"Among Us w/ Mods" WITH DREAM Full Stream | Disguised Toast - Dream - Sykkuno, etc...

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start the stream this is it this is the beginning of the song after everything every single time oh i just feel bad i don't know usually it takes a minute for people to show up anyway so yeah you gotta give them some boring content so when the good content comes along they know right right that's true very true it's a science yeah you gotta train them like the dogs they are oh my god all right all right i like where this is going say more things toes is it about dogs it's hosts fandom like they like when toast talks to them like that oh his people his people the toasters the toasters his bread people what do you call your people toast twitter my people like it when toast twists and gets really aggressive yeah we do dance i i feel like uh we could like start a band you know do you think there's some people in the communities who are named stan they're like oh god don't let me win all those guys don't do it i'm stand but i'm not like them i'm not like them do you think there's a stand that has stands like so you're a stand stand fans make friends with other stands and getting drama with other stands oh stand drop mama no i know a lot of a lot of stands that grew to the point where they have like 30 000 followers on twitter and they're you know they're they're doing their own thing they're twitch streaming and everything so they're stand stands fans had like it was one of those dream stands that had he had every single update that dream was doing and he had like thousands of followers it was like a super stan oh no i would say there's tons of thousands like yeah there's probably like hundreds and hundreds that have thousands of followers but do you think there's a twitter account named dreams bowel movements there is it's gonna be one now good job jack just speculate whenever you've taken a deuce oh my gosh yeah i've seen a couple where they all they do is retweet your tweet with backwards oh this is uh vanessa thanks for the 1000 bits guys uh 1000 stars sorry this is on twitch don't kill me facebook uh thanks for 1000 stars guys i appreciate donations but save your money because i'm lazy to read them out but i still appreciate them but save your money it's like twitter auto translate anyway yeah there's a translation button for sure they're doing like joking translations too they'd be like scottish translation and then have like no are we are we ready lobby lobby lovey um [Music] it's nice to get some help around here yeah everyone's just yelling at you corpse thank you oh my god do we uh do how do we open it again through crew link or you son of a [ __ ] i don't remember it's been something you just run them on we're not going to be excited yes no crew link there's one file it's a exe from auto it should be in your downloads photo if you played recently just click that i have it could you have it i'm gonna start you guys what wendy can i give you the zip file oh oh because it's not working for me even though i choose auto server it happened to me this morning all right let me try a new room try that one click the wendy you have some audacity to play leslie's proposal video right before what i was crying okay i just did my makeup too far why are you looking like a proposal it makes me cry every time leslie's video and i'm doing my makeup and crying at the same time trying to get into it's recommended to me i had to get it off i just had to watch it oh my crying in the club like crying in the club in the morning i ran away my tears i was doing my my makeup okay i'm having a i'm having a rough time finding this folder help it's not a folder it's an exe exe okay i'll send it to you okay thank you gotta do everything around here thanks corpse you're the best y'all never watch anime not once what's that wow good for you run it's like a cartoon but cooler all right i thought i was leaking my files what have you been watching jack naruto oh i was listening to the naruto soundtrack oh yeah he yeah we're we're like halfway through the well almost to the end of the tuning exams and the hokey news yeah that's where it gets [Music] i know we've been like holding office i can't watch it now because there's two episodes we got watches back to back oh so excited [Music] i'm putting on moisturizer for those wondering why i keep touching my face i'm not weird i'm just touching my i'm just putting a moisturizer did you guys know i have a huge filipino audience i didn't really realize till recently apparently facebook game is like that thing in the philippines and they don't watch twitch which blows my mind crazy crazy maybe because i'm from north america crazy why do you use moisturizer uh i get dry skin very easily also i i want you use more moisturizer because one day i want to be able to wear makeup for like shoots or like big streams but if you have dry skin it's hard to wear makeup because the flakes make it really really obvious you're wearing makeup i don't wear makeup by the way so i want to normalize moisturizing my face so it's not flaky so that one day if i have to put on makeup it won't look terrible that's what you call your fans out no call yourself whatever you want uh i i had a i was on like a semi impromptu podcast with my ot3 of tv friends yesterday and i talked about how like i don't like stan culture apparently some people got upset about that whatever uh when i say stan culture i mean the negative part because like god the word stan i mean doesn't the word stan originate from that eminem song stan that's where it's from right because that's where from do people understand the context of the song stand by eminem because it's about an obsessive fan who gets really upset that eminem doesn't respond to him and kill himself and his pregnant wife by driving off a bridge all right so when i hear stan that's usually what i'm thinking but not like killing yourself driving off but just an obsessive fan like if you watch but i'm coming around like what i realized is that these twitter stan accounts they're kind of just using twitter as chat almost like if someone spams in twitch chat why does it matter if they spam on twitch chat or facebook chat or twitter right it's just that people don't usually use twitter to spam like there whatever you guys oh is uh we lose all color and names so we just walk around all looking the same that's cool you can't talk anymore either if oh wait we're not using we're not using right yeah all righty adjuster on colorblind comes it's good everything looks like oh toast have a great time with our friends that we all care about yes indeed because life i just don't know if i can kill any of you because you're all so nice and we all live on this rock all right get [ __ ] everyone flying crazy face yep and we never know when life might okay so what was i saying uh there's jester mode uh enabled i have to say that because uh just in case this makes it to a youtube video and they're like it's just a remote on i'm chances are i'm gonna get killed first and this isn't gonna make into a video but just in case it makes it into a video just mode is on jester mode is on oh my god it's a society doing your weapons i've had obsessive fans before oh my god dream are you just standing there with a giant smile on your face you creep um i've had obsessive fans before a lot of these new fans new fans i don't know if they know like the disguise toast story and like the joe's era and then fans having dedicated discord to tracking me and janet's and our family's like social media and talking about it with dead body oh wow what kind of sicko would kill dream first oh it killed dream first who would do this to dream did you think i was gonna kill you i kind of think it's wendy why you know what wendy would do that you're right what okay okay let me let me explain my reasoning okay i walk into admin and i see there's three in admin right yeah i'm like oh it's less weird there's three admin there's no one on upload yet that's and i walk over wendy's standing and then walks over to the right a little bit i can't explain i can explain i actually got onto the swipe and i realized that the report button popped up when my like slide thing was on and then i got off of it to walk over to report it that makes a lot of sense wait guys i also have a separate explanation okay she's the imposter and she killed dream voters that's what i'm thinking i think peter's on to something i'm gonna call reverse uno and right as he enters she enters my vision bubble she goes from standing to walking over to report my swipe card open [Music] it's an admin in all those weird corners on the right side wait there are so many people on the right side there's tina there was rey there's multiple reasons not to kill me yeah i saw i remember saikuno peter and ray passing me at the bottom by shields i went down to trash when did i pass you what do you mean you went down all right pete the dream toast is the last person i saw a dream no i'm just you know that does make a lot of sense the way he's trying to reverse it on me guys we almost got one right we almost that's because it's not a 100 percent accusation i have to be 100 sure hmm [Music] oh yeah was i talking about stan culture the reason why i'm not a fan of it is because of my personality type not type but like i don't like it when people give me money i don't like it when people revolve their lives around me because i feel like they're not living their own life and i want people to live their own life like if you want to uh watch my stream to make you happy that's so fine that's just entertainment that's just like oh who just walked into admin oh it wasn't wendy a dead body in alex but dicey oh you did oh okay remember when i reverse uno peter that's awkward i just i just left uh wendy and electrical so um i'm at bottom uh bottom engine right now and i think corpse and one other person just joined me there though yeah did you guys pop into electrical at all we all just passed peter he just left from where the body was ray you got megaphone what'd you see wait you're right yeah corp uh seikuna and i scanned it but i got off it once i couldn't regard it so i couldn't check him i didn't seem like he was faking it um um i couldn't tell i've gotten pretty there and we went bottom side and then uh peter passed us going to the left and then cyclone corpse i think they did gas or something and then i found a body in electrical so like where's the body i did it yeah when i wasn't when i was in the like yeah i i wasn't okay so i did upload in edmond and then i did trash shoot and i remember when you joined me a trash shoot i was thinking wait didn't she just say she did a trashy last round so i thought she was really imposter for sure i go in electrical i do uh i do the power diversion wendy joins me there again and then i go out and left and then uh corpse and tsicuno join me in bottom engine and then that's when the bodies reported [Music] rey and corpse both saw me scan what and then we stuck together me ray and corp stuck together the whole time spent dicey race raise us raise us raise us raise us raise us raise us raise us racist racist raise us when you're banned the freaking rainbow color i walked away thinking it was blue also if it's ashley would have killed me by now ain't ash that's for sure ash protect me protect me they're gonna kill me ash you're a good guy you're a good guy ash you're a good guy right actually a good guy saving the game but dicey what where he came from corpse you know you didn't see wait what what did he came out of a vent no well i don't know i don't know oh jackie come on event he came out no which ventina which rented an electrical i was doing i was doing the wheels right the the circles for a very long time kept messing them up you know clumsy fingers and then i walked down to do like and then corpses there and then i walked back up and then i see comes from that area talking about it right why didn't you kill you then yeah you did fix the lights well i mean ash is dead so he might have vented it after killing dicey i think i didn't where is ash's body oh man it sounded like he didn't but she was leaving from she was a navigation and when lights were called she went to ward well i didn't see the vent pop but i feel like wait so you didn't see anything with the vent you just saw him walk down yeah what kind of oh what kind of accusation is you can still see the vent open yeah but i wasn't paying attention so it could have popped all right so let me get this so you saw jack walk down and now you want to vote him off well we could not do that but is that what it is no no i i think tina is on no no tina i think tina's on she's she might but then she didn't see the animation i feel like the animation is something very obvious that you would notice not sure yeah you know what let's vote for jack and if it's wrong then it's all on tina right tina's never it's just valentina you guys everyone says i haven't played among us in so long also no one is actually trying everyone's just memeing and trolling also why is jack so quiet after being accused i think he would have been more defensive wouldn't he jack would have been defensive maybe it's not jack i feel like it's icuno for sure it's hikuno right i had a [ __ ] no someone kill me please it's very tycoon oh isn't it oh jack to come through and i saw corpse hovering over a body ray ray kill ray kill tina around the top of storage and corpse is just standing over his body you want to tell them where you saw jack what'd you see jack so i walk up to jack standing over the body and he runs into med bay and i'm standing there thinking like do i report this is he just well then peter walks in and i look really bad um all right guys i think i figured it out jax the jester rey and corpse are the imposters peter just saved the game is that right yeah um right cycling you saw cam's on the entire time right i did i actually went to the camera if games are on you should be able to see jack kill this person because oh sorry i must have i think i when i hopped off cams was the type like the timetable that all that [ __ ] happened because i didn't see anything uh but yeah raid killed like near top of storage right um it's just weird though sorry i can't hear those jack kills above mid bay and wait ray what's your defense ray i didn't do anything oh should i do it [ __ ] okay all right let's let's vote ray off first because corpse put in a good defense i think it's actually peter all right i'm going for right now i'm not [Music] oh he did i guess we just lose i need to take a dump again i've been eating probiotic pills it makes me take a lot of thumbs hello friends guess we can pack this one up guys yeah this is the warm-up game warm-up game yeah yep you guys know who to vote for right i'm voting jack here i'm voting jack jackie why it has to be jack it's corporate exactly they played you jack they played you real good huh what you wait jack we just gave you a win didn't we no wait what are you doing i could have sworn you were the jester there's no way you were the judge that's what a jester would say thanks guys you did it jack you did it jester till the end boys do you know why do you know why i voted for you to help you win because your friends get ray out last round even though you were the gesture okay you guys gonna do this simping thing all day huh i never said i'm not known for sipping absolutely right right here's what happens so jesters don't win with crewmates anymore but jack still helped us get you out because he wanted to help the crewmates win so i thought it'd be fair to give him a you know one round of backup from the crewmates right yeah that makes sense yeah uh guys full disclosure i have [ __ ] no idea what i'm doing as jester but thanks oh yeah you just voted out jack you want his jester without even voting for yourself when the gesture when it's down to one imposter one gesture and two crewmates isn't it impossible for you the coster almost always wins um if you jump on another accusation on me for absolutely no reason i'm gonna need way to hold my earrings i don't even know what i was talking about was it talking about what's the butts if i talk about butts a lot ah peter's going top right real quick jack is standing in the middle of a hallway like some weirdo oh check in the back in the back if a body is reported when the lights out are out imposters are more likely to go fix the lights because they need something to do for the first 10 seconds true true big true big true error and now fix the line makes it look sus right true be true a lot of big true words today it came from the bottom up someone is good enough to call lights who would be good enough to call light who's a light caller who calls lights ah unfortunately yeah this is a troll lobby which