Dan Mohler - Praying for Favor

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you guys having a good time was this worship amazing I mean I'm sitting there looking at you guys and I'm just listening to the words there's a lot of Revelation in the songs that are being written isn't there so you know I'm looking out here and I'm thinking man I need to really make this clear because sometimes it seems like when we're preaching to us we know our hearts it's never - we're never correcting whenever spanking were never likes trying to set people straight we just want to encourage people to be everything he paid for because when I'm looking out here I'm thinking man we love him like I'm looking at this corporate setting and I'm like people love what he did who he is and is this the best atmosphere on the planet what I was looking at this morning so you know the whole goal is to that's kit let's get the little foxes that steal the precious fruit of the vine out of the orchard let's get some little wrong thinking some detrimental stuff cuz I believes that most the time when I travel I try to affirm it a lot I'm not talking to a rumor hypocrites I'm not talking to people that don't want God you didn't come to this conference for that you guys love him the best you understand him right so in all your getting get more understanding and that's what this conference is all about so that we continue to walk in the excitement and the revelation that we're touching on this morning so we'll come out and it was beautiful cuz he just said about gazing at him and reflecting what we gaze at and continuing to see his face every day it's just something about that that's just amazing amen amen because I just want to talk about some things and the reason we the reason we just keep nailing some of this same stuff is because what we lost through sin was who we were so everybody in this room really this is everybody on the earth as one should catch this like this isn't some deep profound thing but yet it is I mean it's simple to understand but like when Adam got separated from God when he sinned in the garden and got separated from God everything he was created and intended to be God lost where his life was concerned he lost who he was created to be it disappeared like he died to everything that he was God said the day you eat that tree the day you live apart from what I said and eat the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is the day you surely die but he didn't fall over dead so we know something died and we all say well he died spiritually but that doesn't really help us that doesn't tell us much it just sounds spiritual because we say he died spiritually no he died his creative value was lost everything that God made him to be in that breath was lost and he got separated and cut off from God because of sin and now the Lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world comes into play because he's going to have to come and shed his blood to restore that Union so the whole purpose of the cross isn't to get you to heaven and make you heaven bound it's to restore that Union it's the whole purpose of the Cross is to get that truth that was there that day back into our lives and I'm just going to say a narrow strong statement anything else isn't the gospel it's just a version or a piece the whole purpose of the Cross is restoration back to God so that who he is comes inside of you so that who he is inside of you lives through you in your everyday life nothing else is the gospel it's why he died my whole life my whole life growing up my mom made sure I went to church I would get up early every day I was an outdoors kid when I was young I was taking walks down a railroad tracks I was thinking I was in unknown lands man I was lived in this city and then it was row homes and I found the railroad tracks I could walk for two miles and there was fields and trees and creeks and I would come home at dark with nothing to eat all day I was so enthralled by what my mom would say where were you all day what did you eat and I'm like mom I was like there's this land out there right so every day I'm up early going in the summer Sunday I'm at like I'm sleeping when she comes to take me to church cuz I didn't want to go I just didn't want to go there was nothing there grabbing my heart like I actually felt bad my whole childhood because I believed in Jesus I saw the movies the crucifixion movies and I felt bad because I could never understand why he would do that for me I would be like why would he do that for me like cuz I've never felt good about me and as I got older I had so many other things in my heart I had secrets in my life I had I had fantasies in my mind I I felt so far from who he seemed to be on those movies and then that preachers all they ever told me was well he died to forgive you of all that and someday take you to heaven but they never told me I could be different than all that they made me a forgiving sinner and it never attracted my heart to God it just made me aware of what was wrong with me in the midst of everything that's right about him and I felt millions of miles away from him and a lot of preachers made it that way like it's a wonder he considers you it's amazing he even considers us but he loves us so much he sent His only begotten Son and and a lot of preachers were quoting a scripture John 3 and and and they had no revelation of what they were saying because it left me a forgiving sinner it didn't give me relationship with God it didn't allow me to see his first love it caused me to ask a bunch of questions like well why is he loved me why is he care why would he do something so extreme for me well why is he wanting me in heaven he feels so far away now why am I just gonna meet him someday and what are we going to just hang out forever I mean I don't get it anybody ever feel like that growing up like did these questions never stir in anybody because here's the thing if you don't cause somebody to see his first love they'll just get reduced to serving him and feel indebted to him and believe they owe him for the great thing he did that they're not totally relating to that's why there's a lot of works and religion and service in the church he said I don't even call you servants I call friends he said the reason is a servant doesn't even know what his masters intending and up to doesn't even know what his master is doing a friend knows we're supposed to know what God's up to like the mysteries revealed the cats out of the bag Paul said I'm making all see this thing yeah man I just came from Canada I almost said hey I just but I'm in Texas I said yeah I don't know what's yo yo I don't know what you say done god made man with the intention I preach it all the time this isn't something new that I'm preaching it's just we got to get this thing and live by it and let it become our everyday reality these truths become our everyday reality only through communion with him because you've been with him you've had relationship with him you speak these truths out to him you don't go troubleshooting God you got to do something with my heart Lord my heart just seems so wicked and far from you God you got to change it right now here God I'm gonna prophetically open it up to you come and change my heart you will never change that way because you're waiting for the moment where you seem different and you'll be more aware of what's wrong with you than ever recognizing what's changing in your life don't troubleshoot in prayer get alone with God father I thank you you're putting a new heart in me God you're working in me in such a way that I care about things I never cared about God you love me so much and you're putting your life in me your nature me your wisdom me and your ways in me I'm so excited growing up in you thanks for loving me that's how you change father I thank you your eyes are in me when I look I see what you behold amazing how you're transforming my life I know sometimes it doesn't seem quick enough to me Lord but I know I'm a different person than I was six months ago thank you for the grace effectually working in my life I tell you grow up into him yeah sure beats sitting on your bed saying I'm such a loser and a bomb God if you don't do something oh you were a loser and a bum when he came and he died while you were yet a sinner so that he can forgive you of all your sin it says in Colossians you were thinking with wicked thoughts meaning you were just self-centered and self self deceived he was all about you it was all about you it was all about you you know we think wicked thoughts is always adultery of murder and rape and no wicked thoughts is just thinking outside the kingdom anything contrary