🔴 LIVE Among Us, but I refuse to lose

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surprise welcome back to some more among us with a an interesting friend group here jay and i are going to stick together today i do not want to lose i will not lose i refuse to lose and i'm excited really hope it's not jakes we're sticking together we're in it to win it in it to win it oh yeah we gotta go gotta get the job done wait what's the next line i only know gotta meet my son oh he's got numbers oh i trust him oh but he hopefully he can count oops oh no oh no oh no don't leave me i can't count i can't count oh oh my goodness oh i've got eggs on my head uh okay before we get into it jay i'd just like to let you know that i failed the counting game three times and i was screaming yeah i'm sorry i was screaming embarrassing but yeah jim where was the body scott did you kill this body because we couldn't right next to it oh wait is it i left you and lauren alive no you did not i left you okay joey lauren doing download which i'm assuming is where the body was why did i believe joey more than youtube really one of them came up from shields yeah on my way yeah want to oh jake did you do a murder all right no i didn't no i didn't we jackie told you around here yeah but i think it's jacob joey could it not work i i saw i saw a joke i'm sure my stream wasn't filming among us so i like stop paying attention to the game to effect yeah i just i just didn't like how joey counter accused scott right off the bat i just didn't like that but it's okay okay back to the numbers game jay come on come on come on i promise i won't let you down this time i can count to 10. i can count to 10. isn't it funny how i dye my hair away from blonde and i become dumber all right let's go okay one two three four five six seven eight nine ten okay we did it okay what's next where do you wanna go oh okay i oh okay me and tasks today not good friends jay come on we gotta go we gotta go jay i can't leave your side come on what are you doing bud okay you want to go this way you want to go all right oh yes wires i mean if we're both crew and we're together i really feel like he's crew like i'm just feeling it if we're both crew and we're together then i feel like where gucci will at least make it into late game because there's two of us and if one of us get killed then um then that's okay the other one will see it i'm not losing today i am not i refuse this is the slowest slowest tasks i've ever seen oh one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14. there's been a murder where in electrical um oh jake just jake just faked download really really really badly i did not fake download you faked it badly and scott was suss of you last round wait so where did you know where are you saying you fake download comms no i was in communications and i came up to it but i wasn't close enough to it to like let me like use it so i had to like readjust myself and go back up to it no no no you didn't adjust yourself and then jake didn't you stand yes didn't you stand in front of downloads and electrical oh that's where the body is no i didn't i diverted no i did it i diverted the uh stuff to shields i diverted the electricity is anyone else having really bad pain because for the start i thought jake vented into electrical then realized he just did teleporting for me uh yeah no i'm happy hi hey nico hi um hi my name is nico nice to meet all of you okay okay i saw jake with me i believe it was the room before navigation like after navigation he went in there and he saw a task and it was still like he left the task but it was still like needed to be done so that was suspicious oh no yeah your tasks might be different tasks from you okay jake said he's pretty new right he could be the other imposter but he's faking he faked download and electrical and then faked it in calms i don't know about that it might be scott jay you saw that right i counted like 15 seconds okay the 15 seconds was a bit of an exaggeration but i just want people to get out the shoot whoa whoa whoa don't leave me telling me i feel bad this is like like jake's so new to this and i'm like get out of here i'm going to feel so bad if i'm wrong me and jay have just been like running around doing tasks and other than that i really don't have like any info at all so hopefully the crew can figure it out jay's little stick man very cute also nico's voice is very cute come on i can't go alone oh it's reactor all the way it's reactor on the other side jay jay oh that was fast okay where are you going where are we going bud come on i gotta do my uh so this is an admin and it is ollie admin yes nico where did you go when i went through the actor you went down i was suspected of you because you were chasing me with a purpose no i was following you okay i was supposed to i'm gonna start with that too i was following you because okay nico is either innocent because she said that the yellow borders are the task or she's the biggest five brain imposter i genuinely don't think it is nico i i said i said she could just be playing me and if she's playing me like all power to it because that's a great like way to play the game but i don't think it isn't which is why i started following her okay okay can possibly okay jake what jake what was your rotation like where did you end up and what task did you do in that room so i literally um i just watched the security cameras the whole time the whole time when i left they weren't talking to cameras yes they were i was watching the cams jay did you see the tabs on we were in camera so yeah the cams were on for the majority of that and then they went off when the reactor went off which she did yeah and then react and then i went and then and then i let when reactor went off i went to the reactor and i did that with joey yeah and did the reactor with him and then i went back to the camps and i just sat there because i was like i'm done like doing tasks because y'all are like sussing me out for them so i was like i'm just gonna tell him scott were you with niko the whole time no i made her canteen and then she was kidding she docked a little bit in tadman but i think she just thought she was dodging me i'm not quite sure okay i'm scared no no no no no no no no no oh my god i think i accidentally voted you sorry and no one would honesty is the best policy okay now it's time to do my download come on let's get it going okay this is really not the time to be doing a download but let's go let's get it come on why do you want to go talk jake went bottom we gotta tail him so the reason why i don't think it's scott is because scott he doesn't gun for people that i mean i know this is a meta call but he doesn't gun for people that early when he feels okay i'm scared is there a double kill gonna happen in here where are you going bud where are you going jake is the camera man i will say jay oh he's got scan too hopefully someone fixes that i don't have time to do my med scan we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go are they going to get an o2 win oh my god yes yes i think we get it done and we vote jake off right now why why why why why why no no