✝️ Our Emotions are supposed to have been Crucified with Christ - Dan Mohler

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we have a hard time believing it because we have so many feelings but you know what our feelings are connected to me myself and i and those kind of feelings are never healthy you say well yeah but dan god gave us emotions absolutely not he didn't give you the emotions you're familiar with adam gave you those they're all hinged in self-centeredness they all have a self-centered wellspring they all flow out of you thinking for you your whole emotional makeup has been perverted through the fall of man just like everything else don't think for a second the emotions you grew up with is what adam had before the tree if you're not self-centered you don't have to try to not be angry hurt discouraged frustrated none of those emotions i just listed ever produce life jesus came to give you life and life more abundantly do you think we're supposed to keep struggling with those emotions and keep calling them normal or do you think they're supposed to be removed and crucified along with christ come on i've been a pastor for a while i've ministered to a whole lot of discouraged quote christians it reveals that we don't totally understand the gospel and why he came and who we are now that he's here i can show you in scripture where discouragement is not a christian can i just quote a scripture for you hebrews 12 3 let's just go there consider him consider who consider him why because that's where i find truth so i'm looking unto jesus the one that authored this thing called faith and the one that's going to tie it up if i keep my eyes on him so consider him next verse consider him who endured such hostility against him self least you become weary and discouraged in your souls and that's something it's hebrews 12 3. told you it was there i read the book it's beautiful consider him who endured such hostility from sinners against two he didn't say boy they're picking on me when they're making life really hard boy that hurt my feelings well i can't believe they believe that all i'm trying to do is write he didn't do any of that you know when his disciple cut off the ear of malcus when they were coming to take him to brutally crucify him completely innocent peter got zealous and whacked the ear off of men and you know who peter rebuked or who jesus rebuked peter he said peter what are you doing put away your sword don't you know if you live by the sword you'll die by the sword he never corrected malcus he didn't say csun you got yourself hooked up with the wrong band of guys you put yourself in this position bud you're going to lose some things maybe even an ear huh the guy is on the team that's arresting jesus for doing nothing wrong the guy's on the wrong side peter wields his sword why is jesus correcting peter what he's saying is peter why are you still like them when you've been with me all this time peter you've been with me all this time and you're still like them and the reason you're with me is to come out from among them and be ye separate so you can shine as a light in the world but if you live by the sword you'll die by the sword because you're on your own because i'm not in that arena come on that's there it's in your bible and then as he's rebuking peter guess what he's doing come on this is a freak out man he's putting the air back on or growing a new one i don't care if theologians eat your heart out whether he found the piece or put a new one on he fixed his ear a malcus he never said a word in your bible to malcus that's a freak out put yourself in malcus's shoes they all come close peter whoa don't think peter was trying to cut off his ear you don't go for the ear with a sword there's a reason he caught the ear because he's going for the throat the neck the head malcus goes whoa dude do you think this ear was bleeding or do you think this was all a supernatural event and when jesus put on the ear everything went poof and disappeared no this dude is standing there with no ear it's cut off it's cut off and all of a sudden jesus is rebuking his disciple for doing it this guy's on the wrong team they take jesus away which is bizarre it's just all meant to be what actually happened if you look at scripture jesus told us why it happened this way because you wonder did you ever wonder why men could be so confused how they could see all this and still rest jesus he backed off he said come and do what you must it's your hour it's the hour of darkness come do what what god do god just pulled back and darkness is so confusing chaotic bizarre if if we had no sovereign mercy grace or light from god on the earth like brute beast we would walk off into darkness and destruction because darkness is so chaotic and men are so blind and confused and deceived and they'll turn on their brother in a moment kill our own mother for a penny without any sovereignty of god on the earth i promise god just pulled back our darkness he fixes an ear you think fixing that guy's ear you think them guards would be like dude we ain't taking you nowhere you're amazing instead they do worse they tie him up and on the way they're thumping him and whacking him if it was all said and done you couldn't even tell it was him according to scripture that's a little more than inconvenience that's a little more than going out of your way for humanity this gospel is amazing that's why i'm so intense he walks away from malcus with with the hundred guards whoever came to get him now you put yourself in malchus shoes and you look at jesus's evangelism 101 never said a word to him just put his ear back his disciple cut off the air he corrected him openly for it because he stands sanctified put yourself in malchus shoes now he's following along don't you think he's he's he's got blood guaranteed he's got blood all over his side of his head his neck and his shirt is no question he gets into town whoa what happened to you man what my ear like his disciple chopped off dude there ain't nothing wrong with you no seriously he did that guy we arrested he just went like that and it was okay dude that's impossible look at the blood what are you what do you do with that so now he's