🔴Among Us with LDShadowlady, KREW, Aphmau, Laurenzside, Kubz Scouts (Gloom POV)

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welcome i don't know if i said welcome too early but welcome to the among us stream we've got a pretty good lobby today we've got crew with funny gold rainbow draco lunar we've got lauren's side afmau and lizzy as well as jay cause you gotta have jay are you guys ready to go wait give me one sec i literally had the code for this the discord overlay that you sent me and then lost it okay just some tech some tech stuff one sec gonna wait for her to sort out her tech stuff hello chat welcome welcome this is gonna be a good one although i am very concerned because before the games like bef when everybody joined the lobby lauren was like watch out for ld shadow lady and gloom and so now every time there's an imposter gonna kill us fur so i'm gonna like el presidente with lizzy and just like make sure she doesn't act she's like a very high iq player and like we i just don't want to have low iq end games so we got to keep him alive what's going on we good yeah all right all right let's do it i'm ready i'm tired i got the g fuel in hand i'm ready to go okay so i don't know what kind of a player gold is a little bit nervous i'm going to go to navigation fake some tasks wait until the whoa that kill cooldown is low dude that kill cooldown is low oh okay so lizzy do be kind of smart but i want a bit of a challenge so i'm gonna keep her alive i just think it's kind of boring to like kill the smart player straight out the gate like right off the okay lizzy you're just asking for it at this point ah lizzy's kind of asking for it but hopefully i can get her as an alibi here i just turned the lights out i'm so scared of unmuting okay chill chill we're all trying to get the [Music] man i don't know i don't know i feel like i should have taken lizzio but i just i just don't know at this point okay so there's four in electrical i'm gonna see if there's anybody who's throwing on the right side and then maybe i can get a little a little cheeky one anyone on cams no anyone in reactor no okay i think i might just have to hope that gold doesn't gold what are you doing bro what are we both doing i played the other day uh with like lauren and dantdm and another group and i absolutely destroyed that lobby and i can only hope that today i do as good of a job setting off reactor it appears that gold isn't doing any sort of sabotages whatsoever i'm going to try to get an o2 win oh oh oh no oh no oh no no no no no no no no i thought you hmm walk away from the body yeah no i saw i saw somebody kill i saw somebody kill and i was running away there yeah there was yeah there was oh my god draco is this a self-report are like you're absolutely nuts i had the panel open so i like i couldn't see who did it and then i turned no i swear no i'm the only witness i haven't even seen lunar the whole thing all right i have something to say i saw dude i saw jay go through a vent like just like no you didn't i don't even know where the webinar on this map jay were you on top of and then as soon as i went right to o2 the body got reported okay so this is this is how i this is how i play i i saw a dead body once i uh turned off the thing and i wanted to go look for who did it but draco like i i knew that he was going to assess me i should have just reported it i don't oh my god i don't know okay we in over the body he looked very guilty i saw it in his eyes i don't know what's going on right there like either it's a self-report or it's jake what i have not seen jess once wait what about wait but what about the jay venting situation okay we gotta get we gotta get jade we get jade dude i saw you pop out right now we get jane and then we can get me and draco after okay i'm gonna follow jay around no no no let's just let's just follow me let's get let's get jk no no no no we're gonna get j out of here then me and draco and then we're gonna win wait no no no no okay now that she said that i think it's jacob i'm kind of gone everybody letting all that i don't know who it is bye oh my god okay draco's gotta go drake oh wait but no people are kind of like stuff of draco so maybe he doesn't have to go i don't know okay stop watching me bud what are you doing should i just should i just i don't want to kill funny draco's gonna want to get out of here gold has to okay that was the only kill like gold has to kill somebody i'm panicking all right draco that's it for you for one day oh funny i think funny saw that i'm throwing okay it's my first bunny you just walked past a dead body dude i don't know how to report dude oh my gosh you don't know why i'm sorry jay i'm sorry um you were dead now i didn't see her no i just reported i just reported it lizzie was creeping i swear what would yeah she was you why didn't you report lizzy i did she did i just walked across okay i'm looking super suspicious right now but i tell you guys i'm crewmate i'm crewmate i swear don't okay okay i need to point out that now that draco's dead i'm kind of sass of cassie funny what was your rotation if you like cause lizzy's a really smart player you're just doing it i'm just a dumb player you should be nice to me i i refuse to i refuse to not believe lizzy because she like she's really smart i'm scared she's gonna die next time let's get funny out of here don't vote for lizzie do not vote for lizzy no i'm voting for cassie oh i mean you could sure you could you could do that actually she walked over a dead body and she didn't even look alarmed all right so if i get adjusted get rid of lizzie i'm cruel okay either lizzy's doing some really big brain stuff right now i don't know i don't know i'm suspicious of myself now guys if you if you eject a crewmate you should feel bad about yourselves all four of you ready okay gold has to get a kill gold please i'm damned oh bad myself like hello i'm getting all the kills in this lobby what are you doing girl like i wish that i could just say like gold it's cute you just hit q go kill rainbow right now the cooldown's almost done yeah no one will see it no no no no no one will be the wiser just get her all right whoever's here is dunzo oh and it can be lauren please please please please please please please please i'm not close enough i'm not close enough i'm not close enough oh hey this is not clean this is not clean what did she see the last dead body where was it it was in storage and it just happened someone just ran it was scary did you see the color white it was a blue the blue died no no who was running away from it but the lawyer died oh i didn't see that it was dark i just turned on the lights i was in the admin room cafeteria yeah i watched gold gold left and then i went to admin i last saw a golden rainbow nearby me yeah i was watching you guys hmm no i i went the other way i saw rainbow and asthma together but i went to the admin by myself hmm okay how do we know it's not you i don't know that's true okay it sounds kind of small right now i saw okay i saw the dead body flop over all right it was right oh so it happened right in front of my son i was very scared okay that's fresh if you saw it fluff over yeah it just flooped it just went like that it fell down so but you didn't see the person running no i didn't the lights were out it was dark well someone's still dying so that means someone still here is uh still an impossible so wait no no but three of you are saying you were together right who was that three i was i go i don't know i just want to know who you're with f like before you i was with rainbow and gold yep then i left i left way before and then i saw rainbow and aphmau still together and where was lizzy oh yeah i just turned on the lights this literally cannot be me because otherwise the lights would have not been turned on that that is true where were you glue uh i went i i saw gold go left and then i went to admin and then i decided to go right but then the lights went out so i was just running in the dark oh first game win i downed this entire lobby gold didn't do anything she didn't do anything okay somebody hits the button i'm gonna i'm gonna stab lizzy right in the face right in the brains right in the brains right in front of everybody don't do it don't do it don't do it gg gold i killed that entire lobby girl did you get one kill you gotta press q sometimes i had to kill that whole lobby i'm gonna let cassie do it [Laughter] i was walking around i told my chat i said if i said if it's cassie she's gonna kill me because i've been talking yeah no i was like i was like laura knows too i told you much i told you and i said my crewmates better remember this and they did not oh no dude cassie i would have dragged you i would have just made you lose if i did anything [Laughter] that was a good one gold you were good first one [Laughter] no no i i kept lizzy alive because i wanted to trick a smart player okay these guys are probably going to vote me out even though i'm curious so i got to try to get as much info as i can i'm going to get a download done then i'm going to do the upload and i don't know like i mean i can do tasks as ghosts am i alone up here please no okay okay so this is someone who's played before because they're actually closing the doors i don't think this is a crew i don't think people in the crew are doing this i think it lizzy i don't want to die please don't i don't want to die i don't want to die young let's see if the bar goes up when lizzie does a task get away from me freak okay i'm gonna stay with gold because she seems kind of clueless and she doesn't know how to kill even when she is imposter little why are you going the wrong way cold we've got 10 seconds to fix this reactor meltdown if we get a if we lose to reactor i swear i'm going to scream i'm going to cry i'm going to call my dad it's three two please that was so close i'm taken aback i'm actually taken aback all right jay i i don't know like i feel like jay's just gonna afk on cams this whole time like if there's if it's a good imposter they're not going to kill with the red lights on and if you afk on camps the whole time you can't see the vent i was like near gold the whole time so i have no idea i wasn't your goal instead instead of reactor gold stayed on the right side i was going to suss her for that but she's dead now um i feel like this is a this is a good imposter because they are closing doors like this is somebody who's played before yeah lizzy hello hi i don't know how to close doors but i saw i saw funny and she actually reported the body this time so thank you thank you we almost lost your reaction [Laughter] okay wait jess hear me out in the beginning you were walking down all right and then i wanted to follow you but then you shut the door on my face and i was like oh that was how do you pull that door i don't know how you close doors you can only close the door if you're imposter uh lizzy were you behind funny when she reported it uh yeah she ran up to the i don't know the task all right so that was it was on the task funny can you confirm lizzie was behind you when you reported yeah she was behind me okay okay i don't know i'm skipping yeah yeah i'm skipping yeah too early not comfortable enough to vote it was in admit by the way in case you didn't say that i didn't even ask [Music] lauren maybe lauren lizzie kind of wanted to say if lizzy kills me and like get her out of here because it's her i'm just creeping on her sure it's taking her a long time to okay what that ah that adds up that adds up it could be a ghost could be i feel like that's exactly how long it takes to do leaves i don't know i'm just gonna stick with uh lizzy and see what we see come on somebody scan somebody prove that i'm innocent these guys are gonna walk me out of here please lizzy get on the scan interesting i just saw lauren's body and it was me lauren and draco together so i think it's him what i was walking away and doing my test i think it's jay what no no okay it's him he was doing and it was way too fast for him to beat shields no shield is the fastest task you guys said you saw the body in admin but jay said he was looking at cameras and now oh guys where was it it was in the room next to where the shields are i don't know no there's no way draco get out i'm sorry i'm kicking you out wow leave me alone okay well if it's not me i don't believe that remember that because no jay wasn't jay did not lie okay well it couldn't have been lizzy on that one but maybe it's because i was tailing her i don't know i don't oh okay i really shouldn't have drank g fuel before this it's not g fuel it's like another kind of gamer drink and i'm like i'm actually shaking right now so i don't know how much that's going to help me oh no an upload by myself and admin uh if i get killed jay jay are you are you friendly are you friendly boy where are you going don't leave me i vouched for you i believed you okay if it's j i'm actually going to scurry looking at the taskbar while jay does wires and see if it goes up actually don't you have to do three wires for it to go up so i can't really assess them for that all right apps kind of freaking me out we got funny we got j we got rainbow funny j rainbow is anyone going to find anything i'm just tailing jay bruh this guy is taking forever to do his tasks i almost feel like somebody should kill me so i can be ghost and do my tasks faster because i just like i just want info so bad i'm going to check that bay what oh my goodness my scan never finished okay come on come on come on come on protect me bodyguard okay couldn't have been jay okay jay and cassie were next to and funny were like in the room where you like do this yeah we were in admin and then we went to now i think it's you because me and cassie are together all right where's lizzy and f i'm on i was a nav okay so you guys aren't together no no no and jay both went into med bay together and then aphmau's also at the top of the map yeah and then i saw that i did see gloom and jay together