let's listen to jay let's let's no let's listen to jy you didn't join him to try to stop it and then you went on cams right away and then when i did go into this reactor to stop it no it was like a group of like 10 people yeah because jake is definitely lagging so i think it looked like he wasn't at the top one but i think he actually was he is thing but only me and one of one of them were able to do it no so with the hand sensor with the hand sensors you do the top one and the bottom one needs to be pushed there was so many of you at the top one so i came in and did the bottom one i've been okay i've been with jay this entire game he wants jake out of here i want jake out of here let's get jake out of here everyone else let me explain we're almost done tasks killing jake right now if he happens to not be scott they're all suspicious of you get the snipe while you can no get the sniper the only reason why i think the only reason why i think it's not scott is no there's no way the only reason i think it's not scott is because he doesn't gun that early in the game to get somebody out he accused jake and joey first round i saw jake fake download you uh scott you saw him in electrical by the download and jake didn't like how he was acting with reactions killing anyone else so i'm happy if he wants to be an imposter that's sitting on kathy and jay go ahead but i mean don't just don't hang out too closely for a while just finish your time no no no yup i'm guess i guess i'm just gonna like finish my tasks just get a task win call it a day okay we have one task left who has it is it you jay okay gemini that's just that yeah yeah a lot of snow um right so i have nothing to say for myself okay all right all right all right all right that's enough i'm sorry either jake or scott one of you guys not the imposter well definitely what just happened uh gemini ran out of admin um after killing scott's poor body oh jem you could have turned it around because i was yeah no they were they were so obsessed with us jim like you could you could have got us thrown right out the street just gotta go on a murdering spree you could have gotten away with that yeah no totally yes you definitely could have because i i would have thought that they because they were together that they were yeah but you were gonna win anyways in like two tasks yeah but yeah but you could you could have made it spicy got me thrown right out this i really wouldn't yeah he would have i could feel it we avenged you scott yeah we got you so okay i don't like i don't like this i don't like this i think that i think that the other imposter just tried to let let's go jay let's go jay it's you and me jake did you do a kill and then just spend the rest of the game i did one kill and i was like so scared like my first time meeting you guys and i'm literally starting off as the imposter like y'all going to hate me oh no no no no no i'm so sorry lauren i was trying to get it done early for you good enough for lying jim's late no i'd like i need to start going full on you when i guess you at the big start yeah near the start i i was halfway through the advent table i was like and then i should be jim because she stays silent and meeting she doesn't say it and then it comes up with the kill animation when you're in here scott that's the thing with you and you're only i was already jake for the first girl right round two i walk into electrical he solo stood by that box i just sent a screenshot of him i was like that's not a task i was like wait i'll come back later i tried to avenge you jake or jack did you jake did you read into electrical i didn't read at all i didn't i didn't like that nikki lewis gabby l carly williams david garcia astros tv sarah sanders yeah i was able to i was able to spy on uh i was able to spy on jake do his task from like really far away and i was like dang this vision jake are you joining yeah yeah david garfield uh sarah sanders thank you so much for the super chats kaylee stevenson madeline hooper rosalia huerta dino hyper focus motorsports kenna and kona ebony marquez thank you so much matt let's go oh thanks for helping me know what how to count one to ten really useful where's jay at yeah interesting he's avoiding me is he mad at me no just kidding is that is he an imposter does he want to go get a quickie in i'm just gonna hang out with scott no i'm gonna do my wires up top i'm gonna hang with scott scott okay they actually didn't cut the lights at all last game i'm scared so i'm just gonna like hide oh ollie's gonna assess me for that i'm going to check the top for actually no i've got a lot of electrical tasks i got to do them jay's uh i'm obsessive uh i'm kind of obsessive j based on his movement okay yeah that was nico i thought it was lord enough thanks yeah so it was like right in reactor and honestly i couldn't even see the body i just saw the report thing come up i went into reactor to do manufactures and then i literally saw like the body report wait it was in reactor i didn't even see where the body was yeah reactor okay so for this kill then i'm going to clear lawden cause i've seen her on the right side of the ship and i've seen you at canteen you could have made it yeah yeah i was doing so i was doing wires up top left uh with the lights went out i was like should i hide should i go to lights and then i saw ollie coming out of the reactor area ollie i don't believe i was near the right terrain i passed you after coming out of med bay oh okay well yeah you you came out of like that top hallway yeah no i did yeah i had been over there for jake i have a question for jake too um yeah what were you doing in electrical i was really confused because i was making sure i didn't have any more tasks there before i was like leaving and then i kept seeing the arrow which was to like do something in med bay but like i kept thinking it was like another task and um electrical so i kept like going back but jake that yeah that means if you open your map it tells you on the map in little exclamation points where all your tasks are i ran directly into lights right when they went off and i was the one to do lights and then jake came around the riverbend and i was like what was that jerry how if you if you walked in with jake's i don't know how they arrived no i believe around the river everybody's skipping yeah yeah not enough info yeah still do your tasks while you're dead they need to be done all your days did ollie really come out of me bay or is that a fib oh visual tasks are on so j is clear i have no reason to be suss of j anymore why are visual tasks on yeah we all saw that right oh is it broken someone must not be on beta does that mean he's faking it he wouldn't he wouldn't he wouldn't would he i'm scared i'm alone i don't wanna i don't wanna die i don't wanna die i don't wanna die no i can't i can't i'm too scared okay nobody died that's pretty good lauren what's up girl how you doing i might have to hang out with you for a hot minute um no i don't want i don't not like this not like this i don't know exactly where this body is but it's uh shields somewhere shields um okay how recent is it because i've been over that side and i