Pastor Tolan Morgan - The Dynamics of False Accusations!

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Lorrimer submit my mind I suggest that you are no longer obligated to give an account for two people who are insecure with who they are because they don't like who how they see themselves when they see you can I tell you that the reason why the chief priests and the elders are struggling with Jesus is because Jesus is their replacement [Applause] I want to summon your senses and invite your intellect to the gospel that has been recorded by Matthew chapter number 27 Matthew chapter 27 if you will get your Bibles and let's land there the Gospel of Matthew chapter 27 and I want to get a reading at verse number 11 Matthew chapter 27 verse number 11 your Bible should read and Jesus stood before the governor and the governor axed him saying are you the King of the Jews and Jesus said unto Him you say and when he was accused of the chief priests and elders he answered nothing then said Pilate unto him do you not hear how many things they witness against you and he answered him - never a word and so much that the governor marvelled greatly now at that feast the governor was willing to release unto the people a prisoner whom they would and they had then a notable prisoner called Barabbas therefore when they were gathered together Pilate said unto Him whom will you that I release unto you Barabbas or Jesus which is called Christ and he answered and he knew that for envy they had delivered him when he was sat down on the judgment seat his wife said unto him saying you have nothing to do with that just man for today in a dream I have suffered many things because of him and the chief priests and the elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask Barabbas and destroy Jesus the governor answered and said unto them which of the two were you that I release unto you they said Barabbas Pilate said unto them what shall I do then with Jesus which is called the Christ they all said unto Him and let him be crucified and the governor said why what evil has he done but they cried out the more saying let him be crucified when Pilate saw that they that he could prevail nothing but that rather atonement was made he took water washed his hands before the multitude saying I am innocent of the blood of this just person you see to it then answered all the people and said his blood be on us and on our children then released he Barabbas unto them and when he had scourged Jesus they delivered him to be crucified then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common Hall and gathered unto Him the whole band of soldiers and they stripped him and put on him a scarlet robe I won't tag this text the dynamics of false accusation the dynamics of false accusation according to the time of the text in which you and I just read it is Friday morning that Good Friday morning and this is the actual trial the second trial but the actual legal trial that Jesus had undergone that led to his crucifixion the trial happened that Friday morning somewhere around noon he has already been prosecuted the verdict has been issued and around noon he is hanging on a cross between two thieves and you and I will discover as we investigate this trial that the means by which Jesus got to the cross was deplorable and horrendous illegal and unjust you and I just read that the record of the trial as was documented by Matthew shares with us that that Friday morning he has to stand now before Pilate he stands before Pilate and the charge brought up against Jesus is his claim to be God which the Jews considered to be for me but they knew that this charge really holds no ground against the Roman government so they attempted to bring up other charges that would stick against Jesus that were a reproach or some type of adversarial stand against the Roman government so they brought up other charges that garnered the attention of the Roman government it was their goal to get the Roman government to collaborate with them in the prosecution of Jesus so the one thing that's clear we need to know upon understanding this text is who is actually prosecuting Jesus there are several players in this plot one is the Roman government itself the other one are the chief priests who represent the religious institution and then the third culprit are the people who represent the community but the community though it appears they had the last word were not the ones who initiated this trial as a matter of fact it wasn't even the government who initiated this trial I'm sad to report this morning that those who led in the prosecution of Jesus were priests aka other preachers who represented established religion the Bible calls chief priests and elders they were the leading prosecuting body to come against Jesus because they had to come up with some type of claim against Jesus to stop his progress to stop his impact in the community and thus they found it blasphemy for him to claim to be God and/or the Son of God but you and I already can detect something fishy is going on because if it is the case that you have been looking for the Messiah and he shows up why have you rejected him and the answer lies in the fact ladies and gentlemen that the chief priests and the elders who led the prosecution against Jesus are only doing so because if they allow Jesus to continue to do what he is doing in the community he is going to put them out of business because there is no point of going to the priests when I can go to Jesus there is no point of going to the middleman when I can go straight to God himself in