🔴Among Us Proximity Mod: KREW, LaurenzSide, Smajor, ShowThyme, OMGChad

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hello everybody and welcome back to some more proximity chat everybody's talking right now this is the proximity chat mod for among us going to try to talk louder than them we got a crazy good group today um we've got crew funny lunar draco you guys always say draco lunar rainbow as well as lauren major s major scots major showtime and i think i just named everybody and me it's going to be a good one i'm excited let oh let me know when you guys are ready [Music] i'm scared so i i started watching time stream like listening to sub but there were two things that he was like these are important things i didn't i don't remember i didn't hear that oh yeah i walked behind the table and i missed it as well so i was like i hope okay so essentially uh essentially it's proximity chat the closer you are the more you can hear if you stand on the other side of a wall you can't hear them anymore if you're imposter and you go into a vent the people in that room can still hear you even if you're like venting away until you pop out of the other side of that vent calm sabotage makes it so nobody can hear each other um so we got to fix that if the imposters want to sabotage it also when somebody dies um you have to you report the body we all skip and then we hit button around the table so we can all hear each other oh so the second button will let us hear or do we yeah because otherwise it's proximity when a body is reported so when we play we're not supposed to mute ourselves nope okay i'm ready i mean you can if you want to talk to you know your dad or something but um as as ghosts we're not gonna mute so it's more fun and interactive for ghosts um just make sure you don't hang out too close to the crewmates and give away vital information yeah all right should kill cooldown be less than 30 seconds that feels quite high yes it should um it's going to be 22.5 that's a good night yeah it yes 22.5 you guys ready let's go and i can't fix comms but that's fine yeah hey murder oh yeah [Music] all right everyone do their keys do their keys oh nobody fell for it [Laughter] i got my speed roll hey lunar you look good and safe yes i'm always safe are you are you safe i'm actually 100 100 legit um oh we should probably hide somewhere because this is not good you're gonna kill me aren't you no i'm not i'm not i would have by now okay i just don't i don't like going to lights it's a little scary oh okay okay uh and you did it hello hello hi hi hello yeah yeah we should probably split up a little but i'm gonna go with luna to do to do her node because i'm scared all right oh oh okay so we all have to skip oh no oh no i messed up the settings we have 60 seconds uh oh we have to play like okay we gotta play old school and use uh text uh funny found scott near near admin i vouch oh no oh what a disaster uh yeah that's that's a meh okay maybe okay actually i have an idea [Music] okay everybody stand on the everybody stand on the same side of the table right here yeah what happens yeah every time that we first call around everybody needs to skip so that we can all come back here to the boating time i think is messed up or something yes yeah should we just hit a little longer yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let's let's talk about it fellas so do we time ourselves [Music] um okay so funny right here yeah i found the body right side of wherever this room is um okay did uh was anyone with you funny nope i just went there by myself i saw a group of you guys and then yeah because you came to lights right past yeah yeah okay so i feel like okay not me not rainbow not lunar not funny anyone can anyone else vouch for each other um so i guess you can't see anyone's name so showtime's talking right now um i'm on the scanner and someone's in top d contem like i see the door open that was me who i just came in oh lauren lauren oh okay yeah okay so she she just was in top d contempt so that's the only thing i've seen so far i missed where the body was found so dracco and omg chad yeah well i was with him in the left side yeah we were near i was near the oxygen tank i saw him in the left side and then i was scared i'm omg chad and i was with draco near the oxygen tank unless they're moving monsters yeah okay okay so chad and gold are looking weird right now no i can't hear me okay so because of how horrible this voting system is maybe when we find a body we shouldn't report it [Music] yeah let's make the button a no-kill zone oh i can't fix comms so when when it's calm when calm sabotage goes off we can't that was great maybe we make the uh maybe we make the button in no kill zone no killing the bike okay yeah hopefully everyone's here to know that it's a gentleman's rule okay i'm gonna go do my tasks um feel free to haunt me scott if you're here i i do like i would like to have some sort of guardian angel guarding me guarding in me while we do these things okay what do i i'm gonna fix lights i i messed up the voting time when i was playing around with it i can do this good so it looks like somebody's gonna do a moida hey chad hi glue oh no this is a disaster at least you can hear me chad oh okay uh this is so sketch it's like proximity voice chat but like we can't talk where it's most important they got doubled right outside the office again interesting okay so i'm going to suggest uh that we rapid fire it so i can fix the settings [Music] all right guys all right guys here's what's here's what's gonna happen we're gonna we're gonna rapid fire and just start shooting people so we can new game and fix the settings okay let's get in this meeting whoa whoa it's it's her it's horrendous we could hit the button right now right uh yeah but it takes oh the button time is so long too it needs to be like 10 seconds uh we're learning sub settings are weird and rainbow like lilly died right now get out of here yeah right here we're getting ready right here uh do you think it was do we find any clues do you think it was fresh because i think i know i think i saw the people on scanner right now right before the uh button was called did you see him chad do you see him go in did you see time go in i didn't say i said nothing go into med bay okay i didn't see who it was i was just arriving and i heard voices i didn't actually see it i see i see