that's that's all i saw last yeah we were together the whole time yeah a day gloom and funny together and then i was doing the card scanner thing and i was failing so if you were actually there you would have seen that me and jay left while funny was still alive yeah why funny where did you go after that yeah where'd you go after you found and then that's when i reported the body after you killed down to what you were trying to pin this on me really hard i didn't kill her i spent like 10 hours doing that card scanner thing because i'm dumb huh actually i actually kind of come down from admin and then the body got reported maybe like 10 seconds later so where was the body um card room i went down to the left was it by event down to the yeah huh so wait let me get this straight you killed her then did the card that bent it open you're really wow i have no info on lizzie and app so i don't know what to do i think it's lizzy but i have no reason i've never i literally i'm not going to block her i've been on the cameras this whole time i'm skipping because i didn't see anybody okay you darn it oh hey why'd you vote for me [Laughter] why'd you vote for me i skipped i skipped i didn't vote for you draco did say vote out jay oh yeah he couldn't have done the last one i'm scared of y'all i'm scared of you rainbow i'm scared of you if they get one kill if they get a double kill it's gg but hopefully we got one of the imposters i guess i should probably do a task for once in my life oh gg [Music] i swore the other imposter was jay cause about killed me and then jay definitely should have saw that outbound wow he really was doing shields am i bad i did not expect that i'm so sorry about that oh no jay yeah i tailed jay because uh you suspect i know i saw you and i didn't know anything because of that i don't know any better i swore it was him because i saw him walk over to my like my body when i got killed and he just stood there for a couple seconds and then reported it so i i thought and then played it on somebody else and i was like what is he doing jess which girls did you do i can't even remember i got lauren um i think i got gold now you got me oh you got it literally out of nowhere everyone just knows how to close [Music] you can set off like oxygen and reactor and stuff there's also the buttons that let you close the doors you should have known it was lizzie she's the only one who knows how to use boys yeah i did not know that i would not use the dolls i can't believe that it's really scary playing in a lobby where people suss each other uh and it kind of like throws us all off track like i almost feel like it's better to like if you see something suspicious if it's not like obviously blatant i kind of feel like you should keep it yourself that was fast who did that lauren what are you doing or gold geez it wasn't me i was doing my task but you both stood there and then they didn't know that there was nothing that was definitely funny it wasn't me um jess did you see i think it was gold i think i walked away and so it was either the blue the the other one and no there was there was like three people on it where was it holy and funny were stood on lauren and now lauren is dead and then she just said blue but it's definitely not me i was downloading the file i was downloading files too no wait no you can't be doing that because i'm at the area where you download a photo what are you doing wait how many people were stupid well lauren this is one of those unsolved mysteries [Music] why would you vote out toilet paper what why would this vote me i needed you a few months ago but it's not working anymore i'm an important asset that you guys are i'm toilet paper yeah i was being dramatic sorry okay all right i feel like lizzy would not heart accused like that unless she was crew like she is trying to win it she was really really quiet as imposter both her and f were so i feel like lizzie is actually okay this time uh funny and gold really accused so i'm gonna try to see what happens with that o2 i can do that please don't kill me oh my god i'm shaking you who's with me you'll get away from me freak bruh are we going to lose to oh too we're going to lose so why is everybody going topo too guys bottom zoo which one do you think we're going to lose 02 right now oh 3 5 1 3 1 please okay i'm sorry i gotta hit the button over this because that is just absolutely that is just absolutely ridiculous all right guys like we almost lost to o2 i'm scream oh rainbow's dead how come funny and jay ran up away from right because i don't know the math i have the same yeah there's a flashing red arrow you follow it like you guys were coming from bottom oh too but you didn't solve it and we i had three seconds left when i solved it you don't know what i had to say i was like where's the arrow pointing and then somebody closed me in the room yeah thank you called the meeting so you saved me thank you somebody closed me in the room and then you called the meeting how are there six of us down there and nobody punches in the code i'm sorry i'm a noob that's my excuse thank you remember from last round how gold and funny were both stood near lauren when she died it's definitely one of those two but i still don't know who i was with gold in the cafeteria and i was walking with somebody else that's all i remember and i did not see funny that's all i'm saying and i no i was walking with jay and we were very confused going to whatever that thing was actually that kind of thing that you know you can be confused and a killer at the same time they're crazy i think it's funny i think it's funny please what do you say that it's not me it's gold it's funny that everyone's so funny her name i'm changing my username okay after we vote her then we're going to vote gold right no no i mean that might be a big brain if we're wrong about this it's gg if they get a double kill uh the information in this lobby is a mess and like i can't believe like like we should i think we should play paulus next cause like all i have to do is be imposter and call a crisis and we lose or i win but the crew loses if it's lizzy again i swear i will okay all right if i get killed all night so i'm gonna scream all right well no better time to do electrical than when lights are just called this is like the best time to okay i found a dead body it's luna's dead body and it was where i last saw her or him who's luna oh i am i am a girl i last saw her with gold yeah me too all right i wore clothes in the cafeteria it was me golden lunar and i left i was i was following lizzie when somebody else reported it when lizzy replied wait i reported it okay all right gloom i'm bad at lying yes like you could tell if i'm lying and i'm honestly telling the truth right now i think it's a day because he's targeting me i i did my own thing i was body scanning no you retired jay did run past also but i i assumed he came from a different place but he couldn't i was already suspicious of gold so maybe i just had that on my mind so it's either gold i'm a crew i'm going gold i swear okay i'm kind of worried about jay yeah you're going so hard for gold for stuff that you didn't even see yeah because it was me golden lunar in the cafeteria we got closed in and then i left and then now lunar's dead um see the weird thing is that's not even where i found the body though the body was in admin so now i don't even know what's going on oh interesting well maybe they followed each other and then gold killed me i'll follow lizzie so then she can see that i didn't kill anybody unless she's the killer but i can follow her i don't think it's lazy i think we got voted out no i got voted out it's not me guys hey watch gold oh no oh my gosh oh no hey i tried to vote for jay oh wait i did vote for jay oh he's gone um i'm nervous i gotta find people i can't be alone in a situation like this i have just been like not doing tasks in favor of getting information and i do not have the information okay he's caught we win i just found a body together which means it's one of you two yeah oh lizzy i thought you saw um i was in the cafeteria the door is closed on me i was doing my electrical tasks no you weren't what was the electrical task where the switch thingy the red the red switch thingy in the left switch i don't know come on lizzy get him get him lizzie benjamin where are you right now i'm literally in the cafeteria running around cause the door is closed on me are we all in the cafeteria now are we only because we get put there for the meeting yeah where so draco was in electrical half miles in cafeteria the body is in storage i'm going with rico gold you take this one take over the investigation um who are you voting i'll just vote whoever you vote i told you i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure these guys have just voted each other so it's down to it is it half now i think it's after no no oh my god was it the psychotic laugh she just did is that what gave it away i always have a psychotic laugh there's no way that you can prove that i don't know who did you vote for gold i voted fomo oh um nobody bruh bruh i'm telling you it's not me okay it's not they're working together it's golden draco you listen to jesus [Music] oh [Music] but i have a halo on my head you're gonna regret this hit the button hit the button hit the button hit the button hit the button whoa look at our task bar dude it's end game and nobody has done tasks lizzy run for your life oh my god it's gg it's gg is that why oh okay draco's going to go in for that right now this is a gg run gold run for your lot draco carried i just was silent i was like i'm not going to say anything cannot believe this i don't remember that taco you are i'm voting you up for me ma'am oh lizzy i thought you saw it i was like yes we're going to win and then you're like excuse me so hard did it just happen just before we did yeah yeah okay i mean at least my first game was impostor but i'm hoping to get some more imposter games soon a lot of people i know don't like playing imposter but i'm actually quite a big fan quite a big fan indeed upload alone with draco why was he waiting for me i you know what maybe me and dracco have a have a connection maybe oh okay all right i think i think she cool now i got to go to oxygen probably got to do both of them because i had to do both of them last time we almost lost the entire game come on guys you can do it you type thing yep type the numbers okay lizzy's on this side i gotta go to the other side why is jay coming to this side okay oh i'm like uh like every time there's a crisis i lose my actual mind because of we had three seconds last time like i couldn't believe it i need to shut my laptop because i looked at chat and i don't want to accidentally see anything and chat i will i will talk to you between games but i cannot look at you during games because i hate when people do that i feel like it's cheating even if it's emote only because then you could just like leave emotes the color of whoever you think it is although i've never really seen a chat do that i think it'd be like a big brain thing to do for the chat but then it would like kind of sabotage games all right lunar what's the what's the situation that's such a strange rotation but wouldn't put it past wouldn't put it past her okay i just had to make sure jay oh no poor jake he's dying every time i walked into the reactor room and found you oh wait two people are dead yeah oh all the way to the bottom left corner i think that's the reactor room the room with the big turbine thing that's like smoking yeah that's that's far left right yeah yeah far left the only person i saw on my way there was in the electrical room which i can't oh it was me it was me that was me you were running out of left side like you were like you were running from something like you were running from nightmares like you had seen something hmm wait wait did two people die yeah isn't that round yeah i have no idea where luke was then lauren sounds confused okay i think she's anno so yeah whoever the imposter is killed the two people with brains so yeah yeah because it took a while for anybody to find any so gloom yes hey i'm trying to help you guys out here i'm saying i saw okay so if this body was on left side i saw a lunar coming from left side and she was running around cafeteria in a way that made absolutely no sense all right i was trying to look on the map what like where [Applause] [Music] electrical okay lauren's having internet issues yeah i think i mean yeah all right you've been ejected okay this is gonna be a tough one to win internet going out are you on the game yeah i think i kicked you am i back or can you hear me yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the internet went out and came back on so it kicked me oh that sucks oh my ddos worked damn you boo all right i'm up the weight sorry guys can you guys see me now am i back i can hear you oh whoops okay genuinely looks like draco's doing tasks if he kills me i will be surprised i will be very very surprised don't do it okay lunar like fixing the non-existent lights i just don't i don't trust it i don't believe it i don't understand it but she also just could be really new so i don't know like just don't know i feel like af would kill lizzy what do you do hmm i gotta do tasks every once in a while draco running from cafeteria away from the crisis hopefully he comes back this way because if he doesn't i really feel like he's throwing whoa it took those guys forever together why is the top one still not solved [Music] f4 you're running away from it okay that's enough of that okay so i was wondering why top reactor wasn't solved um and af was just running away from it with blood ever there was blood everywhere i saw funny running away from the oxygen hey because i wanted to see who murdered that person they were running too fast i think it was purple i saw purple run i think it's half now oh yeah are you with just then who are you running away with do you not