flesh and so their real problem with Jesus is that who he is threatens who they are their real issue with Jesus is that they can not stand for Jesus to be who he is because it did tracks lord have mercy from their positions and their power and their influence both in the community and in their religious hallways listen to the charge the charge is he is claiming to be the King of the Jews he's claiming to be the King of the Jews well ladies and gentlemen the claim to be the King of the Jews is actually something Jesus was born with because in Matthew chapter two wise men showed up from the east bearing gifts looking for he who is born King of the Jews so this is not some title that he has garnered in the process of his ministry what you have a problem with in Jesus is something he was born with really they're saying to Jesus it is a crime for you to be who God made you to be they can't handle the fact that Jesus is walking in who God made him to be as far as they are concerned being king of the Jews is a crime when it only is a pre-existing condition that he had at birth can't stop being the King of the Jews cuz this is who I was born to be and the fact that you are struggling with who I'm born to be is a problem that sounds quite familiar in our day and age cause I can't help that I was born black male and intelligent and so the fact that I'm standing in the end what God made me to be is a struggle for people living out what I was born to be I can't help the fact that my mom and daddy got together and God in His Providence ordained for me to be who I was born to be I can't help that that that being black is being brilliant I can't help that that that being Who I am and being who God made me to be is a problem for people who are intimidated by my own greatness and so ladies and gentlemen for those who consider it to be a crime for me to be who God made me to be you got a serious serious problem because it's a problem that you cannot solve I will be who God made me to be and I am not watch this church here's the lesson Jesus says if you consider me being who God made me to be a crime here's what's even worse I am going to aggravate your frustration because if you ask me am I going to be who God made me to be I'm gonna give you some degree of silence because sometimes ladies and gentlemen check what Jesus did they asked Jesus are you the King of the Jews Jesus is silent hmm that's interesting wait a minute huh hold you you you you struggling with who I was made to be Jesus says I'm not even going to justify your question with an answer because I have reached a season in my life lord help your boy right here I have reached a season in my life where I am no longer going to insecure people who don't know who they are because they're struggling with who I am God made you to be the problem is yours it's mine I suggest that you are no longer obligated to give an account for two people who are insecure with who they are because they don't like how they see themselves when they see you can I tell you that the reason why the chief priests and the elders are struggling with Jesus is because Jesus is their replacement Jesus is their removal because what somebody comes into contact with Jesus there is no need for the system that they had set up they believe that Jesus is going to put them out of business because when you get to Jesus miracles happen when you get to Jesus folk get saved when you get to Jesus you actually get into God and so they are intimidated that he is making a difference without their input you got to watch people who always feel like they don't like you because of who you are I need to upset somebody and tell you there are certain people who just don't like you because of who you are it's not what you do it's not how big your name is they don't like how they see themselves when they see you and God sent me in this church today to tell you that you no longer have to give an answer to intimidate it insecure people who don't like how they see themselves when they see you all you got to do is be who God called you to be you check out what Jesus said when I was born I was the King of the Jews when I die I'm gonna be the King of the Jews if I come to your house and heal your mother-in-law of a faith of a fever I'ma be King of the Jews if I walk down the street and a woman touch the hem of my garment and she gets made whole from bleeding I'm still the King of the Jews and whether you like it or not whether you can accept it or not I'm cool with my own identity sometimes ladies and gentlemen silence is not a sign of weakness silence is a sign that I'm not shaken by your fear of Who I am Who I am and I don't have to give an answer because you're struggling with who you are in relationship to Who I am here's the question y'all why is Jesus silent at his own trial he has to be both the defendant and his and his defendant attorney and the person being accused and Pilate says maybe you're not going you're not gonna say nothing back you're not you do you hear all these witnesses against you you you're not gonna say nothing back there's another reason why he's silent y'all it's not just he's sure of his own identity can I tell you another reason why he's silent the other reason why Jesus is silent is because last night in the Garden of Gethsemane prayer got him ready for his next challenge mercy the reason why he's silent is because he just spent time in prayer last night in the Garden of Gethsemane talking to the Father and here's what he said to the Father father if this cup pass let it go from me but if it doesn't not my will but your