We Recreated The McDonalds Menu At Home!

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there was one person i needed to come in someone with experience who's worked at mcdonald's who knows what they're talking about it's the one and only we're back in the kitchen of glory and guess what ladies and gents today we are going to see if we can recreate mcdonald's meals here at home now in order for me to really channel my inner mcdonald's ability i need to transform i need to feel as if i work in mcdonald's there it is i have transformed into a mcdonald's worker i'm going to be making you guys some mcdonald's chips mcdonald's nuggets and the famous mcdonald's big mac and to put that all together a little dessert for you what are they called again mcflurries i'm gonna then get myself some actual mcdonald's and we're gonna compare them both and i've actually managed to get a former mcdonald's employee to come and taste the difference someone that actually made this food with their bare hands first things first the fries combine the brine ingredients and set aside eight cups of agua half a cup of corn syrup three tablespoons of salt and one teaspoon of white vinegar that's the thrill how many potatoes do i need how many potatoes does it want six i'm getting good in the kitchen by the way you lot it's scary the skill level has just gone up massively you can just see the way i'm slicing and dice in here right just gonna quickly rinse these completely submerged in the gold brand that looks like genuine mackie fries place the brand in the fridge for two hours and you get you big bastard while that's all being done it's time to get started on the nuggets with the first step you get to unleash a little bit of anger by pounding and squashing each of the chicken breasts it's been a long time since i've touched a breast a chicken breast you stupid little rat look at them speed the speed oh no just like that got ourselves some nugs do you know what i'll just be happy if they taste all right if they're edible in fact just one egg and some agua right so we've made our um coating so this is what nuggets are gonna be coated in bust this open room drop it in coat it so then you put it in this goes in there and then in there again double coat that's what we do baby and just like that we have ourselves some nuggets these things do be coated though place them in the refrigerator for an hour right while everything's in the fridge we're going to get ahead of ourselves here i'm going to get started on the big mac now you're probably thinking when it comes to the big mac the key is the sauce right we've got all the ingredients in here wonderful let's get mixing and this right here is gonna be our big mac sauce i hope the ex mcdonald's employee is not a fussy eater because i'm making i'm going all the way the full distance baby right so it's time for the meat we need to get these into small bowls but we also need to season them you know just because i'm white doesn't mean i don't season my food so what we're gonna go ahead and do is get some well salt and pepper there we go this right here is a big mac patty yeah a patty and then what you want to do is you want to flatten it there we go yeah there we go four parties round well kind of round all right all the preparation everything is done but now it's time to actually cook the food and hopefully it's just as good if not better than the real mackeys but there was one person i needed to come in someone with experience who's worked at mcdonald's who knows what they're talking about it's the one and only list your credentials two and a half years service four stars declined promotion five times i think it's time we get out beneath the fries these are the fries they've been they've been chilling in there they look they look they look like macky's like you know shape looking forward to these the nuggets are they cats who are normal normal normal i'm looking forward to that right okay so what i need to do is i think we'll go for the fries first and then we'll do the nuggets right and you've got salt yes we have salt you never know drain and rinse them twice with cold water okay then pat them oh mad okay colander a small one at that but you know it'll do it all [Laughter] small but effective mucky brown what's he do what is he doing over there man literally rinse all of that bollocks off of them right so the whole point is we just got to quickly dry these off oh please don't do it just yeah you want me to make is all about speed remember that actually one key thing about mcdonald's you may not know is that they call it fast food okay but mcdonald's is not fast food it's fast service okay so that's why when you come in and say my face taking 15 minutes we don't care we served you in 30 seconds were you ever did you ever get employee of the month some questions of course yeah did you actually i definitely i definitely did i've i've got a scar from mcdonald's no i swear to you can see it more there right here where my finger is here there's a scar where i got burned i got scalded did not sue them you get some free money no no because uh no accident i could not