"Your Pathway To The Supernatural" -Kevin Zadai

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your mercy your joy overflowing lord i thank you for your word that in isaiah 26 it says you keep those in perfect peace shalom shalom whose minds are stayed on you lord and we keep our minds on you that means you're going to keep every one of us in perfect peace we thank you lord that you cover us with your with your presence and your glory and you fill us to every every morning you fill us to overflowing once again with your goodness because you are a good father and we love you and we thank you that you are here with us in this conference and lord we just have you have your way do what you will in this meeting in jesus name everybody said amen amen you may be seated at home you may be seated if you are standing with us you're worshiping how's everybody this morning how's everybody this morning all right all right well uh kevin uh said i could talk about antioch for a moment so uh uh just a brief introduction my name is ryan bruss i'm privileged to be the lead pastor of antioch communitychurch.org you can find us uh uh on the web and you can find us on facebook we are literally our church is literally about seven minutes north of here and so if you're looking for a church uh you found a good one and uh we just we believe however we believe in the presence in power miracles signs wonders tongues i mean basically no not basically everything that the bible says we can have we believe we can have it at antioch and so that's what we preach that's how we live and we go after souls we are we're passionate about souls and uh just the presence of god and people say two things when they come and visit our church we felt god's presence and we felt loved and so if you're looking for a home church come and visit us we are not there today we are here so every sunday we're there a wednesday night prayer meeting but if you're looking for a home church online if you're in the area if you're within 2-3 000 miles just come and visit us every week we love to have you and mike cowan is our associate pastor you may know him as a dean of students for warrior notes and he'll actually be preaching this sunday but let's welcome mike cowan all right i'm preaching next sunday okay i guess i better get ready that's okay i live ready man it feels so clean who feels clean that's the working of the holy spirit in your life transformation so when you feel clean now you get filled up you get filled up because there's a world out there that's hungry and thirsty and desperate and i have a secret for you you had the answer you are the answer to their prayer when you go to the grocery store whatever you do remember you are the answer to somebody's prayer amen so we have a i can't say it but man 2021 whoo boy there's a conference schedule that is going to blow your mind so kevin's 8i.com you need to be watching because we got a lot of new events that are going to be coming out you know doctors that i talked about warrior women there is stuff about to just go all over the place so you we want to stay connected with you so you make sure you're following on youtube on facebook doctors that i also let the cat out of the bag about warrior chat and if you're online and you don't know what that is go back to friday night but warrior chat is going to be something that enables us to have our own christian facebook group where we can have groups we can have our warrior churches in there we're going to have our students in there we're going to have our partners in there we're going to be able to connect all over the world and not be filtered but be free to preach the word and the gospel so stay in there with us if you're a partner keep watching your emails if you're not a partner i want to encourage you to join us because a lot of critical information is going to be emailed out about the upcoming events about warrior chat about all the ministries being launched and some of you are called to be a part of this some of you are called to have a warrior church in your home maybe it's maybe you own a business and it's time for you to have a bible study in your business because the kingdom is advancing and if you're not careful it's going to keep going and it can leave you behind then you got to run fast and catch up so god is moving in you and it's time it's time to change the world for jesus amen so stay with us warriornotesschool.com join us at the school kevin zadata calm join us as a partner god has got big things for all of us and when the church stands up the devil runs real quick amen thank you well we want to take an offering this morning um 100 of this offering goes to uh kevin and kathy's ministry warrior notes uh i don't know if you know this i didn't think i i'd taken a few offerings here uh ke the warrior notes ministry paid for everything our church antioch we did not kevin said no warriors paid for everything they paid for this building they paid for uh flights they paid the hotel they paid for everything because you know kevin's heart that's what he does and so uh that's just a real blessing to antioch so 100 of this offering today is going to go right into warrior notes ministry we don't even see it we just hand it over so if you need an envelope raise your hand we have several up here carl up front if you need an envelope at home raise your hand we'll come get get one to you somehow just keep your hand just wave it so we can see it feel over here if you're making out a check you can make it out to warrior notes million is spelled m-i-l-l-i-o-n and if you don't have any money i want you to reach into the wallet of the person next to you and give like you've always wanted to give but anybody else need an envelope you can also do text to give it should be on the screen right now 985 63 that's 985-633-1772 ushers if you come up that'd be great ushers the unsung heroes of a church everybody happy we don't lose our joy during the offering time we just keep giving we just carry it the glory doesn't like slip out for five minutes and come back in when the offering is over you know jesus loves he used to watch people give in the offer remember the the precious little widow he used to watch the offering and and uh every you know he just he's he sees what's going on but god loves a cheerful giver uh we never want to twist anybody's arm to give why why would we do that you just you know if you want to give give pour into this ministry here and by the way because kevin won't mention it there's the book table back there make sure you clean him out before you leave if you don't have anything i've literally read every single book that he's written and i can tell you my favorite book besides hearing god's voice that was pretty awesome but it's rigged in your favor how how he talks about don't take it personally when you're going through stuff because god can make it better than if it never even happened that's called rigged in your favor and so if you don't have any book get that book rigged in your favor amen let's pray over this offering father we thank you for your presence we thank you that you are here we thank you for the word that's about to be released from uh dr kevin zadai lord and lord we above all else we thank you like mike said for that clean feeling presence that's in this room lord there's an open heaven and lord we come to just uh pour out our lives lord as you pour back into us father we thank you for that that you are here by your spirit we just thank you for a mighty move of your spirit and i pray because you just spoke to my spirit that some people really came for a desperate word from you a longing in their heart for a new beginning lord give it to them i declare that today is a new beginning for every single person lord because it is truly rigged in our favor because of what you did and all the books are open for us in jesus name everybody said amen julie hmm and o lord my god when i in awesome wonder consider all the worlds thy hands have made and i see the stars i hear the rolling thunder thy power throughout the universe display then sings my soul my you savior to thee how great thou art how great thou art then sings my soul my savior god to thee how great and when i think and when i think of god his son not sparing sent him to die a scarce can take it in that on that cross my burden gladly bearing he bled and died to take away my sins then sings my soul my savior how great thou art then sings my soul my savior god to thee how great how great you're so great can you tell this morning you're so great you're so great great is our god you are so great great is your god you are so great great great great is our god when christ shall come with shouts of acclamation and lead me home what joy shall fill my heart then i shall bow with humble adoration and then proclaim my god how great thou art yeah can you lift up a shout let's sing that verse again and when christ shall come with shouts of acclimation and lead me home what joy shall fill my heart then i shall bow with humble adoration and then proclaim my good how great thou art then sings my soul my savior god to thee how great thou art how great thou art then sings my soul my savior god to thee just the voices then sings my soul my save your god to thee how great thou how great thou art then sings my soul my save your god to thee how great how once again then sings my soul my god to thee how great thou art how great thou art then sings my soul my savior can you just tell him this morning can you just lift up your praise just lift up your voice just tell him of his greatness just tell him of his greatness just tell him of his greatness our god is great our god is great our god is great our god is great our god is great great is our god our god is great our god is good our god is great our god is gone our god is great our god is good great is our god our god is great our god is good our god is great our god is good our god is great great is our god and i surrender all and i surrender all and all to thee my blessed savior i surrender we just recommit again this morning jesus we give it all to you again this morning we give it all we lay it down we give it all and i surrender all and all surrender all sin once again and i surrender all here it is and i surrender save your eye surrender all then sings my soul my savior how great thou art how great thou then sings my soul my savior i want to sing it again just the voices you know our voices are such a powerful instrument and he loves the sound of our voices it's like an army of praisers and it pushes back darkness when you lift up a sound when you lift up a sound yeah blow that shoe far just blow that shoe far this is how lightness breaks in thank you god thank you god thank you god thank you god then sings my soul my savior to thee how great thou art how great thou art then sings my soul my save your god to thee how great thou art how great now i am surrender all i surrender all all to thee my blessed savior i surrender just take a minute right now and just surrender everything just give it all again give it all again to him just surrender surrender everything and give it all gave it all again to him and we will call upon the lord and he he will answer and we will trust upon his mighty name and he will save us and we will call upon the lord and he he will answer and we will trust upon his mighty name and he will save us and we will call upon the lord and he he will answer and we will trust upon his mighty name he will save us and we will call upon the lord and he he will answer and we will trust upon his mighty name he will save and we will call upon the lord and he he will answer and we will trust upon his mighty name he will say do you believe that this morning just blow that show far somebody's gonna make a sound because he's gonna answer our cry he's a good guy hallelujah and we will call upon the lord and he he will answer and we will trust upon his mighty he will save us and we will call upon the lord and he he will answer and we will trust upon his mighty name he will save us once again we will call upon the lord and he he will answer and we will trust upon his mighty name he will save save he will save us nothing is impossible nothing is impossible nothing is impossible everything is possible everything is possible everything is possible everything is possible everything is possible possible everything is possible possible and we will call upon the lord and he he will answer and we will trust upon his mighty name he will save us and we will call upon the lord and he he's gonna answer and we will trust upon his mighty name he will save everything is possible everything is possible everything is possible just believe believe everything is possible everything is possible everything is possible just believe yes everything is possible possible possible possible possible possible possible possible possible possible possible possible possible possible possible possible possible just just shout out that word possible possible everything is possible to them who believe everything is possible thank you god and we will call upon the lord and he he will answer and we will trust upon his mighty name he will save us and we will call upon the lord and he he will answer and we will trust his mighty name he will say everything is possible everything is possible possible possible possible possible possible possible possible possible possible possible possible possible oh so he goes i'll share a couple minutes uh that is from psalm 55 and so if i if i could share anything from my heart is the power of singing the bible and