I Recreated Mr Beast Burgers At Home!

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oh no right so today's video no i've seen everybody reviewing mr beast burger and that's the obvious video to do but instead here on the cal freezie channel we always take it one step further so today what are we doing we are going to attempt to recreate mr b's burgers now if you guys don't know where you do know mr beast has gone and essentially opened up his own shop well restaurant deliveries and it is amazing i love to see youtubers doing wild stuff and so today we are going to try and recreate two of the burgers that are on the menu now let's have a little look in here so we've got our delivery this is literally the first time i'm opening it you can see the staples are still in it this is what we're gonna try and recreate today this i believe will be the dream burger just judging off the little sticker that goes on here so in this dream burger if i am correct i've never tried one of these so it's looking cheesy oh wait oh that's the crisp style this is the crystal burger i can recreate this this is possible back it's ham i i can do this you've made better burgers i'm feeling good so they put crickle cut chips in there a little bit of bacon and two american patties with american cheese so we're gonna try and give this a go i love the idea of putting chips in a burger you know kind of like if anyone in the new fears had shake shack i'm getting that vibe from it but they've gone and chopped chips in it why hasn't this been done before i can do this this is possible so this one says it's the kristoff the poor geyser who's working there has definitely accidentally slapped the wrong sticker on the burger but i'm pretty sure this is now gonna be the one the dream style burger and it looks like i'm gonna be right here we go pickle right look i ain't putting no pickles on my burger there's no need for pickles no one has ever said or you know what this burger is missing is some pickles we've got the two patties that's what they called them in the us here we go all right so you can see there's avocado now those pickles just got to go they just keep giving me the fear so this one is two beef patties some american cheese in there they've got lettuce and the main thing about this burger is the fact there's avocado on it now personally that sounds rogue but i've never had it before so we're gonna try it i'm confident i can make this burger do you like that avocado is actually a white that's nice i think i still prefer the chris style one but that one's nice a lot of lettuce going on just too healthy you know avocado lettuce i want phil what else we got in here all right so in here we got the beast style fries oh my god that is selfie wait am i supposed to recreate that like that is filthy that is filthy and i love phil he's oh banging him essentially what he's done there mayonnaise ketchup and then put a bunch of cheese on it and then there's pickles there but you know we're not doing pickles last but not least but the last thing we'll be recreating today is in fact chocolate chip cookie sounds like some power ranger move [Music] first thing we're going to do is cookies so that we can leave it baking while we make everything else softened by butter thy butter shall be softened you shall soften yeah that she's soft in goes the softened butter we've got a scale out some would argue that harry uses this for his recreational activities but here 500 grams that would be correct okay granulated sugar another 80 grams that's 160 g's get a load of that creamy there we go that's the creamy we're after two teaspoons of vanilla extract and an egg a large egg not a small one but a large one okay this doesn't look great all right so that's in there now we do 225 grams of plain flour how much of this is supposed to go in that looks just too much right i'm leaving at that because i think there's too much we're just having flour bro it told me 225 grams does that look right to you it's getting better yeah and then a little bit of rock salt okay now we mix it with a big wooden spoon look at this you know it actually looks like cookie mix yeah cookie dough yeah that's what we're here for baby right so we need 200 grams of milk chocolate chips we have some dark and milk so we're just gonna have to use both that goes in there like that i think there's more chocolate than there is cookie right that's the cookie dough made put my non-stick goodies on it that looks fantastic that really looks splendid right in you go all the best fellas see you in eight to ten minutes we can focus on the real stuff now okay that real stuff you might be wondering what a burger now i'm gonna do these burgers completely free hand free style off the dome you guys if you've seen my cooking challenges you know that i come into my own when it just comes off the dome [Music] [Applause] we need to put an egg in this an egg must go in here that's what holds it all together yeah there we go look at that yeah that's that's what we're here for it's weird to think that i'm just mushing around like like a dead animal's body is just squishing between