say no because me and standard were just cooking lots of mozzarella dippers you know it was late at night no one would see and whatnot and you know eating a few and then our manager who comes in and says what the [ __ ] are you doing obviously our manager's like a year above us at college so it's not that it's all fun and games until he picks up the prong and starts chasing me and this metal prongs being in the bats which are 180 degrees yeah so obviously the next day i come in and i get called into office they're like what's that on your arm theo i might know what you're talking about there's no idea like if you don't tell us who did this we're gonna look at the cctv i'm gonna get fired for eating and stealing mozzarella dippers yeah sauerkraut have you snitched so what did you make get the sap nah two weeks suspension is what it is the game is the game is a game fella how long does it take two minutes 15 minutes what fast service yeah but you've made them before like mackies don't make it on order they come frozen you put them in a basket it takes two minutes just a little bit is that what you need right should we get the patties on the move yeah they said one to two minutes each side oh look at that look at the sizzle now we're sizzling baby oh you like that daddy i know what i'm talking about look at that proper nice proper good right should we have a look at the old fries fiddle them around a bit these burgers are done you want to see something cool watch this oh get that in slo-mo all right it's time to construct the big mac right you're going to have to uh show me the ways with this all right so you start with the sauce right now shove a bit of onion have you cooked the onion you're going raw no we're doing raw onions the customer asks for right because of raw onions come on be healthy have healthy with the healthy healthy with the less yeah healthy just two pickles nice layer of cheese get that meat on that hair yeah the saucini oh actually i don't know maybe just layers yeah no no we could cook onion and lettuce a bit of that a bit of both and then just go ahead and shove it on top slap back no no cheese extra cheese two slices of cheese two slices of cheese yeah give me a nice little press arena oh look at that that's enough i said no you don't blow up oh look at that mate it looks like a big mag oh what's that you had an order in oh lord what's the order boss oh it's no sauce okay no pickle as well oh it's still fickle do you have any other sauce yeah well i've got mayonnaise that's even worse oh no what house soul doesn't have ketchup oh wait we've gotta get it don't blow it up there you go look at that that is a serious bit of meat that is okay right next thing next thing we need to do fries when you get those out boy those are actually crispy actually this actually looks like mcdonald's it's not about looking like it's like tasting it you know what that says you're hungry because it's impossible to make it look exactly the same you know what we're doing here yeah what we're doing talk to me we're getting the nuggets in pop it open i have a lot of confidence in these a lot more to me can you imagine doing this in rush hour tonight with people yapping in my ear oh that's my favorite really that was my favorite like if you're with someone yeah and you dare dare each other to say [ __ ] to people online oh really if you let one giggle through you are gone did you ever get kicked off the tills oh so many times so they're like i feel you down here again back on the price i've never forget the video did you get fired afterwards [ __ ] do you want pricks uh you're right we're waiting on our order i don't care if it's afraid you can't swear customers office now coming i've covered my face this is actually office no it was a fraud so obviously he came in and i told him a [ __ ] off and whatnot yeah um and then my manager was like fellow office now yeah but he was just bannering but he didn't come across that on camera it looked like i was getting fired no no don't think i didn't forget your favorite dessert yeah oh yeah it's the mcflurry season what do you call that the flurry season you say whatever you want to say this is going to be way better than mcflurry do you reckon way better we have got the crushed oreo topping now i know you want it to sit on top but you want to make them i'm going to flurry it you are going to oh this is going to hit different this is gonna hit different theo this is the moment of truth so it's a little bit done on appearance but we're mainly going off a taste look i feel like you've gone down my goal my roots you've upgraded mcdonald's i'd say right now i'll be honest they look good these these like mcdonald's nuggets these are phenomenal they mcdonald's nuggets are arguably top three in what they sell right so this is what they did and well go away this is what these turned out looking like gourmet should we try should we try a nugget yeah should we open the barbecue i have mine with a sweet and sour yeah in fact what i might do is have a bite of a real one and about yours here we go i mean this is a standard nugget this is what i expected yeah