you know some of these little choruses are straight from the word they're they're that that is straight word for word from psalm 55 and it's like the the hymns they're they're beautiful and they magnify the lord but there's something about the word of god that everybody when when we latched on to that it became powerful and every person in the room began became the target of psalm 55 every person so it doesn't matter even if you don't believe it guess what it doesn't matter because the word of god is alive and full of living power and it will chase you down it will pursue you it doesn't care what you think it doesn't it trumps every single thing everything that's why we need to pray the bible we need to pray the bible sing the bible we need to pray the bible over our lost loved ones because it doesn't matter well if they believe it doesn't because the word of god it's like psalm 23 goodness and mercy will they don't just follow us if you study that word goodness and mercy chase you down they overtake you you can't run fast enough to get away from his goodness and mercy so take the word of god pray it sing it over yourself this is the place of breakthrough it is the word of god and i tell you it breaks off depression i think that's what uh paul meant when he when he said you know in ephesians 5 do not be drunk with wine as as the foolish its foolishness but be filled with the spirit by singing psalms hymns and spiritual psalms i think that is the antidote for addiction singing the word it's the antidote for depression singing the bible david saying the word of god and i'm not just saying this because i'm a worship leader singing the bible is for every single person it doesn't mean that you'll make the worship team but it does mean that you will get breakthrough you will get breakthrough david went to battle psalm 20 is the battle plan of the ages david went to war he hadn't even faced his enemy yet he went to war singing some trust in chariots some trust in horses but i'm gonna trust in the name of the lord my god and david's victory was in that battle psalm before he ever got into the battle he was already singing his meditations which would have been from the torah and and which was the the living word of god and he put his story in there so he's singing uh he's singing about his victory before he ever got to the battle we've got to do this why do we look at the battle we need to start singing of the victory with that that's how we push back the darkness this is what david did over and over and over he went to battle with a sword in his hand and a song on his lips and if it worked for david it will work for you psalm 20 we need to do what he did don't look don't look at the count don't look at red or blue don't look at anything but decree the victory and the victory is god the victory is god stepping in the victory is the harvest the victory is face to face with god the victory is we really believe nothing is impossible and how we do that is get the word of god on the inside and the fastest on-ramp is singing that melody amen and amen this is your battle plans you will succeed before the battle starts if you fight like david did and this is what he did amen thank you well i'm going to let julie sit down and plug herself in because she's going to need to come back up here so we're going to get her ready she is such a blessing amen all right you can all be seated i am i have been i've been given instruction and permission once again each one of these sessions that we've done here as you know this this was uh something that the lord planned and he told me we had to do this this was not on our schedule we had already canceled several different things and the lord rerouted thing uh into different cities so we have target cities next year that are all brand new cities except for some of the ones which we just started so the the the strategic way that we do things is the lord tells us where the spirit is moving already and then he sends us to that place that territory to just literally beat the living daylights out of the demon spirits there because the spirit's already there so it's kind of a setup so so for you all i mean i know this i'm not just saying this because i i really have no agenda whatsoever on my own because i want to stay home i don't even want to do this i'm fine with just staying home and watching julie on tv you know and and and you know watching sid roth and buying the package deal every week i'm fine with that that's what i did for years i'm fine with that i don't need i don't need attention to feel good i don't need anything like that but what i'm telling you is is that i still when i stand up here i see the power of god on you in such a strong way you have been you have been placed in this time in this season to be imparted upon and to take that impartation with you to your territory however there are territories which god is visiting by his spirit but see the local churches of those cities might not discern it they almost need they almost need someone to come in and uh and tase them they just need somebody that's crazy that's still talking talking like when it was all hunky dory they're still talking the same language and i haven't changed i've actually stepped it up because i my life is not dictated by the devil and you know just like that when i said that i could hear in the spirit the spirits go he knows you know we lost them see because what they want to do is they want to route you and corral you keep you you know in in small groups you know singing kumbaya hoping god would move and god's not talking like that so cities are being targeted next year that are brand new and when we do open a city we we just rent the biggest place we can find and then we ask the churches to cooperate but we don't go to churches anymore because they can't handle these numbers so because of that next year we're going to be going to all new cities and then the ones that we started we will visit them two or three times because i want to knock the living daylights out of those territorial spirits okay so you understand right but i want you to pray with me because for uh when i was in switzerland we had a group of people come they they drove 25 hours one way because the lord told them to to hear me speak in switzerland from croatia and i am called to macedonia i'm actually called to start a church there and i'm not talking about just a warrior church i'm talking about i literally am going to go there and start a work and it's going to be one of the best works but i can't go there now i can't go anywhere i can't even go you know certain places that i normally would go i can't do i can't do that because satan is hindering me but i will go to them my heart is crying out i wake up every morning crying out for croatia and macedonia every morning i wake up i woke up this morning from two to four and prayed for macedonia and croatia because i want to be there i want to be there with those people the same with south korea i cry out for south korea but but i've been hindered from going there the lord told me before any of this happened he told me to cancel all my international and i've been told i even told the people above me when nothing was wrong they said well why are you doing that i go something is wrong and it's going to happen and i said we're not going to be able to go international and they said really i said i'm telling you i cancelled everything and you you should have seen the list of countries and then sure enough a couple months later this person came to me was jesse at a place he goes what else is the lord telling you because you were right cancel everything you know and so i said but there's a way to do it i said we we can go to malls because we can't go to certain places because they won't let us but we there's malls that are vacated because of this we so what we would do is we'd find malls we we actually in chicago we were actually in a mall i was in a music store we held 350 people and then my book table was in the gnc but see there's always a way but you know the lord has to work it out there's certain states where we we can have 1200. but here we're not allowed we were only allowed we were limited to 400 and some you know and even though we had twice that many interested we just had to cut it off and of course there's still empty seats now so of course there's an attrition of 20 percent the people that say they're coming then don't okay without all that being said i have to tell you that my heart is crying out for it's always cried out for china it's always cried out for these these special cities and countries that i've never been to but i those people that drove 25 25 hours to hear me speak something happened to me and i said i want to go to your country but i think i'll fly because it takes 14 hours to get to switzerland then i don't want to drive 25 hours but i will go but see it's delay but see that's not my fault but it didn't paul say this how i longed to come to you but satan hindered me to the corinthians okay so even the apostle paul was hindered by satan from doing what god wanted him to do and i can go on and on with this kind of dynamic all through the bible that everybody ignores and because they they don't want to admit that sometimes god's will is not done but it's revealed as being being what he wants and then it's not done so it takes us praying and taking a stand and letting us be changed and transformed and then when god begins to have his way through his people because the church stands up in agreement then all the sudden things start opening up and it appears to be that god's all the sudden in a better mood and he starts doing things but it's not that at all and um so i i have been told this weekend because it's so special to share things i've never shared and i'm going to do that again this morning so all of these sessions are things that i've not shared before in detail but i feel that i should release them because you know what i really don't care what people think anymore because because people you know after four years now this next month it'll be four years since since my you know it was it's been a little over four years since i was on tbn but the real launch was sid roth in the first week of december coming up next if it'll be four years next month okay that show has about 2.8 million views and i'm just a flight attendant that speaks in tongues but see something happened there that has been a straight-up rocket shot jesse duplantis told me he said you were at my 33 year mark in three years he said i've never seen anything like this no one has ok so if god can take someone and do this in four years then what can he do with someone else beside me and what can i do to get enough disciples together where they can replicate jesus ministry themselves you know because jesus sent me back and told me to replicate him in people and to work myself out of a job so the reason why i preach two hours instead of 45 minutes is because i'm trying to work myself out of a job just so i don't kill myself in the process of it but i do i i do two hours because see those videos will be watched for the next 60 years and the visions i've had that i have to share with you that i don't share i when i was filming for sid roth for a season where it's you know 13 episodes and you can watch those on his isn app he um he has every week he has me on at different times and you can check his schedule out but then i filmed four years like that for him but see he was doing me a favor at the beginning because he didn't charge me but see now that i'm where i'm at i want to do the same thing but i want to do it quadruple and then i want to grab you guys as you grow and mature to the point i want to put you on on my show and then i want to put you in a season see i want to start getting warriors out there and and do the same thing that god did for me for you so this isn't really about about you but with that being said i have to tell you some things that i know that you're not going to hear anywhere else but it's not to showcase me it's to help you but i'm telling you i have to tell you that because because this this is this happened to me last night i encountered an angel that knows me better than i know myself because he's been briefed about me by god who knows me and understands me but you know what's so interesting is is that when he's talking to me and telling me you're gonna this is what you're gonna do tomorrow morning because i didn't know what i was gonna do i told you i was gonna come it's just gonna be a prophetic service i have no script well the angel said this is called the pathway to the supernatural and you're going to share how you walk in the supernatural every day to these people so it's called the pathway to the supernatural because there is a path and he he started to talk to me you're going to go through and he told me the scriptures and as he's talking to me i realized this being knows me and understands me better than i understand myself because sometimes i don't know my next step but i understand god's character enough through his word to try to almost fake it because it's framed by the word so i know god's character by his word but i don't know the next step sometimes personally because our walk is by faith down here but see after a while you get like moses who was a friend of god you start to see that god is predictable in his character in other words he doesn't change his character he might change his mode of operation and the idea with the spirit of god i have to tell you this the angels and the spirit of god the way that they they deal with you is