Dan Mohler: Exposing the Sin Conscious Mind

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all right hey welcome welcome back I hope you all have some good lunch I hope your tummies are full I want you to stand up everybody stand up with me all right how many of you have been with us you were with us either last night or this morning one of the others okay hi how many of you are just getting here right now this is your first session hey new people what's going on okay I want to do this just take two minutes I want you to get out of your aisle and I want you to find somebody that you don't know give them a big ol hug and then just encourage them real quick okay just give them a word of encouragement [Applause] [Applause] come on don't be shy [Applause] [Applause] all right one minute one minute countdown [Applause] all right that's awesome go ahead and wrap that up drop your seats okay all right once again how many of you this is your first session with us right now you just got here can we welcome all of our new friends yay well we're going to just jump straight in right now okay so we're just going to get into it with Dan and it's going to be good are you guys ready all right I know what happens after lunch sometimes your stomach gets full and then you feel like it's nap time so y'all awake does anybody love Jesus oh yeah all right then okay we're just going to go for it we're going to get ready so let's pray real quick father thank you that you love us our hearts and our minds are wide open let this fall like seed on fertile soil and produce a harvest in your time we are so ready for whatever you want and our life is a massive yes to you we say yes before we even know what it is god yes to everything we love you so much god you're so good amen amen can you guys please welcome Dan as he comes to share the Word of God come on let's get on our feet [Applause] [Music] hey guys thank you hey Bert yeah grab a chair I'll move this over since I won't probably use it God you good yay okay so what'd you say PJ mom responsibilities to keep these guys awake since they just ate lunch I always said nobody's falling asleep when I'm preaching your personal Val unless Jesus knocks you out god you're good any good so Wow okay this would be a fun session okay I feel like all these sessions you know that we had well the two we had or just they feel like living room chats to me like Godfather and us protecting us guarding our heart keeping us in the light amen I really have permission to do this this is good so remember I talked yesterday a little about righteousness if you were here and how important it is in a roses kingdom with a scepter of righteousness I want to show you something and I feel like the Lord wants me to do this let's look at 2nd Peter 1 again like we did yesterday and I'll show you that what we saw in case you weren't here and we want to flip to Romans and then we're going to do something - is there anybody here Chris that that is set up are they set up to put any scripture back there or is it not set up that way what's that oh okay see Internet's down okay second Peter chapter 1 I'm just going to touch the very first part of this in 2nd Peter chapter 1 yesterday what we covered is the reason we have exceedingly great and precious promises is to ensure that we can partake of this divine nature and escape the corruption all around us through men living for themselves it is phenomenal when you look in your Bible how much self-centeredness is addressed and how much selfishness is the opposite of love and it's never a part of the kingdom and it's what we've been driven by our whole life self-centeredness I mean thinking for yourself praying just just making the motive of even your are just self-centered and self-serving making the gospel to serve yourself you know what I'm saying my buddy Todd says you know he said it for years with passion and enough said if I hear him cry it out he probably says it a whole lot more than me because it's just on his heart big he says if you're a Christian for you that's going to be a problem you're a Christian for his great name you're a Christian for the sake of others in the kingdom right we sang that this morning man that's the big deal so just be careful about that though you know the Bible talks about denying yourself he said if any man come after me laying first deny himself lie never made for you you were made for His image it became like that when Adam ate the tree but now we're born again so every man was born into that lie but the truth came and then he was put on a cross you have to understand that God didn't curse his son on the cross he made his son to be sin and curse sin in the flesh and sin shall have no dominion over you yeah come on the law of the spirit of life through Christ has made me free it was the spirit of holiness that raised him from the dead it said according to the spirit of holiness he raised from the day Spirit of God went and raised Jesus from the dead jesus never sinned he was pure and holy as blood is spotless he's a lamb slain a lamb a spotless lamb he was made to be sin he who knew no sin was made to be thin so we could become the righteousness of God in Christ right now take that into your life your life being an expression of being right with God you being the expression of the fruit and nature of God in your life he knew no sin became sin so we could become right in the sight of God and the very expression of being right in the sight of God in that cool so righteousness is huge and important okay so I want you to see some of the benefits of righteousness then I want to talk about wiping out sin consciousness forever man getting away from it getting rid of it in some of the little lies and things and if you've listened to me preach and teach you've heard me talk about this before but it's important it comes to my heart a lot and I feel it strongly me right now so I want you to see this Simon Peter a bondservant an apostle of Jesus Christ to those who have obtained like precious faith with us by the righteousness of God and our Savior Jesus Christ so he's telling us that righteousness the understanding of righteousness that came through God through Jesus is a foundation for our faith the faith were walking in has come by understanding who we are in the sight of God now that he came you guys fall on that that's huge oh they have it up is it up and running yeah it's good I wasn't even expecting you to put that up in a minute I'm going to I mean if you want to follow along with me that's fine I'm going to be skipping a stone here but there's a in a minute if you can work with me with that that would be blessing and helpful let's go to yeah and you don't even have to really put this up if you don't want to it's up to you Romans 5 Romans 5 the end of the chapter I want you to see this and then I'm going to really establish something Romans 5 the end of the chapter it says where sin abounded which says moreover the law entered that verse 20 that the offense might abound but where sin abounded grace was abounded much more and here's what I want you to see so that as sin reigned in death even so grace might reign through she weird faith come from we've obtained like precious faith by the were saved by grace through faith sounds like a big deal were saved by grace through faith that's God's Way both faith and grace are found through righteousness so the reason they come is because he removed away the debt he paid the price and he made us right in the sight of God faith comes out of that understanding and grace flows through that understanding are you following me this is a big deal guys this is how it works so to be hard on yourself to live guilty to live a shame to feel condemned and believed condemnation is an absolute tragedy in a lie in the face of the finished work all of those are anti finished works of Christ and type finish works of Christ we've learned if we're not careful to call them normal feelings and emotions and everyone goes through those moments no no no he did not he did not send his son into the world to condemn you so condemnation never God come on repentance conviction reconsidering that's different in condemnation condemnation is oh you dummy look what you did when now you deserve that you'll never get it right well I just feel so bad how can I pray now I'm just such a loser come on people do that stuff man guilt I preach this for years I have you probably heard me say it if you've never heard me preach this will be helpful you'll see these things are timeless guys it's stuff we need to stay sharp on guilt you know what guilt is a subconscious expression of guilt is you saying when you live guilty feel guilty remain guilty believe guilty what you're saying is I'm not forgiving I'm guilty so you're living in an unforgiving state even though the blood is speaking better things so you're not mixing the words so the word doesn't profit you because you're not mixing it with faith and all of a sudden you have the word of redemption and salvation given to you through the Risen son but you're not mixing it by faking you believe in the feeling of the belief of condemnation guilt shame well grace reigns through righteousness if you back up to verse 17 it says he who receives the free the gift of the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness will reign as a king in this realm of life he's the king of Q come on that's not vanity that's not presumption that's Bible you receive the abundance of grace in the free gift of righteousness for by one's men offence death reigned through through the one much more those who receive the abundance of grace see it's there guys the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness will reign in life through that one bow on Jesus Christ it's so important to receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness somehow we think grace merci like we say boy I really blew up on my wife this morning I'm sure thankful for the grace of God no the grace of God keeps you from blowing up we just disagree to God off as a permission slip for our excuse slip well Lisa at least thank God for His grace the word great it's empowerment God's grace is God's empowerment God's grace is God's working ability on your behalf it's God's willingness to work on your behalf and make you what you could never be on your own the grace of God is like the etching tool of God it's like the power tool of God it shapes you and makes you it's the workmanship of God the grace of God makes you and empowers you to be what you were created to be the mercy of God gives you a chance when you deserve none and have no hope the mercy of God restores you back into a right standing in a foundation right but the grace of God empowers you once you're there to become what he paid for you saved by grace through faith and the word saved means he'll deliver protected reserve made whole and kept second selves an all-inclusive word it doesn't mean go to heaven it has a stronger definition towards the life we're living than the life we're heading to in eternal life the word state and in America if you say hey are you saved what people are saying is did you pray that prayer that qualifies you for heaven when the trumpet blows and the word saved actually means healed delivered protected preserved made whole and kept safe and sound yeah so so watch this so grace would reign from righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord so in Hebrews it says he rules his kingdom with a scepter of righteousness so what's the strength and foundation of the finished work of Christ the righteous judgment of God towards man so he didn't come in rightness if he came in rightness it makes you wrong if God comes and says I'm right we're wrong he comes and says even though you've been wrong I've positioned you to be right because I judge in righteousness so I'm making the wrong right before me as I believe as you know and understand and growing the truth of who you are your performance can change and it's not about where you've been it's about what I've created you to be and I understand that my love never fails so I send my son to pay the price you can never pay to redeem a truth