hadn't seen jake the whole time um ollie did you pass anyone when you went through weapons after oxygen me i went past lauren and joey um but i also passed jake and jem we're running together and went up and jim and jake passed me when i was going into admin so they were last seen together right up to nav okay i have a sense of lauren the area that you were coming from in admin with the ch not admin um the thing with the chair um work from the bottom so i think i like yeah it was like the bottom part of nav where there's no tasks there's just event i wasn't coming from down there i was just more i want to say i would say laurence let me say this quick let me say this quick ollie did come from med bay ram one which is a little bit weird i saw ollie being uh weirdly doing downloading calms like this the stepping was really weird oxygen was called jake was the live admin when i left the admin oxygen i went up to the top ollie's coming from the right hand side passing your weapons okay and i think he went around the bottom right shields i think he killed him yeah okay so he was walking near the body so then why that's twice in a row he's been near the body yeah yeah he wasn't with me but it was not me get him get him pitchforks out all right i'm just gonna hit the button and get gem out of here if that's how they feel wait well we have we'll have eight oh i don't think people will be willing to vote i hope we're not wrong hmm ollie i mean it could be ollie because the doors are closing i think i should just should i hit the button should i do my tasks oh gosh it's got to be gem again because she's hitting the far reactor again i've never seen so many reactors in my life jay do be avoiding me like the plague a little sus about that what up okay i'm about ninety percent sure i am running from the med bay event uh what do you what do you think about that no um i think that you're lying guys why why is he why is he lying um because i walked in there like a normal person from reactor side and then looped back out when reactor went off i think the joe's probably dead top electrical and gem vented in med bay and then called reactor is my theater you have no proof of that she was at the top reactor before we got in there though yeah because she'd done the murder and then just vented in and then was like i'll just call the director and beat the body so also it is it is a lot of reactors and last game it was a lot of reactors should have done the shield if it wasn't gosh wait she said we're backprinting this so we're wrong yeah yeah me and me and scott i have this for sure i watched your video jim i know you've evolved a little bit i told you it's only a little bit though yeah yeah i was way too quiet that game it was a bad punch around for me i'm very confused run someone must not be on beta i thought we had better yeah that was strange i thought we would too ollie but i'm not on my top game right now i need to meet me it's always hard to get it first can everyone open their stream and just make sure nick said they're among us it says yeah beta yeah sure in the library when you said you could see i was next to lauren on guns and i couldn't see her doing good yeah no i saw i saw jay but i couldn't see i couldn't see scott it was weird yeah i was that's why i was like i was like running away screaming oh dude that's why i stuck next to jake because i was like well i know g is safe yeah i'm in beta oh god just lost his color i think i am i switched it over to beta right it's clara isabella tomorrow aaliyah kennedy toten devil's angel one two three caroline carolina hoffner oh um thank you so much for the super chats do or do not there is no try like see on the steam library does it look like that or it says among us hlw star one two three destiny riley astros v shrub bree thank you so much for the super chat hey don't hey don't you be sending super chats sorry if you're not in a position do not worry john watson i asked him about your hair in a video before it looks gorgeous oh thank you i do think it's a bit intense but it's gonna since it's a glaze and not an actual hair color it's gonna fade samaritan emily austin thank you so much for the super super chats john watson and emily austin huge thank you so much for the super chat michael gandala alama johnson caitlyn may lucretia jojoba honey cookie lol boom thank you so much for the super chats latasha darasia kelly preston you've been my favorite youtuber for three years oh that's really cool that you still like me appreciate it mayella bella kennedy tottenham no i'm ready scott i'm not ready for you andy pooh hi my name save is for the rest of us good luck so i'm going to try like a wendy style play oh i picked the wrong vent someone knows what they need to do this is a strategy right here what has just happened this was up okay i literally just walked i like passed i was like i'm gonna go to nav first and get that done walked into nav and scott was dead did you see anyone did you see anyone did you see anyone walk out lauren did you see anyone come out of there i saw nobody so i don't know i'm sure somebody i'm sure somebody vented oh wait no i didn't even go there no i passed you i i know i saw joey where the leaf thing was i saw ollie up by nab so i was like yeah i'm sorry not nav i saw ollie up by weapons so it's not either of them um but yeah i didn't see anybody else otherwise i wasn't the entire time where was the body at lord it was in nav like right in front of the uh one of the desks for a youtube video what you like guys i feel like it's a self report if it's this fast you would have seen someone lauren that was so rapid i didn't even finish weapons yeah i think i mean we're gonna have to vote next time but we could just settle for we're next round if i'm dead get her out of here hey that's the strat right there wait don't say that because somebody's gonna kill you it's true you're reporting my body right now i'm so i'm so sorry scott i had to do it i had to do it i had to i'm so sorry this is called the innocence project okay okay i think it's i think it's nico only because i literally saw ollie do the the um what's it called the reactor thing yeah simon says and and that one and then nico came behind him and then she stopped at that for like a second and then i was like i got really stressed of her and then i wasn't gonna report her or anything i was just gonna bring it up the next one but then as i was leaving she was like chasing after me and i got really scared that she was gonna kill me nico also wait wait nico also said nothing first round let me explain okay i went into that i forgot what it's called but the room next reactor it was ali me and jake and i was like okay i'll do the simon says one but ollie already was leaving and i was like i don't want to be alone with jake because if i'm alone with jake and he kills me like no one's going to see me so i ran out because i didn't want to be alone with him so then i was like he looked like he was chasing me so i was like okay nico nico what side of that you were chasing each other because you're both on top of me i don't really know what she was behind me wait wait wait wait nico round one what