want to say who that your second imposter is or who was with you there's two of you no i was running away because i saw funny go in the room uh uh uh you were running away from the dead body yeah cause i saw people coming in how about what am i doing why not report it yeah why did you report it i said i saw you run into the room yeah that's where the dead body was and then i didn't want to report it because whoever was running and i think it was purple why would you chase somebody who was running why wouldn't you be caught because you were running from it i wanted to make sure who it was you guys were running you said that last time and then look what happened i know oh my gosh all right at first i keep seeing her do suspicious stuff i tell you guys to eat her and you keep leaving her on board i swear i'm sorry i'm voting i'm trying to go right okay fine you know i'm buddy i'm sorry i love you i don't mean i'm going to kick you okay guys get rid of jess she was running away from the dead body all right with with funny they were holding hands running through the field laughing her legs were fast no i was chasing her why didn't you report it together because i don't know how they're both i bet they're both impossible i was running to the tech room well we almost lost to o2 again we can't let this happen oh i just realized oh whoops kill each other i'm bored what is lauren on about all right thankfully i am here i'm here oops okay now me and draco gotta go bottom o2 because no one's gonna do it no one's gonna do it please okay i will be very very impressed if i come down here and somebody's already on it oh what do you know wait gold do not blame me it wasn't me are you sure it wasn't you yes i was trying to go start off the thing i don't know i i guess i should report people what happened why did you come from down there and you ran up i wasn't i was with you i was dancing around you i'm not it's gloom what no i solved a taco two and i was on my way to solve bottom oh too because no one else was doing it okay i swear i think it's luna no way weren't you with aphmau though you guys were holding hands remember what gloom said wait wait wait funny gold were you together that whole time yeah no but then i would but then i walked across the dead body and i didn't want to report it because i wanted to turn off the admin stuff oh but you didn't turn it off you came it'll be i wasn't looking to it i was gonna walk and turn it off and then i saw the dead body and you you went up and then you went down with me okay so this is what we're gonna do this is what we're going to do we're not going to vote on four funny and gold stick together me and luna are sticking together i think it's good if i die it was lunar if lunar dies it was me okay so we're gonna stay in groups of two no what that's how you lose the game what what you want to vote on for is that how you win the game yeah all right all right all right whatever you guys want gold gold do you have to kick lunar it's lunar or gloom okay trust each other yeah if you guys think it's lunar i'll go for it but it's up to you yeah gloom yeah and see and gloom's confident of kicking lunar exactly i do have a i do have a big mouth when i'm crew i will say i swear it's glow please if we don't win i'm gonna be so embarrassed please come on come on yeah and we're not dumb oh good she kept killing everyone i only killed one person yes you are so scary i saw you running after me and i was like oh my god i told you her running in the cafeteria was sucks i'm back yeah lauren yeah my internet just like completely dipped for like a minute and then came back i don't know what happened to that yeah let me know if you guys want to switch maps or something maybe after this one we'll switch to the ice one that was pretty big win two really big ones i really hate like the excuse that you don't know what's going on because i i'm inclined to believe it so like i hate it it's it's it's i feel like it's like far more challenging to play with people who know what they're doing and people who like know how to fake things well but if it's somebody who like doesn't really know what they're doing and they say that and you kind of you don't know like it's kind of like throw as crew to like tell people that you don't know what you're yeah doing like what are you doing in space if you don't know what you're doing yeah right like we're in space we're astronauts you know like we're here for a reason like nasa hired us like we got like three phds on this set please don't stack kill me [Music] also i gotta be careful how much i talk because i do feel like i i was really like overpowering the chat last time and i got kind of annoyed when people do that i'm just kind of like worried because i don't want anyone to like third imposter so i opened my big yap all the time why is gold avoiding the crisis dude like do i suss her for that is that something you can somebody for oh no i hate this thank god it's the worst task in the entire game all right who's on cams lucy draco lunar funny heading to left side lunar in here by yourself taking a while to do it but this is a little bit tricky when you do it the first time i'm just gonna see if anybody died because i saw a lot of people come up through here lizzy's still on cams it looks like she's like on cams but not really on cams honestly lucy if you're imposter just kill me and these guys won't stall reactor like it's gg okay i'm not so sus of lizzy anymore i think that her being on cams is a good play because i i you know i feel like okay lauren's dead carcass beside medscape or not lauren's i'm not uh that's like funny sorry i'm used to you being uh i'm used to being yeah i'm usually black character yeah okay so funny's dead carcass on med scan hmm i wasn't even i was down in electrical the only person i saw was lunar down there who came from top for from uh for a reactor not me has anyone been in med bay at all this round i haven't no no no no one's no one that's willing to admit no nobody he just died i was on the cameras i feel like i saw lauren running around near there but i don't remember if she went in uh what i was never near med bay i thought you went over the in the corridor but maybe i'm wrong i've got nothing oh i got nothing too bay [Music] i i hate counter accusations i feel like if your career you don't do that i'm pretty sure i saw gold like in the area yesterday or not yesterday last round on the left side but i'm not sure if it was gold or somebody else because i was like pretty focused on what lizzie was doing ew why are you following me stop get away from me so i feel like this person they could have vented i wish i could just like wait by the vent like this person like i feel like they vented out of med bay if lizzy was on camera the whole time they could have vented into cams and lizzie wouldn't have noticed where the heck did jay go okay jeez now lauren is dead yeah okay so yeah lauren's dead body it's to the left of uh med bay you're finding a lot of dead bodies i am i sure am that's where the kills take place yeah no no but yeah i found two bodies in a row i i know how that looks i was falling gloom she didn't kill anybody all right unless they're working together no i'm not working together wait were you you followed me into admit and then out no i was just i followed you and i didn't see you kill anybody so but we weren't together the whole time why why are you vouching for me i saw a golden admin but i didn't see cassidy oh okay maybe casually went out ahead i did okay i saw both of them i saw them both of them uh running out of cafeteria and then i just followed them because i didn't want to die okay lunar and rainbow were you on left side at all last round no i was like doing the security i forgot what room it was but i was i was just doing tasks and then i was trying to run to the because i saw like a red arrow flickering so i was like trying to go there okay and really out anyone yet or no no no imposters there's two impostors in here do we have to back this around yeah we have to otherwise they double kill and win well my suspicions are on gloom just because she keeps finding a lot of bodies it feels bad man it's not me why are you gonna find all these bodies what the this killer likes killing on left side i don't know i feel like jay's awful quiet well because every time i talk i third imposter oh i'm not talking this [Music] definitely try to hit the button otherwise i think you guys lose all right i'll got an emergency button damn okay so we got to sabotage right now rainbow oh spaghettios i was right i was right i voted jay i was right and then i got thrown off the ship like i knew that jay was quiet oh wow wow [Laughter] [Music] oh uh okay so i'm gonna make a new map nice all right i almost messed that up rainbow yeah hilarious hello he's not the third imposter he's the imposter no he was he was so quiet jay was so quiet i knew it was him but it looked so bad that i found two you should who's your crew mate i use the power oh that's me that's my strategy [Music] oh that's that's a good thread i'm back so no one can remember come on all right we don't have keys let's see if anyone fakes it j nope wait who the heck is crewmate nobody faked keys i'm impressed lizzy how could you that was awfully fast wow kill crewmate yeah poor crewmate lizzy right in front of me i don't know what you're talking about i i think you know what i'm talking about wait but you cassie reported it i'm so confused so how did you see that jay if the lights were out because i saw light blue run past the body as it was cut in half you could believe me or not i saw what i saw i know who my vote i don't even i don't even know what happened so uh where were you were you in light chop the body up and the rest is i when it was reported i was just getting through the doorway is the body behind or it is it's real yeah it's pretty bad considering where you are that does sound bad yeah i'm not i'm not i'm not confident getting rid of lizzy just yet like the lights were out and like we were all going in a clump that is true but i can't take my vote back i understand if it was lizzy i just threw off to the lights we go don't do it lucy lizzy is always on cams it's really smart for i feel it's really smart for an imposter to like be on cams because it's like the only it's like one of the places you can be where you can pretend you're doing something when really you're doing nothing and also like when people are trying to question you about your tasks you can just be like oh this one can't everybody went for me it doesn't count what do you want me to do not be on camps you crazy okay so we got lauren on left side jay on left side jay getting awfully close to lauren and not doing a task lizzie on camps i didn't even say i can guess what those conclusions might be and all i can say is i was just looking to see if the murderer would return to the scene of the crime and guess what they did funny came back lister was way too close to that home see i didn't even expected [Laughter] gloom is peeing that's where she is wait sensitivity is higher than mine but i'm still pretty good okay i think the trick to that is you gotta hold it at the end someone's gonna die right now okay nobody's left side i got it somebody got it they don't play my game well i'm trying to get your tasks done you abandoned your crew hey they got her yeah ladies and gentlemen chat we got one perfect who's the other one oh no he's going to help this other person sabotage i it can't be jay because jay would not accuse his second imposter right off the bat like that i'm way too shaky for this task man i need to change up how i imposter this map because i would like to do the old specimen kill i just feel like it's so easy but it's so predictable and people see you go down there who died who died ah yes all right so i saw golden rainbow both standing near the body when i was walking in yeah because i took a while to report because i was wondering if any of you guys were gonna report i just walked in when you two were already standing there i walked in rainbow walked in first and then i walked in afterwards rainbow you guys we were standing at this i think rainbow was debating whether to self-report or not no israel no i wasn't i wasn't good there and i was like is anyone seeing this and then no one reported so i was like okay i'll guess i'll click it wait lunar who did you vote for i voted for rainbow i don't believe her wait why would you vote so fast yeah lunar i always go fast what are you talking about because the rainbow said she was you guys there's one there's one more killer we can just we can just end the game okay i vote rainbow but but i don't get it like why why didn't anyone else report like why did you why did i don't listen to lies right why did you take a contemplate whether you should report or not because i was like why aren't any of them reporting i was like come on rainbow that is the worst worse lauren what are you thinking right now i don't know do we skip because lunar voted really quick well i feel like lizzy is definitely out so there's only one one left so i can't see why gold and i don't know i think it's lunar i don't know no no no no no no rainbow you are losing a teammate but now i was really not even here why would you vote for me i voted rainbow i don't know i picked i oh [Music] nice knew it i'm so sorry i'm the worst teammate ever okay i was like oh my gosh lizzy's a serial killer i kept metering right in front of people yeah he's blood hungry she did that at earth meal real fast yeah he asked bro i was like i was like right in front of me too savage apple why is your name kermit you didn't do anything i still have not been imposter yet what's happening uh you'll get it wasn't impossible so stressful all right come on team and crewmate hopefully i don't get okay we have keys this time light sauce on purple no stack kill very good why didn't purple come to lights and why didn't purple maybe it took her a while to turn the key who