get the lie offer you and fill you with my spirit that's the gospel man that's exciting to me that's a lot more than just praying a prayer to go to heaven someday and then living with the same attitudes the same frustrations the same whatever man I thought you had a real word brother I thought you would jump it up here to preach or someone that water is heavy I heard I thought you jumped up here man you laid that down the whole thing shook I thought you always come in there yeah you're awesome buddy you really are so here's the deal this consciousness of sin there's these lies these religious things we say we move well let me do this quick yeah thanks this is the guilt if you live in guilt it's a subconscious confession that you're not forgiven if you live in condemnation you're actually saying my life's worthy of judgment he said I didn't come to judge the world if it threw me the world would be saved he's not here to judge you he's here to save you he says but you'll have my words it'll judge you in that day and when I come the real sword in my mouth right you know judge the nation's he's coming that you might be saved he's not coming to judge you but to save you he says it in John 12 he said I didn't come to condemn the world in John 3 right but that through him the world might be saved since there's no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus who don't live according to the flesh but live according spirit natural people so that's why I'm condemned brother I've been really living in the flesh but the flesh actually there means your own ingenuity ability and power to be right with him there's no condemnation for those who live by the spirit because your hearts pure and sincere and let the weak say I'm strong and will swallow up my weakness and I'm not under the law I'm under grace so I can always keep running I don't have a permission to sin and I have a reason to be free from it and grow apart from it and live righteous and holy come on this is a big deal guys there's teaching trying to get something in here because I don't want to see people that have sincere hearts I've noticed in my life that some of the purest people I've met that had a sincere love for Jesus live in an inner condemnation because they feel like they're not living up to their pure desire so they judge themselves and their contents get violated and actually live in a secret level of condemnation because they don't believe they're living up to the feeling of their love for God that's a trap right there that will cycle you and keep you from intimacy a sudden you don't feel worthy when he made you worthy and now you're alone you can't even approach him because you don't feel like you can because you see yourself for less than he paid for and that's where you got to do that bribe thing man and just take off the bail and say you know what I'm not going to let the weak expression of my life this afternoon keep me from seeking you I need you more and I need you to grow up in me or me to grow up in you and me and I'm just thanking you for loving me and power me and I have no reason for sin or excuse for sin of a reason to be free from and unthink your empower me and all of a sudden you run to God in the days of naked and ashamed or over you never run from him come on when you feel like you can't approach him it's an absolute lie right there that's the sign of an absolute lie guilt not forgiving condemnation worthy of judgment watch this one shame it's still Who I am shame is saying what I'm ashamed of is still me that's why I'm ashamed because I'm attaching it to me and my identity my personhood and rationale says yeah but you did that oh I can't believe you did that you had the capacity to do that and here's what we think we think our ability to sin keeps us as sinners and we think our ability to fail keeps us as failure well if that was true we could never be changed then we're always running the risk of failing instead the privilege of becoming you guys follow me y'all okay trying to establish a point and just teach something here I feel like we're going to head somewhere so stay with me are you following me is it is it making sense to your heart okay good no you guys are just really quiet I haven't felt too that quiet all weekend but I was just hoping you're understanding you're not like what's he talking about but this thing conscious thing has heard a lot of good people and all of a sudden were waking up and our idea we think our idea is waking up and trying not to sin that's a sore way to stay sin conscious what you do is you wake up and enjoy being his you submit to God resist the devil and he will flee you don't fight the devil you submit to God you're submitting to God as you're resisting it's a one step program come on there's no fellowship between light and dark so you walk in the light as he is in the light yeah it's a good thing you're going to fellowship with one another why she's not going to live condemned but if you get in a battle trying to fight the devil you're going to get devil conscious you're going to get problem conscious you're going to troubleshoot and you won't live from the answer we're not people loaded down with a bunch of trials where people with an amazing answer you follow me come on you got to stay in that place you don't wake up in the morning and get up in sincerity and say okay I'm going to go after this thing today man and I'm going to purpose them Oh heart not to sin that's a sure way to be conscious of sin and actually mark yourself for failure quickly you'll be critical you'll judge yourself and the way you see yourself the way you're going to see others so now you'll be nitpicky and fault-finding and pick out everything wrong in others come on you love your neighbor as yourself it'd be really good to get a good view of yourself so you can get a good view of them if you're not taking and fault-finding with yourself and self condemning and judgmental you notice every little thing you would change about everybody else because it takes the pressure off of you and you're not the only egg in the basket and all of a sudden hey everybody else has their issues too now I don't feel so bad that's self-preservation and you're not being changed guys it's the two greatest Commandments love God with everything you are you'll heart your soul your strength in mind and love your neighbor as yourself if you don't have a good view of yourself you can't see them clear when you see yourself clearing God and see who you are in his sight now you've got the best view of people you've ever had there was a time in my life I thought if God would just tweak you a little bit life would be a lot better did you ever think that you think people are strange at large and people are a little weird and they're not like you and they don't fit into your little thing so you think god why don't you just tweak them so that's pride and presumption that's like self-righteous that's like thinking everybody around you is the problem come on some of you thought that before I remember years ago I wasn't even thinking about God and I'd still I'd be like Lord if you're out there why don't you do something about folks man people are weird like why don't you like change and you're supposed to be God change oh you know and what I meant was make them to suit me that would have been a scary picture a whole world bound by my preference I'm a different kind of fellow man if everybody's like me there'd be no economy I would never have to eat out in my life I am as simple as they come I wear the same clothes forever like they put me on video all the time people say dude I was watching this video and I figured already watch because you had the shirt on and then I said well I watched that because he was wearing that shirt then I realize there's 25 videos you got that shirt I said man what do you think I'm like oh I'm on video I got to get a new wardrobe every week so they don't see me in the same shirt are you kidding me dude I am sporting the same shirts week after week after week and I'm cool with that I'm just cool with it I don't I don't need a new shirt because you saw me in the other one so if you saw the same shirt on the video probably watch of it's probably a different video you know how you're getting who gets favorites like you certain clothes that you just like for a season they're your favorite Church so I might have I don't know I might have 1012 shirts I don't know that that I interchange where I might I don't know how many I have it's probably it's not much more than that if it's a little more might be but I don't know and my wife will see someone say like a moment say hey do you like this I'll say how that's also yeah hang out in the closet that's great thank you and if I put it on and like it that thing is going with me the whole summer to every church I go and I go every weekend so every video from every Church we have to week all we're to say sometimes I'll take three out of four or four out of five shirts on the same church to church to church and I laugh about it because I don't care because if I wasn't preaching in front of you I would wear those shirts and one thing nothing of it I'm not getting a million church because I'm on video it's not me I actually call it security but anyway and I don't know if I've ever wore this one on the video so you guys are getting the first look at this green rocking chair you got first track that this one so check in next week where I'm at and look at the podcast probably Friday night ah you already be able to hear the word you'll be too busy laughing you play like this dude is off the hook you got the same shirt and then you'll say I just wonder in the next week resit dan Mohler that's what people tell me they do I say how you final self oh he deserves ways computer filled us up I just put recent demo and a new post pop-up like I found out where you were last we got run over you do that you'll see this green shirt probably the next three four week and it won't be new anymore but to them that will be where's Chris you showed me that picture that big selfie we did last year in Orange County you remind me when we get back to Eric's the shirt I'm wearing in that picture last year is hanging in the room and the reason I didn't put it on because I spoke on addiction and I said this is too much it's funny starke last year Orange County we're all on a selfie and I went I think that should to my suitcase I went I went third one down bingo it's hanging in the room that's me man if you know how long I had these jeans you would freak out hey me and these jeans have some go through some memories buddy yeah okay I don't even know what I'm doing did you ever hear anybody say but yeah brother we always have sinned nobody's perfect we're always going to be sinners I know what we're trying to say and it sounds like humility but it's a false humility it's actually a lack of understanding of the gospel because you're painting yourself with an identity that he wants off of you and what what we do is what happens to people is they get lulled to sleep in that kind of analogy because all of a sudden there's not even a conviction for their life because hey it's what we are it's the way we are it's wonder he loves us but he does but then all of a sudden you're not even empowered to change because you actually believe this is you and all of a sudden the tree that set three thing again the tree and the identity get marred through wrong understanding and all sudden you actually wake up and believe you're a sinner you actually wake up and believe you're destined to fail you actually believe you're fail you're waiting to happen so if failure comes you're expecting it if sin comes well that's what we do that's what we are that's why I love him so much he's so mysterious and amazing I'm still trying to figure out why he loves me you supposed to understand why he loves you he loves you for what he created you to be your destiny your purpose your potential he loves what you look like when he's in you and your surrendered like he paid a price to redeem your life not just forgive your life because it loves a mystery you'll never loved him back you'll be reduced to serving him