🔴 LIVE Among Us but I have mood swings

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welcome back to among us it's gonna be a fun one today because i'm gonna i'm about to try something i'm about to try something and be a little evil where's my chat where's my chat i'm gonna be happy and i'm going to be sad or i'm going to be happy and i'm going to be toxic i'm not sure yet but my mood is going to change between meetings hey lauren what are you doing girl [Music] all right we're starting man is this lauren the best thing you can be is yourself [Laughter] okay so for the first one for the first like little meeting i'm just gonna be like super happy friendly happy-go-lucky and then i'm just not going to put up with anyone's trash anymore oh it's always fun to play with friends i love this group so much like it's just it's so good chemistry it's such good energy everyone's chilling i don't want to die so i'm just going to like hang out with everybody hey do i have medscape oh cara does look at my new friend cara get away from me dan get away from me get away okay we're all hiding hey terry your butt was in my shot no i don't like it okay that's good okay four of us here hey they didn't double kill us love that love that energy come on kara let's go we've got stuff to do i guess i'll do these wires wait don't leave me don't no no lazyduckgamer and solomon conleaf thank you for the super chats wait i gotta do this oh okay i thought that number started with seven my bad come on car come on car and i guess that's why they call it the blues what are they doing you run kara run uh i hate them listen we gotta get away from them we gotta stay safe i gotta make it to a good i gotta make it to a meeting in order to uh do my little challenge okay wait let's see if anyone's dead no don't leave me oh everyone's still alive oh okay i don't know why lauren's name is s mayer but lauren is purple oh no i have to burp hey it was quiet wow emma such a classy lady hey cara come on where are you going bud you gonna do weapons okay i'll guard you um it's a little quiet wouldn't you say it's a little quiet here do we have info car ollie ali cara okay so scott and lauren are together that's just a given um oh time just went down to water wheels oh my goodness what is going on here okay so i think i think that lauren is crew you never know with scott though hello i'm chris hi everyone this map where was the body it was in decontamination the the top right hand side oh god so it was obvious i reckon it happened during lights out because that's not long ago was it i mean quite a lot ago but yeah all right well the rest i reckon it's not cara scott time maybe not ollie not me not s mayor i was bottom left too so i'm pretty sure it's not cara i was with her a lot what yes is that true cara no you were with me a lot i thought i was going to tell you okay i didn't want to say that okay whatever i was waiting for so many people that are safe right now i was waiting for car in the med scan so the car is safe so does that mean hurry sauce off dive i saw ollie come to o2 late roger the only one who wasn't like wet people this round is what we're saying like yeah yo i couldn't admit i've not done a lot of my tasks because i've just been running around i'm just insane yeah someone with ollie hey time little buddy did you see dan bottom left yeah he was oh at the end yeah just this is most likely i have to be happy and then he came into lights as i fixed them second time around oh for sure do we have anonymous son or no yeah we do oh good oh exercise [Music] good job everyone that's fun thanks thanks for the vote guys yeah who was that that's so rude i'm just not gonna report it next time um okay now mrs mcgrumpy pants is coming out next meeting come on cara come on come on did you just walk right did you just whiz right by me little girl i hope that okay i'm i'm a little scared right now i will say i'm a little disturbed okay there's there's the coronator oh she has gas cans well lucky she's got mei this is actually a really easy place to double kill so she's gotta go up top and then back in there and i'm gonna be sweating the entire time so oh okay chill lauren chill if scott was with lauren the entire time then i really feel like it can't be lauren but she's hanging out alone this time which could be an indicator because there was only one kill last round that lauren is the other one but she's just kind of like soft throwing right now in order to be with scott hmm well cara's doing a lot of tasks here and i haven't done any wait come come with me please it's dangerous here thank you here's what i think lauren and scott were together last time and only one body died two people are dead now so i think it's either lauren or scott lauren is dead so it's scary that just happened it must have just happened in the last like ten seconds it's right i have to be angry this time you know where the hallway starts going towards the bottom decontam right there besides simon says oh then it's okay uh i think it's uh it's got to be uh it has to be only one only one person died yeah but scott only one person died first round because lauren was with you the whole time yeah i think he did the kill last round no if i was going to kill him if i was going to kill lauren i'd have done cassie i'd have done it when i had learned in that little bookshelf but no no no no no no no no someone was with you you were playing it safe exactly exactly let's get scott out of here come on come on come on let's go i think it's i think it's hey it's both of them i think it's both of them jordan jordan no no jordan jordan basically i was on vitals and admin the whole time and i also when i was on admin table i saw uh scott ollie um go into specimen with somebody else then i checked vitals it was good went back to admin they were in specimen then i checked vitals again and then the two bodies dropped and ollie was walking back out of specifically can you uh validate me bloom cassie uh i could do it cause but we can we know who it is [Music] okay so it was a little bit hard to be angry during that because everyone talked ever so much spamming report spamming report now i'm gonna be really friendly to scott next time oh hi everyone hi everyone scott's not gonna be able to kill anyone because me and car are watching him so if one person dies and the other person can't because of scott it's scott babbier oh scott you're creeping me out boy you creeped me out oh my god get away if one person is dead everyone's alive talking of lobby today hey yeah that was ollie yeah that one was always yeah i don't know what you mean i turned into corner and jordan's volleyball super nintendo running to the vein okay so uh okay so me and cara were on scott the whole time hey guys how's it going and um yeah i was like if only one person dies here scott's the other one so i might as well get out of that i agree and logic wise there was three of us together so they can't do a kill on us they're trying to find the other people or or you're the imposter but you can't get a kill because i literally did my download and then went in and did my upload and i'm now finished and only one person died with you well there's definitely one in the three because showtime could have gotten me a numerous time yeah i've seen raz do like really random tasks which no one would fake like he was doing like uploading weapons like nobody goes there to do upload unless they have it right and no one oh i'm safe i mean i literally time going by that logic that's where i did my downloading weapons right in front of people i was doing it anyway connor just came down the download is 10 seconds by the time the animation loads up then you click download and then it clicks and then closes i don't mean to be sweaty scott but i decide here with a timer second five seconds to open the menu and press download the real brain of this game is jordan he solved it like round two good job jordan from the grave unfortunately he died by unknown circumstances i don't know i'm still gonna follow scott but we'll see what happens right okay well we're close on time you've got this round right oh yeah yeah yeah okay we're voting scott yeah oh scott throwing your other imposter under the bus he will do what it takes to survive okay these last tasks are all me so i'm just going to go ahead and do them because i already know it's scott so i'm just going to call her a day i don't want to be mean to scott next round i'm sad that like scott got imposter it hurts it actually pains my soul to be mean to him like to suss him out ruin his games make him incapable of getting content feels bad man i got a lot to do a lot to do a lot a lot a lot a lot okay so this is a really good spot for scott to kill me i hope he does honestly because i don't want to suss him again feels bad it hurts oh cara dead okay oh man that's that that's got to be scott right this is no because i was reading a book and then carl left me and then i lost her well you were the only one that wasn't in lights this game this game's over we can vote on four it's scott i think she should have read the book to be fair i had to kill her but she read the book she didn't read the book so she had to go i don't know what you wanted to read the kara read wait what's the book there's a lot more [Music] libraries i didn't know because as i came out of there cara and cassie just lydia devlin rose robbins cc games lynette peterson ava scout lane again layla gaines emily thurman dixie devil kristen kirk it's andrea kika kika sammy almost thank you for the super chop lacy got gamer jay johnson i'll send you my paypal for that later thanks handsome i hate scottish guys what i hate scottish guys okay come on we gotta go come on oh okay come on we can go back orange running away from like hey can you guard me for a sec time oh this might take a few tries chad do you think i was mean enough i'm trying to have mood swings but it's hard i just realized i asked chat the question and i can't even look at checks i'm crew oh scott you decent oh yes i made it okay happy cassie here we go did you murder her oh you reported yeah yeah so it's in the tree room and uh lauren just went through admin and so she saw me watching vitals and i watched it die live and i oh once i learned so it wasn't me um ten seconds ago so four of you were in med bay yeah who was in specimen at the end i saw gloom and then and scott i was at the thrill i literally like got into that d-com bet and was like i'm putting all my faith and trust into casa here i was saying the same thing left side one of them being razz one of them being dan who was doing wheels right beside the body but maybe he just didn't see it and then uh the other might have been the vendor who isn't saying where they are probably yeah i did the fuel i saw you come out of the fuel place and then i'm like oh someone else is doing it so i won't die so i was doing my fuel and then i went over to drill oh is that the first thing you've done like yeah oh the fuel was the first thing you did yeah oh okay then it's cara because she was standing at node earlier and just lied about the task that she did so actually i forgot about the nodes oh no kata can't sit here and tell me didn't download birthday seconds and then forget one of our topics okay well i also did the keys and i also did the alignment task for sure no yeah i did that's the fair deal she didn't do keys i was there we were all okay i just don't know see this is my first time did you do keys it's the first time i'm suss on dan where is the sun how many people died wait did she just do the note again she just did the note again run scott run run you only get one temperature right so the only reason she would be in there is if she's doing node but she already said she did it this might be a really bad sus but i'm gonna go ahead and saskara because i'm angry now oh lauren get away from us oh oh oh that's enough we've had enough come on girl let's just let's relax