to the kingdom is wicked a heart that's in unbelief is wicked in enmity to God it's evil and unbelief is prevalent in the body of Christ and we don't talk about it a lot but people share a testimony and the church says well I don't believe that well I don't know that really happened what do you have documentation please don't boast and unbelief it's an evil and wicked thing before the Lord like we're said well I never seen anybody healed like that well you're supposed to leave just because it's in your Bible and Jesus says so like documentation listen there's no documentation good enough for unbelief and faith doesn't need any so I'd probably stay in this camp the faith camp yeah yeah but there's something about just knowing in your heart because you read it in your Bible and you believe Jesus and you've been with him see I was three months saved I didn't have any tell buddy telling me to pray for the sick ain't nobody I'm allowing us three months saved I was just in my bedroom I just wouldn't come out of my bedroom you have no idea like he changed my life I would turn my clocks to the wall because I didn't want to be distracted with time I didn't want to talk myself out of the bedroom cuz I was in the best day of my life I was finally with him I was with you and it was the biggest deal on the planet that the god of the universe would meet with me in a room the God of all creation who was and is and is to come was in the room with me and he wanted to be once I got that I just turned the clocks to the wall and just stay in there cuz my wife and I I didn't have to be out we weren't together anyway I just stayed in the room I was in that season why not make most of that season some of us don't have that ability to do that I did why not do it I wouldn't come out of the room I'm not kidding you I don't sleep very long I'm I'm pretty wired guy I'm I'll run hard and and then when it's time to go to bed I know it I said last night welp and touched it yet well that's how I'm feeling well I mean it's time to go to bed I guess that's the white hair fellas we said well we'll head up guys then you go up and you're still excited about the day you're picturing what happened last night and the things and you're thanking God and you're laying in your bed and you're still ramped about him and you're like Lord it's just so you know you ain't goin to bed I'm not tired I go to bed by faith a lot of nights I just look at the clock and think you know not much good happens after midnight I'll go to bed I'd rather get up early than stay up late it's just my preference so I just go to bed and I go to sleep and I'm like a battery charger like I'll lay down and and I don't I don't dream old men's dream dreams I don't dream and and God doesn't have to put me to sleep to talk to me he talks to me when I'm awake so he doesn't have to wait - I'm sleeping and not distracted I'm not putting dreams down dreams are from the Lord but everybody says you need to dream let me pray for you I'm like leave me alone just leave me alone I like laying down in bed boom five hours the light goes green like a battery charger not wait I just go I don't I don't go and wake up for 20 minutes I lay down I go to sleep and I wake up I'm up and I'm awake and my heart's happy I like that so don't pray for me for dreams I don't even have a any recollection of dreams in my life everyone says everybody dreams I don't think I do I think I go out and I think I think Jesus is just sitting there because he doesn't slumber I think he just and I'm just I just wake up but I wake up and I'm alive inside and I'm not like oh no today [Laughter] god I hope things go good today I've never thought anything like that for 23 years you just wake up in him you're not even thinking about how things go that's dangerous because what you're saying is how days unfold depends how you're doing know who he is in your life depends how you're doing and then when the day unfolds you're ready to step into it you're ready to shine you don't know what it means to fall apart you'd be discouraged why because you always have a response in the midst of everything your goal is to shine if Jesus said let your light so shine before men then the whole reason you're alive is to shine so anything that comes against you shining is a deception a distraction and a lie any attitude and he wisdom any action any way you respond to react anything that turns down the light is a lie he said yeah but brother you don't know what I'm going through stop what he went through his word turned on the light who lights the light and then puts a basket over it with the yeah but the whole reason he's in us is so that we can pursue his image walk in love and shine are you with me yeah so anything that comes against the light in your life as a deception in a distraction he never guaranteed you that everybody treat you the way you're hoping he never guaranteed you that you wouldn't get laid off now understand people are hardcore and face and pray and they'll never get laid off but when they're doing that Costard I've seen people get in that groove and they're praying you're never getting in a car wreck I'll never get it laid off and then when they get in a car wreck they lose it because they're full of questions how'd it happen I was praying what went wrong what and there it's all about them and their faith in their outcome instead of when the car goes bang being Jesus they're falling apart why'd you let this happen what did I miss how come and there are a wreck during the wreck or they get laid off and they fall apart they don't even know how to call their wife because they've been agreeing I'm not gonna get in this layoff we believe in Jesus name and now they're laid off and they're making it a point in time faith's the point in time and if they get it raw and if they don't get the answer what went wrong and all sudden the light is gone but honestly the light was never on in the first place because the motive was gone is the goal to never get laid off for the goal to shine every day why do you become what you're going through why does anybody get laid off and then Liv laid off why don't you have a covenant with God and say Lord I don't even know what happened here I didn't see this coming I have a budget I have bills you know all that man as quick as his store closed I'm glad another door open I'm gonna knock on a few somebody you'll see interest in me god you're so good you work everything out man I am excited to be your child why is that difficult like that should not be difficult listen this is a giveaway I'm not slamming anybody in this room I just know we do good Church I watched good church this morning like I looked around my heart was blessed I'm looking at you people there was a couple of young ladies up here you'd never stopped the whole time this one little girl was up here the whole time she died only think she opened her eyes I was busy looking at her like the Lord didn't say hey would you look at me I'm like no I was finding so much pleasure and joy in that I was like and I think Jesus like that I was just getting blessed by her heart and I looked down the aisle and down the road and I went oh my goodness were doing amazing church so we we love Him we know how to love him this way this isn't correction we have to make sure that we don't just know how to respond in worship and in this atmosphere and do good Church we have to be sure we grow into being her okay let me put it this way this is helping me what would it accomplish to have this amazing atmosphere where we know he's here inhabiting the praises of his people leave here and not understand who he is in us and why he's in us and get thrown into a crisis outside this setting and respond like the man that never experienced his setting what would that accomplish what would it accomplish to attend your church and love it and serve Him and be a part of it for 50 years get thrown into crisis and respond like the man that never even went to church Christianity has to be more than that it has to be about transformation and life change it has to be getting a view getting a perspective that's so renewed in truth the truth keeps you free and you shine in the face of it all and all of a sudden you're done wrong really done wrong in life and you're not even looking for an attorney or living like you're done wrong now attorneys don't say Amen but you just got to be careful with some of this stuff lawsuit she's gotta be careful with some of this stuff you keep the problem alive when you hold everybody so liable I mean we're we're in the thing now I mean I'll see you you guys better be careful because you got a little lip right here man and I'm coming out to preach well