will be done and the last thing he says to the father he says father if you not don't take this cup away from me you will be done let me upset your theology Church and tell you that prayer doesn't always change your reality prayer preps your spirit for your reality the reason why Jesus could be silent against his accusers it's because had already prepped him Lord Jesus for the attack that's coming on your life sometimes ladies and gentlemen prayer doesn't get rid of your problem gives you the equipment necessary to stand against your attack just stand against your problem and sometimes you got to pray to God that God if you're not gonna take away the problem equip me for the problem God prayed you got to pray that God says you don't let me say the wrong thing because sometimes if I'm in my feelings I'm gonna say the wrong thing but sometimes the power is it how you stand against the attack I don't need to be bothered with how you are responding to me because really the problem is not mine the problem is yours Jesus is silent because he's sure of his identity any silent because of his prayer life they had already prepped him for the attack I don't know who I'm preaching to this morning but some today you need to spend some time in prayer because there may be an attack coming this week that's gonna have to prep you for the attack though it may not remove the attack can I tell you that he is so oh sure of himself he has already resolved that even in his attack he is in God's will he said Lord let your will be done I notice is uncomfortable I know you don't like being attacked but at least I'm in God's will let me see if I can help you kill come in come on come in he didn't say nothing back because being in God's will minimizes your fight back okay let me see if I can give it another time when you're in God's will you don't have to fight people who may be fighting you when you're in God's will God knows how to stand for you God gives you the power to stand against the weapons that have formed against you you just gotta know you're in God's will naturally you would lose it naturally you would be angry naturally you would do something you regret when you're not sure you in God's will but when you're sure you're in God's will you don't have to fight God will fight your battles for you God will stand with you God will go before you and make easy and successful your way he doesn't have to say a word because he knows he's in God's will he doesn't have to say a word because he is not the one that's unsure of his identity the people attacking him are insecure with his security in his own identity and ladies and gentlemen he doesn't say a word he gives them silence so when he gives them silence Church they try another strategy he gives them silence they don't know how to handle it as a matter of fact verse 14 says and Pilate marvelled greatly and Pilate marvelled greatly at the silence of Jesus he is shocked he surprised a man they they raisin all kind of stuff against you and you won't say nothing he spilled and say nothing so they try another strategy here's other strategy the strategy is since he won't respond to accusation let's see how he responds to a simulation come here I'm in the Bible they go get a notable criminal a prisoner by the name of Barabbas who mark 15 and seven says that Barabbas led a revolt against the government and was guilty of murder so Barabbas is a notable criminal his record is a matter of public knowledge he has done things not secretly but everybody knows he is a notable criminal and it's no discussion that he hasn't done anything wrong so what they do is they pair Jesus who is innocent with a man who is guilty put them together because they want Jesus to be seen with Barabbas so that he can be seen like Barabbas okay let me try it one more time they want Jesus to be seen with Barabbas so that he can be viewed like Barabbas because even in biblical days they understood that Association begets a simulation you see ladies and gentlemen I want to ask you a critical question and don't don't know contact me about this cuz I'm just as upset about this Texas you also we're all in this thing together but let me ask you a question who are you paired with that reduces your value who in your life is your friend yo girl yo boy yo boo yo babe and instead of them being added value friendship they reduce your value to that of a criminal they make you look bad before you make them look maybe ladies and gentlemen this is a season where we got to be careful who we let people pair us up with because you can be associated in the wrong way just by who you call your friends just by who you get close to her just by who you associate with they are trying to reduce Jesus value by making him be seen like a criminal by putting him with a criminal but that ain't the whole story no no that ain't the whole story come in his wrestle story they put him with Barabbas because they're trying to assassinate his character they want his character to be associated with that of a criminal but that ain't the end goal no no that's not all they trying to do can't tell what else they're trying to do they're trying after pairing him with Barabbas they're trying to make the public make a decision about which one of these should be released they put them together and then they tell them which one of these men do you want me to release it was their custom at this time of the festival that they would pardon or release a prisoner off of good Mary Barabbas is guilty Jesus is innocent by the way there are no witnesses against Jesus there is no there are no