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oh my god just before we get into today's cook-off video links hit me up and they said freezy i'm not going to lie your record on a cook-off is pretty diabolical we've got something that might help out now they're claiming lynx is going to help me become 0.1 better at what i do which is cooking so i quickly jumped on a call with ross to see if it was pure waffle or what yes ross right it doesn't work for the gaming and will it work for the cooking the feeling you get after you come out of the gym you get a sugar you get your deodorant on you smell good you feel good you perform better it's the exact same with gaming and it will work the same way with cooking just do not spray it in the food and you're good yeah okay that's a really good point actually i'm glad i'm not tasting your food that's all i'm saying thank you very much ross i'll let you know at the end of whether it actually has helped me out or not good luck calming we're back and this time i'm coming off of a win a massive victory against the scrub harry pinero yes yes yes and you you're coming off the back of a win yourself right yeah that's good that's good that's good yeah i've seen you i've seen you on the pitch doing all this but can you do a bit of this are you a good cook are you good all right to be fair i let you in a little secret all right so i didn't turn pro as a footballer until i was 18 you know right so when i left school i had two years yeah i was a chef for two years that's cat that's cat there is no way you would do you were a chef for two years and then on the side you were goalkeeping oh wait you you mean like in college how you're just doing homemade guys like a toasty and you've made a toast no no we were working at the same time so we did college whilst working and then went into football afterwards sunday roast all right a banger in the foster wait so you do the cooking as well at home yeah for sure for sure the first footballer i've got on is the only footballer that can actually cook all right so what are you making today then okay so bear in mind by the way guys i asked cal to get the ingredients for this all right so i wanted all sauce i wanted garlic i want rosemary i want loads of bits and bobs he's got the bare essentials right i know there's a cobbler i know there's a cupboard here yeah i know there's a cupboard so hopefully he's got some bits and bobs in there but we're cooking fillet steak well i'm gonna do philips steak i've got some nice new potatoes i'm gonna roast off a little bit of macaroni cheese but usually i'd go buy like a little ready-made mac and cheese and in the thing i just put it on the side you can't do that but i i don't know so today i'm making this is a steak off right so we're going head to head fillet steaks uh-huh but my sides are a bit different i've got i've got my veg here the tender stem broccoli right i was born and raised cooking this not only that but these massive none of these are all small shitty potatoes we've got the big ones and we're turning these into wedges you missed out a very essential part of a steak which is the sauce but because because you were caught lacking i did actually get you some peppercorns there's no way i'll be using a peppercorn sort of no chance not out of a bag no way on this earth all right where are you making this i'll be using i'll be using all the juices from the steak yet [ __ ] loads of butter in there a bit of olive oil you wait mate it's banging honestly what's going on here well the judge for today's cook-off is none other than culinary expert theo baker now let me tell you something about theo baker the omega's not gonna have a [ __ ] clue that might come out of a packet and yours is homemade anyways we have 35 minutes to make our dishes now i wish you all the best you will need it let the timer start now boom all right come on let's have a look at this steak man let's have a look at this stuff up the budget i heard there was a there was a premier league baller on here [ __ ] no no i like that one you're gonna get some pans and stuff yeah pans all down here what's funny what's funny about it what's funny about the selection of the pattern if honestly if you could come around it and say that it is stressing me out they're brand new never been used before right well that's you know he's a princess a kitchen princess and here we go we get down and dirty are you all right there man that's a bugatti kettle i'm not joking i'm not joking look it is you're right it's because let me start waitrose you haven't been skimping on no money or anything have you well that was the thing i heard there was a premier league football he wasn't going to take co-op's finest the way you have to massage the state you've got to become one with the steak how long are you going to cook that for if you're doing it medium rare i do it by the smell and the and the feel of it i like to i like to feel my steak it's not all about time every kitchen's different i'm going to put this off to the side and just let her rest we're getting somewhere with this i reckon you've given it the bigger like you don't know what you're doing but i think you actually do know what you're doing hey hey good knives huh yeah jesus you need to get to the gym man do you know what you need to do i say about knives a sharp knife is a safe knife well we've not got any insurance uh and i imagine your hands are probably quite important here we go come on and we're cooking see this is a problem everybody that comes to this kitchen doesn't know how to start