because you feel indebted because nobody loves God first you see he first love you but if his love's a mystery how will your heart ever respond back in that same love you'll just feel indebted and reduced to serving the Lord and you'll always feel like you're failing and you'll never have a healthy identity that's how people get trapped in works and they think the more I do for God the better I stand that's the more you become in God Christianity is not the great confession I'm not sure how we always label with that it's because Romans 10 says you know how the mouth we confess cetera I get that but it's not the great confession it's the great expression it's all about in the living you know them by their fruits when you stand before Jesus you won't be judged for the worship services you've been in it says you'll be judged for your words whether good or bad you're not saved by your works but your life live watch this this is fair your life lived reveals the faith you have your faith is revealed by the life you live yeah so when people say I know what they're trying to say and what they mean but what happens is when you start preaching on righteousness they throw red flags and new believers and stuff and then like like like we think we have to label grace you know under standards of misappropriation out there I understand that there's people that preach things out of bounds you know what I mean like there's people that will stand up and say look God knows we're sinners it doesn't matter what you've done where you go or what you even did today he loves you a little yeah and he'll always love you and he'll never not love you it doesn't matter we're not perfect and he knows it and sent his son and they give the impression that no matter what we do where we go so in that church they're sleeping around or smoking pot they're getting high and claiming God's love and there's no expression of a transform new life there's no out of darkness into light is this have your cake eat it to indulge in the flesh and proclaim spirituality it's a misappropriation of grace so then pastors that understand that blow the trumpet and start using the word grace and call it a grace movement a false great movement a hyper grace movement of whatever grace movement so now a sincere new believer here's a pastor talking about grace agos all that's what they're warning me about grace well you're saved by grace through faith you are what you are by the grace of God and they're all of a sudden we're shooting herself in the foot and causing red flags in believers because we're camping on a word that's been misappropriated I call it the pendulum so these people preach real liberal and real loose and and all of a sudden they go the conservative group goes will that's so wrong and they go wow so they they react to that and they preach something real tighten an hour and a pencil and then they hear it and respond us and Jesus is like right here hey I'm just definitely I see it it's like nothing to be afraid of preaching grace oh you're kidding you're saved by grace your which are by the grace of God here's how you define and realize in your heart if grace is a perversion if it's if it's a perverted preaching of grace foxes if you pre this is the Lord told me to share a long time ago and I shared all the time it's just powerful the Lord I believe I'm telling you on tape I believe the Lord gave me this has told me to share this I believe this is straight up Jesus he said grace apart from transformation his perversion because the whole purpose of grace is to transform so if you're preaching a grace that just sustains you're now in decided life and you're claiming grace to stay the same perversion grace apart from transformation if you listen to me preach it calls you to transformation but it's a very loving grace filled message that the goodness of God is leading you to desire change because you realize he sees you for what he created you to be and he's looked willing to look past where you've been in what you've done to bring out what he's created you to be and let it drive right it's just powerful so people will say yeah but we all have sin we always sin what do you say a brother you're perfect were you trying to say you're perfect than anyone mark and get the Pharisee flag out nobody's talking about perfection and talking about purity and I'm talking about not giving weakness such a platform and not expecting all the time to fail but letting grace have it's perfect effect in you where you mature and you're lacking in nothing right where where where you grow up into what he paid for like a P paid a price to purchase something and there's grace through his sacrifice what's that grace of able to accomplish and how much grace is actually available and where is God positioned to take a person that's completely surrendered so are we really following Jesus are we following each other's examples and experiences or are we following Jesus and what's really possible what's it possible to become by the grace of God through the finished work of Christ through a sincere expression of faith so if I wake up every day and don't try not to sin but wake up every day and enjoy being his and stand in righteousness and holy blameless in a reverie approach because I found that that's how he sees me and in Colossians he said into that I'm the way I received him I should so walk in him rooted and builded up and established in the faith yeah to wonder if that's me and he says don't let anybody cheat you rob you hold you captive depends what translation you read all those words did he says through empty to see deceit tradition philosophy or the basic principles of the world and not according to Christ for he is the fullness of the Godhead bodily and you are complete in him so Colossians tells me I'm complete in him not trying to be complete I am complete not trying to be holy he made me holy not trying to be acceptable I'm accepted so if I believe that and start where he finished now I'm empowered to run well Colossians says through his death he reconciled you right and and and made you right to present you holy blameless and above reproach if indeed sounds like a condition if indeed you continue to believe that and are not moved away from the hope in which you heard that scripture that hope some people live their whole life in church and have never been told that hope they've been told they're always going to sin and they ought to be thankful God even considers them so they try to drive them into a dutiful experience a duty filled relationship if you will of servants to God service to God instead of relationship holy blameless and above reproach if you believe in and not moved away from the hope in which you heard you know what that translates into if you believe it and don't let anything change your mind listen to what Colossians 1 says you are through the blood holy blameless and above reproach does that sound like guilt condemnation and shame does that sound like well brother were always going to sin what are you trying to say you don't have no sin what are you perfect see that's a wrong response that's somebody that's speaking out a turn they're speaking too quick they're revealing they really don't understand the finished work of Scripture they understand man's experience so instead of relates to the leasing faith into God's Word they're releasing faith and demands tendency are you with me I'm going to show you how scriptural this is that's why I ask these guys that they could help me there's a scripture if you Kakashi could track down whoever's doing that I can't see it's too much light and stuff whoever's back there I appreciate you helping me if you could put up and I don't know if you have a selection of translations but I quote out of the New King James that's the Bible I read all the time it just works for me it takes out without shouts wilts enough but it's still King James with New King James just takes out the Elizabeth and English can't but if you could put up first John 1st John chapter 1 starting in verse 5 I'd love to read through with the congregation and then we'll just skip a stone through Scripture and establish something here whoa look at that white haired man Oh God man did you see that guy pack can a max chapter 5 chapter 1 verse 5 chapter 1 first John 1 verse 5 starting in verse 5 first John 1 hey now we got it okay so can you can you yes start in verse 5 and then we'll just go from there thanks that's awesome right there okay who's ever heard somebody say well brother if we say we have no sin the true sidedness and we Devers deceive ourselves and capacitors are taught that there there's a lot of pastors I met pastors I was in a service once it was funny I was preaching this and I looked right at this guy right in his eyes he was sitting over and I looked at him I said you know what happens man it never fails there's somebody it's been taught and trained seminary pastor this scripture and it's not in context it it says but if we say we have no sin and they think we're always in perpetual sin they think we're always guilty and convicted of sin we always are conscious and guilty of sin we're always committing sin I've had pastors tell me brother were always sin and it's just in our nature we're probably sin and why we're breathing we're probably sinning right now and I'm like what I'm like get born again like what that's not cool to believe that how's the tree ever going to change the trees always bad and filthy so no wonder the fruits in because you believe that's you come on man we're going to blow this thing out of the water and you're going to see it's not heresy and it's not me proclaiming perfection it's me believing grace and saying God can change our lives people if he said the pure in heart shall see God it must possible to go ahead and go ahead and get it get a pure heart he said to the pure all things are pure there must be such thing as a pure heart I guess everybody doesn't have to have their hang-ups and closets and dark places and secrets huh I guess men could actually be free and live in the light like he's in the line to come out of the dark I bet it's possible okay I'm sorry this is the message we've heard from him and declare to you that God is what and in him is what no darkness all and where's he live in us I like that okay no darkness all if we say that we have fellowship Co Union communion Koinonia an interaction in interface and oneness with God and walk practice and live in and walk in darkness we lie and don't practice the truth but if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship with one another the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin so we're coming out of darkness into the light guess what the blood does cleanses us of all sin to watch we take this one verse who's ever seen us in the church will quote one line and build a whole doctrine on it and won't even read above and below and read it in context we'll wait one scripture say what we think it says and build a whole thing and connect it with four of the scriptures out of four other chapters and make it say what it hasn't even said in its contact I had this group that we kind of call a caught knock on my door one time and give me a pamphlet tried to convince me and said well sir you need to read this pamphlet and I've studied the word I've got the word in my heart I got a decent understanding of the word I'm reading this pamphlet and I go hmm Wow oh my goodness and I know it was the Lord he just let me see they took four scriptures out of four places out of context blended them together and made him make a statement and none of those scriptures were saying what they were making him say when you read them in their context and because the Lord is gracious and I fill my heart with the word I just called him on all four scriptures and said well this is what it says right before this and right after this so it's really not saying what you're making it's a when you piece it to this it's told the reception because this says this and this before whatever and I knew I quoted the before and after on all four scriptures and I said now you tell me that's not misconstrued young man and you're out here