came from the i came from like the bottom left and i was like ooh towels yeah and the top room and the circle room is a body gloomy's body and records the record yeah balloon smells pretty good to me are you smashing i'm sorry but i can believe it looks pretty good oh um yeah i honestly have no idea i passed over base in the dark i said then you seen golem which i could tell she's picking up towels just by the way she was moving can two people ride the gondola by the way because uh i took it and i saw base and then i was bringing it back but he ran away and i was like sad calling it the gondola you could not have two people i like the gun it's like the elderly assist thing you know that helps you down the stairs no a gondola is like a thing you would have like a futuristic gondola no bundle is the thing that's in venice it's the little water boat yeah and it's an airboat it's like a platform at best no i think we call it oh yeah gondola ball the blue thing floor oh it's actually both thing a gondola is also the things that skiing the little pods and it's also a chocolate company anyways where's the body he's important to our dad and the record room gummy's bodies and the record i just saw lizzy near there too yeah she was just complimenting my lovely butt and now she's dead and i'm saying i also discovered the lights and now she's dead who's done this not okay that is not okay listen guys there's apparently vitals on this map i've said yeah it's down there yes but also and when someone's fixing lights there's multiple light points i think you can sabotage lights from different places like if someone's trying to fix it you could be somewhere else and turning them off i just got some one of them isn't there three of them you have to do all three or no no no you just have to go to one oh well in conclusion i'm sad our friends died but i guess we just got it yeah a lot of remorse [Music] i really like um these armory tasks oh i've never had this one oh yeah wait get it noise i love the kitchen oh whoa there's a lot of people here there's so many little no so many little corners of this map where you can just get killed by yourself it's really scary like i feel like with this kind of map like you'd have to be like strategic with it oh oh when your old buddy old pal just kills you i mean i i feel like like base trade did clear me so i'm a pretty good kill in that regard i finished picking up towels now at least look for some brand new tasks i've never done before oh wow oh this is hard this is harder than this is the worst task you have to drop them in because like trying to get them in like this like whoa they go too far [Music] oh a lot more dead now so i don't think it's joel who's the other one i was so mad when you went and just wanted it well so i did the i did the left one and then realized i could come off it so i was like oh you can tell who do both because gondolas here is really quick so i then took the gondola over seeing you'd fix it lily trottier thank you so much for the super chat i don't think it's joel not joey well you can't she'll be in because unless it's you in time what you just well then i i think there's two there's two there's two imposters that enjoy time and shelby i just don't know what two is my issue what's what's your clear really obsess of him me and joel did both of the reactors and i finished all my challenges i got to clean the big gem in the middle jimmy what what thank you so much for the super chat i don't think it's joey i don't know who it is i don't like that scott said i don't think it's joel and then when i said i don't think it's joey he was like well it could be you it could be you well it could be john it would be weird for joel to fix the thing and then also report well you could you could call the you could call the reactor and just fix it i mean you're using it as an alibi so it's kind of weird i was stuck on the vcr for like seven years and i still don't have it done so to be their time to be fair time on the other maps yes on this map i generally think if i did not fix it you might die to it if it was me that has like a hundred seconds or something yeah but it takes you just for people to find it okay so you're saying it's between um was that quiet that whole time you've said nothing yeah oh my i thank god um well that explains why you guys weren't answering my question how do you finish the photo there's nine seconds on five seven seconds i'm going scott imagine [Music] okay so if joey's imposter that is huge imagine unmuted hey okay so who who are they uh joey killed me he sounded confused okay okay that was a good play then when he had muted he was like with five players 12 seconds left oh by the way how do you finish that task oh my big that was good yeah you could sabotage lights from other light panels it's kind of cool actually i like that how do you do the photograph test it just you put them in for a few seconds and take them out or do you have to wait till they're like fully bright i think you just got to put them in oh oh it doesn't matter no the queen's joey's clear shelby i didn't clear him i said i feel good about him i trust him time i could tell i'm gonna go up to that button to see you there yeah i'm like oh this is yeah i saw that coming yeah and then when you came back in the ladders i was like now's my time but my fat legs just couldn't get me up quick enough it's not your fat leg it's been a long quarantine [Music] are we adding the voting time or did we already do i mean we only had it a bit yeah i felt like it was fine it was just about enjoyable i think it was good feel like as long as people die quickly and you take more mouths out of the comms um the uh the comms are okay the map looks complicated and awesome yeah yeah i feel like um it's definitely like a new and fresh way to play among us you get 15 people and i can actually see that 15 people belong on this map the only reason why we went with 10 for this is because um we were afraid of what would happen to coms if we had 15 but this map was intended for 15 people i don't like the new update you don't like a new map that's all it is it's just like it's not like you know like a first person shooter where you when you don't like a new update it's because of balance changes the balance hasn't changed it's just a new map it's the same game