documents about anything he's done wrong in society this is an innocent man undergoing an in just legal system on his way to now being prosecuted by people who know he's innocent but still want him dead lord have mercy I'll try this again they get him before Barabbas and they warned of getting poorer robbers so that people can make a choice y'all ain't ready for this I'm about to run myself here it is oh they want the people to make a choice they made a choice y'all the influence of the chief priests and the elders who talked to the people and say listen we got to destroy Jesus y'all pick Barabbas even though he's bad we know him we all notice Jesus fella he walk around saying he's God and we're not sure of his motives we got to destroy him release Barabbas well in the process of that God in His providential genius decides to visit pilots wife in a dream and she wakes up the next morning and warns her husband hey man don't be don't you fool with that just man don't you touch him don't you come against him I have suffered many things in a dream tonight that have warned me to not put my hands on that holy man Pilate is now representing a minority who is wrestling with a moral consciousness against a crowd of people who who are immoral and have made the decision by evil influence that we want to hurt an innocent person do y'all see these sins we got one person who represents some kind of moral consciousness and we got a crowd who represents a moral consciousness I'm gonna give it to you one more game we got one person who represents a moral consciousness and we got a crowd of people who represent a moral consciousness it suggests to us that unfortunately ladies and gentlemen something is shouting at us in this trial the trial comes down to which one of y'all go stand for justice which one of you all are going to take the stand of righteousness knowing that Jesus has not committed a crime he is not worthy of prosecution or execution but the crowd is so evil that they would rather choose to release a guilty man and then kill an innocent man pastor Morgan what are you trying to say I'm glad you asked because this what I've been trying to get you for this whole sermon ladies and gentlemen my nerves is bad so y'all pray for me here's the whole point of the sermon Kenny here it is whenever injustice is involved the public is on trial it's not the person understand that's on trial whenever injustice is involved the public is on trial and what we find out in this trial is that there is evil in people over righteousness preach stolen Morgan there is so much evil they would rather see an innocent person die than to let go of their power is that not what we see happen in this world today that people are so consumed and intoxicated with power that they have they have abandoned all morality they have abandoned all righteousness they have abandoned all justice and you got to be careful ladies and gentlemen when you call yourself putting somebody else on trial because sometimes when you put somebody else on trial you may be the one ended up on trial it may reveal something about you that we may not ever get over come here ladies and gentlemen the worst thing you can do in trying to expose somebody's character is give them power power is one of most definitive revelations of a person's character because when they got power that character is gonna come through in it here's the truth y'all look at this look at this y'all these people are so evil that they would rather kill an innocent man than to let go of their power and be moral human beings the chief priests and the elders who's supposed to be the religious institution they're either the government has now agreed with this death their evil the people have now decided based on public knowledge that Jesus is innocent that we want Jesus dead and release Barabbas they're evil and pull Pilate he won't a break look at it y'all he won't a break look at he he takes him water and wash his hands he says what evil has Jesus done Pilate you know that Jesus is innocent and instead of using your power to do what's right now you want to be democratic and put the vote in the voice of the people when they are evilly influenced and now they don't kill Jesus because they are under evil influence now you want to wash your hands to suggest you don't have nothing to do with this do it this killing this unjust killing of Jesus does that sound like those cops the other week who didn't harden their knee in in George Floyd's neck but they want to wash their hands they want to say oh yeah you know we just joined the force we just been out here three days it doesn't take days to be moral you should have taken the job with some sense of morality but no you want to wash your hands and try to say it wasn't me I didn't do it know that the devil is a lie look at this text show the government is against Jesus the community is against Jesus the religious institution is against Jesus I'm sorry to report ladies gentlemen that when Jesus died Jesus was subjected to the greatest human evil we have ever seen when Jesus died the reason why he died on the cross was around cross cuz he's dying y'all because sin had become so efficacious that people with no consciousness would rather be evil and see innocent people die they are representing the whole reason why Jesus died and here is the beautiful contrast of the cross y'all ready come here at the close God was at his best Wow humanity was that it's worse they were demonstrating evil Wow God was demonstrating love they were demonstrating wrongness Wow God was demonstrating the love that he even