is fine you just gotta change the way you play and like your expectations but i was talking about it yesterday like these lobbies have turned like uno toast ash oh what's what's up tina where'd you come from a little weasel where oh my god where are you going yeah did you sorry let's talk about the body i'm sorry oh it's okay i'm just thinking about what i had witnessed here today oh what have you witnessed oh god okay okay peter what did you see because i i just found the report button but i didn't find the body exactly what did you see peter uh i was coming up uh i was coming up from reactor side i was doing one through ten doors are closed uh as doors open i go up and to the right i pass you and then i notice the the report button flash and then i double back so i know that looks kind of bad for me but i just didn't notice the body at first you know that did happen to wendy last round and she was innocent right he could be gesturing yeah i think the way his movements were he walked he was running past me and i walked past him and then i saw the report button so he would have seen the report button sooner but he doubled back to follow me but it's not like he could kill me no no i think it was a just story of you hmm [Music] where he like clears his throat before he talks come on peter yeah that's amateur oh it was jester it was jester you mean yes [Music] i don't think it's like here in the left yeah probably knowing that the body is on the left side where's the body um on the left side i don't think you would yeah it's like wait tina was in navigation i meant left side like i came i put the leaves in the little thingy and wait a minute ash is dead yeah i don't know if i guess we got nothing tonight yes we just skipped maybe because you killed our corpse absolutely what you can't keep getting away with this i'm gonna get another video i admitted i was imposter i hope so yeah mungus has lost a little bit of that shine for me shininess for me i think it's because it's like the lobbies have just i don't know um i played more in the morning lobbies i mean it's a different vibe right but the morning lobbies everyone's trying to win and but like in a nice way right that's trying to win and then just like trying to win like they have fun it's relaxed but everyone has the same goal which is like winning the game whereas in these lobbies i think the first and foremost is entertainment but it's not the kind of entertainment i would provide through among this you know i almost feel like i'm role playing when i play among us in this lobby like my role is the big brain detective my gosh what the heck are you kidding me i caught peter running away from a body again and i just wait you saw me no peter come on okay peter wait okay all i know is i feel like he's jester yeah yeah it feels like that um [Music] guys here's the thing i already know who one of the imposters is who who it's wendy so wendy's why do you think it's me wendy's an imposter because i was on admin table and i saw that there were two in storage and wendy comes up from storage and goes to admin table with me i go down to storage there's a dead body when you report it peter why yeah why didn't you report it so that sounds that's something i was on cams i saw wendy go out of admin i mean sorry go go out of storage go into admin and then i was waiting when he came out went back down to the storage and i was like wow that's kind of weird he's kind of going in like a loop and then he just said that so no i was just checking the admin table and then um i bumped into dream at the meeting because i wasn't i was like a lot of times i wasn't sure whether i should have like um called a meeting or not i didn't see out i didn't see those bodies uh peter's peter's peter's jester wendy's imposter and we don't know who the other one is i say we vote wendy and then i'm definitely wendy wasn't wendy's for sure imposter i saw two go from med bay into i saw two going to med bay uh two in med bay go into calf and then i saw two storage and then one stayed in storage and one went into admin with me and that was wendy's so it has to be windy peter if you're if you're a jester you don't win as a crewmate who said i'm jester i know you're all of us i'm not jester i'm a good guy also tina was chasing corpse everywhere and last time he said he was imposter i don't know if that's real or not oh yeah that did happen i actually don't even know if it's um i think it might be a dream yeah pop up oh oh okay where are you guys right now admin lower engine admin or engine dream what about you where where are you first i'll tell you after what what you asked you asked i don't know what i don't want you to do we know i'm innocent right how do we know you're innocent you reported three bodies in a row yes yeah she was she was pushing hard yeah and i feel like the other accusatory people are pee-pee and dream but i i do think you're right that people would have lost i pushed chester i was by button to try to press it columns were called exactly at the right time when i was about to push the emergency button i run down the comms i see someone leaving the comms room and the body's in comms so whoever was leaving is definitely the killer comms yes the comms room oh i don't think i remember seeing anyone this round but like for me dream is clear in my head uh it has to be between ray and jack but i agree i'm inclined to believe i think ray goes for kill wins right so maybe it's jack i wouldn't think i wouldn't think ray would report three bodies in a row unless she's just the crappiest imposter ever and she's lost my teammate why would i yeah no but before everyone else did so maybe you would yeah but okay so wait so you guys it was it's whoever was leaving comms who where are you guys who i told you i did my tasks in reactor and i went into security and the lights the the comms are off i actually don't know who it is you know i'll skip i actually don't know who it is i have to skip here fine i actually dream if you're crew you're suss jack how am i suspect if i didn't hmm gonna find something else to do but i also don't want to force it i feel like the best content i made comes naturally like among us we don't play because it was the hottest new game because we made it the hottest new game right when we were playing among us it was just a game that we saw someone else play on stream and they got like read my mind it just has to be jack right yeah listen yeah i i went to push wendy because it was we were on five right if i put if wendy was my teammate then i then i wouldn't have i pushed her with with peter right peter's jester clearly or you come on god no i think peter is clearly the jester and then and jeff and then jack's the only one left other than you i don't think you'd report three bodies in a row i wouldn't i wouldn't any last words jack it was peter jack you want to throw it is well played i'll just check who'd you vote i voted you peter okay i'll vote myself so you can kill me no okay okay i'll give you one last round baby wait how okay thank you peter okay clearly clearly kill em all jack kill them all that's an interesting situation if the jesters left the lives at the very end he can hold the lobby hostage right and force either an imposter wouldn't like the jester has all the power it's like the imposter is usually in the best position because for the imposter to lose the jester and the crew member have to agree to work together i found a body did you kill it uh no that's us peter all right jack listen i could only simp so much before ray actually mauls so i'm gonna i'm gonna vote you here okay peter if you do this we both lose i know but i lose no matter what so it doesn't really matter you're [ __ ] dead to me i know i'm sorry i was hoping for like a really like big crescendo like dramatic i thought this was going to be like a long live the king sort of scenario so jack jack i voted myself i voted jack well i think you're both lying oh trust your heart well if you both voted jack then i don't even need to vote that's true yeah you're right unless jack lied i would never lie who lied dream my real name is not even jack i don't think peter would vote for for you i think he probably just voted i think he probably just he voted for himself and then you voted for yourself no and then you voted for him no because then he'd win you voted for me so you probably voted for me i guess we'll split three ties either way the imposter wins but i'll go check okay gg thank you peter i got you guys technically we both lied it's true wait i didn't lie i did i did say a phone for you oh that's true sort of great work dream you were around so many bodies i was like this guy this i don't have to live that long to be honest oh you were luckier i died peter i saw i saw you scared i know i was like i thought you only had vials because you're just hovering over vials and he immediately darted to the [ __ ] med base scanner holy [ __ ] cuz i just want someone to see me scan no kind your poop but it's not like a real big urge but i wouldn't mind getting killed first because if i get killed first i get to poop first it's called the poop strat oh it's not really a strat you just get yourself killed so you can poop the poop loop the poop i need to get a basketball i want to play basketball again but not like play play just like shoot some hoops shooting some b-ball outside of the school all right i don't know if you're imposter or jester but you're not normal she ain't normal oh no oh okay the i think this one's the venter uh this is just peter's body in navigation i didn't see anyone on my way there coming out or two people for this video there's like nobody there when i left all right it's not ash and it's not dream okay rey's really weird i think she sees this imposter or jester oh why why do you say that totally trying to protect you toss i'm just trying to she was probably stalking you down like a hyena waiting for her chest hyena last round why would i do that knowing that see i would not i would not hunt him down did he die first last time he died first with ash ashland first last night but she didn't do that for me when i died first in the first round [Music] so either she likes toast better or she i i just don't i just don't see it on youtube yeah yeah these are super shrimp so i'm trying to counter the shrimps by shrimping you know what the girls can shrimp too yeah yeah wait guys dream voted for himself oh ray was protecting me that's why she did a double back move okay oh that's awfully kind of you ray i don't think she can protect me i mean would she protect me as jester it's funny how she tries to keep me alive but i actually want to die so i can poop funny how the world works isn't it oh my god my task [Music] it's been a while since something's happened i'm kind of spooked oh god get away from me jack yeah freakazoid yeah creeper lloyd ray is acting so so weird she's acting so weird right now probably get killed here corpse [Music] it's like a latina jacket corpse jack what what's happening why is everyone being so weird hello okay this is a rather a peaceful game interesting choice of a button yeah yeah i was confused it's just nobody's nobody's dying what's happening yeah that is confusing i'm just speed running my chest i have one observation go ahead yes oh um i i i think that ash is one of them wait ash is completely innocent i saw her scan oh oh it's not a hard clear ash you saw me scan too right yep are we looking at it i mean yeah we we definitely checked each other and uh yep anyway let's disregard um i think actually i think that's actually clear is because ash i'm i'm watching on cams and ash is clearing rooms but ash is clearing the rooms by entering one place into the room and that's not possible unless you have an imposter visions oh you've got some peace i saw her scan she's innocent i already voted wait wait wait guys i saw her scandal i skipped just whatever oh yeah i already showed you i'm going to vote for the cutest person tina you're voting for yourself oh my god you guys actually voted for her because i said she's scared it's actually completely innocent just trust me on that literally cannot be yes if i died if i die it's corpse for that squirts a diet scorpio diet's corpse why did tina come back up right away did you finish your wires i don't want to go to comps hi hide from the calms monster yes i could all right listen um wendy's dead too oh my god wait you guys can clear two points there's one thing i know what do you mean toast is never wrong so he must be right and so he said corpse is suspicious i'll jump on him wait what are you thinking corpse i thought that you were calling sauce on me for no reason so you'd bait out the imposter to see who would oh what is the reason oh i think yours why i thought you were just saying that as a meme to see like if the imposter would jump on it and that's oh no no of course well we're not on the same page i think yourself oh okay well i can clear two people tina and ash are both innocent wait a second i don't like how you're throwing this this clear around like all nearly willy you know well i was with you guys i wasn't [Music] you called a button for what toast said a couple minutes ago that i was suss on nothing well no coincidentally [Music] i wanted to hear why and then i also wanted to interrogate dream for his reasoning for voted for himself first round because i feel like that's impossible who do you dream of you vote for yourself so he could i think he actually was jester maybe oh oh that's nice he didn't just accuse somebody he said if i die it's actually he's pretty confident i'm telling you guys why do you think it's corpse um why do you why do you think it's me right i think it's jack these thrown out names everywhere yeah i found no answer yeah i actually didn't scan guys i can't shrimp give us a reason he's broken again jack corp score stack okay well if it's corpse and jack then i'm going to survive to the end right i mean i'll give it a i don't know if his jacket of course could be ash ash is kind of weird i actually did those wires real fast i think dream it's hard for dream to be wrong though it's probably is it ash god i wish would die so i don't have to solve this mystery huh ray and ash oh god i feel like a kill is gonna happen soon [Music] yes dr toast i got scared i got scared you guys so cooner died so we know sakura was telling the truth about ash right do we oh yeah yeah yeah so i guess he couldn't have scanned but i did scan all right ray are you clowning are you clowning this game no i'm no i'm being i'm being so serious i'm just trying to figure out how you is it literally by the way people talk during meetings like do you just listen to their voice is that how you know it's jack corps yeah okay but why jack i haven't like i have an alibi this entire round so i made sure to not get suns for no reason um well i was in cafeteria and delight so i was with everyone electrical and i mean ash ran laps around storage the middle the entire rest of the round um bray was doing wires she joined kind of late though i mean yeah did you say ray yes you were doing wires and storage a moment ago ash was there too and then you went to what's electrical yeah listen if i was imposter i wouldn't have killed cycuno leaving it it's just weird you press button a couple minutes after toast says some sauce right when two bodies are done that's kind of sucks right but i just wanted to talk to dream and understand toast reasoning for sussing you but he still hasn't told me by the way you guys want to vote jack though i'm more confident from what dream said huh that's fair why would i vote him like that that is true why would he do that is it ash is it ray i had the last task goddammit god damn it god damn it goddammit goddammit i'm scared i'm scared four people unskilled with doors everyone's alive everyone's life it's right where where's the body in admin admin well i came from weapons i didn't go into advent where was your pathing from weapons um through cafeteria to the lights oh i was just standing with you in navigation with you and toast and then the lights went out and oh i did a task in there and the lights went out and up through weapons lights i saw a c wave pass me away um uh my ash where were you yeah ash where are you i'm an electrical well i think maybe i'm below electrical did you were you there the whole time so i was on admin table and i saw toast on admin table with me and then lights went out so i went to lights wait i actually don't know who it is what do you mean you don't know who it is well i know it's not me and one of you should know it's not you well yeah i know it's not me either i thought it was right though but i'm actually not sure anymore okay well i know it's not ash and i know it's not me so it has to be corpse um it has to be well you're putting me in a position here