knows a lot of people went left might as well see what's happening [Music] [Music] what are the odds lizzie gets it twice [Music] no one's ever going to find me down here what was i thinking come on lunar get on get on down come on down to wheeltown come on we got a body here please oh no lisa's being a little bit more careful this time so i feel like she's gonna i feel like she's got a pretty good chance oh no i had med scan and everything yikes oh lizzy you are a nasty woman come on funny please please please please please please come on come on come on um it was really dark but i saw lizzy but i don't know no but like i don't think you're bad i just saw you there [Laughter] funny what do you mean unless you're the killer we're not doing this again it could not be like near each other it could possibly be you again it's random i can't see it's too dark i was trying to turn uh turn the lights back on the last time i saw gloom was when the lights went out the first time and she's such a good liar and that was the last time i saw gloom i was gonna say did anyone else see her after that no no i don't know i think i saw like the same time you saw a problem when everyone was in that room yeah what about lauren what was her body i don't know no idea i don't know i didn't see it we just knew she died i know that i was next to draco when we were doing the task together and i was trying to follow lauren because i loved her and she gone yeah i thought i saw aphmau and draco up in like the lab area the lights are still out sometimes in this game you just have to believe in yourself and play funny okay you know what let's all run i died in vain lizzie i think she knows that her other uh imposter isn't going to do the killing so i assume it's somebody in crew and she's just really taken she's taken every chance she can to just get people to just get stragglers me and lauren were like hardcore stragglers like our positioning was a straight up throw what's going on here what happened what is it i didn't run to the lights so don't suspect me that's all i want to say okay oh okay okay who was that out there i didn't i was what do you mean okay all right cool why would you use your button for that i did see dracula i was going to the lights i was trying i was on my way wait how come no one was at the lights it doesn't take that long guys i was literally there i didn't know all of that we were all better there was at least four people including me oh i'm dumb then i was going to electrical you know what just ignore me yeah nobody died so we don't know did last year anymore oh my gosh except the sauce on lizzie please don't forget please don't forget guys come on come on i'm telekinesis from the grave i don't know seriously i didn't see you come out of a hole no all right i swear to you i'm always roommate jay cannot go two seconds without third impostering unless it's him and lizzie unless it's him and lizzie actually that's a pretty good combo if it's jay and lizzy i'm kind of rooting for that i kind of like kind of a fan actually i might buy tickets to their concert i feel like jay would be a little bit more bloodthirsty though if it was him draco you better watch out oh no lizzy went straight through the hole let's follow lizzie and see all the murders she does oh she likes she likes this map [Music] okay it was next to a rock the body i saw it which rock oh um it was jay's body it was jay's body's like right above where we have the meeting room where the office is i saw jay's dead body oh oh lizzie got that one early is gold dead too or was that another round no uh i think golden star i think that's a new one um right side or left side just um i what do you mean middle okay the right side of the map is like the left side of the map remember yeah it's the um the it's like the middle or it's like where the the room is where you have like the office meeting like if you go to the room that's where the dead body was is i was in the specimen lab and we walked past funny exiting the specimen lab i was on the right side of the map and lizzie was like walking to me do you have chores in there lizzy yeah and funny i was in that room where you're supposed to flick on the switch i forgot okay i believe luna because she's saying her tasks i was doing the scanning thing i did the telescope and then i did the thing where you have to add the things to the vials i was i don't know what it's called little thingies in the thingy the shape okay what i don't know what it's called the specimen one where you put the skull and the crystal in the hole that is a task yeah ask that one before you found the body i was in storage right around trying to figure out where all the tasks are and then i just stumbled across the body walk into laboratory but laboratory you know medscan is what you get to prove you're not an imposter so i'm just saying whoa what whoa nobody skipped what oh come on come on guys that was a little sucks [Music] that was a little sus as imposter like i'm always way too scared to vote like that are we gonna lose to this we might lose this we might lose to this lizzy knows that nobody here does crisises lizzy knows that's why you have to do them oh no no oh i was gonna press the emergency button but then that happened you're dead i just wanna say every time the doors get locked it's always lizzy yeah i'm gonna vote that yeah i'm gonna play race a lot both both bunny and jay lizzy yeah rainbow what about gloom glooms has to use doors i do every time i close the door i'm holding an emergency meeting first round yeah i did i had to kill it she was on to me i knew it yeah i saw you walk by a hole and i was like time for it yeah i was gonna do the same thing but i was gonna accuse somebody else [Laughter] and then lizzy got me yeah i thought it was jay so i was running when the lights went out and then lizzy killed me in the middle okay that's so that's a bit early draco that is that is a bit early that's a bit early boy i don't know if calling it this early is the play but maybe he gets a kill on the other side no he's on my side all right well then i'm gonna fake telescope and see what i can do why are you in hey we could double kill over there i don't know if i trust him to double kill though hmm come on in rainbow atta girl i'm pretty sure somebody saw me with them but hopefully i can avoid suspicion i need to get into a hole and get the heck out of there all right that's pretty good oh body and specimen room but i didn't see anybody over there oh it's so funny instead oops ow rainbow well i just like to say the doors were locked um lauren and athma were kind of suspicious for me we were just following each other but we were all the way on the left side we just got out of the locked door and then after i opened the door therefore we walked and i got scared i ran away so i know you guys are okay but i'm spooked about everybody else okay um jay who did we see in labs before you went to specimen we saw gold okay right yeah i feel like there was one other but i don't remember you two were together when you found the body no i went to deacon tam then i went straight down and then i saw the body and i just hit report but me when did you see gloom we were in labs and then uh i think jay went to specimen and then i went to edmond like the maze beside it to the right were you doing an admin i was doing the maze beside admin but i was on my way to admin then you found the body what was the body i was gonna check vitals isn't specimen the rainbows was i don't know where funny's body was okay so i know for a fact that lizzie lauren uh and i are on like the boiler room area which is way that's left side right yeah we're on the other hand we went together the whole time lauren and aphmau were definitely together the whole time i saw them on the cameras together a bunch i have not seen this whole map so funny must have been on the right or in the middle so that means gloom could have killed funny net admin um i mean i didn't i didn't see her out there but lunar and gold are unaccounted for because i was doing electrical and i opened the line before it was reported i was on the camera do you see anything right now i'm skipping i don't know i'm skipping yeah i remember seeing the cameras on gekko where were you at lizzie knows too much i don't remember okay can't kill gold because she is a suspect are these guys not going to go to fix lights i guess i'll go fix lights i think it's gloom where's the body i was working i was with you on lifestyle first i found it's right in the office it's in the corner huh flatman why was goldberg in the office still i don't know maybe she had to upload bios what's that doing in the office i had a little pointy arrow attached i gotta flip my card and put it on there look at that yeah yeah that's where the card that's where the cards or the card flip passport thing is yeah i know i was with you and bloom are the only ones who know how to do the doors well i think you guys would have time to learn by now um i'm in med bay there's kevin's nobody else in med bay with me who was on the lights me and lauren yeah me and jay were doing it so you two can account for each other i guess which leaves me gloom dracco yeah i didn't see draco at all i think so lauren lauren and jay i just wanted shade leaving that's all i saw i just want to know jay and lauren are you saying that you did not see me that round i didn't all that wrong but i just saw that are you blind i was running in between you two holy okay this is like how how in what world are you guys are both of you saying you didn't see me the only time i saw you was when i was doing the ad the task that uh jess was saying the one with the key you didn't see me anywhere in your light no that is so sus okay i didn't see you at lights are you kidding me i was just playing here or is it gloom i think it's cassie i literally i've been invited i mean you can you can get rid of me if you want to but i just think it's really weird how both of you are saying you didn't see me do about it skip if you want wait you're saying you were in lights no i was walking out with you guys after because you guys got lights i skipped i didn't sleep all right i have to sabotage as a ghost because these two do not have these guys have the memories of a goldfish like that wasn't that wasn't even a misplay by me draco's got to do it to him draco's got to do it to him but hopefully i'm just going to keep calling reactor until we lose because these guys do not do tasks nice nice only 30 more seconds 28 27 oh where's the other reactor person okay i'll admit i did not want to do the reactor so we i could have caught up walking to the reactor but i was on the left side standing there just holding my hand being like where where where is everybody i saw it it was jay's poor dead body mangled inside of the office and i saw red draco moving away from it and i know lauren ran off i saw you what you're lying i am not oh she found the body spice now in office no i was scared because you and jay were hanging around me i was like wait lizzy where were you coming after me i was in specimen and then i was running up to the reactor but then the body was found so here's what i'm thinking lauren and jay were definitely both safe together and they and we voted off gloom and we're not the game's not over which means that gloom was an imposter and who driven vote for gloom last round well played lizzie well played i don't think it's suspicious that aphmau found both of the bodies in the office twice no because she voted that's all i need i vote off my other imposter all the time so that this kind of stuff doesn't work now uh-oh it's up to you lizzy i don't think it's now because i was with her a lot in the beginning and she yeah i followed her because we had children okay children not to say that that totally unsuspects her but she had [Music] i was so close the second cassie was saying she was an electrical seal okay no like legitimately legitimately like lizzy had a good suss on me but i was running in between you guys out of electrical actually yeah i only saw jay i was like either we were blind or blind could be possible that you outlined but you were yeah see if anyone fakes keys smart lobby smart enough to know how to use doors please come on guys come on just need one other person i really feel like if a body wasn't found we would have won that last one from nobody resetting the uh reactor i hate how i can get instantly sussed in this lobby just because i know how to play the game oh where is it um it was in the room i saw rainbow but i saw jay running away from me okay in the room next to the telescope yeah room i don't know what the room is called sorry i didn't even walk into the room on like the top left because i was gonna me and rainbow were walking the same way into that room and then jay came from there but i don't know that's good enough for me i didn't even where was it yeah oh oh the i love when the imposter goes where was the body i really hope she wasn't wrong i've come to the conclusion that i'm going to play my next imposter round like a noob so that i don't oh wait so that i don't get sauced because that feels bad like i won my first imposter game and then these guys just like kind of got a feel for ew get away from me i trust rainbow at this point so i'm gonna stick with her unless she really bested me and got jay kicked out for no good reason would feel bad about that this is someone who knows how to use doors they're gonna assess me for this it's literally a button how do you not know how to use door where are you going what are you doing there's no task there right when i saw her go up to that left table i should have screamed and run for my life i should have ah rest in peace i need to be more decisive hey what did you see uh i found gloom's dead body at the entrance to that rocket thingy [Music] but i didn't see anyone else gold it's gold no it's not me i would not i was with ours with her she fixed the thingy when we were trying to pull it i didn't