side of the ship were you on facing my my monitor it was the left side the left side i you ran to the emergency button right yeah but then nico said that you were joining me but he glitched like he was chasing me and then he glitched in front of me so then we were both like almost that part of each other so he's competing he's hacking he's hacking i'm hacking oakley dopely hmm i'm gonna help her get away with that one unless i get sussed oh i'm really glad i didn't go for that one i was just about to go in there they were frantically closing the doors whoever it was because i struggled to get in there flustered i bet huh do you think any job happened i have no idea if it wasn't anyone been in electrical at all before this round no i ran past it to get up to the reactor and then loop back to go do my task and bam body mika where did you go when the reactor went off yeah i wasn't i was on i was near and then i was in the cafeteria last night but i think that's that's the long time you were sitting on the right then i think that's eliza minnelli over here i agree i think that like she should have come to reactor she like she didn't come to the reactor like everybody was on the left like there's nobody who's unaccounted for except for you who could have self-reported oh okay i didn't think about that i already voted for the third time in a row that's no no that would never happen at all i do still reckon it's probably lauren and she's going to title the video something like killing scott in the first five seconds but i will for now though lauren was one of the first to react or though that's probably sitting so mad right now yeah i definitely didn't kill scott i don't know why because i reported the body everything because it's a big i would like to mention that you guys thought it was me the last three games i'm just a suspicious person this is just suspicious i know i've been trying to follow you to clear my name it's for all time what oh it's me well now we know oh okay i'll switch later okay so we gotta we gotta get this double here we gotta get the stubble here and we win before somebody hits the button hey let's go let's get it i knew i just want to say scott i am so sorry i'm so sorry no i'm so sorry no no it was too perfect no please no by the way i did not kill scott and i did not murdered in the first five seconds i'm sorry it was perfect it was perfect no you can't don't look away with for me with your character no please oh it's definitely not cassie she wouldn't she's not the killer sure okay okay listen scott i'm gonna earn your trust back we're going to be the best of buds you're going to it's going to be great we're going to dance into the sunset together yeah no no no yeah i'm going to you know offer you hummus chickpeas at one point no please i'm not going to tell you when but hey scott scott that was my first time killing you first last time i killed you second yeah but within the first literally changed i swear to god it's in there it's funny lauren because one of the after like fun of hours on youtube sporting the tips and tricks kennedy taught intensely clumsy tab nevaeh lawrence w um sophia demarest oompa loompa mango shade griffin rule got your potato thank you so much for the super chats skye christopher latasha de rossi matt eh great job susan jake that first game hey i just had a feeling fernando campos jade jackson thank you so much for the super super chat barricade jt grace davis miss unicorns layla v slightly rose aliyah the group thank you so much for the super chat jack it was more frustrating for you being dead because all i spent most of the round with nico on the right side of the ship and then it came to dinner scott when i got your dm i was like what have i done oh no no listen it was a nine game i knew it was gonna be a quickie i knew me and lauren we're going to get a quick dub of breaking my pack you've also now put a target on your back because people will kill you first so they can blame it on me oh you've hey that only means that means scott that we got to stick together hey all right get in here jay all right don't you hide from me nope jay i was trying to follow you for so long i was like i'm just going to gain his trust he still was trusting me the whole time even though i was with you for most of it oh god lauren i'm really glad i got that random kill on joey because i didn't know you got your kill i thought we were going to double together oh my god yeah i did too but jem was too easy on the way i'll just take her out and then like hopefully cassie will get something gotcha izzy taylor full buster kiara dory thank you so much oh i'm gonna need it should i kill scott first again i'm just kidding i wouldn't lights i think i just faked the wrong task in front of scott i don't think it's lower this time oh where are we going that's the last person i saw okay now i'm sorry though you're the last one guys let jen see where the body is we hang on on what side of the ship i have not yet told you where this body is on the left side it was on the left side of the ship because i saw lauren near the little vacuum thing and it was me james that's the right side of the ship and then went down towards the cafeteria and then it was jay up there along with lauren and probably other people but i only saw yeah that's the right side of the ship by the way the you were facing the wrong way run away from your screen yeah monitors that where was jay when you left him um he was like towards like um where's that sucky thing where they has a little bent oxygen oxygen oxygen and i left first actually where was this body that you found where was this this body that i found was in the hallway outside of nap very brave kill bold that is bold yeah that's bold and beautiful that would then put like jay and nico and that together that would make niko's sauce right yeah and then you're correct i'm still a little suss because that was bold yeah i mean that would make sense for a g thing g strikes me as just a hallway killer i don't know why he just played this time like i didn't kill anybody this time why not this time what'd you do lauren is either impossible or dead first like there's oh okay so that worked out really well for me i'm going to keep nico alive um nothing i can do with scott here i thought i saw him i thought he saw me do the wrong task but he must have not been thinking about it um so we just need one so we just need one and then we need to double so i'm gonna see if i can get somebody oh didn't mean to get nico there it was another hallway kill no it literally okay so i had just finished like charting the corsa navigation and i was going down to go to um the reactor and it was literally in the middle of the hallway so wait nico and jay nico and jay were sussing each other and they're both dead like below that one vent that you can see on cams it was like below that butt wait can we say where the body is again it was okay so it was right in the hallway between shields and nav like like in that camp like that one little hallway that you see on cameras with the vent in it yeah like in security that you can see on the cameras so yeah uh it was there only for this kill i can