You've Got To Make It! - Bishop Harvey Bee

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giving honor to God who's ahead of our lives we honor him tonight for all that he has done and all that he's doing in our life I want to say our honor the Lord tonight for the angel of this house dr. Morgan let's give God praise for this awesome come on no you're gonna do better than that tonight how about we are honored and privileged to have you with us [Applause] there's nobody like you also want to give honor in absence the first lady of the house come on let's give God praise for lady Morgan and tonight it goes without saying we cannot ever enter this house without giving honor to mother Reed come on let's give it up this awesome woman of God trailblazer and you know why I brought my somebody with me it's been my sidekick going on 38 years oh I'll be in trouble if you left me now now she is the apple of my eye first lady dr. Veronica B come on let's give it up for one more time I would be where I am without her amen she is an awesome woman of God I bless God for her tonight I want to say this up front so when I get to going I might forget it but I got permission from dr. Morgan that tonight if you care to do it after the service dr. B has her new book why women act foolish I want you to get a copy of it if you don't already have a copy of it it will bless your life it's a good gift too amen and she's so one in the pastor and late first lady's life and even mother reads so we thank God for you all and your support I also want to thank God for the clergy pastors and leaders here tonight if you are pastor leader tonight or minister tonight or any official or deacon would you stand we want our honor you tonight just stand we're just gonna clap for you come on this time we're gonna craft it glad to have you today god bless you may be seated spasibo from the South here tonight good to see you sir I know you you don't really do anything long so I want to get into it tonight amen why y'all laugh why y'all laughing tonight but we want to do what God would have us to do all right amen I want you to come away with me to st. Martin fourth chapter st. mark the fourth chapter and if we stand let's stand I'll read and then when I finish reading and you can be seated again mark the fourth chapter and the same day when the evening was come he saith unto them let us pass over unto the other side and when they had sent away the multitude they took him even as he was in the ship and there were also with him other little ships some maids in the night were in the ship but you are classified as little ships in here tonight and their roles a great storm of wind and the waves beat into the ship so that it was now fooled and he was in behind a part of the ship asleep on a pillow and they awake him and said unto Him master carest out not that we perish and he arose and rebuked the wind and said unto the sea peace be still and the wind ceased and there was a great cloud and he said unto them why are you so fearful how is it that ye are but no faith you can't be fearful and have faith at the same time and they feared exceedingly my god and said one to another what manner of man is this that even the wind and sea obey Him made a law and a blessing to the reason to here is a most of all to doers of his holy words you may be seated well my scripture text tonight I want to take a thought tonight and just look and see who's sitting beside you tonight they must look funny to you or something just see who you got you got working with you tonight just look around and see who you got working with you tonight and if you would just tell them about it on your roll you've got to make it said again you have to make it one more time say you got to make it tough so I'm depending on you got to make it not the Morgan thank you again for this opportunity and Mark full of chapter verse 35 says and the same day when the even was come he said unto the dim let let's pass over unto the other side and then when you look at chapter 5 verse 1 and they came over to the other side of the sea for somebody tonight that's your word that's your Rhema word that's what you need to hear tonight I'm so I'm so glad that you did not think that it was too much to come out on a Thursday night cuz some didn't make it because they thought they anticipated it was gonna rain tonight but it's clear I'm talking to somebody who has a word from God maybe God told you that he was going to save your children maybe he told you that your ministry we were going to go to another level of influence or effectiveness and maybe he told you that you're gonna meet that husband or that wife uh you know that you've been believing for or maybe he told you that he was going to bless and prosper you financially or you're going to get out of debt but you've got a word from God tell your neighbor I got a word now but now but but your word is being challenged is anybody here who knows that their word is being challenged in it between your word and the other side or manifestation you're going to have to fight the good fight of faith and I came here tonight to tell somebody I came to tell you that the devil has enough power to challenge a word but he doesn't have enough power to change your word Jesus said let us go in other words divine presence it's a guarantee let us go there's something about his presence that makes a difference he doesn't promise us exemption from our problems but he promised divine presence in our problems oh I feel good tonight so David said yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me Moses were so dependent upon the presence of God that he said if your present does not go with us don't take us