know other people could do that would be really cool so i know she's good yeah all right i know aftermath are doing tests because we have something about rainbow too we have to vote yeah yes i love you the crew the crew is doing it the crew is one i was with you the whole time oh my goodness gg for the queue good gg for this did we win good job crew yeah where was the body i can't believe i haven't been imposters though the lauren curse better times have been had jeez this guy's quick whoa who did that that was crazy i saw a bunch of us in a room i was not in the room same all right where was the where was the body was it a stat kill it was right inside of the like the starting area oh then yeah i was outside where was the body line i think it's lauren well i wasn't i wasn't with you guys i wasn't even there i vote lauren because she's never the imposter just kidding [Laughter] i don't think laura was there yeah who was in that stack i was part of the staff but i was in the snack too but there was a lot of comes back yeah okay so gold and lizzy went right right yeah so it couldn't have been them i went down hmm so it's between jay luna dracco lauren and after that that is a lot of people has just got to keep it in mind guys i just i just finished the key task and the the weird spaceship thing okay so did anyone actually see it who how if it's not jay i don't understand his brain no stat kills no stat kills why did we fix the lights when someone else is already on it bro please learn don't let it be you that's not bad not bad lauren you found it where'd you find it sorry i was muted uh me and i would say jade you didn't see it no i did i was about to report it but you hit it first okay get out it's like what room is that it's like when you walk out of the electrical area to the right and you come out and then it's like when you first start off and you just walk straight down but it's but it's right outside of storage yeah but it's like right outside of the entrance of storage so there's a vent in there so it could have been a vent kill it could have been the only time yeah i would have killed him and vented away [Music] because the door was shut and when i opened the door jay was there but then he turned around and started walking with me too yeah but why would i walk towards the body uh because you're freaking acting so you know it's like you're running away lauren you've got to vouch for me this time i didn't even come from down there i was up doing the key task because i didn't do it the first time you're doing the key task the one where you um put the key yeah oh i know what it is i just don't know why you did it let's start with everybody no because i was gonna okay i tried to avoid the stat kill in the beginning then when i went to go do it the body got reported right away in the very beginning of the game it was a while before the start kill happened yeah it was well i mean if you guys vote me off he was walking one way and then he saw you and started walking the other way he was he was waiting at the door to open to get into like the electrical hallway thing and then when i opened the door and walked past him he turned around and started following me that way it's pretty sus but oh well yeah it's all three of us never mind i was like remember voted really fast yeah we did i don't know i don't know unless you're throwing i don't get why you do that i think what jay did is he went in closed the doors got the kill tried to get out lauren walked in he freaked out doesn't quite know where the vent is on this map yet and that's that please don't let it be lauren if it's lauren that play on jay was fantastic every second you're not every second you're doing tasks you're like missing out on like valuable information you could be getting all right draco sauce sauce all right draco see you later what what what happened he came through no no he came in through top i went to where he came from and there was a dead body there also the the reactor was going off he had he made no effort to run towards it i was running towards i was running through the exit if you did that you would have been on me and lauren's hip wait wait where was it again or was it hill uh it was uh it was in that little hallway between uh storage and electrical glue i think you're really accusing really quickly that is it is true do you have a dude when i walked in did you see it like did you see it happen i didn't see it happen i just saw uh the direction draco was coming from and then him running away from a crisis lunar was alive i know it wasn't lauren i know it wasn't lauren uh i don't know i was in the office about that find it funny funny you came in from the bottom right yeah i was walking yeah you came in with you guys you came in from bottom so it couldn't have been you okay let's kick dracco for not helping what i was going to hell you're being lazy roommate cassie where where did you come from before you i'm not familiar with this map where did i come from i came from electrical i came from the top i i fixed the lights weren't you there i fixed the lights with you and then we went down and i like stared at you creepily yeah while you're these lights i went down i did the water wheel thing and then as up to do the reactors when i found luna in the hall oh i thought i thought i found it no i reported it okay you were right behind me so it could have been so it i mean it's up to you funny and lauren hmm where was half i don't even know but yeah i have no idea like the boiler area right behind right below the office i was gonna go swipe my key card and then that's when they that you call the the dead body and that was by storage i don't know oh i didn't shoot oh oh i didn't vote uh it's gg if i was wrong sorry oh no i'm scared oh shoot the chest you're not muted i was right i'm still scared mute this is tough this is a toughy this is a tuffy okay did somebody kill somebody on the reactor this is the information we need no okay well i'm just going to go ahead and hang out and watch vitals and scream and run to the button if something happens wait somebody died right no one two three somebody died right right i don't know [Music] hello somebody has died who did right reactor are you self-reporting glue i'm i hit the button uh-huh so who did right reactor was that uf oh no no i was doing it that was funny yeah there i saw fuddy there yeah i was doing the right reaction okay so i did i did left reactor both of you did right reactor uh so were you guys together the whole game no i didn't see your name yeah i just i just i ran up to her and then i saw well we gotta make a we gotta make a decision right now otherwise it's gg uh i did left reactor i was by myself then i checked vitals saw somebody was dead then i hit the button i was doing right reactor and f was watching nah she wasn't there she wasn't behind you what i didn't see you i was literally right behind you you you couldn't have seen her if you were pressing the button funny oh all right actually voted f i'm sorry who do you think it is who do you think it is well obviously not maybe no but who do you think it is between me and funny you saw her last round i didn't see her okay funny that's us you guys were obviously together on right reactor i didn't see her dude if it's gloom i swear i don't know who to vote for i don't know how to vote please defend yourself okay all right i was going up to funny and then i came back down i was going back to the admin room and i saw the button being pressed okay i didn't see you now i thought oh i'm throwing if i'm so sorry if i'm [Music] wrong [Music] i was running to hit the button but i was i was going to say that we should vote off cassie because of what happened that it wasn't uh dracco and then it was tracking me you know wait no no no no lauren lauren we didn't lose so that was proof that i was right no i know oh okay i'm sorry i that thank god aphmau killed me before i hit the button because we might have voted you off if i oh that was a good one though nice nice one yes that was that was good i really i really try to bs my way through that now in front of my child huh thanks for the raid creek i don't know you could raid on youtube that's nice either i don't want to fix the comms thing i can't be bothered hello hello i saw rainbow's dead body right outside of the ship who was there i don't know i didn't see anyone i was walking down and i saw jay fixing i was at the rocket fixing it what was that do palms on the it was the right side yeah outside the ship i mean i saw gloom creeping around the right side but she went outside yeah i was there with lauren yeah say me lizzy and cassie were all in like the med bay area did you see gloom leave that bay at all lauren right when the body was reported she was in med bay already when i got in there i was on time the whole time yeah wait no i did see her i saw her most of the time because i went up to do the rocket and i thought i saw her and then i was on the right she's still there okay yeah that that sounds legit then i don't think so not us three all right not me i was fixing the sabotage comms right and down but i don't know where she went after that i'm fixing some thing i don't know what it is dude i don't know it's like an electrical thing out of the floor i don't know what you want me to say but what's the puzzle yeah what's the puzzle so do we just skip there's no evidence then again yeah yeah let's skip jay i just want to know who was with you on comms i was by myself oh yeah i figured dang it i think luna somebody said that they saw him doing it though i saw it right yeah you're above me i don't know about you funny i'm so bad with this one [Music] oh that's a stack hill asking for it okay so we gonna vote off gold now or just wait why are we waiting wait what why i don't see anything why would it be gold i didn't do anything i was looking at that you weren't at calm earlier and then we fixed comms again and you were gone and then you were standing around watching us wait no i would have a whole group with everybody we didn't have ready to kill what were you thinking cassie um so gold is saying she saw you on comms the first round and you're saying you didn't see her i feel like that might be true but it also might be a lapse in remembering yeah i don't know i'm not confident i didn't see cassie the one time wait wait yeah didn't gold call out jay last yeah jay was calling out gold how do we know you don't want to get rid of her huh yeah we don't know that i think it's still too early yeah we don't know that hmm okay if he had the window open could he have not seen gold yes i think yeah hmm yeah so i feel like he yeah i don't think it's enough to vote somebody off yet yeah oh i'm writing notes i'm trying to keep up you're making notes i think i'm watching you guys so cute you can follow me so don't leave me lizzy don't do it i can't okay i don't know where i never can find where this thing is telescope for some reason like no matter how many times i do it i just never learned nobody at all in specimen i want to know where lizzy went like where'd she go like did she just like go into lab and then vent i swear if i see her on the left side of the map i'm gonna be suss huh still only one person dead no reason to act i hate being here this is like the easiest place to get killed in cold blood without ever being seen like every time i'm imposter and someone's down there i'm like thank you okay um before i say where this body is i just want to know where everybody is right now i was with lauren and gold yeah all right i was with aphmau we're in the admin room security camera you're a security council oh you're in admin room okay all right admin room so i was muted but yeah we were at admin we took a shower then we went to admin room okay so that's how much time we have on the game because oh it's decontamination okay all right yeah that the shower room this body's to the left of weapons me lauren and gold were on the right side yeah on the right side gold on the right side i was with jay and lawrence like yeah and gold were following each other around but i don't know if it was because jay's sauce of gold because he's been calling her out the whole time three of us i kept crossing the path that's why i was following jay the whole time [Music] lunar and lizzie i just watched f bound funny come out of the decon termination and you you said that you wait the body was found right of weapons or left left what side of the map is weapons uh it's like it's kind of like bottom left area bottom left to the map where did you come in from from the office did you come in from the right i came from decontamination i was in there just before you guys funny i saw you do the scan and then i went down to decontamination after that i don't see it there's time for me to be able to do a kill and get back to where i was i tried to follow you lizzy and you i didn't find you with deacon tam she said she's on a spaceship we're all on a spaceship it's like a snowball but what are the chances she gets it like three times in a row ew i just like i tried to follow her and i felt like she vented because she was not indeed content i ran right through there i didn't even do a task come on come on thank you oh my god i thought i saw her go through a hole again we really gotta keep an eye on lizzy like i i just felt i felt like she was lying bro why does this have to be so accurate if i find another body and get voted off i'm going to scream i would not be surprised if i found a body up here because all the doors are locked lizzy on cams it's actually not that bad i gotta check electrical okay it's fine ugh lizzy's like the fastest kid alive where could she have gone how was this i don't know she fast i need to check vitals i think funny saw something she wasn't meant to see or she knew something wasn't meant to know because her body was right beside the button i saw gloom walk into that room which one admin the emergency button yeah yeah i was following lizzie oh well then i