Wow you mistreating me imma love you anyway did you hear what he's saying when he got to that cross he says Father forgive them for they know not what they do the cross is a beautiful contradiction of the love of God and the evil of man all happening at the same time that wild you are in the depths and the extremity of human evil I'm gonna die for you anyway his love is demonstrated at its best while Humanity is that it's worse and your question to be is pastor why didn't Jesus stop it well if you would have stopped it you wouldn't had a chance to get saved if he would have stopped it he wouldn't shed his blood for the remission of your sins so he subdued his own power in order to get you and I save let me give it to you another way on Calvary God betrayed himself so he could save who betrayed him I got rewind in my mind God subdued his own power and authority yielded himself under the submission of evil so that he could have ultimate victory over evil in the long run and that's the bad news of the tech show but here's the good news of the text they said to Pilate hey pilot you don't want to kill him that's fine his blood be on us and our children and they released Barabbas and put Jesus on the cross I knew y'all wasn't gonna read that text with joy when you read it you should have just got happy they said his blood be on us and our children and they released Barabbas and put Jesus on the cross I'm gonna try one more time cuz yo yo ya'll must don't like Jesus no more he said his blood be on us and our children they released Barabbas and put Jesus on the cross ladies and gentlemen when they said his blood be on us and our children they were what I called ignorantly accurate they were wrong without knowing they were right because from their perspective they said his blood be on us so that we would take full responsibility for killing him but from Jesus perspective that's the whole reason why he came in the first place to put his blood on them and their children have mercy today so what I'm trying to tell you G ladies and gentlemen is that while they thought they were killing Jesus they were advancing Jesus intentions in the earth at the very time they said give us Barabbas and take Jesus that's the whole reason why God sent Jesus in the first place which means Church that even when God has a plan on your life he just may use your enemies to get you to the fulfillment of the plan that when they think they're stopping something there he's starting something alright you missed it ladies and gentlemen the police officer thought he was stopping someone but truth is he was starting some mercy today he thought of me on his neck was stopping something but he didn't realize that he was starting something ladies and gentlemen why you trying to stop it God is getting ready to start something I wasn't that Jorge Florence funeral but if I was I would have told them that George Floyd was not a sacrifice he was a seed he was a seed to start a movement that's don't change the world you know what he started he started white people standing with black people marching all over America he started people overseas marching for rightful for justice and coming against racism you know what he started he started a band oh no choking from police and police reform when you stopping something you really starting something okay let me see if I can help you up Oh Genesis chapter 21 Genesis chapter 21 chapter 21 it's a little sister there she black no sister she find to her name Hagar she's gypsy and sister and she was Abraham's side chick and she had baby in Abraham had a baby Sarah's permission the baby started to have a reproach and Sarah's to hold on that's enough of that a but put your old lady and her son out here you know I'm gonna go and get him out get him out he's old lady go and get my and and so Hagar and Ishmael got put out and they went into the wilderness of Beersheba and they did they ran out of water and uh hey God says let me go here by this tree cuz I can't stand and see my son die and while she went to that tree God spoke to her God spoke to a little single mother gospel to a single mother and said listen your son ain't gonna die cuz I'm getting ready to make a great nation out of him you missed it what you thought was getting ready to stop what Sarah thought she was stopping she was really starting something okay uh uh Joseph ladies and gentlemen his whole story between Genesis chapter 39 through 50 kind of sums up like this his brothers put him into slavery they sold him into slavery when they sold him into slavery he gets into the Egyptian Palace when he gives into the Egyptian Palace the Masters wife accuses him of rape they throw him in jail there only to get to jail and there he interprets some dreams when he interprets some dreams he now gets elevated to being second in command over all of gee all of Egypt y'all missed it when you think you stopping something you really starting something okay you still didn't catch me ladies and gentlemen you understand that when they arrested Samson and they gouge his eyes out and gave him a haircut they strapped him to the pillars of a gongs temple going to make a mockery out of him but that in his last prayer he said lord give me strength one more time to take out the enemy's temple and the Lord gave him strength he snatched down those pillars and took out the whole temple of the Philistines ladies and gentlemen when you think you stopping something you really starting something ladies and gentlemen you understand that in Esther's day the King was looking for a queen and Esther was a part of the