pushing something that's not even legit somebody somebody took four scriptures and made them say what they wanted them to say but they're not saying that in the Bible but together yeah you can say and Judas hanged himself you go do likewise they're both Scripture okay point proven now you stay with me on this the blood of Jesus his son cleanses us from what so in verse seven you were just cleansed of what John the Baptist here's the Lamb of God behold the lamb of God who what what's he do okay he took it away so if he takes it away what now I guess I ought to be a son because he took away sin if he cleanses me of all unrighteousness what's left righteousness so how can we see you have a brother nobody's perfect everybody's going to sinner what are you saying - perfect nobody's saying that at all we're saying let's go ahead and wear what he paid for and become the fruit of it and then stop getting distracted with intellect and past practice and human tendency it's not humble to boast in your ability to sin that's not what exalts God when you when you walk in righteousness that's worshiped God he told you he sent you in heavenly places we just read today that he told you not to think of the world but think of the things above not the things of the earth you're supposed to live by the spirit not the flesh so watch this here's this one-liner that we use and take out of context if we say we have no sin on the heels of the blood cleansing us if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is people interpret that as if we're always in a state of sin and if we say we aren't we're deceived and we're making a liar out of him and the truth is not in us but then if that's true how can we ever be cleansed of all sin if you're always in a state of sin here's always say it if you say you have no need of the blood he's saying it on heels of the blood what blood why do I need the blood hey I'm a good person man I don't smoke drink I haven't slept around I'm ranked my neighbor's League man I'm I'm a pretty good guy we now all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God we're all in the same plane of righteousness and in need of the mercy of God true so if you say you have no need of him you're deceived so he says if you say you have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us look at verse 10 when he clarifies it and repeats it and the word the translation nails it look if we say we have he's not talking about this morning he's not talking about a minute ago he's talking about in light of the blood you know get away with me but the sin stuff I'm a good person I don't know what you're talking about needing the blood what he cleanses us of all sin if we say we have no sin we deceive or something the true son eNOS if we confess our sins he is what thankful and just to what okay this is getting really good verse 7 were cleansed of all sin and verse 8 were forgiven of our sins and now we're cleansed from all unrighteousness so in three verses you've been cleansed of all sin forgiven of all sin and cleansed of all unrighteousness that sounds pretty clean if we say we have not sinned and have no need of this process well then we make him a liar in the words not even in us because we've all sinned and fallen short if you can do this flip to the next chapter it's a shame we made the Bible chapters it's all one letter chapter two verse one watch this see we pull verse eight out and they could say what it's not saying but watch how you can see what verse eight is really saying first John the next chapter 2 verse 1 I'm patient with you guys I know I'm putting you to the test watch my little children not my stinking sinners my little children do you know what he wrote to Colossians he wrote to the to the saints of colossal he didn't say to those who are about to miss it any minute you look up the word Saint it's a pretty humbling word my little children these things I write to you so you may well John you need to get off your little heretic seat buddy because we're all sinners we all sin and what are you saying you don't sin John see see how that's twisted John said the reason I'm writing this so you stop thinking sin and power and sin identifying with sin because if you do that it'll even change your acts of sin I'm writing these things to you to show you who you've become now that he came so you may not let's just talk about it it's here and if anyone aren't so glad he didn't say when it's some big importance and when anyone says he said or when you said no and if anyone says he's still sticking to so you may not sin and if anybody sins don't lose heart fall apart get condemned judge yourself and backslide because you have an advocate with the father that he's Jesus Christ the righteous and he himself his right to spleen his blood speaking better things will keep you clean and right with the father and continue to give you access that's what that means he himself is the propitiation the mercy for our sins watch and not for ours only but also for the whole world let's see those comments right there is where people get off track and they say we'll see nobody even needs to repent God just did it it's all done through Jesus it's works to repent everybody saved everybody's right God his blood took care of it no they still need to repent and come to the knowledge of truth and die to their old deeds and put on the new mat but the blood is speaking better things and mercies triumphing over judgment and God's not marking them for where they'd been he paid a price to reach where he called him to be and created him to be that's why you can play for an unbeliever on the street and they can get healed because the blood speaking better things yeah ah that's so powerful to me so let me just read it without chopping it up with preaching these things I write to you so you may not sin and if anyone sins we have an advocate with the father Jesus Christ the righteous he himself is the propitiation for our sins and not only ours but the whole world how rich is that does that sound like we have a brother we're always going to sin and you know everybody sins what are you saying you're perfect come on man that is false humility it's not even the gospel what's this Hebrews 10 if you could verse 1 we'll just go there as they're going to Hebrews 10 verse 1 are you guys good working with me and flipping scriptures like this are you okay okay thanks man I didn't want to be asking too much but if you can do it it would be a help watch this first Peter 2 they're going to Hebrews 10 verse 1 1st Peter chapter 1 or chapter 2 says he bore your sin and my sin in his body on the tree where's your anice in his body on the tree why to forgive us man no know that we having died to sin you guys know this stuff is in your Bible he bore your sin and my sin and his body on a tree so that we having died to sin might live for righteousness to be found right in the sight of God and bear the fruits of God and by His stripes were so where is healing flow from forgiveness of sins what's people do when they're sick condemned don't know while I'm going through this I wonder what I did wonder what door I opened I wonder why the devil I wonder why God allow and because they're sick alone just because they're sick they let their whole identity be in shambles processing through sickness are you guys with me okay you all just kind of deceptive England Hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 for the law he's talking about the former thing remember how they killed all those little turtle doves and goats and David brought in all those cattle and slayed them before the older Lord and right every day there was a ritual rock they're bringing the little lambs in finding the spotless lawns and he's talking about that he's talking about the Old Covenant for the law now watch having a shadow of good things to come is Jesus good things to come so you'll see in a minute this is a contract parable or a expression look down in verse 4 I'm sorry no we're not there yet it's later I'm sorry I saw take away sins he talks about taking away the first we established a second so everything I read the first covenant wasn't able to accomplish which means the new covenant is are you following me keep that in mind as I'm reading everything it says the shadow couldn't do the new one could for the law having a shadow of good things to come and not the very image of the good things to come can never with the same sacrifices which they offer continually year by year make those who approach perfect complete for then were they not he's reasoning in a godly manner if they could have done the job would they not have ceased to be offered for the worshipers watch once purified what did Jesus die wants for the worshipers once purified look at the look at the intention look at the stress of the point of the word of God if the Old Covenant was sufficient these people would have realized who they'd become through the sacrifice they'd have been once purified and they'd had no more consciousness of sins they'd have been done with sin they've been done with it's memory it's stained it's regret its desire they would put it off because they put on something new yeah does this sound like you have a brother where you had with this that terrorist II we're always going to send whenever perfect we're always got sin brother see that's you forbidding the tree to ever be made good and you'll never allow grace to take you where it take for nobody's claiming to be perfect we're claiming to be redeemed and right but I believe we can live a way different life and we've been tricked into I had a pastor once pull me inside and say brother you need to really reconsider this because I mean every man has his hang-ups and secrets and stuff and I said do you concern me so what's yours I think we need to talk because if I have one I don't know what it is you say well you're in denial I guess we'll find out someday but maybe I'm not once purified they would have had no more conscience see it's too easy to sit back and judge what people say based on your own experience because you're giving yourself away when you have it's hard times believe in this message it's an indictment against yourself because it's not your own experience so you're believing your experiences truth not in so a pastor that fights this is actually saying I don't live that way and that's why I don't agree is this my notes or does your Bible say this would have had no more consciousness that's a goal to the good the New Covenant that's a goal but in those sacrifices as a reminder year after year of sin it's like somebody it's like a young lady you said I'm not going to sleep around I put a little ring of purity on my finger when I was 13 at youth group and now you're 17 and you were sure you in love and it just got heated and boom it happened and you woke up all in that morning and you felt things and even though it seemed great and your heart was fluttering your eyes were sparkling it just hits you and then you run to the order and you can't even worship you just feel defiled and you're like I can't believe I did this I said I never would my little ring Oh God and you just balled up here just ball in and ball in and ball in your little hearts ball so you need to learn how to apply with sincerity and with impact the blood of Jesus and the mercy of God to your heart and come out of that place so you can finally get up and just be redeemed and vindicated and sharper and wiser and live more sober and not get caught in this whole fantasy thing and just yet but if you're there crying and you never find that place and now your client three days later in the next week and worship you're just up there Prague that's that Old Covenant scenario and all you are is conscious of sin but your tears reveal you care and you're broken and you're not even the girl anymore that did it because if you could go back and change it you would but you can't but regret is eating you alive and the Bible says regrets the world's way of dealing with things and it produces death but godly sorrow leads to repentance and there's a clearing of yourself and a vindication yeah [Applause] I'm sorry guys you're so good thanks for