okay okay wait so who found the body i i did i i found the bodies that's gold or that's lunar a lunar okay and it was in medway you were saying no it's right outside the office oh [Laughter] when i was walking in uh med bay i heard like voices which i assume must have been in the scanner because i'm in like the telescope you probably you probably heard me and shad talking on node no yeah yeah i was on i'm at like the telescope area oh i didn't stop it i didn't go that far but maybe not oh no one was on the scanner at the end of the round uh we didn't go that far okay yeah funny yeah i was hearing like voice i'm like am i like hearing things or what like yeah i was trying to like prove to her that i was crewmate and gold can you vouch for that oh gold's too far she can't play oh oh no okay who is it we gotta vote we have to vote someone should we all know everything i don't know she was what's funny yeah okay we just have to start shooting people guys so we can go to the next game or just just let the imposters marger everyone that works yeah okay someone anyone someone can marry me if they want feel free don't report bodies just nobody's in meetings just god haven't finished us and let them murder people game throw yeah i get us leave the server no no if you leave you have to be say everything is fair just letting it move to [Music] oh i gotta fix those lights i'm gonna fix the lights just so i can know who it was was i write about lauren hey everyone i knew it was lauren i knew it was lauren okay discussion voting yeah discretion time needs to be zero and bolton time can be up okay yeah uh there we go that works okay thank god um that means yeah we'll always be able to vote so i think if you report a body i know that's right i didn't want to like push for that the first thing i was like i don't want to be the one to reset it i think yeah you were pretty funny all right all right we said rick lauren and time just arrived by these and talking to me about normal stuff i'm proud i knew it was lauren dustin's specimen all right real game let's get it oh hey guys hey guys everyone do everyone do your keys everyone do yourself a great idea let's chart a course oh yeah yeah part of freddie course all right i still feel like weird talking it does somebody watch my back i got you thank you our kids are watching our backs literally you're just on lookout come on lauren let's go hi hey hey hello i don't really have anything to do but i'm just watching y'all just i don't want friends you don't have a single task in med huh in life i had the time he was doing this i see i said i believe you oh wow [Music] party and specimen i gotta go down yeah are you sure what do you have down there uh looks like the the organization of things into this coup oh okay okay i kind of i kind of believe that i'm kind of i'm kind of trusting you right now i'm kind of believing in you thank you specimen party i'm done in here me too yeah double double kill let's go you're right all right chad you sounded funny i sat on luna we double killed nat three two i'm just kidding wait i guess oh okay people when the lights are out yeah just like not as far okay um oh i don't know why i'm going to lights they got fixed i just started yelling i don't know i heard that so did we all oh yeah sorry i'm skipping i was just like but i'm doing my task oh my goodness well it's time to hide beauty or when you find a body with this it's so scary yeah it's a gloom dyed between this building and calm selected to the left of that wall over there with the coffee maker i was with draco time and lauren me and draco walked down and found it it's terrifying when you find a body i don't know why oh but where was everyone why were the massive party where did you all go i know chad went down with cassie yeah i know um i went too far away from the table and so that's why they're a little bit quieter i'm gonna turn them up i know it's really quiet accidentally flew too far away from the table so essentially what they're doing right now is they're trying to frame chad because chad was rocking with me for a really long time [Music] who is not push the button until we've like decided like or until like a good amount of votes gonna be yeah because what happened there is i think chad got put to like one corner and the people in the top right corner couldn't hear him you're talking so while we're doing our talking like obviously imposters can't sabotage or kill and then when we're like okay we'll vote and then go from there so i think we'll count right now we're gonna know anything yeah but i think we'll just call it so i was the one who was with blonde the most i know that that makes me super strong that's exactly what it is and this is me omg chat okay and is draco doing tasks uh funny and one other person i think it was i forget who it was me luna yeah anything lunar yes i swear i saw funny run through this office just behind this wall and i was like hi and then the body was found later so i'm super sus of funny oh my goodness i can't believe this is happening right now what were you doing over there your mom and dad were just driving they were just like walking together i was like oh they're cute and then boom now and you're blaming it on a toilet plunger who's just trying to do this well i can vouch for running because i started chad like just giggling and walking down there yeah like i saw them run past me i don't like anything yeah i feel like it's chad because i was doing my task and chad and but it wasn't no but chad and who were just like giggling with each other anyone who plays with me knows that i am the most sus when i am imposter and i'm just not suss right now like right oh my god everybody's doing tasks [Music] don't forget your tasks i'm gonna do my water wheel oh is she did she just did chad did you just see what i saw i'm gonna go haunt some other people you're dead oh my gosh lord how could you stab you we were still in the middle of a meeting no that we said we were skipping the meeting chat we said that that mean was done because the button had been called they were just going to go but wait you have to stay here and you have to stay here i need to go fix lights and then i'll come back and then we push back get her gone what's wrong with you people i'm gonna go and do the lights everyone else stay there and push the button in volt lobby okay [Laughter] chad the people were