they they know they know you they understand you they know what's written about you they know your crazy family that's hindering you they know all this they know they don't want you to work where you work as much as you don't want to work there but at the same time they know how important it is but they have to do what lor the lord tells them okay with all that being said however even though they know all these things they have things that they do that they do not tell you the reason why is if they tell you then the demonic spirits that are arrayed will hinder you so paul found himself hindered by satan and a lot of things that we go through is because the enemy finds out and starts to build fortifications to break your momentum in that direction now you're not going to hear this anywhere else you're not going to hear this on tv this morning but i'm telling you the angels and the holy spirit have coordinated to make a a quick right angle turn out of nowhere to where all the demons are flipped out they have no idea what just happened because they figured that they were routing you in a certain way or you were predictable on what you were going to do next because they have been trying to get you corralled for years to where they can push certain buttons and you respond and then they just laugh and they got you until the next month and then that cycle starts again and you find yourself in the same cycle every month and and they do that to train you like pavlov loves dogs they haven't taken that out of the books yet have they but see they train you they train that at a certain time the dogs will be fed so it got to where even though the dogs don't know the clock or anything like that at a certain time they would start salivating thinking okay it's time to eat because they were programmed that well that's what the demons do now i wish that that people would start talking about this stuff because that's what these demonic spirits do they they don't want to leave their territory because they already are assigned to certain people and they want to keep control of the people they want you to roll over when things don't go right in an election what obe will be no it won't be what it'll be we're going to turn over every rock you don't steal something from the church okay okay but listen to what i just did i just went against 80 of christianity right now because they've all rolled over but see why is it i'm just telling you some secrets here why is it that i kept getting this name sidney powell for months but i don't know a sydney and i thought it was a guy okay and i'm like when the name came up i'm like do i know this person and where have i heard this before and then i remember when i was praying in the spirit i would get this but i wouldn't verbalize it and i didn't know what it was because i'm just telling you i don't know everything but i'm crazy enough to stay in there with god because he understands me but what i encountered last night i realized that the holy spirit was wanting me to pray for a person who had not come forefront yet and it was like a right angle turn for a lot of people because if you like like i know like i can't say certain situations but i know individuals right now if if you're having trouble with the irs in any way all they have to do is call the irs and it's settled because this person has won in court eight times against the irs sued the irs so it's just so you know what i'm talking about because certain lawyers they only take the case if they know they can win it so if if they take the case the opposition will automatically settle with you and not go do you do you know what i'm saying do you get that does everybody just nod your head if you get that okay okay this is how the church is supposed to be on the earth if the church gets involved and jesus gets involved it's a right angle turn and it's time to settle okay but see you can see that they they mock us they do all these different things and the church is supposed to be the what the gates of hell can't prevail against and you know all those scriptures that i can quote so the spirit of god and the angels in your life this pathway to the supernatural they're going to have you make a right angle turn and it's not going to make any sense and it's happening to a lot of you already and it's all because god came down on you and started to work on you and the angels and jesus himself understand you better than you understand yourself and the reason the angels do is because they've been briefed they don't know on their own there's lots of things that they don't understand but they are wise because god briefs them and they only do what god tells them to do but they the these angels have more confidence in us when they're sent than we do in ourselves and that's my point so a key the pathway to the supernatural is understanding that there is someone in heaven who understands you and that that someone is jesus who wrote your book but then the angels will appear to know more than you do however i wanted to explain why you don't know everything because part of the strategy for for your life is to make quick right angle turns and the devils are waiting for you to come and appear at a certain place and you don't show up because and and like jesse duplantis told me in my own life he said yeah they'll be standing there like hey he should have been here by now and see what the and and he explained because the lord had already he didn't know this but the lord had explained this to me but he was confirming it and this is how you have to frame your world and if you if you're interested i will continue on this for this service talking to you to show you so that you can put some understanding to what's happening to you and what's happening now in our nation what is happening is is is the process the mode might be top secret you might not understand the mode you you can understand the destination the outcome but it might go totally opposite of that the minute you speak the minute that joseph shared his dreams he got in trouble and the psalms 105 says that until the until the word of god came to pass it tested joseph so the dream tested him then the dream was his deliverance as we've already talked about here the dream is what put him right under pharaoh but see the dream told where he was going but then the process was really not favorable and it wasn't predictable it was but see he joseph told his brothers what you meant for evil god meant for good right so evil was involved with it and you know he went through a lot he got thrown in a pit he got blamed blamed for fornication got thrown in jail you know all these different things he watched people get delivered before he did out of jail but he still ends up being second in command of all of egypt and it was all a setup because then his family during the famine can come down and be safe it was all planned to preserve israel right and then the whole plan of moses coming and then taking them out but it's a long-range plan but the quick turns and things where they got into pickles all the time was the right angle turns and the process of dealing with evil so you don't always see something that you want to have a parade for sometimes it seems like a funeral but jesus always turned funerals into parades he always changed the process he just he messed up funerals he messed up your life he says you know you're not dead you're just sleeping and he walks into dead churches and he says you're not dead you're just sleeping and he says you know i'm done with lukewarmness see he talks to us but he talks us up he causes us to be reminded of the the bar that's already set in heaven and he coaches us so i want to talk to you about some things that you need to understand about the holy spirit first of all then we'll talk about angels and then i will talk to you about dealing with things every day and if you'll stick with me until noon or a little after it's not that far away you know so we got an hour if you can stick with me and listen to me and these will go out for the next 60 years there'll be gold bars because no one's talking about these things but i what i saw on the other side i haven't shared all of it in fact i haven't even shared half of it because the lord said people have a choking point and they have to frame their mind by the word of god but they haven't they have we have not been diligent with the word of god and so there's a lot of things in there that we've ignored but i'm not saying you did it on purpose but see there's a lot of things in the bible that will mess with your theology there's a lot of things that god has not shown us i mean can you imagine the fact that john said if we would have written down everything that jesus said and did there wouldn't be enough books in the world to record it and you have trouble with healing in the book of mark you know what i mean see we target fixated on certain things but you know what about the 80 percent that we don't know but see there is there is explanation and truth out there but we might not be ready for that and so we're not included in everything that's going on around us however we do have the mind of christ according to first corinthians chapter two and we understand the things of the spirit because the spirit searches the deep things of god and we have the holy spirit okay so it's more about cooperation and understanding that at times things are delayed and things at times you'll be hindered and this is what this weekend has been about is about knowing the fact that it ain't over yet and staying in there because another day is going to reveal another side of this so in your life it's just it's it's just overthrow you just have to overthrow these evil spirits and break the cycles that have trained you in see they don't know your thoughts they inject thoughts and feelings and watch your response and when you respond then they note that then they start to reinforce that so that you believe it they send people to enforce a lie in your life and you find yourself dealing with familiar spirits they're just enforcing they're trying to get you into a track so that you are predictable is there there's you i've never heard this on the earth but i know this and i'm holding back because a lot of people start getting flipped out but the thing of it is is look in the mirror it's pretty obvious that you need overthrow it's pretty obvious that these hybrid spirits these evil spirits that were disembodied they don't want to leave the area that they were in before the flood because they are they know there's no resurrection for them and they know that they're going to make it as bad as they can for us because they're jealous they hate us and that's what they're doing they want to break your momentum they want to make you predictable for them so what they do is they they frame your mind in rejection and in victimization based on a traumatic event they reinforce that and they want you to stay there then they send people that have familiar spirits that will reinforce that every month and you will go through the same thing you just look at the you can even look at the position of the moon why do you think they're so interested in the stars because those those beings they don't understand time they're not in this realm so they have to look at the position of the planets and the stars that's why the devil taught them that that's why they're out and we're in that's why we don't do those things anymore we can talk to god and and be briefed personally we don't need to get see the position of the stars to figure out if we're supposed to marry somebody i don't need somebody throwing down cards to tell me what's going to happen next i rip up their cards and say thus saith the lord this is what's going to happen next you're going to hell unless you repent how's that for a prediction is that in your cards i know you don't mention hell there but your father's down there the father of all lies and that's where you're going and you're going to make these people twice the son of hell you are oh yeah i have to call it as it is because i'm not going to tolerate a witch i mean they weren't allowed to live in the in the old testament i mean now god's a little gracious he just calls you to go to come to the altar and repent give you a little time you know i mean that's pretty gracious don't you think i mean even anonymous sapphire didn't get that okay so you're being you're be these these evil spirits are ganging up on each one of us to try to get us into a pattern so that you become predictable because when you walk with god you're not predictable to them because they don't know our thoughts and then and then god throws in tongues and that really messes them up so it really flips them out so that's why there's so much anger against tongues that's why tongues is fought that's why walking in your authority is fought so badly that's why when i talk about the holy fire the lights go out in a whole city it's happened so many times it does it's not even a coincidence to me where they shut down where i have to finish my sermon on holy fire every every city i have to finish it without electricity or bomb squads coming in or paramedics because people people are falling out of their seats with heart attacks it's i mean i'm telling you and i just kept preaching and it's all on film why why is he protesting these subjects well because that is something he cannot manipulate so when you start talking about holy fire you start talking about praying in tongues walking in your authority walking in love when you talk about love which you know love is not even considered by by a lot