don't know i so on the security cameras about 30 seconds ago i watched gold and funny running together towards admin so i wonder if funny was running and actually gold was chasing her and i didn't notice i thought they were frolicking together gold suss again okay no i no i saw i saw funny and then i left her okay let they're dead was she alive when you left her yes i walked left and then she just walked she walked she stayed there so i just like yeah she stayed where i don't know she went up into these doors i'm bad at the map she stayed there after you killed her she lay the button when you left her i don't know i just saw her go through these doors and then i just went the other direction okay all right so i was saw funny earlier and she had many times to kill me but i did see gold following funny earlier okay and then i saw jay which i was like but then i was went down to the shower room again and then i went over by the office to go check vitals and then that's when it got reported it's it's a it's an old body it was dead maybe 30 40 seconds ago i saw her on bike she was young she was young but she's an old dead cops now their body by the way i'm done with my tasks so if i seem suspicious because i'm following people that's why i wear the gold but you're all welcome to skip if you don't think it's if you think it's too risky but you know i was i was i feel like it couldn't have been liz because she was on cams the whole time unless she vented and then went top and then went back into camp we might actually lose right now i don't know nice the reason i was watching funny on my cameras so closely was because i thought it was funny okay lizzy's actually really smart thank you honey why were you why were you about to click the emergency button because i was done my task i wanted to like lure the whoever the murderer was but guess i'm stupid i didn't click it anytime i died so thank you oh my god jay you hit your button for gold but nobody believed you right yeah it's okay i don't know like oh my gosh he's on to me and yeah no were you gonna come to any point you were following me no i was trying to prove like i wasn't evil but yeah smart uh this person really like these people really like reactor why not turn out the lights and kill somebody should probably check left reactor so lauren and jay are over there gold over here i just kind of feel like left reactor might be unaccounted for no nobody died it was just a sabotage with no plan i think someone's not muted i hear some thingies oh oh my god i thought it was me i've scanned i'm gonna save it hey gold don't kill me actually do you even know about scan do you guys know of scan are you guys scanners huh come on over here could cancel it in oh i should have canceled it so i could see if she has a scan but i don't know i just feel like i feel like she wouldn't do this unless she had one although that did not take long if she doesn't vouch for me then i feel like it might be her so i feel like i've got enough out of gold at this point nice lunar that was a quickie oh fresh kills oh there's like a dead body in like the middle area i was wondering if there were going to be any murders to solve but i guess if i got lucky today gold you're with gloom last when did you guys split up um in the middle of the map and then i went up until electrical and i was feeling like that feel thingy died in the middle of the map yeah after you killed her i wasn't with gloom i saw her but you were where is everyone bruh i'm in med bay i was i was gonna do the body scan and then the body got reported i mean i went into the specimen lab with jay and i didn't die so i feel like he's generally safe oh but also nobody died for such a long time i've done half of my tasks already i was going to do the body scan and then the body guy reported from that area where the telescope is like around that area and then that's why i was suss of gold because they they were the last two that i saw together hmm lauren and jay were like pretty close for the early part of the match yeah but nobody dies these bodies are fresh because i was looking at my teeth i don't know lizzy you can follow me it's not me i'm gonna follow him you're gonna target her okay [Music] until you kill me oh my poor hamster if we lose to seismic oh no oh no we got a muay thai we got a moiterer following lauren oh conga line to the scanner why why would this task let me do it oh there it is man everybody had med scan my game's like low-key glitching a bit now there it is why isn't lauren fixing lights it's so strange it looks like she's genuinely doing tasks but like by doing this you get no info on who is with who and who died i've called an emergency meeting because i'd like to discuss what happened at med bay there were so many people yeah a lot of people doing the scans so who actually did the scan me i didn't i had a fuse to fix like i did beside the door i'm just watching people i'm following y'all i'm scared because jay you said that you you said that you were going to do this gun yeah but you didn't do this gun i was just watching because i already did it but you said last round you said i was nice to do this i had a task that i was going to but i don't know all the tasks so i just said i was going to do the scan because that's the one i'm most familiar with so you're admitting that you lied last round everyone knows but it's not me if you guys vote me it's a waste of a vote you're the third imposter so hard if it's you literally have lied right though he didn't do this again he was just standing there hey lauren did you vote for me all right well he did something so you know maybe he was just confused but maybe he's also a psycho murderer that's lying right everybody just so that this doesn't throw suspicion on me later i was not in midnight but yes but oh wait there was a murder there no no there was no matter oh no but if i was the imposter i wouldn't have brought that up well jay if it's not you then who is it i'm third imposter but i'm not the first one positive so you're saying if we kill you at least we'll get rid of one of the imposters i'm not the imposter it's not me i think you're going home today anyway i'm getting thrown out like an imposter title of jay's video nobody trusted me third imposter foreign i don't get why lunar wouldn't wait longer and like see if anybody comes alone sorry about it lunar better best be vacating the premises oh wow does that mean there's two of them um no wait huh yo i went up to like uh do the drop ship mission and then i walked back down and i saw lauren's body i didn't see anybody this sounds so suspicious but lauren when we were studying the seismic thingy and then i went to the boiler room luna where did you go after doing the reactor on the right i was in the electric room so you ran across where the body is where's the body below the drop ship oh no oh like right outside all right lizzy's incorrect but she's correct so it works where were you going i was unlocking the key and then i went and then i walked down and i saw lauren's body so you didn't see anyone on your way up all your way down no i didn't pay attention i'll report asthma what were you doing all round i was in the office area the whole time no i was right outside all right i'll start with you guys when i saw you running outside you were just running in a random direction and that could just be an half-mile thing or it could be a murder a thing it's usually an half-mile thing and sometimes a murderer thing but it's it's definitely why would i kill him i was just showered everything has anyone else got any suspicions i'm only suspicious of aphmau and luna come on guys help her out dude reported i no no no i didn't didn't finish the spaceship task yet i did i finished it that's why i walked down who are we going to vote please leave her literally literally literally i don't know kind of a stop in the dark but fine i'll go nice noice everybody just work really hard finish your tasks if it's not luna okay we might be able to get a test win maybe there's one imposter left four people it's in the imposter's best interest to get a kill on this stabilizer okay i'm not suspicious of draco anymore and lizzie seem legit they both know that only they fixed the reactor so at this point it's just a guessing game between f and gold apps thinking about it no okay i mean it's an easy kill on gold i wonder if app tried to close the doors to get the kill on that this is tough i really hope the ghosts are doing tasks because like we could win we could win right now goes like please do your tasks don't spectate do i have tasks no we're so close look how close the task bar is if there is one ghost out there who has one task they didn't do this is un luckers and if gold had a task in labs that she's just not doing that is unlockers look we got the whole gang in here oh and this is a perfect time to do seismic perfect timing oh my goodness we might lose to this i ugh no drake around wrong way oh he's struggling with the door he's tripping over his fingers he's screaming he's got 38 seconds to save the world is he gonna be able to do it all right we got draco on left who's taken right who's taken right who's the lucky who's the lucky winner it's gonna be lizzy perfect i don't know why i was called draco draco it's just malfoy yeah it's just a malfoy thing okay so this killer whoever they are very hesitant very worried gold might be coming up on one of the last tasks here unless it is gold what do you think it is i don't i don't think it's lizzy got killed right under my nose um who was i uh he died when we were all stacked on her and i didn't see oh no this can't be happening what happened i was doing the wire stuff and then i just saw blood everywhere all right i was in the body part with draco and just putting that out there okay i think it's gold i think no it's not me no i think it's draco because he's framing me she said she was doing the spaceship key thing and it was really lit no no i said i was doing the wire i said the i didn't say the key i said the wires yeah i was wiring the colors together um i think it's dry the contamination if it's gold i'm gonna be really proud of her yes body i was so you lost oh my god dracula's gonna win oh what if it's jazz no draco stop lying how does af just sneak by i don't know how he killed another one thought he was so stealthy i was crying laughing because i finished my task and found me started like dancing with each other so cute our kids are playing together we're dancing [Music] wow there's going to be a stockhill there i know it these guys love their stack hills okay i'm not gonna touch these lights apparently nobody is hello don't tell me that's on the stack at lights yeah was that an election yeah it was in the dwight information oh it's in the drop ship oh okay yeah wait where was it it was like right outside the drop ship area so it's in spawn oh then never mind so i don't think it's gloom yeah uh-huh so who was all in the stack i was an electrical i saw lizzy i was doing my chores i was on right side rainbow's there lauren's there some people arrived kind of late they could have done the kills wasn't found for a while because the lights were out so it's too early to vote i don't know yeah it's too late the lights are still not fixed i'm pretty sure no i think we just fixed them i think we just kept turning them on and off yeah like five people were doing it at once [Music] oh looks like we didn't turn them on i really hope i'm not with two imposters right now it doesn't look like it though i knew that she faked that task [Music] nice that's funny well well wow i just saw gloom go down like i was in the oxygen room and i just saw glute bloom or me i just wanted yeah i saw lizzy what is that supposed to mean it's not lizzie do what what do you mean i saw lizzie beside bloom's body and she didn't report it really it's funny you would say that funny because that is the reverse of what actually happened that's right i was doing my task on the tree somebody else was there i don't know who it was i saw lizzy i ran down and then i've run into funny who's kind of doing a weird dance over gloom's head and then i'm so shocked at what i see that i don't even hit the apartment because i'm just i don't even know what i'm looking at no i was and then she reported it you're doing electrical okay you're making me sound super sus that thing i don't know the thing with the leaves oh okay the leaf blower yeah there is a leaf blower on this please did you see literally anybody else i stopped brown i was literally in the oxygen room he's definitely the killer oh you guys it's not me i reported it lizzy was there she saw the death she didn't report it i came in as little she's praising you she's a crazy killer you're so i did not vote for you oh that's lauren sorry [Music] uh glitch trap stuff thank you so much for the super chat nicola lewis thank you so much for the super chat arie thank you for the heart autumn dunlap thank you so much for the super chat ellie brown thank you so much for the super chat and the pretty little unicorn lol boom thank you so much for the super chat hi little boo lizard kingdom thank you so much for the super chat what's your hamster's name on among us that's kurt kurt the curdle denky kaminari thank you so much for the super chat for you and your sister anaya live thank you so much for the super chat awesome adam from 2099. stop time traveling whoa lizzy i guess lizzy knew too much because she dead it looks like she's on the roof anyways nicola lewis thank you so much for the super chat and the kind words jessie nala thank you so much for the super chat unfortunately our lobby is full canado thank you so much for the new membership pepper is cute thank you so much for the super chat uh we've got 10 players eva dice ava is it ava eva thank you so much for the super chat love you too avery the cool girl thank you for the cute chipmunk are you gonna find it lauren come on girl find it look terry like it looks like it's on the roof