Taking A Stand Against the devil- Kevin Zadai

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hello everyone dr kevin zadai with you with warrior notes welcome to our amazing spirit school and this one is off the charts because we're talking about the 10 ways that you can start a war with the devil and this is going to be one of my favorite subjects i like to give the devil a hard time and i want to teach you how to do it too as well there's so many things we could talk about during these sessions but i've picked 10 different things that i felt were very important for you at this time that you can use and that you can implement into your life i just want you to feel the victory to to see the victory to experience the victory to know the victory you have in jesus christ that he made a show of the devil openly he triumphed over him in the cross and you too can enforce that victory you have to realize that jesus came the whole plan was to destroy the works of the devil and that's what jesus is doing for you he's doing that continually and we need to just recognize that we need to think about that all the time so i want to get right into it i'm going to pray father in the name of jesus thank you for this amazing time that we're together and i thank you the holy spirit that you have your way to reveal the strategies that you have given us through jesus christ that we can't enforce the victory on this earth and i thank you for the blood of jesus i thank you for the spirit of god i think for the name of jesus and you're going to cause us to triumph in all things father thank you in the name of jesus god bless you all you out there all your partners all you students uh all you youtubers and facebook uh friends all over the world the the spirit of the lord is always willing to take you into your next step and we need to just rely on the word of god and trust in the lord with all our heart and acknowledge him in our ways and he's going to direct our paths and so just as a little intro the the lord has shown me several different uh things that we can do and we need to enforce what has been spoken in the word of god but we need to have experience we need to have an encounter with the word and not just read it so we need the spirit of god to become so real in our lives that he takes the word of god and we experience him so it's experiential knowledge and not just knowledge and it's not just not all spirit to where you don't have understanding you know we can pray in the spirit all day but we've got to at some point engage god with our understanding as well and so there is a balance to this and the enemy wants to pull you into his ring or his way of doing things so that he can win against you but he cannot win against you in god's ring so if you stay in the word of god if you stay in the spirit and you fortify yourself with with the things that god has given us to jesus christ then the enemy has no way of winning against you and so that's why i am doing what i'm doing and i just come to you now humbly to tell you that there are 10 different things that you can do to to start a war with the devil that you will win at and so this is this is something that i learned when i was on the other side i saw that the devil's going to bother christians anyway no matter no matter what so there are some people a great majority of christians that actually think that they can kind of lay low and and a low profile and you know don't don't shake the cage so to speak don't don't um make waves and maybe the devils will leave you alone but see it's just not true that satan wants to wear out the saints that's what it says in the book of revelation so one of the one of the first ways and this will be this will be uh number one the number one way that you can start a war with the devil and win is to cooperate with your heavenly help and that has to do with the angel armies your angel that has been assigned to you so if you cooperate with your angel then you can start a war that you can win against with the devil and and and this is in psalms 103 i want you to turn there with me and we're going to talk about uh the cooperating with your angels and your angel assignments that that have been given to you they're they're very very fast they're very smart they understand god's ways and they've been briefed about you and so they have they have a lot of information about you concerning you strategies and they want to implement those things in your life and so you need to cooperate with your angel now everybody has one and i saw this when i was in heaven everybody has an angel and even people that aren't saved they still have angels around them and that at the minute that they uh the people receive the lord they just start to act in a greater way and they they start to bring them into the fullness of what god has for them but until they get saved the angels are just bringing them around to salvation so they're constantly leading guiding people to a place where they either hear the gospel or they talk to someone who knows about the gospel the angels do that they coordinate those kind of things with unsafe people okay so in psalms 103 verses 17 through 22 and this is in the new living translation it says but the love of the lord remains forever with those who fear him his salvation extends to the children's children of those who are faithful to his covenant of those who obey his commandments the lord has made the heavens his throne from there he rules over everything praise the lord you angels you mighty ones who carry out his plans listening for each of his commands yes praise the lord you armies of angels who serve him and do his will praise the lord everything he has created everything in all his kingdom let all that i am praise the lord okay so this is an uh a scripture that you need to concentrate on and and meditate on because see it talks about this in in psalms 104 which is also uh mentioned in hebrews the first chapter where it talks about that angels are flames of fire they're ministers of fire that have been sent to minister for those who inherit salvation so they've been assigned to you and they are flames of fire they're very fast in fact they have to slow down in order for you to see them that's how fast they are they're they're just they're just full of god's light they are