they're already convinced i reported the body sparkles was dead like at the table like i went and because i lost classics i think she was running the table to do i was running to the button yeah yeah and then i passed i caught sparkle's body but yeah and there's no way that oh yeah killed on the way why are you guys still debating this it's cut off yeah they're they're being silly all i knew you didn't do the naughty liar i didn't well did she do scott what did she do you didn't say it hi ollie sorry i was mean to you last round i know we can get wait wait wait come over here i gotta do some wires i know we can get over it someday hopefully oops one day we shall be the greatest of friends the gr okay this is this is a risky one this is the one oop oh i'm too nervous i'm too nervous oh oh scott can you come with me to do water will buckaroo hey buckaroo hey hey cappy don yep got him done i'm sorry i meant to say she did a murder you don't have to apologize to dan he is a murderer as well yeah we are we're on fire [Laughter] [Music] zoey julia thank you for the super chats bloxy gorilla yeah arie chan julia talking about it happy early birthday girl you're not going to likes that's awesome it's andrea [Music] exclamation thank you for the super chats and thank you for the super duper chats reckless mind and change the irony of brilliant me not killing showtime allison who finds me killing someone jenna bronco oh he didn't win i'm sorry tim keep trying cat jackson and nikki lewis thank you so much for the super chats hamilton doesn't hesitate he exhibits no restraint he he takes and he takes and he takes do i go for a cheeky cara i'm gonna take the cheekiest cara in the world i'm gonna take the cheekiest car in the world i might have just thrown what the heck what what i had up on my screen already she's dead like so i walk into medvi i need think standing in front of the rocket he might hate this map dude the body is dead right where the you know the switch is yes right there okay i was on telescope when i came out so i don't i don't know what's happened but it's possible bro like so many people didn't do keys as well oh yeah highlights had a little bit of spice doing keys obvious well that's kind of sus it's not trust okay he said trust we're good yeah i trust him now i think it was scott what's why well he can't defend himself to be honest this is a pro play of the two people you want to eliminate first cara and where was it i don't even know where the body was it's right where med bay uh where the switch is you know like when you turn left switch i've been muted this entire time i didn't want to be and why am i getting guarded what's happening because lauren lauren voted you lauren voted you and you're getting accused lauren is this a meme i feel like it might be a meme because i'm literally in the gas canister room i didn't even realize it happened i like the story me well i did not murder clara here this wasn't me yeah it was it was top right so yeah if you weren't there you went there yeah it was literally in the thing get get rid of them what are you trying to do i pressed to skip because we don't know who was up there then so we know so someone was in drill was it thinking and the drill is which one is the drill the drill is you click this lab yeah around nearly that far because i i didn't have i was going to the task outside that building it had an exclamation point i don't know okay you sound very flustered but i i believe you don't know what it's called but it's an exclamation point there i don't know yeah i'm sure that's that's the drill it looks like a rocket oh it's rocket not okay makes sense okay oh that's that's a that's a drill i didn't know either [Music] okay i'm gonna be a cute little drive-by i'm just going to go for the riskies come on think you can do it i believe in you i believe in you buddy boy um he just celebrated 24 million and somebody kills him like that um think noodles was just you know running running away from the body and lab i don't think there's any way you could have gotten to where he was without without that you know seeing that so so so basically body was at the entrance to lab i ran into think noodles like i think noodles was entering where you do the temperature and the node thing and uh and then i ran into the body killer returns like this that's the same spot yeah interesting well i think what starting off with this map there's no like warm-up uh-huh it's funny because when i was gonna put the lobby together i was like i'm gonna put it on police and not tell anyone until i get in there in the lobby and canada the same thing as i did i don't like how lauren's playing around scott oh i like the rocket ship yeah i don't like lara nine you still thought of that the first round it's going to be tough it's going to be a tough 1v8 1v8 with scott as an alibi oh i'm so i'm so going to get caught here um i might just have to hit the lights and take events i wish he wouldn't i wish he wouldn't i really wish he wouldn't how am i supposed to play the game like if you're going to admit that you're imposter then at least let the person who has a who kind of knows what they're doing take the wheel here [Music] [Music] we were all just a specimen we honestly ollie all he did when when was the kill done yeah you went in to make the ass lights right no i know i did go into med bay when lights are out now i passed all of you in that area so yeah [Music] 100 on the way down i went up past like four of you which was a bit weird people the people at sussy's in is only cassie yeah me and lauren fixed the lights no that's one thing me and me and cassie went to lights and turned light spots he didn't kill the first kill and the only person ahead of him was ali as well on that kill that's enough for me yeah i would like you like to let you know right now it is not to me i'm telling you this truthfully scott i want you to believe me maybe i messed up then oh you always suck scotland oh i don't know about that he doesn't ollie never plays the truth card usually no what i mean is if he if it's not him like he ever asked him all you've ruined all trash i could ever believe in you ever but i don't know fez let me tell you it's not him well we would know right now right oh yeah i need to get razbowski i'm not going to get time where's everybody oh they're so far away [Music] that's scott oh no i've lost everybody they're probably going to get me next i have to find one person please this is what i wanted seven six five four three two one uh i'm gonna call a reactor come on oh so black died after yeah what cassie that was a very good game yeah that was that was a really really good game i did it at one point because i wasn't paying attention i was like am i just being really marinated by cassie said that scott went down to specimen and the kill happened in med bay last time so it was between you and think it's not me he he the reason it has to be you cassie is i was in vitals with time only lauren was dead and then i went up to try and find lauren's body and some across razzy's body which means it's not i could not have got there he it can't be me it has to be you it's an uh and think next time don't you tried to say it was a self report think if you admit okay first of all think if you yeah oh i was like i was like eight seconds away i was eight seconds away yeah so think think think if you are ever impostor with me again never admit it was you and if you die first do not do sabotages for me yeah that's number one if you do die is impossible don't admit it because it makes your impulsive your other ones yeah it makes your other imposters hard you were third impossible so hard that you're like it's not cassie it's not cass i was so close to the win oh dude if you didn't if you didn't find that body she was trying to marinate me so hard i was kicking a nice 320 degrees oh i was i was barbecuing baby because we were on vitals there i had no clue [Music] burly's fence suck ass [Music] do oh does she do it does she do it oh she does it oh she does it neil she's faking scandinavia if he has scanned i've got to kill him oh bro that's that's what i was marinating cara near oh boink was it the same body we just called and they were called white oh it's me car killed who i was marinating what happened blue was gone for a little while it was where was that near where the node is below lab i just walked up through oh the bit with the scanner me razz me razz jordan in edmond which is near the body right yeah i just passed outside the node and the storage and ship side so the opposite side of that well i i don't i don't think it's i don't think it's razz because he came no i don't think it's razz because he came from specimen i don't know where jordan came from i came jordan was down there with me and scott when i was down there scott must have gone the other way out there yeah i went up onto the top okay so yeah someone went out the right-hand side who went out the right-hand side on specimen uh oh i don't know towards faster what at what time do you mean the top the lab side yes yeah the lab side yeah i came out of the lab side right so you came at the lab side yeah because i saw two people one of them was all they went to the um the left exit just below admin with the books because i i didn't want to i wanted to try and bait somebody into murder and so i stayed back no okay yeah i came out of the top side so where was think then i think thank you he's wasting time get him out in the drop ship yeah paying the drop ship i had to feed the dog i didn't do anything in his defense well it may not be 100 defense but he was there for a while and uh he was there he he was there for a while i didn't want scott to be honest if this video like trying to vote scott is it like just like trying to ruin scott's day yeah scott you know it probably is i'm just very upset over the first round yummy yummies hey cara you know what time it is now okay thank god i'm muted come on let's get that double kill girl let's get it while we oh uh hello is anyone up near lights currently no no god damn it scott stop lying to me lights oh my god obviously it's obviously ollie because it can't be think because two kills happen in the first round he was feeding his dog all these heart accusing scott can i express myself of course yes tell us tell us your truth so i went in the bottom of where oxygen is saw the body on the left side then walked up and they closed the doors as i went in i said i think that's because they bent it up towards security so i opened the doors to try and catch them didn't catch and they went down and reported it so i thought it was scary was there just the one body that's just the one i saw yeah see then i think that's a lie because they both died at the exact same time on vent on like the vitals thing only and it was lucky timing i was also with think literally yeah he was he was like he was like an admin yeah then if you if that that gives you vouch and that gives you a vouch i've just called you because people calling you last time i wanted to see if you'd crumble under the pressure i don't know excited for no reason i think there was a whole time yeah yeah pretty much the whole time yeah literally i could see think the entire time that i loaded up vitals seen two bodies down and think was still there like okay then could not have done any of these kids when i was i checked vitals like twice or something and yeah then i would like to then question who jumped on it being me immediately after the call oh that was me todd as well i don't know if car said anything but when ollie when ollie accused scott and said that it's scott and think it can't be think so i feel like it's all he made that call blindly this call and you should know that doesn't make me suck that makes me so where what where was it we have to vote oh i still think it's scott though it's not me really it must be like it must be cut off it must be [Music] i finally got revenge i don't