just watch what it's called see we're hyper evangelists we just want to force people into a prayer and try to get them in an intellectual place where we can corner them to get them to pray our prayer jesus is way smarter boom it's called a seed the kingdom of god is if a man scatters the sower sows the word the seed boom he sows a seed how's this guy get away from that seed how you pull that one out of the ground don't you think jesus gets crucified he watches the whole thing probably now there's rumor that he raised from the dead now i'm convinced of this pastor nobody nobody has to even challenge me on this is my own personal belief i'm privileged to believe it i'm convinced we'll see malcus in everlasting life convinced because when he heard jesus rose from the dead he's already in and the first time he heard the gospel of salvation he got it because he had what do you do with that kind of love what do you do with that kind of love we are called to become that kind of love that if you have a malcus in your life you don't have an attorney you put his ear back on don't let the room drop on me stop that not against attorneys up against self self self preservation self protection self defense self-satisfaction it's not that i'm against self jesus is because it never produces the kingdom standing for your rights why do you have rights you denied yourself how do you deny yourself and have so many rights i've said for years in prayer with tears god if the chips ever fall if it gets tough in america and persecution breaks out and unfairness hits i hope we're prepared to do more than pick it boy am i okay man i feel this thing's on me i'm sorry i don't mean to be too intense to pick it and stand for our rights christian rights you go tell a third world country you're gonna tell the people right now and heidi baker's ministry all the stuff that's going on and happening today in today's world for believing going in the last few weeks in today's world and they're still getting saved oh i'm so sorry please make sure you're way more christian than american i'm not against american but please be way more christ-like than american so what are we doing oh i'm so overwhelmed guys not correction cheering you on do you understand cheering you on it's a little family meeting saying hey we can live this thing let's go for it let's not keep getting tricked by the little foxes and losing the fruit in the orchard let's not keep believing the wrong little things and letting the unproductive feelings have a place for a week a month a year let's stop hiding behind alibis that never produce fruit or righteousness the wrath of man will never ever produce the righteousness of god so that means wrath towards others wrath towards yourself zero deception demonic devil hell on earth wrath towards others hell on earth the kingdom of god is that go preach saying the kingdom's here love opposite of the hate and the wrath ain't that something personally i'm just speaking personally don't get condemned by i'd be challenged by personally i've settled in my heart i will never let any of that stuff settle in me and have permission to have any of that stuff in me if it even tries to touch me i'll deal with it i'll pray i'll cry out the truth i'll make sure i don't act on anything that's contrary to love because i don't want it in me he paid to get it out of me and i don't need a right to be right if my right is actually wrong in the end i hope this isn't too intense i feel really passionate i'm sorry about that i can't help that some people don't understand that you understand that you know how it can get if something comes on you in the lord or you believe it's the lord you can't it's there's no way for me to just pull back and go well guys jesus is really awesome he is awesome that's why i'm so passionate that's why i'm talking to you like this because he believes it's worth hearing it and he believes you're worth living it why is he preached revolution because he found revolutionists why is he why has he preached this stuff because he believes there's people that'll say yes yeah and that yes could be in your heart you don't have to ever again let where people aren't decide where you are if he's already lord and that's established you don't ever again have to have your demeanor get crushed because of a family atmosphere the only the only way you can't possibly emotionally abuse somebody unless they aren't sure who they are because i hear the emotional abuse phrase all the time and it's real and it happens and it's terrible and it crushes people but it's because their identity is lacking they're vulnerable to the abuse you try to emotionally abuse me just day in and day out just try to emotionally abuse me friend it's not you it does you don't even have a chance it's because we need things from others that we can only get from him so we're christians we hear sermons but we continue to wake up and need to be loved need to be appreciated need to be valued psychology says it's true and most pastors say if you don't preach that's true you're in denial but there's nothing in the gospel that tells me i'll ever have to live that way again and there's no way i ever see those insecurities in jesus his own men pulled out on him and he's not a hurting minister ready to give up and pastoring be great if it wasn't for the people i heard that phrase several times in my life from pastors how's it going well it'd be great if it wasn't for the people are you serious what well come on you know and i'm like now i got to be careful how i talk because i don't have a clue what he's saying and if i talk too quick now i'm proud presumptuous trying to be somebody high-minded proud just because i don't relate people talk about traveling all the time and they say well you know you know what i'm talking about you travel all the time and i'm thinking i don't have a clue what you just said that was other tongues talking about burnout and wore out and frustrated and people stuff and i'm like i don't know what world you're living in my life's a gift my life's a gift a flight the other week got delayed i wasn't making it home what that's not the end of the world are you kidding me that's silly temporal inconvenience