"You'll Never Believe Me but It's True" Stories

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reddit what is something that really happened to you it sounds like a complete lie when you tell people when i was about six i was in line at the pharmacy at kroger and had to pee the bathrooms were right by there so i just went over by myself so my mom could stay in line i went in and there was a deer head in the toilet neck first staring at me covered in blood i was terrified so i went out and told my mom about it of course she didn't believe me i insisted that i couldn't use the bathroom because there was a dismembered dear head in it eventually someone in line overheard and turned around and said there really is i was just in there a minute ago and i was planning on telling them when i got up to the window my mom felt bad for not believing me and to this day i still have no idea how it got there probably like rats it tried crawling up through the pipes deer are bigger hand rats though so all it could fit was its head just my guess my dad decided to keep food in our tent during my first ever camping trip when i was three years old a bear in two cubs circled the tent for an hour my dad and i were waiting to see what it would do when the mama started to nudge the cooler it kept hitting my mother in the head my mom was asleep the bear moved around a little and nudged her in the head without the cooler my mom screamed not now michael and punched her in the nose the bear ran off we found out the next morning it raided an rv down the creek summary my mom fought an adult bear in her sleep and won i'm a emt student i had a mother run out of her house and hand me her dead baby she collapsed and begged me to save her child the kid was long gone but i worked a code on that kid so she wouldn't feel like i hadn't tried i stood there doing compressions and she had this look of hope i knew that the kid wasn't coming back but i sat there acting like it was going to help i didn't want to do it but i didn't want her to remember me as the man who let her baby die it was pretty rough when my son died they did the same it truly does help feeling like someone is doing their best to bring your child back i knew my son was long gone as well but letting go of the hope your child might live is a hard thing to do at those moments thanks for doing what you did i promise it helped i was in a [ __ ] at work and the oddest series of events unfolded firstly i have ibes and a smartphone so any given crap is a minimum 15 minutes i go to the downstairs one which is just one single 6x6 room with one single toilet no urinal or anything a true one holler so about two minutes in i hear a jostling at the door which of course is locked i assume since it's locked that the gentleman outside would simply wander off after being met with a locked door instead i start to hear an aggressive jostling and before i could say omg taken this cowboy busts through the door to find me he instantly melts back into the hallway muttering aww man i'm sorry i should have known somebody was in here when i found it was locked i just wasn't thinking so he goes away i continue to spray crap still in a little bit of shock but no worse for the wear five minutes later i hear footsteps getting louder and right about the time i figure out that the cowboy didn't ray lock the door this eight-year-old fat kid busts in on me he just stands there good solid 10 seconds of eye contact in the nicest voice i can muster i say hey there fella i'll be done shortly if you wanna just go wait motioning with my head towards the outside of the restroom he half acknowledges what i said and then continues to stand there just kinda looking around the room waiting for me not to get done i could tell his intentions were to not disturb me even though he wouldn't leave the 36 square featuring restroom that i was crapping in so i decide to play it like i would with a stray dog i'm going to scare him off but for all the right reasons so i eject the rest of my eyes and it makes a sound that frankly no man should ever hear it was like i loaded a potato gun with 10 old tomatoes and then shot them into giant coffee can pretty gnarly stuff he troopers through it and stays put we're about three feet away with no separator wall or anything like that finally i say buddy i'm going to wipe now and i would like you to stand out in the hall while i do when i finally walk out he's out there with his goddamn mom she was out there the whole time i know she heard it but she never got her kid mother of that kid if you're reading this i hate you anyway that happened and i don't think anybody believes me if it makes you feel better i had a baby peering through the store doors when i was going at disneyland i tried to shoo her away from looking at me but that only entertained her i had this gossipy haircutter who one day gushes this story a long time client asks him to do her and her daughter's hair for the daughter's wedding he goes to the temple and does their hair and even though the mother insists he stay he says he's tired and leaves the next day she calls him hysterical oh my god you should have stayed it was unbelievable apparently at the reception the groom's grandfather had been seated next to the bride's grandmother the grandfather kept looking at the grandmother and finally said he thought he'd met her before but they went through where they lived who they knew and then further back to the point where he asked so you immigrated here in 1945 and before that she looked down and quietly said the camps the grandfather suddenly got a strange look on his face took off his jacket and slowly rolled up his sleeve displaying his concentration camp to two she stared at it then at his