I fell in your facility da-da-da-da-dah what was Jesus is bigger than all that and there's a thing on the earth right now that's really kind of weird and spooky yeah I just told the story I haven't told it forever I just told it last week where the dog bit me when I was jogging in Alabama I mean I'm just running I'm just jogging down the road and I got like five miles right to run and I'm probably only one and a half or two in and there's dogs he's coming pitbull and I'm like hey little buddy I said I was like I was like I know you're a shock collar dog you're gonna get about four feet from the curbing oh well he just went right past the line and he came right in and he grabbed me right here oh and then big old canines went deep into my leg he did it so quick and then he let me go they say them pit bulls don't let go but he let me go he just looked at me like don't you ever come that close to my yard again and then he just he just waddle like back to his porch and I'm standing there like that dog just bit me like there's no shot-caller dog I looked down I'm not kidding you I never saw so much blood coming out of my body in my life I think it was more years ago when I was a kid I showed them where I cut my wrist I was like six and and they said almost bled to death and mom with my mom I when they took an extra towel they said I would have bled to death but I'm thinking I it was probably a little more than mom not taking that extra towel but there was good mom did that but I look and I never saw so much blood spewing out of my body I mean in the natural I mean I'm a hunter I know people don't like hunting so much but I'm a hunter I mean you you you you shoot a deer where you're supposed to shoot a deer and he's dead in four seconds like he's running and don't even know what happened he's just like what just happened to me and all sudden he's done and you're like that's the way it ought to be but it just bleed out right well I'm like okay 1,001 1,002 I mean that's what it looks like there's already blood in the road my soul sneaker is red it's the whole way down my leg pouring and the lady comes out and she goes she goes the dog bit you I smiled real big and I said it's okay honey everything will work out fine I'll explain in a minute if you could just get me a towel that would be awesome and I started walking towards the porch she grabbed the dog threw it in the house she's horrified what's in her mind lawsuit my dog's getting put down yet today lawsuit this is not good the husband comes out he looks at my leg I'm already at the at the house in the driveway at the porch where the dog had been laying he was not supposed to be out they don't even know how he got out and we talked about all that but I said it's okay my friend he didn't even know what to say the blood is pouring down my leg like a spicket I'm not joking whatever you have right here you nurses and doctors might know but his big old canines went into it and it was just pumping out of there and and I said everything's fine buddy I told your wife out she's coming out she just grabbed me a towel it's okay I said but we'll talk about some things in a minute but this is a great day for you so I told him hey don't age like so she came out and I said listen I'm a Christian Jesus lives in me and I don't just have a theology he's my life I have a covenant with the Living God and I said this is a day of mercy for both of you because if you have a dog like this I said you you have to make sure this never ever ever ever ever happens again because today your dog bit me so everything's fine I said but if it a bit an elderly person a child or somebody that didn't understand what I'm telling you have the heart I have this would be a troubled day for you but this is a day of mercy and you'll never hear about this day again this day has already ended and I took the towel while I was explaining and I took it tonight I wiped my leg cuz it was I had so much blood in my running shoe you could go like this in the blood would just run out I took the towel and I wiped it over my leg and they're standing there like like they are freaked out thinking this man is gonna die in our driveway his family is going to sue us for everything we've ever owned and then our neighbors as soon as the towel came over the bikes it's totally impossible in the natural as soon as I wiped the towel over the bikes I went like this and not one drop of blood came out and I looked at him and I smiled and I said you see my Jesus sake so you can grab a theology that says well I'll never get that by a dog praise the Lord never get that my dog total protection in rear guard front guard side guard no no that's not the goal because when you get bit by the dog you freaked out because you stood in this thing your whole life and now you don't even know how to handle when something doesn't go the way you've been speaking i've watched countless Christians getting quandary and let the mega questions overshadow the things their heart always knew is the goal not to get bitter is the goal to respond like Jesus when you get there now am i believing to get bit no I hope I never get bit again but it wasn't a bad time it was actually funny wouldn't even matter if I would because somebody will get loved and blessed and prayed for so really it's not really a problem so I wiped the blood it never bled again it never bled again and I said listen and that's why I told him about the mercy thing and never let this happen and she said well the dog wasn't supposed we don't know I said stop I get it honey I'm not being rude the fact was and don't miss this he was out and he did bite me so if you are gonna keep a dog with this potential you have to be way more responsible and make sure it never happens again because today is a day of mercy to let you see what happened but I told you fortunately your dog bit me so I said I have nothing but love for you guys I said come on let's pray I put my hands on when we just prayed and I asked God's blessing over them and they're looking at me they're not even there like they're like what is going on she said but don't we need to take you to like the emergency room I said honey I've got at least two miles to run probably three I have a little radio thing I'm supposed to be doing this afternoon then I got a preach to like I don't know it's a lot of pastors I said I better get rolling god bless you all yeah so I get into the hotel I get back I'm not bleeding but I got blood down low my socks red my shoes red there might have been a little line of blood like that maybe but the little girl at the desk was so cute because on my way out we were talking and she said something about me being nice see like she set herself up I she just said you're such a nice man and I leaned in I said oh you wouldn't have said that X amount of years ago and doctor then I told her why I was nice and then I got a little impression and word for her in her background and some of the things she was pushing aside and running from so this little girls at her desk trying to do a job and now she's crying at her desk I said it's okay honey he loves you so much take these things to heart and please turn back into him I grabbed her hands and I Princesa so now I come in and she loves me I can run it in she's like there's that guy so I come in and she sees my shoe and my leg and she's like are you bleeding like is that blood I said oh yeah that's a lot of blood she said what happened I said well a dog came off a porch and hit me while I was running up the road so she's like don't pit you and I'm not telling you to do this but leave me alone just leave me alone with all the wisdom emails and stuff like brother God has given it you better just leave me alone okay I'm doing fine I'm either the most deceive man you ever met or I'm okay I got my chips on okay I've been living a certain way I can't talk about it from the pulpit cuz people will try to do what I'm saying instead of see what I'm saying and it creates so much I don't preach from the pulpit ever how I actually live most people would try to correct me I think I'm doing all right the first thing she told me was a dog bite horror story but sir you have to understand they have so much bacteria and chewed it in dogs and my mother got bit in her hand and she didn't do anything in her hand swelled twice the size of our other hand and for three days she was tempted to cut it off so here I am in that situation again and I smiled and I said well I'm sorry to hear that no listen honey I'll be okay I said remember what happened you at the desk and why you were crying and how you felt God's love and presence he's got this so covered I'm okay thanks for caring about me though appreciate