too between ash or you but the fact that you're so sure it's me makes me think it's you um ray remind them that corpse jack corpse um it's it's ray but it's not i don't know why why is it not ash corpse wait unless he's jester that's [ __ ] go dude let's [ __ ] go you're trolling saw it stop that corpse i almost threw that it was jack corps how did you know explain uh the words they use and they're man it's incredible that yeah i did nothing and obviously an [ __ ] and sometimes by the way we soul read satellite satellites [Music] he's a satellite satellite he's a satellite should we turn some more rolls on maybe yeah yeah we could we could let's throw in a sheriff a detective garden what's a detective they can inspect dead bodies and get some hints to figure out who the imposter was i feel like you'd be good at it dream hen says and it just like it just tells you like how long or something um it's random hints sometimes it can tell you their role or how long or if they got vent killed or split yeah i could tell you like direction they headed how fresh the body is sort of random i had no idea you killed two people i didn't oh i know i we were outed by toes so i started like mowing people down [Music] i actually i wouldn't have known if it was it was you without who was jester [Applause] because then no one would vote for me if we both got scanned right sorry no no it's okay i didn't want you to get sussed out you know i don't want you to get susceptible one of each row if you get crew remember yeah if you're a crew member you're a rare species at this point oh god i'm the snitch so if i complete all my tasks i get to know who the imposters are downside the imposters know i know so they will run at me and kill me calm sabotage uh that ain't a jacksepticeye move or what that's a jacksepticeye move right there i want to fix comms you might keep your distance your freaks all right wendy and dream tried really hard to fix it oh that's [ __ ] up that's [ __ ] up oh what tech oh no um oh no who's in comms right now me i know exactly where the body is though it was in the in the middle by the button i passed by it okay but i wasn't sure if i should report it because it was still on colorblind mode right oh i see i think it's one of the people that comes oh what oh he was at comms wait i was actually dicey wendy oh wait are you accusing yourself no no you're sounding okay i'm telling you wait do we have a detective they can inspect the body the round after now because of the chalk outline oh yeah who's the who's the detective you can inspect the body and see what happened kind of broken don't answer that the detective is really excited i'll go into no don't don't answer it the imposter is going to be after i just said oh god before she has a chance to tell us whoever is the detective kill her before she tells us the truth i lied wait wait now the imposters really are going to want to kill you guys that's even worse was when i'm the imposter did they change card so this is a white chalk outline now huh for detective but i'm just a snitch i do my task and i snitch i have to do is stay alive and not die unfortunately we're playing with so much task which probably we don't need this much task because no one in this lobby does their freaking task anyway [Music] back events back events uh sorry backwards oh okay went all the way past lights first oh no uh i fixed it but uh i think dream was also fixing at the same time so i got off okay we clicked the same one and it it fixed it that's right figure out did you see the chalk body did you figure all right what info do you have i i told you i wasn't detective then who's the detective wait what if ash was the detective ashley might have been claiming oh no okay i'm the detective the detectives detective but okay what'd you find it gave me nothing useful it said it said ash's last words were oo that was real auto otto put in a bunch of like special quips for us also says she loves makkas or something oh it's like person specific lines wait somebody kill me yeah oh wait goodbye guys i'm gonna die it sounds like wait was it a it sounds like it was event oh uh wendy and see if it was event kill wendy okay usually it gives you a hint if it's for yourself okay ray's not normal for sure rey is definitely off as a person not in the game haha jk jk jk i'm so funny uh i think she's impostor jester i don't know like how big her brain is and how much he's trying to think ahead she just oh no dream wait i just saw a dream and oh never mind she was jester so here's what happened wait wait wait wait when do you yeah no no no no no i have ex the exact information because i'm reporting there are two bodies that i already saw happen okay here's here are the deets i think rey was actually sheriff and i'm not gonna lie i guardian the wrong person and so maybe she killed herself and dream question mark wait can you guardian a sheriff killer kill guardian it doesn't it doesn't matter because i guardian saikudo on accident on accident um the event was securely closed it was an event kill oh wait so if you're sheriff and you kill someone like an imposter you don't you also die or do you live you don't don't live it's only you both die if you get the wrong person i think i i i hecked up a little bit i'm sorry ray was just getting in the way man he's just what's over the place yeah tina no well here's the problem we have guys we're still on six we have to vote i think wendy really is the detective based on uh what can i hear about peter what you've been up to buddy i did mostly left side tasks around i passed corpse i did top alignment i did one through ten i did bottom alignment uh i uh double backed to do uh to go back to top right to do weapons uh and then this body was called or both these bodies are called there's definitely a share what what wait why why corp i feel like corpse would have killed me wait listen top nah just pick one i choose toast oh sorry i don't know everybody listen i tried oh no i just yelled out name if i'm wrong that's how you know i'm not stream sniping because i can't be wrong i don't know i was working off zero information that game [Music] [Applause] like sheriff and jester don't really mix because i did my job of convincing people that i'm the imposter and it got me killed by the sheriff yeah that's you know that's one of the minor penalties um look the sheriff should only do it if they're sure right yeah but i was personally trying to like stay out of her vision and stuff but like act like i can see them and so then she like walked over to me i think that's probably why she did it ah well that's part of it that's part of it the damn peter fooled me i couldn't tell by his voice which left cycuno or pete uh psychonaut corpse and i was a 50 50 at that point didn't want corpse to die even though i was an imposter no problem corpse no problem well that was a good round for you guys um yeah nice job good job you guys want to join the switch maps sure sure okay sure um i hope the the roles aren't confusing anyone too much i feel like most of us have i don't even know what guardian and what is that guardian lets you shield someone for a short time yeah he tries to kill the person you shielded it makes a really loud noise so and everybody on the surface my question is like if a sheriff tries to kill a guarded imposter does that also like keep them guarded i think it should it shields them yeah but we've never it's like an extremely rare interaction those people killed in front of you huh wait no one killed in front of me i mean they killed in front of me i think i would have seen it but if they killed in front of me my report button would also flash even if they're out of my vision because report ranges out of uh vision range but then like tycooner really did walk in the way i was like oh that's unfortunate and then and then they just both died in front of me it's like it's a rare situation sorry tina i thought how did you know how did you know that ray was i'm so sorry i'm not sure oh i think she thought i was gonna die like she thought someone was gonna try to kill me because people yeah yeah because if someone if the imposters know you're the sheriff they're just going to kill you as soon as possible dream tells peter kill in front of you guys if peter killed in front of me and i saw it i would say peter killed in front of me he killed in front of your electrical when the lights were off so that i can't see that people are killing in front of me so you can guard whenever you want and no one hears it yeah i say cool you just really slithered your way in there i was like sneaky snakey i didn't even know you were the guardian me oh yeah i also cleared cycuno because tina said he well i guess it was a sheriff kill right it could have been yeah when the sheriff gets one wrong you're essentially working off half the information because it's uh two bodies to work with instead of four bodies to work with you work off two bodies so when sheriff is wrong it's really really really really really really really really bad oh guys guys i i just got some valuable information all right so here's what's happening tina lured me into a corner because she was gonna try and kill me i think peter's the sheriff he just saved the day i thought that was a little weird yeah i had to get the gamble 50 50 between the two of you [Music] guys tina was luring me into a corner you guys are inching over like a little guy's weaving lines this is lit this is literally what i see okay i see uh cycuno leading tina into the top left reactor and i follow them and i'm thinking between sakura and tina who's actually going to be the imposter here yep yep and honestly sakuno is you know he's more of a jokester he's messing around tina's actually a cold-blooded killer killer you shot your shot round one yes well he didn't want to die based off what i saw so he's either sheriff or just clearly an imposter i feel like they're jester or imposter i think it's one of those no no no i'm the sheriff i am the child wendy how do you always get special roles it's a little suspicious hold on i know how to solve it hold my earrings ready wendy wendy hold on i'm gonna fight them wait when do you win i'm gonna fight you psychonauts either the sheriff or the neptune on your scarf so wendy if you're really the sheriff why don't you just go take out peter yeah just take me out if you're really the sheriff we'll have a duel at dawn wendy we'll see who is everyone else watches they'll duel at the table wait which table wait i'm trying to get it to add up here i don't think psycho why did the imposter sabotage comes ah oh my god peter what i thought no i thought i thought peter was the sheriff or something there was somebody else he's an imposter he just killed him no no there was somebody else that was walking over me so that i would like miss click but i did actually get to click on peter because before the comms got called i was like trying to remember where peter how do we know that wendy didn't just just kill him yeah right before the color went off i was staring at peter he was next to me yeah if she would have killed herself imposter and she's claiming this kill that means peter's telling the truth about killing tina that means if all wendy the game will instantly end that at some point i don't think she's either way yeah yeah wait so if we go peter or or wendy peter's dead then wins the game right i mean but if we if we take out then guys i have another idea even better if wendy's really the sheriff wendy take another shot then we'll find out if she's the sheriff or just an imposter because if the game's not over that could not i'm coming for you no no wendy if you're the sheriff we're both going to die i'm just going off right no no let's skip and let wendy take one more shot wendy kills like we're going to find out okay i'll try when he kill me kill me when he do it we're going to drop numbers fast no i don't yeah all right i don't know what if it's neither of them maybe he just saw peter kill and there's no coverage he killed someone for sure i killed peter yes so wendy for sure has to be either an impostor i thought peter was the sheriff i didn't know right oh i think you're both imposter what a mess all right everyone stand still and don't move feel free to go for me wendy if you're the impostor getting a free kill on me wendy though no you move yourself don't move i'm [ __ ] moving sorry sorry sorry sorry oh my god it was neither of them yes there was another of them um wait so which one was it out of okay we know for a fact that peter was impossible yep and it wasn't wendy or psycho but we now know for sure well so so that means to be fair sakura was clearly trolling them yeah so there's one imposter left troll kuno so now we have no information on anybody else yeah i like voting for corp for court for no reason so i'm gonna vote for corpse um why oh why i just said for no reason don't do that come on toast we have a dire situation here i saw him kill wait what no you didn't toast i'm skipping i'm voting toast it could be jester the jester can still be alive all right let's just wait for the killer to do a kill nobody does it's corpse toast you didn't even vote for him yeah i voted for him the lesson is never trust anything anybody for consents anymore the heck is this that's probably cornerstone all right i have no information like absolutely no information which makes sense because there's only been one killings by peter and he's dead i know i might have no information because there's no information to go on also nice job i wendy on sniping the kill why would saikudo just peter like that i think i can always gesturing probably could be anyone oh lyme's dead who's lyme again jack sir i'm busy investigating these guys there's someone why didn't we go find the body listen i'm a detective okay and i have something to say to dead cycuno i investigated his dead body and it said that he had a receipt for an unpaid water bill and i want to know where his money is going from subs and twitch primes he's not paying his water bill he uses a lot of water well he just needs water you're dead the water bill oh my god you're dead yeah so he you know maybe you know he had to go he had to go all right i know what sakura spends his money on what expensive louis vuitton underwear and a gold toothbrush my what i what i think i think i think corpse is jester i think ray obviously already said she's inspecting bodies and that sounds like something interesting to make up so it's either toast or ash well i mean it's just not me but you guys aren't getting well it's also just not me well but i'm saying i know i know it's not me from my perspective i'm talking from my perspective what role do you have dream huh well who are you i'm i'm crewmate i have nothing crew ashwa what are you huh my crewmate as well huh well psychonauts said that was a rare that was a rare breed and it is not that rare i think it's toaster dream yeah i'm tossing up between toast and dream i think it's dream or corpse well listen we need to get it right here if we want to have a chance to win as crewmates because otherwise then it's either the juxtaposition the jester or the imposter yeah because if you have one jester and one impossible you're right all right vote for one of toast imposter if you want to build a win kill oh my gosh says gaby corsten wait ash filled it with me it's ash it's got the ash it's got the ash there's no one else right wasn't dream and dream said it's either me or ash and since dream was innocent we know he's telling the truth so it has to be ash right i'm crewmate toast it has to be you wait why is it not corpse what wait didn't person you said it was cool yeah what the heck well i trust dream more than i trust myself it's tough so what okay it has to be toasted because he would never you're always right toast what do you mean that is true yeah why didn't you believe in what you said to vote me earlier um ash about your vote dream huh cause you said it was dream that's true i did say that now i think you said i'm voting for dream and i said oh okay then why'd you listen to me why do you trust me cause everyone just said you're always right wait you trust him and now you're blaming him ashley oh that's kind of messed up unfortunately i know unfortunately i have no influence i know everyone's liar voice here i know who it is who is the corpse i'm gonna vote who it is you're voting ash aren't you you [ __ ] jesus yes that's what i'm doing wait i don't know ash's liar voice i mean it could be close i don't know the dream say it's me or corpse of your ash he said toast ash i feel like he threw a corpse in there at some point he might have i i'm confused at this point all right course you know i'm trustworthy why do i know that because you know the way i play and i would never lie you can hear him smiling i can hear corpse smiling too