it's just a new map unless you wanted something like really different man com sabotage is devastating on this map like the a map this big i feel like com sabotage is actually kind of nice oh hey bass how's it going don't kill me please [Music] hello hello i haven't seen either of these people me neither me they i think why am i seeing joy and i think joel at the end i've seen lizzy and i've still not had whatever task is in there i saw joey oh i saw you later and someone else uh joel um i just remember scott and bass yeah what is that by the way i've never had it what do you do i just see everyone run at that you pick up four folders and then you put like one by one each folder into different shelves oh okay you know i've never had that i love the dress-up one dress up the dress yes have you not done it yet no oh it's the best i like that um where did you find ollie shelby so i don't know what room it is i don't know if it's engine or electric or it's like the there's like the on the right and there's some of the doors this is not a self report because i saw her go down the water yeah we went down the ladder into that whatever that area that's so annoying with electrical because the doors change every time so you never know i get lost in there so much oh wait is that where it is yeah oh okay that's like at the bottom yeah i haven't seen you this round hello oh i guess you haven't where where did you even kill him a pretty big ship joey i don't know where you guys what have you done what tasks have you done uh several months i think he's jester i'm getting a very pointed tone i'm getting a very pointed tone from these questions for the true imposter oh i always forget we play with non-anonymous votes right you're dead you heard him if i don't uh oh jeez when you gotta go to the viewing deck oh better clear out your whole afternoon it's quite the uh quite the walk okay i was like did i deafen oh what a disaster oh how does this take so long okay i think it like froze this is the perfect place for someone to kill me if someone wants to uh you know get their name in there i i know i wasn't serious i think you have to like look or move it around to get the signal that is such a pretty noise the towels joey that's what i did i picked up the towels did you call it emergency meeting to tell us this well i thought it was important you guys asked me these questions [Music] she went down and i went to the right okay but that was the last time that was right at the start so the lights took for oh geez i still i still struggled if i only know where one light says that i know there's one underneath the weapons part and that's it yeah i don't know where the rest are interesting because there's one right below you when we just ended oh joey where did i just end but you were with me and lizzy in the bathroom no he wasn't nothing [Music] i busted open the door in front of it i love when you open the door it's so powerful you kick them in [Music] betty's innocent betty yes daughter and now scott's gonna win i think oh oh so if you move the pho i never really moved the phone around and i was doing an upload with a poor connection that's why it took so long oh baking with dw thank you so much for the super chat um i i don't know i don't know how much i kind of like i'm kind of just playing among us to check out the new map but other than that for leisure um i'm not playing too much among us right now i am playing a game after this um it takes two if you guys wanna join me it's gonna be it's beautiful it's one of the most oddly satisfying platformers i've ever played my entire life um me and time are gonna do that and that's a game you can set your watch to wow there's a lot of people um still alive [Music] oh oh never thank goodness for that because i have no idea how to get there oh they were trying to wait i swear i just saw somebody run past my screen your character keeps running no it's somebody else's character oh it must be somebody else yeah someone else's character can run onto your screen right here i found rifkin in the kitchen where joey was on cam's kitchen's in the middle yes kind of middleweight i was up at the i was still coming down to i was in the engine room i just showed my passion yeah he went below the internet you passed me in the meeting room but i mean i'd done my task in there and just came down to the engine room then the cars went or the reactor went off so i ran back up i spawned with joel in the cargo bay but i haven't seen him since uh what have you done at the top can you oh stuff at the top the cargo bay like an idiot and then realizing here i'm going to show you where you have to go and zoom the phone around outside wait do you have to walk through a kitchen to get to the other uh i don't know where yes no and because um last time i saw him and i've been on cameras the last bit you want to show them wait i'll tell you if it was joel joel don't lie to me because we're married did you did you kill 72 pounds of pure muscle joey where were you i don't know uh wait for me though cause you just lost the game sure [Music] [Music] and then they talked you out of it it feels like there was a one bit where i was so proud and then also not i think i feel like you're gonna have to learn like if you're imposter and you accuse me i will come for your wedding yeah [Music] did you that was weird where you were stood there evils like as long as they say anything negative is that i don't accept this negative energy in my life and i'm getting rid of you but the thing is joey doesn't do it huh he's a monster yeah he's a monster yeah he's a 72 pounds of a pure high octane dog he's a he's a lot of dog he's a lot of dog um definitely not the kind of dog that um i feel most people could handle like he's a lot of dog lighter gal mariela loving spicer zara davies um am i gonna do a collab with azzy soon um if if she has the time like it we were just talking today and we were like want to catch up but um she's been she's been busy and uh she's been like not in the same like area as me usually like we like uh are pretty like 10 minutes away from each other but we were pretty close or we're pretty far right now so but hopefully soon lighter gal thank you so much for the super chat and the kind words thank you he's a lot of dog he's a lot of dog he's a lot of dog like it's