bearing with me I'm probably pretty hard to do this with because then those sacrifices as a reminder of sins every year that's not cool it's not even possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take off that means it is possible for his blood to yay therefore when he came into the world he said sacrifice offering you did not desire but a body you've prepared for me and burn offering sacrifices for sin you had no pleasure then I said behold I'm coming in the volume of this book it is written of me to do your Will O God previously saying sacrifice offering burnt offering offering for sin you did not desire nor did you have pleasure in them which are offered according law then he said behold I've come to do your will watch he takes away the that couldn't and establishes the second that can buy that will we have been sanctified set apart with a holy calling through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all it's amazing because every priest stands ministering Christians can do the same thing but going to the order over and over repeatedly same sacrifices never take away sins but this man whoa capital M after he had offered one sacrifice for sin sat down forever love never fails sat down at the right hand of God from that time waiting to his enemies are his footstool for by one offering he has perfected forever those who are being set apart oh so if you don't live from where he finished watch if you don't see yourself this way you're hindering yourself from intimacy because if you don't have a clear view of how he sees you you won't approach him vulnerable and unveil if you see yourself less than what he sees you you won't get close enough to get pregnant come on there's no reproduction apart from intimacy it's not a weird sexual thing I'm talking about being with him so that who he is takes person root in you and everything that comes out of your life looks like it's father reproduction come on - people get intimate and hang around long enough somebody's getting pregnant right ha ha ha and the Jody party on the front in the striped dress looking beautiful says right pastor ha ha ha ha ha pregnant with the first child in that also yeah Brenda's not here he wouldn't look guilty he'd be just sitting there he's talking to me on the phone about it and stuff and he said now pastor because I blame someone he says well that's not my fault that's useful they told me about you being pregnant he said pastor I have to admit I had a whole lot to do with this one I said awesome but look two people Koinonia long enough for near Koinonia Co Union Communion interaction the word actually there's the word intercourse and Koinonia you're in the you're in him and he's in you it's not sexual it's not weird spiritual you concede in that place the seed of who he is gets in you and you give birth after its own kind if you don't see yourself the way he sees you you'll never be intimate you won't trust him see him or see yourself good enough to get that close open up and be vulnerable that's why there's so many wrong views of God out there the devil's our strategist he's trying to keep the view of God marred and his name profane so people are either ticked at him mad adding confused by him or don't even want to deal with he said people went out and profane my nation my name in every nation profaned my great name misrepresented me the children of Israel the only reason they were the holy lump and the first-fruit and selected out of the nation's was they had this one calling that we have today because God kept it alive and showed it through the children Israel he called them out of the nations so that through them the nations would know who he is through them and that they would know his great name through them that's our calling today and we've got the children of Israel in trouble it was always about them it'd be better for us be better for us where is this land where's the milk and honey your child where leader Moses are you lost where's God taking us what's going on we're just going to die out here better off we were just back with Pharaoh you know I'm starting to think we shouldn't even met deliverer we should just be back in his camp and in that mentality they all wandered and died and never reached a promise even though they were called what was the problem they went into the wilderness thinking for themselves they wandered and died there guess what Jesus did out of the water baptism Holy Spirit immediately led him into the wilderness why to fulfill what was failed for forty years so in 40 days he fulfilled what they failed in 40 years tempted at every point devil and all this stuff angels come minister claim word of god love and not his own life he comes out of the same wilderness same temptations in the spirit and power they wander and die and never reached the promise there is a difference what's the difference they went in thinking for themselves he went in thinking for God's name in you and me he loved not his own life unto death and the wilderness was a place that empowered him not destroyed you ask a Christian how they're doing they say we'll keep me in prayer brother I'm in a wilderness place must be the Israelites you probably ought to jump over here in Jesus's welcome the Latin life speak louder than truth and you're in a trap and you're only doing as good as its going instead of as good as he is inside you I'm sorry guys thanks but this man one sacrifice sins forever from that time waiting on offering perfected forever those who are being set apart if you could do me a favor let's do one more Romans six and we're done remember I read Romans five have dinner to go and I said where sin abounded grace what remember I've been teaching you all weekend we didn't pray a prayer to go to heaven you died right you died it's to Romans 6 chapter 1 this will be fun we'll nail this down can you tell I'm just reading the Bible there's a pretty powerful Hebrews 10 makes sense when they had to preach much could have just read it went whoa right doesn't it speak gee this one here is ridiculous I can hardly contain reading this when this one wires me I know stop hi I got a hold of this years ago I got a hold of this top 20 June 9th when's that next weekend I'll be 22 years old my lord it's my birthday in the Lord June 9th is the night I got saved and Here I am 22 years later can you tell it's been 22 years it does it look like it's been recent yeah people were like calm down what do you mean you don't get it calm down for what he loves me yeah you've been saying that for 22 years doesn't it get old - okay people say you ain't right I'm probably not hey in your turn I just take it white daisy and just pop it all again he loves me who loves me who loves me loves me loves me I'm down the - I ain't afraid to pull it girl kill em this is what there's no he loves me not just pull the pedal and rejoice every once why you ought to get a little free and just go find a daisy and pull the pedals loves me loves me loves me how do you know because Jesus came yeah but your circumstances your car your children that's what we do and all of a sudden we let the measuring stick of God's love be the circumstances of her life instead of Christ crucified because we're doing that we can never get rooted in ground in love and faith can work through love because love's never been established we're still looking forward through life stead of through his son he's proven it's great love we sing about in our worship song Christ crucified the measuring stick of I love you he sang in a cross and I know who you are people you've been taught by a lie I'm the truth look to me on your teacher if I be lifted up I'll draw am energy unto me I'm not mad at you not offended by you I love you and I know who you are from the beginning and you're worth every drop of this blood you're worth a disfiguring on my face because I'm going to get right appearance in you right identity in you I'm going to restore you feel look to me come to me all you who are laboring and heavy laden come unto me I'm going to give you rest would you learn of me my yoke is easy my burden is light I love you I know you from the beginning that's the cross not some Easter story where you cried a suffering Savior and can't believe he paid the price for heaven he's restoring you to a truth they want you to walk in it living in and be like Romans 6 please thanks what shall we say then he just said where sin abounds grace abounds more he knows how people think he says what shall we say then shall we continue in sin that grace may abound watch this you tell me if this sounds like what brother we're always going to sin we always have sin what are you saying you never sinned what are you perfect how shall we who continue in sin right who died to sin how come we continue in sin shall we do it no how shall we who died to sin live in it any longer Watts verse 3 important or do you not know some of us don't know he says do you not know or knowing or do you know he says that four times in this chapter or do you not know some of us don't know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death question mark don't you know that you say well what was his death what were we baptized into you're going to find out watch this therefore we were buried with him through baptism into death you guys get this we how shall we continue in sin so grace may abound no no no how shall we who died to sin live there any longer that means its identity it's stayin is staying in its desire or do you not know o many as many of us as were baptized into Christ were baptized into his death therefore were buried with him through baptism into death what's his death we'll see that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father see how he's connecting us to him even so he talked about him us him us he makes us one even so we also should walk in the newness of life for if we've been united together in the likeness of his death ludis certainly we shall be in the likeness of his resurrection second time knowing this that our old man was crucified with him that the body of sin might be done away with that we should no longer be slaves of sin come on this isn't a riddle oh my goodness is God a heretic is he a blasphemer is this his word is he like legit yeah he's the truth in me heaven and earth will pass away his words forever he's magnified his word above his he's not talking about a guy that's prayed a prayer to go to heaven someday he's talking about a guy that's died to himself he not talking about praying a prayer to go to heaven you some about dying to yourself what which tells me that every sin is rooted in self-centered desire and if you take away self-centered desire you take away the platform for sin what this isn't my sermon this is your Bible he who has died has been yeah but brother you're always going to sin you're never what are you saying you don't stand what do you say and you're perfect you see how misconstrued that whole phrase is and how it goes directly against faith through the finished work what the Bible just say you are if you die to yourself you what so sins not the issue it's righteousness guys are you getting this freed from sin do you know how many Christians call that heresy and it's in their own Bible now if we died with Christ we believe that we shall also see why this isn't perverted grace because it's full of transformation I'm not saying go have-your-cake- and-eat-it-too and God will forgive you no matter what I'm sayin let's become like him because he paid the price for it he's going to wash away everything less than him yeh we believe that we shall also live with him knowing third time knowing that Christ having been raised from the dead dies no more remember how we were buried in Baptism into his death we're going to find out what his death is watch no longer has dominion him for the death that he died the depth you were baptized and buried into the depth that he died that you were baptized into look what it was he died to sin once for all but the life he lives he lives to go likewise you and him likewise you also o reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin does that tell like well brother you always understand