your loving on me and being concerned but we're good this precious black brother comes around in Alabama he comes around the corner he says you could fit my dog there I mean he was he was so awesome you'd had to be there I mean I held this guy we prayed I love this guy he'd come around the corner he said you get he meant so right he was trying to help me he said you said yeah he said wow man you got listening to the girl man it's a dog bite mess you up he said I got bit by a dog so here we go I saw two people two people since I got bit by the dog and both people have horror stories from dog bites that is not coincidence and they're both trying to Minister Wiest do you see my hair color leave me alone I mean my beard even turned out right he said no man serious man we need to get you over there you gotta get over there man because I got bit by this dog and just like she said this thing started Straubing and pain and it was more than I ever thought I could bear man it was like bad for day like wow thank you for the Kagura cumin brother no I didn't say I said no listen man you don't understand it's a gospel thing with me and I'm okay and I've been through things before it's just Jesus buddy its covenant all that it is is mine and what really seals that is all that his mind is his and I said so all I had was nothing but love for those people I prayed with him and hugged me said wait a minute are you only reporting that dog I said no I said make sure it never happens again and keep the dog in a basement he'll never hear from me again I said listen man Jesus forgave me of everything I ever have done every mistake every misnomer every willful act every run of rebellion he has washed me clean and you think I can't minister wisdom to them and see them as if this never happened he said man you for real man you for real and I said brother listen to me what else is there half in half out hypocrisy gray zone lukewarm you're either for him or you're against him either gather or you scatter I I'm telling him no offense to you saying I'm for real I understand what you're saying you're a complementing my life you're drawing from this but I said one of the most compliments I get in the churches you know what I like about you brother you're for real and I'm like what are you like don't come and compliment me for being real it's not a good testimony it means we've so been hurt and touched by things that are insincere not for real that we've been jaded we got our brows raised and we sit back and watch long enough to we dare believe legit that means you're being influenced by everything around you instead of the one that's in you you're poster shine and not let anything in this planet and turn down the light come on it's the truth it's just the truth let your light your light forget about everybody else for a minute what about your light and if you're like well he will she will they well then then your light is already done and if I don't have a good view this way so does that dog bites me why'd you let this happen what toward are they open what am I missing God why did you let them to bite me and when they come out of the house I'm in a quandary I'm not shining and all of a sudden I'm back reduced to before I was even born again it's just all about me ooh that's whoa that was strong I felt that in the rooms just like I felt that hit come on don't get reduced to where you came from all about you you died or did you just pray a prayer to go to heaven or did you just pray for blessing or did you just pick up your Bible because your marriage was in trouble did you just start praying because your child's running wild or did you come to him and give who you are to him so who he is comes alive in you yeah she's mean to see through his wisdom in his eyes so you can live through his heart in love like he loves so you're ready in every situation he said in the world you have tribulation so he's letting us know that in the world you have tribulation tribulation you ought to look up the word it's even more than like a fender-bender some of us get three red lights on the way to work we think that's tribulation what am I doing wrong I've lost my favor here's what you're forgetting when your light is always green and you think that's favor somebody else's is red and you don't even care I'm just saying when you need that first and best parking spot Shabbos and abu-bakr someday you pull in their favor the whole way into the door you're forgetting somebody isn't parked there you say well they ought to get in a better covenant have more faith and now there's this warfare of faith in the atmosphere vying for the best spots that's why I never pray about sports I enjoy certain sports but it is silly to pray about sports God isn't interested in any of that he really isn't honestly people get mad about this or you got a little child please let my team win and you got a little child across town please let my team win and it's the different team God's not sitting there pulling out his hair saying I'm in trouble shunga wrote these promises elders meeting now let's just throw all their prayers for this team in this bowl in this bowl let's see which one has the most Martin faith ok this fall boom sorry guys Phil go god it's not like that it's just silly to pray for sports it's silly dick you pray you prank god I just pray it doesn't rain today we have a picnic you got a farmer over here earning a living and it's a drought and he's like God would you let it rain go to your picnic taking umbrella it's just these prayers some of these prayers get weird cuz they have everything to do with you and your present desire that has nothing to do with the kingdom now there was a time I took my son somewhere and we really wanted to do something it was raining and it started pouring and it was raining everywhere and God will do sweet little things so I said to my son well actually I said buddy I don't like to pray for the rain to stop there's farmers getting blessed there's other people caring about the rain and you know it just puts the ground water up higher and said I really don't care to pray for the rain just stop how if we were flooded I would I will pray that way but I said but you know what we can believe for let's pray it's not raining right where we were going right where we need to be and my boy was like 7 it's good thing to teach him and and we pulled in and I started to cry because I looked on this hillside where we were heading and we were going to do a little father-son thing together in the outdoors and it was absolutely not rain and in fact right above the spot it was like a cloud broke here and there was no Sun but it was bright it was absolutely no rain I'm not joking I looked down the road and you could see it pouring and where we were going it wasn't raining and I'm like god that is just the sweetest kiss on the cheek but it wasn't some real self-centered think it was just teaching my son we can believe four things you pray but I've always been careful to make sure it doesn't cross the line of the selfish thing yeah it was really good because my boys like that stuff Mark's kids yeah and we were just going to hang together we're doing an outdoors thing it wasn't even a kingdom thing and God just did that for us but listen let me just get back on this whole in the world you have tribulation in me you have peace be of good cheer watch I've over come that's where we get fired up when we hear words like that but you better understand what he's saying I have overcome the world when I wait a minute Jesus if you overcame the world why do I have tribulation see he's not talking about causing things to stop he came in the midst of a way and showed us the way he overcame the world by changing our perspective in the lamp of our body the eye and showing us who we are and why we're here he overcame the world he took over the wisdom of the world he gave us new life through Jesus Christ a new and living way not conformed transformed by thinking like we've never thought before tribulations comin in the world be of good cheer I have overcome the world what's he saying I showed you the way to walk through everything and shine so why don't you follow me watch not being rude don't you ever stop what I saw this morning that was beautiful but he didn't just say sing to me he didn't just say pray to me when you're overwhelmed he said follow me yeah I have over come the world what'd he do he put a new heart in us put a new spirit in us he put a new way in us go away now we're living from that place of truth so now we're betrayed in the natural like on the night he was betrayed and we're not calling a friend crying telling them all the details all of a sudden we don't