they're on fire so here in the scripture i want to talk to you about this because there is there is a time in a believer's life where they really humbly start to accept the fact that they have heavenly hosts or heavenly armies around them and that the angels want to engage you and help you to fulfill your destiny and this is this happened to peter in acts chapter 12 verses 6 through 17 this whole story is about peter he's about to go to trial and actually be put to death and he's in a jail cell and during this time that he is in the jail cell he he falls asleep one night and actually the night before he is to stand trial and as he fell asleep it says this and i'm just going to read this portion it says the night before peter was to be placed on trial he was asleep fastened with two chains between two soldiers others stood guard at the prison gate suddenly there was a bright light in the cell and an angel of the lord stood before peter the angel struck him on the side to awaken him and said get up and when he did this the chains fell off his wrist then the angel said get dressed and put your sandals on and he did now put on your code and follow me and the angel had ordered him to to do so so he left the jail cell then then um all he did was follow the angel says he he passed uh the first and the second guard post and came to the iron gate of the city and it opened by itself so this so they passed through and started walking down the street and then the angels suddenly left him okay so peter came to his senses and said is this really true he said the the lord has sent his angel and saved me from herod and from the jewish leaders who who had planned to do to to kill him actually so he immediately was shown that he was to go to a certain house and the angel told him and gave him instructions okay so peter's standing at the door and they're praying for him and when they open their door they they think that it's his angel because they didn't actually believe that he would be set free but they were in the house praying that he would be set free so you know the story here and this is an encouraging time uh that that uh happened in the early church and this is for us today so what has happened to peter can happen to you and no matter what situation you're in the angels of the lord are there and they can be sent to rescue you to lead and guide you they can they can help you get uh employment they can help you get opportunities that will put you in the perfect will god they can lead you to certain people and this i've seen this happen so many times not just for myself but for others so i want to encourage you in this first one is that if you engage your angel if you actually let your angel help you and you acknowledge the fact that the lord has sent angels to help you then you can see supernatural guidance and supernatural events happen every day so no matter what you you think you know or you what no matter what you don't know god is going to get things across to you and even when i thought i did know something the angels were led me and got the perfect well god for me and i had totally misunderstood the situation but the angels helped me and they are there for you so so just like just like peter if you are whatever thing you're whatever thing you're facing right now where you feel like the devil has you trapped just remember that the power of god is with you he the power of god is in you but you also have angels that are all around you and i always acknowledge my angels i always tell them that that they are to do the lord's bidding whatever it is that he has spoken that that i acknowledge that their presence and i acknowledge the fact that god has put them on assignment you know in psalms 91 it talks about this it talks about that angels are are sent on special assignments to make sure that we don't even trip on a stone or stub our feet and they are they are to bring us into god's perfect will and so just be encouraged that god is with you and that if you want to start a war with the devil just let your angels start to move you around into the perfect well god by acknowledging god in all your ways and acknowledging that you have heavenly help and the the enemy will not be able to win this war when your your angelic help is abe is able to work with you so let me pray for you i want to impart this from heaven father in the name of jesus i thank you for this impartation from heaven i thank you that that the reality of angelic help is is right now coming to all my friends all over the world that they would accept the ministry of angels right now and that they would move with you this great move that you're putting upon the earth right now father the move of your love the healing move the glory move i thank you that the angels are involved and they're on the ground right now and they are helping and they are willing to help so father right now just release everyone that's listening release now by the power of the holy spirit and the angels just go forth and minister to those who are going to inherit salvation and help them in the name of jesus amen okay so that is number one way that you can receive a a a impartation to engage in war with satan to where he can't win the angels the angels are very powerful beings but they need you they need you to cooperate with them so that was number one number two is this and this is the second one that the lord taught me and that is you ask god himself to show up and you know what happens when god himself shows up and we've seen this all through the bible every time that that moses was visited on the mountain the mountain caught on fire there was earthquakes there was uh thunder there was all kinds of things happening and then with king david david would would engage the enemies and he would win because god was with him in a mighty way and so this is number two and this is what i wanted to impart to you that if you want to start a war with the devil number two would be just to ask god to show up because when he shows up he's going to draw his sword just like it says in zephaniah chapter 3 verse 17 it says the lord is a warrior he is a warrior and he has a sword that he draws and he is going to fight for you he is going to make sure that not only not only do you do you win this battle but that it is a permanent situation that