face then slowly rolled up her sleeve to reveal her tattoo the numbers were two digits apart needless to say a small riot ensued with screaming and hugging and many tears it turned out they'd been engaged and living in vienna when the nazis took over somehow even though one of their fathers was an owner in the large bank they did not purchase their freedom from eichmann as other wealthy jews had they were arrested their beautiful house and artwork one by rembrandt was seized and they were sent to a camp more thousand they were separated their first day in the camp and for years both thought the other had not survived after hearing all this my hair cutter then told the mother he had a friend me who was a producer who could get their story on the air she tentatively gave the go ahead and i contacted a friend of 20stroke20 who was very hot for the story unfortunately they finally went with an offer from the ny times last i heard re were in negotiations to get their artwork back from some major european museums oh and they'd left their spouses and moved in together great story but now i feel crappy for the spouses they left i went to a concert on my birthday last year with some friends we were waiting outside the arena for someone to pull the car around after it was over and there was a large crowd of people leaving the building we were sitting on a ledge waiting and a group of random preteens ran up to me and started singing me happy birthday when it was over they all laughed it off like they were the most funny pranksters in the world i smiled and asked them who told them it was my birthday and they all started freaking out they said they picked me out of random because they thought it would be funny to embarrass a random stranger by singing to them in the middle of a big crowd that they had no idea it was my birthday a wonderful birthday coincidence tldr random group of pre-teens sang me happy birthday in front of a large crowd as a prank it was really my birthday in high school two friends and i were walking to the wendy's there is a pedestrian crosswalk to the door that goes through the drive-through lane as my friends and i were crossing it a car was speeding through and had to slam its brakes not to hit us the driver laid on his horn for a good 20 30 seconds and i responded with a frick you and accompanying middle finger the driver gets out livid and starts screaming at me do you know wh oh i am i'm a federal agent you little piece of crap he then proceeds to flash his badge and pulls his jacket just back enough to see his holstered pistol he continues to scream at us i could have you all locked up by making a phone call and making sure they find something on you now apologize to my wife of course seeing the gun and badge and with the threat of incarceration over false charges we could do nothing about i apologized in retrospect i wish i had some kind of recording device on me but at the time i was scared and hungry and had zero interest in having my life ruined right then and there just three years ago i lost the ability to see speak eat without choking use of both arms control of my bladder bowels ability to think clearly and coherently and walk without the use of a walker or cane i was close to vegetable like today i can do all these things once again the only lasting melody is that i walk with a hardly noticeable limp when i get tired tl dr lost nearly everything worked hard and got most of it back mrs abee perhaps my words were misleading there is no known cure and i could have a flare up i have relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis i like to say i've the entry level type which means periods of attacks followed by periods remission where disability may or may not go away i'm stable for the time being but so little is known about this disease it's hard to tell the future but this disease undoubtedly blows but i keep telling myself if i have to live with this i'll live in the best time in history so far to deal with it stay strong man you're kicking butt i was stopped at a light in the left turn lane with three straight through lanes to my right the ecto one pulls up to the light in the farthest lane from me i'm thinking nice that's pretty ba barely five seconds later the delorean time machine pulls up next to the ecto-1 and starts revving its engine they both start revving and when the light turns green they both take off and race each other it happened way too fast for the camera app on my phone to open in time what you missed was the batmobile in the third lane smoke them all source i was driving the monster coach across the rainbow bridge above them i was on the l in chicago after a long day of work my sister kept annoyingly texting me while i was trying to study so instead of putting my phone in my pocket after i sent my text i set it in my lap immediately at the next stop a guy in a hoodie lunges across the train grabs my phone and bolts out the door not thinking i stand up and scream knew throw my backpack and book down and run off the train after him in rain boots i chased the guy for a whole block and i started to look around me i was surrounded by broken down apartments and the creepiest park i've ever seen i start slowing down while still yelling all of a sudden three huge men run up to me asking which way he went i point and they start running at this time i noticed the conductor had heard my screams and had stopped the train for me so i keep standing in the middle of this neighborhood the train the only thing keeping me from being completely deserted in this horrible neighborhood all of a sudden one of the men comes back and holds up my phone he just smiles and says is this your phone i literally start crying and give the man a huge