can we go to this bad boy i'm gonna go hole in one i'm not even joking the brine or whatever you've done to these nuggets the the batter that i put them in top tier really salty flavoursome they are different and i'd say are you a little bit better do you know what i'm just excited about is these are crunchy yeah look the point was to make a nugget okay crispy stuff on the outside an edible chicken that isn't going to poison you on the inside and i'd say i've done that yeah all right i'll take that next up the fries here should we give the fries a go now these fries i'll be honest are a little bit cold because it'll be an hour in fact they might be bolting it's like it's been in a freezer but usually we all know what we're doing on friday like but sometimes i'll be honest their fries are inconsistent it's because if you get a fresh batch you're living the dream if you get a batch that's been sitting there it's bad key is if you want a fresh a fresh batch of mcdonald's fries premium ask for no salt really they have to clean a whole area specifically for that one order to go no salt and you get a hot fresh batch of fries and then you say oh can i get a sachet of salt there you go all right so let me try my fries i'm not gonna lie these fries look sad but tastes pain you know what nothing beats homemade fries actually really good again they're actually crispy yeah i think i would still if these were not fresh they're the ones i still think those beat my fries but once again i haven't let myself down look at the fries this is a dad fry something your dad would make is that a good thing yeah they're different they're good they're not what you intended but we'll take it okay yeah oh oh that's real crunchy that's just a bit burnt that one all right let's move on from the gym i'll i'll accept the chips right now we have got the big mac burger here that's pretty good going you just needed that extra uh bit of wedge in the middle and you're there i'd say all right here we go let's the big mac in half oh my god my life has been a lie have they forgotten to put the extra bit of cheese is it one bit of cheese maybe the top doesn't have cheese maybe it's only the bottom there is only the bottom in this okay ready all right let's see let's see what the big mac's here i can't stand it you can't stand the sauce naturally you know what oh my god no pickle i got pickle all right now on to the main event here oh yeah we've got the top carl's big mac limit freeze the mcfreeze the bun is a bit of an l i'll i'll concede the bun is a bit of an l but there's not much you can do because look they don't sell mcdonald's buns these are the clothes why you did burn it as well no it's just crispy that does look good though which one would you prefer just from appearance i think we all know the answer i think it might have to be the the mcfreeze it isn't look crazy i'm really excited for this sauce actually i'm excited for the raw onion right okay ready one apple tea i've got a little mouth i can't get my mouth around it are you alright that that is banging and you know how much i've really called them raw onions that top tip this is a good burger i'm not gonna lie the cheese the double cheese the sauce he hasn't got the sauce but i've got the sauce and the sauce is actually very accurate yeah it's not quite the same as that but it is close all right now before we do get a bit ahead of ourselves here oh my god oh my god oh my god okay the mutt flurry wow can't really see it you can see inside the ice cream you've actually got the wrong type of ice cream what do you mean so you've got a nice a nice vanilla ice cream yeah it's not it's a you know mr whippy yeah is that it's that it's that pepper i swear to god that is pretty much identical that is phenomenal that's actually out of the [ __ ] park guys why don't we do this a lot more often why are we not making the flowers every day oh i thought you meant why not i cook for you more often no why don't you oh yeah now let me try it out joy mine's better they're overreacting yeah why is that why why is it well have you said soggy biscuits it's a soggy biscuit yeah but why have the white soggy biscuits because it's been stuck in there just soggying up in in the cream now i want to know guys if you want me to do any other fast foods which one should i do which one would you like to see me do five guys versus shake shack and i'd love to be a taste tester yeah of course if we can get this video to 80 000 likes i'll do one of the things that you guys say down in the comments below thank you guys very much for watching much love and thank you to theo his link will be down below as well i'll see you guys in a bit bye
Channel: Calfreezy
Views: 1,798,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Soccer, Football, Calfreezy, Rebel, Rebel FC, London, England, How to, Footy, Tekkers, YouTuber, Challenge, Soccer Skills, Football Skill, Trick Shots, Soccer Fails, Football Fails, Tricks, Freestyle Football, funny, comedy, friends, vlog, vlogging, freezy
Id: U42ERi46MOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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