my fingers the vegans weren't watching anyway so we're okay we're gonna take out the cookies i reckon i don't know oh actually have a look at those cookies on tap back to the main bit here right these american patties are very slim and small no i'm not even joking i'm talking like these guys have it paper thin all right now we just need to make four of those yeah they're not very round but they're thin and that's the whole point i don't think the mr beast burgers were very neat anyway no they weren't they were you're right they weren't very neat so he's more of a taste of a presentation guy and i can back that i i've built my channel off of that you know that's for right there okay so what we're gonna go ahead and do is just leave these patties over here while we get ready for the chips the fries so the chips were crinkled cut and there is actually like a tool that crinkles them we searched and we couldn't find it so instead we found this we think if we just let me try again we're just gonna be making normal fries today uh the crinkle cup thing look that shit's confusing all right it'll be the nice small fries [Music] small dash of olive oil there and then go ahead and whack all these chips in nice and separated will these come out like normal chips probably not okey dokes so we need some onions for those fries because that is what he has in him personally i like my bacon crispy now theirs was definitely on the crispier side which is good news uh again a little bit for each right so this bacon is key it is in both of the burgers the chris and the dream burger and then it's also on the fries it's an important part of this whole thing get that in there she's cooking right now for the main bit here which are these very thin and fragile patties here we go now oh you looked at that and you were about to tell me cow that doesn't look seasoned don't worry i've got you what do we need we need a little bit of salt and pepper so let's get the rock start on it there we go come on nice and salty bring the flavors out come on we need some some garlic granules there we go and then top it all up there we go now we're in turbo mode this is where things start to get a little bit techy yeah okay okay same thing here yeah not only that guys but we're actually gonna put the onions in here we're gonna get those going as well oh oh we can't forget the cheese right the american style cheese from what i saw in the pictures it looks like there's two on you go that's it that's it that's it i'm gonna make the dream burger first so the main thing about this dream burger is it's avocado let's get ourselves a bowl i'll be honest with you in the avocado it didn't look like there was too much seasoning look if they put me in charge of the menu i'd have definitely added a bit more seasoning to that avocado like that okay then like this crunch time open up hello all you gotta do whack it in there little twist out you learn something new every day here leave that there just for a second while i do this avocado yeah that's looking nice that's how i like my bacon personally these bits can probably come off put these here just quickly cut up here dream if you're watching this mate i don't know why you get avocados in your burger or this was some sort of sick joke now from what i could notice the buns were definitely not toasted what do you think so how do you think the buns are toasted oh raw they were they were raw weren't they on the outside they were not toasted on the outside they weren't right maybe i'm just gonna do it a little bit here because i feel like we gotta have some sort of toasting going on you know all right here we go so unlike the crisp style burger dream actually does have a bit of sauce he went for a little bit of mayo here's the double patty with the double cheese cheese then he definitely had a bit of bacon he had a bit of bacon there in fact on the menu it says extra bacon extra bacon okay i can give him one and a half pieces like that that looks good and then a little bit of mayo on the top i like this edition oh god oh no i forgot to shake it that's all right that's okay that's okay actually it was kind of overflowing with lettuce i'll be honest there was a lot of lettuce here we go and to top it all off we had a smashed avocado here we go this right here cows dream burger that looks pretty good that looks good you like the look at that yeah dream burger complete now we're just on to the chris style burger now let's get these patties yeah we like that sound here we go yes right we can't forget of course for seasoning garlic granules that's quite oh okay that's a lot it's a lot but it's necessary and some soft there we go here we go one for you sir there we go all right so while that just quickly goes we got like 30 seconds left on that let's see how the chips are done right i'm going to keep it absolutely serious with you mate i am not optimistic do you know what it's not burp by the way it's not bright it's just really brown on the outside look i'm being 100 with you i'm a little bit angry about these stupid chicks i don't know how to explain it to you guys but they're not actually