even care i mean it's not me though i'm going to get my revenge for scott bye scott i got your revenge boy we got this no but i mean it also didn't work because like think who did you vote for i i i didn't see that's the issue is you need to vote on sex you can't not you can't understand that it's doing it made a difference if we had all voted for the same no i honestly can't believe that they jumped on yours cara and gloom both they're so mad they're so mad that's really funny all right where's my boy scott i don't want to die so far i've been super good oh i'm hiding on med scan okay lauren okay i should have i should have stayed away from lauren i knew that she hated my guts oh she got caught in was it a snacky boy lauren's gotta drop her feelings cause she's throwing her games lauren's gotta drop her feelings cause she's throwing her games oh it looks it it's a spotlight i tried to walk out to see if somebody was trying to run to the vent and then that's when i saw jordan take that for what take that for what it is yeah but you have to no in order to get to medscan you have to walk in all the way from that left side where you already see if someone's there you can't go to med scan run out and then hope you see someone there they're long gone at that point she she probably came from the top med-based scan to go to med-base again she just saw gloom alive so she's like oh someone probably went down instead to go to the vent in the bathroom so he's probably gonna car please please girl if you walk all the way to med scan and you didn't see anyone walking out then that person's long gone where's the who's on the right side because i could account for two people on the left tabitha and mickey lewis thank you so much for the super chat i would end up catching up you probably did it thinking lights were going to stay off and then ran out and you got caught the lights were only on for like three seconds i fixed them like pretty they were fixed kara please wait is car the other one not here so is it karen lauren then is that what kara is literally mrs you're disposable on nine and now she won't get rid of lauren i'm gonna i'm gonna leave it up to scott should we boot lauren off we could 50 50 lauren scott maybe for a bite this is true so cara vented across you owe me your life i don't even need to like pretend to be having mood swings in this lobby these this lobby gives me mood swings anyway it's time to do some tasks this game should be over though like it should be oh ver sorry i do want to talk about it more we didn't talk about anyone else's positioning um who do you want to talk about okay i gotta go to the bathroom me you and ali okay so showtime ali me okay so then and then spooky was just coming up into med bay so where was say razz where are you um is it because i accused you that you're asking me oh i'm asking everybody are you crumbling under pressure right now no no no i'm just messing about um i just i had as soon as the lights went off i'd done the drill i thought there was zero point in going across that side because i didn't look like plenty of people doing that and then i was going across into med bay afterwards i'm gonna ask chat real quick do you prefer to hear the discussion or do you like when terry time has terry time's voice with no distractions that's my question for you they're trying to catch someone so i'm i'm still stuck on that sound option i was top right and i did see i saw razz i saw deafened yeah your voice towards the body so the only other thing is i saw when lights went off i saw scott running like in the corridor of lab i think lights definitely your voice are both the same those are the same any evidence that he would have done the body i guess yeah oh my goodness i wonder what kind of amazing information they found out about i think yeah we typically wait which is actually maddie needed me to the last round okay so marination on you one more person where was sync oh he was he was afk again for ages wasn't he no no no no no i wasn't i wasn't i was doing a task but i don't know what it was hunter licht brooklyn fritz lauriane delgado thank you so much for the super chat i didn't mean that's massive thank you logan ward aaliyah great grey's mayor and brooklyn fitz thank you for the super chats oh that's not the right button oh hey love ya it's the guilt girl it's okay oh almost got away with this ammo yay you should kill and run straight to the vents you idiot got him i hope she doesn't mind oh i just think that logan ward thank you so much for the super chats i gotta do some tasks oh why okay i for sure thought it was cara because she's usually misses your disposable it's nine get out like hello she's like changing her mannerisms a little bit which is actually really good for her imposter games not so hot for the crew games but you know what sometimes you got to save it all up you got to save it up until get him all right lauren said i feel bad for showtime so i was like maybe it's showtime oh oh it is cara okay i missed the part where show time got thrown under the bus lauren needs to stop going for like the cheeky early game kills because she always gets thrown out the ship first and it's really sad oh hey yeah me first that's toxic you don't kill me first oh oh no i just saw him alive long round me think and scott were on lights i walked with think and you were with me when i met you at the bottom of like the o2 thing like where did you come from she came in from like the right side bomb of 02. do you mean oh i went to i went onto vitals i hid up the top near the rock when lights went off then went to vital to see if anyone died it's time also whoever is like there's other things you can sabotage not the lights everytime no he's he didn't know where he was what is that behind you i remember by the way i was filling fuel by the way a whole bunch of trash i remembered because i that was my next what are you doing i trust by the way i trust this turning on the lights constantly i trust that it's not kada she killed me i hope he pulls this one out come on time you can do it little buddy you can do it little buddy come on let's go i'm your biggest fan there's probably some killing going on right now i don't want to miss it run egghead showtime came out and killed scott it was weird what did you say it was scott it's scotland's dead dude i was walking past you guys and now's it wait wait yeah wait where is this it is it's up by the place where you switch the nodes i was walking with scott in the dark trying to keep an eye on him to make sure he stayed alive i love these guys when it was dark and that was it and i'm running there now two lights he came out of the dark and killed him on top of me it's not a thing it's not kara this one is the last round right so guys let's think about this logically we've got this in the bag right like crewmates have won so either we vote showtime and if the game doesn't end well if we had more lauren i will 50 50 on showtime 100 throw it at me baby are you guys all together the four people or no showtime what wires did you do this round i haven't done any why why would i do wires i did upload and then i went to med band that was it why don't you have wires well i haven't done any wires that's it well so you've still got wires to do yeah i'm done i don't check the task [Music] but to not be fair uh you did immediately say scott did it when this was yeah yes you said you said it's showtime and i said i'm not even there i am you somebody said scott did it hundreds i did not i didn't i was just kidding because he was dead the gamer girl and roadblocks queen thank you so much for the super chats hi eloise and nick um i was on my way to lights like three possible people who could do it that's it i've seen show time dude i'm showtime i'm voting showtime yeah exactly so that's what i mean we've won regardless like we vote showtime it's not him that we emergency meet and vote ollie is done lauren i'm gonna be very upset he's gonna be so happy that i looked after him he's gonna be so proud thank you all right what was that murderer i'm so sorry i was in the chat i was like she's going to screw herself because she gave me a second chance i genuinely thought it was cara because she was like defending me and that hey guys i gotta leave because it's an hour later here and the dog needs to walk so okay ggs [Music] i'll take i know you can get on at 10 so okay um can we switch uh can we switch maps lauren get bobby and i've still not played with him you played without me with him and that's very upsetting well i know there's people waiting i mean i can play if we if we need if we need somebody i can ask i just make it clear that in the future i want to play with bobby lawrence it's very important to me like i mean maybe he's very chaotic yeah good good um maybe it would work getting bobby and now because it'd be like we need someone who can play for 50 minutes and then is happy to leave for calum coming in yeah so yeah that's true yeah it's awkward to invite like other streamers or creators because it's like hey do you want to play for 50 minutes then you need to leave yeah i mean i could probably go in 50 minutes because i i have construction going on my house today cookies and milk thank you so much for the super chat i appreciate it can we switch maps can we switch maps can we switch maps can we do the big map i never get to do this mirror he's [Music] [Music] you have a dog i have a dog okay hi shannon thank you for the super chat is it just one imposter win so far then yeah yeah that's all we need to play balance it out the rest and the only reason yeah it was one imposter one because ali saws mean cassie and connor were like yes they played it really well two of the most lethal getting out of the plays almost won one by myself that was a cutie honestly cassie see if it hadn't been for that i'd just seen uh time in that round i probably would have bought it oh yeah i wish you guys went to reactor instead of found the bodies then i would have clocked you right in the face like i had no idea ariana ramos thank you so much for the super chat murdered me i was like i'll be safe for cassie because i suspected time because i i had seen him go across and do something a little bit not sus not worthy of mentioning but wary enough to not go anywhere near him was it good that was a good win that was i'll give that to you so you can add that to your one book oh thank you thank you i'll i'll jot it down right now yep you gotta go she's getting herself a sticker yeah scratching is good today i got a golden sticker scott praised me dear diary thank you so that works thing because we'll have bobby playing and either bobby can leave and calm can play or sparkles or leave and calm can play okay so that works quite well yeah just watch out for bobby at the beginning of games because if he's imposter he will kill you in front of everybody and he will get thrown out and yeah no he doesn't care he will just take you out is he just a wild card is he wild like imagine your most chaotic tendencies mixed with ollie's most chaotic tendencies and mixed with lauren's most chaotic tendencies then you have bobby my lord this is yeah monster yeah he's nurse what are you saying hey hey i just i said oh i said bobby your playstyle is right i've just played once you don't know what happens yeah you're chaotic you're chaotic as hell you're as chaotic as hell bobby that's your freestyle bobby the code oh i missed you oh all right don't kill me if you missed me that's where are you i'm right here let's run around each other oh that's cute oh goals for anyone who doesn't know this is my husband hello nice to meet you hello hello hello hi lauren's husband nice to meet you hey lauren is there one here i think you're all here right yeah i'm glad lauren's husband's here let's go let's go change my name how do i change my name anymore good luck oh i hate this one oh i hate it i hate that i'm alone watch me guys okay i like that both