yeah it's on the roof lauren just passed it a lunar will see it no lunar huh did lunar kill it luna just can't see it but she sees it lizzy's dead she was right above yeah the killer but again okay okay i was on security cams and i saw lunar lunar girl okay i saw you pass up that body and then let me explain myself i was really stupid i saw the report button blow up and i was like wait why is it going up and i walked away and then i like walked back i'm like oh there's a dead body there that's that's why it sounds sus it's not i i was just being stupid i did okay lauren i don't know about you but i did see you walking that door watch out i already saw the body the door where the body was wait where was the body where was you first where was you at yeah i i was opening the door to get into the hallway to get in and then opening i was going to electrical so i had to open that door then open the door to electrical gold saw me in electrical and was in there okay so the dead body is right above electrical like outside so then maybe it was gold because she walked in no no no no i saw lauren i don't know around there i just came i was like just looking at my map to follow like whatever lauren because she's never the imposter and now of all these outcomes she is she's been possible but but i i i know what i saw i saw lunar past the body on the second gym and then i saw her go back and and and i was being stupid i swear i was being stupid because because if i was the killer i wouldn't have reported the body i would have just left it but i would have done it because i would be like see but i'm not the killer that doesn't make it you know so who you are no one has any info dude sorry i just revolted lauren i think it's i have a gun go leaner long would never lie to me lauren would never lie to me i'm just putting that out wait thought it was me luna or gold no no i voted luna ah darn it sorry gold what i voted for you i thought you said that it was me sarah curtis thank you so much for the super chat oh and for the kind words that's a nice message maya steison hi maya how's it going thank you so much for the super chat guys i really appreciate it do i oh my goodness i'm throwing i hate when that happens come on go where you gotta nobody suspects draco i didn't suspect draco draco i gotta speed run some tasks speed running so hopefully these guys know how to check vitals players who don't talk it's such an easy out in this game [Music] no i was dancing with you i would never lie you did that last night trust issues now with you uh do you guys mind if i switch the map yeah yeah my body was so visible but the lights were out and you all just ran past it so many it was times distressing yeah i saw your little ham sitting there with like lauren running by yeah codes in chat um is it n a that's a nice easy code it is a nice easy code it's not working it's not working for me yeah it's not working for me what okay maybe i try again but i like that code i know i kind of want to hang on to this code why i want to am i do you type it wrong or something no no it's that's what it is definitely that different server maybe kj just said it out loud but all right okay oh this is an ugly ugly code now true funny are you being an officer now i'm changing why no reason okay you're sass stop accusing me are you guys ready i can't believe i still haven't been imposter surprised too i thought you were the killer because you're made come on hmm oh lauren no why are they not so young reactor you killed the actor it was to the right in the hallway he keeps getting murdered like just straight out of the decontamination doors wait did that happen while we were doing it or after after right it was after after dang i have no idea where is everyone that's slow i was with funny i don't know where it is i'm with lizzie and right now in that room with the decontamination i saw aphmau but she didn't go in with me wait are you going where about yeah yeah so you're on crystal and i'm on the boxes putting the things in the boxes yeah like the flower of the scale yeah there's also a van to the right of where she was murdered what map is this really oh is she in the tunnel yeah she's in the tunnel oh everyone that's still in reactor is safe because there's probably well they could have vented but um asked my where were you i was over with jay by the um reactor it's like the decontamination like a long hallway oh the shower yeah that one so you're in there okay i was in the shower you were in contempt isn't that where the body is the body is um north of beacon town oh yeah i started from the bottom when i was in there the door didn't meant next to it then right there's the vent in the room to the right yeah pretty far away they'd have to go walk past a bunch of us if they used that then though yeah are we gonna skip enough evidence yeah it's too early i love benji lauren hmm oh lunar are you out of your mind um oh no lizzy lizzy's body was in the hallway going top oh she's the good one um i saw draco and jay with me so it can't be i haven't elected lights still at the vending machine i saw a driver we were getting our peach juice okay uh gloom and lunar uh-huh oh i saw i went to go fix the lights but dracco and jay where i didn't see you at the lights at all i went to jail i went to tree okay like you know like the top tree oh because there was like six there was like six of us in calf so i just went to tree what was the dead body it was like above like top left hallway so like we're admin [Music] where's the tree room oh it's in the very top like top on the right hand side huh oh it's right above lights yeah i know but i was with the clump i was with the clump that went to electrical but then i went tree instead saw cassie hmm i didn't see cassie i didn't see her i saw somebody saw me remember i mean the lights the lights were out but like somebody must have saw me i saw legs all over the place where are you i was in the admin room draco and jay saw me i was walking beside them i was on the right side of the mountain i don't remember seeing you wow you guys are so rude i was like i don't i actually just remember being gay wow i didn't see i always saw draco okay but for real i think it's gloom what you're okay so funny no because i didn't see you in the room you said you were yeah funny you're you're in the room listen look funny no funny you're saying you're seeing people who couldn't see you that means you have imposter vision i don't know how oh okay we gotta we gotta drop some bodies we gotta drop some bodies we gotta drop some bodies we gotta drop some bodies out need this imposter game today so sorry rainbow you went the wrong way and no one's ever gonna find you this is risky but i'm doing it i found the dead body i think it's blue now because gloom didn't walk to the reactor melting down okay jay do you remember do you remember i was coming with you and then the door slammed in my face i was with jay the whole time you i was right behind jay jay do you remember seeing me yeah you're muted go hello jay i know i was muted i did see you behind us yeah and then the door slammed right in my face in the wrong time you too though i mean you can be but like you need to have evidence because you stood there and then the reactors went off then you started moving yeah because i didn't want to go alone rainbow's dead oh no i think it's aphmau alf where'd you find it where's the body i have i'm a doctor and i got two kids all right i i i it's not me okay i know it i yeah you are a self-reporter but like where okay where is it it was where were you gloom are you doing the word because because okay so you're pulling away right now whoever finds it in this lobby they never say where it is and then we've got 30 seconds left and we have no idea where it is like is it in left reactor reports i was doing the wires i have two kids in a doc i'm a doctor but there was a crisis yeah i don't i don't know where the crisis is it's a new map okay so me jay and gloom all went to the crisis but jess and luna weren't there luna where were you where exactly was her body though it was like in the middle of like the the the fork in the road you were the only one on that side of the map f what was that we were all on left side no i'm one lunar no no no no we got to get out of here otherwise we lose we gotta get ass out of here otherwise we lose okay bye bye i have a pda but what a pdp whatever it is yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] me how did you not see me card so well yeah well no you did see me you did see me in the door slammed in my face and then rainbow just went the wrong way and i was like sorry rainbow it's not your day and then move after the reactor went off you stood there and then the reactor went off then you moved and i was like yeah yeah that was good that was good uh observation that was good well that was a good win for you guys you guys need to be more aggressive did i kind of rolled that lobby last time i played this i didn't know how to do this one i didn't realize that there's just a picture here just type her in nice and easy i think i saw a black and teal where's this all right let's make this real nice and simple let's make this real nice and simple we picked the lights as soon as the lights went back on she killed gold and then i uh you know 180 and i saw [Laughter] that's not fair there's no evidence it was your knife too yeah let's just hit button and get j out of here too no you gotta find the real second imposter jay it's a 50 50. if you're crew then you'll let us kill it should i call it [Music] yeah well happened welcome um well i'm just wondering if you guys uh want to get jared here or give him another chance i feel like we got the right path all right all right all right okay yeah what do you guys think uh i wasn't there so i don't know i have been the killer but i don't know if it's too risky we might just be voting off crewmates i just use my button for nothing but let's uh let's get back in the game hey fellas unless you wanted to make it wait wait wait wait wait wait wait why is driving no no no no intrigue yeah no i'm saying if you don't want to waste the button i'm voting though i'm just going to do my task in admission yeah but the last time you were like voting on jt's i'm just kidding wait wait are we voting what's happening no no no no no no we're skipping all right let's get that task win ghosts make sure you do your tasks yeah ghosts yeah ghosts actually just one ghost coats i think we got the first oh true i hope i don't die that's all i can say oh this map is so like i gotta walk to the other side of the map and jay is going the wrong way never mind he's coming oh the where's the body you don't know but it's near the reactor oh wait in the room with us echo and i saw a little thing i didn't see the body i just saw the report light up so it's either in the reactor in the hallway by reactor or beside the decontamination door where you stood when you got the report button uh near the doorway to the reactor interesting so in reactor with me right now is gloom dracco and jay right yeah i would say i was headed there but i didn't get there yet and rainbow died i didn't even see her come in i mean it might have been near a decontamination doors or i say maybe she wasn't she didn't make it into the reactor i didn't even get a report button i saw the report when i entered the doorway maybe maybe the body is in decontamination because you can get their apartment through a door sometimes what are you thinking lizzy so that leaves luna funny and lauren i was in the are not there and i was like throwing leaves and outside the pit that's what i was doing all right and i was lazy and i wasn't going to the reactor because i wanted to do my chores that's the truth all right the leaf thing wait what luna you're both doing leaves i didn't see you oh whoa whoa wait i was doing the wire thing i was doing that these look nothing like wires that's just because i'm a noob i swear i think i know i sound super sass all the time but i'm not lauren's super quiet where were you lauren yeah i said i was i was headed there but i was just about i was waiting for the decontamination to open oh so you were right by it i was on my way up to decontamination but i hadn't gotten in there yet guys wires look like leaves i swear wow [Music] everybody it's gary minkus gary minkus yeah you changed his name already yeah poor guy wait don't have a task in here oh i do i didn't realize this map had shields it's my first time getting shields in this map all right one task left lunar get away from me just an upload and then oh and then i have to do a download right so i have three three more tasks i think and then we get that task win that juicy task win who did i see going this way lunar [Music] oh all right if she kills me no one's ever gonna find out no one will ever know all this just for some wires what was i thinking um they're gonna assess me for this one if i don't get back i just saw gloom x at that room oh well it was okay so i know you guys are gonna vote me out because i didn't see a body in there uh i'm thinking that it was potentially event kill i saw lunar and draco come in so i feel like it couldn't have been them if it was event kill so we're looking at jay or lauren but have fun voting yeah an admin i just say i was back to like where the beginning was was it right where i came from lunar yeah it wasn't it was it was in the reactor room and i just saw you oh and i i was in the right room oh yeah i know i didn't i i did not see i don't know i feel like cassie wouldn't just run out of where she killed somebody no i would i would vent if it was me i'd vent i'd be gone jay where were you jay is so quiet dude i know oh yeah you're muted again oh jay jay remember in the beginning when he said oh my god i was muted the whole time yeah my bad i went to admin then i went down to med bay to do that thing where you flick that pill that uh connects to electricity okay and and draco saw you draco can vouch