Going Through The Worst To Get To The Best! - Pastor Tolan Morgan

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the reason why he's bothering you ladies and gentlemen is because Satan is the enemy of the purposes of God and you've got the purposes of God on you therefore he attacks you cuz he can't stand God you'd know some people like that you don't even have an issue with them but you cool with who they can't stand therefore they can't stand you that's how Satan works he is not necessarily against you he is against the purposes of God on your life and as a result he attacks you because God loves you and God has put purpose on your life [Music] [Applause] let's go to the word of the Lord I want to get straight to this word today if you will I want to summon your senses and invite you intellect to the book of first Peter the book of first Peter chapter number five first Peter chapter number five and while you are landing there at that scripture I want to again thank our music and arts ministry for setting the atmosphere for worship today our own sister Valerie Clarke Lee god bless you thank you so much for being here and all of our music staff and our media team that is here and our security team that is here undergirding this effort thank God for their level of commitment to the work during these circumstances first Peter first Peter chapter 5 and there's a word that the Lord is leading me to lift up out of that chapter beginning with verse number 8 first Peter chapter 5 beginning with verse number 8 your Bibles should read be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walks about seeking whom he may devour whom resist steadfast in the faith knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in the brother and that our our that our in the world but the God of all grace whom has called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus after that you have suffered a while make you perfect establish strengthen settle you to him be glory and Dominion for ever and ever a man I would hope just reading this pericope of Scripture as bless your heart and encourage you already just at the reading of it let's spend our time in the exposition of the Lord's word I want to tag this text going through the worst to get to the best going through the worst to get to the best would you share that through your social media platforms help me spread this word today around all over to the world going through the worst to get to the best the Summer Olympics was scheduled for July the 24th 2020 in Tokyo however as a consequence of this covet 19 pandemic the International Olympic Committee announced on Tuesday March the 24th 2020 that the Summer Olympics would be postponed a whole year until 2021 it was scheduled for July the 24th 2020 in Tokyo four months prior to that on the exact date March 24th 2020 the International Olympic Committee made an announcement that the Summer Olympics would be postponed a whole year and there was some question and challenge to that decision given the fact that the Summer Olympics are four months away and there is a high anticipation that by that time this pandemic will have passed and so there was some question as to why they would cancel an event that's four months away highly anticipating that the corona virus pandemic pandemic will have passed by then and the representatives and the officials of the International Olympic Committee disclosed that they came to this resolve to cancel the Olympics four months out because this Kovach 19 pandemic would interrupt the athletes ability to train and prepare for competition they were making a statement that we canceled the Olympics because in the interim the athletes would be robbed of their highest proclivity and potential to compete at the highest level because they would not be able to train for competition they they made a statement to us on Tuesday March the 24th 2020 that they believe that you can't have the best opportunity to play and/or compete and or win if you don't have time to prepare they they they made a statement to us that they cancelled the Olympics because they believe that victory begins with preparation that's that that's that's that's that's God's word for us today because maybe the enemy has attacked your life because there is something great in your future and he has attacked you now so that he would rob you of the opportunity to prepare and therefore robbed you of the best chance at victory you and I both know ladies and gentlemen that if we're going to have our best presentation we've got to have a level of preparation I can't stand sit here today and preach the Lord's word to you just by walking out here and talking off the top of my head I had to have time to prepare Valerie cannot stand here and sing under the anointing as she has done today if she has not had time to prepare no athletic team basketball football baseball can can have an opportunity to win if they don't have an opportunity to prepare you can't do well at an interview if you don't have time to prepare our whole presentation today is not off of the whim it is the result of discussion and logistics all week of preparing because victory begins with preparation it may be may be ladies and gentlemen that that may be the goal of the enemy is not to prohibit your presentation but to prohibit your preparation one of the one of the pet peeves that I have in my own life of vocation and work is those who walk to the pulpit unprepared because our best our best means of victory is tied to our preparation and here in this text today Peter writes to us and to his immediate historical audience about the significance of being prepared during the an attack from the cut from the standpoint of historical context Peter was the apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ who wrote during the early church to to encourage the Saints against two particular opposition's one being persecution and the other being heresies or false teachings here in this first letter this first division of Peters