still in there having a long ass meeting and then we're like where is everybody we can't even vote right we're voting because she murdered draco it was supposed to be you okay i think i accidentally clicked lunar quickly but yes well okay did you kill bloom first lauren no i didn't okay so there's still one imposter that murdered our time in front of everyone that wasn't me either right rainbow where are you i'm expecting with rainbow rainbow let's go finish your tasks i have to go bottom left okay you're the [Music] [Music] you should have just you should have just taken credit for everything oh for all the kills yeah oh it was can chad hear us 45 hey chad hey i could kind of okay okay don't worry he's he's uh he's not all there yet damn that would have been smart why did i want them to get mad at me for killing on the button when i did it that was so obviously not you um do you want to maybe we should follow luna and you can be the friendly ghost loser wow there's a killer on the loose [Music] okay hello friends right so i it's between funny and lunar because i've been with rainbow for the last day right and so what's that happening no why are you guys watching so much i think it's funny it's not it's not i mean we're laughing just because if it was both of us you would have lost by now because there's only two um but also it was she i seen a body but there was a letter finisher task before i reported the body that's why it was funny so i was like just let me know when you're done i'll click report oh god you can't murder me at meetings oh my gosh [Music] you're welcome and then i killed him okay luna are you sure you're really gloom that was embarrassing wait we both loaded lunar vote yourself out okay new crazy i'm sorry everyone no you're not one lord lauren or psycho murderers crazy lunar you're a savage [Music] oh i'm sorry i forgot it uh hello hello hello oh i can't hear anything anymore hello okay we gotta reset um okay so um terry i'm just refreshing this tab and then i'm setting my username and now i'm connected right i think so okay and now i'm gonna create a game on polis then i'm gonna send everyone the code make sure you change the emergency cooldown button to yeah yeah yeah um where is that on the computer hello hello here we go i have cyan oh yeah for sure does anybody want red i like it but i can be a different color can you guys hear me yeah popping [Laughter] [Music] [Music] i kind of loved it good job quickly read the topic i mean what are the odds i'm imposter three times in a row uh yeah pretty high depending on the last game is pretty high pretty high lauren i don't like it all right chad hi who is that is that lauren oh no it's your it's your future killer oh my gosh just kidding i was getting so sussed for your death watch no no no no no no no no no no watch out no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no watch out watch out run run run it's that looked like it could have been a double run oh oh i see i see okay see this is i need to hang out with you big brain and you can i got to go to big brain we're just gonna have to step anyway per time i'll go with you next large all time poor baby i saw draco run really fast why didn't you report what i wasn't near the body i was in the drop ship because i was um okay seeing why rainbow mike wasn't working guys i saw him run really nice dead body going here draco you can't hear funny i can hear funny okay we can hear you yeah we can hear you okay good fun you hear me yeah we're gonna kind of get him oh wait funny can you funny can't hear him no no no i can't hear him okay sorry okay can i make a request that you move your character when you're talking okay so wait yeah cause you don't have the discord thing so you don't know voices yeah yeah you don't know voices right okay so funny you said you seen rico near the body i feel like this is an anime where where was it it was right down here okay so it's in admin which i was with lauren uh lunar and time were on the left side yes i saw him i saw a dead body and then i saw draco run very fast across it wait four of us were on maze though so that clears a lot of us but does that then leave it to being funny or dorico what do you mean i reported it i know but one thing is you're the only two that were with people i mean i'm quite happy to not vote anyone just because it's a pain to get these games going so like uh should we just uh should we just go do tasks all right come on guys thank you oh i'm gonna take the other side i don't want to die first please don't kill me thank you thank you appreciate it oh wait wait wait wait oh okay that's that's a hard clear right there that's that's that's juicy yep uh oh no okay no wait wait okay uh uh i'm moving but at what cost at what cost lunar okay all i hear is really heavy breathing [Laughter] were you saying glue all right let's listen guys listen guys scott i need you to tell me who did this because i left to go fix like really wait this was a this wasn't but i'm pretty sure it was draco it was two of the people on medscan they saw they saw funny scan they were like i'm gonna take her out it was two of them so who are the two scott because you're smart uh i think you'd i mean the lights were so i only seen draco because there's only a person with me and lauren and then later when i started leaving lorne and then lauren was also dead so i feel like you're so smart that you would you'd be naming two people right now unless you're one of them i don't know all the voices out of the script cassie but colors colors cassie delights for i don't know what you want from me i can't see but there were five of us on med scan it's um i saw draco run away from bunny's body all right let's get them going right wait where was it where was the found i missed that it was right beside the scanner like not okay so up on med-based idea because i was going with lauren because she was like i have a med base i was like i'll come and protect you didn't do a good job um gold was in lab cassie was in lab was in the lab uh funny was in lab draco was in lab so it has to be between me cassie or gold basically for the other one yep oh i can accept that let's hit the button and get someone out of here i'm sorry draco no what what if we lose wait wait wait what what what if what happened in the beginning what if majors what does majors do in a little uh twisty i feel like he would know