hardly jack as well both left side so i literally didn't see anyone um who was on who was on campus i was on security and i saw gloom coming from that general direction correct i was i went to weapons and then i started heading to reactor so that's why i wanted to know who was on cams i wasn't wanting to play this card early on but did no one else notice jake like go ah before he muted at the start oh no i've got him paused or nothing no i reckon that's oh no i've got to pull my roommate that's what i'd do yeah yeah that was it was uh i got another crewmate because it's i did electrical and then i did a trash shoot and then i was heading to react okay we can't we can't waste time we've got so who's hard cleared we gotta get somebody out here we have about 10 seconds i'm sausage i can tell no why would you like god yeah so i do i'm not sure we were right with jake i'm starting to think it could be cassie and i'm starting to think it wasn't me no sure no shot scott i reckon what's happened there is you've heard that i was cess of you and you personally not only i was from no i genuinely was the same as you where i was like i don't think it's you and i don't think it's gem which is why the only other people it could be no okay i think we need to get rid of jack or cassie to be safe he's definitely wrong with him everywhere i think jake was right because if there was two alive right now a hundred percent reactive 100 100 percent no i think at least one kill so the reason i think i think the reason i think it's you two is you two are smart enough to play that off like well let them push the button and it will be like oh my goodness no way no no way i'm gonna know right now i reckon this is scott being ballsy 100 because ollie and jack were nowhere near it gemini was on cams we don't know where the hell scott was and now he's trying to get somebody kicked off so that they can just get the vote win i didn't tell you no if you vote me you lose like that's it you saw me on cams he's trying to get a video out of this gemini you saw me on cams jack and ollie are vouching for each other you have to vote for scott i would have ended the game right there if it was me what uh uh i was like we lose hey hey scott can i just can i just say i left you alive till the bitter end the bitter end he sausage gotcha izzy taylor full buster kira drury thank you so much for the super chat skyler x fire tastic maya harris savannah boost yeah i know i guess i gas lit my way through that one yeah i don't know how gloomy tate is a kitty sir cobra thank you so much for the super chats i'm so upset with you i'm only passing my size j are you still not on beta who's that uh terry just told me that he thinks that jay's not on beta okay jay all right why do you say that why do you say that terry because he knew that nico wasn't him oh that was like two games ago i think he switched okay we fixed i'm going to play a slow one this is hard because i can't kill uh the smartest guy in the lobby download upload i really hope that lauren turns this one out wait jay where the hell was that was that a stacking electrical no no it wasn't a stack it wasn't like yeah i just i saw five in there what happened yeah we went to we went to check the back and there was no body but there was a report button and when we tell you if you run out huh run out yeah cause i fixed lights and then went out right no it's not bad no no no no no i think what happened is i think lauren has fixed it and jack has flicked a switch and because the panel he never went in he was he was uh dancing on the outside okay there's definitely been a peng thing because it did effectively definitely fixed it yeah they went back who was the one that was in reactor at the end because it's possible they could have vented out and then just walked from camera i can clear niko on this well i can clear j i can clear j for sure okay it's i think it's either pink and orange or it's purple and orange or it's perfect to know who it was i was in reactor when the body was reported that's okay okay that's good to know yeah there were five electrical and one left that's been lauren leaving the room so pink pink purple orange chassis yeah it could it could not have it could not have been me and jay because we walked up uh after we helped turn the lights on and the report button went off okay i also recommend if you were gonna go for it you would have got the double wall yeah exactly exactly it could be someone in an event if there's five in there and only four accounts before that's what i'm saying all right there was one other person on the right side but i didn't see who they were you voted for me yes i did you just voted for it oh my goodness laurence i know that i keep saying that uh i want to win all my games today but this is this is a tough one this is going to be a hard bargain okay uh i gotta get one right now where was the body it was in the hallway me and joey were in uh swiping our cards and then i went into the hallway and then the doors were both locked um it looked like he was hiding towards the cafeteria i have information lauren and cassie where were you um i went and fixed top reactor i was actually the one who typed in the button and then i started heading down last time ali said that it had to be mere jay and jay is dead so that should clear me oh is that you so the issue you kind of have here is i definitely know it's not nico because i've seen on the right side of the ship when we're on our own didn't murder me i've been in several situations with her and i know that the up jack and oli are also not impostor because we all may be cleared each other i'm sorry i was also on camera when lauren went into med bay on her own and then you both walked out of there okay scott you can't have it you can't have a grudge against me after you vote me out when i'm crew here you're not crew here captain i am crew here okay you're killing me i did my tubes i'll just push the button and get lauren i did my beep boops too people may even tell me what she normally does i was imposter too many times okay i'm just gonna help lauren get a good one here a juicer yeah i kind of called it from the start that this was a bad one because lauren went ahead and got sussed first round don't really have control of that i didn't see what happened i knew yeah you can't denu what to be honest i just saw lauren ollie and jack all clumped up together yeah yeah 100 yeah um yeah yeah you want to do polish oh oh both fun both fun you like mira yeah mira's misunderstood i went down there went on was like oh well it's definitely ollie because it came up saying and then jack just kind of skipped the queue for a second oh it was like it looked like you were born i was like i was with me the whole time and we all met being cleared and i was like yes i was gonna call you both anyway but like lauren you have a special way of getting sussed round one like when you got stressed i was like uh oh i love it i'm not okay lily and thea thigh catfish gacha is yate lara thank you so much for the super chats thank you for 30 000 viewers guys appreciate it it's jackie's jack when we we all met that yeah that's just that's just unlockers