Dan Mohler - The Love of the Father

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go ahead grab your seats we'll get rolling yeah right after this I'm gonna they're gonna run me right over I'm gonna catch a flight and head home I so appreciated beaten being here you know a lot of times you're in this position and people are like we so appreciate you thank you and people put you on YouTube and they're excited and thank you and I'll tell you four fellas like Todd and I on get to do what we get to do our payday and reward is you guys I don't know if you understand our paydays you guys when you see this much hunger you see people you get testimonies my marriage wouldn't be what it is if it wasn't for this revelation my life might is that's a payday Paul said you're my crown you're my joy yeah it's all about people never forget that it's all about people so thank you thanks for your hunger it's been amazing this was one of the I don't know if I could this feels like one of the clearest hungriest power loves like these guys wouldn't you say so you guys were facing really we're like we're ready to stand up and go yeah this is good so Joey nailed it man the whole father being good I just was say a couple things there's a lot of my heart I'm not even sure I'm really have no idea right now there's about ten different directions going in me but this father thing that Joey's touching is amazing and he couldn't have said it better he said so many of us are associating our own father experiences with our own fathers to father God and he and I felt the quiet not that it wasn't like woo or just quiet I just spiritually I felt a quiet in the room when he said it boldly he said guys were associating our own fathers with the Father's love and trying to find it that way and he said it's actually idolatry and you can actually feel a weird cry in the room like people are like oh huh cuz we just live so rational sometimes and we say well I never had a loving father so I just can't relate to the love of the father and there's no place scripturally that tells you that you should look for father's love through your earthly father it just makes sense to us because we call them both the same but you don't find the love of the fact you could find the love of the Father through your father if he was filled with the Spirit of God just like you could find the Father through your co-worker if he was filled with the spirit ago right but you find the father and the love of the father through the son through Jesus Christ you find God's love through Jesus and so many of us are trying to find love this way wouldn't you agree you got to make sure you put an end to that here's how Jesus handled it in matthew 23:9 he nailed this thing in matthew 23:9 he said call no man on earth your father the word father their means come forth from don't say you came forth from anyone when you came forth from him don't limit regulate identify your life simply through natural biological hereditary means your roots go back to the beginning to him where he said let us make man in our image that's pretty powerful so for a guy that grew up with an alcoholic daddy who's actually he'll be 77 here and he's doing good and he's born again through actually my salvation ain't that awesome so instead of being an angry son and my dad cost me my childhood and we don't have a lot of good memories of hanging out and I've lost my childhood because of alcoholism and because of my dad well that sounds like life why would you give one person that much power if it's not Jesus why would you rationalize and let a relationship that's supposed to be close that was and decide you at this point in your life now that wouldn't be truth or faith at all would it so my dad saw my life changed and he came to me crying on the porch one night and he said you are not the man that I watch grow up you're not the man I knew you're a totally different man my own dad said that you squeezing my arm crying he said for the first time in my life I heard him say something that I wasn't waiting for him to say I'm just ready to pray for my dad to say he loves me that's what the idolatry thing Joey's talking about what you're saying is the relationship you have here isn't fulfilling enough it isn't enough and you're only okay if your dad says the right thing I'm sorry I wish he said it I wish he just said it years ago but if he didn't don't let it matter more than the truth don't make yourself or somebody have to jump through a hoop for you to be okay when you're fulfilled in Christ it'll keep you insecure if you don't change that way of thinking somebody else will miss something along the way and all of a sudden you'll be lacking because of what somebody did or didn't don't live in weakness like that when you can live in strength my dad said this and it was awesome that I didn't fall on the porch like a wash rag and manifest it is it's awesome because he looked me in the eyes and he said son I'm so proud of you I'd never heard that come out of my dad ever he always would be drunk and tell me I'll never be nothing you're lazy what are you gonna do with your life well I was he saying that because he was so empty he had nothing hidden deep in his life he was so broken that all he could give was brokenness and if I'm insecure and I'm a young son that I need my dad to love me to be okay then I'm constantly trying to drink from a dry cup no wonder were so thirsty and then this one comes along and he says if you'd asked me for a drink I'd have given you a drink and it would be living water and if you would just drink one drink from me you will never ever be thirsty again you know what he's saying he's saying you'll find out your identity you'll find out your place you'll find out the truth stop looking into other cups when I'm the cup that gives life you've been drinking from a lot of cisterns come and take one drink from me and find out who you really are through who I am so when my dad said I'm so proud of you it didn't even make me cry except for him because I realized he had eyes to see all the sudden there was repentance and humility in his comments and I went oh my goodness this is amazing so I just took his shoulders and said that's awesome dad so what about you if you see that change in my life and you know it's the Lord then what about your life dad and he's just like we'll just backed him right up long story short my dad got saved through my salvation that sure beats being a hurt and angry son and him being a hard or regretful dad yeah sometimes I've seen this in my life I don't know who this is for this might not be for many in this room but it might be for somebody or it wouldn't be pressing on me sometimes I've seen people sincere years down the road and they they regret and they wish they didn't do the things they did but the people that they're sorry toward don't even give them a place for repentance because they hold on to what they failed in and and remember that they weren't there for them when they needed them and and they usually have a reason for not allowing repentance to flow where their life is concerned I'll say well I wish you were sorry five years ago well sorry might be a little late now huh the damage is already done well what's sari gonna change after all the pain you've caused I've seen people do that to people when they're broken inside and realized the sin of their life don't you do that to anybody cuz God never did that to you he never brought up some fleshy feelings about what your sin cost him he said