i don't know okay ashley's the only one not smiling so she must be paused i agree with that statement okay walking it in i got ready for not smiling dream you goddamn genius because i'm a psycho satellite i just need to kill you to make sure you're telling the truth let's go nice try ash all what i got three people basically gosh i could tell who is right yeah you were luring me into a corner i thought peter saved me you peter saved you know thank you for luring tina to a corner so i could kill her i appreciate that like did it right you saw him do the jiggle he was doing it what you had the audacity that was just cause i was nervous i thought i was gonna die i thought i was gonna die why did you lie why did you tell everybody that i did it wait no no i i saw i i thought peter killed you true i'm dreaming i'm sorry about your desk good god i thought he was the sheriff oh i have ludwig's pidgey on hair oh i'm imposter with corpse did forgot how do i play normally again do i even do my task well i gotta claim to be crew member right and you're staying here to pretend oh the silent killer the the specimen killer the monster that kills and specimen like a monster that kills some specimen specimenly killing in specimen where i kill and specimen the place i kill at and no one's a special one if someone checks admin they're gonna see this dude has been in specimen for an hour for an hour but i'm committed to this i just pretend like i'm just our sheriff or something wait a second peter was just at the door with me peter was on the left side he was an o2 i saw him running up from the bottom side when reactor was called that's my information i just passed jack on the way towards office like three seconds ago peter was at the door to go into office i just opened the door and went in ash fix left's reactor hmm uh corpse why didn't you report the body why oh the body was literally like two feet from me so i'll say this just to add to that i was i was keeping this information but we don't have a card swipe [Music] you're making the wrong play here i i was doing this i was doing this i haven't checked i didn't even check you or not i've checked i stood where you stood how dare you stand guys what if he's the jester okay sakuno's imposter what okay listen no no wait why am i imposter listen i'm snitch i don't even know what the hell that is did everybody know you're snitching already dream when you finish all your tasks they're arrows that point to the imposters jack oh so why did you keep that information corpse i didn't ashes said it was the last um ashley said she was at the door with them jack's just reported the body late i passed him on the way to office you're literally waiting in his heart just walked out the door where is the body jack it's right at the door he he's actually like two feet from it you just went that didn't you i didn't no i was in i was in vitals and then i went down towards admin wait i saw a raid there as well corpses what if he's a jester oh god how do i win by myself oh ray's using ludwigs here [Music] okay okay so he wasn't the jester but he could have been get him out of here well no i'm just saying he definitely could have been the gesture why'd you call the buddies jack is the jester ray wants to vote out oh i have an idea okay let's hear it i've really wanted to kill someone all game can i kill him what oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay yes yeah wait wait no i'd rather get voted off then jesus i know that's what i'm saying but at this time you guys know i always back up corpse he could have been the jester what about the rest of us yeah what about that wait tina what'd you have tina tina we're gonna watch him get stabbed by ass get him get him guys guys don't don't you're crazy close the doors please privacy you guys are crazy i have you're crazy all right that's just guys look i'm not the imposter if i was i would kill her first um do it the imposter has a lower kill cooldown if i'm gonna get killed anyway i would rather kill in front of everyone are you guys crazy your roommates are going to die here well we're going to still crew me in here guys and let ash and you go into a corner you guys are crazy and when the police ask what happens two crew mates are dying here we're going to say we saw nothing yeah we didn't see nothing we didn't see anything i didn't see anything all i know is that we can't vote anyone out in case they're just hurt i guys i'm i'm not i'm not an imposter if asked who are you jester we both die for nothing that's true that's actually it might make the detective play better actually he dodged the question well the detective can inspect our bodies true i mean i mean the sheriff no it doesn't matter if we okay i gotta hope they killed each other right now what's taking so long oh i think ash is trying to find cycuno still i can't kill i can't kill unless it's just like kuno i need to kill dream i think he knows too much or maybe i can leave your dream into a false sense of security one two three four one two three four one two three four one two three four ah this is tough what is a dream i can't find is he hiding an event or what's up i can't find cycuno um i'm not hiding an event but i am in a great hiding spot is he in the bottom vent and by the library guys i'm not an imposter he's not there he's not there that's his usual spot cycuno is jester yeah i'm the jesus if you're imposter you have to kill him all right wait listen guys i have i have one should you want to kill ash i have one pass left oh he'll just find the imposters immediately yeah mine are all done so foster cream will know exactly where i am if i'm actually the imposter right it's like chop chop crewmates like that but i'm not being because he's not a stronger so we know you're not impossible yeah i'm the jester ah okay which is why i was trying to tell you guys it's killing me why do you know that because he when he says he can't lie so no that's he set himself up for it he put a big old target on his back he did but why was anyone following him like i know i tried [Music] why don't we all hit skip and ask you to kill me now tina were you at comps yeah i was at columbus were you at comps nope i was hiding from my life for fear of asking wait why would you oh but ash remember when everyone wanted to kill me and then sorry where is this body jack hit around it's just to the right of calms between uh the table and the storage area okay but seikuno why would you fear for your life i don't get that one no because ash literally said i'm going to kill saikuno then chased me for five minutes until i juked her in the specimen like an among us god just both die um okay so here shall i no ash kill me no i think toast might be impostor that was that comes i swear to you harambe oh he's saying he said he was there but he wasn't he wasn't there okay wendy were you there so wendy ryan for sure no around and then i think i saw one person run to the right and i figured whoever died yeah but someone else ran would have ran with them no i'm going to ask kill me do it ash do it [Music] no god ash don't come near me oh raise the impos raise the jester all right where is everyone right now i'm in specimen okay okay wait have we voted out an imposter yet yeah of course oh dream got him out caught him red handed i've i figured it out oh you're not the jester yes i am you guys found me like three rounds ago that's why ash can't kill me right and that's also why i'm not afraid of ash killing me well dream did you if she does then um what do you think i am toast you're not the jester i'm voting toast i'm the jester no so the jester is rey i don't know because she knows i know ray is just like because it's just it's funny there's only one way to find out i'm voting for who i think i should vote for tina it makes no no no tina tina i've been trying don't let her get in your brain right didn't toast go for corpse like at the beginning yes yes raise jester because she's not making sense and ray's smart toast would know that cycuno is gesture yeah well don't worry ray i got you covered because i voted for you oh my god thank you guys [Music] [Music] like recklessly and then nobody saw the vent or not impossible in front of everyone how did nobody see it what was the justice our vision is trying to be psycho yeah this is why i didn't want ash to kill me eventually i should have let her kill me then the imposter would have a better chance also the detective um i was lying i had done all my tasks i was just trying to figure out who it was and not and not get killed i was just stalling and then toast ah i didn't think of the thing is i completely forgot about the colored cons i was like there's no way if i just stall there's no way he can get away like the imposter could kill me yeah then he just won't know and i'll know and then i and then i win but then i if that thing what didn't exist oh it would have been so good yeah yeah yeah that's cool i like it a lot yeah true mate come on give me some super special role that's a hard game yeah killing that calm skills was too risky i needed to go back in with the crowd and say oh the killer's among us among us yeah i should just kill them double back and just make like mix myself in even though they'll see someone come in and shuffle around jesus okay orange red dream and brown ash and corpse ashley corpse oh no that's quick well you guys don't think i would have tried to kill ash since he tried to kill me last round right nope it's like no he's clear it's totally psychonautical it's peter or wendy for this one what definitely could be me trying to wait hold on kill me last round hey jack this is are you self-reporting but how is me no peter what both of them were in med bay i ran out to go fix comms i came back in when they were fixed and peter and coming out i'm sorry i'm eating nachos that cannot be true uh but i wasn't actually even in maybe i was at wait i know i'm being serious i actually was not in med bay i probably just arrived i saw like toast and two other people at clums at least okay wendy wendy and peter who were leaving left though it's on the med school was i had med bay i i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure i saw peter but i don't know if that comes pretty sure it was me peter toast and someone else right it could have been it could have been ray's color that i saw leave then because he definitely i'm so confused right like definitely me toasting a couple of people were actually yeah is on med scanner and wendy was the last one leaving that area wait so pete the people that are at comms are no they are are they can i go i walked i walked out with corpse yeah tina go investigate i'm gonna he didn't he's on scanner i met you at the drill rocket thing no you're lying it's wendy it's jack tina i'll assist you chalk okay chuck chuck zone tina's got the chalk can i want to get chester just there seems fun opening the door opening the door hmm i want to try some big brain plays as impossible jester later dreams on this he also fixed though interesting interesting what you got detectives what'd you find detective oh god i really have to recollect the information now um the dna of three bodies blood trail um three what that that's all i got for you that really gave us nothing tina no did you become a detective off a cereal box tina no there was a trail from three people use that information so like three people killed them or smiled wait i was just cool it means people like walked over or something did it say which direction the person who killed them went i don't know so that might back up jax it says three maybe it's corpse and then wendy and then peter if i'm saying that might be the three dna jack i told you i walked out with corpse and then i and then jack reported i don't know who i i met her at the door of med bay and corpse's body is on med scanner so she didn't walk out with corpse corpses already dead in med bay no he's not in that bay i walked out you can see can't you see where the chalk thing is yeah it's just it okay so this is okay just in the hallway verify and verify whose body is someone tried to stab her wait who was near you guys everyone else went into bed something was prevented if you're a guardian yeah only you hear that she always [Music] look i thought i thought you said it went off for everybody wait did you hear it jack well i didn't hear it no no no i think ray just activated it activate it you hear it yeah properly yeah and then it activates again where everybody in the [Music] hmm stop spreading the lie yeah yes calm sabotage is interesting if you see someone kill it is in your best interest to chase them out sorry teen i reported out of instinct that's all right peter do you think i could go look at the body yeah yeah probably okay this is by calms rey is clear for this i think guys and i are so clear you imposters better kill us yeah you've got you no shot at winning this i'm sorry no shot no no no shut up i don't know tina i'll be honest your last hints were there was a blood trail i'm voting how dare you she's now tina i'll i'll uh i'll do the honorable thing i skipped tina i'm just doing the honorable thing oh you're kidding me wow i thought you guys were voting for me he's imposter oh my god he thought he was i believe the impostor will try and fix the sabotage hmm oh my god i was trying to kill wendy when did next reflexes [Music] [Music] people please listen to me oh my god yes yes i was listening to you jack i was going to say always the last two rounds i've been trying to kill her oh you were you knew it was her dream you had to kill me i was inspecting the body good luck the detective bro give me a body and i shall inspect it yes detective tells i believe i shall solve this mystery first i needed someone to die though i know it's not the greatest detective to let someone die first before solving the crime but uh you know psychonauts want to kill me i believe he thinks about killing me and because he doesn't want to kill me he's gonna let me live what that's interesting they don't know why you're acting so weird oh there's two bodies two people came up still no way did we kill corpse again tina wendy okay no that's a sheriff kill yeah it could be a right kill there's a lot of kills information guardian and i've been guarding toast i walked up to this on comms i was wondering why those the sabotage was taking so long to fix and uh there's a body here there's a body uh yeah you guys kill corpse one more time first oh something bad's gonna happen who would be sick enough to kill corpse even though they probably didn't even do it because i'm pretty sure it was an accident maybe he killed himself a sheriff that is true although i don't think they would i don't think a sheriff would kill with cons like the first round yeah that would be a little too true i think i have a punch on who the jester is wait tell us he already skipped we didn't even talk about rounding phil yet where were you guys i was the only one fixing the cons i think i fixed it is anyone else that comes here right now i think like everybody is 100 clear yeah yeah yeah hog clearing oh wait wait ray you're 100 clearing mm-hmm oh so you're not the jester huh nope oh well that's awkward wait you wouldn't say you know she's jester why um i had a hunch uh yeah but the jester wouldn't want to look clear right so so it must be jack uh huh what you don't deny it no jack would never kill corpse i'm sorry why are ashton hardclear i was just with her the whole time and there's three dead okay and how am i getting blamed for this yeah how's jack getting blamed for this yeah how is jack getting blamed for this yes if i get voted out for that [ __ ] uh no i thought she was jester and i was trying to help her um corpse and tina were right next to each other all right now let me inspect this body uh-huh all right i have that i thought you were protecting him cycuno you were no no guys guys i no i left but i have valuable information it's not dream jack or it's not dream ash or ray or me that leaves peter and jack why is this not the part of you guys because of my galaxy brain tactic here what is your galaxy brain tactic ash and ray both walked down never went back up so did dream unless dream circled around after killing and then self-reported on six which is very unlikely so how do you know that how do you know that how do you know they never came back up um because i was lurking on them like a guardian didn't you say you were protecting toast the entire time and now he's dead well that was last round but anyway um according to my my tactics um it's gotta be peter and jack well i went i i after comms were fixed i went to uh top dcom and i passed jack at telescope so i don't think it was i did i did temperature and telescope i did minus 35 degrees celsius and i did the fiery planet all right i want i want i want honestly uh cicuno