oh my god you're so cute jake i think i'll send a deal um yeah and i'm about to get voted out she freaks me out every day yes but also lord it was so funny because i have creamy vision i can barely see over the table so i could just occasionally see you're either the top of your name or your feet and i was like who got the gemstone electrical lauren lauren kills me every time she gets imposter as well so that could become for jake and nico this is a new map so all the tasks are slightly different and in different places yeah i've never played this i don't know this map either to be honest and if you're an imposter all the vents link on this map so the vents are very strong oh it's this one yeah so if you're the imposter you can go up to a vein and click the vent button to get in it and then little arrows will point up and you can move between the arrows it'll take you to a different vent so just so you're aware if you happen to use it because that is very good to use on this map jay was also very happy to kill you this last round what are you doing oh oh oh scott why are you hovering there weird i was counting the colors of oh my god i was afk that whole time thank you so much for not killing me imposters you're really nice so i was afraid of you gloom i thought you were sass oh no no i was just standing there i just got back all right i don't know i mean i haven't i really have like nothing to say because the lights were out and then i was doing the little switches and then jack appeared and then i see a dead body so i like i really don't know what it looked like to me is nico standing on a dead body but i think that someone's killed on stag and then while they were in the lights i have i decided to beg bring this so yeah i sat and counted the colors that passed me which means it definitely cannot be cassie because she didn't pass me all these stuck around me so he didn't do it jim i don't think passed me so that means that it has to be jack or joy right went south from the thing wait cassie who would you vote for i i i threw i threw in the jack preemptively because i don't think nico's lying here yeah i think it's jack and joey no so what i mean is the kills had to be people that got ahead because of the timing that passed because it was black blue white purple yeah i want to say i was like i i want to say i honestly do want to say it's jack because i feel like me and and then i feel like he just went for somebody and he only imagined him okay yeah i'm about to kill jack i just got into lights nico is standing on the body now it could be uh kill self-report or they didn't see who did the kill because they had the light you just said you saw nico standing on the dead body sorry sorry oh weird why didn't it go red for the countdown it was just like it never went red at 10 it was just like no yeah i was just like we're done it's not me scott and gloom for the first kill yeah i'm either imposter or i get killed immediately no poor lauren sorry lauren uh i'm clear here because it was a double kill and i was in the bathroom so i'm not doing tasks i'm doing detective work the gosh that bat's scary el capitan el presidente we're not losing today i mean we dropped one because uh you know it happens but we're doing good for the rest i'm not doing a task i'm figuring this out where's scott uh you seem like a fine guy hmm joy did you have to kill nicole wait what you know uh joey so me how do you know we we left we left we left joey and nico intrigue and when the reactor went off i went if nico dies it's joey yeah did i go so i ran down with cassie then stopped at wires and was like i'm going to double back because i've not seen either of them come down which they would have in that time frame and as i ran up nico's pure decaffting bodices in the hallway yeah okay i'm sorry joey i keep voting before people talk it's so bm that doesn't give us a speech yeah it's bm what i did don't vote yet joey i mean i i'm not yet oh so um reactor went off and i ran down with you guys no all right you should have stayed muted you would have met you would have met me in lobby you would have met me and ollie in there you didn't before we hit the door and like it took forever to get reactor gem was already in there we left you with nikoi he got us right off the bat god scott the big brain this is because you threw one you threw one of them out i was like he's clear it can't be me because it was a double kill i'm just gonna bodyguard him for the rest of this i don't think it was cassie because i i did see her not moving in the beginning yeah i thought he was just waiting around so she could vent away okay let's make a rule that you can't do that you can't say afk um yeah like if you don't if you aren't actually afk because i hate when people yeah yeah how were there were people dead jack did you kill people jack killed one yeah i killed jake okay cool yeah so it was what was wrong with scott's logic is that any one bottom half of the map could have done that kill because it's right by the event and it was a vendor that killed them but they uh i love i love the toxic idiot that stands in the middle and counts i was you were the one i wasn't sure if the lights went out in a color i just seen something flash but you were oh my goodness scott oh he's counting again he's counting again i feel like only an innocent man would do such a thing i'm scared i'm scared i'm hiding oh geez i'm hiding i'm hiding i'm hiding i'm hiding don't do it to me don't do it to me all right who died where's scott do you not see the body yeah please don't don't kill her first i was at a task that i've never done before in my life and could not figure it out no no i mean i came up because i was in the same task as you i was doing the like the bottle thing at the beginning yeah but it came out of the vending machine and on the left lauren's body is right by the entrance said she was doing the vending machine one no that was just i was no i was doing the vending machine i went up to gem did the task and she just left and then i watched his body you had to kill i get that so so ollie you're accusing gem right now i'm i'm not accusing her but she's the only person i saw in there wait how if you're at the vending machine how do you not see the report button though if it's in the entropy it's far enough away that you wouldn't oh i thought they were like right by each other wait so i didn't see like did you not have i thought you headed that way did you not go left and up or did you go down no i came in went to the vending machine then i went straight down here what if ollie killed lauden and then thought he would have seen gem patterns but i'm too i'm too dumb to figure that out so all these yeah do you feel are you suspicious of ollie right now jim i'm always suspicious they're both doing the test happens while they are commissioned but no i'm going to skip okay i mean i don't know who i mean i think it's gemma's only when i saw that that's all well it could be it could be neither of them it could have happened when they were both on the task is what i'm saying because if neither of them saw the report on the way to the test then it probably did happen while