of when you when you talk when you listen to people speak you don't hear a lot of messages on love because it's just like touchy feely thing and you know they you know those those shows don't do well but see real love in its purest form is discipline god disciplines those he loves what did what did no what did jesus say i'm just going to read it right here in in john 15. it says if i'm calling you friends but if you love me you obey me this is new testament okay so jesus no listen it's all through the bible but jesus equates loving him as obedience god equates loving him as obedience every single time they're interchangeable when do you hear that well i'll tell you why because it doesn't it doesn't it doesn't favor in the algorithms it doesn't favor sales or giving it sounds like a feel-good message until you have jesus come in and preach it okay so to jesus because i met him loving him and obeying him is the same exact thing now what i just told you every demon has vacated the room because they have they're looking at their guns and their ammo and they're outmatched because love conquers all but love is obedience so obedience conquers all god is love but god has always given what he wants he said choose you this day do you want blessings or cursings can you imagine in and out burger has three options god gave them two two things on the menu do you wanna be blessed or cursed uh can i have some time with that god says you gotta be kidding me but how many people do that while i'm at it because i'm feeling a little bit of vinegar right now inside me why is it that the old covenant looks better than the new covenant did you ever read deuteronomy 28 so that's gone away but it says that the new covenant is based on better promises it's a better covenant but you look you look at i mean the the jewish people are really happy they don't even talk about money they just take it from you they they do they said they they say they they say they say hold whole sales for the jews retailers for the gentiles you know all the jewish people are real tight-lipped about their money but it's like dropping out of their pockets as they walk away why because they they are abraham's their father well isn't he our father now too i mean we throw galatians out of the bible because in 313 i mean we're we have the blessings of abraham well what was that well look at genesis 13. it starts out with abraham was very rich no he left everything to follow god if you notice before that didn't take more than a chapter or two for him to be loaded okay this is old testament right okay but he was looking for a city whose builder and maker was god he was he saw him who was invisible but yet when you saw abraham you saw he owned everything but he was looking he wasn't looking at that it just happened are you following me so getting back to it shouldn't the church be the most powerful institution on the earth if the gates of hell can't prevail against it okay so i'm going to run into that institution and hide because that's my safe place but see so is the secret place so is being in christ so these things they have to become more more uh predominant in our lives in our framework okay so you will be told to do things to unhook yourself from the world see you will go in the opposite direction because jesus told me that there's a flesh hook which is like a a fish hook so you can't the way that it came in you can't keep pulling on it to get rid of it you have to go in the opposite direction to be unhooked from the world so you will go in the opposite direction that you know you're going your destination you'll see it and he will tell you to go in the opposite direction but see he's unhooking you from the world so he might you know when you don't can't make your rent he might tell you to pay somebody else's rent and that happened to us but what was so funny is i after i did that in february of 2009 i did that in january right after christmas the lord told me and kathy to pay somebody's mortgage for the month and we could hardly pay ours and after i did it i was on this side of the stage in phoenix arizona i can give you the address but i don't want to so i'm down here and the my friend the music minister don priest is standing right here we just finished the service we did two services so i left i was playing the cello in that service he was he was the head guy with the keyboard we had all this whole band and i said i'm going to go outside so i went outside just to rest and then we had to start again and i came up to him right here and i told him you know this is what i'm going to do and this is what i began to say out of my mouth this is in january i said if i keep doing this i'm never going to pay my house off but i know i'm supposed to do that but i couldn't say it i went to say it he looked at me like don't say that because he was from rhema too you know and i stopped and i said god is good and i walked away and we we did that payment okay the next month we got our house was paid off by someone our house was paid off now if you look at the paperwork and everything was going on behind the scenes it was already in the works for months but see me and kathy are like we're just trying to meet make our ends meet okay so the right angle turn seemed to be going in another direction than where we were going and what i told the lord to be honest with you what i didn't verbalize it the whole way there but i did tell the lord if you keep having me do this i'll never pay my house off and this is what he said he said you're right you're not paying it off i am now kathy's right here she knows that happened we haven't had a payment for many many years but we've owned several houses that we've bought and then sold and made a huge amount of money off of it just because god paid off one house it became a domino effect now the house we're in is the best house where we live but it's free it was completely free if you look at what the track record of what god did with that right angle turn it created something out of nothing that gave us a free house did you follow what i'm saying or do i need to like go into detail in the greek and hebrew about it do you understand that a right angle turn in your life you lay hands on someone they get healed and you limp out but what you did was you sowed you went to the polls and you sowed a seed with your vote and then you command that seed you speak to that seed to grow and then sidney powell shows up do you get it and it keeps expanding out to where all the sudden i mean i don't know if you know but there are already been people in high places that are are not for what's going on but they have said well if sydney says she has the goods then then she has the goods well see that's what i'm trying to say is that shouldn't the church have that kind of of dominion about that her to where people say you know you don't want to mess with that church the church because it doesn't work out in your favor if you mess with the church when is that going to happen i mean you know like we've we've been persecuted for years people all the wonderful prophets were killed by the religious leaders in every generation and and just so you know i mean if you're called to be a prophet you won't be celebrated till the next generation you'll be you'll be the enemy of everyone no they jesus said this he said i sent you prophets and you killed them he said now you celebrate him as your heroes that's what one translation says he says you're going to do the same to me he says you're going to kill me and look now there there's their every knee is going to bow and every tongue is going to confess to jesus lord even those who crucified him okay so things things may not look at times when the angels get involved and when when the the holy spirit is involved with you and you feel the power of god like you're feeling on you right now it's going to cause you to do things to unhook you from those evil spirits that are arrayed around you you have to become unpredictable again is everybody follow me can i go on okay so they try to do these cycles so they'll send somebody to you every month to reinforce something that they've lied to you about so that you will stay as a victim that you will stay in rejection i'm speaking from experience now think about this at 10 years old i'm not saved till i'm 19. at 10 years old i have a visitation at 10 years old in a church that is fully calvinistic doesn't believe in the born-again experience does not believe in evangelization you're either going to hell or heaven god determines that and god himself visits me and he he tells me my whole life and my whole future in a flash and he tells me that when i grow up that i will just i will be i mean i've never said this but i'm telling you he said you will be just like moses i was 10 years old and an angel was assigned to me but i didn't know what it was but that angel was with me the whole way through until i got saved when i was 19. for nine years is there anybody here he would come and no no listen he would come and stand beside me and my my i have four brothers and sisters i remember when i came in now listen to me i got a brand new car you know how i got a brand new car i had to work to buy the car and i didn't i didn't peel out because i was buying the tires my dad was the smartest man i know he's gotten smarter over the years i started to see what he was doing but one day as i was trying to get up a hill in the snow to get into our driveway i was going really slow and this cop car came up and he was flying because he's got he's got the momentum he's got to get the momentum to go the whole way to the top on the way past me he hits me so he pulls over and he yells me why did you pull out in front of me i'm out of the car i was out of the car because i got stuck and he knows that but i have no witnesses and because i was a bodybuilder at the time much bigger than most people i could take my dad and just pick him up with one hand and he used to hit me and bloody me sometimes daily and i would let him because i loved him i wouldn't i wasn't going to hit my dad i went to hit this cop and i couldn't lift my arms i was just going to take him and throw him over his car and see you don't know me like that but i could bench 400 and some pounds 415 pounds or whatever is 310 415 415 you know four of those big discs olympic discs on each side and my arms went limp and i said well i'll see you later i said you fill out the report i'll just talk to my insurance company and we'll take care of this but you know what you did so i walked in and i went downstairs and i was i felt the power of god so strongly and i'm not saved my angels standing right beside me i don't understand that my brothers and sisters were down there and when i walked in they looked at me and started crying and they said what is that on you and i go what because i thought i feel like killing somebody right now they my sisters fell to their knees and started crying they said you they said you don't even look worldly you look you look like my sister said you look beautiful i don't understand it you're glistening this happened i wasn't saved i went to a calvinistic church a pro a reformed presbyterian church that doesn't even believe like i believe i'm having a supernatural experience about my future in that in that 10 years old i was told this there are three seven year segments this is the first seven this is the second seven and this is the third seven and then he he left me back in that reformed presbyterian church at night but i was on the mountain of god and i saw moses up there at the end of that 21 years those three segments that would happen from that day until that it ended that at the 21 year after the 10 which is 31 years he said you will not smoke you will not drink and you will not date i have a woman for you you are not to smoke you're not to drink my family did all that i have never touched a cigarette i i've never i i've tasted wine before but i have not touched i know what a beer tastes like i didn't do any of that because of an experience i had at 10 years old and then when i died i had never experienced certain things and i didn't even care and then i met my wife and got married but there are certain things that i was never going to experience and i could care less but what would cause that what would cause a person to be like that except something from the other realm okay what's interesting was at 31 years old 21 years later i went in for an operation and i died and at the that was the end of my life in that vision of the three seven years was i was done at 31 years i was done at 31 years is when i went in for the operation and passed away even though i don't have a death certificate to prove it but jesus told me you finished your race i go i'm 31 years old so you know the story from there i'm telling you this because how do you deal with what i'm telling you you have to learn to walk humbly before the lord and be willing to make right angle turns because i i think after what i've just told you you i don't think you know everything so everything that god does in my life right now is because he trusts me because i passed my test i'm going to be really hard here but i'm telling you you have to pass your test i believe i don't believe that i gave to get i believe that i passed my money test and that's why our house has paid off i passed my money test i didn't give to get right do you you get it okay so you like every day the reason you obey god is not to put yourself in a better position for what you want or need but that god would trust you that you would change a whole generation you would