so when whenever they left ash and ray toast was alive yep i was the last one to leave so easy mommy not peter and jack or some of those three stuff up and i'm the imposter i actually thought it's weird but it's like it's weird that he's guardian though like i feel like that's like something you would you wouldn't like i feel wouldn't you do guardian on someone that's a solo like either dream or or toast or like one of us like why i don't know why you were lurking on rey and ash when they're like a pair oh because that's the best way to catch someone if you guard someone right before that you think they're going to die you swoop in and guard them then you can catch the imposter that you did a fantastic regarding time it doesn't even matter why i was doing that the point is i was watching this i'm going to put jack first you're voting i'll go jack first too i literally just said what my tasks were you said the fire planets so was that a double kill or was that a sheriff kill probably a double kill right now that's the sheriff just oh hey what's what's up i think you're spot on i think so too any last words peter no i don't like any of you i love it i love you hold on hold on wait does anyone else have anything else to say no i think you're spot on i think you just cracked the case nobody's got anything else to add no there's no will to live now that jack is gone get me out of here i can tell by the way you say guardian that you are the guardian oh and i don't think you would kill toast when you were with him i just think you're telling the truth yep i was sure if i was gonna kill peter anyway so oh oh wait we should have let him have the shots we should have set up a shame guys what a shame a good job everyone that way wow great job super sleuth cycle detective kudo hmm great job i was just lurking about because i was guarding oh okay yeah it worked out what's fire planet can i isn't it like the blue one yellow flames on it oh yeah it's blue with a little like like fire like that one yeah like orange gas or clouds that's why i got oh god run it back run it back okay okay okay i'm gonna make people think i'm the jester here i'm gonna make people think i'm the jester by doing a big iq play [Music] do but who do i kill i need to kill somebody here sorry when did you just i just felt like you andy what where's the body where's the body oh wait ray you found it oh god wait what's the office because she's gonna accuse me wait what why oh because we touched each other was it toast when i passed you um i mean never might go on oh the body's in office right in the middle that makes oh that actually makes a lot of sense why i didn't see it then where did you come from where did you where where did you see toast where did you come from i saw you passed left what do you mean where did i come from you didn't vent in the tree did you no i did upload or download whatever it is i actually know who it is if this is an office wait but it's boring if i told you guys it's so obvious listen to me it's so obvious that even kids can figure out i'm going to go to the bathroom and buy a time kill toast you guys need to solve it all right don't disappoint me bye-bye all right okay all right wait let's let's crack the case what's going on you guys i'm telling you right now mm-hmm toast just lies what i'm loading toast he didn't go to the no i think he i don't bathroom he thinks we'd vote him off during this if he's just no we do it all the time he did it to us last time it was the fastest just around of all time he said he was dreaming oh come on i went to the bathroom that makes way too much sense think about this think about that thumbnail right there i won while going to the bathroom he's going pee-pee insane oh he's going no it doesn't the video's already ruined because we're giving it to him well the editors will cut it out the editors no they call it the whole hurry everyone knows that's too much everyone acts surprised hurry no corpse is a lie for a change he skipped let him play oh jesus he went to the bathroom to pee pee he voted for himself fred do you think it starts i think he's just oh god you gotta think a couple layers ahead is all i'm saying there's just a couple layers ahead sorry it's like oh no i'm sorry i'm sorry psychonaut i'm sorry i'm sorry you had to go you're actually kind of smart psycho no no that fills me with pain and regret toast all right saikuno is dead in spicy right yes toast what the heck no i went out the left side tina you were the last person i was like uno no you were the last person i saw was like you know no you were the last person that's outside you were the last no you can we vote them both no okay i'll also say it was a little weird ray was just standing in the middle of office with lights out doing nothing i saw oh i was doing something i was doing something i was investigating wendy's body [Music] i was invested she didn't have any final words there was a lot of information a lot of information oh uh the killer did go southwest which is where i passed toes he talks he also lied about being at wheels that's where i came from i pretended to be dumb thinking i didn't see him but i did see him come out of office where wendy was i was thinking maybe jester but toasting is southeast not southwest no he he went southwest out of office and and uh the from my discoveries it said that it was it was their first kill ever yeah it said these bike marks don't match any known record marks who bites people she was bitten to death i was out here biting white the toast is fighting back well weirdos dude yeah i don't i don't really know what that means also said the ground was shaking when she died oh maybe during seismic it's my cake my cake oh his humongous and it's toast he admitted it seismic yeah his ass cheeks were clapping so hard it was shaking the ground that's what toast is referring to the earthquake oh i hate that i got him red-handed you guys want toast wait you said it was only one answer i don't know who killed sex i will not go he voted for himself though oh god if he's gesture he's not jester he's not jester oh you promise oh ah what me voting myself did nothing these guys are why the bodies that comes what's the three bodies that comes well did that think too big brain did i go one galaxy brain higher i need to dial it down just a little bit more too much iq oh no um so this is uh this is dreams body in electrical the outside part kind of below download a little bit i'm assuming he was on his way to fix lights probably my last album in comms i'm in specimen now oh so as a jester i can vote for myself well i guess oh god passing ray out of left office was kind of a bad uh peter weren't you in vitals um yeah i wasn't vitals why why was your lights you know what i should have went to lights you're right i didn't i didn't notice there was like three people standing in the hallway so i was just kind of chilling around there that's okay we got it why didn't why didn't no we know we don't we're pretty sure we got toast right i am a thousand percent confident toast was a killer yeah i think does this one a thousand percent i spent that whole last round explaining out loud to myself and true true truth no i i think i think rey is clear i think tina is clear uh i i can pretty confidently clear ash oh so there's jack i would like it clear but no one's going to clear me because i've been trying to speedrun my time oh right corpse doesn't have sus cause he played the innocent oh right i killed wendy insecure no i should have killed peter too she killed feeder can you clear corpses the autopsy said bite marks i wasn't with ash admittedly oh i mean corpse is known for having teeth wait what he lifts his teeth on his mask he's got teeth wait you out here tonight people dog no toast get him tina yeah he's actually biting people [ __ ] him up what a weird fellow okay somebody follow me please white people when i was a kid oh god ray i'm sorry okay i need a sabotage for of course but i also don't i don't want to [ __ ] with the main silence i'll do door sabotages so how do you want to do this [Music] wait was that a task sheriff sheriff he killed me oh the sheriff you are infected nice [ __ ] people man i don't actually know how you know what i didn't do any of this your movement your movement was your movement was hella sucks on me and electrical and i was just like i think i'm gonna dice you anyway i'm just gonna go [Music] oh wait what so oh wait wait the person who killed wendy was toast yeah yeah yeah wait so what the what's the teeth more thing then i think it's just flavor wait you guys legit flavor oh god corpse i'm so sorry i thought the two thing was for you oh my god sorry no that would be ridiculous right bringing it up as a joke um it feels a little too obvious in hindsight oh it's true i thought you guys we got them guys i already gotta pee in the meantime well i oh i would also like to pee potty break dreams going to break are you kidding me saikuno i'm down to kids it's been an hour yeah it has oh it's been two hours no uh yeah but but i got the right guy with the wrong reasoning i thought it was an obvious joke uh huh it's kind of stupid of course i'm sorry i forgive you do you guys want to crew link on mira yeah miracle i'm down for whatever honestly i'm done with anything i'm playing until this party disbands yeah same same i got i got other games to play you do wait i'm gonna play through little nightmares too oh when i was watching like lily or toast or like me young i couldn't wash them yeah oh it was so i love the first one it's one of my favorite games i'm so excited are you gonna play card mode apparently there is no co-op mode oh why is that that one was because you all were playing co-op i thought yeah i was playing co-op with me young for a bit wait it's really guys do we need to fill we need uh we need to fill right it's not like real co-op right i'm not seeing someone right now i think wendy has one i'm asking at the moment yeah yeah yeah i can ask someone too if the old friend says no sorry give me give me one minute do it one at a time yeah yeah yeah huh kyle well first let's see if wendy's is wrong good idea i've been up for like two days yeah yeah corpse uh he's he's been up a lot lately i've been slaving away valium when they're not live chat with my friends yeah dude i wake up at seven to do to stream and i see you guys still in the discord you go ahead and crazy okay i'm gonna see if i'm gonna call carl okay oh gosh put the double top hat on that's two two two sleepy i will work hard to wake up early do i need some coffee but the problem with the coffee is it always makes me so antsy oh but oh man it's a struggle maybe i'll have a little just a tiny bit of coffee like homemade coffee i think starbucks coffee makes me like more hyper maybe not hyper maybe anxiety exercise anxiety anxiety anxiety i'll talk to you later i'll see you at 2am see you at 2am i guess wow that's some major out the gang energy he's probably tired he's probably chilling no he was actually just in the shower oh so we don't uh you talk to him in the shower ideas um no all right i'll find people oh okay miss popular over here with all her friends i just throw out invites until whoever says yes first and then i just come first ask people until uh do you then feel bad when everybody says yes at the same time no no no no the first one that responds is the one that gets in right not anymore yeah you know like oh yes it is what it is it happens yeah where's five up true where's five oh i'll call him too call him okay say hi to him for us it's probably too late to call him all right we already have a lot of the invites on oh is that so oh it does raise no one's responding to me yet so uh what about leslie can anyone message leslie maybe she might like to play should i call bible wait wait you you you could message her right ash does she have dms on oh she doesn't oh should i yeah guys i might have someone they're currently typing oh okay pink man jesse pinkman i play with pink man this morning pink man pink pants oh my homies love pink man pink man's great joji oh i'm so hungry jojo jojo well we could uh we could you know try playing with nine while we wait if it's that's true wait wait for a response perhaps my call got forwarded to an automated voicemail oh guys guys there's so many of us surely one of us can get find one raise invites uh sent out five i've got one rejection so far let's just play online for one you guys will not believe what happened last night oh what happened what happened let's play stardew valley and it was the flower festival and we had to ask someone to go to a dance and i spent 30 minutes trying to figure out who to ask to be my dance partner and i was so nervous about it i even bought a souvenir from the dance i finally mustered up the courage and asked the guy and he rejected me and then i proceeded to get rejected by the entire town oh no every single person in that town rejected me all of the dance started and i literally was in the corner watching that man you flirt with them a little bit i think ludwig had his chest one girl even said you know oh god can we actually not buy one for among us or not chris no no i think i think i might maybe have someone we could definitely just play one with nine until then yeah let's just yeah they're they're yeah yeah i got someone typing but i don't know if they're in or not oh no another another long one the long ones usually mean a rejection you're getting three dotted um the other triple dot x is typing dot dot dot i think they need some convincing but i i don't know if should i call brexit just tell them give them running running i'm going to call brett as i've literally messaged i've got either gotten no response or gotten rejected okay i feel like if bretman comes and we already have a spine he's gonna get real mad oh no no no he's gonna be like corpse are you kidding me he's gonna say exactly like that i will maybe we should did everyone did everyone invite people together among us right now first come first serve yeah i messaged people not not much it's ringing is it still ringing bro we got brevin rubbing in a hose yay wait that fast i think he meant he answered yeah he's running to his computer all right now call to call off all the other ones before i cancel them cancel call your pigeons home they're all respecting me it's okay all right this don't is don't have to cancel when you just get rejected oh god right honestly an answer is an answer and i like it i appreciate it wait we're gonna have to give bremen the exe right i think he has him he's a gamer i think he's played before bretman gamer shall we do crewlink or you guys don't wanna oh i don't i'm not sure i i'm down for either same same i'm okay with whatever everyone wants yeah same same i'm a sheep that's not an opinion you guys uh i want that's my opinion i just want good old vanilla you get that every day peter you're in the circus now peter circus yeah this is clown among us clown don't you see my clown hat all right wait is that a clown hat huh dude after one ring and he wrapped it up wow that's pretty good because he's probably watching no it wasn't he wasn't he wasn't that's a homie rocks rainy among us so uh aloha [Music] everyone's been rejecting us they're the only ones corpse called me and i was like uh how do i say no to what up baby was the first person we asked okay yeah he said what up baby i wanna i wanna feel like re-enacted or something yeah how many people are gonna set that as their ringtone how many people are gonna say psych who knows oh jesus that's their alarm probably oh um unless you went on a secret you got at least one yeah hey what's up guys it's sai kuno here buddy but tina don't expose me what is up guys let's see oh it's you oh oh jesus oh so that means there's at least two two how does it feel um oh yeah am i downloading this thing that ash sent yeah you should yeah i don't have it right that's the yeah the bubbles i just on your computer and then you just ignore that got it let's do it i want rainy among a silent hill fog among us oh hell yeah i'm sure you should be like a producer dude i want a pyramid head costume that would be sick i want victorian london bloodborne among us i'm asking otto because i know who won't do it who won't do it the dabs yeah true inner sloth i'm allowed just gonna wait for bretman to join the game any moment that sounds like a tick tock trend tell me the code without telling me the code yeah it is you got this bretman i believe in you oh [ __ ] i ain't logged out of it it's all right wait did the lobbies not end anymore like do they not get timed out anymore i think is it the last code sent by it's not that code oh got it he's in clutch all right here we go welcome brad man thanks for coming oh my god thank you i didn't have a choice okay just a boring old crew member and i'm gonna do my