welcome home kill the fatted calf put on your slippers here's a ring love you we probably ought to learn from him are you guys doing we probably ought to learn from him huh didn't he say that didn't he say if you're heavy laden if you're burdened if you're heavy laden coming to me I'm gonna give you rest and he say right to learn of me man Colonna no man earth on earth your father you have one father he's in heaven so your life's not happenstance you're here for a reason God's the author and giver of life there's a time to be born in here you are please just don't ever believe lies anymore lives of lives of insecurity lives of low esteem lives of well I don't fit in you fit in to him and in that place you'll find this don't try to find this to fit into him don't go to where it's happening without a secure identity you'll find your identity through what God's doing instead of who he is in you and now you're just a part of the flow now you're participating instead of becoming I'm telling you when the lights are out and you're laying in that bed and you might be the only one laying there you might not even be married or your spouse might be off to sleep laying there with a clear conscience knowing who you are and receiving father's love and be able to sing that thing we saw this morning there and just be with him is the most beautiful powerful place we've ever been given by the by the Lord nothing I can hardly ever say this without I push the tears back I don't need to boohoo on you but nothing in this planet compares to your ability to be with him it's the most precious place that God ever gave us that place where you're with him and no other place comes close to that place so don't look anywhere else look here so you can see everywhere else clearer see it's from here where you live it's from here where you see it's from here where things aren't scrambled and blurred and hazed it's from here this place where you find him and when you find him you see the real you in him we're gonna say it one more time and I'm just gonna trust that God would just graciously press this in our hearts nothing compares with your ability to be with him so be with him yeah yeah but brother you don't under yeah but every time be with him yeah your life will never change just listening to a sermon your life will never change just listening to a sermon that's true revelation your life will change when you take that and be with him knowing him is the transformation of your life let me tell what tell you what happens if you don't be with him and you sit under revelation in time the revelation will turn on you and your mind and you'll think I've sat under this I've been with this I've had hands laid on by this I've been here I've done this and my life's not changed I'll never get it if I didn't change by now why will I change something must be wrong with me and the whole time the only thing missing is you haven't truly just been with him and built this thing to where he's in you and you're in him and you got this thing going on that nobody could ever touch because you know him you've been with him it's not because you can talk about him it's not cuz you can quote scripture he's in you and you know him you have a piece that you can't even explain you really can't even put it into words your conscience is in a place that you didn't even know was possible before him and all of a sudden you have this secret place in God that is the most strongest foundation ever given unmovable unshakable yeah please be with him yeah you students how many students are still here you here okay as I'm coming back to be with you guys in two weeks and we'll probably really talk about some of this stuff in an intimate precious way you say do it now I'll have more time I'll got a lot of sessions so I'll be back with you guys in two weeks so uh Todd's little Briley was cuddling with me this morning and I told her I was flying out today and she started crying no don't do that she said but you weren't even here though I said sweetie honey I'm coming back in two weeks you will she's like she's so precious I said see it's all gonna work out good she said what are you gonna stay for more than two hours I said yes honey so I said give me a big hug cuz I'm leaving and she hugged me and she stopped crying see you in two weeks I'll be back when I got saved I opened my Bible I'm not a Bible guy I'm not like a Bible guy that goes to see where it opens I know people do that I'm not against it I don't I just sit in my relationship and ask him what's on his heart what's he saying to me okay good watch when I say be with him let me give you some practical you just walking through your house you're heading in the bathroom father your love for me is awesome I appreciate you so much Holy Spirit I am so excited you're in my life and don't just talk sometimes you stop and you just lift your hands as high as you can and there's nobody around Kenny's not leading and it's not even here it's you're just in the hall and your hands are as high as they can go and you say I love you so much I honor you I yield myself to you I give myself to your holy spirit thank you for molding me and shaping me to everything you desire and there's nobody around yeah you're just driving in your car thank you for fathering me thank you for giving me wisdom and leading me today thank you that you're in me with me you'll never leave me Lord I'll never be alone again oh my goodness I'll never be afraid again oh my goodness God I don't need one thing from a person today man if they give me something it'll be healthy cuz I don't even need it it'll be awesome Lord thank you for loving me this way you just drive I've done it so many times I you check in the mirrors and traffic you're on a highway you're cruising in your glance in the mirror and you you just have it set to where all the sudden you catch your own eye when you look in there and I go oh yeah I see you see you and the Spirit of the Lord comes in that little toy Toyota Tacoma truck you wonder how he fits he comes in there and you're like hi more than see you I usually don't get this risky and talk about these things but I'm in front of folks cuz people think I'm like sometimes they say you seem goofy as what they say I say you've never seen me you've never seen me alone you've never seen me alone with God when nobody's looking right now I am far from goofy he will make you cry for a half hour and you don't even know what to do if you just take time with him turn things off shut things down stop being occupied stop saying you don't have time to be with him you have you have no time to not be with him because you have to build a relationship a revelation that he's in you and with you I don't always have time to just shut myself away so what I've built in my life is he's always here he's with me I can walk through this hall and I'll see you have people lead me somewhere and be so aware of him inside of me because we're friends he's in me it's that intimate I'm not saying this to judge where you're at I'm inviting you into something that you grow and develop come on hopefully when you met your spouse before you got married you got to know each other a little bit and then it led to wow I really dig this wow I think we ought to get married yeah I agree and now you really know each other and now you have a 5-year anniversary and when you look back you wow you know each other more why is it any different with the Lord come when I got neighbors around me if I can say I have neighbors I can