from this place so stripped in honor is in his presence and I would never leave you nor forsake you there are people who start out with and they say they can all you can always count on me and I'll be there for you but when things get bad you look around and and they're either gone or they become invisible and when you've got money you got friends anybody know what I'm talking about but real friends is one who still still there but the money is gone and so if you've got a one real friend you are rich look at somebody tell them say if you got one real friend you are very rich tonight so Jesus said I'll be that friend that sticketh closer than a brother we he was dead before you had any money he was dead before your position before you had a beautiful house before you got a new car before you all dressed up he was there when you were in the projects he he was dead when you were walking to work where you were riding the bus and you got to my god you clothes from the goodwill he was always that somebody knows what I'm talking about the night because when you were trying to decide oh should I pay my electric bill what should I get some groceries he was there he promised us no matter what comes your way in life I will be there with you tell your neighbor I got a friend the scripture said they rolls a great storm a great storm a great storm a rose mean it came up out of nowhere no warning no advance notice everything was going good smooth sailing and all of a sudden man it's in your face you're hearing the doctor report saying I'm sorry there's no medical science that can do that can do anything for you at this moment you're sitting across from your husband or your wife and out of the clear blue sky ah they hit you with words that I want to divorce you went to work on your job and you've been ever 5 or 10 or maybe 20 years and you thought you had job security you had seniority you had a nice little retirement building up and they told you that the economy is bad and the company is downsizing and we have to let you go and worst of all you lose all of your benefits I know I'm talking to somebody saved and saved doing without so that you could get that car you always wanted and the sickness hit you or or we were injured on your job and you miss one month payment and they came and got your car storms comes and sometimes they come up with no warning and and there are storms in every life and then there real stones I mean real stones in Oklahoma they have what they call tornado alley they tell me that there is a difference between a common everyday type storm and a super sale storm and everyday type of storm may have a little wind and rain maybe some thunder and lightning maybe even some you know pea-sized hail but a supercell can produce softball-sized hail it can produce winds over a hundred miles an hour it can create multiple tornadoes is always filled with deadly lightning as a supercell storm is self-perpetuating the longer it lasts the stronger it gets the Bible says it was a great storm a great storm is a bad storm it is a super sale and so I believe I'm talking to someone right now who is in a storm and it's not your everyday storm it's not just a little storm of rain or pea-sized hail it's a supercell it's a bad one judging by your circumstance it looks hopeless doctor says it's hopeless the banker says is hopelessness the lawyer says is hopeless are the marriage countless the counselor says it's hopeless your enemy says is hopeless and even your friends are starting to agree when I came to tell you it's never hopeless as long as there is a God in heaven there is a who so the Bible said that their boat was now filled with water and the devil wanted to dry you and so aha you feel like you're drowning he wanna drown you in debt he wanna drown you with sickness you wanna drown you in fear and despair you wanna drown you in depression and confusion but I have a word from the Lord for you that you are unsinkable come on tell the devil tell the devil you can't drown me I'm unsinkable everything around me may be going down but I can't drown at this time and so your word you're destined it makes you unsinkable see the Destiny in you is greater than the storm you in oh I don't hear nobody I don't hit nobody I better say that again the Destiny in you is greater than the storm that you are in right now and so what do you do when you're in the middle of a storm you go back to your word your word gets you through tell somebody that I listen to you I got a word tonight tell somebody I'm coming through on the word and so the disciple said Peter get back in this boat and you can't walk on you can't walk on water have you lost your mind but Peter said I got a word Jesus said calm and if I got a word I'm unsinkable I feel some unsuitable faith is in this place tonight the devil has tried been trying to push it down he's been trying to hold you underwater but your fav will let him keep you down would you tell somebody tonight that I got a word a word is all you need yes that's all you need I don't take I don't have to I don't need the whole book all I need is a word not even the chapter all I need is a word nah not even a whole Center just one one word from God is all that you need and so a word will do for you what money can do for you my word will do for you that but your education can do for you my word will do for you what your friends can't do for you one word will unlock doors doors that are closed in your face up one word a costly to turn in your favor one word will hold you up and everything else is falling around huh let us know that my god over on the other side how would you touch somebody and tell them say it's imperative that we go to the other