task like a boring old crew member no way we have the sabotage on that's why killing corpse first in his own lobby after he found the family in the courtroom and on his birthday corpse don't worry i'll get i'll go to the bottom of this birthday i can't believe this hashtag happy birthday i can't believe you killed corpse on his birthday whoever killed corpse on his birthday um what wait is that not what you were going for i don't think it's brettman because where's his body thinking alongside him oh where where is my body wait i have a question is it is it normal for my color to change yeah that's one of their new sabotages color blinds yeah sorry i was like what is going on is that what we're playing like a color blind it's only for for yeah does anyone else want to you know proclaim how shocked they are that corpse is dead oh i can hard clear toast rey tina and myself yeah i'm not just shocked i'm pissed mm-hmm yeah we would never kill people i'm pissed off oh no tina's angry oh no i'm fear wait ray you would what i mean yeah i i think everyone should die first balancedly but he's been dying a lot first today yeah yeah guys you have to bring order about honestly you're all doing a great job at making the impossible really bad right now yes wait guys i have a theory oh okay only person okay you think the imposter would be crazy enough to to say stuff like that they would be overwhelmed with guilt i think the imposter hasn't said a word this whole meeting overwhelmed with guilt they probably killed on accident while the colors were juggled toast where is the body yeah where's the body it don't [ __ ] matter no it does it does i need to know where the body is oh my lord it is so hard to fix comp sabotage i mean ash didn't say anything so it's got to be ash right i mean i'm just like logic which i don't necessarily disagree with yeah i know if i was impossible i'd feel really bad that everyone like i think everyone was mostly memeing but it did sound like some players were being like a little serious about it that corpse died first and i agree like course dying first it's like oh man guys stop killing him but it turned into something a little um uncomfortable for me [Music] oh thank you um okay i got confused because i was trying to guard tina but i think it might have highlighted jack so i'm not sure who i guarded wait when do you guard no i was only near you at the end yeah no no no no um in comms i tried to follow tina to guard her but i think i may have highlighted jack but either way i the sound went off right no i didn't [Music] i think you might have guarded me no when do you guarded someone yeah no i think everyone has it everybody heard it because the imposter tried to kill the person i guarded yeah it wasn't me i wasn't near anybody for them to try and kill me is one of the killers what no i'm actually chasing the killer at the moment there's someone dead on comms and i'm chasing them oh where's the wait no they went up they went up towards med bay but also toast died oh jesus this is targeted you and me are next okay i was inspecting the body i was inspecting the body and someone or someone was also there fixing comms i fix comes right at the start wait someone's standing there with the body though what do you guys thought against them i was fixing i think i just fixed comms like there's something this is weird because who didn't wait i didn't i didn't see a box i can't i was trying to protect tina but i have a feeling i might have misclicked on jack no no no i i ran away and i wasn't near anybody for them to try and kill me for it to go off i i heard it as well when i was on vitals really startled i think jack might have tried to kill tina then oh wait no no no i i wasn't near her at all um i went to bite me but how did wendy see you if you weren't near her no we were all in comms together yeah that tr that tracks wait maybe maybe you did protect jack i don't know also i would have taken this as my vouch instead of denying it if i was imposter oh i'm sorry i thought it was anonymous ray ray we gotta stick together right we're next we're next oh no where it was ash it makes sense for her to stay quiet interesting enough sakuno is her partner so i got the clues but uh unfortunately i died before i could report it but honestly and i just i don't feel like the goal of this game is to win is to make content but at the same time some people really want content to a point where like they were i don't know something oh maybe i'm wrong maybe something's wrong with me something's wrong with me does anyone see wendy and i with different hats on no i saw ray with like three hats on yeah a lot of hats on oh i don't know she and brent are dead two hats um anyone see them no i found the report button before the emergency button was pushed where are you i was running into lab or uh yeah uh hospital it's called lab yeah i know what happened what happened okay last round i think i understand wait no that doesn't make sense sorry sorry okay well well i inspected the body this time and it said so toast toast toast had no role though the killer went north and that's pretty much and there was two yeah there's two dna on the body i'm guessing one of them was ash yeah um wait it's so weird when i checked vitals i said three people were dead not two that's weird i called that's why i called the button yeah i think it was weird just so confused about the last round sorry i'm still like trying to get over it what happened last round oh the guardian thing okay you protected someone last round last round jack tina and i were all in comms i followed tina from weapons because i wanted to protect her on cooldown and then um i think i may have missed her and clicked on jack but then no no it must have been her because yeah and we need to i'll out this now because we're on six but i'm sheriff so we need to pick someone yeah i was gonna say that should clear jack because okay unless he got it so then who who tried to kill tina because the sound went off yeah somebody tried i she walked away from me i didn't see her oh jesus what do we do guys where was tina when it went off does anyone know because i think she was on left side guys guys i'm voting ash yeah same oh my gosh i'm not sure oh jesus i've oh no wait i literally said i'm not a detective okay yes i mean peter she's the imposter of course she's gonna vote for someone yeah it's like a rave no [Music] you killed you a second oh did you get it did you get it you sharped him i found him i found him yeah you psycho [Music] i felt i'm gonna protect you with my life whoever is the guardian protect him wait i really knew it was cycuno though you were jester huntina yeah he he did a double take he was like wait a second uh he also tried to cling to ray a lot i think that was that right yeah oh okay i would never snitch huh i don't know if i can do all my tasks in time if this was proximity chad 100 i can do my testing time but in non-proximity chat with full list of tasks it's kind of scary i can try rushing it and i hope to kill us a slow player all right will you kill me at left gas go ahead comes i don't care about no freaking comps why that guy just stands still in the middle of nowhere kinda creepy but i'm the snitch so i'm gonna speed run my test oh i should do this task last right also i'm gonna get revealed oh man i gotta come back here one minute later god someone loves calling comms and mr jacksepticeye does love his comm calls [Music] what did you see in specimen uh well this will be a game of you know i know but i know you know so i'm just gonna come out with it i walk past a person calms were called though so this person boldly walked past me knowing i can't see his color and the body's right beside them this person is in top specimen you know who you are i don't know you though i know where the second body is it's uh it's right next to it's right next to comm i just fixed comms and when i hopped off there's a report button that flashed um and so attose where's the other body in labs med baby specimen oh specimen top i was her inside sorry he was he was on i was on simon says next to me and then i went out left spicy to get calms and i was going to double back him someone walked past you jack no that's what i was trying to see if you knew that's strange because this person it would have been three people in there if you were there and the killer if you're leaving our left side specimen no i mean i'm in left deacon time now at this point yeah but like were you in there with bretman and someone else no they must have come in after so either it was you or you actually did see somebody else when coms recalled so one by calms and one by specimen specimen calms and specimen it could have been me i don't think you'd self-report that though it's not your style whoa i don't get it yeah i'm not me neither also i don't think we have to fear voting anyone out for gesture this killer isn't top decontamination right now quick go get him i won't be there anymore oh jack's saying he left out i mean that's just a like under jack story it just doesn't make sense right this guy would have to come in from the top kill and then go back out the top i do remember hearing door hisses though that's the thing i don't i don't know what door hisses were like sound like exactly but it sounds like one of the doors hissed at me um hello okay hello hello what up ray hello where is everyone um i was with corpse in the bottom left i think if i was keeping track right can you vouch for that um i mean i'm in the bottom left okay bottomless top decontamination so i have been okay i remember at the beginning of the round someone walked into space and there's one person in specs that's all i recall and then i remember seeing one person in med section and at the time when i checked vitals no one was dead so i'm assuming you know there's a little action up there yes a little action where's the body right here in the middle of lad closer to the decontamination door i see the smell going off so there's someone in there that would be meat yeah so either toast is jester or just bad timing or imposter sounds a little uh that's all the options i don't know what do you think about that uh no one's in top d content with me could be between ray and toast though like this could be a self report right i guess so yeah but i feel like ray wouldn't i mean the last week i did i saw ray do uh top drill and then uh i saw when you walk by and i went out left seven would be the best time to self-report oh well yeah same keep your papers people tell us you didn't see anyone up there nope i just feel like if he was a foster he wouldn't have gone out that way that's fair that is the first thing to say ray ah if i'm the snitch i need to find someone who's a good guy so that i don't get murdered for snitching [Music] um then come kill me it's really chill if you tina it's on comms oh jesus oh jesus okay well i was in specimen with somebody but the colors were out what was the bonobo coming out of gas canister um the bonobo that was how was the bonobo okay all right then corpse came late then no like as in you were behind me so why i think i saw you go to com so that i could hit the report button because i don't know if there's a body on comms so i know there's someone fixing comms what what does this tell us toast oh that it's dino it's tina wait what if saikuno and i are in specimen corp supported his body and toast i could be the other one but like just believe me then tina would be the other other one and i'm super confident it's tina so we can kill her first if you don't believe me tina what do you have where were you this morning i'm in office i was just on vitals hello you were on vitals last round are you doing any of your tasks i was on vitals wait i i okay so i literally just came i was on water wheels right and i was with somebody else in water wheels and after i finished water wheels i left and i did the bottom one in office and then i went to go check vitals because it's right there the problem is is that tina's being attacked by two people right now and no one's back oh that's technically [Music] yeah um last round i asked where she was and she just said vitals and i just tina you didn't even vote if you were crew members to vote for you who were crew members you not voting would have been bad sorry oh here i go snitching again and the snitch i'm the snitch you better kill me before i snatch i'm the snitch i'm the snitch you better kill me before i snitch look out here comes the snitch look out here snitch hey corpse where are you at uh right outside the meeting table like outside the room yeah i'm in that hallway oh second where are you at how's it admin yeah are you where are you right now um i just walked out the left side of the office oh mm-hmm all right ray who do you think it is i don't know you don't know i don't know wow let me make it simple for you i'm the snitch okay who is it okay well i know it's not you but i'm skipping cause the giant red arrow was not pointing at you who was employed again i know who it is oh giant red arrow i would never snitch on ya sakuno i can never snitch on you tycoon just do it what are you doing oh god what are you doing wait it's like who knows right where we we stood there the thing went off and then and then now now corpses he's become a corpse corpse is a corpse mm-hmm shocking wait did you fix the thing ray no i didn't do it did you no i i just thought you would be fixing it toast did you fix it no i was next to the corpse inside kono okay i fixed it what's that great ray you know it's toast right no i hey and you saw it go off and you were like the killers and top to come to him and i said i was on top no so the reason the fact that you were in deacon town made me feel like you were innocent because no killer would pass that way and then i said there was a body and specimen and walked by the killer and then jack said there's no way i went out the left side and jack got killed so you know he's innocent all right get him out of here no what what'd you put for me yeah wait what i don't know who was i supposed to vote for toast of course wait kill me why would i wait for look guys no matter what happened i was losing that game i had to kill one of you guys it was no i actually didn't know if it was no ray you don't understand i lost no matter what because i had to kill one of you three oh my he still killed you guys that's why that's why i called the the calm so i wouldn't see the colors that i just ran into circles so that does that make the killings you can't even look us in the eyes while you kill a psycho now you don't even have respect for us my teammate got voted off hey i don't know how that happened honestly me neither me neither um but but honestly once i hear my name i start sweating bullets yeah i could tell he was panicking you know we made it pretty far tina we made it pretty far that was clean that's clean we did a pretty good job yeah thanks yeah good job tina good job guys i went into med bay to try investigate and then and then tina bit my head off oh shark oh yes sorry chomp chomp um the comms go off and i go crazy my time those comms are fun when you're imposter they are proximity is that something you'd like uh if it's um pain in the butt to do yeah i think we should wait for the second version of it oh yeah it does it does yeah i hate when we have like audio issues because sometimes you can hear people across the map and sometimes people [Music] don't want to die early well i gotta win last game so i'll just go on logs and beta kill oh no toast is on logs better kill him because the second you step one pinky toe out of line he's going to be able to tell corpse wendy wendy garbson wendy southeast like kendall southwest all right that's both of them right got the calm fixing for this one people are just gonna spam comms that is so strong there's no reason not to spam the comms here and i'm pretty sure also wipe some logs or something pizza pork no parker no i think this happened when the comms went out of the bathroom okay where [Music] well for this kill it couldn't have been jack or tina yeah jack or tina yeah whoa no reynold jack no tina tina no it's not corpse or sakura or wendy tina tina do you have any hunches tina um oh wait what how do you how do you know i know you have a hunch tina tell me hmm oh god well i have a creeping suspicion that it could be [Music] toast and i'll do it for tina oh god okay incoming we can avoid all the risk and still see if he's the imposter i'm the sheriff i'm going to go for him and if it's wrong it's all in tina if it's wrong it's all intentional definitely go to her chat and flame here tina i don't i don't want to do it anymore tina i don't know i don't i don't want you to get flamed you won't do it all right you little shrimp you think you can stand up to me huh you think you can stand up to me i