of them are watching me three of them that's hot oh we're we're scared we are scared and reluctant i don't remember oh i was on med scan i was gonna say i don't remember time passing me but i wasn't really doing the most there dan scott raz show can i just close this right away okay dan scott rasho raz where'd scott go time oh god where the hell did scott go i thought we were hanging out uh oh lord no ollie dan bobby where oh no i was with him for so long and you've killed him the minute he's gone away from me [Music] did you do a murder wait why was it me because i passed you going on you went on to the balcony just now right yeah okay so the body was at the trash it which is next to the door into cafeteria and you came down through the tables no no she literally just passed me so like that was the corridor i was going down then i went down the left-hand side of it to do wires what i mean is she's just came in and the body's there so if you come into the room you would have seen it unless oh she said she would have called it unless yeah razz and lauren oh also cassie did you see what i see at one point we were all on admin it was me you dan and the advent table said there was four people in admin but it was only three and i was like oh no oh my goodness [Music] to be honest i'm running around the map to see where everything is dan's in reactor right now i was wondering how he did someone woke up with him because he just appeared in there while i was doing the long task so i didn't really see him coming there for a little while yeah he was all right i was kind of up there like the whole time mostly i think i went in i think it's lauren and bobby to be honest bobby's been with us at the top for a while but i think there's nothing so we don't know i won't be tricked again lauren you had your second chance and it was he allotted i mean that's fair cara deserves that but it's i voted for scott why i didn't see it he was down there with me today i ran off and was going to leave and then it came up if you want and i'll go for that i mean no one else well get rid of scott after we're not doing a 50 50. it wasn't it actually could have been scott because i was trying to stick with him all game and then i lost him like i really really lost him come on just let me get out of here thank you i need to know where my friends are i need to know where my friends are [Music] i okay so i don't feel like so bobby's quite new i don't feel like he would stand there with that timing if it was him what the hell is that i've never seen that task before he's going checking the lock oh what's up hello hello i could jump scared every time same ollie go on i'll leave you oh my bad i didn't realize that's muted uh razz hey bud uh where where are you currently just saying now uh up in o2 just coming down okay so you are in the right area it's okay you see for me it looked like you went to the bottom right of admin and then just disappeared i never saw you leave the room there is an event there but it's also possible there's lag i just wanted to check if you were said you're on the side of the map that would have been no no no no i'm i'm just up oh two i just okay also your name is giving me issues because i keep accidentally freudian slipping and saying daddy instead of razzle daddy that's all right okay daddy daddy definitely works i don't think it's bobby anymore oh oh oh someone voted me did you bench no i didn't vote what the hell unless bobby's been playing a lot in his spare time i don't think it's him anymore so i'm going to stick with him what are you doing in here bud are you gonna kill me in there no no no no i mean i'll i'll hang out with you but like to an extent okay so after this okay yeah he's struggling up here that must mean that it's not him because like this is a tough one to figure out if you don't know what you're doing come on right what's going on so i'm just rolled up to a body in admin admin me my boy time rolling up on bodies i'm voting him now done hello what was your path in that round oh i've been all over so i was up the top with cara and greenhouse and then i went down and then i came back up checked admin then i'm not sure where i went after that down again i'm not familiar with this map apologies okay so is everybody is everybody together right now except for scott razz and ollie me yeah is that what i'm hearing i was i was with loon i was trying yeah the whole time yeah i was like he i was like he has to be crew because he's struggling with that yeah he was the last person to see cara before the call who else i didn't see her at all i don't know i saw it right at the start but i i i went up yeah i only saw her right at the start too so time you and dan rolled up onto that body at the same time so it couldn't have been done i mean no the body's already dead there so it could be anyone right now he left and came back to the scene of the crime so it could be it could be scott razorali it's definitely not me and i was so the reason i was asking dan was because i was on logs the entire time and i see them going past the north sensor and in the north sensor again and then there was just a long period where he never passed any sensors which was weird because i was like why are you just stood in the middle of the y doing nothing and then you passed south east and then you passed southeast again and north again as though you were like going back up to fight with someone it could be a time in den i could be wrong because i don't understand things confused me a lot but that was why i was like there was a point where you didn't you passed the north sensor twice which meant you went back down but then didn't pass any other sensors so i was like that's weird he's just in the middle okay but also recess of what me and raz and someone else well but it could be it could be time and dan i don't know lauren did call the 50 50. if i remember and scott's still not gone nothing there's no 50 50. i i i want to unmute and help him but i don't actually remember how to do it you just click on it right you click on the watering can i think you just click the can bobby you got it oh no okay what are you doing oh i got hella tasks bobby trying to guard this man oh oh i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die oh yiker okay okay he got it i'm actually scared i'm gonna go hit the button i'm scared i'm traumatized i'm terrified i don't like this too much time has passed okay thank you i couldn't press the button oh okay no i'm i'm terrified who's with who wait we lost razz we lost rez wait who just died did raj just die yeah right i was gonna ask people all in pairs when the lights were out and i saw bobby in the lower and there's someone bouncing around the vents i was on admin in this case i want to say that it can't be done or ollie then because we were going to hold together and rise is this actually happening was lauren actually crew and scott and ollie are the imposters does that happen wait are you trying to do that yeah because because cassie and bobby were together the entire time even i was there for like maybe 30 or 40 percent of the round i check on admin there's a body in a reactor and you guys are walking up the left side of the y yeah because i've gone down to try and fetch someone and push the button for me because i couldn't do it because i already pressed the left razor are you in here so i went up to reactor because i had this three tasks to do up there and razz met me up there and then i left when lights went off because i had to go back to the turtle to do that that's where you two were which is what i needed to know right cassie and bobby were together the whole time and i was on my own and that means that it's me or showtime at that point i know maybe time and i think it's fine by the way if you think about this why haven't we just voted out scott that way we have one imposter left and we don't lose the game i don't why do you why are you so sure it's me like i think ally was joking i have no idea there's a lot of sauce everywhere dang it i don't know either yeah the logs are the worst thing ever yeah i was scrolling up and down okay we got to make a decision i didn't hardly accuse you because i don't understand i just want you to know where you were so scott you were scott all you were together and then all he was checking the laws we have to vote we have to vote we have to vote oh no i don't know what you do i don't know what you think throwing [Music] imposter dead and we could actually win the game then because then we could do ollie after why it's not only 50 minutes i don't have a oh you're numb oops i don't have a sh i thought i did it again i don't have a button and i'm not sure what to do somebody's got to hit it please please the button the button come on please oh please hit the button hit the button hit the button hit the button hit the button but hit the button the button hit it hit it come on okay i'm gonna go fix lights i'm gonna go fix lights oh my god we lose we lose we lose we lose we lose we lose we lose we lose we lose oh okay ollie chill okay scott okay ollie chill i was doing the scott was tailing me and cassie like and then ollie was getting in on the fun oh yeah i can kill you and cassie because i don't think it's your cassie because okay it's not it's not me it's not ali it's not bobby it's scott it literally is not i'm happy for you the fact that everyone that's left was do you want wait wait wait and i know it's not me i think it's scott so that's what's made me think it's done i'm not sure why because dan you were so quick to accuse me but i couldn't see it i can see you i couldn't see it i couldn't see the top of the lights oh the lights hadn't ruined you honestly what i'm just saying is i'm happy for you to kill me to get stuff off it but it is actually not me so use this to be able to use it yeah you could be but use this time now to discuss because it is not me well if it's not if we vote you and it's not you we get dan call it a day finally no because there was someone else there was someone else who else who was sustaining last round i can't remember it was me ollie joe and sure and time yeah as the villains so i mean which is what made me think it was time but it's actually it generally isn't me i'm having for you to kill it if you don't lose you vote someone else it could be a big brain play from like cassie and dan no i've been with bobby though no i've been with bobby bobby's been trying to figure out the water can the whole time it wasn't me i'm pretty sure you were the only person behind me and i reported the body behind me and you you swapped between no so i came up behind because i thought i thought cassie was wanting to push the button so i was i was yeah i was i loaded up and the lights went out yeah um i've never been so confused let's get dad out of here let's get down out of here i wish people listened to me with the tan thing [Music] dad you you filthy filthy man okay i hope that he does this kill and they catch it i have to do tasks dude okay come with me guys come with me oh my god i have to go to launch pad oh i'm gonna fix the lights oh this is chaos this is chaos this is hell this is garbage this is trash farts this is oh i knew it was gonna happen oh you're the only one not with us no dan i doubled back to check no no i saw gloom going to the light panel so i was like it sorted so i went back to see for bodies i do this all the time and you're standing on it i'm not standing on it i'm nowhere near dead it's it's right you're right there i don't even know where the body is damn i watch you're right there yelling right there and i think gloom understands you know i understand i understand dan you played it well but the 50 50 went through we got rid of oh no if i'm wrong okay ollie ollie if it's actually you congratulations you did an amazing game no like honestly if it's you like like hats off to you like i need to take lessons yeah that would have been so good that was good i