side [Music] but before I ever got in this storm not the market I got a word before I got in the storm God is not a man in terms of numbers 23 and 19 God is not a man that he should lie neither is he the son of man that he should repent had he not said it will he not do it had he not spoken his shell he'd not make it good so I got a word but God never said that he wouldn't hear that there wouldn't wouldn't be in it obstacles he never said that it wouldn't be any problems he never said that there wouldn't be anything that rise up against you he never said that you won't be attacked on your marriage he never said that sickness wouldn't try to attack your body he never said that I will never have to fight a financial battle he never said that your children would be perfect ain't angels on that Dhiru that they would never rebelled or get on drugs or go to prison he never said anything like that he never said that people wouldn't I own you now you know they'll do that don't you they'll stab you in the back and steal from you he never said that you never never have a broken heart he never said that you my god that it wouldn't be time that you cried yourself to sleep and so but what he said was let us go let us go what well work well together is this I work you and you're not alone he said over on the other side over tell somebody you've got to get over it if you're gonna get to the other side there are some things that you have to get over somebody lied on you you got to get over it somebody cheated on you you got to get over somebody abused you mentally you gotta get over it emotion to get over it I said sure they get over it physically get over it and you are you can my god they hate you uh-huh and my god you're holding unforgiveness in your heart toward the person or the person my god you got to get over that see your destiny depends on it to get to the other side you have to get over don't let anybody uh-huh do to you or didn't do didn't stop you don't let anybody stop your destiny it's not worth it they are not worth it nobody's worth your destiny being stopped no man and no woman is worth your destiny no amount of money is worth your destiny look at somebody tone say it's time to get over it I'm sort of Bible said the boat walls now filled with water nothing from the outside can hurt you in other words nothing from the outside can stop you listen to me real good it's what you let in [Applause] it's what you let in that has the potential to drag you down the boat was now filled with water and I'm talking to somebody who has let bitterness and resentment and unforgiveness get into your boat you let anger and jealousy and a critical spirit into your life and the only way you can get to the other side is that you've got to get over it you got to get it out look at someone and say get it out your life depends on it your destiny depends on you got to get it out before it kills you you got to get it out before it drags you down you got to get it out before it destroys your marriage you got to get it out before it kills your ministry you got to get it out before it says before you say something to do something that you can't undo I don't know who I'm talking to tonight but God says you better get it out verse 38 says and he Jesus was in the kind of part of the ship sleep on the pillow now how could Jesus be sleeping be rested be at peace be calm in the same storm the same circumstance that were causing the disciples to freak out the answer is he believed the word he spoke he believed the words that came out of his own mouth he had declared we are going over to the other side now he spoke that before he went into action somebody gonna get this tonight somebody gonna get it he's that we are going over to the other side and so he believed that the word he spoke was more powerful than anything that he had to go through to get there so when he got the word and he spoke that word he was sleeping on the word he was resting on the word he was counting y'all got it now on the word so you have to ah you have to learn how to rest on the word but you also need to know how to fight with the word first Timothy 1 and 18 says according to the prophecies that went before on thee that thou abide them might just war a good warfare so one of the most powerful weapons you have is your prophetic word look at someone and tell them say that's the most powerful this thing you got tonight is your own word and so that word doesn't do you and any good to bear it in the dresser drawer it doesn't do you any good to in a bind or with a you know 150 other prophecies that you got somewhere else so you got to put the word in your mouth and declare it come on set it with me I must put the word in my mouth and declare it and so you shall decree a thing and it shall be established unto you according to what Jobe says and I need to tell somebody tonight that you need to quit sitting around waiting for some prophet to come by and give you a word I believe in prophecy I do prophesy but God wants you to know that you are the prophet of your own destiny it's time for you to open your own mouth and decree and declare that I must make it can you say Amen so just like Ezekiel in the valley of dry bones nothing changed until he start prophesy I can prophesy over you until I'm blue in the face but if you don't stir that faith and open your own mouth and prophesy to your own dry bone condition nothing is going to change would you know somebody tell them say it's time to wake up now you got to wake up the prophet uh-huh I'm trying to close now but I'll but before I do the Lord said to tell you that you've got to make it it is critical that you make it nothing deep nothing long and drawn-out