there's people all around me jesus is on the inside of me there's people that i'll brush by that i would have never brushed by if i was on the original plane i get that i'm not going to sit in a chair and suck and say god why did you let this happen to me i really wanted to get home son you are home walk in the light i hope i'm challenging you a little bit because we sell cheap and we're not for sale we give in so quick the little inconvenience a little bump in the road oh man here we go let's keep praying for traveling mercy's brother you might have traveling mercies your flight got delayed you get to love on people you wouldn't have seen if you were on the plane mercy yay you all all right okay you're looking a little better than a half hour ago half hour ago i was nervous i was letting it rip and i looked and realized everybody had the same look i was like uh-oh uh-oh i can do this quick i'll just close here i'll just i'll just read some scripture the service will be legal nobody will be upset go to john 20 with me real quick if you won't put it on the board you guys are so amazing with it up there on the wall i went last night were you here last night i want to talk about being free from sin and walking in righteousness and how clean we are and how we got to live in righteousness i gave you the 30-day challenge to put on righteousness every day one guy came up this morning whereas he blessed my heart so much he came up and he said hey man whoa you put on your righteousness you look awesome he said that to me i'm like yeah was just great john 20 john 20. that's uh do you guys know john 20 the end of john 20 the last part of john 20 is jesus raising from the dead mary going to the tomb the tomb the stones rode away he's not there she's crying there's a man there she thinks as a gardener you guys know the story yeah it's like verse 15 maybe what what uh yeah let's just jump in there so i just brought you up to speed the stones rolled away jesus said to her now it was jesus i can't explain i don't know if you know pastor maybe you could tell me sometime and enlighten me but i'm not sure why she couldn't recognize jesus until he said uh mary and said her name i don't know why the two men on the road to emmaus didn't know it was him but their hearts burned when they broke bread they realized it was jesus and he disappeared i don't know why he was able or wanting to not let him know immediately but he seemed to be somebody else to her until he got personal and said mary and then she went rapone which means teacher and charged him you can tell she she charged him watch he said to her mary well let's back up let's back up 15 verse 15. why are you weeping whom are you seeking she's supposing him to be the gardener said to him sir if you carried him away tell me where you have laid him and i will take him away mary loves jesus do you get it she's not afraid to die she's not like the disciples hanging out in that place they were hanging out afraid for the of the jews waiting for the same thing to happen to them that happened to jesus they were freaked out mary's like whatever i love him i'm going to the tomb there was no guys with her mary was amazing i don't know how she thought she was going to get to him that big old stone you know what she was going to do she had anointing and stuff with her oils and spices whatever i don't know he's already wrapped head to toe she can't get in there right so what's she going to do she just knows he's behind that stone and that's as close as she can get she's probably going to lay her cheek against it cry and smear ointment on it and just sit there and cry probably but it's short beaded just sitting back with a bunch of chicken-hearted guys that are arguing and disputing and feeling guilty and condemned she took off and went to be with jesus you don't care if he's dead he's jesus she loves him he saved her she said i'll take him away next verse thanks guys jesus said to her mary this is so intimate mary she turned and that quick she realized he ain't no gardener that's the lord she goes rabboni and i promise you according to this next scripture she's going dead straight at him rap pony um she is look at the next look don't cling to me she's coming hard she's like rapone don't cling to me mary i promise you don't cling to me is he unsocial doesn't he have time for her no no no i've not yet ascended to the father there's something about that that's huge it is finished means i don't need to be hit one more time i don't need to bleed anymore it's finished the price necessary to redeem humanity has been paid enough bloodshed and not enough disfigurement it is finished and then he gives up his spirit and he dies but it ain't finished he has to do hebrews 9. he has to take his own blood now that he's raised from the dead and he's still a man don't argue over that yes he's god yes he's the son of god but he's still a man he still has flesh and he still has bone and paul said he's the mediator between god and man and he's the man jesus christ so he's i haven't ascended he hasn't taken his blood he hasn't taken his blood into the mercy seat that wasn't made with hands into the heavenly tabernacle where god is the holy place that moses saw and replicated he hasn't gone there yet so he's going to do that he just rose from the dead this is this is what it's been all about this moment that they're at is why he was slain before the foundation of the world this moment right here is what we didn't even know we were waiting for right here it's right on us mary's running to him he says don't cling to me haven't yet ascended to the father yet but go tell my chicken-hearted low-life two-faced backstabbing got issues to settle when i see them come on you better get real with scripture then boys didn't do nothing right they sat there they said we'll die for you they said at the last supper we'll die for him he said no i'll be struck and you'll scatter amongst themselves they whisper and say i'll die i'll die i don't care what he says i'll die did they die did they run one man ran out of his clothes ran naked through the trees now i'm not the brightest men that ever lived but if you run out of your clothes you're trying to get away not surrender