writings he is encouraging the Saints to remain faithful in holy living while you are under attack my God today if that is not a relevant word for all of us that we've got to remain faithful to God Wow under persecution Wow under attack and he gives us in this text two particular ways actually three particular ways and resistances that we have to use against this season of attack he says in verse eight he says the first thing you got to do if you're gonna prepare properly you've got to be sober lord have mercy you've got to be sober he is not addressing this this whole resistance or association to alcoholism he is talking about the soundness of your mine keep your mind free from mind-numbing influences that do not allow you to think rationally block your mind from letting any and everything coming to your mind that will not allow you to think rationally he says be sober minded he secondly says if you're going to be prepared for this battle you just can't be sober minded but you've got to be vigilant he says be sober but he says secondly be sharp that word vigilant means to be watchful it actually translates it in the Greek text stay awake don't don't close your eyes while the battle is going on this isn't the wrong time to be sleep and unaware of what's going on around you be aware stay awake don't fall asleep at the wheel don't treat this indifferently but stay awake alert and aware and watchful of what's going on around you he says first be sober secondly be sharp and thirdly he says be steadfast I'm in verse number nine he says be steadfast in other words have a sure faith hmm let me activate some of you because you can see here in this passage that Peter is telling us that the most effective means of preparation is not just having faith lord have mercy he says to some of the matter if you're gonna be properly prepared you got to have a sound mind a watchful eye and sure faith I got rewinding my mind he said this ain't just a faith issue you've got to have a sound mind you've got to have a watchful eye and you got to have sure faith let me translate it to you don't be crazy don't sleep and don't be a fool just because you got faith you got to operate in all three and have all three working together so that you can be properly prepared for the opportunity to win let me give it to you again have a sound mind have a watchful eye watch what's going on around you and have sure faith have faith that we'll be a resistance against the wiles of the enemy now this is interesting church because I want to suggest to you today I want to suggest you today that these strategies are preparation for opposition but what's the opposition in the text the opposition in the text ladies and gentlemen is the devil Peter gives two descriptions to him he says number one he is the adversary that word adversary Church means he is the one who goes about establishing opposition's against you he is the one who is trying to discredit your name and therefore default your faith in God by spreading information about you that may or may not be true to raise accusation and therefore invalidate your claim to be a child of God he he is the one who is an adversary he is laying out accusations against you but he's not just the adversary he says he's a roaring lion you don't know when to shout something given to you we don't get a shout button hit one day here it is he says he's not just a roaring lion but that but that that's a that's a that's an illusion that his job is to look like he got power when the only thing he can do is roar alright you missed it he's not a ruling like our God like the Lion of Judah that's a ruling lion he's a roaring lion his his goal his goal is to keep you hearing stuff that scares you lord have mercy the day he Wars he creates sounds that keep you frantic keep you scared keep you fearful he's not just attacking you he is making an atmosphere around you that creates noise that is only intended to scare you that's his job he's a roaring lion look at what he does he's trying to discredit your name and then try to scare you at the same time he is an adversary who's working with the ammunition of fear and the Bible also says in verse 9 he's not just working with the Amu's this ammunition of fear he is an agent of affliction look at verse 9 watch this he says he keeps attacking you though you keep resisted in the faith knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brothers that are in the world look at what he's doing he keeps making sure you hear things that scare you and he makes sure you keep seeing other people suffer and struggle so that it continues to feed fear and he's trying to mess with your psyche because he understands that both believers and unbelievers are suffering from the same affliction he's trying to work on your faith in God he wants to make you feel like it's not worth believing in God because all of us are struggling with the same thing he wants to make sure you keep seeing people afflicted and suffer to keep feeding faith and here's the question why is he bothering you the reason why he's bothering you ladies and gentlemen is because Satan is the enemy of the purposes of God and you've got the purposes of God on you therefore he attacks you because he can't stand God you'd know some people like that you don't even have an issue with them but you cool with who they can't stand therefore they can't stand you that's how Satan works he is not necessarily against you he is against the purposes of God on your life and as a result he attacks you because God loves you and God has put purpose on your life hmm that's interesting Church why would Satan bother them because he knows the purposes of God on your life he understands that the best way to come against God is to try to stop God's purposes from being manifested in your life somehow he is aggravated by the fact that God made you create it you put purpose on you saved you loved you and knows everything wrong with you he is aggravated by the fact that there's nothing you've been able to do so