even live like we were betrayed cuz we're so fulfilled in him and our goal was to shine in the midst of it all or or you could take life person or if you choose and you can come with the reason for being the way you are but your reason won't be him so it won't be right and you can let the things you're going through decide who you are and how you're doing or you can let the truth make you free it's your choice who you're gonna believe in what you're gonna believe that's why you said to guard your heart don't inspect somebody else's guard your heart don't listen to a sermon like this for your spouse don't say I hope they're listening because if you're doing that it's for sure I'm talking to you because you're letting where they're not matter and decide ultimately where you are and your dysfunction of your spouse's life that you're fixed on has become an idolatry and a lord to you and now you're only doing as good as they're responding to your desperate prayers to God so then you look to see if your prayers are working and now you're focused on their life instead of his happens all the time I've seen it as a pastor countless times so they asked me to counsel on that stuff and I jump in and pull out the sharpest sword I can find called the Word of God and cut every lie to pieces and hope that they want the truth more than they want their flesh you know some some do you know what I've learned over the years it's a sad scenario some people don't want to become loved they want to hold on to the bogus rites they were given through the fall of man your life's not your own you've been bought with a price Christ in you the hope of glory if you're not thinking through that truth you're making mistakes and you're letting something else dictate your life how can we have so many rights who's a pastor here is anybody pastors their pastor around pastors pastors pastors good pastors would you agree help me with this 90 some percent of our counseling is people struggles people trouble and people having trouble with people people hurt by people that should be a warning to us pastors that we might need to preach the gospel clearer because people are letting people matter more than what they're called to and created for so now we're saying he's amazing and we can't even get past each other so each other's giving us a right to be the way we are and we'd say well brother I'd be in a different place if it wasn't for this this and this will this this and this isn't Lord why is it mattering more than him why are you letting one person in your life decide who you are and how you are even if they're your spouse if their name's not Jesus so you gotta be this way you got to live from him you don't take all this to him you live from him it's not a hypo spiritual that's just the flat-out truth how can I be the husband I'm created to be if I don't live my life from the place of the Lord in need if my disposition and my demeanor my attitude and my level of encouragement is contingent on the people around me I'm only as strong as the weakness I'm surrounded with and yet greater is He that is in me than he that's in the world I've pastored long enough to see that this is an epidemic of thinking in the church and 90 some percent pastors am I telling the truth people struggling with people people leaving churches because of people people leaving churches because of leaders people not knowing how to handle feelings that are hurt I don't know if I'm ever going back to church you have to regroup and question why did I go in the first place did I go to have my preferences fulfilled did I'd shop for a church and now the product isn't what I paid for or did I go to be an edification to walk in the light as he's in the light - iron sharpens iron and even if I don't agree with some things why do I have to be angry did you ever learn yet in your marriage that you don't have to agree on everything and if you disagree it doesn't have to be with contention why would you Lord your preference over each other why would you live in self-righteousness like that and be sure you're right and they're wrong all the time that's control manipulation why can't we why can't we disagree even in our marriage without contention why can't we learn to prefer each other and honor each other come on guys we sell so cheap man we argue in a car over where we're gonna eat and people when there's heat in the car like like why do you always get where you pick how come I can never get to will they pick last week up come on I don't wanna but we just came from what are we doing you could be a phenomenon and do five flags at once and lead every school in the planet in waving five flags at once and if you can't love you've missed the point and people put you on YouTube and go how do they do that but heaven is looking at you when you're not loving saying how do they do that because heaven doesn't understand you're arguing with your spouse the little angels hanging around or like well they're not little they are bad dudes they're like I got corrected real quick when I said I don't know if that was the Lord or an angel [Laughter] I saw Jesus one time in a vision for a flash standing over a little girl who was demon-possessed on the floor knocked out by the Lord and he was straddling her like this and he was as tall as the church I was in I saw him for a second he was standing like this over the girl it was overwhelming you think you're ready for that stuff you say I want a manifestation you know what Holy Spirit said to me cuz he was teaching me to get away from all these methods and all this stuff we do and he was teaching me how we empower Devils we find out what the persons involved in and we go oh so then we pray we have a louder voice cuz we're intimidated and we're empowering it we're telling it it's big and bad and awesome and if I don't pray loud and hard and right and Jesus doesn't come like a fire and flame this thing ain't ballon in the name of Jesus and it's going you're scared of me I just didn't do nothing that lady's laying there she was a Shiite Muslim that's a five percent of radical Muslim 20 years old grown in that faith she believes if if they kill you they got rewards forever cuz you ain't one of them into some and she came to a service and listened to me preached and came up and said I didn't catch her language she said I want this Jesus and I just want more and more of him and I'm just thinking she was a hungry Christian saying I want more we want more right she wasn't saved she was Shiite Muslim and I said oh my goodness this girl just is hungry she's so smart so Holy Spirit would you come began to pray for her and she just kind of totally she's just laying on the floor I'm like well that was an easy target she's just a hungry girl so we went to pray for some other people and she went into this manifestation of just fixated staring at the ceiling like a wax figure I can't even explain the trauma and terror that was on her face I'd never seen in a movie actor the terror that was described on her face and I looked and obviously it's demonic you don't need it's not rocket science here you're looking in your life Holy Spirit do you just have this should I just keep praying for people she need me involved with the woods what are we doing he said the spirit that has bound her her whole life is beholding the face of the Son of God [Applause] and I looked and if in a millisecond I saw that's why the terror was on her face they fear Him that night changed my life it was so dramatic I cried for three days I'm not exaggerating I cried for three days and couldn't talk about it for three days it was that was 20 years ago and it still makes me want to cry when I talk about it because it did something to me it taught me the fear is frivolous and unfounded the fear has nothing to do with truth that thing was traumatized by Jesus like like it was no match for him because shortly after see God's prepare me because I'm in the middle of a lot of stuff and I saw some demon stuff I was in a house where the flashlight was moving from the counter to the table in the air and that's a freak out for people and but you don't know how to fear when you see that I mean this don't hear this wrong when when Holy Spirit said the the spirit is bound her whole life is beholding the face of the Son of God I can't even tell you what flooded me like people say well he was strapped on the platform I wasn't even thinking about strutting I just know I was just like I'm van Barney banyan barnyard banty rooster I'm like you ain't beatin me I don't care if I look little this one that's with me is big and amazing and bad the the confidence and the courage and you get this little as a human being filled with the