for that right i saw him in admin yeah but i didn't see him in med bay i went to admin first and i went didn't like admin or anything or like how far does event i bet i was muted i think they're i think i don't think it's connected i don't i don't know either i don't think it's lunar i don't think it's literally draco i just don't know yet i think there's just one imposter left though or there's two what no there's two oh there's still two no i think so i mean they're sure could dirty should the first one was because she killed right in front of me oh yeah but that's it okay well just know you can believe me oh i hope yo did i not just vote did i not just vote we lose dude we lose oh it could have been a self-report by lunar i really don't think it's jay so draco lunar j and lauren is in cafeteria why do they keep going over here oh no i have a task in reactor but i don't want to do it draco was looking draco was licking his lips looking at that vent i was 1 000 going to accuse draco because he was just sitting there licking his lips looking at a vent but i guess he's just doing it for no reason i just got outside of the reactor room and then i'm in that decontamination okay who's in the stack who's in the stack i think it was me jay cassie i don't know if lunar was there or not no and then she wasn't and jay you just vouched for who lauren because just because you saw her yeah because she was the one doing the lights and then draco was actually behind me so i know it wasn't her because she was ahead of everybody else unless she vented so no is there a kind in the election i mean i came down from oxygen so i was already in the area well so nobody saw luna on the stack with us no no no i wasn't i think she's safe yeah or she's definitely safe not well it had to be it had to be me lauren or jay can you read jackal though cassie yeah it had to be me lauren or jay i think it's weird how jay is hard vouching for lauren when we were like when this happened in a stack yeah why i only saw lauren because the lights were off i only saw purple i didn't actually see like i just saw purple i didn't see well why would you hard vouch for somebody if it's on a stack that we were all standing in i didn't heard about it for anybody i just said i saw lauren i didn't say i didn't see anybody else i don't know why would he hard vouch i'm like trying to think of the logic behind it i just said who i saw yeah but he said i don't think it's did lauren did he not say i don't think it's you okay it's it's first it's four we don't we don't vote on four we stick together oh god and ghosts do task like i was queer pressured i didn't know what to do i was just like we're gonna die i didn't heart about anybody i just said i saw lauren intellectual so i don't think it was her what kind of logic is that if jay's smart he kills lunar and blames me where is lauren where is lauren where's lauren where's lauren where's lauren where's lauren jay's gonna kill luna and play me uh where's lauren i said we don't vote on four and we stick together oh okay stay with us stay with us little buddy i've always loved you okay jay's being weird oh i have a task here hopefully nobody dies [Music] oh please nobody [Music] oh my goodness damn it i had a feeling it was laura and i was scared i kept trying to jay you almost third impostered for lauren for no reason i did not suspect lauren i was carrying that whole game because aphmau got out immediately i saw you kill i was like no jess what are you doing is there an electrical oh um no i just i just did a stat kill and it killed oh okay okay but then you were like oh i'm vouching for laura and i was like all right i was like that's insane i'm gonna make this my last game guys it's getting kind of late here okay sounds good yeah it it must be late over there what is it like midnight yeah nelly geez oh no yeah we're gonna call it our last game too record stuff so let's make it a good one yes oh my gosh lizzy's dog is so cute wow let's make it a good one i don't know who it was i just saw gloom in the hallway i i saw somebody above yeah who was that i didn't think it was no it was their color okay no we was in the hallway and i i had me i saw funny and ashley yeah for sure [Music] you blue and orange blue blue dark blue or cyan blue dark blue dark blue so it was it was me dark blue or drago and gold so we were all together okay so you know it wasn't us okay and gold socks where is the body funny in the middle of the hallway she pulled up where's the body not that far like right when you exit because yeah it's right when you accidentally get your friends and stuff like that jay in the room with us no i'm still in the first room i never left the first room we were still in the first room yeah me i was gonna say lunar and jay and then i had just left the first room when the body was reported yeah i think most people only just left it so who left it first yeah someone ran first before everyone hmm yeah i think me gold and aphmau ran out first but we didn't see a dead body okay okay you guys are suspicious i don't know yeah you were ahead of us right yeah head of me and i reported it and gloom was dead who left who who was so and and lauren you said you oh sorry i was meeting uh jay i thought jay and luna were in the uh well actually i didn't see jay i saw luna for sure but peter says between lizzie and jay i never left the first room nice ass me and luna are in the first room we don't yeah luna did you see jay in there yeah yeah i did okay lizzy man it's a shame as the last game because after really picking it up these days too quick lizzy's probably going to kill half next if she's being strategic about it whoa the pug tato channel thank you so much for the humongous super chat my life is pain oh my goodness that is a very unsettling message and i hope you're feeling better soon very unsettling indeed you better be meming my life is only pain what do you mean you better not be donating to me you're in a position where you can because like that gives me anxiety i have so many tasks to do gold oh oh no was right where like the oxygen was he was going to fix it because um i know he went the wrong way but i didn't see anyone follow him so i have no idea i'm sorry oh [Laughter] [Music] why did you go into the the the secret room yeah because i don't know where the oxygen is oh my goodness okay fair enough but did hey um i think lauren and jay were right behind me did you guys see anyone leaving no i didn't see anybody leaving but yeah me because me rainbow and jay all went the wrong way yeah and then that's when we all ran into the body yeah but i don't i didn't see anybody go ahead i don't know who went ahead of us i know lunar went to fix the other oxygen the one that's on the top so i know yeah that was lunar j and lauren and then funny and lizzy i was in decontamination for once i actually know where i am so that's why you know i'm not lying okay i'm i'm really obsessed with lizzie i'm sorry where were you yeah the top fixing the top one with luna no you were luna [Music] there's definitely two imposters backing each other up like are you luna are you i also an imposter i did not see lizzy anywhere yeah so we definitely have two like i did not yeah i saw lizzy last in the uh the cafeteria i'm voting lizzy i'm skipping i don't is it seven we don't vote on i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know why you would say it wasn't no dude i didn't see you either i didn't see anyone why are you let me see this whole this lobby's gotten the hang of it like this this lobby is playing well now insane improvement within the span of what two hours and 57 seconds or minutes not seconds as if i'm actually counting the seconds let's try to get a task win that last one i think the last task i did was my task was like our task win so i really gotta be faster it's just this map like it makes me nervous at least i can't be stabbed in the back as ghost galaxy acton thank you so much for the super chat uh oh i'm gonna go top i'm really excited for like new maps in this game just like mix it up a little bit and like add new elements to it although i'm really really like this game is so dynamic because of how many players you have and like the whole guessing element that i'd be happy with three maps for a long time but if they put a lot of resources into making it better like oh jay oh honey what happened you poor thing i think lizzy's gonna win this one if they don't get her now okay funny come on come on do it girl do it girl get out get lizzy out of the lobby get her out there's two killers left who was on the left side of the map it was found in decontamination room no i'm on lights um i saw afbound nearby yeah i saw you excellent yeah i saw you over there as well there's been come fix the lights there's vents because i saw the report button pop up on my side and i kept trying to push it in that room for some reason wait where wait what it added i reported oh i kept trying to flip it and so i kept running around trying to figure out those dead body because the lights wait but the body's not in admin it's in decontamination that hallway in the middle no on the left side of the map that was an admin there's a body and admin but you couldn't report it i kept running because it said report and i was like okay i reported a body i don't know what and then i saw you ran out of the room and that's all i did i don't know if aphmau's just speaking nonsense at this point when there's no body or is it just grayed out it was no it came it came up and i saw like oh shoot there's a body but it's all so i ran around the room like there's lizzy and so i was like all right and that's how you leave that's how i was suspicious of you what happened i went off wait wait we gotta vote for somebody what color was it afma what color was the body i don't know i didn't get to see it because the lights were out and i was like don't forget lizzy dude did you find funny oh jay i found green where was he at he was in decontamination is there an event that goes from decontamination to admin um every single event connects yeah so it could be anything i'm just gonna vote she's kind of suspicious i'm sorry because he went into the storage closet when o2 was going off and now she's in this body that isn't right you know what vote me off y'all wrong it's okay it's okay you have the wrong opinion i get it this is the time i normally talk bye i'm going banana out [Music] bye gg nice job [Music] i'm so sorry i had to kill gloom straight away because i felt like her eyes were watching me right from the very beginning because i know you know me so there's nothing get rid of her yeah you answered me you were all on to me like quite a lot there but you guys were kind of like hesitant to vote anyone off so oh my god all right guys ggs thanks for playing that was so fun yeah guys really good game yeah i'll come play with you guys bye ggs right well that's uh that's that's it that's all i have for today um i hope that you guys enjoyed the games i'm glad we're ending it at three hours instead of four because i felt four was a little bit excessive last time um thank you so much to everybody who showed up today um there's a lot of that's a lot of people watching today and thank you for keeping me company in the chat i know that i haven't been as attentive with my chat as i usually am it's just that in among us like looking at the chat like i have to keep reminding myself to not look at it because i don't i don't want to cheat um thank you so much to like everybody who super chatted i really hope that i got to them all it looks like i did it starlight love peace squid quinn gaming see mary thank you so much for the membership oh no my croissant thank you so much for the super chat i love you too magic star i love your hair it's super cute tmo oh thank you kyle nicholson thank you so much for the super chat bella brooklyn thank you so much for the super chat the small channel thank you so much for the super chat seraphina galaxy ah done jazwa nice name and lots of love from canada victoria davis this pug guy this potato channel is just like popping off popping off left and right ania james thank you so much for the super chat bex blossom and haas much love from canada guys well thank you so much for coming thank you to my moderators for moderating the chat for everybody who came into the chat and kept me company and said nice things whenever i did look down at the chat you guys were very fun and enthusiastic and i just like want you to know that i really appreciate it this is probably one of the best streams i've ever had so i i i'm just really i'm feeling good i'm feeling good and i'm feeling grateful so thank you so much for the support and making me feel like i have a place in the game of among us because i do love the game and i do it would make me really happy if you guys watch me play it um terry do you have anything you want to say these three were missed and uh vex blossom thank you so much for the super chat grace to eden thank you so much for the super chat by the way i found out that sometimes in stack hills the imposter tends to end up in front of the body oh i heard that like going left it might be a thing too cheer awesome thank you so much for the super chat and kelly thank you for all the support today and uh terry you guys are just you guys are great i'd love to have you over sometime and
Channel: Gloom
Views: 10,864,609
Rating: 4.8771534 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us live, among us stream, gloom, gloomgames, kassie, KREW, itsfunneh, funneh, aphmau, lizzie, ldshadowlady, lauren, laurenzside, jay, kubzscouts, lunar, golden, draco, rainbow, high iq, 1000 iq, imposter, imposter win, how to win among us, funny moments, among us funny moments, no cursing, no swearing, among us kubz scouts, among us gloom
Id: ZFe2VN_uFdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 38sec (11078 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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