stressful how much dog he is but we love him um he's definitely like there there are certain dogs like twinkie for example who like train themselves um anjing is like i i would say he's the opposite of twinkie in every single way it's kind of insane what are these guys are these guys still talking i want to give you the little boogie board across the boogie board oh yeah yeah um how did you get the map uh i just waited until 2 pm and then i up i updated my steam give a treat give him a treat oh terry will you bring me a treat so i can show them imagine getting a treat he's so cute he's so cute of course i'll give him a treat hopefully he catches it he better not embarrass me in front of you guys okay let's just give him a give him a treat real quick oh okay here here left seats all right how do i get this so you can see you can see it wait oh let me just okay please catch this there you go good good that's good oh he's very good isn't he he's a fine he's a fine specimen what do you guys think we work really hard on his uh on his train and i was speaking german to him he's a german shepherd what do you expect are we trying to be an afk like um [Music] you just walked down from where the body was it's always your body at the bathroom what the gas in the top right then i walked down and i passed you and then the dog is seven i didn't see ollie anywhere but my dog is seven months old he's 72 pounds he's like 15 pounds heavier than like the breed standard um he's gonna be big he's gonna be really big and he's very drivy and he's very intense and he's very dominant and he's exactly what i wanted yeah oh but that's the thing that they pop right it's so far away from where i last saw gumi which is you can do it you can do it i believe in you just study study hard you can do it everyone does it you can do it just study hard peach lily you promised you would make another vid playing related it's been like a year related i don't even remember what game that is i'll look into it but thank you for the super chat doggie j thank you so much for the super chat i'm skipping because i didn't listen to anything they said yes this is live right now the map my brother uses german commands for his dog yeah it's it's nice i'm not gonna go german all the way i'm gonna like um change it up but see how do you get the new map you update your steam update your steam update the game on steam um for mobile i don't know but i'm pretty much clear here because two kills happened i feel like gumi wouldn't go up here unless you had a task i don't really want to die so i'm just going to wait i'm going to hit the button on board i haven't hit a button i haven't had a button press all day today [Music] hang on two i think two down oh yeah yeah i haven't haven't had a button press all day today yet um honoring someone weirdly enough okay who's that who who is bottom left here at the end of the round there's two people i'm sort of in the bottom left by the kitchen right no be like like by the um here we go to do the upload i mean the entire i spent the entire first round protecting gluten yeah and there was two kills so i don't think it can be gloom or meat glam is afk i'm choosing to believe that the latter right now i was glad you were not afraid when we responded this time and it did a little dance at you and then let you on your way i'm sorry i just fixed my audio i couldn't hear anything for the past 15 seconds or so all right who do you think it is joey your bottom left give me were you bottom left there the end of the round i was bottom right i fixed the lights near the car was it maybe a body you seen maybe i'm just i'm trying to learn to read this admin table wait i just checked meditation oh yeah if you've it could be a body you've seen the network seltzer one i'm in weapons i just ran from kitchen to weapons i did the my towel task and then was in the like i don't know if the camera place counts as a room but secure that's where i was until i went up the ladder on the right i don't i don't like scott's story to be honest i literally was with glenn for the first round and there was two kills what more do you want from me i thought the first one was goomy no no i can't i can't verify hold on when i got back oh he was there scott oh well we'll see i don't know what for we'll find out in a minute if we're wrong i just cracked open a banana and i'm eating it right now so oh my god in anger okay so the reason why i went for time right there is because i kind of i'm inclined to believe scott's story and it's hard for me to turn on the person who guards me for the whole round i don't know if he guarded me for the whole round you chat do know if he guarded me for the whole round um so did he guard me for the whole round if that was right for sure yeah true true lighthouse maybe this one in the kitchen and then we both are together and then we both were on the recording task and i hate it i hate it so much it's so [Music] really wanted annoying we could 50 50 vote me off too to feel extra safe for the first kill i i almost believe you but at the same time with this new map i feel like it's safer to vote someone because it's so easy to just yeah yes what was your point of view so we did you come back and saw scott guarding you or yes i came back and i saw him i came back and i saw him guarding me and then the meeting got called like three seconds later listen i'm not the killer but i don't like when i am the killer an alarm gets called and i didn't get a chance to do a kill so i think we should skip and let the killer kill someone but joy we don't know but i just think that these meetings are fraudulent no listen i'm i'm just remembering when i'm in the situation kill her i know you're listening are you accusing me because it was give me versus titan like it was one or the other for the first what if it is what if gumi is the other killer it was goomy and oh i'll show you wouldn't go forward okay hi joey welcome to the meeting i'm gonna give that's my dying wish i think it's scott that is i was with glenn what do you mean not for the first skill but last time oh i feel like rifkin was unsure and i wanted to know what he was doing because i just i on this map i'm really clueless um sometimes okay i can't i'm not doing that tape recorder garbage i'm gonna find somebody in group up with them oh my god