contest when Esther was a part of the contest they didn't think she would get selected because she was a pretty Jewish girl but by the time she went in to the king she didn't do it the traditional way she did it the untraditional way and God had already put her in office as the Queen to stop a genocide that was gonna happen ladies laters ladies in in her in her term so that means y'all that when she got there she was put there to stop something because there was a decline have to come through that generation because why are you trying to stop something you actually starting something you do understand ladies and gentlemen that the other day when they tried to take fluoride out they thought they were stopping something but really they were starting something you remember Christ don't you when he dies on cavalry they thought they were stopping something but three days later they were starting something and now their church is all over the place they're Christians all over the place there's the Christianity is the largest religion on this planet because just when you think you're stopping something you are starting something and we know that all things work together for the good of the Lord and I called according to his purpose they stopping something when the truth is they're really starting something that's the dynamics of false accusation sometimes ladies and gentlemen you may have to go through a lie to get to the purposes of God in your life sometimes ladies and gentlemen you may have to go through a fight to get to the purposes of God in your life sometimes you may have to be disappointed and brokenhearted in order to get to the purposes of God in your life but if the news is just when you think it's over it's getting ready just start something I'll find my way out of here by just telling you this ladies and gentlemen we are in the transition of transformation because a man died lord have mercy of transformation because a man died okay since you missed it let me see if I kept George Floyd ladies and gentlemen got arrested after being accused of using counterfeit bill and that was the cause for his arrest Jesus got arrested for being accused of being a counterfeit King George Floyd died a public murdering lynching in the streets of Minneapolis after me and authority of the people who were supposed to protect it Jesus died in a public lynching from the people who was supposed to protect him I'll try this one more again Jesus ladies and gentlemen George Floyd when he died he owned his mama when Jesus was on the cross his mama with George slowly died of movement started when Jesus Movement started because when you think you stopping something you are actually started something much bigger and thank God you and I are participating in a transition of transformation because a man died it might be a bad process to get there y'all but thanks be to God we're at a place in our walk with God where God got us in transition I know you can't touch your neighbor but you can touch somebody at your house and look at him and just tell him neighbor we're on our way now we are we on our way we're on our way and what they thought they were stopping they were actually starting listen what they say they say hey his blood be on us well that's the whole reason why I came I came that my blood would be shed for the remission of your sins I came that when my father looks at you he has seen my blood on your house and on your family and on your life but how that all happened it all happened because they slap the guilty out for the innocent good night church may the Lord God bless you're real good but that's how we got saved but Radice a bit on that cross but it was Jesus who got swapped out because he was the innocent one who took the place of the guilty more yellow no witness out I said he was the innocent one who took the place of the guilty and that's why I'm happy today I'm happy Church because we serve a God who knows to give him the glory because he has taken we are be able to give him when they swapped him out they swapped out for the Sun that means that those of us just somebody else's children because it was the innocent because you and I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's about a given raised winery giving praise when you are giving praise right where you are because today is the last day and I'm gonna apologize about who God made me to be as I realize that God called me to start something God made me to start something to start something great for him start something great in the kingdom to affect the world for him here's what we got to learn Church we learned it from George fort Floyd and we learned it from Jesus that went purpose is on your life even if you don't get it done living you gonna get it done dying there is nothing that happens in this world that defeats the purposes of God on your life man that's good news that's good news that's good news thank God his blood is on you thank God he substituted himself for us that we would have life and have it more abundantly
Channel: SHIP TV
Views: 7,184
Rating: 4.7823129 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Tolan Morgan, Tolan Morgan, Rev. Tolan Morgan, Dr. Tolan Morgan, False Accusations, Falsely Accused, George Floyd, I Can't Breathe, Black Lives Matter, All Lives Matter, Fellowship Bible Baptist Church, FBBC, Warner Robins GA, Pastors In Georgia, Black Pastors, Black Preachers
Id: 6ZxIt3xFKyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 42sec (3522 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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