the two people that did it because i left four people there i listed all four and all i said was the lights right i don't know what this woman wants from me i'm not right you said you have like very high iq right so i mean i'll take it as a compliment but the lights are right there's only so far my iq can take me in those situations but before the lights went out when i left medscan there were four people i feel like you wouldn't know four of them cassie i've literally said it has to be me or gold they were the other people there gold who do you think it is i think it's draco and s major yeah i think i buy that uh at least i got two i have no regrets [Laughter] weapons for me hey lunar stay safe out here it's dangerous oh oh i can't fix it i got that noise doing it i was about to but then you know i also would like to say i was the one who literally threw drake under the bus there and was like it was draco that's a that's a you make a fine point sir i definitely i'm not gonna yeah no that's that's true i just yeah i don't know in that case i'm in sauce of gold but yeah you asked me who i seen i was like the light's right casting the other people [Music] all right should we just hit the button get gold out of here gold what are you doing here hello everyone hey um so we're yeah we think it's you we're thank you i wouldn't have thrown this night here yeah we're called that's meeting right now chad is that sucks right there these two you see them what that they think it's you but they were just talking they were just like and then they saw it hi rainbow we're having an impromptu meeting oh i didn't hear that from there i heard it's grumpy oh oh no com sabotage are you attacking the weirdest friends i'm gonna go and do tasks okay yep okay i'm gonna go back up if lunar's oh okay this is what this is what's gonna happen i'm gonna go hang out with gold may i rest in peace hey girl hey hey like grab me no are you going to stab me no all right conversation with my girl cassie wondering if she's gonna exactly exactly come on let's go you want to take top left okay right all right good day all right what what tasks do you have i'll come i have three more tasks oh are you sure yeah you don't want to hang out with me the rat are you gonna kill me no okay please follow me over here okay oh me too let's go oh i thought you meant calms my bed no i'll come uh i'm fixing it okay rainbow rainbow rainbow the strong and silent type mic is broke oh okay all right well i'm just gonna do my download doing my download hopefully nobody comes tabs me doing my download hopefully i live to see another d um okay i guess i'll initiate initiating wires and then we can maybe get a task [Music] when [Music] lunar i left you with rainbow for one second no no no i was like that's me but he he's yeah lunar was with me i've seen winner oh oh okay cassie was with rainbow before i left her yeah no i we we broke off i went to downloads and nominal too chad where was the box i found the body just outside of where you fixed lights uh outside the double doors it was me okay so so scott it couldn't have been lunar right couldn't have been gold yeah it couldn't it could have been have the next major either yeah wait well oh wait did i accuse iq's gold right yeah yeah but but it couldn't have been gold so the chad that it has to be chat me it wasn't me the only one that wasn't with people i was with linda wait how where you were supposed to gold before why do you feel like it's not gold this time again because scott was with her oh i worked with yeah yeah he was with me yeah so it could still be gold who's vouching who's who is vouching for gold it's not me it's gloom because i went to go um down to weapons i left gloom with rainbow because gloom i mean yeah she was like to rainbow oh you're the silent type and then i was like okay they're together and i left uh we can afford to we can afford to shoot both of us if we get gold first we win though okay i'm happy to go voting gold oh yeah i oops i need to start standing closer to people when this happens oh two voted for me oh come on cassie [Music] oh she didn't mean it when she said good job oh it's chad right it has to be chopped yeah it has to be chad i don't want to get it over here it's not me it's chad 100 it has to be chocolate it has to be calling me i thought you were vouching for gold no all right come on come on loner let's get it you're right here chad it's not me yeah good one gotta be regretful like who who voted for me again oh my goodness oh she did it again she did it again oh yeah i don't know she did it again oh my god okay what do we do what do we do what do we do what do we do what do we do no lunar lunar lunar you are a god lunar you are a god [Laughter] oh that was so good scott i was like luna you did it how did you forget that it was only me and gold in that double kill situation i don't know wait was that the one on medscan yeah yeah well that's why i was like i wasn't going to kill lauren and then draco just slices her and met me when you were funny went to run towards it so i killed funny and gold was just there when you weren't hard when you weren't hard accusing i was like what but then draco admitted it so i was like okay so scott has to be clear yeah that's why i was like well i threw greek one because i did comment i knew draco was caught at that point so i was like oh yeah it's draco it has to be draco oh fabulous wow just fabulous rainbow oh we are no no no no no no no let me stop let me know okay no no it's okay let's just let's reset yeah yeah let's just leave just leave it all right all right i was imposter oh um okay i'm gonna reset um hey guys hello hello thank you okay so we're going to we're going to do a time right before you join you have to refresh yeah we're going to we're going to do a classic test okay so if you ever the page and that when you come out the game you enter a fresh page pet in the username and then log back into the next i'll leave and read i'll do that now i've been telling no one's having issues with you yet so i wouldn't okay sure well i just if you were the one yeah if you're the one having issues then we might have bugs yeah uh [Music] yes when kathy said test everyone okay well lauren's is always good so let's let's run the test all right if you can hear gloom go to the left i'm just kidding all right all right now we'll take turns doing this we'll take