panicked a little bit because she was stuck on the corridor that was really good though dan then it's between ollie and dan the game's over really i can't see it i just like that man just say sauce yourself that's amazing before the last vote i just had a feeling like i just had a feeling like i asked him who he thinks it is he said i don't know i feel like i feel like imposters do that a lot when they're not sure who is safe to suss and they don't want to get ganged up on and also like he just said like you know who were voting for because he didn't care who we voted for all he cared about was that somebody was getting voted out who wasn't him he was also surprisingly quiet so that's kind of why i like yelled to vote him off even though no one voted with me i just had a feel like it was just a mannerism thing oh oh okay i'm actually gonna do my tasks this time because we could have got a task when last time but i was just like too busy too busy like sticking my nose in everybody else's business that was a really fast shields by scott but i mean shields is a really fast task but like that was like a millisecond oh i don't know you had to wait for this one don't leave me please oh lauren this is why we can never play together because you never want to play together come on guys fix it i'm going to reactor oh before we jump into the body i just want everyone knows how common works right like you both need to be on each panel at the same time i did not know that i didn't know that yeah i was on the bottom one i didn't know what was going on i know it's as multiple people came into what i was doing i was like i just need someone to put the chord in the bottom one here but that's all i need from you but does it have to be the same code at the same time no it's just so when you're loaded up it'll say like comes active or like light's not active and it'll be a red light and if someone is on it it turns to white and when you put the code in it turns to green and you both have to have them green it before the little bar disappears okay okay raz where is it uh it's like totally up by the specimen lab the specimen lab if that's what it's called i genuinely don't know you know the one that's the other side of the reactor that one where you tree oh oh i thought you meant like the other other side my bad i have not been on that side of the map yet yeah scott was at comms i was then i was just waiting but yeah on the way out of it but like that's the only time i've seen her i was about to head there but i haven't opened up deacon tam yet i was watching the guys do comms and i thought they had it covered i feel like the last person i saw was wasn't it bobby trailing car like going down the the left uh 45 degree hallway but i don't know i was always on the right side i was in the cafeteria with uh gloom for a little bit i was doing the uh trash compactor before the comms went out and then i was up there scott was up there doing the comms lauren was in there too for a bit yeah and again oh you know bobby was in the yeah everything that was think but bobby's the same color that's why yeah because jordan was doing his download and then bobby came in i feel like kara's gonna be unsolved i'm sorry sorry cara i was too busy your death was a teaching experience for communication [Laughter] something came of your day [Music] this is a really tough map because i feel like you have to be beside people the whole time because if somebody just like walks into you they could have vented from anywhere in the map um and it's a little disquieting hey dan it's not you again is it what are you doing that's weird i need to get out of here i need to get out of here i need to get out of here i feel like raz is okay because he was trying so hard to fix comms or was that res oh i don't know about scott right now i'm gonna head up to reactor oh bobby i don't trust him yet hopefully someone fixes them lights and bobby doesn't stab bobby died well it's either lauren or cassie because bobby just walked in there yeah well um you can 50 50 me and lauren if you want i think it's just lauren she's running out no i saw you running up it cannot it cannot be showtime it cannot be shown i'm saying i'm saying 50 50. guys i swear to you wait did you find him did you find him in decontam time me no no he's on the left uh reactor it came back up oh i went straight up to the wires that's why i didn't see it but yeah i know lauren and bobby went in there together i didn't want to go because i was scared of bobby and then i was like lauren's gonna die to bobby but i guess lauren killed them wait you did go up with bobby though you were the one everybody wait yeah no we went in at the same time but he was at the top and i was at the bottom and when the door opened i waited yeah i was not i left bobby down he was doing the wiring i guess next to where you go into the decontamination thing so i went up into d cup like decontamination went up and then oh my god i can't remember what tat i literally just got up there okay wait it was a reactor task so that's why i don't i never saw bobby come in with me so i have no idea what's going on in that case showtime was coming up where is it it's not showtime where is that because i was on the uh thing yeah cause that's what i was gonna say then jordan where were you because you ran up towards the middle that from there yeah i went up to you i saw daddy up there yeah this might not be correct i was on sensors and i was suss of bobby because he passed the southwest one probably about 10 or 15 seconds before the body was cooled and then he didn't go anywhere else so he dies can we please skip let's skip can we skip can we skip somebody i don't no no we're skipping we're skipping i don't think it was learned anymore i believe what you're saying it was a recent body though yeah i don't think it's lauren anymore i don't think it was time they're with him for at least ten people it's a it's an [Music] i think that um i think i just got like i think that i almost threw impostered right there like i i believe what lauren was saying i don't think it was time i think this was an obvious event where you going lauren please i can't see i can't see oh my god lauren dan time please come with me where did lauren go is she dead i'm gonna get framed dude okay that was where scott uh in the lab saw the right side of reactor yeah uh the lab what do we know i went in with lauren so she would have had to do like a vent and loop back around if that was her i don't think i don't think it's lauren where does it vent where does that the what the event there's events in that lab all right oh you can't okay so i think that event pop in and appear somewhere else um last round me and lauren almost third impostered each other so i followed her for a long time then i was with time it can't i don't think it's lauren i don't think it's time i think that it's between razz ollie and dan not the whole time not the whole time no no i went i went with lauren to spawn without leaving i went with lauren to spawn and then i met him on logs i saw you guys coming into reactor as i'm leaving and then i went to lights and i saw razz come to lights with someone else someone else i was already in there because speaker speaking of that like there was me and ollie in time but dan just ran straight past it which i did dan running the opposite direction i don't i don't understand why he ran straight past light he was going back to spawn i think he was going to do a task he crossed so what i did is i was on admin and i saw someone flicking in and out of the uh the launch pad so i went there to see if there was a body that wasn't so i just did my task there and came back all right it just didn't it just seemed odd that you would run straight past lights and not fix them first that's why i was only now vouching lauren is that what's happening i'm not i'm not hard vouching her i just think that we had a very unfortunate scenario with bobby and somebody vented where bobby went could have been a showtime self-report on that i think it could be no time in gloom show was the only other person i saw i think that this i think that this is razz and ollie because they both just jumped on dan and dan didn't do anything wrong i do not have a jump no wait i don't think it's them okay maybe it's all right well keep it in mind keep it in mind 50 50 it [Music] i'm going to stick with captain sparkles this round so that we don't lose because he didn't like what i just said there and i think i'm right he does not want to stick with me so i'm going to go fix the top 02 by myself hopefully i can get some street cred for that uh i have a lot of tasks to do in reactor can somebody please come with me please please no not you razz no not you rez i might just have to like hail this is perfect where's dan where is dan where's dan they might just win right now i'm going for the button where are you oh my god where is dan oh he's alive oh my god dan oh okay i didn't go all the way in i was like like when we were walking i was like where's dad they have to double kill and they win dad yeah no i didn't see i didn't go all the way in when crewmate yeah i didn't go all the way in okay nothing nothing to see here sorry guys to see if anyone had been left behind and not being like a kill left yeah sorry sorry about that guys sorry that's wait you've reset the cooldown so it's so cool yeah sorry yeah there's like three tasks left but yeah yeah i think we're gonna do that yeah yeah yeah okay please please please come with me to reactor please please everybody okay everybody everybody everybody in the game consider it oh come on ollie you know you want to go oh sorry you're waiting around for me i'm sorry i'm in my own world sauce thinking about all the juicy content [Music] oh boy this is a toffee everybody reactor had to happen at least once come on everybody let's go damn it i can't i thank god okay okay all right come on come on come on oh come on i'm too nervous i can't uh please okay two more two more two more come on come on let's go come on okay five six seven eight nine ten okay wires i've got wires come on guys come on where's oh dan's there come on come on guys this is a disaster somebody fix lights i gotta do my last wire i swear the last tasks are me they're me okay i got i got it all done spamming report come on lauren showtime okay come on come on okay i'm sorry i was like speak oh my god i was right in all three of the post five head it was ross i i am an actual it was i was creating an alibi so that when we got closer to the time we could double kill and make an easy streak everybody everybody was together we needed one less person there for a double that's all i was waiting i'm a genius i'll be here all night don't worry about it i got you when they both just when they both just jumped on dan like that stop talking i just didn't like it i just didn't like it and i was right killed me my only kill um i'm like shaking because i'm so amped that i got that right oh lauren i feel like if it was lauren she would have killed me by now or maybe she's like trying to play it slow these days someone else is in here what is this a little party going on here party and storage hey bobby [Music] it's so nice to play with new players sometimes because you get to like uh uh yeah that had to have been ollie what do you mean ollie was just running right by the body i don't like i don't know the point of that one right there it was right outside of the uh the right room at the top below o2 the one with the uh where you typed the code in advent i guess yeah yep i think so um yeah i mean it could be either of us maybe a 50 50 should be called here it definitely was because ollie died and then you just heard lauren laugh out in the background still alive unlocker dog you hate to see it you really really do oh i haven't done the crystal in a long time oops ah gorgeous bobby's looking he's looking straight don't oh my god this is indeed contam this isn't deacon