streaking disciple guys are holding his clothes well that dude wasn't ready to die wow he's probably up there in the room i have i haven't yet ascended to my father i haven't wrapped this thing up i haven't made peace between god and man i haven't put my blood the blood of a man the blood of a lamb without spot or blemish i haven't put my own blood on the mercy seat to forgive all men to make peace between god and man and to remove sin and its power off of those that would believe haven't done it yet but go tell my brethren that's so beautiful they didn't do one thing right yet not one thing go tell my do you understand that that's a covenant term that that's family term he didn't say go tell my disciples he said go tell my brother you know what he's saying by saying that i haven't changed my mind about them one bit you're sitting out there and you think god has changed his mind about you you are wrong he doesn't even have the ability because he's love he'll never leave you he'll never forsake you his love never fails as long as you're drawing breath you have an opportunity to be found in him he never changes no turning no shifting of shadow go tell my brethren he hasn't changed his mind one bit this is beautiful remember we talked yesterday when god when jesus called god his father they wanted to kill him all the more because he made himself equal with god and put him on himself on the plane of god and then when they said how do you pray he said when you pray say our father he's not saying he's my father he's saying he's your father too watch i'm ascending to my father and your father the word father there means come forth from to my god and your god the word god there means source of life watch i'm ascending to the one i came forth from who's my source of life you ever hear somebody father god i thank you father god father god that father god we just father god come to you father god do you ever hear anybody get father god syndrome and save like 10 father gods i'm not making fun of people it's it's funny yeah i i've heard it it just it's father god and it's it's awesome if we know what we're saying every time the person say i'm father god you know what he's saying without realizing it maybe i came forth from the source of life what an identity i came forth not i was adopted well i was conceived in fornication my mom was she was a hooker no no i came forth from the source of life well i was born into a family that didn't want me i got abused at a young age by my my uncle and and then when i was 10 my parents split up and then when and all of a sudden that's your story wait a minute i came forth from the source of life there's a higher answer there's a higher story waiting to envelop you and clothe you you have to take off what dressed you all those years and put on what he paid for and you can't identify with this you identify with this it's called faith it's called transformation it's called freedom actually not correct in david he was saying what can separate us from the love of god what can separation from god and we all figure the answer is nothing but if you look at the list the list is extensive and nothing on that list can separate us but the past isn't on the list the president and the future is on the list the past isn't on the list because he expects we understand it was paid for and it's in the sea of forgetfulness and it's out of bounds because actually recalling and reflecting on and identifying through your past has the total ability to keep you from receiving the love of god even though he loves you because it's one thing to say god loves you i'm always right it's another thing for you to be loved by god and considering your past totally prevents you from receiving the love of god because you're identifying through the wrong season threw that in there can we go back to where we were don't cling to me not yet i'm going to my father your father to my god and your god i got to roll through this because i got to get done mary magdalene came and told the disciples she had seen the lord and that he had spoken these things to her then the same day in the evening that's amazing same day evening so if he said he's ascending to the father but go tell my disciples i'm ascending to the father do you think he ascended to the father we can prove that he did in a second here we know he was on the road to amass we know he disappeared when they broke bread he had a pretty busy schedule but same day and evening first day of the week when the doors were shut and the disciples were assembled in a violent intercession prayer time led by the holy ghost jesus came and stood in the midst of them and said boy i'm proud of you guys for running well no they were assembled for fear of the jews and jesus came in and look what he said to them this is how you know he put his blood on the mercy seat peace be he didn't say peace be to you he said peace be with you he just made peace between god and man his blood speaking better things than the blood of abel sin no longer has the power to separate them from the father jesus is the doorway back to the father and he said peace be with you now look what happens and he showed him his hand showed him his side and the disciples were glad when they saw the lord they're like it really is you because i had to be a freak out be real with me this isn't a movie this happened to people it's just a freak out now look as soon as they saw it was lord what do you think happened in their souls what do you think happened to peter when he saw it was the lord i mean peter threw a net and caught a bunch of fish and said depart from me i'm a sinful what do you think's happening now in his soul what do you think is going on to the disciple that ran streaking through the trees and ran out of his clothes when the lord's standing right there and they're all assembled for fear he walked into their fear fest what do you think they're thinking when they realize it's really him but look what he said next verse jesus said to them peace to you what's he saying look i know how you're feeling right now but get rid of it it has nothing to do with truth and how i see you and who you're called to be it ain't about you failing me it's about you