spirit you get this little glimmer of what God must sit in like he's amazing be God he breathes into dirt and a man stands to his feet [Applause] four days dead the whole Jewish heritage is sure the spirits gone from the body so he waits an extra day Lazarus come forth and he comes out in the grave clothes the Spirit is going terrified it affected me it did this to me I remember in the flashlight thing you say honey the only reason he comes out of the grass and goes boo is cuz you go oh the devil's the snake in the grass the only reason he goes boo is because we go did you ever sneak up on somebody and scare somebody I don't know why it's such a riot why you love it so much right but we've all done and you know when the hell people and you get behind something and you're oh I've done it to my wife so many times it is hilarious and I don't know why it must be sin in my life oh gee she'll be sitting there and and I'll slip up on her I'm right behind her and I don't say a word and she'll turn it off or I'll just stay calm and say oh did I scare you do you know you scared me I said oh sorry can't tell you I didn't mean to I'd be lying but isn't it fun so it's like you he once he gets momentum he's just all of a sudden you're seeing objects in the dark all of a sudden you've seen a manifestation on your wall I was in a house where they saw bugs crawling all over the walls big bugs like sci-fi bugs because they were freaking out I was in a I was in a house where the crib toys in the baby's crib while she was in there we're all floating in the air do you hear that whoa whoa and you just smile when you look at them and say it's a silly magic trick it's a spirit you just can't seem I walked over the flashlight I said honey here's all that took place let me show you there's one difference you see me you didn't see it has no right in your home stop fearing it it's a cut off withering branch coming nothing's trying to freak you out through a simple phenomenon the fact is demons are real that's not put them on a platform see what happens when you put somebody on platform they manifest so you don't put them on a platform they're cut off withering branches coming to nothing but they're not like lions without teeth Devils can hurt you when you don't know who you are and know who God is people say well he's the devil or he's the devil and he's like a lion but he ain't got no teeth no he has destroyed lots of people not honoring him just saying don't be deceived but that's how he gets in through fear that's how he gets in through phenomenon he gets I don't even how I get on this topic he that's how he gets in he tries to wow you with the mysterious of an elephant and then we're so the movies yeah I notice on your door creaks at night or you hear footsteps walking your heart's pounding why don't you like Jesus I'm so glad you're here [Applause] serious if you're tempted to be scared to sit up and don't let the devil know it he can't discern your heart he just deserves your words and your he can't discern he doesn't know what your minds thinking God does sit up in your bed and your hearts pound and you're thinking oh my gosh that's an evil spirit Holy Spirit I so welcome you here I heard you walking across the floor man ha I knew you lived in me and dwelt among me but this is cool did you come for me to pray to to minister to me to talk with me Holy Spirit I welcome you and the devil that sneaking around your house trying to figure out is going I'd better leave cuz Holy Spirit's here I've had countless people I've had countless people call me and say can you pray for me the devil was so messing with me at night and keeping me up he's wrecking my life I got insomnia and it's straight-up demonic like I hear noises my cover's pulled back and nobody's in the room da da da da da and I'm like oh my goodness every time you wake up don't be like oh here I go again I'm gonna be no good for work in the morning oh it's happening again God God please God please God that I've not seen anybody get help doing that you sit up in your bed and you say father I'm so glad you woke me tonight and that imp is gone huh they think it was God how am I gonna explain this to the boss you just end up in your bed father I just thank you for awaking me man you know I got work in the morning but if you took the time to wake me right now and you want me to pray to the four corners of the earth and intercede and prophesy over the world I'm ready man because I know your grace is sufficient in the morning when I need to get to work I'll be fine I'll have the best day ever I am excited to colabor with you and be awake you can wake me up tomorrow you can wake me up in two hours if you want my life is yours I love you King Jesus that little the Simon in your room is going I think our cover is blown this guy's on to something so that he runs back to the boss and the boss is standing there did you get him all worked up and afraid I mean they were really going out at worshiping they sat under Todd and Dan all weekend we need to make sure that truth never takes a hold because good I'm trouble if they start believing what those knuckleheads are preaching so listen did you freak them out good boss I'm telling you boss you're gonna believe what happened you ain't gonna believe it like I did everything you told me to do they set up in there and started talking to God and thanking God that he woke them up you fool you didn't do what I said when you do those things to Christians they get scared afraid and call for prayer not this Christian boss I think they're a believer I think I think they have a relationship with God I think they know see see he comes to break you and he's sure he can because honestly he thinks he has you figured out he doesn't think you love God he thinks you need God and there's a big difference between the two he don't think you love God he thinks you just need God for the well-being of your life instead of love God at the cost of your life so he only works with what you give him so he's out to determine what you have to give so he roams around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour Paul said we don't get naive and not understand his devices we are aware of his devices and we give him no place jesus said the ruler of this world cometh and has nothing in me why all he thought about was the kingdom God and us selfless know where to land now if Jesus said he comes and has nothing in the end that same jesus said follow me and as I am so shall you be in this world and I'm the firstborn among many brother and you're predestined to be conformed to my image hell I bet he's talking to us when he says that so I guess the enemy only works with what you give me and I bet he only messes with what you don't understand so I bet were destroyed for the lack of knowledge not the will or administrative decision of God I bet get our understanding stop destruction are you a thing just some simple good stuff to keep the light shining cuz let your light so shine before men you hear the honor of this you're the roster of heaven God has invited you on his team through the shed blood of his son and filled you with the very spirit that raised Christ from the dead and you think we're gonna sit around and have people issues well he said well I don't feel what they don't appreciate me if you're doing that you haven't really looked at what matters most and you're letting other things matter more let's go back to this I got about 20 minutes you guys good okay I work it on that little demonic thing that helps somebody out this far I don't even know how we got there I was halfway through and you don't even under it looks like I know what I'm doing I don't have a clue so my mind was going where are we made a God how did we get here why am i telling these stories whoa Mayday Mayday I don't even know what's going on so I just have to trust that when the smoke clears we did okay but fear is a wretched thing man Joe don't you give him any place don't give him an inch you take a mile he's a cut off withering branch coming to nothing Todd touched on it yesterday he he said this yesterday but listen let me just expound on what he said because he touched it he said Satan's frustrated angry but what he loves to do there's this war on the earth God is wanting to reproduce after his own kind the devil says okay I see the plan how about if I get involved and reproduce after my own kind so he comes into the garden of paradise and God's delight where men have dominion and God gave it to man don't think Satan isn't jealous and hateful and angry he was an archangel that felt there was pride in his heart he said I'll rise to the highest place I'll sit on the highest throne and I