made you what you are that's what i thought now i'm going to walk away from this because he lacks hatred all right i should do that oh jack out there real quick oh hey ray one two three four five six seven eight nine ten it's like you know let's be honest you're not gonna do it okay stop standing by me pretending like you're gonna do it you wouldn't do it because on the options you're wrong you won't get to stream jack's dead on bottom oxygen attina i tried he kept running he kept running i didn't what was i i saw what you did i tried to get him i tried he kept running ed wait why'd you see corpse nothing okay yeah what's up tina you worried cycuno you why are you running back and forth like that well cause i i can't kill him unless you're there to watch right it wouldn't feel right you're calling this kill on toast good and you're just gonna make me do it you're not even gonna look that that's messed up that's messed up tina well i have another i know i have another piece of information this round tina's got the chalk and tina found out that the body was trampled by eight people and also had white marks on it i have no idea i guess they just got trampled i guess they're fighting things it was corpse it was actually ash and wendy it was ray she biting people man she's biting people all right i'll go for raven i'm going for right now white's better better watch out detective sheriff combo tina's got the three jester well it just said it got bit there was a lot of information on there man i think rey would bite someone she did say that invite people all right tina i'm on the case tina sheriff kuno's gonna do the deed oh god okay i was with you guys in cafeteria waiting for sakura to stab toast i went to a reactor with hmm wait who are you tina you sure i mean i'll still do it if you say so but i'll watch you psych you know i'll you can kill whoever you want ray gonna count down one two three four five six now do it tycoono huh do it takuno [ __ ] you waiting for that's right you're weak you're weak you'll never have the strength to kill me wait that wasn't toast what what happened why are you guys moving i missed toast okay guys i killed someone but they were actually the imposter and i just killed the imposter i don't know wait guys they must have been setting up for a double and the other imposter thought that that the person killed but but it was me who killed imposter on accident hmm so the other imposter must have thought it was a double kill so they must be nearby you right cycuno yeah but i don't remember who is so who is nearby me right well who's uh fixing top com there's one person that's you know latino's dead i was the first one to leave me and ash are on top com right now oh so it's definitely not you and ashton so it's like ray corpse or wendy did anyone hear a gong no no ray you're the guardian yeah and that leaves corpse and wendy i think click claim a fake rule i hope someone's who does it is that oh yeah that's probably what you should do yeah all right what are you uh um uh hello yeah go ahead hello what's your special role um crewmate all right go ahead and wendy what's your special role all right wendy what do you got i'm the jester yeah i guess we'll find out i'm voting for her wait wait wait why not just let's say what oh wait yeah just let me kill her that's a better idea let me kill her then either the jester because we got one for sure because i got bretman so we'll either take out the jester which helps the crewmates anyway or we'll take out the other impossible corpse right if the game doesn't instantly end it's secure enough yeah or on the monster and i just tricked all of you guys by saying i was the sheriff killed a random person and then huh is it wendy i don't want to make it too easy for them oh god i kind of want them to make a kill before this is over wait wait wendy what happened okay so cycuno killed rey and wendy killed toast now which one of them still looks like wait what the [ __ ] okay so cyclo killed ray and himself i believe that wait we know that i think no i think i saw ash kill how do you i'm just so i'm so confused no no i was just confused but i was looking looking at all the flopping bodies so i could cook so this is a 50 50 for me i shouldn't be corpse you should just trust me well i should but there's no logic behind that oh well i think i'm going to but like but like there's no reason to you know it's just last year for me where were you corbin i mean no i told you i was looking at the flopping bodies and i was in shock about what happened but then i reported well actually been awfully quiet this entire game why yeah well i'm just a boring crewmate to be fair i feel like i don't have anything i think i think you're great okay a job well done unless you fooled me no no she is no ah sorry corbin thanks corpse no wait how did you know i wish i was suggested what happened i don't know psycho you should be look the first time i missed it worked out so i call it yeah you actually and then i decided to do my task before reporting the body yeah she kind of just like danced on me that's cool good job guys guardian oh man i mean guardian nothing about guardians this is you can just claim to be guardian and people generally all right who am i going to protect here oh who needs oh you know what sakuna you have a protection but then again i should do it on sakura no one ever kills sakura oh you can guardian yourself one one six six snack yeah yeah i just want to say i can hard clear peter because we're both scanned sorry peter because the imposter is an event right the imposter's in the oh right okay if you're near anybody and you know then someone is doing top comms with me that's me okay okay toast wendy corpse cycle no clear i mean you can't clear anyone here yeah it's tina i cannot i can see it smell the blood things yeah i scanned with peter so i could hardly i feel like whenever saikuna and corpse bop for each other it's them too yeah well now i'm starting to think it's bretman now i'm starting to think it's like toast it's tina i didn't even see it they just they just pounced on me [Music] like small cats like uh like small cats yeah like small cats if you're a cat you'd be an orange cat what happened yeah a toast kitten and side kitten sorry you died uh cycle scan right who should i protect corpse in psycho no corpse god this com sabotage is so obnoxious what does ash even look like on this i'm pretty sure ash doesn't even show up on the logs man all right thank you now secondly going up i enjoy wait wendy yes you were in the reactor i was not in reactor wait wait wait what's how are you in cafeteria it's important i never walked up there because i just saw her near the event in the bottom of the map that's why no way you guys are making this up good button toaster i went okay let me explain i went to coms the bottom comms i fixed it with ash and then you walked in toast i walked up back through the y down towards cafeteria i went down um into downloads i also walked past bretman i buy that i buy that yeah that's a bit too much yeah a little too much wait guys i have a question oh what's the question fire question where's the body again where's peter's body uh oh it was on a med bay baby wait on midway and psycho tina is the detective killer yeah okay [Music] yeah well tina's got the chalk more chocolate more chocolate who's got the shield tinny you always got the chalk i always got the chuck all right the con the the comms are gonna be called uh who had the audacity to do this oh too dead what's the chalk say tina i literally what's the chocolate leave the level of disrespect i'm like i'm reading i'm reading peter's research the autopsy after did they kill them on top of you and i i said no interesting features found on the body i'm like all right well i guess i'm getting off this office i think you're very interesting peter thank you jack i appreciate it super interesting peter and then i get off the autopsy right and there's a body literally within the chalk again right under my nose was it toaster bread tina look tina let's go back we'll escort you back again oh no i'll respect the next body and we'll see what happens because i've got the chalk tina's got the chocolates did you um report tina p we'll go with you i i fixed it all right cause i've got the chalk and you best believe we're gonna find you because he's got the chocolate tina's gonna crack this gotta have that chocolate oh tina's got the chuck [Music] oh whoa what do you got tina i just wanted to say that i i had the autopsy for toast body and it said and the reason why i know is because it said this person had an abnormally large iq that's what it says the vent was securely locked hmm and that they were checking their calms or something where was maybe he was it was literally without within the the the chalk line this is in med bay so it doesn't tell you who killed them nope no it never tells you like who actually loves them or anything and now rey has died and we are on six and i just whatever does anyone has anyone seen right because i started i was i was with tina the entire time i was standing right next to her excited because it said i hate you that was in med bay it wasn't i think i saw ash walk away from that detective tina has cracked this case let's get her guys let's get her we're on six we catch this boat like that gathering clues i've been right next to you the entire round and i didn't kill you there jack do you have chalk [Music] i'm not baffled oh wait a minute wait guys i think wendy was innocent there's no way she would get that many votes if she was impossible she's got the chalk ah [Music] guys i've just posted a cheat sheet for the detective role in the general channel which explains exactly what everything means oh wait wait i feel like it's more funny when we don't i don't know if you want and you just killed right before me yeah good job co-ops good job coops damn it yeah good job guys she had the chalk she had the chocolate all peter protection service peter protection service peter protection service video protection service computer protection service uh but no one else was here can confirm oh my god seikuno died in front of me while i was scanning at medbay i don't know rude no way [Music] [Music] you lose your way we're supposed to protect peter thomas got caught and you got confused or something i used my guardly on him so i thought it was good uh oh okay okay that's why you are following him oh thanks ray who's got the chalk wait so who was in my day with us i was in med bay and i scanned i was not in med bay i was i think sakura might have checked me um and then two other people came in and then he got oh no i killed like who no no cows were caught i'm so sorry like not that i'm biased or petty or anything but actually this exact same play to me last game last game don't even try peter i am so far up in reactor with my crystals it's not even funny how did anyone see you going to react does anyone think anyone [Laughter] stop doing meth in reactor ash and just [ __ ] help everyone fix calms my real dad she's finding her astrology peter oh oh sorry wrong crystals that's my bed oh yeah i got nothing though right dash who got the chalk yeah who's got the gina's got the chocolate chips [Music] [Music] oh god i don't know which one's peter okay none of these guys have peter that's for sure oh oh okay okay bretman that wasn't cap sorry ray you reported it where where are you corpse i uh admin table oh yeah i reported i didn't see you there but i know you didn't do this why do you sound so sad about it it's just really sad i'm just i'm for thinking voice pretty confident that this was a failed sheriff kill on brettman's part he sounded very excited because he got a new role excited wendy doesn't seem like a time to kill fred even that shirt yeah i feel like redmond probably you know gambled on wednesday he got a little too excited can we even get any good info from this round then no right other than brett miller's sheriff brett man you got a little too excited well premature brett man you got to weigh in i hate y'all forever that's why i can't hear you oh [ __ ] it's like he's still here tina you got the chocolate one i don't got the chocolate dinosaur's got the [ __ ] i dropped her the cook who got the chocolate tina's got the chug and this is where i called comms and kill in front of everyone i should okay okay i can claim to be at top comps if that helps i i know i know well i think i know one person who was with me i mean who is that bottom columns then because this ain't that top cops oh i know where it is where is it weapons oh oh and there's four people there oh and someone came down pulled down their pants shook their cheeks and my face and killed right in front of me and i thought it was going to be a double so i reported it okay there's four people and one's dead right oh one of them's a killer so there's two innocent players so two innocent players would be able to tell the truth i was already standing there i know that i know that ray is there we were doing weapons same as last round we ended unless on weapons last round so we went back oh also jack did you report the body right away yeah yeah because it was four i thought it was gonna be a double kill oh that kill happened right in front of us somebody killed and then ran out okay so that's that's not right is it possible for a double kill or was there enough delay between that the second have because there was going to be a double kill it should have been a double kill with that delay okay there was a yeah it was an instant all right say a name i think it's peter okay [Music] yeah i said peter for sure oh i just realized you are small peas small pee pee who got the chucks oh god yep oh you know that why you just ran past yes you know there's a body in the middle of it i did not last night so no events nearby last i saw ray was heading upwards when i passed her i did pass right at the y well i was running down so whoever did the kill i would have seen and there's no vent nearby uh well it's either you killing and framing me or they went south east because that went southward yeah i guess it's possible that they went southeast i guess it's also possible that i killed in france i am in reactor and ash uh the place where you fix cops is that called combs the bottom the top one the top one i did bottom and ray was in there with me and then i went straight to reactor so the body was between me and corpse if they ran they didn't vent because yeah that's the thing see that's the reason why i don't think it's you because i would know it's you and you would know it's me and we both have that knowledge so you're trying to say it's me or ash i i want to be open to all possibilities that's cap toast i mean just for that i mean that's the case then it's a corp self report if you guys if ashton jack is that confident [Music] it's toast good enough for me wait what of course i went up with corpse and you guys are voting me was there with me yeah i wouldn't make this kill because court would obviously know it's me i think i have this kid because skip if you want oh oh my god he said skip if you want to be saved this guy's crazy well i i just saw no i went blind on that one i i was actually jester oh what that kill could have been me or corpse of course wasn't even at reactor with them i would understand jacqueline and ash and ash queen jack but course wasn't there with them it was a pure 50 50. that was a pure 50 50. sorry i voted with my motions it's okay your emotions were right also i might have gone a little buck wild about killing weapons but you know it'd be like that oh that wasn't all yeah yeah sorry yeah i haven't won a single pasta game today i think that's why i play in the morning lobbies more and you guys probably won't believe me when i say this but in this lobby like i need to be hard vouch to be cleared because if it's ever a 50 50 like oh my god okay okay okay okay so i wow i walked up to med bay and cycuno was hovering over the vet i was like okay he's just pretending to be impossible yeah and then someone actually met base scanned in front of me um bombs went out and then as comms went out someone hopped out of event kills like you know hop back in that's a crazy thing course was the jester so he actually wants people to vote for him as well so i wanted to vote corps corps wanted people to vote corpse and i still get get voted out do you guys understand like the two people being accused they both want to vote the same person like that's crazy like it's crazy because curse was the jester he actually wanted to build a lot and he would have won if that was the case anyone not in med base claiming to be with someone so tina thinks that it's not bretman yeah i i know it's not bretman for this one who is scanning who is scanning um wait who's who's scanning though i literally saw someone do