reroute people's lives by being obedient and that that the reward is far greater than you getting your new car because you will get your new car but it will come to you and you won't even look at it it'll just come the reason why it comes is because what julie said julie i believe julie when she said that goodness and mercy shall chase you well there is a translation says will chase you catch you and tackle you are you have you been fully tested to where you can stand no matter what where you know that your god is not to be messed with and that the enemies in deuteronomy part of the covenant was we we focus on like deuteronomy 15 4 says there shall be no poor among you for i the lord your god have provided for you and i'm taking you into the land that i promised you okay but what else does he say there i'm gonna put the fear of you in your enemies it's part of the covenant it's part of what he says and he says this because the angel is coming in to take them in and he's saying don't grieve him because he won't tolerate your sin but as we see in hebrews the hebrew says don't be like those who fell in the desert through their unbelief did not enter in see so obviously they did grieve that angel because they fell in the desert okay all right so we can learn from the old testament by reading the book of hebrews and places like that but here is here's the puzzling thing in in right here it says in in john 15 you know he's talking about you are my friends if you do what i command you this is in uh in 1514 of john okay the verse before says greater love has no man than this that a man laid down his life for his friends you are my friends if you do whatever i ask okay now if you keep going back a little more like in verse 11 it says these things i have spoken to you that my joy may remain in you and that your joy may be full so when things go wrong and things don't go right and you still have joy you see can you know that's better than money because if you're joyce full then you know everything else is going to be full and you know that the enemy is full of it you you you know that there's no greater thing than for a man to lay down his life for another but that jesus is setting them up saying hey by the way i did that i mean i'm going to do that he hadn't done it yet but he was slain from the foundation of the world according to book of revelation so i i see him as already accomplishing this even while he's walking there with them okay now here's very important to understand walking in the supernatural you jesus said to them after he said if you love me you'll be what i command and this is new testament in red he said this this wasn't wasn't some minister this is jesus himself and then he says this he corrects them he gives them a right angle turn and we have a problem in the body of christ right now because they haven't made this right angle turn he said from now on i do not call you servants anymore for the servant knows not what his lord does but i have called you friends for all things that i have heard from my father i have made known to you oh my gosh did you hear what he just said well what don't we know that he has already been told that we should know but see the right angle turn is is that we have to switch our mindset from being you know woe is me i'm just a humble little worm and i just want to serve god you know and i'll give him everything so you sell everything you remain sick but you want everyone else well you know and you become you're a victim because see you're trained to be a victim but see when i was in heaven there were no victims and i saw that all the saints i mean i could shock you but if you saw the mentality of the saints they want us to be up to speed with what they know and then they want us to add to it not try to figure out what they were saying or what they did they want us to build upon it i mean i could flip you out i mean my staff knows some of the people that i met in heaven and they told me about my future they told me things i didn't know that were in my books and how i was linked to them but i never met them except up there but now i'm carrying with with what what they have said i'm carrying on what they were doing i mean i i was personally commissioned by someone that you would know that i never met a very powerful man of god i i i've held things back because i felt as people needed to just get the basics but i feel this weekend is is a turning point right okay so getting in to unhooking yourself from the world and doing a right angle turn the right angle turn the fir the first one there i mentioned a lot of them but just to get into detail about it is is realizing that you have to pass your tests your obedience tests so that you become that friend and not a servant see as a servant what does this say in isaiah 1 18 it says if you're willing and obedient you'll eat the best of the land right so there's two things there so you can be obedient not be willing so a servant a hireling they do something so they can get paid but they're not attached to your vision they don't have your heart when you're not looking they're not working they're not they're not carrying on and and a lot of times by the time you explain what to do to someone you could have done it yourself and then a whole bunch better because i wouldn't use duct tape right okay because why because it's your it's your assets it's your vision it's your heart and then you take care of that well see that's different than a higher lane so it's hard to find people that will adopt your vision and so they're higher lanes so you always be have to be with a switch with them but if you get them to adopt your vision and their they see their purpose in your purpose then they will give more than what you could pay them and you always want to give them raises and i would rather do that than somebody demand it from me because that just kind of cuts it off right there all right you want to go under the law well then we're going to do that but you're going to you're gonna get you know what the state requires but i was gonna give you a hundred times more if you would have just kept your mouth shut okay well it's the same thing with your vision you've got to instill that into someone okay so god does that and when he instills his vision into you you get his heart his passion for it and you become part of what god's doing so you don't work against them and you would do it for free but you don't have to do it for free but you would and it's nice to know that people would be that way okay so then then those people become friends and you want to find people that you don't have to monitor all the time they're starters and finishers and they're self-managed people so that was the profile we looked for at when we hired people at southwest airlines especially for the flight attendant because they essentially are in charge of the people there's no one else there they are the eyes and ears for the pilots and that group of people was an amazing group of people to work for and it was infiltrated with people from other airlines that were not trained that way with the vision of southwest airlines so we were part of the success of the company and everyone almost everyone became a millionaire even if you threw bags underneath you became a millionaire because they gave you stock as part of your payment and it would it it split 13 times while i was at southwest beca i became a millionaire and all i did was show up and serve coke and sprite it didn't matter that i wasn't flying the airplane okay but see i was part of the success they shared in the success by rewarding us which caused us to be loyal but then when other airlines started coming in that were furloughed and then they would come and get hired they did not have that frame of mind they weren't there when we were barely making it and we had a fight just to stay in business every quarter we would donate our checks we would literally donate parts of our checks to pay for fuel during doing the whole thing with with uh you know those planes flying in the buildings did you know that we we donated parts of our check to pay the fuel to keep flying until the government kicked in and gave us the money okay so god calls you friends because you pass your test and then you're faithful he trusts you and then he shares things with you that are in his inside information and that's what i encountered when i passed my test where do you hear this stuff but this is this is exactly why my me and my wife are doing this is because what i saw was we miss it because it's too simple now you can teach this in sunday school and the kids get it and i'll tell you an example in wisconsin the lord told me to call all the kids up and give them all money there was 30 30 kids showed up i'm like so we're like hey kathy you have anything in your purse you know we're like you know and um we we handed out you know i think was five dollar bills to all the kids well see all the kids because we packed that church out it only holds like 150 and we we had expanded it out and helped them expand it out so it would hold 450 and we still have more than that so we're gonna have to go to a bigger venue but the kids because of that the kids had to just stay along the back wall with coloring books so the lord there's all these ministers in the front row that had come to hear me and i gave those children that and uh they just ran back and i can see them back there coloring and trading crayons and just laughing and talking and i said i want you to see something here we we look at the bible we take it negatively like we say a man reaps what he sows you know and we say you know you're going to go to hell if you keep go doing what you're doing you know man reads what he's so but it says god is not mocked a man but really the truth of it is is that that is a positive thing god's not going to be mocked if you give he's going to make sure that you're taken care of be and i said here we just jesus said if you even touch one of these little ones he says the they ain't their angels always see the face of their heavenly father in other words they're going to report that's what that says in that verse i said but what if giving to children gives gets you reported and they all just look to me because see they we're programmed to not think that way because we're servants but what if we're friends what if we're part of god's vision on what he wants to do for mankind you follow me when i said that i said you should always give to children you should always give to widows you should always give to orphans you should always give to people that can't give you back because it puts god in a position where he's gonna have to get up and pay you back because they can't because he's not gonna be mocked right okay so you're obedient you just do what god tells you you you go further with him when he tells you to take that job and you don't want it or you go to that church and you don't want to go there but see you don't know there's warfare going on and you're part of it he trusts you that's why he sent you there i mean i live in modern day sodom and gomorrah i live in new orleans and i said lord why i had two we had two retirement houses in the best places you can live we had it made for the rest of our lives no bills no nothing going to go into retirement two houses and enough money to buy a jet to fly in between them ourselves and what's he do he puts me into the ministry and tells me to sell both of those houses and so we did it and he told me and kathy at the same time to move to new orleans and i asked him why would you do that and you're not going to believe what he said he says because i trust you so as fast as the demons fly into our house is they they they get knocked out faster i mean it's like it's i mean it's like wizard of oz there it's like flying monkeys and people are saying i'm gonna get you pretty my pretty you know i'm serious it's like it's like voodoo capital of the world i could tell you stories but then you wouldn't want to move there and i might need you to move there would help me but listen i could tell you stuff that'll flip you out i mean i'm i'm told to do things me and my wife that we don't want to do we were told to help a church there in seattle that's why we moved there i didn't want to do that i wanted to start my own but i find myself always helping pastors so now i understand a pastor though because me and my wife have been assistant pastors okay but help up there when i walk in to the church now mind you it's been 20 some years since i've been to rhema but as i'm looking at the usher it's my friend who sat with me at rhema through every class beside me the man on the other side in class was a man named max dom who is now a missionary in romania and has a bible college there he sat on the other side of me in my classes at rhema and now i'm connected to both of them so this guy who's who's a friend of all of us we all sat at rhema didn't have any idea hardly talked because brother hagin was talking and we don't need to be talking when he's talking because we're going to miss something but isn't it interesting i end up back with them now he goes over they ask me can you go over and teach at this bible college and i i couldn't at the time because i was still working and i wasn't in the ministry at the time i was in the ministry but it wasn't you know the professional and he said well if you can you know i'm gonna go and you can teach over there at the rhema bible college there in romania but he said uh if you don't we can go another time i said well the way it's working you're gonna have to go and he went he came