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[Music] [Music] welcome to this year's christmas special cook-off now last year unfortunately i took an l but that was very very controversial i still believe to this day i deserve to come away with a w it's the rich team yeah so today i brought in some slightly easier opponents in the form of theo baker and ethan payne we are the winning team baby knackered last year we had a professional chef judging and so this year i had to level it up to one of youtube's finest food critics it's uncle roger hi i only know egg fire rice why you bring me to see this white people just quickly run the fans through what will you be cheffing up today because today's theme is alternative slash weird christmas dinners not weird genius today we are making pigs in blanket pizza with some stuffing and some cranberry and love [Music] blankets okay and we're stuffing it in the usual puddings okay nice topped off yeah you're not making your pizza yeah yeah look at this you're doing a york spring is stuffed with mac and cheese yeah the rules are as follows you have 35 minutes to prepare the best dish to then be judged by our very own uncle roger here let's start the timer now cool so i need flour for the dough don't i need a nice doughy base that's it's a carrot what are we doing tomorrow what are we cooking and he goes well what do you want to make what about mac and cheese i said no we could do right i tried to give him ideas what about mac and cheese the reason we went for today's dish is because alhan really wanted to do mac and cheese yes join me to actually read through the transcript of what happened calfreezy what we're cooking tomorrow i don't know bro i'll have a think of some stuff mac and cheese question mark uh yeah i could do i'll have a think of some things and get back to you then i said are we gonna go shopping to get the ingredients you guys i've already got the ingredients okay so it says mac and cheese right here cool i like the sugar i love your haircuts everything looks amazing is that your logo no yeah yeah that's the best look i've ever seen in my whole life don't try to break it you keep that phone roger that's a present okay that's a present i need you to get the pigs and blankets ready you both seem like you don't know what you're doing so please google watch listen go over there okay what are you guys trying to make all right we've got ourselves a doughy hell this pizza though it's not coming off this thing packet pizza no no this is pre-made by us i hear you have terrible taste in food why are you making food no i don't have terrible taste i just have a simple taste it's a difference uh if i could have chose my cook-off partner theo baker is quite outside the box yeah have you read the instructions it's not something i would have aimed for as a teammate there is no doubt in my mind that myself and ethan mozinga will win this cook-off we're against scrubs calfriends you can't even cook a turkey let alone mac and cheese alhan he's never been in the kitchen before is the finer pans where's her name don't find it why are you just standing there have a little look a legend don't disrespect the judges it's all we need bro do you like sausage sausage good yeah yeah you love sausage sausage yeah pick one small one we don't discriminate against sausage correct correct i love sausage uncle roger feel like gonna get diarrhea after eating this i like your decoration thank you yeah we did that yeah yeah yeah that was us how do you know my ex-wife i'm concerned that it's not gonna cook in time oh look at their meat and they look amazing i know right thank you a little bit of salt on all the sausages and then a little bit of pepper on all the sausages all right well i'm just waiting because i'm on pasta duty and i'm feeling good cow's cooking the billy listen don't ask me stuff about cow that's my teammate obviously that's the ghost of tank all right how many members are inside men one two three four five six brothers second there's a seven oh yeah big star we're assembling a rat sausage do you wrap your sausage yeah sometimes yeah sometimes i never wrap up me do not no depend on the woman you know what i'm going to do i'm going to cook all the pigs and blankets right because i know what people people are going to love like the pigs blankets i produce why why you think so secret ingredient we make sticky sticky tasty sticky piggy back i thought you're turkish i am where you eat pot it man do we have much i'm sorry which one do you want to use but we've got different types of wait where are we putting stuff in again so what we're going to do is we're going to sprinkle yes oh look at that oh smell that mmm it's good good smells butter butter no you don't need time it that's what happens when you get to that level there's you don't need to do the timing that's why he only win two out of the last 15. you guys are just making a basis all you're doing is doing gcse cook v-tec you b-tech did you say b-tech eat it that was cold give it away allow it wait he's got honey all right that's hard all right get the honey on our pigs right now no absolutely no you can back the off [Laughter] jump out okay you're almost ready stop it [Laughter] oh how are you getting on with the pigs and blankets can we get them in the oven please wait is it oven or pan shut up that is in the oven look what watch these guys and just put it in i hope these guys never open restaurants the food hygiene rating so i'll time my sausages for 15. then we'll put them under the pizza great idea all right get going on that sage and onion stuffing