learn their names I can know what color cars they drive I can number their children and I could stand here and tell you about my neighbors and tell you actually facts about them and actually freaks a little 15 minutes sermonette on my neighbor's but until I knock on the door and look them in the eyes and touch their hand and say hi I'm Dan and he says hi I'm David or hi I'm Ann I don't know um you can hang around Jesus the rest of your life and Miss knowing him and you can seek to be touched and you can seek to get a word and you can seek ministry and you can seek impartation right here man but until I'm with him I can't say I know him and knowing him is eternal life eternal life the experience of eternal life isn't a prayer you pray at the back of the tract it's snowing him are you okay okay I wasn't sure I was but I am right now I'm okay I'm just getting nervous about five minutes ago he was starting I was getting bedroom stuff starting to happen to me I was like Lord stop later but really you don't want him to stop you say stop just cause you're nervous just you don't want to manifest guys you're not looking for a feeling I've sat on my bed and just been overwhelmed by a revelation and I couldn't even move I just sit there and cry I've had countless words that pour out of my heart and you just know he's there there's times where he's ravaged me with his love there's you just want to be with him don't compare your experience to another man's you be with him you get heart knowing and it's a secret place it's intimacy it's behind the door come on hopefully you're not videoing you and your wife behind the door and sharing it with everybody as Christians that wouldn't be intimate there's things I've experienced the Lord I never talked about you know why because as soon as you start talking about and then everybody seeks a manifestation and talks about their manifestation not even talking about manifestations I'm talking about knowing him I'm totally being secure on the inside and knowing his love and never being afraid and being free from self-consciousness and insecurity a lot of people when you preach this Sivan leaders and pastors alike come on man you got to get real you're in la-la land no I'm in the kingdom see when leaders say come on man that's denial then they're just given themself away they don't live in that place so they can't preach about it because they can't even comprehend it so when you preach about it and you can't comprehend it your only defense is it can't be real I've said it for years I made are the most deceived man you ever met or I'm free it's gonna be one or the other in that day when he comes and everybody's gonna find out there's not gonna be a secret then so I guess we'll just wait for that day but till then I'll just keep my chip so I'm free and I'll just keep being with him because if I'm with him I always have something to give if I'm with him I'm not lacking any good thing oh my goodness thank you lord okay there's another side to this thing that I want you to see can you go to second Timothy this is just a real little quick hit thing just something that jumped out at me years ago and pressed my heart and I went wow I get it thank you God so you have to understand the reason we talk about self-centeredness so much it's such a lie in a trap like everybody that says boy life's really a grind life is tough boy life has its issues man boy life's a bleep life's a blank the only reason you believe that is because you're living in outside of why you're here you're trying to make it through life instead of become what he paid for in life so you're trying to live your life when you have that concept do you think Jesus had any of that inkling in him in the mornings when the Sun was rising no and he's gonna be thronged and people are rejecting him and people are backbiting and he's preaching and men are thinking other things why he's talking do you think he was ever like I just don't know if I even want to go out there today and face these people like life is really Lord this is really living in the flesh a body like wow I'd rather just be up there chasing Michael and Gabriel around on a chariot or something I don't like its kind of blood down here it's like but like could you just how do you do that Dorothy there's no place like home I don't think he was doing that at all when people think life is so tough they're living it outside of weather here god never promised you circumstances to go the way you're hoping but he promised to be in you and with you and flow through you if you'll believe see the goal in adversity isn't always the adversity stopping the goal and adversity is you looking like Jesus would if he was in your shoes yeah saggin I can tell when I preach I can perceive how people respond at large to something I said that one didn't didn't land yet the goal isn't the fire stopping because the fires never the issue Christ in you is always the issue the fires never the issue the reason we pray against adversity because we know adversity will move us and challenge us it's actually a sign that we fear adversity that's why we have very little authority in the midst of it a lot of times and that's why ultimately you can tell if men have been through adversity you see the passion in me do I hide it well or is it there do you know where it's from usually adversity going through the fire and having your own story so you don't have to read shadrach anymore you've learned do you see a smell of smoke do you see anything singed or burned yeah are you getting this look can you tell my dad was an alcoholic can you tell I was touched wrong can you tell my mom died at an early age from sickness for 40 years can you tell my son was in drug addiction and my daughter made a bad mistake can you tell that my wife was in a coma with brain damage and about today can you do you see any of that you know why you're not supposed to ever because none of those things have anything to do with my story who he is and why I'm here shining in the face of adversity is why you're here walking through it like he walks through things is why you're here you're not in some spirits around where you're above the earth in the clouds and nothing's coming to be used to see my joy back in the early days of my life and say brother I can't wait til I get where you're at and I'm like where is that what are you at what are you referring to where is that well to where you just got this grip on God where everything's just going so great and smooth like so they're thinking I had joy because all my ducks were in a row your ducks are never in a row look I don't have to be a negative false prophet for this when I'm just gonna make a comment you're ducks are never in a row they aren't gonna be in a row I'm talking about your design you wishing everything would be a certain way can be a trap to you because then you're only as good as that wish is unfolding it's not the point the point is you wake up in him and look like him in the midst of life then you have the attitude that he carries the perspective that he carries the motives still pray pray against storms pray against things believe you don't get laid off I'm not against all that but don't let it become the reason you're alive is to pray for things to go your way that's why discouraged Christians attend church cuz that's what they're doing I'm not sure you are getting this it's my last day this is a this is the only time I've felt this in the room this good that we're right on track because I don't want to