is forever because god has his way he has his way when we just ask him to come in and i i do this all the time i want to encourage you every day i tell the lord that i invite him into my life i invite him to be with me in every way and i tell them just like moses said if you're not going to go with us lord then we're not going and you know this is what jesus said in john 15 5 he said without me you can do nothing because we're connected right to the vine and this is this is the times we live in right now we need to ask god to come into everything you know he told me one time even about people's finances he because i have a lot of people that that need prayer for their finances and they're always asking questions about finances and so he told me to write a book called supernatural finances and the reason why he did that was because he said that my people my people are having trouble with finances but he said they won't let me in they won't let me into their finances and you know we we sometimes do this we think we we got certain things we tell the lord okay i got this you know you just take care of this you take care of my family you take care of my sicknesses my body but we don't let them into finances and so uh this is a time where you need to ask god to come in and in a mighty way and just live in your house live live strongly in your body push out sickness push out financial problems push out relational problems the lord can do this by asking him to show up so this is another way to start a war with a devil but it's one that you can win because god is going to show up so in psalms 34 verse 15 through 19 if you'll if you'll turn there i want to talk to you about this in the new living translation it says that the eyes of the lord watch over those who do write his ears are open to their cries for help but the lord turns his face against those who do evil he will erase their memory from the earth the lord hears his people when they call to him for help he rescues them from all their troubles the lord is close to the brokenhearted he rescues those whose spirits are crushed the righteous person faces many troubles but the lord comes to hit the rescue each time i have seen this many many times i've been in in impossible situations before and i always know that the lord he's always ready to to act when i cry out for help so i cry out for help all the time i ask him to be involved with me to be in my life in a bigger way every day and if there's any kind of situation that i can't handle i ask him to help me and i ask him to to uh show up and when he shows up the demons just start to scream they get upset just like when um the angels uh come and you you cooperate with angels it's the same way when you cooperate with god himself then then the the demons get very nervous and it starts a war with the devil but see you've you've asked god to come into your situation so it's very important that you get this get this this this principle because when god shows up he draws his sword and then the enemy is going to be afraid if if the lord is for you who can be against you and this is in romans chapter 8 if you look at the end of the chapter we're more than conquerors through him who loved us if god is for us who can be against us and the answer is no one can be against us so let me pray for you and i'm going to ask god for an impartation of understanding right now i just pray father that you would give the people the eyes that see and the ears they hear that you would give them spirit of boldness father it would come upon them just like they prayed in the book of acts for boldness to testify i thank you lord that they that all the people all my friends all over the world will ask you to show up and that you are a warrior and i thank you lord that your sword is drawn and that you are going to defend your people right now in the name of jesus and i break the power of the enemy that has come against you and the lord is saying that he wants to walk with you and lead and guide you take your hand and he wants to bring you into what he has for you and that you are not to fear so the lord is with you in a mighty way and this is a way that you can start a war with the devil that you win at and that is by asking god to show up so this is a very powerful point and god is with you in a mighty way remember that okay we're going to go on to the next one and this one is is a is kind of like one of my favorites it's it's a number three number three is a is a way that you can start a war with the devil and it's it's had the heading is get over yourself so this is amazing because you know the apostle paul even had to get over himself you know he was lifted up in pride and as a young man he was trained to to uh teach and be one of the pharisees actually was going to be the lead pharisee in the world he was being trained to be the head pharisee and so he had a lot of pride and because of his learning he was blind to spiritual things and so he wrote some amazing things in the bible and they were all spiritual things but see he had to be humbled and he had to get over himself so he was like full of pride and that pride just he totally missed out on what god's will was for him so it says here in second corinthians chapter 12 verses 9 and 10 it says each time that um he prayed because he's praying that he was having the devil attack him there was a spirit that had been assigned him he said my grace is sufficient in all you need my power works best in weakness this is what the lord kept telling him every time he said lord just can you tell this demon to go but see we have authority in the name of jesus to tell demons to go so he misunderstood this so he was asking the lord to take this this spirit away and god was saying no i i have already given you this this ability to do this he said my grace is all you need my power works best in weakness in other words if god if paul would submit to god and resist the devil the devil would flee from him that's what the scripture says and so this is to remind you that just when you start a war with the devil by getting over yourself you have to remember that the power of god is made manifest in weakness not in strength so if you humble yourself under the mighty hand of god he's going to lift you up but see the devil doesn't want anything to do with