where are you going bud oh my god all signs want me to no i'm not doing it joey's so it's joey it's joey we don't have a button oh i don't think we should just leave him there rifkin he's just following us you don't have a button dude what are you doing oh my i'm panicking i can't i don't have one i don't have i don't have it i don't have one i do not have one no no i do i got to get the it for my french i gotta get the frick out of here come on we gotta go we gotta find bodies oh boy please okay someone was on cam's i'm gonna go check security it's our only hope let me down ah oh no joey's gonna win he's gonna win now ah ah wait where's the cam guy oh no okay this will be this crisis is good because it'll bring us together it'll bring us together we belong together oh no we're gonna lose we're lose we're gonna lose weight i thought oh my god oh how do i get out of here oh i'm i'm i'm just gonna have to surrender my life to joey please where i don't know where i'm going [Music] no i didn't i was trying to i was trying to shake my head no oh i used it earlier in the game just no i forgot i was like cool please for the love of god scott i know something funny yeah you said literally oh did i yeah wow or the trick is i just started saying literally even when i'm not imposter maybe maybe i just maybe i just say all the time but people are being like and that's why it says when's the poster that might just genuinely be i'm gonna just start saying literally all the time and i'm rather than not saying it i'm just going to say it every time just to make it more consistent wait is this up to 15 players because there's only 10 in the lobby yeah it does say only 10. oh is it because we put it at the stage so there's always talk of 15 players but there's no framework in the game like the modders have been talking about this there's no framework for 15 players right now it's not cold [Music] there's not enough colors in the rainbow yeah there's only enough yeah i will see that this map is very big for ten players uh this is this is lg for me this is lg for me i'm starting to know the rooms i'm good hopefully they heard that oh i'm gonna go for a quickie yeah buddy oh no he's the guy that you shouldn't be getting he's he's gone first every game oh i don't know what that is but i'm doing it where where's the door okay well you're going up the ladder your thingy don't work your your cool down oh my goodness i cannot [Music] i don't know where everything here is but on admin there's two people in cargo two people top right one in kitchen one in engine one in meeting room i'm in i think i'm an electrical shelter yeah me and gloom are an electrical it should be two in engine because i'm in there and i discovered joel's body in there so would that count as two i guess it's probably you just walked off or something because i was just looking at it like obviously it only just got in there and then but i'm just waiting where's this body it's on the task on the left side of engine room i think it's like an upload or a download yeah because i was alone the whole time and i was like shovel seems cute the doors were closed though and i feel like the doors closed a long time ago is anyone in the kitchen it has to be basil gummy or shelby right no no no no no no no no no no baseline has been learning how to do this i know gleam scott and me and goomba on the right side slash goomy's on the left but is it the bridge right so he died the first 10 seconds of the round wait if it's on the left yeah if it's on the left i don't think it's all right let let base talk i think joey's dead in kitchen is what i'm trying to infer oh yeah but that's why we said that no one's there well ollie saw me come down from top and he was coming through i kind of went i went straight down on the right to the like the vitals thing so too dead very early on and then sort of wrapped around to kind of get back up and pass scott and gloom on the way um scott was on the left side of the map then what all the way over to the right then hitting the corner and then went down that's a very weird path thing yes yes i voted i voted to lead me not to kill him all right let's go start in records i i wish i could call this thing to me that'd be really cool because how do you get to the like you have to go so far around to go to the meeting room shovel just going to stick with her is there a task anywhere here oh she's so crewy she's so tasky she's the taskiest girl i mean she's obviously crew she kind of has to be hopefully that works for a vouch i can say that i think i saw a time come out of the vent i feel like shovel's gonna be suss of me honestly i'm going to take that gamble oh oh my god [Music] or like the left side nope wait then nevermind that was the last time i seen her wait she's at the bottom of the ladder to the meeting room oh but there was but there was no wait i saw him come from there but there was no like raft for me to take to the other side so i don't know like time to do it through the whole round by the way not the whole round no i felt i felt creepy so i broke up with her we were together for a bit i think where wherever i lost her i don't think she could have gotten this kill though still i was trying to yeah when i went to go do that task at the bottom where you upload and you get like the signal it took me so long it was a really long task and scott finished it in a year to move the thing around yeah you have to move it together yeah you have to move it and it goes from really good perfect i feel really good about show time by the way i take back everything oh you do yeah voting for me because he said he wanted me to lead the next meeting and i think it's because he understood what i was trying to do with the admin info well you guys were not so yeah i gave him the talk i feel like as an imposter you wouldn't give me the talking stick because i'm really good at leading meetings so that's why i feel good about showtime it's a metaphorical statement from the area but the way the time that the doors had closed i think that i was i was fussed about that as well because i'm like oh someone in here probably killed it so i was looking around and i saw you but i was like i think scott came before you so i was kind of successful okay also basically the body was at the bottom of the ladder right is that what