these they do no no but they do it and then they just go like that and they leave it off yeah yeah is this working [Music] i've never used this pressure cooker before but i did watch a youtube tutorial five minutes before starting this and i'm feeling really confident about it sad sad it looks miserable that it does wait oh man i'm going to squash those new potatoes down in a minute once they're going in the pan squash them down butter them all that kind of stuff salt pepper boom be freaking lovely do i open that bin for me right okay absolutely gonna need that assist i'm gonna need an assist just like on the weekend what a joker do you need to wash vegetables i don't think so theo's not gonna notice now does theo even like vegetables i'm pretty sure that bloke was raised off of like maltesers oh what do we have some clasico today oh swimming in olive oil you don't want them swimming in olive oil i need the crispiness you see i was like nice and calm i'm summed a nice time and cows over there like fighting like crazy yeah but that's the thing you i've done this before i know what it takes to secure a victory on this show you're just coming in with too much nonchalance like like pure love whereas me i'm like [ __ ] who's a little rabid bastard who cuts about little sicko little yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly has this even worked yet how does how does a pressure cooker work i've never used one that is smoking it i've turned i've had to turn the thing off and i had to turn the thing off [Music] yeah they don't look healthy that looks about right i'm so confused he's a [ __ ] he's a [ __ ] he's turning my thing off he's 100 turn my finger is this what we're dealing what's going on this is unbelievable i'm too busy dealing with this man what the [ __ ] is this this is shiny this is that's pissed me off as stupid [ __ ] machine wasting my time what are you making now do you know what this is spread sauce nah oh god i would have rated that you know so we're making so this is for the mac and cheese yeah this is what goes into the mac and cheese this is what makes it all sort of stringy and sticky and boom look at that i'm really worried about the situation of my wedges why i'm gonna right a little false start but we're back in business go on just tell me it's a little microwave job absolutely phenomenal i [ __ ] from you look at the look at this now we're rolling two seconds later nah that ain't supposed to do that mate i'll move away from that if i was you nothing is worse than soggy veg ah don't worry about i'm just going in the oven i told you load of butter on it salt pepper burn so this should just be looking nice it shouldn't be it shouldn't be crispy wait why is it not opening why is this why isn't this opening oh [ __ ] you rotate lid to unlock and lift that's what i'm doing oh my god i just got the biggest bright on my phone all right here we go maybe i have to vent it for the pressure there was too much pressure in the pressure cooker those look [ __ ] my macaroni cheese is looking good again look at that look at how brown it is on top already look at that potato just squash it see if it's like done properly i hope they've been done probably they've been out for about 10 minutes oh no what time is the baker coming around the later the better he just got his ex-girlfriend's tattoo off of his ass cheek the other week so congratulations to theo baker get a look at that come and get a look come round they will be cooked well [Music] oh now don't worry it went 10 minutes right you got any wine can we have like a glass of wine or something like that but we have one don't we boring somewhere a glass of red yeah come on that's everything absolutely i've given up on these [ __ ] wedges they've [ __ ] me off these things i'm fuming absolutely for you i am [ __ ] human these wedges are some of the worst things i've ever seen italian seasoning that surely goes on wedges how long do wedges go in the air fryer for watch that just keep that on there alright just one now okay well that's in better days [Laughter] just promise me while i'm watching you ain't gonna do no sabotage you know right promise me this cow i know you wouldn't anyway so you're not that guy all right all right get some pepper on it although i heard you supposed to put pepperon at the end but it doesn't matter do we have any ketchup by the way you gotta have ketchup come on nah you're taking a piss now we don't like ketchup in this household i'm gonna get this bad boy on nah you're [ __ ] you like you you don't have you don't have ketchup with your steak though do you yeah no that is not fine i'm sorry but everyone in the comments let me know is ketchup with the steak okay look at my mac and cheese just quickly gonna look my mac and cheese again oh has it been 10 minutes where do we have a little browse at ease [ __ ] oh they look good they look they say they look the same they look the same already put them in about five minutes ago they're horrible i'll probably enjoy this it's gonna separate the men from the footballers what a prat cut pouch open uh fully across the top place on a microwavable plate and heat on full power have you just put oil in that yeah you're a dusty mate i i mean this in the nicest way possible that's just given me a lot of hope all right to begin with when i saw the sides i'll admit i was a little bit nervous but now after seeing that oh [ __ ] the broccoli open up the windows look at this got a big chunk of butter here oh that's what we're talking about cow come on look at this [Applause] come on