will be God shouldn't have said that so now he's just walking to and fro walking to and fro he has no abiding place he has no home he's cast down from his created purpose now God makes man after his own image Satan comes immediately into the garden because he comes immediately for the words sake he doesn't come for your sake he's not here to give you a tough day for us where the devil's been picking on me are you kidding me he could care less about you if it wasn't for the kingdom he flick us like a bug he's coming for the kingdom he's coming to stop your potential your purpose he's coming to stop the kingdom in your life if you take adversity personal you're making a big mistake you're just proving it's all about you and all of a sudden the gospel gets reduced to a survival kid or a beneficial message to help me get through my life instead of manifest him in my life and now we're deceived but we do great Church and we love him sincerely but we missed the point of why he came and it's all about him blessing us instead of transforming and empowering us in the midst of all these things are you with me come on man Jesus is intense you know what Jesus says oh I read this stuff I think it's in that book right over there stuff like this unless you love less your mother and your father your spouse your children your houses your land and yes even your own life unless you love less that list which most people get saved for the preservation of that list unless you love that list less than me you'll by no means be my disciple which means my wholehearted follower a disciplined learner of all that I've said if you let anything on that list matter more than live in the kingdom you will never fulfill why you're here and why I'm in you you can go to church you can serve in ministry you can see your need for forgiveness you can see the need for the cross but you will never fulfill why I'm in you if you let anything on the list matter more than why you're alive in the kingdom that's how Jesus talked they came to him and he called him on it he said the only reason you're here is because I fed you yesterday you're not here because of what I'm saying you're here because of the handout I gave you but listen to what I'm saying and he called him into discipleship and talk to him about eating of his flesh and drinking of his blood they said this is a hard saying and they said forget the meal dude we'll find grubs or something how this is tough man and they all left they came for what they could get from him and that's preached so much today that's why you have a lot of hurting frustrated people that go to church and if a lot of them were honest they're even mad at God because he didn't and I prayed and he an outcome well we're just not talking right now and you reveal you never had a covenant with him in the first place you never had a relationship you had a genie in a bottle you had a wish list and you had a motive that is detrimental to your life and Satan loves that stuff he only plays with what you give him the kingdom of God is if a man scatters seed Matthew for the power of all parables it says how will you understand any if you don't understand this one and he talks about the power ball of the sower in the ground of the heart and he says Satan immediately comes for the words sake it doesn't say to give you a rough day in a hard time he comes to steal the word out of your life so it never becomes life so you have to make sure you're a Matthew seven wise man that hears in obeys and becomes so when the storm comes and beats Fahim utley on the house not the individual what's the storms intention tear down everything that's being built has nothing to do with the person inside but because that guy dug deep and put his house firm upon the rock the house stood what's the intention of the storm to destroy the house what was being built in God get him to change their mind stop believing what they were believing stop growing in what they were growing in back up draw back certain destruction instead of move forward believing saving of the soul see bruise 10 it's in there I read this book it's amazing what's in here I don't know about you but that's just good stuff when you're preaching it you can tell cuz your insides are like really and then when things come you automatically respond because you live in this thing you believe this thing you've prayed this you've accept the dish and you've laid down your life and you love not your own life unto death and you wake up every morning and understand that nobody owes you a thing even your spouse and that positions you to love and not be disappointed frustrated hurt and failed expectations you know what made Jesus so amazing people say because he was Jesus cuz he was loved you know what's so incredible about God cuz he can move mountains he's all-powerful mighty in all that he is with all his omnipotence and all that stuff he could be evil and wicked but he's loved but the Bible says what makes us want him so much is because we see his first love it's not because we see he's one bad dude that was from the beginning whatever that means he just always was what that's enough to stir men in their popular opinion of unbelief well who made God well where God come from well he knew they were gonna eat the tree why'd he put the tree in there in the first place and then boast in their foolishness they wouldn't be able to think that way if Adam didn't eat the tree that thing wouldn't even be on the earth that kind of reasoning God did not put that in men's minds the devil did when he tricked Eve and Adam followed Eve God never gave you the gift to think long enough to talk yourself out of him people say well I'm just analytical stop boasting in the devil analytical's not a gift [Applause] well I'm just a very analytical person I'm a thinker okay what are you trying to say you make simple things complicated so you can't believe let's talk about it I'm not just talking about intellect I'm not talking about IQ I'm gonna talk about smarts I'm not talking about knowing geometry and trigonometry and acing math I'm not saying that's not God that's awesome analytical is this did God really say the day you eat the tree is the day you'll die oh yes God said if we eat the tree even if we touch it look you're not gonna die look God knows that the day you eat that tree you'll be like him they already were so there's a couple of tricks here trying to get her to do something to be what she already is and trying to trick her into knowing the heart of God that he's holding out something and there's more that he didn't give and if she does this so he made a simple truth perplexing deceived her and she followed guess what happened he made a disciple he got her to believe what he was saying to the point that she acted on it and then her husband came along and God said because the Bible says an Adam who is with her in the garden so people think that when the snake was talking to Eve he was standing right there that's not the implication because God said because you heeded the voice of your wife he didn't say because you listened to the snake when it was talking to your wife he said because you heeded the voice of your wife what happened she became a disciple of what she was deceived by and passed that same message onto her husband her husband took that message and believed and committed high treason and went against everything he knew personally in the Lord and chose to follow her instead of him and he didn't just sin he took on the nature of God's enemy and seyton reproduced himself after his own kind and all the sudden man was separated from God like he was man was selfish like he was man was living at the expense of each other like he was man was frustrated angry like he was the only difference is we have roots in God and we were made for His image and God doesn't change his mind because love never fails and he had a plan to redeem man and somehow somehow we turned that into a bless me God meet my needs fill my vats and barns and take me to heaven when I die instead of get me back to this glorious truth where I'm gonna push away the tree and the snake and I'm gonna follow you and love not my own life unto death and pick up my cross and be a Christ like Christian yeah all I'm preaching to you is the gospel and this might sound self-righteous to some that are looking to be critical but I'm convinced to this in my heart nothing else is the gospel you say well the Gospels in Corinthians chapter 15 how God sent his son and he died and rose again yeah but why don't stop there don't turn it into an Easter story don't just turn it into God's plan for heaven for you how about heaven in you how about Christ in you Christ in you is