they were on it hmm oops i've got so much adrenaline right now because i'm like we winning we in this we doing it we doing it real big bigger than we ever done it okay come on come on come on okay i guess i gotta go 25 seconds joey please don't kill me oh no it's this way it's this way babe okay okay i got scott we're cool all right my man wants to check the joey okay okay yeah so like down from the bit at the top was its best i was doing the rock desk during oxygen at the same time right because it looked like you were coming up yeah okay so joey oh you go oh joey was heading down towards o2 but i think he's uh new at this map because he accidentally went through it the other way um and then he must have died in there so i feel like it can't be jay it can't be scott yeah the question i have is jack why were you at up oxygen auction went off and you just ran away i thought it was reactor i'm going to be honest with you like it's just so flashy and then i knew four people were in admin so i was like okay well one of them's got the top you didn't even go down to do the bottom one though because yeah a lot of people do that one too no that says that no no no no no no i went top specimen because i want to do my tasks up there when it's not scary and stuff no when i was just going off it's not scary someone reacted i don't trust jack for that that was really really sass and also all age reported the second book i don't trust ali for being in decontam during an o2 crisis has no one seen right red died that round as well right because has no one seen where red was it all that around either he's not been at the top he must died on reaction the um was he was what yeah he's myself went to reactor and him being killed conveniently where jack was no i honestly thought i honestly thought he was going to kill me i was saying the rocks but he went down i think the skills happened well or it's a self report but you and nico came on the body at the same time yeah well i mean i i wasn't able to press the button to get into d com so i assume that's because someone was pressing from the other side i wish we could have heard what nico saw what did you say uh i look i didn't see anything i was just going up nice decontamination yeah i didn't see anything but he's saying you saw the body at the same time i think olly would have killed me i actually i actually didn't he reported it and then by the time i got in there accidentally interesting yeah i i didn't see anything to be honest i barely walked into the decontamination thing yeah then has to be ollie then right oh no scott we gotta we gotta go we gotta go they just have to kill two and then one we gotta go bud we gots to go hi but also jack you passed north centre twice in a row which doesn't going up and going down wait who do you want to vote for first i'm voting jack go jack okay you're not reading logs right explain that no but what i mean is we 100 no it's not me j or cassie so you've killed the three people 100 because every other kills happened when we've been with each other yeah yeah yeah yeah sorry i love when people say no shot but yeah no i'm more obsessive i'm more sensitive ollie but it's because they all think it's you we'll get oldie next yeah oh we're all needed careful okay ma'am oh he's gonna kill him oh god oh god hey you're not being attacked oh my bad i know what you're thinking yeah i know i know me yeah uh yeah you know what let's know you know what it's a little chat maybe think all the things have been done i don't feel like hearing it today i want to say why didn't you fix either o2 ollie i was busy looking for my boy scott he was on lower oh too why were all three of you lower it's very strange because i i on it truth be told it's because i didn't want to die but then i left them both down there because i was like screw it somebody's got to do it and then i fixed it came down yeah and then i fixed it came down and uh yeah you're out of here see no please i'm sorry ollie even you are leaving no i mean i understand because confirmed each other without ever saying it to anyone see you left there's three that were right i know i was just kidding i was trying to find one of you i passed gloom going towards the right where the like door logs were i was like okay i can't go in there and just kill you so i just went up to the right killed them on logs i know yeah yeah oh yeah that would oh i was so scared of you guys doing that it was jack he walked past me and i was like okay oh lauren because she saw me then and then stood next to him jump out and kill her okay no matter who's impostor you do not kill lauren first if lauren sees you vent that's your fault destiny vesey brianna lara beat solo 66 maya harris see mary renee carter wild cat simply danna brianna lara cheese man kara halberg top sniper and kevin anderson thank you so much for the super chess new game careful um so um nico is quite new quite quiet oh she's sad she's stabbing oh too that's kind of cute um so i don't and i can't i can't kill scott first so this is looking quite dire for me um oops oh i can't read i would like i stood on the task when the thing went off to protect lauren while she did it and was like okay lauren's definitely innocent because she wouldn't know she's not arrested so but i didn't have it so you both kept just looking at me that's why i was dancing i can clear it yeah red and lauren and yeah yes i'm doing it i don't think that was weird of you scott but maybe even the masters can make mistakes scott no i literally was doing it right okay in the lord's safe so i will stand in top first so that i can get her to the next round like they'll kill me instead of her i thought you were going to kill did someone ask me something but ollie has cut your room short because he said to the first meet and learn so now you're right i just said i was like is is my round over scott you doing that doesn't make sense because lauren could have been the killer so we don't know we confirmed you're on the thing yeah and nobody died oh never mind also the only issue is his name lord and jake and all in our big targets on their back well i suggest you kill someone other than me i wasn't going to say it out loud lord i was going to keep no all that i did vote for scott even though i don't think it's scotland okay i'm having a severe problem hey mute i'm having a con a severe problem with numbers today like i cannot i can't cope i'm gonna do uh weapons hmm this is not looking good for me can i get a cute cheeky vent uh everyone's together dude i've been not seen for too long i saw you vet actually i'm and then we met up with gloom and you were trying to kill gloom you were trying to kill me can you validate the call well i think it must be i was doing it no i mean if he just did a kill his cooldown would be are we voting for it to take up 50 50 here kill me and then kill niko or vice versa like do both oh oh i guess you didn't even have to ask oh dying the death i found was in med bay by the way in med bay hmm i don't wanna do this dirty work no more oh yeah so i was with jack lauren's died on the walk up there sick love that my only friend well hold on i can who who just walked into um