tam uh bobby do you see anything on your way up bud no i was doing tasks yeah you weren't you were doing tasks so jordan's waiting he's like just chilling there waiting for the door to open and deacon tam and i guess somebody killed him and then the door closed and then i was doing tasks with bobby i came down to open the door and the body was there so who's with who are together in the yep uh i'm not with anyone uh-huh it's not me i was looking at the door log i do have a question for dan though it could be but it's not i was i was doing wires and i saw you go down to the balcony and then i checked and i didn't see you i was hiding behind the satellite dish oh my gosh and i was like he's watching trex video he knows i was trying to catch a video yeah i was just chilling behind there for a little bit and watch the same tips and tricks videos i have yeah tips i tried liking okay i mean i'm happy to step i'm happy to skip because we know we were right with all the because for sure i feel like it's safer to skip and finish tasks yeah you're right okay wait lauren did you see that same tips and tricks video uh the one hiding behind the event i probably watched all the terrible ones yeah i mean going by the go by the performance she had that night i'm assuming you shouldn't watch the good ones poor lauren you're doing well what are you talking about i'm doing terrible this tonight chilling in front of people i'm i'm the you can just call me the task man whatever some people do people who know me really well do but this is like permission you can call me the task man if you want hey time getting our anomalies together hey bud come on let's get it going up to reactor we go for our last two tasks cara did she just come out of the she would i feel oh god i don't know cara was playing alone last round and it looked like she just came out of a vent there really looked like it but who am i to judge all right we're in business so uh yeah yeah yeah you saw that yeah yeah i saw that 100 percent oh you're right huh bobby's with you uh cassie and scott i thought we i thought we saw are you talking to me time yes in reactor there's three people who are the three yep i was in there yeah i was doing the code the last my life yes if you see bobby in there yes well cara is done it's over yeah i think it's cara i i think that cara vented into med bay that's what i was talking about time so i saw her go back into medpay wait wait wait wait wait so showtime just left me an admin there was one as he left which was me and then two appeared so i got out of the room what are you talking about and then yeah so she was in communication and then it showed the communications disappear goes to medby i'm like she just came from med bay then it goes to the other points it goes to reactor oh okay all right hidden behind that the old tips and tricks i'm pretty sure i've not vented from that no i couldn't vent there dan did you i'm sorry cara but also i spent like a good two minutes getting razz onside and you walk in and murder him immediately i'm sorry you did that to me with time our game too cara that was like the very first round when i was the imposter lord was following me around at one point olly came in and i just gave him that look of like do not touch it i was like do not i don't feel that close then obviously you let him hold him alive for a reason right yeah like ollie died first round so i'm like whatever i can i can head out soon okay okay i'm gonna go bathroom good game all right good game [Music] jordan cp time are we switching maps did you understand this one uh we could switch yeah maybe go back to skate let's go back to school let's go squid isn't it isn't there three maps go to the other one they could do that the other one the last one oh honestly i don't know their names i call them ice worlds i'm here i made it there's nobody nobody to chat and ruin my time wait i didn't wait oh i have i'm listening to the to the game on my headphones and i was like why can i hear myself that was freaky what's up guys all right let me get this game going here enter the private code that you can't see because i'm in front of it idiots all right just punch it in a s e t y okay great oh shoot oh oops uh just don't just don't join the one that i said because it's a prank got you what oh i forgot my headphone did you fake a card swipe now you're venting yeah pop yeah yeah oh yeah yeah okay good ah cedric mclaurin valerie oh jeddah heather marie dr sleepy mel and lord thank you so much for the super chat angelic tube happy birthday yesterday 15. it's a good one that's a good one indeed tracy gaines zodiac tia malik king thank you so much for these super chats please say hi to tia and donate i hope i didn't get that wrong also i have i'm not making merch actually right now hopefully hopefully i can soon but i'm picky alicia castro c mary wlt20 rose the ice cream girl and avalon p thank you so much for the super chats oh see mary that was a big one thank you oh i am back oh let's get it going oh oh lauren not again girl not again wait what the heck lauren killed time right in front of me yeah was that right in front of everybody yeah that was in front of everybody in nab yeah we left you guys lauren next time you're imposter just don't kill in front of everybody girl that was a tip and trick of epic proportions lauren what are you saying what who was there because it was 100 cassie if nobody actually legit saw it do not believe what she's saying yeah i'm going to say all right guys all right guys no no what guys guys it's good it's cool it's cool guys it's cool guys it's cool guys yeah vote me off then good good this was actually a good one lauren said what the hell yeah it definitely could normally cost you to get away with it and i know the reason you're playing this card if like go on and vote me off because that's what i sternly say she wouldn't do otherwise but yeah lauren's voice was well played girl and because cara was so easily like yep it was lauren now i think it's cara i think you will everybody voted for me lauren even though it was you oh no ggs unless you okay this is good because you know what we haven't been cassie the friendly ghost in quite some time and i think we're i think we're gonna have a good one on our sleeves here hello just trying to upload i know can you let us finish the upload all right but i think we should vote out lauren too just in case nope yes if it's not her go ahead and vote me off please let me upload these files [Music] wait wait wait wait wait wait about the 50. did you have to do these files did you have to download the files in the first round uh i haven't done it yet over there you went through the defaults zach thank you so much in the beginning we both went to the download i was downloading i was at like 20 30 and you started walking away so i thought that was a little sucks uh down first round just went over to nav i will say i'm starting to think it's possibly done or cpk purely because they're being quiet and letting the chaos take you here that's why i've been quiet um i'm happy to say right now that all i have tried to do is upload my files [Music] okay right at the start scott just seemed so convinced and i'm worried he's long gaming everyone else wow i followed him for the entire first round i'm completely past the point the only reason i think it's not scott even though he seems a little sus is because he he fully believed me overcast maybe it's you and scott lauren seems so happy let's go let's go cassie the friendly ghost hasn't even had to do anything it must be yeah it must be a win oh my god you guys are so dumb what is happening you're dead let us upload the file this game is not even a real game what is happening i wish i was an imposter because that would have been an amazing game for me yes i managed to manage cards okay so who didn't get uploaded there because if they didn't then they're the imposter because they weren't doing it i was uploading still whose free win is this i just want to know uh all right i'm uh i don't want to make i don't want to make the call because everyone will pay for it wait wait raz push the button so i say wait and i'm joking yeah you must call i'll follow you papa as good as if you thought that's why yeah the real question here is what does bobby believe lauren because he's her husband or because he's impossible to get rid of me yeah i see what we do is what if we just skip and do a task and see if a murder happens if a murderer happens because that's not been killed although i'm glad so many of you have lost your buttons oh wow i use mine effectively this is actually really good because everybody use their everybody use their buttons upload complete and you're just sitting next to me please don't do this callum i know it's probably you yeah something i don't know i was with lauren in the other room what i'm saying is what we do then for safety i feel like is then we kill either ollie or razzin and call button into the other no we don't because it's you too lauren you both saw me in admin yes you saw me doing the swipe card and then i left something there anyway i was in there i didn't kill either and then i went and reported the thing immediately when i went down there's two of them three were together and two people are over towards where the but the body is it's got to be callum scott or justin scott because we weren't in the back of electro and linked but and then they came in like you could lie scotland look ollie you sound very passionate who you voting for i'm voting for scott i'm going to make that question and if it's right then i'm going to vote for callum next you know it's not me because i was 100 with you so do you think it's only our raslord i never i did not see razz the whole time so i was in electrical electrical i wasn't he was he was dude i was ahead of everybody else if you didn't say that ruined it for everyone [Music] they're gonna razz where are you going where are you taking the scenic route oh my god i locked your eyes out raz what are you doing bud what are you doing oh oh thank god i finally saw somebody else kill in front of lauren callum it was 100 razz just killed scott right in front of me she's got she's got cred because she got me out literally buddy she's been sussed the entire time i'm not this good at this game it was a hundred percent razz kind of she bought it was the imposter because this would have been the name of the century but i'm not i hate it yes i i i literally look look look do you know what you will vote for me because i want to see lauren win this i want to see her have that brilliant title on youtube plus it'll give me extra promotion so vote for me wow in a while but i'm not good at being imposter in this game there's no way i carried myself all the way this far come on i saw raz kill right in front of me and i saw a cassie kill right in front of me i know that's very like it's okay you know the worst thing is i was like i'm not gonna go straight on the camera i'm gonna go on in like five seconds and catch someone doing it as i came on you were both stood over the body and i was like oh for god's sake the thing is right if you if you are still unsure you were sussing me the previous round right yeah why would i kill and leave the fifth why why would i why would i kill and leave the 50 50 up to you when you were you're a very brash man i think he's right oh this is horrible i'm trying to honestly just think back to what cara was saying before everyone stupidly voted her off she's she was she wasn't sure warren i feel like it was important information it was so long ago now i don't know 18 seconds she wasn't sure on lauren i mean you could skip but then you give it then you're giving lauren the free win anyway no i'm sorry yes thank you callum oh my god why why did you thank you for what thank you for watching you just lost the game was my best imposter that was my laziest imposter game ever russ when we see daddy choke me we don't mean