i'm gonna go for a wee and then i'll be back with you whoa back up the pizza put her back in no no no no get that back in this is cheating look i i respect anyone that does cooking but if you cheat and you lose all respect i don't have any gloves i don't have any gloves e that looks sick that looks really good that looks like a piece of that looks good i can't believe you've done this i mean i need i i need a rectangular thing so we can put the pasta in there this is my sauce bro relax like that but no oh and i need you to make the topping the topping who can clean this might wait yes that's exactly what i needed i also said to add a large knob both of us have got large knobs i definitely don't yeah better that's a lot of pasta holy who's watching porn yeah i just heard that oh yeah yeah that's you it's him just chilling with my yeah where's my thingy all right here well i need these brushes roger i bet you can't hold that columbus steady for like two minutes i actually bet you guys we didn't it's the water what are you doing you want the water to go in there what's wrong with you that's your weight oh yeah yeah yeah put it in i need the pasta what are you doing like oh yeah what's your favorite alcoholic beverage oh soju soju korean liquor do you like captain morgan's oh that's that's quite a lot of salt that'll be fine what is that the breadcrumbs yeah to go on the top should we just put the butter in like this no no no no no no no no no i've got i've done the butter i've done the butter you just eat this you stay busy with that all right right this is legitness we're doing very well right now yes oh you genius pizza spinning pizza now we're just waiting we're just waiting right now everything here hey hey get your dirty hands off that that's actually a good passion people it's good faster that's right yeah seriously get your dirty you got at least 2 000 bits of pasture in there car apologize [Music] can i try some of that that looks really nice that is very surprised but not so basic that's unbelievable all right that's that's your bit come on oh one's fine you can take it with you that's our gift oh merry christmas oh the gravy can you make the gravy yeah yeah right let's go where's it from yeah oh my god oh my god we're wearing cheese oh wow here we go here we go the sauce goes in look i've come today with my a game i'm going to try to do the best i possibly can i'm going up against a previous opponent bazinga who um rightfully smoked me previously so i think it's important that i get my revenge and that's what i i'm gonna seek to do today this is the topping for it to give it that crispy nice touch wait what's going on here something waterproof oh my god it looks like looks like it's got a skin condition there were no hiccups between me and ethan it was it was smooth sailing we had great communication we split the jobs 50 50. yes the thermometer made the the base and uh uh the base yeah you know this thing look like after you a thai hooker i'm sorry but that doesn't that does look pain it does it will taste nice oh han what's going on with the gravy wait don't panic sabotage the [Laughter] glass [Music] not too well this has gone not too well wait that's pretty raw good morning and uncle roger thought pineapple on pizza was the worst thing okay okay thank you you're good you're good after trying your macaroni uncle roger have hope for you now can we just sprinkle something on that i'll just shove it in the oven they're going to go up yeah i mean i think we've lost now so uncle roger are you actually uncle yeah uncle have so many nephews is it yeah did you fancy them of course everybody like it now are they all successful people like kitna you need to get back in man what's going on no you're making cheese going downstairs now you've got the you've requested it to be heated i've turned on for you guys yeah yeah what a random place to put an oven not very hot though see i was in is it in yes sir can you shut that door mate why the door you're trying to air condition the whole world shut the door you've got things in there to cook so are we it just to be safe my pizza thingy don't let me get flingy you see it see me we got a big dilemma pigs in blankets it's whatever it's whatever i think you know we can come from cannes oh it have msg in there for your uncle roger approved nephew alham good choice good job you guys using this nah i've been whipping in the pyrex is that wait is that what it means yes yeah virex oh that's a pirate i had no idea what everyone knows about rap lyrics theo didn't know that what's that you know when rattlers say they're whipping in the pyrex he only knows coldplay why is that funny it's true not over the crowd sauces and yeah they're just doing too much like what the cranberry what's that for the crust so you can dip the crust in there in in what what is that chili jam cranberry sauce christmasy right yeah yeah yeah oh that smells like christmas chocolate i was looking at it i wasn't looking forward theo had this bizarre obsession with the oven door and the fact that any moment in which it was open he would sort of was a combination between get extremely sexually frustrated and also angry shut the door you filthy prick he goes pirates the summit at the moment is back [Laughter] [Laughter] is my teammate buzzing is one of the greatest humans on earth you know i'm i'm honored to be with him his chefing ability is second to none his banter is second to none [Music] genuinely i every time i see him cook i'm just blown away by his talent i'm going to tell you they've all stitched up the team stitch up with the team