the place i was with you joey okay how have you known hold on you could i could only just about see jack no okay the thing is i saw lauren before i went up there so i know that the people that are with me are cleared right okay who's with you it was me uh nick and i want nikai the one that vented that's jen yeah nico joey kids i think it's joey and nico i was i was about to press the button to call for the 50 50. i should i don't know what he was doing okay at this point i went to the one two three four five seven nine ten thing what could have happened is maybe scott was caught and was accusing nico or it could be nico and joey but wouldn't they have gone for a double we would have definitely killed gem if that was the fact where were you in the round yeah i was genuinely i was with them for like a long time where did it end where did you you guys ended the round because i would but it's not the body is in lights it's what i was rebuilding a crystal so you're on there you're in reactor apparently how can you say in reactor if you were where are you i'm in i'm in reactor can you hear me i never went to i never went to lights i never went to lights uh i never went into that in that room by the way i was gonna say i can i can i think we should skip on seven lauren went ahead of us i am extremely confused but you met base scan didn't you ollie i met basically with lauren and okay so either it's clear yeah or it's it's yeah it's joey nico right i think it's terrible oh my goodness i mean i can't vouch for her but i can vouch for me all right it's pretty easy they fixed lights pretty fast i think that um i think ollie needs to go seven six five four three two good job nico you're a mass murderer do you want me to drop this vendetta you hold against me listen i mean for money right if i was like wow i can't believe you'd do that i voted nico by the way but just pretended to verbalize that i voted scott and then everyone else did it i was like oh you guys want me cassie would have seen that i was right but she just stayed quiet which i was like okay so it's castle then yeah if i'm not like defending if i'm not defending scott to the death you better watch out if i'm not defending scott hasn't defended me because she's being boxer but if they do then it's not on me i'm so glad that they killed you and that i didn't did you not have a kill children was that what happened nicole i i yeah we had to kill cooldown because i had just killed somebody else that was like didn't you pop you don't know where it was like i was like i was thinking i was like kill them that storage room in here i don't know how to do it peggy raven robertson and taylor marshall thank you so much for the super chats by the way guys i think this is my last round okay i'm sick of dying um i actually don't remember who i'm imposter with ollie oh he doesn't want to come easy double um huh are you okay you good jim okay do i think that nico is perceptive enough to realize that i killed jay there's a lot of people in here gonna have to do some funny business right so i might have used nico as bait you little tricky fellow uh jay killed nico invented out okay guys i was doing the the purple crystal thing okay that is a task i can confirm it you wait jim you were up there and you were innocent af what happened inside of reactor i left to do the purple crystal thing and now she's dead and she's standing weirdly at the rocks like looking at us okay okay so all right we get it gem you were up there i know that you're innocent because you fixed reactor with me what happened what i left jay that was when you were in the room where i was about to do the purple crystal thing and you're just standing there yeah there were a lot of people i was scared of a double kill it could have been jake but i think it was jake why would i event if i'm writing the right i reckon it's someone with a name beginning with a j yeah that really narrows it down ollie thank you it's three people you could vote for seven so we can still skip but i'm 90 sure i'm down to vote like should we be voting on seven wait wait wait wait wait hey jake would you vote for i voted for jay really why if you guys vote me out trust me if you want um just keep an eye on mine i feel i i kind of in the room with nico nico's dead gloom was standing in the room where the purple crystal is and then and then i left and then i left into lower deacon i left into lower decontam and then i went uh to finish my numbers thing that's interesting that i got voted uh i skipped as well i didn't get saved you guys you guys got lucky because i'm not the imposter just keep an eye on them um made a very good observation and i should have doubled down on it more but um then i'd be exhibiting a pattern of behavior and i don't want to do that so ollie's just kicking it by himself where is everybody miss click yesterday did not invite ollie or just kidding i was celebrating that my chat has yelled at my channel and i confirmed i was like and then jen just left me she just just ran over the roof and i made a point of going past jackson in the line that vents that imposter not me i swear i never saw hollywood all day a normal yeah i saw i saw jay walking out and like there was jem's body there and i was like okay jays say goodnight i was watching somebody vent like a madman oh also i vented right into lauren and miss clicked i vented into lauren and miss clicked and she didn't run away i went to kill gem came back and there was a body on the crystal i was like i can't come out where i was and then you were in the room where it was no i wasn't obsessed with you at all because you and i were like right by each other and you didn't kill me i kind of know why i don't know next to you lauren all right i'm going to end here as well i hope that you guys enjoyed this stream um we're going to play hide and seek now um yeah a lot of people are dipping right now so that was my last one amazing day today no problem that was really fun nico um thank you so much charlie j simple khaki rafaela godoy liardi menendez garcia thank you so much for the super chat thank you so much to my chat for keeping me company thank you to my mods for keeping the chat a safe place i hope that you guys enjoyed this stream i think i only lost once today i'm only going to play a few more big rounds yeah i was i was so i was so determined that i was gonna do good today and i did it i hope that you guys enjoyed the live
Channel: Gloom
Views: 1,612,485
Rating: 4.9419684 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us live, among us stream, gloomgames, kassie, lauren, high iq, 1000 iq, imposter, imposter win, how to win among us, funny moments, among us funny moments, no cursing, no swearing, among us gloom, collab, video, among us gameplay, among us memes, Terry, smajor, dangthatsalongname, among us game, stream, live, razzbowski, karacorvus, ihascupquake, cupquake, captainsparklez, sparklez, jay, kubzscouts, joey graceffa, theorionsound, neekolul, jake, laurenzside
Id: 2Wxx2dGUuuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 38sec (6098 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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