you're never perfect what do you say any perfect you likewise reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord so wonder if you wake up trying not to sin it's not Scripture you wake up accepted in the beloved alive unto God redeemed washed filled holy blameless above reproach yea come on that's all scripture so watch therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body why you died to it don't let it reign see when sin reigns in a mortal body it's a sign that the identity of the person isn't satisfied in truth fulfilled I mean it's not complete a managed is found in pornography doesn't need as much deliverance and prayer as you think he needs to see the value of his life so he sees the value of people a man that's found in pornography is still serving the fantasy of himself if you die to yourself you see it for what it really is and instead of it enticing your heart it grieves your heart it's impossible to be addicted to pornography if you know who you are oh that's the straight preaching and people don't like it but that's straight it's impossible for a passenger to be bound behind the scene if he knows who he is what happens is we find our identity through what we're doing for God instead of who we've become in God and then these things strangle us because we don't have a good view of ourselves don't you let sin reign in your mortal body that you should obey dance lesson do not do not who you want a third one do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness is sin you know what that is well brother we're always going to sin what are you saying you have no sin we're always going to sin brother that's presenting yourself as sinful you waking up expecting to fail is presenting yourself as members of unrighteous he's not just talking about an active City something our mentality and identity of sin remember no more consciousness of sin that's a consciousness of sin yeah do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness in but present yourselves remember to scepter this morning putting off putting on putting off putting on whoo what are we doing putting off putting on presenting and not presenting right look at that present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead and your members as instruments of righteousness to God for sin shall not have dominion over you for you're not under the law but grace what then shall we sin because we're not alone no we already covered that fourth time do you not know to whom watch identity to whom you present yourself a slave to obey your that one slave to whom you obey what you believe about yourself is what you'll be empowered to produce that's what he's saying whether it's sin leading to death or obedience leading to righteousness you over the word slave there means bound and chained to to service testimony because you a slave of righteousness what's that mean you are bound and chained to the verdict of righteousness through the blood of Jesus to serve it's testimony you my friend had the neg right with God it's your only option you're in slave time yeah but God be thanked that though you were slaves of sin bound and chained to serve it's testimony yet you obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine until which you were delivered now I know you've got good preaching around here but I got the mic and I'm making sure this doctrine is delivered you can't say you never heard this and not because I'm shall you obeyed from the heart to form a doctrine which you were delivered and having whoo here we go again having been what is it really there like if I open my eyes and look back is it really there Oh having been set free does that sound like what brother you're going to send you're always going to send what he's saying never send any perfect I wanted to sound foolish so you never believe it again and hopefully somebody's listen that's talked like that and they realize it's time to retract their talk you became when you got free from sin guess what you became found and chained to righteousness to serve it's testimony how rich is this I speak in human terms because of the weakness of your flesh and just as you used to present your members as a slave of uncleanness because that's what we thought desires anew and self-centered and me me me and of lawlessness leading to more lawlessness so now see something's changed put off put on so now present your members as slaves of righteousness for so what does righteousness produce in your life all of a sudden you wake up and believe you're right with God and it produces the fruit of whole without you biting your lip to be holy all of a sudden you're not a super Christian you're a believer and all the sudden His grace is sufficient for you and he gets all the glory and you're humbled by his love yeah see it boils people down to one thing when you preach like this either care about this so they don't they're either live in Christ and grace is wound where they've been gulled and lulled to sleep and you got two seas of people people that believe the gospel the people that believe life and that's what you're going to have in the end people that believe I'm not people to go to church and don't go to church not people that prayed the prayer and didn't pray the prayer people that believe the gospel people think you look at the sheep's in the goats pray in Matthew 25 the only difference between the two groups is one didn't pray the prayer and the other one forgot to or did the one reached out beyond themselves and loved people in need and the other ones didn't even see them and when they did it to the least of these they did it unto Him and when they didn't do it to the least of these they didn't do it under him one group was his and one group wasn't why because one group became one with his heart and walked in love it doesn't say the other ones didn't go to church they didn't love other oh it's scriptural we've bitten the bait of religion and we think it's technical intrinsic and just pray this prayer just confess with your mouth and just believe if you really believe in he's Lord the governing ruling factor your life there has to be change as his hearts in you you're going to love others this isn't work skies it's a work of grace he makes you like him and you function like him go ahead I'm sorry you guys are amazing things you have your fruit to holiness let me go know for when you were slaves of sin you were free verse 24 when you were slaves of sin you were free in regard to righteousness Wow what fruit did you have then and the things which you are now ashamed in other words if you could go back and do some things different you would want you yeah for the end of those things is death but now having that is this the third time resist my imagination out of the mouths of two or more every words in verse that is God really putting this three times in one chapter he must be making a point but now having been doesn't that feel good don't be afraid to say that it's not heresy it's in your Bible for what - haha but now having been set free from and having become slaves of wow chained and bound to him to serve his testimony oh you have he must love you and wants you nobody comes to God unless he's drawn why would he draw you unless he wants you you have your fruit - second time the fruit of righteousness is what holiness so the fruit of your life lived in faith according to truth is holiness and we're afraid to preach it because we have the tendency to sin and we think because we can sin or sinners when this truth is to swallow up that tendency ha and the end everlasting for the wages of sin is death so even if you stay sin conscious boast in sin think it's humility to talk about rebellion you'll stay in some level of death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord now how clear is that people does it get any clearer than that I don't think so you'll have somebody that can play them keys or strum the guitar is there anybody available that can just give me a little background from it anybody go oh you're heading for the keys oh this is gonna be good innit it's gonna be good so if I say to you just love him on the instrument you know what that means oh he didn't just say yes he went he brought his out he was like all for sure I saw that that was do it that's that excited me just loved him on the key let's do what you want to do it'll be good so there's something I want to do used to do this everywhere I went all the time some reason two distinct rests on my heart much for a little while I do a lot of teaching I feel like teaching is huge and important it's not ministry that makes you free there's a place for ministry it's the truth that makes you free of a real high regard for what I believe is true I just believe truth makes a difference you've been taught in your life what you don't know won't hurt you we heard that phrase growing up now what you don't no one hurts you it's the total opposite what you don't know is destroying you and in all your getting get understanding so if we get understanding we can stop destruction trip you can you can play anytime you root [Music] do these redemption articles I do in the law actually I haven't done them for a while I did one last week and really on my heart I learned this a long time ago when I went to New Life for girls I was they called me in the phone I tried to play it cool it was a rehab center it's a real it's just a good program takes girls off the streets that through with their life their honor their dignity their integrity their healthy honor and did sexual favors and sold their bodies just to stay high grew away everything lost their kids in the process it's just goes out and gets those kind of girls some out of darkness I've been going up there every month since the year 2000 no matter how much I travel I won't miss coat up gospel gives hope to people it restores they think you threw everything away and the Gospels here to make everything new not fix what you broke make you new and sorry there motions do you understand some of its my deep love for those girls most of its the honor that they called me one day and asked if I come up free and I played it cool on the phone and acted call and I was freaking as I wanted to preach that girls and tell them who they were I've been a friend to that ministry ever since I so heavily into that means to call me happy dance I'm still trying to figure that out but I got an idea [Music] I get to go up there and pour into those girls but the first day the leader called me and said would you come up we're looking for some fresh teaching freshmen e please just some people that are willing to volunteer and so into these girls and I'm like oh my goodness I wish you'd have called me a long time ago in 2000 I was only say five years but I was ready to go see them girl when I hung up the phone and told them yeah and put it on my schedule hung up the phone this is why I'm crying but I'm trying to get to this it's just tough spear the Lord came out in my office arrested on me like I can't describe and he said you go up there and you take my redemption in you preaching and I will come a listen or and they call her again mock test like you ain't playin man here like you're there your girls you're not disgusting to them you're not disappointing him with them you're not like you I can't believe it in that where sin abounds grace really does come much more you want to make them free and he put Romans Ted in my heart I'm telling you I went up there and I preached to them girls and I've told them what God told me they just fell in love with my heart I fell in love with him I got up and told him I said listen I realized that her in another man in his own facility all the leaders everywhere it was everybody was a woman I said Wow so I just want to give you a good report I've been leading in her session with a bunch of teary-eyed in love with Jesus women and I've been the only guy for a long time I know it one bit friend today I feel right at home they were like this everything's of life that man I just preached and loved them girls but I called them out into the eye and I said if you're carrying an STD if you're carrying hepatitis if you've hurt your organs