that hard like not killing us literally did nothing and got so much from that it was literally the [Music] so the correct option but in this group you can't and we'd after like two people i was little just let the chaos flow like this chloe witherspoon thank you so much for the big super chat oh yeah was gonna push the button and get them to put you off for us and you're too persuasive i thought i could try and manipulate callum you were very close you almost did it to the end of the game for once oh that was a good one yahoo okay so we have an impossible i almost had a game where everybody killed each other almost it was so close i just think that i wish that razz didn't say that he was first in electrical because i feel like it casts enough doubt in people's minds otherwise i feel he would have had that one i could die here thanks for the super chat matt that was close oops dang it that is what i call content right there had we won it that would have been one of my finest accidents she didn't make it to the end of this round okay so that's that was a targeted hit calendar hello everyone uh obviously at the start of the game uh some listings have changed i did all my electrical tests first so i never have to go back there uh i came up into where the uh admin panel is and the body was there the only person i saw on the way not near it really was bobby that was it that's what that happened i seen ollie and dan oxygen and carlos on the right side of the ship oh that was that was that you who passed me car while i was doing download or was that scott i think that was scott but i saw you and ollie at weapons when i went yeah wait that was me what was your path just sewing now yeah show time trash and cafeteria i did the alignment and nav and then i did the shield scott did you go to admin after you passed me while i was doing dallas no so i did oxygen so i went down to nav did the uh ship thing and then did the traffic after you passed me in weapons though actually on my way back up no i went up to my downloading cafeteria there is okay whoever went down could have vented into admin kill yeah jasmine lennon thank you so much for the super chat he's saying it like he didn't know just so many people passing by so the only people that weren't seen then was titan where were you nope i was i was literally doing weapons with cats and i did leave and i'm in nav right now i didn't see you do leaves and i didn't see you in nav wait wait what are you i literally was in nav at the end of the round yeah if we were it did you end tests in there because it's possible you're on boxes yes i ended task in there he was he was on weapons with he was on weapons with me and then he went down i ran down into the uh cafeteria then i went i had to do the shields so i did the shields and then i was running around going up wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait only bobby could do such an atrocity get him out of here i've not seen bobby do it oh what he just said did line up with where i saw him but i have no information i mean i'm not very perceptive i didn't see him passes when i was in oxygen oh that is a cute cute robot love that thing oh bobby okay so if cpk dies it's bobby i want to kind of wrap around and see but i'm too scared that he will just kill me oh just finish simon says thank you for waiting honestly he's alive you're very very why are we here what's going on yeah um yeah why are we here we could 50 50. 50 50 who well if we what's prepared to shoot right who says why why are we at this meeting wait wait wait wait wait wait i no no no it's not i i saw scott vent that's why i called it oh oh oh oh oh you're just lying no no no i i i swear i is somebody up in nav um no no no no sorry not now i went [Music] oh you guys are so mean [Music] what have you done yes sorry scott that's just old man i sang what have we done i think we've gone too far i think humanity is on its last straw oh my goodness he's not in this yeah thinking back on it i think i do remember seeing scott over on the left oh i was about to finish now let's just finish your tasks it's so long since i've played this game can we play the game yeah let's skip right okay okay okay let's let's let's since we've got this meeting let's use it productively if i got it wrong and it wasn't actually stopped let's talk about so are you sure you saw someone vent 100 somebody definitely vented and i swear reacting where does that top vent go for a start somebody said admin right it goes to no no no the one here is the bomb doesn't it right no the one in weapons goes to nav oh yeah no yeah they both linked to nav right there okay well then right unless they didn't come out no one went in there so was there anybody that was unaccounted for i mean scott was unaccounted for but does everybody else have an alligator where did scott say he was just so we know did he see his left side because i was joking he said he was electrical employees yeah i i walked in on ollie and i was gonna see if he was gonna admit that he was there or not he was in reactor and i went on cams to end the round the the real round not i do reckon that it's possible that actually this is correct and raz didn't scott's just being in play of it he's in a big you know he's a showman i mean just imagine if we had anything to go off other than people's locations perhaps kills or yeah okay i'm skipping it worked last round though didn't it no i mean i mean it was it was a like that did not feel like a win i'll be honest you've come for the good games you can end the night it's all going downhill vlogs jt fletcher and gwen blood moon thank you so much for the super chats hey cassie twitter oh my god this is a mess i feel like scott's influencing this from beyond the grave i really hope that it was scott like i really hope that this isn't just scott getting framed as he usually does like it's just not it's not nice it's not right i'm supposed to be mood swing mandy today but i i can't help but feel horrible about what happened i think we should vote off res just for that honestly actually should i go into the morgue by myself i'm doing it i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die oh oh okay dan's here come on dan let's get it great good neither of you killed each other i'm glad yeah i was scared uh where was that so this body's like um near the upper engine area the door is locked on me in um what is that securities i saw cassie go down uh did anyone see her after that he ended up in an electrical examination and that's it i was on the right side the whole time i can vouch for cara being there too i was in uh i don't know how old the body is i don't know how old the body is but like the thing is like there's like i saw people at admin side uh on the cameras and i saw cassie come from the top just to go back to the first round where people said bobby in the first round for a reason i was just about to say like bobby i don't know about you right now you killed lauren first a lot that's why i'm like the only person i actually saw come to that side is cassie and i would see people come past med bay i would assume yeah like always matching for dan i'm back and and gloom i was definitely with cara and i saw dan which means it's either the person on cams or the only other person that's not being vouched for so bobby based on past rounds i was up over did you see anyone did anyone see anyone go uh under engine because the other way is they could go from under engine and vent to reactor and vent up yeah hold on you just ran carry you just ran through weapons do you see bobby i was there at the end i was running there from the cafeteria i was in there for probably like i don't know which side did you come from the cafeteria to get to weapons bottom off the left did you get into the cafeteria you get like from cafeteria to weapons did you come from like the bottom of cafeteria or the left of cafeteria you're straightening around okay i don't think you did no you didn't you did all right get them out of here get them out of here we're voting on seven let's go oh yeah oh yes we're voting on seven so two people voted to skip there we don't know who they are but that means there's probably two people imposters in the game we've been like that's a that's a fine point you're making ali thank you i could probably hit the button by now maybe i'll just hit it to say hi hi everyone uh yeah just in case i got a little scared oh there's still six of us that's i mean i don't think they had enough time for the cooldown has anything changed is the is the wiggle then still the global sign of please follow me i've been doing it i've seen people it's just like double kill right hey come over here real quick um is there anyone who didn't want to dog pile on bobby i was gonna say do we know for a fact we got uh one person out um no i mean the weight but there's no weight like me and kara there's no way bobby came from the bottom of cafeteria there's no way we both came from that direction and i don't know if he came from the bottom but i did see him on the admin cam a little bit at the top of cafeteria but he didn't come from the bottom wait but that wasn't me you saw him wait are you sitting on cameras go from the top i thought i saw orange at the top of the camera of admin so not not coming from the bottom but he did skim there in general though i mean in the previous right when we did the voting there i mentioned bobby gloom jumped on it car and cfk backed it up those two people that didn't do anything to yeah i skipped i escaped last round because i wasn't kind of concerned yeah the bobby cole is right so i reckon it could be if there was two left they'd hit sabotage though unless they're new players no i think we got one i think we've got bobby right okay everyone here is not new hm no no hope not except bobby but he's dead yeah i'm done with all my tasks who has task lifts oh i don't think it's done whoever did that [Music] ah just two more and then we're gonna save the day just three more and then we're gonna save the day time looking pretty good working on his reactor thing he was also on cam's like the whole time so maybe it wasn't him he's so good though that i i'm just kind of always scared of him no matter what i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die oh cara it was weird how time just like waited at the door but i guess he saw that we're all still alive someone closed the door what if it's cpk as long as three of us are up this imposter can't win and i don't have a button so there's nothing i can do ollie okay i'm gonna do the hail mary olly fix the lights um hello wait someone's dead oh tom's dead oh calum wasn't someone on the uh correct it was on admin the whole thing i said there was three people one was on cameras and then i don't know where the other person is so yeah car did you stay with dan for the rest because i went to fix the lights met ollie there i stayed with dan whole time yeah so i've just we've just been up at the end and i saw showtime coming out of the top left side so like from upper engine to cafeteria yeah that's a weird way to come from lights though right no i don't know i i've been like i've been the cameraman for so long this game i can imagine did you see anyone running alone looking suspicious since you were in chems not really i didn't know where anyone was so was anyone walking over camps i called the meeting actually it was because i was wondering why dan only did one task in electrical because like almost always he was in there before and i think dan is proof yeah he's crazy he got reported when i was on the third spinny wheel thing i just went back to do that now oh okay all right i only had the one i it's hard to tell because it's like you were all running as a three so i guess it would have taken a long time to get a kill even if there was one or two left i think we i still got one though i know which is why it's like it could have been showtime on his own because you were winning