the spacewalk onto onto uh tells me they voted corpse i don't know my reading chat by the way uh vote they voted course you would have asked yes i understand how the jester role works thank you i'm saying like in that 50 50 like i want to push on corps because i'm imposter curse wanted to bring the sus because he's jester i'm saying like in that situation both the people like accusing each other wants the same outcome and the two people who weren't there voted me like i understand that course would have won you don't have to explain that to me i understand what the gesture role is i'm saying like it's hard for me to be imposter in this lobby and that example is like i'm playing with someone who wants to be voted out and people like who wants to influence people to vote them out and people still are voting me out like i'm making a point that like it's easier to be imposter and among us morning lobbies for me because in this lobby i have to like hard clear myself and that's impossible to do as an imposter you're just not given the tools to do so you have to not do a kill and i have played games where i do zero kills and get sustained for it i mean ash just likes killing me good thing you did a good thing i saw it i saw wendy kill at the vending machine and i chased her down to the vent and got her before she got yes i saw that happen on 4k holy [ __ ] good job jack i'm so disappointed i didn't kill them when they came out of the vent earlier i forgot i was sheriff nice got him wait yeah jack literally killed an impostor i saw it happen um because i saw the body flop over and then uh jack was like just slightly ahead of me but he didn't do the kill and then he ran after the person and as the vent was about to pop uh wendy's body flopped over and yeah the other bodies in cafeteria yeah the other body is in cabinets of the vending machine for this kill oh i mean yeah wendy when he wasn't when no wendy was the one that killed uh a vending machine and then jack killed her interesting uh but anyway the information cycling body was very useless it just said that girls weren't into them so just so there's one more imposter that's [ __ ] but everyone already knows that so you're dead dude you're dead i wouldn't vote for me if i was you guys that's like a threat oh [ __ ] it kind of is whoa what jester what's going on man i don't know no i'm just saying i wouldn't vote for me if i was young why [ __ ] dude what's going on i just wouldn't like i mean we can try i mean are you gonna clap back yeah i would probably like tweet each one of you individually oh you wouldn't do that sweetheart to be honest don't vote for me if you want street cards free club oh my god no way no [ __ ] am i not getting a tweet i skipped [Music] immediately i don't think i would have got you no i did on my screen but i think it was like weird uh maybe it was the slicing it might have been yeah maybe protection services activate all right straight to my scan [Music] i assume columns will be called really early on wow not single person came to scan that's crazy uh oh i killed tina oh oh god tina tina tanked the bullet for me who was in there with that mr president i'll avenge you was it your boy did you sure [Music] me yeah of course i didn't kill tina you think i couldn't see who i was killing i've never seen i've never heard him sound so calm before him you think i accidentally killed tina because i couldn't see the colors when i was trying to kill ash i knew it you doubled back for me psychono i knew you were trying to kill me wait what no i didn't do that i was telling you what i didn't do oh okay where is the body bruh your sweater um the body was with um in the hallway like right after you get out in that leslie sweater i love it uh like i know it's not me because i was trying to protect cycuna with my guardian abilities oh thanks bretman i know this is not wait brett you're the guardian i was with yeah you heard the little gong that was me oh all right bretman guard me again this round i'll hire you i want to try something he won't get the opportunity to because we're voting you off right now psycho no don't vote me up bretman guard me this round we got it we got also brentman bret man only you here oh my god for me okay i think second is either sheriff or imposter but i'll give him the win if he's imposter i think it's more likely he's sheriff so cycuno's gonna ask bradman to guard him and once he's guarded he's gonna take a stab at someone so he's looking for bretman right now so i wanna see if redman actually gongs him i should be doing my task for the snitch rope but this is mira we're talking about yeah he's looking for bretman he's leaving at the bottom of decontamination [Music] what is just left probably that bottom comes right now damn it what's up oh jesus there was a massacre at the logs because there was like two bodies there i don't know who was standing at the bottom that was me is this a sheriff kill no this is me i i've got peter's got the [ __ ] shock again uh so okay i was inspecting ash's body when bradman reported so cycuto and azure are both dead in here in comms oh was that a sheriff kill then uh there's a lot of dead people so it potentially could be a sheriff kill this is four dead right i was the only one that died last round right so i think it's a i think imposter's got two kills and i think it's probably a sheriff did you get any hawk info no here's the thing okay imposters i'm gonna give you a tip you need to claim a role right now because i'm snitch badminton's guardian peter is detective is anyone lying here um wendy and john i i'm crewmate i'm jester oh we're all good then cool nice all right peter what did the detective report say say exactly just it just got asha's name off before uh bretman reported i just walked in with bretman into comms mm-hmm you guys want to kill wendy then uh sure uh i'm not going to win on jester now anyway wait how do we know it's not toast wendy though you're letting me dictate the conversation it's not yeah toast has been the one steering the conversation this whole time i feel like it might be just toast jack and i'm trying to push on the wendy either trust me over vote me you know i'll follow you bretman what [Music] that's you voted you voted wait a second remember you voted me and i was following wendy is a wedding oh [ __ ] oh hmm what could have happened maybe i couldn't got the right one [Music] wow we didn't lose so we got wendy or saikuno killed an impostor and then pasta killed someone sakura killed him pasta and possibly killed him that would explain why there's three bodies right probably maybe didn't you say you're the snitch toast then who's the other one well i'm the snitch peter's detective jack's the jester and bremen's the guardian oh okay so what now well here's the thing wendy and brett both devoted toast off wendy was clearly imposter brandman why'd you vote toast if you're a guardian all right why did you vote to us when we're all voting wendy um i don't know i just felt like being random i'm such a leo sometimes oh got it oh silly leos i'm so random he's been doing crystals i think it still might be jack because jack probably thought that wendy was i mean if jack is imposter he probably thought that wendy was screwed and so he just voted with crew but then bro he's impressed her like that is so not i said i'm jester because i'm not gonna win on it anyway i have to out myself so the imposters don't win ah okay i haven't won a single time as jester because i never do because i don't know how to play it check it out peter why didn't you report the body like why did you wait for people because because i'm detective and i was inspecting the body jacks got the [ __ ] sounds like the game will end if we vote you i mean yeah but i'll win then do you want that yeah you think i don't want that jack we all want you to win yeah you want me to win toast yeah oh that's nice you can vote me then yeah yeah i'm down let's do it i want to give jack the win i'm voting you jack he deserves that there was a positive attack there was a pause oh gosh i don't know who to vote for i voted jack i'm a skit jack you're happy right wait [Music] [Laughter] oh my god what also is like i'm this he's that that what are you and i'm like i don't know what it is yeah i had to pick one what do i say feeling lg okay yeah yeah me too all right lg ellis the g's lg lg oh wait there's nine in here wait what happened why did people leave oh because there was only nine people in the now i can start it oh probably because toast left and he was a leader yeah yeah who would miss it i'm missing one more tina tina into the bathroom tina tina went to the bathroom did tina die first this time yeah sag oh yeah she was in the first wave i heard tycoon protection service and she was dead and she was instantly dead yeah yeah wait so who were the imposters that round me and wendy wait who's uh who was jester i was uh yeah the cons went off and i was trying to kill somebody and i was like oh it's wendy that's why i can't kill yeah i said the same thing jack i watched everybody i was like i can't kill this guy this must be my partner then you kill someone was there a sheriff misfire then uh no we killed a secretary we were pretty quick was there a sheriff misfire yep just a boring old crew member for lg you know what i'm feeling generous you guys can kill me first someone's gotta get killed first right now this will be me gotta come come on take me out no hard feelings go to cons go ahead [Music] wait a minute he still looks alive to me what's happening wait yeah but it shows that ash is also yeah it's just i think ash has killed me every single game if you spend an imposter some people just like killing me and vote for ash oh wait toast voted too what how did [Music] um oh that was hurt do we fail those colorblind comms oh that's true but ash was also here when uh cons were called [Music] tell us the kill was calm it was random no ash knew i was in comms like it's not a big deal like killing toast is a very common thing by all imposters in my lobbies but saying the kill was random when it wasn't like you're defending something that doesn't have to be defended it's okay for people to kill me first the fact that that happens shouldn't make you have to like defend me and the fact i'm saying it shouldn't make you have to defend ash you know like feeling the need to like chalk it up to randomness i don't know why you feel the need to do that it's okay for me to be killed i get killed in the majority of my among us games why am i still can it keep holding me awful silly when i'm not imposter as a dead man it's because you're too big yeah i mean people like to kill me first because i generally am able to sell cell imposters and that's why impossible first if i had a problem with that i would not sell imposters as often oh god which one of you did it who killed toast again [ __ ] yeah peter dies oh because you voted for jack guys i'm telling you it's three people you voted for me too ash well yeah tina said that you invented it i have no idea what the hell tina is seeing she also didn't know how to use chalk earlier that's alive i literally i don't know if i'm alive or dead i can move in the game guys i think ash is immortal i can't vote for her guys we all know we don't vote on seven dollars maybe the imposter should just kind of i'm voting for someone who i think should be gone oh i think saikuno should be gone what oh is it a bug what no i voted for peter oh corpse you voted for yourself peter's dead she could have died [Music] why does this keep happening the [ __ ] is going on what is happening mine still says peters is alive what peter is dead okay i've been dead wait corpse is also dead corpse just died physically cannot vote for ash so it's got to be between ray jackson i'm voting jack okay i'm telling you i didn't vent this is so honestly jack the game bugged i can't even vote for half of the people oh you guys just lost i only can vote for you bretman or ray shouldn't have another one yeah we literally could not vote ash if we wanted to ash ruined my stretch i was i was really hoping jack so is that really the last game guys oh do you like that i can play another one if everyone's down because it was bugged out it was bugged it was bugs oh no i'm sorry how could this be actually that's actually better than me thinking that you were seeing things oh sheriff huh god oh god do i just randomly kill someone at comps that's so scary i feel like imposter will never fix come they might kill the guy fixing calm but they themselves will never kill on comms right god did i just kill the first person i see who's that corpse grandma's doing wires wires frank oh my god why didn't i just what happened did you see what happened that was another med and she literally killed ash and ash was clear because i i saw her i saw her scan and somewhat someone just bent it in and killed her with no repercussions you i know i saw her scan i saw her scan oh i thought no no no i would never slip up like that well i can hard clear peter for this one all right if anybody i think i could hardly clear ray and wendy for this kill wait why why and rey wendy didn't because because wait wait wait why aren't you clear why didn't you well ray was up there but oh yeah ray was a reactor yeah kind of weird that he wouldn't include ray in that clear and it was either brightman or wendy that were there first where somebody then ash and then tina and then me yeah yeah yeah you're right you're right but who vented gee what yeah i mean the only people willing guys this looks like another one of those unsolved mysteries oh no oh of course we ash man i can't believe someone would do that i was really waiting for ash to give someone information you're gesturing so hard right now no i'm not no i'm crew mating i'm crew mate [Music] oh god there's a decent issue to kill someone before they kill you you have to be like running to them all right peter fix one of these come on come on i'll kill you man i'll kill you i think i won't kill you i'll kill you you think i'm gonna kill you i [ __ ] do it i'll [ __ ] do it man were we green i don't i can't even remember who i reported all right good grief okay well i wasn't catholic i think you were mm-hmm yeah okay ray what are you guys up to i was kind of on my own um so i didn't really see anybody i was in that room though wait where's uh where's the body at what wait you were in the room i already said corpse why are you not listening i forgot i'm sorry i'm trying to see if cycano could have vented that or your imposter so you don't need to think about where the body is i was gonna ask you if it was near a vent so that i could see if i could move wait i i definitely didn't i was i was in i was in the the the bottom right and i saw corpse walk in so i was there before him wait jack i i saw you on the bottom left you were doing the the little lasers right and then you left yeah yeah i was just there first and then corpse yeah i was doing my weapon so i left because somebody walked in and i didn't want to die there so i still have to finish them wasn't there or not i forgot i feel like it's it was near event this is just breven who do you think it is how come rey's not saying anything ah yeah what the heck listening oh what do you think ray yeah what do you think ray we kind of have to vote yeah we do have to vote i just don't know how there was three kills so what was what sheriff maybe could have been sheriff why did the sheriffs keep shooting early though what are you guys thinking thank god [Music] they can't fix the comms in time they can call the button but it requires coordination on two separate sabotages and they haven't even done one yet because i'm guessing ray's waiting at the button what the heck are the clubs i told you god i was so good oh no wonder i was so good at being gestured that toast killed me i think i got one i got one kill oh that's the downside of being the chester no no that was good at the end corpse when we were both in uh because i knew they didn't find wendy's body right yeah so i was just like me and course were there together yeah i i knew you forgot where the body was because you were imposter no i actually just didn't hear you i'm really tired thanks setting it up
Channel: Disguised Toast - Behind The Scenes
Views: 219,619
Rating: 4.8016529 out of 5
Keywords: among us, disguised toast among us, disguised toast, among us imposter, among us gameplay, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, funny moments, among us impostor gameplay, among us vent, among us impostor, full stream, among us pro, toast pro, pro, pro toast, Dream, Dream among us, sykkuno, funny among us
Id: 44XrfKLvZUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 232min 58sec (13978 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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