you're saying shelby this time is very good just so you're aware i know i played with them before and they closed a while ago so i don't think you did it okay that was weird but i'll take it imagine like your argument being like he let me lead and we all know i'm good at that that's so funny i'm gonna do that next time and be like yeah i mean it could be me because i'm smart couldn't be me i'm pretty oh okay that's a good thing i didn't do that i need to find someone right now i hate this map because you run for too long the cams are on so i'm gonna go cam it up i'm gonna go see who's on cams in security oh there we are i've been doing like these really uh these really passive runs today [Music] guys i was choosing i can't believe this i cannot believe it two seconds away from what ollie and i the vcr you were together ollie and i have been together this whole time i've run off just to do one little task in engine room and he's dead and the last person i saw him with was bass you were doing cool yeah cargo i was trying to show you guys the tank in the box the tank and the bunk showtime scott did you see lizzy running on cam's like like she was like like marathoning i seen lizzie stop at the wire stash she said she did um and i've also seen all all his movement was weird euron comes when i got there time came and walked past and doubled back blah blah blah and then she'll became unjust at the end yeah it's all based with ollie i kind of believe oh i saw but i mean unless somebody could have snuck in there in between i don't know but why would bass kill ollie when he knows right now that's when you're getting into the three of us the three of us wearing cargo i should show you the thing in the box and then we all pretty much gravitated through electrical over to the mid part of the ship i've just gone into the um the picture room i've got my pictures soaking like i don't know where ollie is now but you're right we were together but i'm not wherever he's right now i will say showtime was walking weird and i watched him walk into the front of the ship and then back out he didn't do well depending on how old the kill was he was standing behind us like the whole time i don't think i don't think it's showtime the kill's not that old because i checked what i checked maybe no one was dead randomly i met gloom glooms it can't be me if it's fresh then yeah if it's fresh it can't be time that's why lizzy but shelby came in at the end to us lizzy wouldn't have reported how far is it we did see lizzie marathon yeah i feel like everybody's accounted for i think it's a self-report to be honest wait who's saying that who i couldn't believe i followed him around for so long he was the only person i trusted i'm not 100 on baseball [Music] now we gotta do the best we can i don't know i don't know who or what i'm going to get it's going to be a tough one this one this is going to be a hard bargain but this is good now i have somebody who can like solely focus on hmm you're gonna help me get across okay oh my goodness [Music] yeah that was uh that was an effect that was a moment oh who who died no one no we just voted rifkin oh did we vote wrong you think i don't know it sounded very sour at the end there so maybe we did vote wrong yeah he didn't sound he sounded a bit like yeah he sounded kind of silver at the end which we did so it did sound like we voted wrong maybe he mean gloom kind of affects lights but there was also a lot of amazing but i think it was just how do we know it's not no because scott needs to get it somebody died and she found the body time also came from there so i was like i'm kind of obsessed with both of them but i but i don't know i kind of i don't know but they weren't accusing each other it didn't kill him walked past me 700 times and unless he killed him every time one of my thought processes is when me and glenn were in camps time walked in and then left the room and then doubled back to do the recorder which would be weird because it's a giant yellow box but also your time and trade were defending each other yep no no see this is this is where the flip the script's happening i didn't defend him i gave him the talking stick and revoked the talking stick later i revoked it right before he dies this is the free kill he wants it's scott it's not me i promise you it's not me it can't be true wait wait wait wait wait wait wait did only one person die when me and scott were on camps did only one person die would mean scott were on camps no two people died because we had two ollie only i don't know then who are we voting for or [Music] he got his free kill man yeah no oh boy he's oh god shovel open the door [Music] who isn't it i think we were right with bass i think you are right with one of them is it not scott it's not me i promise you it's not me i don't i don't think it means both went for the button here and yeah and she didn't chase me she like let me wait on the other side of it so people think it's me i um but it can't be me because i voted out base and it must be because we all voted but i mean in that case i pushed for both of them so then it definitely isn't me did you push the base though yes he did push for babies also he pushed hardly imposter and i was like wow what a savage you could that was because everyone had already voted on him whereas i've lived both of those persons show time and sky but we would have i think i was with i was with scott and i was with scott and camps that's why i kind of feel like it's lizzy but it's i literally i was the only one that caught up she said literally eventually scott it's not my tell um i actually don't know who it is i've got no idea i was with ollie the whole time i i'm starting to it's between for me it's between lizzie and shovel and i don't i don't remember if one or two people died when me and scott were in camps i was just only i think i think it was just ollie well then it could be anyone then it could be anyone no because ollie was alive when i lit when i checked maybe he was alive and when i was on cams with you when i was on comes with you i seen ollie and lizzie and car go together so it can't be near you because you were at cams when we were there we were both on it are you are you a hundred percent you think it's shovel somebody else me makes me really it's between the shovel or lizzy i