back so he was supposed to teach them how to pray they're to teach him in about prayer and things like that in in this max's school he got over there and um i don't know if you're ready for this he said kevin he says there's witches flying through the air on brooms and they have signs that say please stay above the telephone poles and i'm like no and i'm waiting for him to laugh and he goes no he said i went over there teach him how to pray and those ladies taught me how to pray why because it's a whole another level it takes you a year to figure to accept what i just told you but are you going to wait 30 years to figure this out or are you just going to listen to me you have to step it up but you have to let god that yoke you took on you last night it's going to take you into the middle of the witch's territory and you're gonna have to say you know what there's a new sheriff in town why do the witches have to roll everything you know how long has it been i mean it's only been a few months since it was announced that the witches had put a curse on our president not one person said a word about threatening i mean i remember when you used to get thrown in jail for threatening our president now you can do anything you want okay so you look at all the hollywood individuals that threatened the president they're not in jail witches announced they're going to drink blood and put a curse on our president but i if i mention you would notice i don't mention his name because they cut me off as soon as i do so i'm not allowed to mention it and bless him and pray for him and get a whole bunch of people pray for him they shut me off but it's okay for the witches to announce that they're going to put a curse on him to put an end to him no i'm asking you okay so you understand that this service is a wake-up call but you're no longer servants you're friends so you've got to catch the vision that yes jesus wrote a book about every witch doesn't claim they're a witch in the book has these wonderful things that are planned but they will be in hell with hitler and hitler had beautiful things written about him and he's in hell so you're still alive you came this morning why can't you take a hold of god's vision for this generation for this dispensation this thousand years we're in right now that's coming to an end and then it's going to go on and the the most profound i mean i've met some profound individuals that are angels but there is one i am not able to converse with but he's in the bible he is so powerful that he puts one foot on the water and he puts one foot on the land and he raises his hand and he swears by him who lives forever and then he announces that the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our god there are angels in the bible like that there are individuals that have been given the authority to do that and you're worried about your hair dryer breaking i don't want you to be a victim anymore because according to scripture you're not a victim anymore and i wanted to go into this in the closing time that we have here which oh my gosh this is sad that was my introduction i have to get a new phone i think this clock is messed up hey time to get a new phone as christmas here we go yes yeah ready then now now see church should be fun it should be enjoyable it should be informative but it should be transforming see so you got to get past i'm telling you please get past the entertainment phase because i think that's getting a little old isn't it because it's not working it's not working in your daily life when you're you're you're facing the disease of the week and the killer hornets you know it's not working if i just told you you were god's friend and talked about that for an hour and you and you had a mouthful of ice cream and hot fudge is that going to get you past the killer hornets and the disease of the week and you know whatever else these people have been in in office for 47 years is that going to get you by one broadcast no it's going to have to be deeper than that okay so here's the secrets in the pathway i've given you a whole bunch already but i want to get into this because i literally have a template that was made in heaven and you don't even know it but it's romans 8. it's literally a template if you follow it even daily i pray myself through romans 8 every day and i use the aramaic version of it so you can use the new living translation if you want but the passion translation is more accurate and i'm going to get hit by 50 of everybody listening but that's okay i really don't care every day the template for walking in the supernatural is romans 8. and this is what you have to do every day when i get in like i'm in jet training right now so every month a pilot comes down and trains me not in a little kite with wing with a propeller on it talking about a jet where you got to know what you're doing because it wants to kill you take your eye off of something it knows it it knows you're not watching okay so here so you have to you always do your checklist even though you've done it for 30 years you still do it why because it's really saving your life because you don't know everything but if you systematically go through your checklist then you you can get to where you can be certified to fly it by yourself you don't need a first officer but you got to be really good so that's what i want to do i mean even if it never happens i'm going to train to be that way because see i walk that way with god i'm not there yet but i'm getting better every day and how about you you all love god but wouldn't you want to know the template okay so this is what i go through every day i did it this morning verse one it says now your case is closed okay so that's because the enemy is going to try to keep you in the victimization rejection and keep you in that cycle so that you don't gain any momentum because if you gain momentum they cannot control you but the problem is then you start a bible study and you teach other people how to do that so that's why we have warrior church so then you have a bunch of people doing it and then the whole neighborhood's affected and then before you know it the city is affected and then the state is affected and then we get rid of these criminals that get elected because what happens is is those people go to the poll and vote and they go they ask hey is this dominion software because i want one that's it's a real a real voting machine so you start putting your foot down why do you think texas wouldn't take that because they knew that it was designed by the cia is there anybody here they go no there's no way that's rigged okay anyway i'm sure they'll cut that out so okay so so see in the court of law the case is closed and sidney powell announces there remains no accusing voice see god announces no one's accusing you anymore no one showed up because the case is closed so the accusing voices are silenced there are none so if you hear one you know it's not god because your case is closed you have to do this checklist before you can start the engines you have to do this every day i'm telling you man i hope sid roth is watching because this is good i'm going to buy my own package okay there's no accusing voice against those who are joined in life union with jesus the anointed one life union that sounds like more than just a servant doesn't it that's a friend that's family okay then he goes through this amazing thing that we just kind of blow over but john g lake didn't blow over it he goes oh no no the law of the spirit of life is working in me it's killing this file disease he told the doctors that they're like well let's see he says yeah just put it in the palm of my hand and it and it died they put out in the microscope they were it was all dead that doesn't happen that hasn't happened to a casual christian that's eating ice cream and chocolate fudge every day for their spiritual diet okay so yeah yeah it you know if you want to go to a church that never mentions hell or the blood of jesus or you know like then that's you know that's what you're gonna get though and the devils won't bother you but you start mentioning the blood crucified life alters sapphire holy fire then all of a sudden you become enemy number one in the spirit and then those people if they're not they don't have someone to encourage them then they get washed out so i'm not gonna let that happen while i'm here every day i just show up and give the devil a headache because i think you should know that you guys are called to special forces but special forces have special diets and have special friends and special weapons and special meetings that no one else goes to because they're the weird people well those weird people are the ones that that that things blow up in other countries and you don't know how it happened and and you just you return home on your black jet after doing something to just save democracy i mean i know these men they'll never get rewarded but things are blowing up as they're coming home and they don't even know they were there it would take them a week to figure out that someone was there but all their their meth labs are blowing up so dominion software was was made to keep chavez in power or anybody else or get somebody out moving on okay just sprinkle it in there hopefully they don't knock me off here okay so number n verse 2 says for the law of the spirit of life now law is in parentheses because we're talking about the law and then being in the new covenant which is above the law in the sense of that if we walk in love we fulfill the law okay so jesus fulfilled that law through the spirit okay so the law of the spirit of life flowing through the anointing of jesus has has freed us or liberated us from the law of sin and death so there's a higher law working but it appears by observation that it's something we have to engage or it just doesn't happen automatically so i can interview each one of you and you could verify that if you're not on your game things go quickly downstream if you're not on it that's because we're in a fallen world and these beings enforce that curse that's what those evil spirits do but see the holy spirit enforces the blessing enforces deliverance and forces healing that he's an advocate he's much more scarier in court than sidney powell he's an advocate it's a that's a term that has to do with law and the lawyer now can you handle a couple more minutes are you done okay so the spirit of god enforces the blessing he enforces deliverance he enforces the covenant it's not a passive thing to him and i i have to stand up for him because he's a person and he's not a bird he's a person and he can be grieved but he can win a case in court and he can argue your case but he can also convince you to where you walk a little different and you show up in concord and rent the embassy suites why because truth is important and it's timely at certain times and seasons the heavens open and you need to announce you need to speak these videos are touching you right now live but they will touch people for 60 years because something from the other realm that's beyond me because god trusts me because i passed my test i got chosen to do this but next week it might be you if you get crazy enough to when i look in your eyes you're not all there i go okay you're next and i give you the light see what i said last night women they get pushed to the point where you better stand back now you've gone too far and they got a weapon how far do you get pushed before you say you know what i am in christ there's no male or female i have a right to preach the gospel i have a i have a voice see the lord told me to give the voice back to the people i just happen to give it back to women too and children so it's not political no think about it think about it god has tried to do this many times joyce meyer started out with a bible study smoking chain smoking cigarettes while she's teaching she didn't die she didn't disappear why did she get so popular because she was a woman and she did something that's it if you ever notice people are even afraid to approach her what happened something inside turned and she has a testimony of god's faithfulness but she's going to do something about it but why is it that certain people you're not going to mess with and why does it take an ar-15 around somebody's shoulder before you stop saying something you know don't you think a badge should be enough why does a gun have to be pointed at you before you're convinced that maybe i shouldn't say something maybe i shouldn't throw that maybe i should leave that starbucks alone and not break the glass and drink the mermaid's coffee maybe i should wait till they open and pay for it you see it's rebellion it's it's there the whole time it's a snake but the season we're in right now is war but it was already there and they try to pick male and female and race and color to make it an issue when really it's just rebellion it has nothing to do with me and you i don't i don't ever think of color or race i don't i look at people and i see good in them and i see how far can we go together and then i draw a boundary until they prove themselves and then they go closer as they remain faithful as they prove that they can be trusted and that when the warfare gets bad because people men are all around me they start falling apart at certain points because everyone has their sellout point and jesus told me that he said everyone will sell you out everyone will will throw you under the bus i couldn't believe it but see the thing that is is that once you know what is in a man you don't commit yourself to a man if that sounds