but it is critical it is imperative that you make it there is somebody on the other side of your storm whose life depends on you making it over there is somebody who is bound and you are the one who is going to set them free someone is sick and you're going to lay hands on them and bring healing to them someone is suicidal and their and you the one who is going to speak the word in season and restore hope to them and drive darkness out of their life somebody is going through the greatest storm of their life and you are going to share how you made it through and they are going to make it because you didn't quit I've got to make it you've got to make it I've got to make it it is not just for myself but for my children for my grandchildren for my brothers and sisters that are following behind and so the Bible said that there are were other boats a little boats that will whip them and somebody is following you somebody is watching you you've got to make it but somebody who is still in the enemy territory under satanic activity not yes yes yes somebody been praying and you're the answer to their prayer somebody's waiting for you to show up and deliver them from the devil's huh and you can't go under you can't drown right now you can't quit right now you can't give up right now somebody needs you right now would you look at somebody and tell them say somebody needs you and so win win win when Jesus got to the other side the Bible said merely he was met by a man possessed by delsa yes he needed them to make it huh this man needed Jesus to make it he needed the disciples to reach of Jesus set him free and so you got to make it somebody's life is depended on it somebody's marriage is dependent on it somebody's ministry it's dependent on it somebody's sanity is dependent on you making it would you grab the name about ahead and say you got to make it tell them say neighbor you can't do salt not for you to turn around now it's time to know that you got to make it you got to make it I'm depending on you to make it can you say Amen and [Music] so I know that you've been going through Hades but you're gonna make it you're in the middle of the worst storm of your life but you're gonna make it everything you see and everything you feel that everything you hear AHA is threatening to take you down but you've got to make it and when you get to the other side your testimony is going to be the lifeline to somebody who feels it's impossible who feel uh-huh their dream their vision their hope will never come to pass and so you got to make it somebody is waiting on you and now I want you to take somebody by the hand and for the next few minutes yes take them by the hand and I want you to just prophesied to them and I want you to speak life to them and I want you to tell them you gonna make it you you've got to make it you you can't don't come down you you can't go under you you you've got to make it come on tell us I won't let you quit I won't let you give up I won't let you go on can you say Amen yes you got to make it because this world is counting on you you got to make it because you have been here all this time for you to turn [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm gonna make sure that you tonight let you know you've been doing this for 40 years and the number for this stands for not provision it stands for trial the testing separation when I use a bit to the petition now you don't stood the test now you don't have to preparation now it's time to go and perform can you say Amen I got somebody that'll testify doing know us time you remember the Bible said rain 40 days and 40 nights and look at Moses he was in the wilderness for 40 years can you say Amen and the children of Israel got a wonderful 40 years they could have made the trip hop in Levin days huh it was nothing wrong with God baby was something wrong with them but if they would have believed God if they would have trusted God it's not gonna be long as it has been huh would you tell somebody huh that is not gonna be long as it has been you're closer than you think can you say Amen it's about to turn your life around turn your life upside down [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] yay [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] situation charges loser my say you better give give people something to talk about come Testament down'n listen so you got to give folks up in the top about say they've been talking in your hand but tell them say this next level then they not gonna be on the next level that day not gonna be on he's gonna take you higher that you can use your enemy ever footstool because God will use your haters to make you greater God will use your enemies to take you higher because they've been drinking [Music] [Music] [Music] but God to blow your mind [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] get me 30 seconds up appraised [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on you need 30 sir [Music] nothing to attention [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you don't mind give him about 30 more seconds of whatever please you got in your spirit if you got a yield if you got a dance if you got a clip come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody give God a praise in this place [Music] you
Channel: SHIP TV
Views: 4,847
Rating: 4.9487181 out of 5
Keywords: Harvey Bee, The Winning Church, Tolan Morgan, Tolan Morgan Preaching, Fellowship Bible Baptist Church, Bishop Harvey Bee, Christian Fellowship Church, Warner Robins GA
Id: rsllAojynwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 4sec (2704 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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