don't know i don't want to be the leading voter i don't know why shove it it could be lazy but why would she because lizzie was wet once he was with only a lot it's either scott or gloom because i really trust you i don't know yeah i can't i can't vote on shovels i skipped oh no that's totally disgusting because i have never lost are the imposters one but the crew have lost wait i called i got to press the button it has to be gloom right right lizzy buttons i fixed lights i think it's lizzy why do you think it's me i pressed the button why would i do that i don't know i don't know well i mean scott thought it was shovel but it can't be scott right did you turn on the lights but i turned on lights yep so why did gloom come follow me to the meeting room because i still have a button but also why didn't she kill me because it's not we only have 30 seconds now so i don't know if it would have been up oh you fixed like super fast so it's gonna be really good it's not me oh no wait i don't know if it's gloom or lizzy i actually have no i have no [Music] because it swished between shovel and lizzy so many times that i i was gonna just dog pile on whoever it was because i actually don't know i'm not confused scott was pretty sure it's between me and lizzie but yeah i thought when somebody died so that's why i knew it couldn't be scott so i was with him on it being one of you two but that was for one kill right yes one kill happened but it couldn't have been either ever on palms yes and time was behind one kill that round yeah and it was near me so yeah and i saw i saw you running i saw you running on cams i have no idea where shovel was yeah you said i was running suspiciously but i was running with ollie the whole well no i was trying to confirm with scott cause every time i flipped through the cam you were like running and you said you just quickly run it's not me i'm voting for lizzy i'm not changing my oh no no it's positive i don't know which one it is it's all on you oh god oh i i think it could be at shovel as much as it is lizzy so i voted lizzy but multiple people said though that shovel oh no oh no so close shall we i was getting all blue but then i just got wanted to vote lizzy so bane without the ass i can't see yeah [Music] no i was very smart that was really good i've been a pacifist today like one one round with joey like joey killed everybody and i got like one kill shelby i pressed the button and you voted me out at the button knowing that the kill wasn't going to happen first so i was like maybe she tried to beat her to the button to steal it you forgot the it's quite hard to because we've got increased kill cooldown it's hard to button and sabotage because there's like that yes i mean it was it was because cushions bubble girl g cook forever thank you so much for the super chat what is your favorite song at the minute terry what's my favorite song at the minute the one that you said that i i like illusion of seclusion illusion of seclusion by fotes my favorite song right now jamie meyer thank you for the super chat avalon p thank you so much for the kind words just meme ice storm the youtube and molly walton thank you so much for the super shot okay yeah i'm saying okay cool okay good luck gamers man that was a dope game i love games where i win by marinating scott feels so good it's like when you get killed right off the oh i can't oh that wasn't that a game where i killed joel instantly i should really watch out with that i think that joel just like plays alone a lot wait what do i do here oh i go down the stairs huh oh oh this is the dress-up one oh fun wow i finally know what joey's talking about and it's so good okay let's see her man today's been an uh it's been an emotional rollercoaster hey guys hi i can't tell you how tilted i was at some points here every time i get too tilted my moderators like some [Music] yeah this is really weird spot really weird spot for goomby to be dead like you know when you cross the oh god i don't know how to explain this it's right it's to the left of the place where you sort books but down the ladder where there's only event is goomy's body oh there's there's a task down there actually the light switch i thought that was a sabotage and not a task no there's a i can't remember what task is it's like a panel on the wall yeah it's a panel i thought that was just a security probably went down there to do that um is this something do you mean electrical no it's where the platforms cross over yeah right i saw ollie doing a task that i don't think is a task no i was doing the one where you like do the switches like one two three four five six and you go around the lights room okay so that's an actual task because i haven't seen that one yet so i wasn't i was like what joey i got to play dress up it was fun i kind of trust well obviously i trust joel um i kind of trust joey as well because i saw him in and out a lot i don't i think it'd be difficult to do kills while being so close i have no idea i just know it's not lizzie i haven't seen shelby this entire game no um i love being muted um sorry hi um yeah lizzy and jill were pretty much together the whole time so unless scott and shelby are a double kill then i don't think it's them okay the only person i've seen is base i crossed gloom in a hallway when the lights were out she was going to just left yeah i saw pink okay uh but it was it was when the lights were out so that's that's a lot of that's a lot of kills yeah that's a lot of kills um whoever this is they know what they're doing yep you know i think it could be space and time just because they seem like they're capable killers how dare you i'm offended that's what i'm [Music] oh my god next time we'll do it without the lights off all right i'm living for base time [Music] okay let's get some work done hey fellas oh i can't believe you have to swipe cards to open every single charm trying to run from an imposter in this map is is absolutely brutal it's brutal like you have to run through a maze you have to card swipe to get through doors i guess this makes up for it being such a large map though did i stefan okay i defined i think i need to find a friend come on get out of the yeah someone's on cams i'll go hang out in camps hello cam person wait where's the okay i think i'm starting to get the hang of joey hi