turns but if you can hear scott go to the top simon says funny you're up funny um if you guys can hear me you probably can hear me go down yeah i think we may all be able to heat each other i'm not gonna walk you can hear up here's london hi lauren hey lauren hi lauren hello uh okay we're good we're good yeah we're good all right guys hear me follow me all right let's get it all right this is this is a lot of strength oh sorry sorry i was gonna start all right let's start okay good luck good luck good luck okay all right this time why do i only have like three tasks i'm just gonna like speed my tasks this person really likes seismic scott really did good that last one like after i don't know oh i was just talking about i was just talking about how good you did last time i'm surprised i have all the ones that i managed to convince them in my state of view honestly when oops i i was really suspicious of you but i immediately forgot once you just threw draco out the ship yeah honestly the fact that leonard was like oh yeah i was supposed to go she only me oh yeah there was that too i thought it was like a full voucher and i was like luna wouldn't lie i want to go to spaceman okay yeah i don't but i'll come because i don't want to die i feel like i feel like we need to see maybe only gripping and choose at max yeah and accidentally because like when i quarterback i'm going to be off yeah this is the true this is the true all right what do you okay all right i've got um weapons and communications okay we'll go back out throughout the men for you do you have anything in labs yeah i have mates again oh should we hello hello how are you doing all right man this person really likes reactor yeah we do someone else example right yeah i'm sure okay let's get this because this is like one of the most dangerous things to do so let's get it out of the way i love how it's like draco decided to murder when there was like sex why has he done this he's a madman he's crazy okay hey luna it's always scary saying hey oh hey rainbow hi someone hi hey draco i don't think they have yeah great good one sounds so disappointing okay thank god thank god that was looking like a double to me yeah i've got this as well hey was it just me or is that kind of looking like a double to you oh scott move oh my god i was like scott move yeah no i had my driving upload i've i've done my past night so wherever you need to go i've not seen the warden which is the wording part yeah i think she's dead in the ditch somewhere can we go check out pickles all right who's that i think lauren might be i've not seen her i thought on the top left oh wow okay all right you're the imposter to weapons we go already oh not me i'm a slow bro you've been coming with me true hello don't let me die oh oh hello grip so this is terrifying if i was impossible i would be killing everything that's very true yeah honestly that's what makes me think it's not luna or draco because they're both psychopaths yeah luna lunar's like luna's nuts like she's so good she just gets it going hey lauren you spend the whole game an event this is my last one wait for me oh what that was amazing i was clean i was clean uh wow did anyone die at all oh wait sorry i muted myself uh did anyone die oh glitchy glitchy okay hey guys hello hey how's it going what happened ah that was clean hey i don't think anyone died and nobody got hear me yeah uh yeah yeah yeah yeah i think we need to what we'll see is no grouping more than choose yeah it was basically impossible for the imposter to expect from the square into like three years can you guys hear me duo's only yeah okay duo's only heroes only oh dude funny rainbow so peaceful yeah i know we were together too much you want to come over here med bay i think oh dear scott wouldn't you wouldn't right okay even though i've betrayed your trust you have betrayed my brother you're a man of your word um i'm not gonna hurt you now if i was gonna murder you i don't know when you were tucked away in a corner uh where do you gotta go species oh hey funny uh where do i gotta go uh storage all right i'll meet you here later i wanna get my tasks done because like hanging out and talking is like really fun so just want to get it all done as quick as i can hello specie i don't get moieted down here what's happening i can't hear we can't hear you guys wait wait i hear people arguing we're missing out on the fun all right and then i went into check hands one was there and i went down into like the co2 thing and there's a dead body in front of like the traction but i hear lauren just talking to someone i ran around the corner check that it was before i reported and she screams on one side of the room [Laughter] so what [Music] yeah i mean i heard you when i came into the room there's no way i murder someone knowing you're in there yeah it was odd you're playing like i don't know i just thought you're like hello guys wait scott you didn't finish your gas cans you just right when i left you you went to dough too one i did one and then i went to the other side i don't like doing both in the same round because uh i don't like the being in there you know that's a death room okay wait lauren what did you see i was just doing gas cans and i got lord screaming i did get wait who was i in with gold you don't know i was a rainbow that was in the neighborhood i was like wait i thought i saw golden rainbow but i can't remember who i know you were in there with rainbow yeah yeah so me and rainbow i was like talking through me filling the bottles and then i came out like how many bottles did you fill and i realized yeah there was a dead bomb it was like she said i walked in the car was like hello guys and she's like ah scott do you think it's lauren no i don't think so i generally don't think it is i think someone's killed them and then well they've been doing it if they've both been in there i think he's gonna drive by how long has this body been there for i have no idea that would be pretty hilarious though if i went up to rainbow oh i shouldn't have hit the button then okay so i i i hurt okay well what's your suspicions gloom because it would have it would have been fresh like if they probably murdered the person while me and lauren were filling bottles because we didn't see them yeah okay so like within you remember do you think like within the last 10 seconds of the game kind of yeah yeah i