you if you're humble because he can't tempt you he can't seduce you because you're not deceived see when we get prideful that's when we get deceived because it blinds us so anyway i want to encourage you that that paul said listen this is when christ's power is revealed is in my weakness and that's why i take pleasure he says in weaknesses because when he went through insults and hardships and persecutions and troubles he was suffering for christ but then when he was weak he was made strong and i experienced this all the time and so the lord jesus taught me this to get over myself that it's okay when you feel weak because the holy spirit then comes in in power and raises you up see in romans chapter 8 verse 26 it talks about uh praying in the spirit and what the spirit of god does for you in your life as a christian it says in romans 8 26 it says it says that in our weakness the spirit comes in and super intercedes for us it takes hold of us and lifts us up in power and causes us to pray out the perfect will of god but see if you think about it you can't do the perfect will god on your own you can't even know how to do it or what to do and that's why you're you're weak and then you rely on the spirit but then he comes in and lifts you up and when he lifts you up you have resurrection power and then you pray out the perfect will of god by yielding to the spirit this is a key but this will start a war with the devil but he cannot win against you when you get over yourself so you have a body and that body paul said to the corinthians is the temple of the holy spirit he actually said that your body is not your own that you've been bought with a price so your body is is the the actual substance on this earth that houses the holy spirit the holy spirit is inside of you if you're christian and your life is not your own paul said it's as though christ has borrowed my body and is working through me it's like he jesus is doing his ministry through paul but paul doesn't have a life of his own he said and so remember this that you you want the devil to know that you have been bought you've been bought out and that you are living your life for jesus christ and this will start a war but these devils they cannot win against you so you enforce the victory that christ has given through the the fact that you put to death the misdeeds of the body you you yield to the spirit and you don't fulfill the lust of the flesh as it says in romans chapter 8. when you when you look at those first few verses in romans 8 chapter chapter 8 verses 1 through 4 you'll you'll realize that you can't please god if you yield to the flesh but you can please god if you walk in the spirit so as sons of god it says that they walk in the spirit they yield to the spirit they please god and so you're pleasing to god because you have gotten over yourself and all the abilities that you might think you have and you humble yourself and you let god's power be revealed in you and in these last days all of you are going to wage great war against the enemy and you're going to win because you're doing it out of the spirit so remember that so i'm going to pray for you right now father in the name of jesus i thank you for the impartation of the reality that we have been bought at a price father through jesus christ and that we are not our own and that our bodies are the temple of the holy spirit and that we yield our members to you father we yield and we pray father that all the abilities that have been given to us in the spirit come forth in the name of jesus and i just release you right now into the perfect will of god perfect destiny that god has for you that you are strong in the lord and his mighty power and that you have all things through jesus christ and he always causes you to triumph in the name of jesus so we're going to go right on to the next one and i just believe this is really helping you i'm feeling the power of god in a strong way it's um that number four the number four way that you can start a war with the devil and win is is pray in the spirit excessively pray like paul said i pray in the spirit i pray in tongues more than you all and this is one of those uh things that you can do that will start a war with the devil that you can win at and and paul talked about praying in tongues a lot but see he he said he prayed in tongues more than anyone else so he was a real learned man and he didn't even believe in all this christian stuff at one time but when he got converted he flipped the whole way over and became excessive he became excessive in praying in tongues and so i'm going to be like the apostle paul and be excessive i'm going to pray in tongues more than anyone else and so are you you're going to pray in tongues more than anyone else that's that's your that's your limit you know which which isn't really a limit because we're going to pray in tongues as much as we possibly can so in first corinthians chapter 14 verse 13 through 18 it says this it says so anyone who speaks in tongues should pray also for the ability to interpret what is being said for if i pray in tongues my spirit is praying but i don't understand what i'm saying well then what shall i do i will pray in the spirit i will also pray in words i understand i will sing in the spirit i will sing in the words i understand for if you praise god only in the spirit how can those who don't understand you praise god with you how can they join in giving thanks when they don't understand what you are saying you will be giving thanks very well but it won't strengthen the people who hear you i thank god that i speak in tongues more than all of you okay so here he's talking about a public assembly where you're around other people in a service and and and you're exercising the tongues then you should interpret your tongue so that everyone else can understand what you're doing but see in a personal prayer life you're just speaking unto god that's what it says your spirit's praying and you're you're speaking mysteries unto god and so this is your personal prayer life and everyone has the ability you know and has the opportunity to accept the holy spirit in this way to where you're overflowing and you're speaking in the spirit you're speaking in other tongues now what he's talking about here is the gift of tongues as a gift to the