hug i go back to the train station and the train has left but they tell me someone picked up all my things and gave them to the conductor my stuff was waiting for me at the last stop talk about a little unbelievable i did shrooms with miley cyrus i guess it's more believable now than it was three years ago but it was still during her more disney years months before that video of her hitting a bomb got leaked it was the same party okay so for anyone asking how it happened here's the lowdown i'm from la so growing up i've had occasional social groups intertwined with celebrities but my senior year of high school 2010 i was at a kickback and decided to buy coke for the first time i'd done it a couple times before but never purchased at this said kickback i am with two of my friends one who was with his gf and the other who happened to have been friends with miley and the twins from zack and cody i received texts of people saying that they're at miley's new house and she's having a party my friend who knew the celebs told me he knew exactly how to get there apparently it was a housewarming party and a group of kids i knew were the ones who took the vid of her hitting the bong prior to my arrival and no it was not salvia they sent a copy of it to miley's publicists asking for money and the publicists decided to send it to tmz themselves so they could at least claim it was salvia which was legal and not have to pay a bunch of smart but high school kids a crap load of money i see her around the house talk to her then boyfriend who is apparently famous don't know his name he was australian though about our mutual love for blink 182 realized no one there really knew her and eventually offered her coke she was acting weird all night and declined my offer for coke saying she only did natural things that came from the ground fast forward to 3 a.m and there are only 10 people left someone was walking around the house offering everybody shrooms and i decided to take some with my friend normally i wouldn't but it was such a surreal night now admittedly i never saw her put anything to her mouth but when you on shrooms and a girl is laying on the grass talking about the stars and the universe being one big beautiful puzzle you can tell whether she's faking or really on the same level i never asked and to this day and i really regret not grabbing the orcs cord to play my favorite party and bulls in the usa miley big mash up but it's a cool thing to think about from time to time twist you actually did shrooms with hannah montana about 30 years ago when i was in my 20s it was a really hot day and some friends were coming over so i rode my motorbike down to the shops to get a case of beer it was very hot and all i was wearing was a pair of blue jeans and a shirt nothing else i bought the beer case strapped it onto the back of my bike and swung my leg over to get on my jeans ripped completely in half as i did this from front to back all i had now was two pant legs held together by a belt and everything i had flopped out onto the seat as i sat down i looked up in horror but so far nobody passing by appeared to have noticed i quickly started my bike luckily i had electric start not kick-start and rode off one hand steering the other hand covering my privates the first corner i got to i turned so i could go home now one thing you can't do when turning on a motorbike is ride one-handed so i had to use both hands and i was now totally uncovered i must admit the wind in my pubic hair was an awesome feeling as i rounded the corner i discovered two troops of brownies were coming down to the train station for an excursion brownies are baby girl guides basically girls between the ages of about 5 and 12. so there i was riding past about 100 very young girls and their adult escorts with the wind in my hairs i completed the turn put my hand back down and rode off home as quickly as i could with no further incidents the next few days i worriedly check newspapers for reports of mad motorcycle flasher but didn't find anything in las vegas for new year's eve 2012 and drunk and high as crap it's close to 1130 p.m and people start filling into the streets my friends and i are smack dab in the middle of it all right by the replica eiffel tower dunno street names and probably around 11 45 i start drunkenly singing don't stop believing as loud as i can admittedly hoping what happens next would actually happen quickly my friends join in on the little by little the people around us everyone around us singing now i get all the way through the third verse and stop after i stop i still hear people in the distance for at least another minute probably the coolest thing i've ever done but i don't ever tell the story to other people cause i feel like it makes me sound like a douche i was recruited by a cult when i was 17 a very charismatic spiritual leader seduced me into giving him physical favors in exchange for knowledge of the universe i was heavily pagan at the time not to mention frisky as all heck and an attractive male coven leader was all i'd ever wanted when he tried to turn me against my friends and family though i started to see just how fricked up it all was it took me another year to fully break free though because he had told me for so long that no one would ever believe me if i went public tl dr i have ptsd now about a week before christmas i had a dream of this little blonde girl who was screaming for me to help her i was little just a little older than said girl in the dream and my own screaming woke me up from my nightmare christmas evening while watching the news i saw that girl's picture it was john bennett ramsey in my dream i was eight years old freaked out because i was certain that was the girl from