think i've just missed they had to have because we both walked into the bottle room and then when we walked out that's where the body was uh draco where were you coming from uh i went from the top and then i went to admin to do my task but i didn't see a dead body when i went past them doing bottles okay so you were on left side i will say i feel like it's not super hard to have conversations during this because some people can't hear certain people depending on where oh no it comes to this we just need to like insta vote and then move on okay because i think time couldn't bear any [Music] yeah are you are you killing people classy i would have no you wouldn't if you're a nice guy storage uh-huh it is you then okay it's that heavy breathing again hello friends hey taylor's where you can scan the person i forgot the name but yeah yeah in that case then it wasn't me or cassie because you were in spaceman and came up together me and rainbow somehow were together again and being haunted by the ghost of chad i think it's scott and luna what why why because i saw luna running away from the body and then run back up to it to report it when she saw that me and scott were coming through i asked you what tasks you have left and you didn't include the gas cans that you didn't finish when you ran to o2 i was going to go and do the storage i literally said i had the storage thing and if we ran out there was a body there i hadn't finished my tasks luna are you a murderer um i'm just gonna say right now uh yeah probably because wow that's hilarious you just wanna oh you got you gotta go gotta go gotta go right now yeah yeah i'm gonna drop a liar all right are we voting or are we tasking you can't you can't just vote me out you know just just vote lunar out all right she has to go i would she better actually be the killer in not a bathroom i just want to get here right cassie i'm going to go into my other gas canister because you're coming for me jesus i'm sorry cassie don't get too close to him she's been with me every time my face comes out blaming me sorry guys gonna have to put the old camera in the freezer at least it doesn't matter that i'm naked now [Music] oh my heavenly ghost if you're still here bequeath knowledge upon my mind all right i'll take that as i'm not worthy is anyone ever going to fix lights someone fix the lights if you can hear me you've been out too long the light's been out way too long hello why isn't anyone doing it oh my god scott what are you doing scott i'm not i'm not crossing that door if scott's on the other side and the lights still aren't fixed oh my god scott don't worry i'll get the camera back soon it just overheated because it's so hot in here [Music] scott is pathologically lying right now i heard his voice and the lights not being fixed hello hi hey guys um oh you have info what is that no i want to hear what you say first oh okay so basic basically um i hear okay so when we get into this phase right now i hear scott yelling why didn't anyone fix the lights i was behind the door hearing his voice listening to him talk and he wasn't fixing lights and then i went through the other side with rainbow and rainbow was sliced in half right in front of me i was down on the storage side doing the co2 in the green are you are you pathological these days okay then scott okay then scott who is it i was watching vitals and i saw rainbow die and they get reported so i said unless cassie says she saw the person kill right in front of her then it was cassie i think it might be this report why oh you think it's a self-report well if lauren saying she witnessed that happened in any store report yet scott you are way too smart to let lights stay out for that long i heard your voice above the door like the lights would have been fixed he was camping lights waiting to kill somebody oh i thought he just killed somebody again oh my god in that corner so long ago oh my goodness and then and then you forgot you had gas cans and i was like youtube i said to you i had those three times and it was i was doing other tests but also the fact is i was chatting to the dead people that i'd murdered [Music] um you guys want to do one more or does crew have to jet oh yeah okay let's do it i heard i heard we gonna win we gonna beat them no i can't get this card swipe going oh my okay it's okay this is my worst one i just stand here for like hours oh i can hear it yes i'm not true true yeah i can hear that oh my goodness all right i'm hitting specie oh hey hey time how's it going yes stay safe out there get that body in here oh if there is he's in trouble okay oops it kills me every time here in that here in the screen [Music] okay okay i can't believe this happened again who would kill you first okay so i i i don't think it's funny or draco because i was in like the medical lab with them and then i decided to go all the way to the left out of there go down i was about to do oh the um pulling the lever like the trash dude thing and then i saw his body so it stopped and ran and screamed okay wait wait wait where is this where's the body exactly it's all the way bottom left outside of that building like outside where the tractor did you see anything time i i'm with draco and funny in the uh the room right beside us here whenever there's vitals okay um i'm with i'm kicking it with rainbow yeah how was that meg i said i saw chad go to the right so i don't think it's him unless he like invented but yeah i've been do i had um to do the thing where you fill up the gas and then why was i doing after that we believe you i saw like no one that entire game i also have no idea because i don't know who went to the left yeah all right are we just going to run tasks then yeah all right somebody haunt me somebody haunt me please my ears it kills my ears every time [Music] show time were you the one talking about how you don't know how to swipe a card but you know how to use a knife i thought that was lunar who killed no no it was lauren what are you talking about lauren and luna were both beside draco and funny all right get him out of here are you sure hit the button get him out of here wait why i need to know why okay me was my it is to do the card swipe why would i go and kill one second later in front of everyone because lauren should we skip so we can keep taurean and lunar then wait lunar wasn't there it wasn't he wasn't here no no i oh i literally