your body your memory your ability to function concentrate if you've cut yourself and you got yourself scarred whatever it is from your former life he makes all fan speed you're a new creation and old things pass away behold all things become new that old things need to pass Allah and God will never judge you for where you've been then why is where you've been still judging you time to get it out of your life and I watch the Spirit of God come make blood pure blood brand new I've watched God so many times give new skin I watched a little Mennonite boy who in his teenage years got twisted and demented in false and demonic persuasion and in his private he mutilated himself the grace of Allah in His Prophet everything and the only person that really knew the extent of it was his now-wife I said that makes you heart hurt to be that confused in your teen years you could take a razor thing and butcher yourself in your father he came up to an altar call like this and I didn't know him I just know people were rushing up in a Mennonite Church I was so proud of them they were pouring up and his face to shine and highlight it he was coming down this side everybody knows her family Mennonite the family man they know each other they knew this boy since he was little they knew his go through they knew him and I said son I know I don't know who you are and I wasn't going to pick anybody out on purpose I can't help you say this and I see that you and there was a season in your life when and God and people are falling because they know this kid and they're going this is God and I said I'm telling you he's redeeming he's restored he's swallowed up regret there's things you wish you had never done and he's taking away as if you never did it not just a promise I and then I prayed for everybody and I just send them back to their carriers so the religious and finna go there like okay Christian show order call wow what really is happening what's going on how do we know he'll advertise I come in the next morning for Sunday church living his life over along the wall and I'm there standing right where I need to go there trembling and crying and she's shaking bad they can't even communicate they're having a hard time talk that's theirs you guys okay and the fear of the Lord of reverence of God was all over and I pulled him aside that's what's going on what has he said should go he couldn't talk he tried to he really lost it she began to tell the story that he was a young teenager he got deceived he took the razor blade and did some things this body and it really really man and she looked at me and said trust me it was really really bad he hurt himself she said and I knew it because I'm his wife I've just loved him hey I love you we left that service and got home he doesn't have worn more on this [Applause] see I don't believe that Dan how do you document that I am NOT going to cater to your unbelief unbelief some problem there's no documentation good enough Lord I've learned that even if you have an x-ray they say how do I know it's there you just tell you something I'm not talking to you I'm just telling you something unbelief is an evil wicked wretched thing and it's enmity to God in this case please don't post every number you say but I need documentation that's boasting in unbelief even if the pastor was lying read your Bible he's still a healer even if men mishandled the truth he still is the truth don't you let where men are men aren't beside where you are let who he is setback because if you need documentation see faith doesn't need any explanation and unbelief can never be satisfied I'm telling you unbelief is evil and wretched Bible says make sure there's nobody among you with an evil heart of unbelief [Music] there's people in this room you love Jesus and you know you love him and you see what he's done for you and yet you made a mistake at some point your life he went somewhere you did something and that things still coming along with you it's trying to track you he's showing its face you might have a breakout of a symptom and you go man and it reminds you of what you did and where you were might not be able to concentrate real well and every time you can't you remember that night you just went a little extra far avenged a little more than you ever binge before you've never been the same I'm telling you Jesus will make things new you might have something in your blood came from promiscuity or drug abuse you might have an organ that you hurt just through living outside of temperance and indulgence in an area you see then it's a pretty serious and intimate altar call people might think about me bad if they think about you bad they just need to grow in the gospel it should be moved by men everybody in this room has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and I promise you there's people sitting in this room that did many things that should have been marked and never got marked there's some people that did things one time and didn't come out clean there's no mercy out there and it's not fair but God is the God of mercy redemption I'm just telling you right now if you've been in a place and you're still paying a price to where you've been and I think still in your body showed up your body you might be in a marriage and you brought an STD in your marriage and you've been trying to jump the hurdle of that STD with your spouse and now your spouse has been STD I'm telling you that thing he's come out of both of you today I was in a service over the girls he was 17 when she slept with this boy the only time she slept with anybody but she was 17 and she thought they were getting married so she thought you know what it feels right one has stories of purity ring things man after they slept with each other something changed in their relationship I ended up splitting up and then she got this perfuse break out of genital warts all right if I talk about this and get real refuse freak out she went to three specialists they said we don't know what to tell you but we've never seen anything like this as the most profuse covering genital works and they're just sitting there 24/7 looking back at you and we don't know what to tell you this is some serious strange in her work but because she's 17 and now her vaginal area is absolutely perfuse with genital warts she decides I can't have a relationship because I can't bring a man into this and expect him to understand so she just fell deeper in love with Jesus and deeper in love with Jesus so when I met her I guess how old she is she's 34 17 years of perfuse 10 of the works because of one mistake at age 17 she loves tea she hasn't had one relationship Chris since that day because she don't want to bring a man in today but she wants to be married she wants to be a mother she has always had a dream of being a family girl he's 34 man the clock's ticking buddy I don't know her situation I just know she came up stood there and we pray she left he told me the next day with the pastor and his wife in a private room she turned her key to the door to go into her room or her house and the spirit of Lord came on her and he said hey don't be afraid to look and see what I've done to your mom she ran into her house and she inspected herself and she lofted she laid on her bed and she cried she cried and she cried and somewhere she said in the wee hours of the morning she dozed off and fell asleep cried and she woke up after like two hours of dozing off and she thought surely this is a dream and she rien spected herself and there's not one single word on her bottom the pay day of the whole testimony was she looked at me and she says perhaps I'll find that man of God they will be friendly success children perhaps there's no condemnation for those in Christ there's things that are trying to keep their ugly head in our lives to remind us of where we been instead of who we are and some of us say well you made your bed you got to sleep in and no no no stop it he made a brand new bed the sheets are clean righteous and amazing crawl in there and sleep with the king you don't reap what you sow you reap what he said you have new life for Jesus Christ I would tell you before you walk down here what qualifies you for what I'm preaching mercy qualifies you and this is how you step into it's not works you say in your heart if I could go back and change the decision I made the thing I did knowing what I know now growing into what I've grown into now and just grow and mature and just even time passing if I could go back and change some of these things you better believe I would that's a good response because that tells me and your own conscious that you're not the person that was there you're the person that changed and I promise you the blood of Jesus assures you that God will never judge you for where you been so judge you for what you've become mercy triumphs over judgment are you guys with me it's nobody's business what's in your body it's nobody's business while you're coming up here when you come up here what you're saying is that's it that's enough this is not who I am and it's got to leave my body in my life I'm changed any less me it's nobody's business I will I don't even need to know I don't want to know and I won't ask you a thing my business is in that thing leave so if you're in this room and you've hurt yourself and you're still carrying the mark of yesterday's mistake no matter what it is I need you get down here quickly quickly don't you eight don't you be embarrassed and quickly quickly you'd be amazed how many people need to get down there some of you are going to get up here and feel like you need to cry just go ahead and cry but don't let it be condemnation don't let it be condemnation cry get up here get up here so I'm telling you I feel this there's such a compassion and some of you are going to need to cry just go ahead and cry and know that he loves you and telling thank you for changing my life to change it my personhood your your changing my desires that you're changing me don't you stand here and cry and be ashamed we just taught that it is never about change it's about change so godly sorrow leads to repentance if you stand here and wish you didn't do what you did or where you win then you're not the one that was there you're the one that's been changed I have good news for you the gospel wants to change that thanks for me come on get up here if you need to don't you sit and wonder what your friend will think if you need to get up here I I think I got about four people holding out on me for some reason I'm pretty good with numbers in the Lord I don't want to pray until I get my four I heard four come on your friend to yourself and the kingdom come did I get to I got three coming thank you I'm proud of you I need one more and I know it won't let me go please come thank you to sex if you could comment I got more than four listen now don't just come up here because you need healing and don't just come up here because you want me pray you come up here because you fit this description I believe I got the people I mean I feel released in my heart then the cool God would tell me to get four more up at four pump in that sweet what's that tell you he cares about redeeming us cares about making this new it's awesome is never crying tears of shame let us love keep overwhelming you okay man new then just think about this we knew then it'd be different the Gospels changing there Jesus name behold I'm gonna prove you there's too many of you to be personal with I'm just gonna pray don't you you just look at me real quick I know you're crying and no you guys could look at me real quick I can't see all once but all of you look at me if you could go back and change some things and the reason you're up here would you do different if you could but you can't so it's not a bummer it's gone the sorrow regret would eat you alive you can't go back and do the thing over and you said it you said it if you did it you did it but you can change and honey when you change he sees you for what you've become and Jesus snack completely clean completely excused no I heard the Lord say I love you your days of shame or over don't you even try to reach me I'm already here I am