far that can turn away the love of God against your life he'll still call you use you and put purpose on your life the enemy is aggravated because he is an enemy of the purposes of God because if he lets you live God's gonna get the glory if he lets you breathe another day God's gonna get the glory if he lets you walk another day God's gonna get the glory if he lets another accomplishment happen in your life God's gonna get the glory and he is going to beat a defeated bus he's got to stop you in an attempt to stop the purposes of God and here's the good news church here's the good news you read it but she read it too fast so I got a reminding my mind here it is he's going to attack you he is your adversary he is going to lay claim and accusation to the validity of your faith he is trying to use the ammunition of fear to come against you he is trying to afflict you like others in the world verse 10 says but God all you missed it let me come in come in you don't know how to holler at the house then someone shouts at the house here it is he's trying to attack you he's trying to lay claim against your name he's trying to accuse you he's trying to put affliction in your life but God that's the whole time I've been trying to get to verse 10 but the God of grace which has what which was allowed grace to be on your life though you suffered a while is going to establish you he is going to strengthen you he is going to settle you can I hear somebody say but God oh oh you may be driving down your car honk your horn but God it doesn't matter about what happens before it but God gets there everything in front of it is now cancel it but God gets there all of it is messed up now because but God is the conjunction of change 3 : Lord in an empty church but God is the conjunction of change if God gets there he's gonna change everything that's only in front on the front side of it that's a good news y'all it doesn't matter what the enemy does once God sticks himself in there it changes everything that is happening in front of it alright you don't believe me but is a conjunction of contradiction and change it's a conjunction that says that that I'm gonna put something on the back side of it that's gonna change what's on the front side of it since you didn't read the Bible catch the text Satan hmm it's on the front side of the button god it's on the backside of the but come in come in I said Satan is on the front side of the but Satan is in verse number 8 God is on the back side of the book in verse number 10 and therefore what's on the back side of the book is going to change what's on the front side of the book which means God is going in what Satan started God is gonna put a conclusion to what Satan started let me make a bold declaration to you good people today and tell you that this pandemic is not the Lord's doing but it is the Lord's will and he don't finish what Satan started this is not what God is doing but he gonna use this situation to bring his name glory and he gonna come and finish what the enemy has started alright you still don't want to get happy so I'll shouting myself somebody just holler but god I hear you I hear you you all at the career you walking around your house but God people are getting sick but God people are dying but cause people are scared but God can I tell you that if you put God there he'll change what's on the front side of it be very clear ladies and gentlemen that when we have this but God moment but God is a statement of faith that says that I don't deny reality I'm just putting God on my reality I'm not I'm not saying that it doesn't real I'm not saying it's not happen I'm telling you that when you put God in the midst of the situation he can change what's on the front side of what Satan has started 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 here's when Paul told the church at Corinth he said there is no temptation that has taken you but such as is common unto man but God who is faithful will not allow you to suffer that which is beyond what you're able to bear but will with the temptation make a way to escape that you may be able to bury some 30 and 5 said weeping endure for a night but joy comes in the morning Ephesians 4 Ephesians 2 and 4 says but God who is rich in mercy itself have us to be quickened together in Christ to be raised up together in Christ 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 3 says but God is faithful who will deliver you from evil and keep you can you just tell somebody God got this thing y'all got me sweating in the Lord's empty Church can I tell somebody if you put God in this situation whatever is on the front side of it God will bring it to a close cuz he knows how to finish what Satan has started oh it's a big card in this church do I got anybody in here that know holla holla at the crib if you know how to holla at the crib just shout but God he can put a stop to whatever is on the front side of what Satan has started look at this but God of grace the god of grace the God who holds back what you do deserve to give you what you don't deserve to God who make sure you got unmerited favor look at what he's gonna do after you have suffered a while hmm let me aggravate you good Christian people today this text teaches us a lesson that just cause you saying doesn't mean you not gonna suffer yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah come on come here this text teaches us today that just because you say sanctified feel with the presses Holy Ghost couldn't quote the Bible run the church without hitting nobody does not mean that you are not going to suffer look at the text the text is tailored to teach us about the proper relationship watch me Church between hope and truth you got to have both tell somebody you got to have both hope and truth come in hope without truth leads to deception truth without hope leads to fear I got in rewind in my mind I'm preaching real good today I'm gonna talk to myself cuz you ain't here to talk to me hope without truth leads to deception truth