finished it and then after i saw draco and then so it was a stack kill someone reported it it might be funny because i didn't i heard time no i heard timing what do you mean no she's on the left with dracco still on the card swipe right i was doing the card swipe gold did you see anything i heard you scream no actually remember to skip if you don't want to vote someone off oh okay i i agree with that sentiment it wasn't me let's see how this is whoa i'm staying away from all of you someone screamed for like half a second like it's so loud i'm never gonna finish this downloading specimen come on let's go let me do it this time like i haven't had information for two rounds straight because i keep trying to do this downloading specimen like they just they find a body every time come on let's get it run run like the wind all right great we in this i'm going to go back actually through here [Music] oh my oh my barely just how warren killed him now [Music] out of my blue wait can you guys hear me yeah all right okay i'm saying i left here saying hey chad can you beat buddy up because i just witnessed the murder and he said sure and then we went over and he finished his last task and then lunar sliced him in front of me and gold so i'm assuming no no no no no no no oh lauren you're you're a liar oh yeah oh yeah is that what happens he's gotta lauren and chad and then after i saw lauren kill him and then gold like literally ran out are you it really feels like both imposters are accusing lauren right now but i don't know for sure to be fair i can't hear what luna is saying but oh i can't back myself i can't hear what luna's saying i can hear what lauren's saying and everyone else saying you're you are an imposter that's what you're saying if you think so you can vote i am not fighting no more if it's not me it's lauren because i i just decided to follow the four of them uh are there enough of us to not vote um how many let's line up all right let's count seven okay all right well you want to play it risky oh my god well i'm saying far away from both of them i've literally witnessed that kill twice i mean i mean if you die lauren it'll clear up a lot of stuff no but hey god kill me lauren was fussing me last time right but now yes he doesn't think it's me that's pretty crude-like that is that is pretty crew-like lauren wherever their dress is like you're always there and well but the input yeah yeah there's common variables i mean i mean if you if you vote out lauren then you can vote me next all right couple more tasks i believe in us i believe we can figure this one out i do oh my god oh my god oh it ain't easy being sleazy i can't fix this i can't fix this because i'm the host hopefully somebody fixes comms feels like i'm playing in the dark here not being able to hear anybody please hello hello hello hello hi everyone how's it going hey time how you going you know are you uh you you imposter time i think you might be um what yeah literally giving a dissertation about how the card swipe trolls me and then they could hear me and then they were like it's time yeah yeah the issue is is that well the issue is is that i didn't really trust lauren when she was hard accusing you uh now i'm very confused william gloom yep yo i just saw lauren fent are you sure all right let's get here let's see let's get her that three room and i wanted to talk to her through the event but she ran all right let's get her out of here oh my god no oh we can't with the lights out we gotta hope someone fixes it all right hello oh we have to skip dang it wow you guys sound like you have a case we do she's dead oh funny we have to go to the where um okay that looks bad now hello hello dead body i was assassinated okay so who whoever whoever is imposter right now killed the wrong person because lauren is now dead uh funny was just telling me to hit the button because she saw lauren vent and i was like i got you girl we're going girl let's hit this button everyone vent though russia's always wrong i'll have to fight and gloom run together but i don't know where they went okay electrical trying to fix the lights i'm gonna go find lauren's body uh because so we actually we actually have to vote right now because otherwise we lose okay who was top left show time you said you were top left no no no no i said i saw lauren going top left i went to med bay i ran past lauren too but i didn't see anyone run past me i know it sounds super slow but i was going down to that tree thingy to do my task though it's not me and then i saw lauren that's where lauren disappeared and i was freaking out that's why i went to glue green and lauren and rainbow lauren said she was beside rainbow a lot too i didn't tell her i'm just i think we should just go um wait wait yeah okay wait um okay so first of all lunar who do you think it is might be rainbow i'm not not sure gold who do you think it is i think it's lunar rainbow oh you are your brain in this gold huh is that what you're trying to do nope okay funny who do you think it is rainbow who was left sided really who yeah or glue i think it's cassie and luna me yeah why me i don't know because i've never been around think about the history of all the kills i've never been around for the first two kills i was trying to get download off in specimen but bodies kept getting reported every time but you did kill s major because s major talbot that's true first one who died yeah i found this less of funny because i was like with her the whole time we have to vote i'm voting for lunar i'm not phony i'm rainbow rainbow you literally saw me shoot we're gonna tie and lose if we don't vote the right people oh no oh my gosh oh no so what is it was it lunar and funny no i don't know [Applause] we can't do our tasks we can't do our tasks we lose we lose okay yeah you hit i'll i'll guard oh my ee [Music] all righty hey everyone two round two round two round two get em get em get em any any new deductions that we had in the last five seconds i still wanted to go find lauren's dead body um did i make it there i it wouldn't be there anymore a little funny yeah i think it resets everything yeah okay i'm really confused because gold and luna were hard accusing the golden literal heart accusing lawrence i was like okay it has to be them then but then funny was trying to throw lauren under the bus so i was like okay it has to be funny everyone vote for i