leave it this thing's here we're not asking for adversity we're not picking a fight we're not saying oh great my house burned down Wow God's really moving count it all joy when you're throwing burn dude he's not talking about that he thought about knowing your life is more than the house that burnt down then you're not gonna live as a person that's a victim of circumstance and you're not just broken and shattered and what am I gonna do and how are we gonna know God I don't know what's going on how that happened but I know you're good and you're gonna and father I just and all of a sudden somebody meets you and you're shopping and gathering some things while you're staying over wherever and the person you're talking to in the owl has no idea your house burned down why because it is not the story of your day he is Lord he is in you and he is life those events about your house burning down and all the sudden you've got nothing to give because your house burned down low sudden it changes everything you say you believe because of a circumstance and I'm telling you if the devil ever sniffs that out and now your life is like dominoes and next thing you know go why is God letting all this happened to me he's not your position for it change your perspective sometimes stuff just happens you know sometimes you just you sometimes things happen there people sometimes somebody just falls down a step any crackabone hey devil he pushed me and knocked me to understand I parked my truck in front of church to lead a prayer meeting at spiritual I'm calling intercession I'm working for the Lord I pulled my cherry red little pretty little truck that I just bought in front of church I was rushing a little I was late you know us pastors I was on the phone probably and I rushed in and I turned on some music got a little atmosphere going I ran back out to park my truck and it wasn't there I said oh no I said lord please I thought a teenager somebody on drugs somebody jumped in and took off you know like just said oh man what a set about turning this in him for money out buyers I just I just thought something happened like that like I just said oh no Lord please God don't let somebody get get in in more trouble though and I'm like and I looked and I went at the bottom of the hill there was this big white quartz rock that they dug out of the property foundation when they built the place and they set it at the corner of the property is huge quartz rock there's my little red truck planted firmly on the rock there's a nursery right across the street there's a busy street right beside the rock I stood there and I wept and I said oh my goodness I must I didn't kick it in I I didn't pull the brake up the whole way and when I get out I hit it into neutral and when I hurried I pulled the brake I didn't pull it up it didn't grab I just haste was hurry you you say well that devil must have got in there and took the parking brake off I think the devil's impressed with how much credit we give him for so much stuff he's like well the devil made me do it they didn't make you do nothing so I'm standing there weeping and I said oh my goodness Lord you're so good so I said it came right on my heart because I have a perspective that he's burned in me is if you think I'm gonna get sad because my truck wrecked into a rock you have no idea who the Jesus is inside of me like you don't know him like this is not the story of my day this is not a headline it's a simple accident that's easy taken care of life's the same in God nothing's changed people matter way more little inconvenience probably rental car yeah maybe insurance haggles possibly they need Jesus too don't ever be mean to solicitors they're under pressure too man they got to make so many phone stop being mean to solicitors treating them like they're the enemy I mean it made a guy called my house sometime I answered the phone I'm thinking oh man and he was selling security systems I said man listen but I'm sure you got a good product but I got the best you want to hear about it and I just talked to him about Jesus and covenant so he might don't even lock my doors now see I tell that it's on the internet so people find my address and come and check I'll come in my house and somebody be in there angels will get you somebody's gonna get you prayer meeting truck rolls downhill I said father thank you for being so good thank you for your grace in my life you took what could have been a tragedy and you kept it simply a truck oh my goodness you're good and I raised my hand side and I said I thank you that nothing can be stolen from a child of God and I went in and I led prayer and we had an awesome time every time it would slow down or little shift or a break would come this lady was inching towards the front she's not wanting to disturb but she's trying to get my attention and I said I said do you have someone your heart I thought she wanted to pray she said I don't know if you even know she's just precious I don't know thing I said are you gonna tell me about my truck she said you mean you know cuz she's thinking Oh bless his heart look how passionate he's praying look how into Jesus he is look how he's doing what he's supposed to be doing and doesn't even know his truck is red [Music] [Applause] so so I said you mean you're talking about Patek she said I said I know she said you mean you know I said yeah honey that happened way before anybody came Oh insurance guy calls me this was back this was like year 2000 Jordans company calls me I just bought the truck it was a two years old paid ninety two hundred dollars for two years old cash paid for it was paid for it was cherry red big rock planted I walked down to my truck I looked at it I went home when I got my next truck I just left it rolled down the hill to see how fast my truck was going it was going about 35 when it hit that big quartz raw it was definitely a boo-boo I walked down I'm not kidding yeah I smiled I didn't get to know her well the truck you know I didn't have it that long but I patted her on her bumped up head I said hey girl I know you've heard me about being founded on the rock this has nothing to do with what I was talking about and I walked back into the church and led prayer insurance guy called me he said hey Dan I'm your adjuster okay hey bud look I just want to be honest with you I'm thinking okay that would be good it's the same they have to qualify that huh I just want to be honest with you because there's a lot of times I'm not he's I just want to be honest with you he said when I do my adjusting I do it in uprightness he said and I don't care what books say and Blue Book and the value that I get when I adjust is the value I give that's it okay is that good news he said well I realize you paid ninety two hundred for your truck but I've did an estimate on this truck three times and I'm getting 10 3 every time I do it he said so we're gonna write you a check for 10,000 3 because it's totaled so I drove the truck for 9 months it rolled down a hill and I made $1,100 [Applause] watch be real be real that does not happen with insurance that does not happen with depreciation it does not happen watch it happens in the kingdom watch don't miss this it happens in the kingdom when you've lost your ability to complain and think for yourself as soon as you're inconvenienced you won't find that grace as soon as complaint comes out of your mouth you've stopped that thing because God won't empower you to stay there with blessing are you with me I can tell you so many