so close to you sister which my desire to be with you to be in you [Music] even Isis even I had my eye on you from the beginning don't you think I ever - my way not to shame you not to judge you to troll you didn't I caused you to escape didn't I snatch you away did I bring you to me I love you and I make all things new okay turn your heart to him and thank him that he loves you thank him that he forgives you thank him that he will never judge you for yesterday today's a new day we'll never see you for where you've been what you could come and ask you right now to keep doing the working you mature you make you wiser and sharper and more like him amen come on thank him that he loves you it's important and thank him that he forgives you that you're free in the matter you're not guilty now father I just thank you for redemption right now through this whole section of your people I thank you every situation change I thank you everything changed I thank you that you washed through blood you washed through bodies you make organs whole you restore minds you take away torment you take away nightmares god I thank you that you restore in Jesus name wash through blood thank you right now all things new take away scars in Jesus name scars leave their bodies hepatitis you leave STDs go in Jesus name kidneys and livers be strong in the whole body's digestive systems I thank you Father you make things new is if we've never sinned or even that tree god I thank you you make it like we've always been with you in righteousness we stand in righteousness we live you rule your kingdom with a scepter of righteousness you have marked every one of them to be right in your son and I Thank You spirit soul and body blameless till you come I bless you all in Jesus name in our three wholeness in your lives do one thing this isn't works just do one thing with me lift your hands right now to him just a sign of yielding and receiving just lift your hands this whisper this out of your heart father thank you I trust you good I believe you then you make all things I can't leave here the same I can't leave you the same you're changing me and you're washing my body you're washing my mind you're washing my heart because you love me and the best I understand I'm yours and I'm not ashamed of your love thank you for making me whole thank you for loving me Jesus thing yeah don't you want somebody tell them you're proud of them and give them a little squeeze come here dude you're good you need to get your blood check go get it checked you need to go to a doctor go check it out I'm serious we prayed for a guy like this in a meeting at a Redemption House facility a Recovery Center I was in a place that's called Redemption house it's beautiful to recovered program and this guy came up to the order and he was pending trial you know what I mean he had a trial coming up he had committed some crimes and who knows that sometimes you have to pay that society and whatnot but who knows that Jesus paid your debt and you can actually pay your debt Society have total fellowship with God and walk with coffins being righteous so he decided he was going to go into his prisoner term because it's costing prison time and he thought I'm going to go in there and be an example when I'm not going to be a jailhouse Christian whatever they thought that you know call that he said man I'm just going to so when he got in there as soon as you get in there he had he had a terrible case of hepatitis as soon as he got in there he thought man I'm going to I'm going to apply for kitchen duty cuz it gets me out of my cell and and everybody sees kitchen Duty is like employer assignment so he applied for it and signed up for it they they they they look at what you did you're crying they decide who's ever going to do it to me well the guy said well now you got to go over to the we got to take you over to the clinic over here because they're gonna draw some blood they got to run some tests because for what he said well to work in the kitchen you can't have any blood that you can't have hepatitis in a Michigan of that he looked oh man he wasn't thinking about he just came to this owner he really was it he just came up that night and this was now he's in jail and he's like oh man well there goes my kitchen duty that hepatitis they came back and said well we chose you and you're doing kids can do he said all my tests continued don't ya all your testing I've seen two people in my life that I know personally it could have happened or not everybody you know how the lepers were healed only one came in so I talk to people I travel all over should people come up to me and say tell me stories that I didn't know the whole time that took place and fun is a whole lot more going on the number where I know two people that were on liver transplant list because they have the tightest in their livers the salmon and Jesus native brand-new including the livers and they never went and done finished and they're both alive and well today in fact I just saw the one guy drive by me and haven't seen forever and I thought hey and I couldn't get his attention he was crossing intersection I'm stalling I bumped into him a gas station six months ago but this was years ago when it happened and he came to the service and when he heard the message he would let us pray he said I don't conserve that I can't I don't deserve that I said well I know trying to tell me let's just crack he wouldn't let his prey I laughed and I told him I said listen man you came to truth his first time ever coming to church we brought him into church to do work for us because he did great work he would jam heavy metal head bang and rock stuff and Nick some of the ladies would get caught up when deke amigo yeah I'm actually quite a well aware of it I can't hardly understand it but it's pretty intense but yeah that guy he started to like he started to give me access to the part and I say let me pray for you would never let me ask me questions and talk to me I used to mess with him because he he's the kind of guy he spent time in prison for like punching like this dude straight boy and they do have to call a backup unit because the ones that came or hurt don't mess with him right I'm coming up behind him hug him from behind believe in God he didn't know what I was doing he could get off of me that's weird men don't hug man I said well some and hug men but that's not why I'm hugging you look at you could your speciality dude you're freaking me out stop stop don't you sneak up and hug me and watch said you do know what I'm doing right he said what you need us every time I hugged you I get my hand on your liver let me pray you really are you really are this intrigued him it touch things that I believe that it was that important to me to actually believe so he came to the service my numbers and they're always telling me how worth it is cuz he died it's locked I mean like I just came there just from now just down man like okay he's emotion always on the verge of like my numbers working there's no half they can't find half that's what he said I said really I just came from there I said sure what are you telling me can I be Sheldon hardly ever seen but a promise change my friend when he saw me at the guest from six months ago I picked around the gas hey this guy doesn't live that way but he is that way he said I'm born again I'm serving dogs and I go to church no hepatitis no liver problem he was on the list I just bumped into the lady and I still get free she heard me preach Redemption at the healing service Tim let his press just went out for the car every day she goes they just know her how much closer to dying in the candle they're trying to find a match she gets in her car and this is crazy I'm born again I'm a new creation I'm not a prostitute another heroin addict I'm a woman of God I'm a new creation I cannot have hepatitis I cannot I'm not that woman and she's freaking out in the car preaching the gospel she said she felt frustrated she said I don't want to go to these doctors I don't believe this can happen it cannot be I am a woman I got and she said she just having a pizza and then she's like okay maybe I wasn't Janek I better get to my point man she goes in they run all the tests like they've been Gail I just saw her at Walmart guys I'm talking 12 years ago no talking last week so I was going to send you the 1800 so I got home and I checked my account Treasury to watch this she's moving down to Atlanta Georgia frustrated I know you're going over to substitute Church I'm like trying to catch you there by my work skipper's going to make it hard I guess what I'm trying to say it guess when she did this is how 30 she was I showed up to that church I didn't even I pulled up she knew somebody in the church that told her I was coming and we probably had 25 people who being in the form of God didn't considered himself being an equal with God in the form of guy he considered something to be acknowledged but instead he put it off and made himself of no reputation laying down do therefore work out your own salvation in fear and trembling for it's God who works in you both to will and do for his and do all things without grumbling without complaining so you can shine as innocent children in the midst of a perverse generation whom you shining forth as a life oh he exalts Jesus above every name that will ever be named and says you therefore this is all authority in heaven and earth Matthew 28 is given unto me go therefore and he never cease I'm sorry to understanding once you stand to your feet with me go play some movie and then I'm going to ask these guys to function and do something I'm going to ask you to listen carefully I would ask you not to come to me for the prayer and stuff I release you guys to do something and I want this to be an empowering weekend I love you guys you know I make myself available to thank you for understanding thank you for the meal okay listen to me carefully I want you guys to love one another for a second his prayer first for healing we're not doing what we did last night I'm not going almost ready to talk about this but for you guys to leave so many of you already if you need prayer for healing please raise your hands please don't wait for me don't come to me I help you raise your hand right where you're at and if you're way in the middle we feel like we want to get somewhere with you've been reaching but if you need prayer please don't not raise your hand if there's something people look around their hands are raised I want you to make your way if you're not raising your hand go find somebody with a hand raised if you want to pray for them call them out of the aisle and get them to where you can reach and just talk introduce yourself tell New York remember that short prayer that command prayer just go ahead and love somebody and pray for somebody that's watching to see what God does among us cuz we'll keep believing keep your hand high if you need somebody to pray for you so they see you go like this I got a couple over here I got a lady in the pink and a man in the blue he's still standing there she got claimed there's a fellow right here in blue can somebody grab him yeah good thank you good go ahead and love each other Jesus name you a - I know everybody's praying but if you're if you're taking off I just want to let you know that our next session starts in about forty three minutes so you got a small break to go grab some food there's food downtown and a more importantly next session will be a Q&A specifically there will be no teaching it'll be questions and answers with Dan and we're going to have a phone number that you can text your questions to and will also be running the mics around the room so make sure you get back here by about five o'clock five ten guys
Channel: iloveupperroom
Views: 91,726
Rating: 4.8016529 out of 5
Keywords: upper, room;, canyon, hill;, iloveupperroom;, bakersfield;, california;, pastor, joseph, rountree;, City, Center;, room, bakersfield, music;, worship
Id: Gl-vyUTXcMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 0sec (7680 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2017
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