burnt right so the cheese it was melted cheese so the way we're going to do this is slap this in a microwave like that one time boom not sure thank you it's mine i couldn't afford no it's not that i couldn't afford it i couldn't get the legitimate beast merch here on time so i resorted to doing a homemade version it's a decent effort what do you reckon would you buy it well you can buy it there'll be a link down below custom made even comes with my sweat it stinks already okay so let's start constructing this now keep in mind chris has no sauce on his at all for whatever reason he just doesn't want it so what are we doing here we got two patties then what he also has on here a bit of crispy bacon then he puts the fries on right is that literally it sam obviously we're not doing pickles no onions no onions i'm not gonna lie that looks pretty banging yeah and i know i'm gonna get hate for the chips but i promise it's different in person look it's a sorry sight the fries i understand i can i can see the criticism i can see the comments i understand but he puts a bit of ketchup on it a bit of mayonnaise by the way can i just say right mayonnaise and ketchup together makes burger sauce so that's why if you don't have burger sauce you can make it yourself if you've got these two right like that no i'm not the biggest fan of mustard so i'll put a little bit on there you go all right boom not only that the fella has onions on it my cremated jesus christ this is a cremated meal i'll be honest and then not only that bits of bacon now my bacon's nice and crispy and i believe this is the way all bacon should be and there we have it the last bit of the puzzle no pickles no never any pickles right so there it is we have spent the last little while putting together ourselves a bit of the mr beast menu right the first one was in fact this avocado dream burger so i'm gonna give this one a go and like i said i'm just not a big fan of avocado one burger but when i did try theirs it was nice now i'm gonna compare it and see so there we go i think mine is easier to eat easier to eat yeah like the mr b's one was definitely a lot there was a lot more going on but i think i overdid the burger because it was so thin i left it on for too long it's just a bit too well done in there mr beast one it was probably about right in terms of how similar it tastes to the original yeah it's pretty much spot on to be honest and the seasoning is on point as well you know that was only one thing on the menu next up we have the chris style burger this one right here this one is the one with the chips inside let's give this a go oh a lot of crunch the chips are a bit burnt definitely a bit more i'm not gonna talk too much about this one because it's pretty evident that mr beast did a far better job than i did on this burger everything else was okay ultimately you get this burger because you want chips in your burger and i failed that task the original one was absolutely fine was nice to eat i'd be sending this one back to the restaurant if i if i go give him this those are the two burgers i'd say it's 1-1 tied up between me and mr beast right now now once again me and the fries the non-crinkle cup fries now it does look a lot better once all the sauce goes on it the mustard the ketchup the mayonnaise the bacon let's give this a go we've got a bit bigger bit of everything here this would have been so nice if i just got the chips right the concoction is delicious the recipe is good mr beast is on to an absolute winner with these chips right once again mr bees comes away with a victory there i fumbled that but it's not as bad as it looks i promise you last on the menu was of course the cookie the dessert now i have a terrible history of cookies similar to the chips the mysteries cookie was an okay cookie it was like a six seven out of ten cookies let's see if these homemade ones are any better do you know what's funny is remember how i said i put too much sugar in it there's too much sugar in it there is too much sugar that's 100 grams of sugar and there's a lot of chocolate chips in here but it's gooey on the inside which is the best part of a cookie these are way better cookies than i've ever made before so i'm actually happy with these is it better than the mr beast cookie for yours i appreciate that but truthfully i think it's a tie but you know for me that's a personal win because i was expecting to lose hard on the cookie okay with that being said mr beast uh and his restaurant comes out winner here in a 2-1 or a 3-2 i would have to say in terms of cooking challenges this has definitely been one of my better ones i've made some good food but those damn fries man
Channel: Calfreezy
Views: 934,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Soccer, Football, Calfreezy, Rebel, Rebel FC, London, England, How to, Footy, Tekkers, YouTuber, Challenge, Soccer Skills, Football Skill, Trick Shots, Soccer Fails, Football Fails, Tricks, Freestyle Football, funny, comedy, friends, vlog, vlogging, freezy
Id: _-3SMesOhpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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