stories like this where God just goes because you don't know how to complain yeah the reason it's so awesome to not live for yourself be a Christian for yourself or think for yourself is because then you really truly can think for the kingdom and then your life begins to be an example for others without you thinking about it because it's not what you're trying to do it's who you've become so you're never under pressure to perform I don't know one time in my life where I thought about writing a testimony on someone's heart or being an example it's not in my thinking you just live in him and that is an example Joey so humbly introduced to me I'm like feeling a little uncomfortable even he didn't say a thing wrong he's just being honest he said I think this guy epitomizes and to me he's been such a role model I never once thought about that other than I know I'm called to that so being in him and my relationship with him is what produces that I'm not thinking okay Joey's young he's learning he's growing I want to make sure I send all the right messages when I'm with him that's plastic that's weird if you get in a car wreck and you're sitting in the car going okay okay I can't be shook up man Todd shittest car that just money I heard dance on YouTube example it's okay it's only a car slowly car slowly Alexis so the Alexis it's well the Alexis Alexis it's only Alexis hi everybody that will not go well nobody will probably be very impacted if you try to apply the last three sermons you heard on the topic of the finger in the middle of you're probably a little late a long time ago I was in my bedroom I walked in my bedroom I hope my Baba was praying to the Lord and he just froze me right in the middle of my bedroom and spoke so clear to me he said dan I don't ever want you I was six months old the Lord maybe I don't know he said I don't ever want you to live Crossroads Christianity I said the Lord I don't know that I ever heard pastor preach that sermon I might have to look for the tape because when I got saved there was tapes cassette tapes they spun and sometimes they get sucked in and the thing would eat the tape and you pull it out and it'll go and it was like the best tape and you're sitting there and then we get crinkled and bent and you'd play it no go win good that is the greatest worst report it would always crinkle at the best like whoa you think it's an Angels know your tape has been remembered cassette tapes they said I don't want you to live in Crossroads Christianity ads I don't even know the sermon Lord I don't even know what to say he said to where you have Forks in the road and options he said it's where most my people that are sincere live he said my people it's where they mostly live they try to apply the message in the moment instead of become the message in me to where they don't see a fork in the road they don't have to stop look and listen when there's no cross around ok ok gotta calm down I shouldn't be so angry right now who knows if you're in that place it's good that you realize it and there's change for you right but don't call that the place there's a place where it just doesn't you don't think it what they said doesn't rub you wrong anymore why they used to get on your nerves now you have new nerves they didn't change you have new nerves they used to get under your skin they don't even get under your skin anymore they're not really any different than they used to be you just have new skin he said anything else is crossroads christianity had stopped look and listen make a decision in the moment instead of become the answer in him in the secret place if you get in a serious car wreck there's no way possible to control your disposition your heart beating your vitals but it's amazing what you can be in him if you pray about that kind of stuff and always want to be an example I won't get into some of those stories right now what I'm saying is you'll become a model and an example to others without trying and that's actually freedom and grace are you guys okay with that okay so let me show you what where Paul's heart is on this this grab me one is just a little tiny bit and and and and he doesn't say anything about love or anything here but if you see this I don't know if you can see this yeah can you see the clothes people can see that that's green can you see that screen everything in my Bible green is love the love of God I could just read I could just have a green fest I could just green I could just read green it's just awesome I colored this green there's a reason because I saw Paul's love for God and people in what he said and because I have this little color code Holy Spirit's going and I'm like green and it's right there it's still green in fact I know this sounds corny but this thing says the same thing it said the first time I read it God hasn't changed there's no turning or shifting of shadow I know that sounds corny but how much have we changed in the moment but when you open the book it's the same we've changed he's the same I bet there's a place to grow in him well you're not shifting with the moment where somebody says hey how you doing man oh man just keep me in prayer dude I mean I'm getting through I'm hanging in there but it's been tough I mean well I don't have time to tell you all that's going on but just pray for me man but thanks for asking is that a common answer what are we giving away that we're only doing as good as it's going we're a little perplexed and our lights not very bright because we're more focused on how it's been instead of who he is in me are you with me come on that's not too harsh that's that's just loving-kindness because most of the time we share our biggest challenges when we're asked how we're doing and keep us in prayer and then you got preachers that will do this and I'm not down talking preachers I've just heard preachers do this and I couldn't disagree more I think you're setting this up for not living in grace we we say and those people in the church like we'll say how many you you were really really angry this week and people all raised their hands the pastor raised his hand and he'll say and those of you that didn't raise your hand we have an auto call for every liar at the end of the survey and what they're doing is saying hey we are the way we are that's just face it he loves us in the midst of us and there ain't no thing you can do about it cuz it's the way we are and then they'll say stuff like this look if you have one of them brothers in your church and every time you say how you do man used to say I'm doing great man hey I'm good man hey I'm doing awesome in Jesus you be careful about that brother and if you really love that brother what you need to do is you need to wait to you and him or just alone you pull him aside you get him in a room and you look at meanne eyes and you say okay brother listen it's just you and me how are you really doing and what they're suggesting is that nobody can be okay for any consistent time because we all have our issues yeah Todd says it I've heard him say it I've done the same thing we've given our lifetime subscription to issues up we we stop paying that we've canceled our life science time subscription to issues just don't have them look you don't have them look when my children ran wild not because I was a hypocrite bad they weren't mad at dad they weren't like what dad preaches one thing and says another it had nothing to do with that it had to do with them working out their own lives and even a little pressured by me