as a three but then you did split well i i'm i'm the person that reported the body on the guy who got voted out like the button killed and then pressed the button immediately i didn't get the button call either because if you guys are together then you should only be um okay i don't know i don't know i think it's time to be honest but i can vouch that he was on camera for most of the rounds and so was callum wait you got bobby out we we got bobby out of the way not too trusting of time right now all weird i think i just saw something on my map maybe it was a glitch interesting well he if it is time he can't do anything right now so the question is like do we okay i'm going to do a lap i don't know uh it would have really helped if car didn't hit the button all right who was it i didn't expect us to win oh man right right right right now raz i have a question for you have you called the police yet because your brain is messing you may also want to call spacesavers because i think you might need some better stronger prescription glasses oh get them kill them scott [Music] hilarious that on the shakiest of evidence everyone decided to vote you out because yeah well because you said you saw somebody vent chaotic energy tonight is very high no if somebody sees somebody else's vent it's hard to not vote my favorite thing phoebe's vlog oh wait like heaven mom lazier either vote him out or vote me out oh this is my last game by the way oops same um i could try to do like some crazy like vents stuff again but i'm just kind of nervous about it raz is just like chillin faking in tasks ugh i'm not sure what to do gotta get somebody what are you doing in there bud i guess i'll make it easy for you oh i'm dead cara why don't you jump off to check me huh it's dan oh is that cheating now is that not allowed oh no wait i thought you were allowed to do that kind of i thought that was allowed yeah personally i don't do it because okay okay well and then i don't match the camera guys it's fine i can make it easy for you guys i can make it easy razz vented oh okay get them get them lauren where was somebody it was i was coming down it was like oh my god the security camera room it was right outside of that yeah no i just i just saw him i saw res coming i don't think he was alive when i left him for lights can you imagine it was rise after i called him at that point this kill just happened right outside of like in between reactor and security in the hall okay i was in did you see anyone laura and eventually scott when the lights were off yeah i then lights went off so i just ran on to cara for protection and i left medbay to do which is why i was wondering if you're going to call it too short no i realized what you'd done because i thought you were jumping off to try and get me to check you which i was like i don't have it i'm just here because i've seen two people and made being at normal means a dead body yeah i have no uh i don't know i have no info i haven't escaped well i feel like i feel like it can't be lauren and show because they were like on lights right that was me and raz were on i wasn't oh okay i'm a stuck guy i mistook gray for purple i do want to say because i know dan said this was the last game maybe we could coax them with a few games of hide-and-seek would you maybe stay for some hide-and-seek games man he's mad he's a big guy he's already left all right i shouldn't have killed dan first probably not the best play in the world where's my download i'm gonna go to med bay actually wait where'd she go oh no i'm okay this is not cool [Music] i think it may have been cassie because the lights were out she was running up towards the cafeteria and then the report yeah i was going to med bay came up for me where is it i didn't see the body i was right by admin cassie was so it was in admin right never away i never went into admin cassie why are we going to med bay when you walked past that previous round and not gone in and do anything i was on my way to electric why was i going to med base to do it to do my scan or my like bottles i don't know which one it was when you ran past medbay to go to the security because i didn't want to it's scary in there that's good that's nice i won't say i will say if this kill has just happened then it means me time and raz are clear for this one because okay is the only one running in the opposite direction of electrical yeah if it's an admin that looks really bad all i can say is that i didn't go into admin i wasn't in edmond i was right in the hallway oh it was in the hallway i was in the hallway outside i was i passed you and then i was near admin i ran back up because the thing came up to report so yeah so i didn't i didn't want to i didn't want to go in the cafeteria it's in cafe there's no way it's in cath raz why why did you leave why did you leave the bodyguard is not long no longer invited to these lobbies there's they're okay there's no way it's in calf because i'm in calf right now okay so it's got to be in or beside admin you just have to ask where ollie lauren and um callum are those are the three other than you right side of ship i don't remember what i was doing i was in the middle of simon says yeah i was just going past her i just did the numbers in the top left of uh simon says yeah i saw calum okay that was about it okay i'm kind of believing bobby i mean i'm firing i don't know how you guys are doing i'm firing through my tasks so yeah yeah i've got speed running do you have any tasks hmm i'm gonna stick with the team because i think that was a vent frame raz is gonna have to pull his weight get some street cred back check top reactor see who died i really think that uh scott thinks it's me i could but i won't i just really hope that raz is willing to do some work okay so now i'm doing my tubes and then i'm coming back tubes and then come back it's razz it's rise it's rez did event huh no but i saw him kill lauren right in front of me hundred percent oh oh but look could it ride me i was on my way there to um what's i was doing the gas over near what's that not navigation isn't navigation like right top right mid i was on my way down from weapons to what is that yeah navigation and i saw him kill lauren right in front of me what happens if the other one was a self report because that's what i saw bobby do that well if he thinks it's you then you saying it's like he i don't think he'd come in yeah no that's what i mean that doesn't work no but just because he's the loudest when he first comes in i was the one that reported it yeah he's the one you reported but yeah he's the one i'm just chilling because i know he heard me saw me coming i didn't hear you you saw him coming yeah because he did it he was running away he was running back up to cafeteria to get my gas and i was taking the gas over and you went back past me yeah true where was the body just so i know he was right over where i said navigation that's right from where the gas canister was you came down from where admin was you you swung down you had a curve to your pair look i went i'm telling you it was bobby well i mean we we could not have voted for us yeah i was going to for the previous round i'm gonna get support scott's vote oh you you can't you can't take things off at the party okay because bobby says it's you i think that's also fair we could just because right so so if i came in and went probably did it bobby did it bobby did it yeah when he was talking about gas tank sounded good yeah when you people tend to like i did there's nothing that you've done wrong here it's just what happens when you're against a new person when they're able to explain themselves for a reason everyone's like well then you so they're not going to get away with it so yeah that's what you did was killing raz that's what you did you also you also did laugh when i was like i had fun with me if i actually was rising i just kissed and you were like [Music] i extended that laughing wasn't razz there for that last kill too no oh no no you're supposed to say yes i this is really really unlucky for me it's really unlucky for me i'm gonna lose i'm going to lose unless i get some i gotta get i gotta make some happen i have to um i'm not going to be able to beat the task win that was right about what well noah's and i was right because me and callum just spent the entire week through both during fast waiting at lights for it to be turned off looking lovely into each other's eyes and then oxygen went off and we both had that i could i'm not even there but i could hear calvary be both being like ah so then we went by noticed that the door did shut earlier for lower reactions this is kind of old um the body was there so when ours went off i went to the left to see wait where was it sorry just won it lower engine so all i'm saying is is 100 not calum or i'd be slow in a way if scott had the trigger mentality to not kill me we were there for four minutes i still think it's cassie i'm not there bobby i saw you in the upper engine you weren't there you were you were falling around kind of dipping in and out yeah no i'm not there right i'm not there right now i left you in there where did you go from i'm heading towards upper uh upper o2 right now right it's just like i was on cam storytime past me between reactor and cams you were going past med bay again at the top for some reason where did you go after that point i did my tubes uh last round i think in this so the only was it this round one drink no it was last round okay but you're on cam's this round going past my bow i wasn't on campus you were on campus the safest yeah so i was just running around kind of looking at what uh bobby and time were doing and they weren't doing anything so i ran away the time was dead now we're confident that we i mean the tasks are almost done yeah i think i have to do it one more time i am the last task probably by the way i've still got a couple left because i was slow just skip my issue is it's like this if it that if we're playing a safe and safest option it's even safer this option is kill bobby because then it's 50 50 for him and razz and then we've definitely got one of the imposters because they both accuse each other but i don't think it is because you excuse me that's how you would play the safest portion but i don't think we're going to oh my god so who swung that there because i was one of them wow that's toxic no it's not true yes it is yes it is the toxicity of it all right stop getting caught damn it look i caught round one i get imposter with you every time and you get caught round one no you were the one that messed up last time oh wait i actually was the person who messed it up last time but it's still your fault yeah i think it's lauren all right guys i'm going to end yeah i don't know if these guys are going to play some hide and seek or not but i'm going to see what they're going to do um devil's angel 123 banana vlogs and anna reese thank you so much for the super chats um whoa devil's angel that is a big one thank you so much i think we're gonna do some hide and seek um but i'm gonna end my stream here and you can watch it on showtime's twitch all right um because you know sometimes i just want to turn off a face cam just like breathe through my mouth i hope that you guys enjoyed this
Channel: Gloom
Views: 3,670,094
Rating: 4.8772941 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us live, among us stream, gloomgames, kassie, lauren, 1000 iq, imposter, imposter win, how to win among us, funny moments, among us funny moments, no cursing, no swearing, among us gloom, collab, video, among us gameplay, among us memes, Terry, smajor, among us game, stream, live, laurenzside, karacorvus, kara, dan, dantdm, dantdm among us, oli, thinknoodles, orionsound, captain sparklez, captain, sparklez
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 161min 46sec (9706 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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