different than Christ for you we've been trained to come to services for what he could do for us instead of how he can make us more like him let me tell you what happened in the beginning you got you got the the earthers is void and without form you got chaos the word is chaos and Holy Spirit is hovering over the waters and God begins to speak right and things take form what happened to man when he ate the tree before God breathed into him he formed man in the dust he was just a picture of the heart of God he was just a picture in the heart of God he formed him but when God was man became a living being when man sinned he died and became a form of what he was created to be a barely seen recollection image of what he was intended like he was back to chaos Holy Spirit is waiting to come upon you you go into the waters and get baptized guess who's hovering over the water waiting for you to come out oh I'm just telling you he's Holy Spirit Midwife and he likes that when I call him that he's the one that gave me that term in my bedroom he said Dan unlike a midwife I I bring the delivery of that baby out of that water I take that baby and I present it to father and say look father another brand-new baby boy and he beautiful hovering over the world why because when you're in the water you're dying to everything you've ever been you're dying to the lie you're dying to the image of the enemy so you can step into the image of God you're putting off the old things and putting on the new things Jesus renewed in knowledge according to the image of him who created me he paid for that restoration nothing else is the gospel just a version he's not here to make sure your bills are paid even though he cares about your bills he's here to make sure you shine and he's faithful so let's make sure we live by faith you see Satan's the only one angry here's no chance of redemption his time is set come on learn from your Bible Jesus is walking the earth in a man's body these Devils are so used to taking out prophets causing them to fall they're not really threatened by Samson cuz he's got a weakness man you put a pretty girl in front of him he's gonna jump in bed with her I'm just telling you they play on this stuff all through the Bible they come to Jesus thinking hey they took one look at Jesus it's not just the profit pile we know you from the beginning we know who you are they're like are you here to torment us before our time look they don't even have a plan they're just you're amazing your lord we must stop following that knucklehead and we're all done and we must be pretty close cuz here you are ain't that something when that Legion that's a legion man you think I could say I'll tell you what you come in from the left we'll split up I'll come in on the right you guys get behind front we get on all fours we might be able to take him we're talking about the Lord don't you have to understand people he wasn't making a plea bargain with the devil he sent him into the swine which was forbidden and cursed and all the swine ran and fell into the sea guess where all them spirits went outta here baby he didn't make a plea bargain he wasn't like all you asked me nice I'll just let you go into the swine no he was disgracing he was saying where there belong there they're cursed they're under the law they're in an Old Covenant he sent them into the swine guys the Israelites wouldn't even go near that group of hogs let alone fry up their bacon forbidden cursed that's a pagan thing pigs pagan guess where he sent him right where they belong you're cursed did they have any power to stop him were they pleading with him they're petrified of him they see him as a man on the earth realize it's the Lord in a man's body fall to the ground and say are you here to torment us so what do they know that torment is in the future for the rest of time so guess what they love the best the best satisfaction they can get is when a person made in the simultaneity when a person made in the simultaneous tration unforgiveness rightness jealousy pride none of these things were from the beginning they became when man ate the fruit of that tree God didn't make you the way we grew up Adam did that God made you for His image and Jesus paid to get you back so the Bible says put off these things in in in in classes 3 it says put to death your members which are on the earth what's he saying kill your life as you know it because there's new life waiting and how can I pour new wine into an old wineskin the wine skin will burst and the new wine will spill out God become a new wineskin contain a new line yeah yeah not conformed to the world transformed by the renewing of your mind you know what that means thinking like you never fought before or where do I get new thoughts probably new life probably the truth and he has a name in it awesome that God didn't come and preach at us he put the word in a body and he dwelt among us and we beheld him in grace and truth and that same word said hey you've been mine from the beginning I'm paying the price to let you in how about coming and following me see we love when he we watched the videos in the movies and he runs up to Peter and John and follow me and and and James and Andrew follow me and then he goes to the tax collector on the visual Bible Matthew and he says follow me Matthew this is so awesome isn't that what he's saying to all of us leave your life as you've known it and follow me that has nothing to do with asking Jesus into your heart praying a prayer to make sure if you get in an accident on the way home you're covered how's the world gonna profit by self intention we're getting saved so we don't go to hell but we're still mad at our spouse and boss and kids and we sing amazing and we wave two flags because we're spiritual minded but we're so discouraged on our job we can't get out of bed because we're mad and wondering why God keeps me in that hell hole if he loves me so for a season I put down one of the flags [Applause] I'm doing Jesus God's good come on we can live this gospel [Applause] [Music] thank you that's awesome we just saw honor you God right the Word of God yeah it should bring us to our feet listen I'm gonna pray over you guys quick but the reason we teach like this are the power and love we're interested in God flowing out of you in a very real natural consistent way right if you're hung up with issues and struggles and stuff there's always something trying to turn down the light if you're struggling with anything we talked about today you're not even seeing the people around you you're trying to pray through your stuff right yeah so we're gonna pray for y'all miss Maggie I got to do this I don't mean embarrass you I just saw your face a couple times I just will pray with you stretch your hands and Miss Maggie I know Maggie I'm aware of something and I just want to pray for her give me like two ladies that are faithful they want to come and stand behind Miss Maggie and just not to catch her she's not gonna fall just pray and believe that's good I don't need a whole pile that's good you girls can come that's your heart touch her in Jesus name just stretch your hands and just say be healed Maggie and Jesus name father thank you for holding us in her life God what an honor to lay hands on people knowing and believing that your life will flow and that everything you paid for shall surely come to pass thank you for Maggie's life thank you for your unfailing love behold Miss Maggie in Jesus name yeah every symptom you leave every seizure you stop lift your hands to heaven we're gonna pray father we just thank you for your grace in our lives we just thank you that you're doing a good thing keep us instructed God and put a fire and a hunger for your word in every one of our hearts father I'm asking that I know my buddy Todd will say Amen on this we're believing believe with me Todd on this we're believing that this room has a hunger for the word like they've never known like a whole new honor and a whole new value for the word that we actually see it as the voice of God the wisdom of God the instruction of God that it's not just theology and doctrine and and coffee table debate stuff it's the word of the Lord and we just thank you God and I'm praying for a literally like an impartation of a hunger and an honor and a desire for your word like we've never known and let us live that word in Jesus name father we thank you for it amen amen love you thank you [Applause] you
Channel: Todd White
Views: 95,706
Rating: 4.8808513 out of 5
Id: ZsvTdYd6TQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 42sec (5202 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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