thinking you're thinking they should be what I am and they just let lies come that was a season my own children didn't want to talk to me and wouldn't let me hug him so I just hugged everybody else's child and you would have never known that was going on why because your kids have no less value than mine they all cost the same I'm not gonna covet my own family I will not make my children greater than your children that's bias impartial God's not that way most parents have no clue what I'm talking about and think that's denial you're gonna tell me your children are more important than anybody else's children so I just hug everybody's kids I'll hold your baby I'll start thinking it's mine I'll walk out with it maybe don't don't give me your baby I'm so close to stealing somebody's baby man it's great cuz my kids just started giving me grandkids right now and it's an issue so no it can't be an issue I gave up my subscription I will hold your baby I tell people don't give my wife your baby she will break the law I will visit her in prison she doesn't want to hurt your baby she just wants to love it but I will have to visit her in prison don't give my wife your baby she will sneak away it comes on me every time I hold somebody's baby this thing run Lord no run I'm just having fun you know why I'm having fun and we're laughing no surgery is right around the corner we just got the last gift God's like break it open your chest you don't even know what's happening cuz watch this you won't be able to see it's really must be coming serious here because we're really laughing I don't even know what's happening right now I got 18 minutes to endure this thing goodbye I don't owe in door yeah I'm back I'm back second Timothy check this out check this out Wow second Timothy that's well the trap I wanted to go to verse one but it starts with her therefore so I'm gonna back up so we know what it's there for no it's true I never preached the Bible in her therefore you'll do injustice to scripture sometimes the reason he said therefore he's saying in light of what I just said so if you preach it her therefore and don't know what he just said you might miss read the context very dangerous the things we call cops on the earth the little movements we call cults if you read their pamphlets that convert people all they've done strategically demonically is take five verses out of context piece them together and make them a statement and if you aren't founded in the word you'll read that and go oh my goodness because it all goes together but it's from five different places and when you read it in its context it doesn't say what they're using it to say but I spend time in the word so when they knocked on my door finally I so wanted him knock my door because I never had anything to give him they would knock on my door and I'd open up and be mean and say look I got my beliefs yeah belief in myself and don't even believe in myself I don't know what I believe I'd say hey I got my beliefs boom slammed the door on so I'm safe for like almost two years and they never knocked on my door and I'm like why and you know you get them little thoughts you think it's the devil keeping them from knocking on my door because I wanted him to I thought God you could let him knock on my door because I didn't want to correct him I wanted to love him so one day they knocked on my door you take the pamphlet and you say you have a pen you took this out of here but this is what it says right above it right below it so it doesn't really say that and you pieced it with this and this is actually what it says right after that and by the time you're done them young guys are shaking and wondering if they even know what they believe and then you look at him real sincere and say please don't knock on another door in this neighborhood when you're not even sure what you believe right now yeah but if you don't know the word you just buy into everything that somebody's saying and when you read it it makes sense to your head and you know wha let's just jump in at the end of chapter one for second Timothy chapter 1 verse 13 hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me this is Paul talking it's beautiful in faith in love which are in Christ Jesus or in yea in Christ Jesus that that good thing which was committed to you that good thing keep by the holy spirit just talk about sound words the truth revelation understanding the way right and he's just he's just he's just kind of closing out here talking to him he says about arriving in verse 17 in Rome and he and he said you sought me out or he sought me out this fella he's talking about here I'm sorry I should have yeah however you say his name the Lord grant mercy to his household but when he arrived in in Rome he sought me out very zealously and he found me and the Lord grant to him that he may find mercy from the Lord in that day and you know very well how many ways he ministered me in Ephesus so he's just talking about a brother that was living this thing now he's talking to Timothy and the whole time anyway and he says you therefore my son now watch what he says be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus and the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses knit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also you see what Paul's saying he's saying I value this revelation and life changed so much this thing that happened to me when I was blind to get knocked off a horse and Ananias prayed for me and when I opened my eyes man did I see and for 14 years God fathered me and poured into me and now he's released me to do what I'm doing man I want you to be strong in this truth I want you to entrust his truth into other faithful men so this truth can cover the earth that's what he's saying don't miss this stuff don't read over it fast watch this so you be able so these men will be able to teach others also so when he says that verse 3 look what he says you therefore because you have this commission because this is God's goal in your life that he entrust you with a revelation it becomes yours and you give it to others so they become the same things you must therefore endure hardship he's saying if you're ever gonna do what I just asked you to do you can't be moved by trouble you can't turn inward you can't make it about your circumstances and what people are and aren't doing you must endure hardship or you'll never do what I'm asking you to do are you hearing this it's so powerful and he says as a good soldier of Jesus Christ then you're in an army you got a seek ye first the kingdom of God watch not even your well-being the kingdom of God your well beings already taken care of Todd said it yesterday he's never gonna die the fear of death should be the end and every Christian should be the end Hebrews 2 he's the captain of our salvation he has set us free from the fear of the bondage of death who all our life time we were held in bondage by come on and almost a hundred percent of the time we pray for people because we're afraid they're gonna die people become their diagnosis and cry out to God we reduced the Bible principals were hoping work you have no authority over what you fear zero you just shout principals with no authority you want to talk about using the Lord's name in vain it's using his name with no effect it's not swearing watch this you therefore Paul if you're gonna do what I just asked you to do and you're gonna live this thing and commit these things to faithful men who are able to teach also you have to