and i think you've won what are you doing with these then he's everything he just walked around cause havoc yeah there's been no actual cooking from our hand today gee there's something that you can use to spice up like you're putting pigs in blankets oh hannah i need you three and i need you to go check on their pickup like it's downstairs double check it's cooking for them no no no no no nice nice yeah it's coming together don't worry roger i promise you this is gonna be you guys crispy golden as they're looking good our pigs and blankets might be done no no no no i don't think so i don't know are your hoes texting you oh jesus oh jeez jamie tell me now we're involved someone like you got girlfriend women you got to have better taste winnie the pooh have a girlfriend uh yeah what about piglet little fleshlight don't look too bad does it i can't lie you smashed it that's like i tell you the base is going to be so exciting yeah it's true support supporters boys white sports yes yeah and pow spinning pizza wait that looks peng are they all right no the honey as well quite like that nice little bit of shazam it's got a nice little sweetness on it garage you're pleasantly surprised this guy just screaming at everyone but he made good food you could thicken it up it's not thickening it is picking up now you don't listen to this guy hey i'm doing the cleaner a flavor here by soaking it did appear throughout the episode that alham slowly began to lose his mind and that was definitely a concern of mine especially as it got closer to plating up and how that may affect our final dish i think that's a bit too strong no no no no seriously are you serious i'll handle it i don't want you to that but fortunately i managed to calm him down and bring him back to a little bit of normality and we managed to plate the dish on time look at that mac and cheese that looks good do you know what yeah we smashed it that's not trials and tribulations but i quite think that is good [Music] so there we are it is done the green team have presented their uh what could what is that again it's a pigs in blanket pista pizza pizza pizza sorry my head's stranded with stuffing we're stuffing sprinkles and cranberry sauce in case you want to dip the crust i mean there's not much crust and and spiced rum shot because christmas spices you know all right and uh for us we've gone for the pigs and blankets with our yorkshire pudding and mac and cheese stuffed wow so the only thing christmas is well yorkshire pudding pigs and gravy's not necessarily sauce spiced rum you got three things you got three things we got three things right enough of that roger this is sorry i should say uncle roger apologies stop sucking uncle roger dick just let uncle roger taste this all right oh don't forget the gravy do you want the shot of the gravy yes yes we can actually pour it for you guys apart from me puffing me yeah yeah oh my god cameraman come here really quick just after i poured that that is nuts that is nuts all right go ahead i'm hearing crunches i'm hearing flavors i'm hearing moisture bacon nice the bacon's crispy that's me could be a bit firmer smackdown okay all right okay all right i heard the crispy the crunch when you when you get into this yeah dr no no okay thoughts on that just in general what oh god i'll see this not bad is oh my god it's actually the bottom is just dope yeah it hasn't even cooked through look it's great don't give me that tomorrow steak you're not going to do that uncle roger surely not that's painful you've given them a rare a rare piece if you hear they're trying to do don't listen to them oh no oh that's soggy there was no crunch there was nothing just come back to this let me try it with the pig in blanket um oh no oh no no way so that base there's he's looking at the base that's nice if you don't eat the face it actually tastes good oh my god i'm happy with that i'm really happy there's no crunch oh wow there's a little bit here you know what i don't even care what my hand says yeah it's hot well one of the best dishes we've well done i've ever done another cooking to be honest yeah you both did good so you know what you could give your verdict straight down the lens of that camera there and whatever you say here i really hope that you don't regret it this presentation nice they have dipping sauce the tomato good flavor good good umami flavor good freshness but because the pizza though a little bit not finished cooking ankara have to keep winners he said all the good things about ours but you haven't said one good thing about yours no because you said no hold on hold on they have questions arguing with uncle roger even after he had it okay it's consistent flavor not as nice as that but you're consistent but the flame is nicer lads oh let's say thank you very much guys off get up come on come on thank you ethan thank you right guys thank you very much for watching it has been an absolute pleasure and let me tell you i hope you have a wonderful christmas uncle roger thank you for coming and playing a part in this wonderful video theo you'll never be on again have a great day enjoy your christmas
Channel: Calfreezy
Views: 1,737,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Soccer, Football, Calfreezy, Rebel, Rebel FC, London, England, How to, Footy, Tekkers, YouTuber, Challenge, Soccer Skills, Football Skill, Trick Shots, Soccer Fails, Football Fails, Tricks, Freestyle Football, funny, comedy, friends, vlog, vlogging, freezy
Id: bXHcYz7OJ9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 25 2021
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