voted loner i voted rainbow i voted rainbow i voted lunar who voted loner me i mean lunar was always beside the places where there were dead bodies okay so one of one of one of the three that voted for yeah rainbow is confused i don't think it's you cassie anymore just because we got this button off okay but can we just rainbow was also like also in the same cask room as me but when she did her crash like the asteroid thing wasn't really asteroiding it might be funny in the rainbow or something like that oh they're telling me they're still two imposters i just think yeah there's two and then there was funny and uh um lunar those were the four people for draco okay okay or killed so choose whoever you want okay so who are we choosing i'm just saying if lunar and gold were cessing lauren so hard why would they kill him i'm just gonna go vote lunar i don't know that's what i'm saying i think it's lunar i've never been so confused in my life same thing i'm gonna go funny okay okay why did you love me i was where this card swipe was and i was well i sussed you so i guess okay i guess i look super shady really guys uh no just complaining about the card swipe wait wait time you said who was by the body and we just randomly voted funny she was there oh okay uh okay well well yeah i don't know it's you cassie it's not me it's not me so then it's lunar i don't really i don't really know how these guys play so yeah i don't really know how you oh i literally told you who it was here's the thing here's the thing there's so much there's so much talking and there's so much talking in proximity chat that i can't remember what happened in previous rounds like oh yeah it's lunar and then golden litter were both like no it's lawrence one's like well it's obviously these two like that must be funny [Music] it's because it's because funny saw lauren vent as well so it's like does that really no but i mean when lauren changed after and was like oh no okay so it must be lunar but what i mean is like lauren literally got called by the tomb it was a 2v1 which is obviously an imposter versus army yeah i just like i just i talked i talked so much in this mod that i don't remember what happened in the past literally watching that from i was like okay they've got it and then the votes go off and it was all for funny i was like two murders i don't think a psychopath i know i love watching her play lauren i was like we're done game over luna killer alarm before anyone saw it i'll just she's supposed to cover me i promise i literally passed literally oh hey and she's like hey kills me oh my goodness well that was gg all right ggs ggs thanks so much for coming [Music] them that's how you'd be a killer guys honestly oh that was fun yeah bye guys bye guys all right guys um anybody staying on i was gonna say what's the plan do we need to leave uh yeah we only we only had an hour so i don't think we can keep going with this if you guys want to play vanilla we can but um we need to try and get like five people is the issue yeah that's a lot of people yeah yeah i feel like should we move into a discord call do you want to go into like the my discord the trust issues yeah all right um guys i have to make sure that my thing is closed okay okay so guys i'm going to end here but first i want to thank my super chats i'm so sorry for yesterday um or not yesterday but the last time i played this where i was not able to thank the super chats i just had so many windows over top of each other in order to run the mod that um i wasn't able to acknowledge them and so today we're going to do that shaq dear cupid kali kaylee cauldron honey cookie thank you so much for the super chat noella colgate cassie cordial oh cassie hey let's go thank you for the kind words sarah sanders it's luna lulu camilla duran duran stardust 44 youtube cc heather mcdougall thank you so much for the super chats bella brooklyn tavia kolk thank you for enjoying my videos it's jenna oh that's a really nice message thank you marissa perez ashley plays kk joshua fenwick thank you so much for always sending me super shots i really appreciate it joshua ashley plays kk savannah boos lazy duck gamer not lucky lazy lol boom thank you so much for the super chat uh lazy duck how do i feel about lauren being pregnant i'm so happy for her and it's just so nice to get like good news like that it's amazing um lol boom thank you so much for the super chat i do remember you anime toy thank you so much for the massive super chat thank you gina marie's page thank you so much for the super chat and for the kind words catherine plays iona lasseter tavia coke sarah sanders heather marie vada quick maria lawson cameron williams toast girl thank you for the super chat and the kind words vada quick mariah lawson vada quick and toast girl again thank you for the super chats lois jones avocado fun with phelan thank you for the super chat i will i'm gonna try to play on my server soon toast girl dark side eight eight four one fun law with feylin vatta quick velaze dandy do gaming olivia gross eleven thank you for the super chat jazz vlogs olivia gruse thank you for the super chat i love it i'm going to try vada quick and cassie cordial thank you so so much thank you to my mods for moderating the super chat i hope that you guys enjoyed this mod um i'm sorry that was only an hour we were trying real hard to i was trying really hard to get it going um for sunday um just so i could have something for you guys because it's been a busy week i have been streaming a lot so um recording has been hard but i hope you guys enjoyed the stream and i will i'll check you later gross giant oh it's a tarantula wait show them closer it's a tarantula that's not gonna focus all right bye guys um i might might keep streaming you can check out um twitch.tv showtime
Channel: Gloom
Views: 885,226
Rating: 4.9397588 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us live, among us stream, gloomgames, kassie, 1000 iq, imposter, imposter win, how to win among us, funny moments, among us funny moments, no cursing, no swearing, among us gloom, collab, video, among us gameplay, among us memes, proximity chat, KREW, funneh, draco, rainbow, gold, lunar, thyme, scott, smajor
Id: OMc4kZ02kOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 0sec (5220 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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