following me peace be to you the first piece was peace with god through the lord jesus christ peace be with you through his blood this peace is him releasing them from what they've done wrong isn't that amazing and then and then he said this to the guys that didn't do anything right yet ah as the not somewhat like kind of like well do your best but you'll never be like me as the father has sent me as the father for god so as the father sent me i send you to the guys that didn't get anything right yet look at the next verse this is crazy amazing and when he said this he breathed on them and he said receive holy spirit the holy spirit i think many of you know why he did that he he could have just said receive holy spirit he could have got charismatic he said philip help me feel phil he coulda i guess but i guess he couldn't because there's something he's doing he's the redemption of man he's the last adam he's the redeemer he takes man back to the beginning so how'd god make man in the beginning so why did he breathe because he took him back to genesis as if the tree never happened because the blood is now speaking better things as if sin never happened so it's just a fresh redemptive start so he starts it off like god started it off in the beginning because man wasn't a living soul until he breathed and he was just a form of what he was created to be and he was abiding in death and jesus went receive holy spirit watch see if you hear this let us make man in our image and in the likeness and image of god he made them both male and female verse 26 verse 27 watch as the father sent me so i send you let us make man in our image as the father sent me i send you that's one plus one is one now don't answer that in school you'll fail but in covenant one plus one is a greater one do you hear it let us make man in our image as the father sent me so i send next verse i never preached on this for a long long time because i never understood it i feel like i have an understanding now so i'm bold enough to just preach on it and i'm i'm hoping for correction if you forgive the sins of any they are forgiven them if you retain the sins of many you are retained he used to stumble me because i was like when do you ever have the permission in scripture to retain sin to see a man for what he did or to read a book by the cover when is unforgiveness ever permissible is it ever permissible unforgiveness it sounds like he's giving them permission to retain sins let me tell you what i believe he's saying he's saying look guys as the father sent me for god so loved so i send you watch if you go out there because i'm passing you the baton of the new covenant new testament church and i'm going to sit at the right hand of the father and you are the body of christ you are here to represent me and if you go out and love them like i've loved you they'll know my love and my forgiveness if you harden your heart get judgmental get hurt turn inward retain sins see men for what they deserve how will they ever know the weight of forgiveness if you're the body of christ you with me next verse now thomas called the twin one of the twelve was not with them just scroll with me the other disciples therefore said to him we have seen the lord so he said to them unless i see his hands and the print of the nails and put my finger in the print of the nails and put my hand in his side i will not believe and after eight days his disciples were again inside and thomas with them jesus came the doors being shut and stood in the midst and said peace to you then he said to thomas reach your finger here and look at my hands and reach your hand here and put it into my side and do not be unbelieving but believing the reason i took the time to read that i want you to see that he even went the extra with thomas because he doesn't want him unbelieving but believing he's amazing jesus is amazing so from that place the disciples go out empowered the breath of life walking in the love of god and if they forgive the sins of any i shall be forgiven and they're not going to harden their hearts and step outside of love because they've been loved to the point of salvation are you with me that's you and me today in matthew 28 he said everything that i told you i want you to go out and make disciples of every nation and teach them to observe everything i taught you so if he said it to peter james and john he's talking to me if he said it to peter james and john he's talking to you so here's what i'll leave you with today what are we gonna believe amen i'm gonna pray over you and i'll be done because i'm a little bit late and i apologize yeah i haven't even done that for a while i'm very sorry father i just thank you for the morning i thank you for the gathering of awake and i just thank you for the body of christ here i just thank you that you're influencing us in a way of transformation and change i thank you that you've allowed me to come and be a confirming voice on the things that have been cried out in this house and i thank you you're affirming and establishing things in our lives thank you that we're going to walk brighter we're going to walk clearer we're going to be way more consistent god there's no turning back we are in this thing for keeps we don't ever grow weary in well doing we're going to reap because we won't lose heart i bless this house with that word and i believe it's our resume and testimony in jesus name be glorified through this house amen
Channel: DAN MOHLER - Non Official Channel
Views: 27,922
Rating: 4.9011331 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, Todd White, Power and Love, Identity, Love, Born Again, Living in the past, Deny yourself, God’s Image, Image of Christ, Becoming love, loved by God, Communion, Christian sermons, powerful sermons, best dan mohler, pastor dan mohler, dan mohler identity, dan mohler 2020, dan mohler marriage, dan mohler false teacher, dan mohler grace, Dan Mohler 2021, Prophets, Biden, Fired, emotions, Dan Mohler 2022, Dan Mohler 2023, Dan Mohler 2024, Dan Mohler 2025
Id: Ei8TxNmjep8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 19sec (2299 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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