my nightmare for about a year i dreamed of her and her family sadly nothing earth-shattering that would even make any sense to any little kid so all of these years later i can barely piece together the dreams any longer i always feel a sense of sadness every time i see a picture or an article of her i used the force to get out of a speeding ticket i used to drive 60 miles to and from work along a mostly two-lane road but it opened up to four lane around an old world war two munitions plant i was headed home it was sometime between 1 am and 2 am the speed limit was 55 miles per hour i was going around 65 miles per hour as no one else was on the road i know i know bad because dear the cop was hiding behind the old munition plant sign i didn't see him at all till there were red and blue lights in my rear view mirror i instantly accepted my fate there was no getting out of this i was getting a ticket and even right then and there i knew i deserved it i was stupid so i figure might as well give the officer and myself a laugh i had my window down already as he approached officer it please me you don't need to see my id stun silence from the officer turn look him right in the eye me these are not the droids you are looking for complete with handover and obvious self-confidence merck it must have been an incredibly slow night for him and it must have just struck him just right because he started belly laughing right away and i just smiled and laughed too it now in my hand to accept my fate he saw that looked at me and with a big smile said just go i didn't push my luck and hurried off into the night i rarely go more than five miles per hour over anymore on a small island in greece it is rumored tom hanks has his own private location to vacate in peace and quiet me and my family used to go on vacation to this island during the summer so one day when all tourists are relaxing enjoying the sun in the surroundings a helicopter approaches everything goes silent people are watching this helicopter finally the sound of the helicopter stops and people go back to their relaxation so me and three friends decides after a while we need to explore so we take off on our two scooters to go look for where the chopper might have landed after searching for an hour or so we find a restricted area before a mountain of rocks there is no road or anything in sight we go up the hill to see if something lies up there what do we find but below there is a nice villa and a private beach on the beach there are two people screwing we are far away but can clearly see the man is younger the girl is hot so it can be tom hanks this was in 2001 after spying for about 10 minutes the younger man looks up and somehow spots us signalling for a couple of bodyguards to where we are at we get up and hurry back to our scooters leaving in a hurry nothing happens after this later on we come to the conclusion that the guy must have been colin hanks tom hanks eldest son cause his physique and appearance matched his i'll never be sure but people doubted us from the moment we came back to tell the story on a small island in greece it is rumored tom hanks has his own private location to vacate in peace and quiet i'm just picturing tom hanks getting an urge to go to his own private location just so he can get there and pack up and leave in peace and quiet i was at a summer camp where one of the activities was horseback riding through the woods on one particular ride i was in line in front of my friend kyle we were riding along and came across a low tree branch i ducked under the branch like everyone in front of me did and continued for a few seconds until i heard a dull thud and a scream i turned back to see kyle dangling from the branch he somehow panicked and grabbed onto it and his horse just kept going it was pretty funny now this is not even that great of a story but when i recently told it to some friends they scoffed and said oh yeah i saw that movie too what b that really happened they couldn't even say which movie i supposedly stole the scenario from i was 13 playing football soccer few americans in high school and the other team starts a counter-attack while i'm the last man standing between two or three attackers and my goalkeeper the guy with the ball is going full speed towards me in the center of the field but passes it to the right before i even try to tackle him i immediately start running after the ball in an attempt to tackle the winger who now has it betty returns the pass to the guy who started the counter-attack now one-on-one against my goalkeeper the ball bounces strangely the goalkeeper runs outside of his goal to be the first to get to it but fails as the attacker does a great header that goes over the goalkeeper and bounces once on the ground with goal destination hey guys start celebrating i'm still running towards my goal i get to the ball just as it is on the goal line entering just below the top post and i jump with what little strength i had left and do an overhead kick saving my team the asthmatic short kid with glasses who speaks with a lisp and has to wear a patch in the eye who normally would be playing pokemon tcg instead of football just did an overhead kick to prevent a goal everyone shared the next day i got back to being bullied though if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 34,577
Rating: 4.6805553 out of 5
Keywords: incredible true story, incredible true stories, never believe, never believe if not filmed, hard to believe, true stories, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit
Id: KWoGj2AMfPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 51sec (1431 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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