church which is the public assembly that has to be interpreted or you should just be quiet in in a public assembly unless you can interpret so like with me i can interpret my tongue so i have the gift of tongues publicly and i have the gift of interpretation of of tongues also publicly but everyone can pray in the spirit and in a believer's meeting if we agree just to pray in the spirit and everyone agrees and there's not unbelievers there then you can just pray in the spirit and you don't have to interpret because we've all agreed to just pray in the spirit unto god but in a public assembly where we're exercising the gifts if someone speaks in tongues there should be someone there that can interpret what is said so that everyone can participate in it and this would be because paul said if there's people that are unbelievers there and they don't know what's going on they don't know what's being said then then you know we we need uh to to curb that okay but if everybody agrees to pray in the spirit then we could pray in the spirit so anyway my point is is that we should pray in tongues as as the personal relationship that we have with the holy spirit where it was the evidence in the book of acts every time that the spirit descended on people in the book of acts they spoke in tongues and so this is the initial evidence of being baptized in the holy spirit so we need to pray in the spirit just like jude says in jude 20 it says that that we are to pray in the spirit building ourself up in our most holy of faith and and staying in remaining in the love of god so this is very important and if you want to pick a pick a fight with the devil if you want to pick a war with the devil you know praying in tongues will will keep him out of what's going on because the conversation as paul said is when you pray an unknown tongue your spirit is praying and you're praying unto god but your mind is not fruitful so this is that private that private uh in you know prayer time that you have where i pray in tongues and i'm speaking unto god and when i'm in a public assembly i interpret my tongues i i publicly pray in tongues and then i will interpret what's being said and this this is what god wants you to do so i believe that you are going to be encouraged to pray in the spirit all the time now what i tell people is is if you can just block off 10 minutes a day to pray in the spirit and then pray to yourself in a whisper all day if you can in in the spirit and i did this for years i did that for 30 years while i was at my job and and nobody knew what i was doing but it was interesting that if a person had a devil in them the devil would speak up and and know that i was praying silently to myself and they would tell me to stop doing that but there was no audible sounds that they could hear coming from me it was in my spirit i was doing it in a whisper but they they were irritated and the devils would come up in people and start speaking and so this is why i know that it picks a fight with a devil i i know that this is what you could do to to wage war against the devil is praying in tongues so i'm going to pray right now that you're baptized in the holy spirit if you if you don't have the baptism of the holy spirit and fire and if you if you don't have the initial evidence of the baptism of the holy spirit by speaking in tongues i'm going to pray right now that the holy spirit just fills you with himself right now father i just release everyone to pray in the spirit and that they would be fulfilled that they would be built up in their most holy of faith that they would remain in the love of god i thank you father that everyone watching would receive the holy spirit right now on the fire the baptism of fire and speak speak by the spirit right now just let it come out through your belly and out of your mouth and your that blue the tongue is loose right now in the name of jesus and i thank you father for freedom right now to spread speak and to pray in the spirit right now in the name of jesus and i thank you father for it that there's freedom that freedom where the spirit of the lord is there is freedom and i thank you that all the enemy all the enemy and everyone's life is broken right now that his strategies against my friends are are broken right now in the name of jesus that's all those evil spirits are letting go of people all over the world and that they're being baptized in the holy spirit and with fire right now thank you father i just feel that so strongly just receive that you are flowing with god you're flowing in the spirit and this is uh this is one of those vital ones that if you pray in the spirit you're going to pick a fight with the devil okay we're going to get right into the next one and this one is also a kind of kind of uh this is one of my favorite too because just like you can be excessive in praying in tongues you can be also excessive in the word of god so i i say this next one if you want to pick a war with the devil if you want to start a war you you overeat the word of god so you know jesus was the bread that came down from heaven he was the manna just like it was in the old testament so when we eat of the word of god and we eat and we eat and we just always put the word of god forefront in our on our eyes in our ears and we're thinking about that then we're going to be transformed by by the fact that that we we always meditate on the word of god so we frame our world we think differently when we when we frame our world and our mind with the word of god so jesus wants us to constantly think about him but see he is the bread he we need to eat the word so it's not just thinking about him it's taking the word of god word and just meditating and letting you get down in here it's it's a spiritual experience and i've done this for years i just think about one verse and i might think about one verse all day but in romans chapter 12 verses 1 and 2 it talks about this and paul said that he was actually pleading with the people to to give their bodies to god okay so he starts out just offer your bodies to god as a living sacrifice because of all that he's done for us okay this this is in the new living translation it says let them be a living and a holy sacrifice the kind he will find acceptable this is truly the way to worship him okay so don't copy the