joe's praying to kill me isn't he what nobody's okay i'm gonna go hit the button i'm scared uh hopefully i'm going the right way these are people these are people who get like triple kill i need to get to this button please let the thingy be no is anyone else gonna hit the button oh no somebody's gotta do it somebody's gotta do it um okay i think i'm gonna get there i think i'm gonna get there i gotta get two beans he's okay i'm just gonna hit it i have to beans coming down body no body [Music] oh one more second till my kill cooldown showtime okay dude i was right beside the button and i was going to take cassie out but she pressed it my bad okay this is making me mostly no wait didn't we never played so we lost lizzy i hit the button just because they got three in the first round and since they're capable of that i got scared uh i saw beans coming down but there was no body like did you come down from button beans yeah i saw two people on the ladder i was on cams at that point uh so you you saw me and beans on the ladder i saw two people i was joel and someone else i didn't know that show time yeah coming down the ladder okay so then where was joey and rivkin i was busy having a double game the entire time and then you ran off gloom and then i ran up that way and i couldn't find anybody like i wasn't seeing anybody around you were with me for a while hmm i don't know what to do yeah at the beginning right like near the maze you were in camps you were on campus you were saying um i think personally it's between small beans gloom and joey well well it's not me well i was on camera before pretty much the whole time i don't know where the body was but i was on i think the right side i'd like to believe cassian small beans are clear honestly i think yeah i think beans has to be clear and time has to be clear for the just this one snatch a wig is that what's about to happen oh my way uh i mean ollie's been awful quiet i'm gonna go for him the only people i've seen is you guys at the start of you we were in kitchen where you weren't camping you did a task i've never heard it before i'm hesitant it's definitely a task i don't know if i've i mean the kill cooldown is high so i guess we just have to fix it and hope for the best also i'm gonna maybe i'll just like run and do my tests the hard thing about uh this map is like you can't really coordinate you can't really coordinate with your fellow imposter where um you guys are gonna land hello i was on the way to press the button then i realized that the moving panel isn't on the right side so i just got my brain hurts now ollie and joey traveling together that last round well so here's something like that all he did wait who's together before and it doesn't sound like he made it up so that's why i think i believe ollie being crew this game okay showtime and i are clearly double killing so we're trying to think who the other imposters would be other than the both of us because we stayed in the bathroom for a very long time it's betty lynn from my perspective by the way you and joey were moving together so i don't know really um yeah you guys were like next to each other what do i think yeah who do you think i think either ollie or [Music] joel hasn't said anything yeah but he's got to be he's got to be clear lizzie followed me around the first round she vouched for me and she's now dead yeah i think he's got to be clear too many people died in the first round before i do hate when these meetings are called because i think it's really unfair for the killer kill him kill him kill kill face trade imposter strat he used it with my talking stick last time on me i hope you press the button after you vote me out i'm not i'm pretty sure this is joey i'm like i'm like 85 sure this is joey i'm like 15 certain at space trade but i voted him so oh what the hell oh oh oh okay okay ollie that's interesting bud i mean i was stuck between the two i don't know which one it was he's protecting joey because he's the overhead poster it's definitely um ollie and joey that's where that's what i'm hedging my bets on i'm gonna go hit the button oh and my last two tasks are like up up there wait how do i yes please let me in this thing let me on it yeah yeah feels so good maybe we get a task one oh i don't know if i should oh wait i don't have a meeting there's nothing i can do all i can do is ollie run i really do think it's ollie bass okay someone's on cams i'm gonna go hang out with a person on cams uh okay it's this way beans come on we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go we got all right oh wrong way sorry it's a maze out here all right come on as long as we're both oh jesus i don't know where to truth be told i don't know where to go uh that means the other two fixed oh oh oh very interesting showtime he's dead in the records room i trust base trade really for some reason i was on the cameras and he was doing tests so it looks pretty weird that he would fake it what task did you just do base trade uh reactor and then before that i don't remember to be honest okay i saw you doing the leaves i did left side of reactor and then joel came across and then as it was completed went down towards the vent which i thought was a bit weird because there's nothing there i just well i mean i don't know that manpower just started right you don't know the map you played it for two and a half hours jill no no me and me and joel couldn't find we had a really rough time finding that sabotage and i went the other way okay rather than who you guys think is the imposter forget your susses and logic for a second okay who are each of you most afraid of right now that's left alive ali gloom but that's because i know gloom's quite good and she scares me we have one task left and i think it's all er but if we're not sure we can skip do you think i i i it's your task no do you think it is my task what's the matter is it going to do your task if it is your task please no i just i just finished my task it's not my task my final it was the like the five number things on the card at the top in the admin room where was the body by the way it was good it was it's in records room i was gonna say i'm inclined to put ollie but he just that is the common task he nailed it that's my that's my last task by the way that's why i was asking if he's going to