come on look at this that's not hold on a second look at it god the broccoli looks phenomenal ben what what yeah it's gone silent it honestly that's the best bit of your dinner so far the broccoli is your investment so far wow that can't be a good thing we are flying oh you're doing no no i'm just double checking my thing i feel like you might be going too rare here me yeah oh my god that looks good [ __ ] out give me a shot i didn't think it would look that good i surprised myself at times you know clock in he's a [ __ ] he's turning my [ __ ] thing off again i haven't touched this is controversial i haven't done it i'm sorry that you just you gotta keep an eye on it you're obviously knocking it as you go back you can't bring the butter in yet you only you put the butter in once it's like sealed on all sides don't worry i'm very excited about mine i'm very concerned about yours at the minute what have i got myself into i am [ __ ] [ __ ] myself don't get much better does it so would you say you're the best chef at your club i've got to be i've got to be probably the only one that does cut for sure really the only one that cooks yes because we have like proper canteen and stuff and the food's decent in that all [Music] into the microwave when theo's not looking yeah yeah i'll give you that they're done [Applause] get a camera over here right now before i take these out yeah yeah yeah all right man i'm just going to sit down for five minutes all right yeah two cameras editors having a nightmare now oh [ __ ] wait oh my god get that in the mic right now that looks horrible don't worry about that that'd be fine in there look at the state of this section look at it just have a little pan over to mine real quick oh it looks greasy it looks oily oh my it's not the christmas edition you got the wrong memo [Music] hello who do you think is going to win my prediction it's got to be ben right it's got to be ben like uh i've had a nibble of everything like while they were setting up i was like picking away the mac and cheese and i ate all the potatoes and carrots and it's just like it's good munch his steak i'm not sure of because i haven't tried the steak yet but i'm assuming if the rest is that good it'll be decent i'm worried about cow's steak we haven't seen the inside of it yet but if it's not a ben dub i think there's something horribly wrong there so here it is me and ben have been slaving away in the kitchen for the last 35 minutes and now a culinary expert has joined us theo baker a round of applause for theo baker please everyone i'm going to clap myself i hate to be that guy but i have ketchup with my steak yes that's my kind of guy though if you don't keep it in the fridge you're wrong okay well i'll tell you what is weird is having ketchup with a steak in the first place but i'm not one to judge the judge say you're in a restaurant somebody just brings out this plate of food they bring that plate of food and then they you you're sitting opposite somebody and they've got this before you say anything before you say anything let's keep in mind that in a restaurant if so i would serve that with the grease look at this wait for it look at that that is grease go ahead how did you make the peppercorn sauce what goes into it [ __ ] i'll make peppers oh that's cold bitter broccoli that's just well no it's been out you were late you took ages to cycle there flavors burnt oh it's quite what we've put on this chili flakes yeah quite a lot actually let's get the crap out of the way first let's draw one of them i'm gonna have to get vir check it out [Music] that okay yeah warm that's the home that's nice isn't it yeah yeah yeah the wedges now this is going to give you a kick so if you don't like a kick don't have them cold again it's actually really good it's fluffy on the inside i think it's too fluffy right this homemade from scratch homemade from scratch a little bit of it i swear to god it's too oily for me no i'm begging you try it this is this is the moment of truth cow what if the inside is good we're living life yes oh my god oh my god that's [ __ ] phenomenal oh my god calamari this could be your savior here the inside is fantastic thank you the only overpowering taste i have right now annoyingly is is the charcoal okay the charcoal is a little bit it's actually very good genuinely he's not all right mistake look at this that looks good i didn't even see how soft it was dip it in that that disgusting oil [Laughter] right well should we end this video now then rate each dish out of 10. start with mine genuinely you've done all right but i'd say probably like a 6.5 like an angus steakhouse that it's a solid nine all right theo so you've got to announce who is your winner of this steak cook-off ben foster or the culinary expert cal breezy let us know it is my pleasure and honor to say the winner is ben foster well done well done and i will be taking you on wait that oily mess is winning mate sometimes all you need is the oil i should i should have gone for like that poverty munch theo likes poverty much i went fine dining i messed up it's my own bad
Channel: Calfreezy
Views: 1,802,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Soccer, Football, Calfreezy, Rebel, Rebel FC, London, England, How to, Footy, Tekkers, YouTuber, Challenge, Soccer Skills, Football Skill, Trick Shots, Soccer Fails, Football Fails, Tricks, Freestyle Football, funny, comedy, friends, vlog, vlogging, freezy
Id: sOiiqHiJpek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 27 2021
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