without hope leads to fear you got to have both of them ladies and gentlemen the truth of the matter is this pandemic is a reality the truth of the matter is people are suffering people are dying people are struggling people are scared that's the truth but the hope is if you suffer a lie lord I wish I'll learn how to read the Bible touch somebody tell them oh wow that's a man fact don't touch them social medium tell them oh wow this is just a why can I talk about a while a while ladies and gentlemen is an indefinite time that has a temporary life come here it's an indefinite time that has a temporary life how long is a while you know isn't that the question that all of us are asking right now how long is a while isn't that the question that we all got for God isn't that the question we all have for the medical profession who are working diligently to try to get a vaccine how long is a while well here is a while it's indefinite but also temporary eco it's going to go on but at some point it's got to stop it's it's indefinite but it's also temporary it's not permanent it has no permanency to it it's just a while after you have suffered oh wow lord have mercy I've got some people watching me who are suffering right now in various types of ways but the good news is that's the truth here's the hope after you suffered a while that's the truth here's the hope the same God who got Grace on your life will do four things he's got a post-traumatic progression he's got a post-traumatic progression are you in verse 10 here it is it's four steps to it number one he's going to perfect you number two he's going to establish you number three he's going strengthen you number four he's going to settle you wait y'all here's the good news if God's gonna do all that after the suffering then it means I'm gonna gotta survive the suffering if God's got a post-traumatic plan for my life all I got to do is endure a season of suffering and after the season is up a new season is coming you don't know how to shout I promise I'm gonna get you today I'm gonna get you there today if there's already a post-traumatic plan then I've got to survive the suffering the key ladies and gentlemen to survive in your suffering is seeing yourself past it while you still in it Peter says to his audience I'm not gonna sit and lie to you and tell you you not gonna suffer what I am don't tell you is if you endure suffering for a season God has a post-traumatic plan to prosper you to perfect you to establish you to settle you and to strengthen you there is no point to any of that if suffering is don't have the last word that's God's word for somebody here today the reason why God is on the back side of the book is because God has the last word here's his plan I'm done here's his plan number one he is going to make you perfect that that word that word makes it perfect literally means in its Greek etymology it means to give you some repairs it means to give you some repairs because if you've suffered for a while you've experienced hurt and damage and knees but after you come out of the suffering he is going to repair you in the areas and the places where you have been wounded and hurt and damaged by the attacks of the enemy all right can I tell you what that means it means when you come out he's gonna fix you in such a way that nobody will ever know what you've ever been in if he's going to repair hurt places and repair damage and wounds nobody will ever be able to see that you were ever hurt in the first place he's going to repair you he's not just gonna repair you that second word establish means he's going to re-establish you and this is interesting Church it really means he's gonna put you back in place some of us have been knocked out of place lord have mercy some of us have been not out of our rhythm we've been knocked out of our place of stability we've been knocked out of our place of security this this thing has thrown us out of place he says if you endure this I'm going to re-establish you and put you back where I once had you to reestablish you that you may be able to continue on in the work that I've called you to thirdly he says I'm going strengthen you let me again aggravate you ladies and gentlemen the end to them of strength is weakness the antonym of strength is weakness he says I'm going to repair you I'm going to re-establish you but thirdly I'm going to restore you because the suffering weakens you it took something out of you that God has to put back inside of you now let me aggravate you ladies and gentlemen tell you do not associate weakness of strength with absence of faith whoa I'm gonna give you a second to write that down because some of you think just cause you weak that you don't have any faith no no no no no I got faith but some days I get weak I got faith but some days I'm like God what the hell is going on I got faith but some days I'm aggravated and frustrated by what I see it don't mean I don't have faith it's just I'm weak in my spirit and in my mind and I need God to strengthen me I need him to put his strength back in me it's not that I've lost faith it says I'm a little weak on the journey okay you real people will talk back to me but you're super saying someone say no that's okay I got a section for y'all when you get back can I tell you something ladies and gentlemen the real people are testify I believe God but some days I'm wondering what's going on and I need God to push back inside of me here's the goal of putting strength back inside of you who I hope somebody catch this if he puts strength back inside of you it means you are no longer sensitive to the stuff that once hurt you in the first place if he puts strength back inside of you the stuff that used to get on your nerves and a little petty stuff that used to aggravate you you are no longer sensitive to the weaker you are the more sensitive you are but when God puts strength back inside of you he is making you less sensitive to the things that that's so easily beset you that's how I need God's strength I need