claim you had a task still because i'm pretty sure the last one's mine and i haven't done the common task in the top right yet what did you say i've given you everything you picked glenn what do you want to do here uh it's up to you it's up to the whole it's up to the crew we're a crew there's no there's no eye and crew okay small beans what do we do are we voting yourself i'm just voted out because i i'm voting i think a win is more fun when you vote out the imposter [Music] [Laughter] [Music] that did exist but i didn't know they were coming joel you absolutely smashed that and if it weren't for my bodyguard protecting they probably would have killed you round one but also i died you broke my heart that game show time oh okay um natalie stephenson thank you so much for the super chat i hope you have a wonderful day do you remember playing butterfly soup and would you play it again um would i play butterfly soup again i i feel like the replayability on it's kind of low no but it was a great game and i'm looking forward to a sequel lauren berkeley thank you so much for the super chat say one more i'll play one more with you yeah betty one more thing i'll play with one more last one it's going to be a good one as good as the last one okay ollie how good was the last game you killed three of us in the first like 20 seconds it was busy i would i went in big almost for the last game i sure hope that you're possible uh okay come on oh oh are we so is that good are we okay i guess okay i'm definitely awkward dress up my favorite game yes gorgeous i like polishing the gem too the tasks in here are like topped here i'm just running around with the map open honestly because i don't know where i'm going ever don't kill me she's gonna kill me i knew it so after this game me and time are playing it takes two and it's a really really fun game and i think you guys would really really like it it's like one it's like by far one of the most beautiful games i've ever seen in my entire life like i'm not exaggerating um i'm really picky with games and uh it just like i try i'm like cynical to the point where i try not to be impressed by things but like i couldn't help it with that game it's so amazing so if you want to watch us do that then head over to twitch.tv showtimetv terry will link it in the chat right terry and yeah that's what we're doing after this it's gonna be fun it's gonna be fun i think you'll like it especially because like it's such an expensive game um it's such an expensive game so if you were like thinking about getting it it'd be cool to like you know see if you can watch it see if you think it's worth it um oh look at all those kills oh no there's many deaths well jolted seats i guess there's only three actual kills yeah but that would indicate that why did you why did you not fix lights i ran over you in the dark running away from light honestly i i didn't even notice there was that on a task no i walked up cargo scene passed over you and i was like that's weird that's suspicious and then shelby was on the lights and i think my penguin accidentally unfixed her work because she just sort of stopped in cargo anytime i was in cargo the lights were on and i went to shelby steering test because i pulled the lever and i aligned the steering wheel but it's not you just gotta mess around with a little bit you have to line the lever you don't just pull it all the way down you have to line it up yeah where the the other was oh okay yeah i did that too um base what you've been doing you're exceptionally dead people quiet mean have we played enough for you to know what my version of exceptionally quiet absolutely not no but i like to think that i know a person i've actually got a psychology degree which helps me he does have a psychological degree you have to do all of your tales already i actually know who the killer is and have known since the start i don't know i'll shoot no scott doesn't deserve to i think goomy's making a play pretending she doesn't have the steering wheel works all right stay less say less [Music] i trust you ollie i better give me oh no what i don't i don't that's great oh now i'm starting to doubt my story is worth of education no don't don't doubt yourself never doubt yourself i think i'm five years oh this works honestly it's wait oh wait there's two killers oh wait this is bad no this really does not work no scott thinks this is fine nobody can okay what is that pitter patter at first i thought it was my ghost making the pitter patter but i don't think it is what's going me up to let's follow the killer around and see what she does oh anyways like i was saying um oh so it's these two isn't it oh yeah i didn't think i was get that oh that psychology degree was avoided psychology degree yeah never ever giving you stress you called that way too early yeah i didn't think anyone would go there i was already by the button doors dude yeah i was watching ollie walk up to the buttons okay so um yeah like i was saying with it takes two uh if you guys remember the game called a way out like it was like a co-op game um this is by the same group like it's an ea game but ea uh like bought the studio that made this game so it's to me it's a very high quality game i think you guys really enjoy it and that's what me and showtime are doing right now so thank you so much to everybody who watched the stream thank you to my mods for moderating the chat um thank you to everybody who super chatted and everybody in the chat for hanging out i really appreciate it i hope you enjoyed the new map sorry it was an emotional roller coaster got a little tilted sometimes a little bit crazy but um yeah i'm going i'm off to play on time's stream so feel free to join us there and uh i will see you guys later
Channel: Gloom
Views: 1,528,421
Rating: 4.9090056 out of 5
Keywords: GLOOM, gloomykassie, gloom games, kassie, among us, among us new map, among us airship map, among us live, among us gameplay new map, among us map, among us airship, friends, collab, live, stream, among us stream, full lobby, ldshadowlady, smajor, smallishbeans, joey graceffa, shubble, theorionsound, gumiho, rifkin
Id: PA0VBe-mFN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 163min 8sec (9788 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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