endure hardship or the message could change get skewed start coming out of your pain start coming out of your deficit you little hurt little hurt get in your life and now there's a different edge on your message and now you're making a statement you're looking over here gone uh-huh tsunami people have used the authority of what's right here in front of me to be on a tangent and just try to settle the score and and express their pains their disgruntlement sand and get a strong amen I had some ladies in the church make up mistake one day they they read into something I said I don't even remember how it happened it was a long time ago and I don't really retain that stuff in detail it's it's the stuff you just let go I just remember walking in the back door of the church I'm loving on the kids hey hey and I'm ready to run No and and I looked up at the lady and I said hey girl how are you this morning she said don't you hate girl me Sunday morning children's church I'm faster you talk about getting caught off guard don't you hey girl me you and she starts accusing me of stuff and I'm like whoa whoa whoa honey I'm not even sure what's going on children everywhere it's just slide in the office it's right here we'll talk we'll get to the bottom of it oh yeah that's right push it in a corner just push it in a corner and I'm like honey I have no idea what's going on but for the sake of all would you please come in the office she come in the office here about three four ladies got talking on their telephones and one and applied something and the other suggested some and told to others and they said really no way whoa hmm nobody came to me nobody talked to me nobody said anything to me so I got in the office and I said I said okay could you please calm down and explain to me what's going on and what you're thinking and believing I said I said I know it wasn't I wasn't trying to jab her it just came out of my heart just to ask that I can see I'm already crucified I just would like to know why and when I said it her eyes went and looked at me not that it was a demon thing right there and she got free or anything she just went and realized oh my goodness I never even talked to you about nothing I've already accused you and she just began to cry and I said honey what's going on she said well my God's thinking and I was believing this you're believing right well now she's lagoon and I said honey who did you talk to you and who else well she named three ladies I picked up the phone I said let's call him right now I'm here we'll talk I'll talk so we just nipped it in the bud canned it right there yeah so now I go up to worship I wasn't preaching I was just in worship and I look over and she's standing over there and she's it's during worship and I'm just kind of looking around seeing who's all here checking I'm just looking around and she's looking right at me going during worship and I'm like so that night I was preaching and I preached and I went home and I went to bed and this was not my fault I woke up in the morning it's that it's in the top three of my experiences with the Lord in a person it's in my top three I'm gonna tell you my one of my top three I opened my eyes in the morning to wake up my little battery charger remember and I woke up in wasn't even daylight and he's laying on me like it felt face-to-face I can't even explain it I feel like the Lord is laying this is far for me on me and I can't even move and I can't even explain it and I went I felt like I was glued to the bed and this is what I kept hearing and people criticized this till he comes but then one day he'll find out you were wrong he said he said yeah because it's unfortunate Jesus said be careful how you hear cuz he was in it all the time people just listen for what they don't agree with they don't listen for truth that's how you could listen to Jesus and crucify him that's how you could read his Bible and not get it because you're looking through some other screen but if you're reading it to know him he'll show up if you're reading it to validate you'll see through what you're reading it for but here's what he said you you don't you you can't understand and relate to this it's hard for me to talk about it a lot but my buddy Todd could come over lay hands on me one of you people that are prophetic could pray for me and say for the lord is pleased with you they probably bring a tear to your eye and you'd perceive it was the Lord ministering to you through a person but I had the Lord laying what I don't man he said I am so proud of you I love you I am so pleased with you I thought I was physically gonna die in joy in Estes II in whatever you want to call it whatever term I don't know how to describe it it was too much but there wasn't an ounce of negativity involved it was like I mean it went I don't know what to tell you other than he is laying over me and it felt like he was laying over me like Elijah laid on the widow's son or the woman's son I mean she wasn't a widow and he said I'm so proud of you I'm so pleased with you and he kept giving me that indication and I'm crying so hard and I can't move and I said helplessly [Music] and I'm like I was almost saying stop don't stop but I don't understand and it seemed like he backed up just a tiny bit and here's what he said he said when that happened yesterday there was no place for it to touch your heart when you preached on Sunday night not one word came out of your mouth that implied anything about the morning your heart was as pure in the evening as before you walked into church that day he said I am so proud of you he's and then the sadness came in the conversation not the gods depressed or just a sadness he said how many of my own have used the authority of the pulpit to express their pain and he revealed to me that I didn't know how to hurt so I was able to preach a pure gospel you get it I don't know what else to tell you other than that's what happened and you say well people say well I don't even believe that I understand there's tons of unbelief in the church but that's changing see sometimes we don't realize how self-righteous we are we think cuz it didn't happen to us it didn't happen to anyone we think because we didn't see it nobody could see it we don't realize how proud it is when we say that stuff we're not following each other we're following him just remember that everybody okay I'm about done I got two minutes and 30 seconds I've been so behaved on this power and love it's ridiculous I have stopped except for last night Todd gave me the go for it sign whatever he said I was at zeroes no actually they put like ten more minutes up there for me yeah yeah that's how I'm feeling right now so you got into our hardship no one engaged look here's your life here's we telling Timothy he said look buddy you are not trying to survive it's not about your ship coming in it ain't about your ducks being in a row you were engaged in warfare there is a kingdom of darkness that's trying to vie against the kingdom of light and lights in you and you're fighting on behalf of the King don't get distracted don't take life personal take this calling personal you're in you're not out right no one entangled or no one enlisted engaged in warfare enlisted in the army of God is what that means no one enlisted in the army of God remember he's a good soldier no one enlisted no one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life why so he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier now I see why I just told that little