God's strength so that I can become stronger and less sensitive to the things that once weakened me so he's gonna restore me he's going to repair me he's going to reestablish me but finally church he is going to raise me I'm there this is this is this is that last post-traumatic plan it says he's going to settle me I'm getting excited just trying to explain this to your church cause it's it's a beautiful irony to the whole passage that word settle y'all in the Greek is the word familial it literally means to lay a foundation catch this it means to lay a foundation ladies and gentlemen there is no point of laying a foundation if you're not getting ready to build something there is no point of laying a foundation if something is not about to go up on that foundation so here's what here's the irony of the in verse eight and nine that devil goes about seeking whom he may devour whom he may destroy but God on the backside is gonna lay a foundation because he's getting ready to construct something and raise something up Oh Lord Jesus today the tech started with destruction but when God gets involved it's gonna be construction he's gonna raise you up because he's getting ready to lay a foundation because there is something that's getting ready to be built in your life and here's the good news here's the joke yard he can't lay a foundation on the very thing that the devil tried to destroy the very thing that is trying to take you out is don't be the foundation that's gonna raise you up it is the beautiful picture ladies and gentlemen it is the beautiful picture ladies and gentlemen of how the whole church was built yeah the whole church was built because it is standing on the destructive devouring remains and life of an innocent man who was destroyed on Calvary but three days later he was raised up and the whole church now is being raised on a foundation that is the Lord Jesus Christ oh you don't know how to get happy so I'll shout myself oh Christ the solid rock we stand the ground is sinking sand that's what we standing on through this we standing on Christ and Christ is the foundation upon which we all will be raised up here's the post-traumatic plan can you send this prescription to somebody you are being set up to be set up you are being set up to be set up the attack is coming because it's a setup to set you up I'm gonna set you up I'm gonna perfect you I'm gonna establish you I'm gonna strengthen you I'm gonna settle you translated I'm getting reverie thing you going through now I'm getting ready to repair you I'm gonna establish you I'm gonna restore you and I'm gonna raise you that's God's word for somebody in here today I need you to spread the word of the Lord so that we can be encouraged in this season after you have suffered a while that's the setup I must set you up to be set up I'm getting ready to raise you but in order to raise you I gotta take you down first but i'ma raise you back up and oh my god when I raise you back up the glory of the Lord is gonna rest on your life can I give you all the benediction it's in verse 11 to him be the glory and the Dominion for ever and ever whatever God is gonna raise you up I keep telling you ladies and gentlemen this is not the Lord's doing but this is the Lord's will because he is going to get all the glory the earth shall glorify his name the church shall glorify his name the unbeliever shall glorify his name the skeptic shall glorify his name is that not stick that shall glorify His name hell is going fortify his name every knee shall bow every tongue shall confess that he is Lord to the glory of God the Father he's getting ready to get the glory y'all and you got to hang in there through the suffering because there is a plan that's coming there is a plan that's coming after the suffering after you've endured for a while there's a plan this coming I bid you farewell ladies and gentlemen but might I tell you today weeping may endure for a night but joy is gonna come in the morning all you got to do is endure the suffering and there is a post-traumatic plan you are being set up to be set up God is on the back side and he will finish what the devil thought he started join me in a word of Prayer father I give you glory I thank you that somebody's life somebody's house somebody's spirit Lord somebody's body is literally being healed right now somebody's spirits being lifted right now somebody's house is being encouraged right now and we thank you that sometimes the road to glory is a road of suffering but you showed us that you got a plan even after the suffering but the god of grace after you suffered a while it's gonna reestablish you he's gonna restore you he's gonna repair you and he's gonna raise you up god I thank you for your word and I pray Lord that your word would not go out void but it shall accomplish in the thing where until you sent it we stand on the premises and the promises of your word and we thank you and give you glory today for giving us victory on the backside thank you but your healing thank you for your breakthrough thank you for your glory thank you for your grace as a matter of fact I thank you for the outpouring of the Holy Ghost that's happening in somebody's life right now thank you God for refreshing us in your spirit thank you Lord for this moment and thank you that we're gonna be the ones to give you the glory forever we're going through the worst to get to the best move out we thank you that there is a best in the name of the Lord Jesus amen
Channel: SHIP TV
Views: 20,092
Rating: 4.8112092 out of 5
Keywords: Tolan Morgan, Tolan Morgan Preaching, Tolan Morgan 2020, Rev. Tolan Morgan, Dr. Tolan Morgan, Fellowship Bible Baptist Church, Warner Robins GA, Black Preachers, Black Pastors, Preachers, Georgia, Warner Robins, Pastors, tolan morgan 7 last words, tolan morgan closing, tolan morgan 2019
Id: 6WmI1up-3aQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 39sec (2679 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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