behavior and the customs of this world but let god transform you into a new person by changing the way you think okay there it is changing the way you think then you will learn to know god's will for you which is good and pleasing and perfect so those are all adjectives there describing god's will it's good pleasing and perfect so i know that's what you want there's a way to do it and you overeat the word of god you hoard you eat the word like loaves of bread constantly eating the word of god i'm thinking about jesus all the time i'm thinking about my father god all the time i'm thinking about the the battle strategies that god has given me for my life i'm thinking about what he's saying what he's doing what my angels are doing i'm constantly meditating on all the word that has been given to us in the bible so you can do the same thing and it starts to ignite something inside of you and that fire just burns but then your mind is framed you start to be transformed and that's what it says here you're going to be transformed by the renewing of your mind you're it's going to be changed into a new person so your spirit is born again and on fire because we have accepted jesus and we're born again the spirit does that to our spirit but see our soul is a different part of us and that the soul needs to be transformed it needs to be renewed it's your mind will and emotions and that doesn't get saved your spirit gets saved as it says in second corinthians 5 17 you're you're a new creature but your your soul your mind will emotions there that they need to be changed and so you can have your behavior changed and transformed and become a new person by overeating and jesus even said this over eating the word of god he said he said to the devil in the desert he picked a fight with him right there he he was hungry after fasting and and the devil said you know just go ahead turn this rock into bread if you're the really the son of god and jesus said man doesn't live on bread alone but on every word that comes out of the mouth of god and so you have to crave and desire god and what he's saying more than anything and if jesus said this to the devil then this is what you need to do but if you want to start a war you just you just meditate on the word of god because it says that i've seen this happen so many times in matthew 13 where it talks about the parable of the sower it says that some was oh the seed fell on on hard ground and and it says that when the cares of life came and and it talks about it talks about the birds coming and taking the seed before it can take root and jesus refers this to this situation as the enemy as the devil coming in to steal the word immediately it says the word there is immediately so when beware that as soon as you hear the word of god as soon as you think about the word of god or you go and you hear a sermon or you read a book and you read the bible you meditate satan is going to come and he's going to try to take that away from you i've seen this happen for years i've walked with the lord 40 years now this month and and i i am seen i am seeing still today where the devil knows that he is about to go to war with you in a war that he cannot win because you have the word of god and so he has to take that from you he has to somehow pluck that out so don't let him do that you've got to stand your ground and guard the seed that has been sown in your life always be mindful that the enemy is wanting to steal from you jesus said this he said i have come that you might have life and life more abundantly he said the thief comes to steal to kill and to destroy and so don't let him do this and i'm telling you i've seen this in the 40 years i've been a christian i have seen that i if i overeat the word of god if i'm constantly feeding myself with it it starts a war with the devils that they cannot win so let me pray for you father in the name of jesus i thank you for the power that has been given to us by the holy spirit i thank you for the blood of jesus and i thank you father that right now all my friends everywhere are sensing your presence and your powerful ability and that you are the true word of god jesus and you came down and you are the bread that came down from heaven and jesus told you told us that we are to eat your flesh and drink your blood and you're talking about a spiritual transformation that happens when we take every word that you said and the holy spirit ignites it in us it causes life it causes transformation we receive that transformation right now in the name of jesus i thank you so much as you're powerfully working in us father that nothing is impossible nothing is impossible if we believe thank you father you ignite us right now by the power of the holy spirit thank you father wow that was good well i believe that this has all helped you and and uh these these five that i've gone through these are very important now these these are the first five ways that you could start a war with the devil but you're you're going to start a war with the devil if you do the right thing that's the whole idea here so remember that no matter what you go through if you do what's right you have to know that you're being attacked and persecuted for doing what's right and you'll always win because the lord starts a fight with the devil because he knows that you can win against him as long as you stay in your track in the word of god and in the spirit of god there is no way that the devil's gonna win against you i just believe that this has helped you and this stay tuned for part two this was part one and we're going to have another session part two so just stay tuned for that next session when i'll go through the final five and this is an exciting time that we live in and just go over these over again uh until you get them inside of you god bless you this is dr kevin zeta with warrior notes and we'll see you next time god bless
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 125,503
Rating: 4.9499307 out of 5
Keywords: #kevinzadai, #theagendaofangels, #warriornotes, #nonproft, #spiritschool, #conference, #schoolofthespirit, warriornotes.tv, warrior notes tv, kevin zadai
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 7sec (2467 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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