familiar it's because it's in red because jesus john said that about jesus he knew what was in a man so he didn't commit himself to a man because everyone will sell you it will sell you out throw you under the bus they did it to jesus they'll do it to you it's just that how far they go with you is based on their character they've been proved why do we have almost sixteen thousand students because god trusts me jesse said i could be mad at you i started a school and i had nine people and i had to close it down i could be really mad at you right now and he has 422 thousand partners and no school i can't explain it to you except that i love god so i obeyed him the lord said anticipate needs and provide for them and that's your success so everything we do is anticipating a need before it actually comes that's just good business sense but it's also what god has planned for his body and for the harvest okay so i was going to say we'll finish the rest tonight but we don't have a service all right so i got it i got a feeling you all you oh you better get me an energy drink or something then i'm like i'm serious i want to go back to southwest and work just so i could rest i'm serious i flew 13 hours i was at the airplane for 13 hours we only got paid for about eight hours of flight time but it i thought that was hard work until i got in the ministry amen amen amen okay so all right so god whatever he was unable to accomplish by whatever she was saying he did through through jesus christ see the weakness we had in our flesh was unable to be accomplished by the law so it was accomplished through jesus christ so it's all about receiving from him the life flow which is interesting because this is what's talked about in john 15. so the next thing you have to understand about the lord is that you connected to him and you and you go through these things and you're mindful of them every day so that they don't slip from you so so the truth about everything about me is that i pray in the spirit and i i wait it might be days weeks years but when it comes up that it's time then i do it and he told me 21 months ago to start a school and so i did it i didn't know what i was doing but i found people that could do what i told them to do just obey me and don't use the word but because a lot of people's butts are really big but they get in the way i just need you to do this okay but every time that i would tell people i would tell pastors you know i want the lord telling me to launch spirit schools and you are going to be the launch church because you were my pastor and in people's minds because of where they're at and they only have 150 people but they they they have a church that could hold a whole bunch then you got to like explain to them this is not normal it's not going to follow the algorithms i'm going to be an anomaly so they said well you know how much are you going to charge each person because you know it's going to cost a lot i go we're not charging he goes well this is not going to work i said well yeah also i'm giving away my manual for free and a cd and i'm buying them lunch and there's silence and i said well i'm not doing it unless i can do it for free i said i'll tell you what i'll just rent your church for the weekend i want every done that you spend on your on your staff your electric bill your water bill insurance everything i'll pay the ban i'll pay everything i'll pay you i'll buy you a christmas party for your whole church and that's what i did i wrote the check that day i paid him for his electric everything i paid for the meal for every person it filled up he said well you're not going to have anybody it filled up in four days we had to turn away almost as many as we accepted and it's ever since that time it continues to today sorry i didn't get you a sandwich but it's just not that the hotel the hotel wants to own everything so you know you can't bring food in here they want to charge you you know the 25 bucks for chips and a sandwich you know when i can get it for 15 cents you know but he told me to start a school he told me to start a youtube channel i hired andrew i said can you unload because i'm up all night running facebook and and me and kathy are packing the boxes i'm writing the books packing them shipping them receiving them at the book table selling them then packing them and shipping them back and then putting them back on the shelves and i'm doing four two hour sessions and so i said andrew can you just take over youtube i wanted to form a channel lord's telling me to make a channel so we start to school i say this is all i want to do i want to make one for free and then after that i'm gonna charge like half of what everyone else does and it didn't look like it should work but it did why because see god gave me his vision because he trusts me as a friend and then i went and i did it and it made me look good but it's because i'm a friend it's not because it's me okay you got it okay so this is my walk with god so he told me to do the youtube channel so in 22 months i mean i watched just a few months ago perry stone he got his hundred thousand dollar plaque or a hundred thousand member you know subscriber and then jesse duplantis got his and then three weeks later i get mine and i look this morning i have more subscribers than jesse does that that shouldn't be but what's happening all i did was obey and and see if you had something to say you could start a youtube channel and i would watch you if you were talking from the fire i would listen to you because i need that but see it's already shifted there was a right angle turn and people are not seeing that it's happening so they're not anticipating the need that has come which is war your churches so that when you can't go out you stay in and i come to you and if the devil doesn't allow us here well then i just do it for my studio on high definition cameras that are paid for six beautiful sets and many more that you know not of why because god transferred his vision to me and then it became mine i owned it and now i find people that have that that can adopt that vision and just do it and it's successful last two weeks ago we logged on i'm going live thirteen thousand people live watching all over the world thirteen thousand last night's four was like forty six hundred the night before 6 000 800 or something like that live we got 400 here can you imagine 6 000 but see there are people all over the world that want to connect with what god say so this is what i do every day but you have to go through romans 8 and it shows that we are adopted the spirit of adoption is in us hang with me a couple more minutes the spirit of adoption is in us and it's crying out father father that spirit is a spirit of acceptance you have been written into the will you have adopted god's name and now you're known as a child of yahweh so you have his name i'm not kidding you i can't hold back anymore when i was in heaven this is what i saw and i thought man we were messed up down there that's what i said messed up when jesus appeared to me in may and told me all that's going to happen this fall that's happened that i announced i never got to talk in five and a half hours he took me back to my bed put me in my bed beside my wife and i had to pretend like nothing happened i never got to talk that whole five and a half hours he kept pulling back curtains that are happening right now he showed me he said if you don't get people to pray this stuff is going to happen and it's not going to be good and and we are not going to let that happen you got to tell the people you got to i said lord i'm prophesying stuff that doesn't even exist now but see now it exists but it was a timeline it was a framework to get people to have reference points so that we stay in there but see people still bailed okay but i was not allowed to talk for five and a half hours he talked but the whole time i'm thinking we are so messed up because he went through the purpose of the church and the fivefold calling the gifts of the spirit and god's plan for man you wouldn't believe it he just laid it out started pulling back veils and showing me individuals like that like that guy with round glasses attorney general around glass and said this is the guy you need to pray for well from that point on when i announced that then you heard his name all the time and then amy barrett and then the delay and the fight that's ensuing which is really the purpose of god is what we're going through is really the purpose of god because he's answering your prayers he's cleaning the bottom of the pool resurfacing it it's too bad that some people are going to get fired over it but that's okay we'll wave to him on the way out but god needs people that are going to engage him and there's a checklist in romans 8. as you go through this and you get to the end it says that we are more than conquerors that all things work to the good to those who love god are called according to his purpose these scripture verses you go through and you check them off every day to remind you because they will slip from you if you don't and then you're ready to make a right angle turn and the devil be waiting for you and you don't show up and you start messing with him and then you ask him how do you like it now how do you like it you're being messed with and he freaks out because i'm like i'm looking on maps i'm trying to i contact pastors where's the high place in your city because i'm coming to your city and i want to i want to do a live service from from the coven from the satan's coven which is coven in every city so we do it in other countries we did it in france and switzerland i thought it was good enough for the united states so we started doing it and um it's a it's a little you know this is not something that mega churches do but they they really should consider it it's really fun i mean what if what if 20 000 people showed up and claimed the mountain back what happens in the spirit when you do that the city changes okay so even though i don't want to close this is really hard for me but i have to tell you something else is that when i was in heaven i saw that the reason that i was at southwest airlines is because i was holding back satan from being able to move forward in people's lives and that that was the best way to do it was put me on an airplane where i was in a different territory every hour and then in a different hotel every night and the kingpins that were that were actually working for southwest airlines and there were only a certain amount of of real men left in my ranks and so that's all i'm going to say so that i don't get kicked off and because of that they were trafficking those devils to the cities and doing their acts in those cities in those beds in those hotels and establish an authority like a dog you know like like a dog wants to mark their territory a tiger um animals want to mark their territory and so these evil spirits and um you know i love those people but i don't agree with anything that is not clearly when it's spoken against in the bible i mean that's my manual that's my authority that's what i stand on okay so without all this being said i saw that we were here not to buy the dvd set about the antichrist popping up any moment we were here to keep him from popping up so i want to leave you with this because i have all those dvd sets by all those favorite ministers however when i feed myself on that then i get paralyzed and i hole up and that's what's happened i saw this in heaven i saw that we need to see that the reason why the antichrist has not been able to pop up why every president every leader from nero on adds up to 666 it's all true they were appointed for that generation but see satan groomed someone i was told this please just unfriend me do not write me he grooms someone there is an antichrist in every generation being groomed because satan doesn't know when he's going to get his chance he's chained on a short leash hear me out you're the one that's making history not him that's why you need to make dvds and say thus saith the lord this is the way it's going to be and you prophesy him out of your generation he goes unrecognized i kid you not every generation has stopped him from coming forth because we're here paul said this to the thessalonians he said you know the one who holds him back have we gotten that done that we don't know now they did he doesn't even say who it was but obviously it's the church with the holy spirit inside of us i'm not kidding you you wanted to hear all the truth i'm telling you the reason we're here why you're at your job why why you do anything you do is because you mess the devil up everywhere you go but you got to get out of the victim mentality you got to get out of the cycles of rejection that you can follow the stars with and the planets because that's what those demons do they look up and they see a full moon they go well it's time to go to renee again i kid you not have you ever heard anybody talk like this huh i want to know who they are so i can give them a high five i'm telling you they look at they don't have reference points except the stars and the planets because god set that in an order so they they don't understand time they don't get it they don't get any briefings they don't get nothing they're watching you they're making you predictable by keeping you a victim does everybody understand this before i dismiss you do you hear me you have to break this cycle and it's going to be a war if you do get even if you have to get a buddy but do it for the next 30 days let the spirit of god make right angle turns in your life and