vision I just shared that little so our expression or think it wasn't a vision it was a real amazing experience why I didn't entangle myself in the details and how could they believe that about me I've been pastoring here I can't even believe they think that about me oh my goodness people must really not trust me that's amazing I must of all ie and all sudden you're entangled with all this analytical nonsense that quenches the light and that's when you're deceived remember I'm so pleased with you I'm so proud of you I wasn't even connecting the story with what I'm about to read I never hardly ever know what I'm doing and you know what's funny to you it probably looks like I'm no to you it probably looks like I'm really on this thing like scum commander or something you know and I'm clueless I'm on a journey with you if you'd see the inside of my soul I'm like where are we going oh yeah okay which way okay that's me the whole time I'm preaching it's like yeah Wow oh I get it now usually by the very end I'm like yeah it's crazy you you want to please him who enlisted you he enlisted you he said you're worthy I want you on my team you're the roster of the heaven man if you're not on my squad something's missing I want you in position what's he saying I'm God and I can win with you [Applause] come on guys this is your callings you gotta take this personal not the affairs of life not circumstances and people and attitudes that are degenerate you gotta guard your heart out of your heart flows the issues of life make sure you're in this race make sure you're on the team make sure you're in the fight come on your fight is not the devil and people it's to remain in faith through it all fight the good fight of faith your fight is maintaining a healthy perspective through the course of life and not taking one step back it's true it's just true no one engaged in warfare you're in a demon war against the kingdom of God and if you take adversity personal you'll make a huge mistake the devil is not trying to give you a tough day he's trying to stop the kingdom of God and the potential in your life that Jesus paid for he's trying to get you to get weary in well-doing he's trying to get your heart to get hard he's trying to fix your eyes on lawlessness so your love wax is cold he could care less about you as an individual but you enter the kingdom and now you're his biggest threat because he can't go and stop God he can't march into heaven and knock him off the throne but he is sure he can stop us and in many cases he has for a long time stopped people make sure you're not on his list of achievement don't come and sing one thing and believe another and live another cuz honestly the life you live is what you really believe come on that's not too harsh that's just straight talk ha I'm Joshua now I went from 127 to 251 the son I got tough mm-hmm I used to always say God you do it for Joshua why wouldn't you do it for me I'm in a new and better covenant way more glory 304 it's working this is good keep coming God hey it went from 3 or 4 to 3 14 15 it's going the other way oh it says - that's how late I am I just saw the - help Lord if anyone competes in athletics he's not crowned unless he competes according to the rules a hard-working farmer he must be the first to partake of the crops consider what I say and may the lord give you understanding in all things remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my gospel it's pretty confident my gospel he probably said that because nobody else was preaching it probably preaching blessings and full vats and barns and protection and provision instead of no one enlisted entangles endure hardship whoa brother I just want my bread to go out in the water and come back a whole loaf in a couple days - I don't like all this fight and talk this warfare stuff I mean I realize they gave me armor I'm really not sure why I don't need armor to get a bigger loaf I'll stop I'll behave my gospel for which I suffered trouble as an evildoer who knows the clear pure you'll preach the gospel there's people with seemingly they believe their right will come against it it's just a fact of the Bible there's men that will kill men and believe they did God Justice your Bible says men will kill one another and believe they did God a favor don't justify it's and he needed to die he's stumbling everybody he needed to die and they'll take the position of God and cast judgment and the way you judge is the way you're so that's going to be trouble Wow which I suffer troubles and even do even to the point of change but the Word of God has never changed you get that right no matter what's going on the Gospels never imprisoned it's never changed so when Paul was in prison the gospel wasn't in prison but the gospel was in prison yeah therefore this is I read all this just to get to this line so that's not missing since I'm six minutes late therefore now you think he would just talk spiritual therefore I endure all these things that I've endured for the sake of Christ that's what you'd expect him to say right guess what he says I endure all these things for the sake of the elect for the people what's he saying I don't count my own life tears that my life is a witness and a testimony so I'm never just a preacher but a living example in an epistle written on the hearts of men I don't account for any of these things or take account of these things there's one thing that thing I told you Timothy is the thing I've lived before you and you know it and I've done it for the sake of the people so that they have something they can pattern and follow me as I follow yeah he'd get what he's sayin that's how much your life matters to others because he said what you're seeing in me Timothy you live and impart to others so they live the same way why so that in the year 2019 the same truth is living through men you did it stand your feet I want to pray over you if you would please stand to your feet [Applause] God you get father we just thank you for a grace that abounds a grace to know you to be empowered by you until they've all the things we're hearing and believing your grace works through faith I thank you for the measure of faith in the heart of your people I thank you that this group of people that you've stood me in front of for days isn't an obstinate people they're not slow of learning part of learning hard of hearing this is an amazing group of people you've summoned together and I'm honored to be here and stand here and I'm thanking you actually I'm not even asking right now guys because I see the son thanking you for the grace that is sufficient and necessary to mark our hearts in these truths to cause our lives to keep living you thank you that our lives matter this much that you would give your life to put this life in us thank you that the people in this room won't struggle with perspective and motive that it'll be so clear and get clearer and clearer and I ask you to bring us to a point of no return I'll thank you that six months from now it would be not even possible to say oh well I was there I mean I was in that place for a little god I thank you brighter and brighter from glory to glory in Jesus name Amen and then love you guys I'm gonna go catch a plane thank you for your love for God and you
Channel: Todd White
Views: 143,454
Rating: 4.8941679 out of 5
Id: 9UO2K2LlMcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 35sec (4835 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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