mess the devil up and then those evil spirits will just throw their arms up and they'll go this is what i was told they will go and find someone weaker because they are on commission i'm not i'm not kidding you they have to show progress or they get beat up in fact me and my wife i mean i'm really poor i can't believe i'm telling them all this stuff honey but we would actually literally in new orleans the sector we're in we're not in the city but it is so evil that when people come to visit us they run from their car in that's in our driveway into our house because of the oppression they can't wait to get in our house because it's a safe zone but we had a war for how many years do we have to wear every house we've ever got we've had a war for two to three years i mean i'm talking fighting devils where it could be a good movie and you think it's i was a boy that came back from heaven but we have to fight devils okay so you have to realize that i am where i am to fight devils but you're where you are to fight devils but you're pushing them back by establishing the authority that you've been given you're an outpost you're an ambassador okay so this is what we would do at times we we have right there by our house by the airport we have the longest bridge in the world over lake pontchartrain i mean you get on it and it's 30 minutes at 55 miles an hour okay as soon as you get halfway across it's a border and when we get to the other side no demons i mean the demons are over there little fuzzball ones you just kind of kick them it's like that's not a knife this is a knife why because you're like but those fuzzball devils used to get you but now you're fighting dragons and a fuzzball that was kind of entertainment well what happened see you train in your territory we would go we would literally go we like right now like as soon as we take off here i will when we get when the gear goes up and we level off to gain some speed and then we're cleared to start up it happens right after takeoff you'll hear the flaps go up and the gear go up and then you gain some speed and then you start your your your uh your ascent you're building up speed then it's called a cruise climb and then you you don't use as much fuel and it's just the efficiency of the way the airplane is each each airplane has a certain speed that you put in there as soon as we get outside the borders of charlotte everything that was bothering us here will leave us because they cannot go any further because they fight each other so there are borders that you can go so you need to go to the mountains and you need to go the woods you need to go down south you need to get out of your territory every now and then now most people be flipped out by what i'm telling you but you can wait 30 years and find this out yourself or you can just listen to me there is a whole network there is a whole nother civilization parallel living among us and they hate us because they lost the birthright they lost out they will never be embodied unless they can get into you that's why they need your body they are disembodied they hate you they are trying to enforce a curse in your life and the holy spirit inside of you is is wanting to argue your case and cause you to be on fire and speak from the spirit and from the altar fire and prophesy to this nation prophesy to your neighbor prophesy to your world and and put your foot down and before you know it the devils know we lost them they're not going to be a victim anymore and you say hold on i need to talk to you about what a victim you are you're not getting away with this you're going to pay dearly now so mow my grass no bring it all back i want seven full back see because you're the new sheriff in town see what other churches talking about this this morning they should be because this is where we're at right now now don't be surprised if when you get to heaven you meet 41 men that introduce themselves as the ones who signed the mayflower compact because they will want to compliment you for building on what they did and for enforcing what they did because it's a covenant with god okay it's the same thing with abraham and paul and elijah they're all going to want to meet you because you were the ornamentation at the end of the age you were the ones that was finishing it off and they want to meet you because you built upon what they they suffered and died for and you discern what they did i mean i can name individuals that i met in heaven that they handed off their ministry to me and they he like right now this person you would know is is looking over in heaven yelling and screaming at me you're not crazy enough get crazier crazier for jesus right now i can see him go another step don't let them go they can eat later that's no i'm certain i know this i know this i'm not holding back anymore heaven is real the people in heaven are real i'm not talking to the dead they're alive and them together with us are at the end of the age going to get together and celebrate that god's plan was implemented and it works and we're going to worship god and this is not a fable or a bedtime story like like people would want you to think they want they don't want you to have any momentum they're momentum breakers now so how many of you realize now that where you work is really your mission field it's your battlefield right you realize that listen i can go to work because as soon as i pass my test god's going to promote me but i have to do what i'm supposed to do so it's perfect for me every hour i was in a different territory i learned how to deal with the evil spirits the people on the path the passengers would respond to that spirit it was amazing of course i never could tell i haven't told anybody until now but i could watch i would watch my the flight attendants i would watch the passengers take on the personality of a spirit a territorial spirit and then as soon as we got out of that border and in the air past a certain point they would just be changed totally different but then when we land in new york city they would really start acting you know certain places la they'd start acting up as we're on dissent and some of them that live in kansas city can't handle l.a but they don't know why but see they're used to there's no place like home you know anti-am right and they're thrown into this environment but they can't put their finger on it but see we should as spiritual people be able to discern the environments i love you all man i don't want to say goodbye i love you all it's just such a compliment to feel like i could go this far you're being trusted amen thank you father hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah the spirit of god keeps saying this is that this is that he keeps saying it this is that what was spoken joel is flipping out he goes this is that this is what i was trying to tell you all this is that this is that remember peter said that he said joel this is that which was spoken by the paw patrol joe was trying to tell us what he saw now it's real i saw at the end of the age we weren't holed up waiting for the next disease of the week we were out walking in health walking as ministers of fire that we're telling people god is not doing this he loves you come in repent judge yourself so you won't be judged with the world this isn't the bowls of wrath this is sandbox stuff compared trust me you don't want to be here when god lets his wrath out and it says his children are not appointed the wrath amen so this is that i'm going to keep saying it until you catch on fire hallelujah you can do this i did have one scripture i wanted to share with you all that's kind of been rolling around in my spirit all weekend it's um from jeremiah and it's chapter 6 verse 16 and thank you all for coming and being here with us it talks about asking the lord for the ancient paths and i feel like the lord really wants to encourage you that whatever's been jostling you this is confirming what the lord's saying this is that you know that you're we're all well able but whatever's been jostling us go deep inside your heart and find that place that you know the lord has called you to and don't budge off of it because he says at that age the ancient path the thing that's been written about you before the foundations of the world that's the plan that's going to stand so the the blessing of the ancient path is you're going to find rest there you guys can read it for yourself in jeremiah 6 i believe it's 6 16. so i want to just all pray together that we'll say lord thank you for that ancient path that pure path that you've prepared for me i set myself on it and i repent of every other path i turn away from every other path and i embrace that ancient foundation that you ordained for me before the foundations of the world and i receive that rest that refreshing and i give you permission to accomplish all that's in your heart for me in me and through me in jesus name hallelujah thank you guys thank you and just we're gonna head out but julie's gonna be here and continue and just let the lord seal in your heart all that's been done this weekend and bring safe travels for all of you we're gonna worship for a few more minutes the last thing kevin said before he's walking out is he's been he's been forgetting to say it he said please don't let there be anything left on julie's table over there buy all her cds or whatever she has please make her go home empty-handed but julie if you could lead to a little more worship as we go out and whenever you feel ready hello and i will call upon the lord and he he will answer and i will trust his homely name he will save us and i will call upon the lord and he he will answer he will save us he will answer and he will save us he will answer he will save us he will save us he will answer he will answer he will hear our cry he will answer he will save us our god he will hear our cry he will hear our crying strengthen us hallelujah hallelujah can you just thank him thank him thank him we thank you we thank you god thank you say thank you thank you can you just thank him thank you thank you for all you've done god this weekend thank you for all you put inside us this weekend you are you spoke to us god your wisdom and revelation we say thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you god thank you god thank you god thank you god thank you god and i love you god thank you god thank you god we carry this with us as we walk out today we carry this inside of us nothing is impossible everything is possible everything is possible nothing is impossible everything is possible and we will call upon the lord and he he will answer and we will trust upon his mighty name he will save us and we will call upon the lord and he he will answer and we will trust upon his mighty name he will save us he will save us he will save us he will strengthen us he will strengthen us he will empower us empower us empower us you will know god hallelujah hallelujah and we thank you we thank you we thank you god for meeting us thank you we won't forget to say thank you we won't forget to say thank you for all you did thank you for all you're doing inside us we say thank you and we worship and we worship you oh god we say thank you and we worship and we worship you oh god we say thank you and we worship and we worship you oh god we turn our eyes we turn our eyes on you you are worthy and you are good for you are holy you're always good we worship you for you are worthy you're always good you are holy holy you're always good and we worship we worship you and we worship we worship oh adore him oh come let us adore him cries adore him oh come let us adore him oh come let us adore him christ the lord for he alone for he alone is worthy for he alone is worthy christ the lord christ the lord and we thank you thank you lord we thank you thank you lord we thank you thank you lord for all that all you've done in us and we thank you thank you lord yes we thank you thank you lord we thank you thank you lord for all that you've done in us for all you've done in us we say thank you you are worthy we say thank you you are worthy we say thank you you are holy you're always working on us perfecting us making us like you even we go when we go home you're you're still still working working you're building building building us up you're working working working on us you're building building building us up and we say thank you we say thank you we say thank you thank you lord thank you lord yes we just say thank you god and we we thank you that even as we leave here that you are continually building us up and you are continually working on us even when we go to sleep at night psalm 17 says even when we go to sleep in a visitation in the night your holy spirit came and purified purified came and purified with your holy fire and continued to purify until there was nothing vile until there is there was nothing wicked left on the inside of us thank you god that that you not only work on us during the day when we're awake but that even when we're sleeping in a visitation in the night your holy spirit your refiners fire you came and you come and refine us and all we do is go to sleep all we do is go to sleep so i thank you for that ever perfecting process that you continually work in us and we say thank you and continue to work in us and through us in jesus name and everyone said amen amen hmm um you
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 82,066
Rating: 4.9215026 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 24sec (10224 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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