Autopsy Doctors Reveal Most Unusual Deaths They Examined

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autopsy doctors have read it what was the biggest revelation you had to a person's death after you carried out the procedure not mine but a doctor i used to work with back when he was in school he would do his cadaver labs really late at night to many people during the day one time it was really late around 2 a.m he was listening to his lecture on his headphones and he saw the cadaver's arm move to which he thought it was just his mind playing tricks on him then he saw it again proceeded to run away in a panic he told a few of his classmates what happened but nobody believed him next day they had a group cadaver lab with the same cadaver the arm twitched yet again the professor did some digging and it turns out the patient's pacemaker was still fully functional and occasionally fired causing the arm to which he was so relieved he thought there was a zombie in there comma the professor did some digging literally my dad used to perform autopsies his best story was that they were brought a body that has no real indication of any issues after examining the body the only thing of note was that there was blood coming out of the guy's rectum they begin the autopsy and the guy's organs are completely liquidified and the body cavity is filled with lead shot it became apparent really quickly that someone had shoved a shotgun up his butt and pulled the trigger this was in the 70s and i still have to wonder what this guy did to pee someone off enough to get a shotgun up his butt not exactly an autopsy percent but it was a patient found unresponsive with cpr in progress by ms the man was clearly homeless based on his appearance and smell he reportedly had not been seen for several days by his friends and was eventually found behind a fast food restaurant dumpster we were briefly able to get a pulse back and when the nurse cut his pants off to place a catheter we saw the cause he had fashioned some sort of makeshift cockering out of the neck of a plastic bottle it was way too tight and completely cut off the circulation the dong was fully black and necrotic i did a bedside ultrasound and found his abdomen full of free fluid which is bad most likely his bladder had ruptured from being unable to urinate for days his lab suggested he was in septic shock and full-blown renal failure as well he did not survive much longer than that i remembered another one in my final year of training we had a cadaver lab to practice advanced airway management techniques for example difficult intubation cricothyroidotomy etc while i was helping an intern do a basic she commented the tube wouldn't pass i think she has some kind of growth or mass in her airway i took a look asked for some forceps and pulled a half-eaten hot dog out of her larynx it of course had been embalmed along with the rest of her cause of death identified oh god this one is terrible poor guy that must have been excruciating medical examiner here this probably isn't a big wow revelation but it certainly made an impact on me very early in my career i did an exam on another doctor who worked at the hospital where i trained i didn't know this gentleman personally but was acquainted with him by reputation he was a very happy-go-lucky sort much loved by everyone in his department he died unexpectedly at a young age of what turned out to be a drug overdose on pharmaceuticals he had been diverting from the hospital i don't think anybody saw that coming myself included it was a lesson to me that anybody can fall victim to addiction and that it's hard to know what anybody's private struggles are medical student here and this story is from anatomy class one of the cadavers in our class died of cancer and when we took out the gentleman's liver it was very large and full of bumps all over the liver itself was also hard as a rock the poor man's cancer had spread all over his liver and was full of tumors it really hit home that this was what cancer was like and demonstrated its pure destructive nature we have a man's liver in a pot of my uni and it is rather large but more importantly it looks dalmatian spotted with metastatic melanoma after that class i immediately made an appointment for that afternoon to organize a biasy on what turned out to be one on my arm i am not a pathologist but when my father died from drowning it was noted he had acute cirrhosis of the liver the corner also removed a bullet from between his heart and spine that dad received in vietnam it was very degraded he had also lost a thumb and several feet of intestine there the evidence of which was noted in the report dad had served 22 years in the army and he had been awarded the purple heart three times he lived a hard life after and it was speculated he would have passed soon of cirrhosis of the liver had he not drowned my friend had to do an autopsy on a baby the dad claimed she died after rolling off a couch my friend found that the kid was slammed against a hard surface multiple times dad eventually admitted he hit the baby against the wall after she wouldn't stop crying my friend had to quit that job cause it was so taxing mentally comma dad eventually admitted he hit the baby against the wall after she wouldn't stop crying the sad part about this is that babies sometimes just cry there is nothing wrong with them they are tired and just can't sleep not a doctor but i did a necropsy on one of my birds a couple weeks ago i couldn't tell how she died before it happened but after opening her up i found about 14 masses of tissue in her reproductive system at first i thought it was cancer from dissecting one of the masses later i found out it was actually an intestinal infection it was actually a reproductive tract infection i had to do one on one of my birds the other day too she had a mass of fluid the size of a closed fist inside her 150 grams of fluid weight it was pushing everything inside to the outside and we never even saw that coming cystic overduct i'm sorry about your bird i'm a med student not a pathologist or coroner but in anatomy lab the tank next to me had a donor with an inflatable dong pump inside his scrotum and shaft it was completely self-contained fluid in the container in the scrotum could be pumped into the shaft tube creating an erection then the fluid would just be released back into the pump and the boner would go away pretty wild i'm a medical student not a doctor but when i dissected my cadaver in my first year it had lots of surgical markings and was pretty overweight after i'd been able to work through all the parts of the body with my group we were able to piece together with our lab leader that our donor had been in and out of the hospital for a quadruple bypass followed by a pacemaker a stomach stapling and then what looked like an emergency open heart surgery that she died during not a rare disease or strange occurrence percent but it was interesting finding clues around the body as we learned anatomy in university i applied and got into the procession lab basically we got the fresh pickled cadaver and dissected it for the anatomy lab we weren't told anything about his medical history or cause of death list of things we found metal fragments in his quad and calf sternum was wired together old surgery blood jelly in the brain old school stent above the heart there were other weird things mostly though i still struggle with the smell of pepperoni because it's so similar to embalmed corpse found that out after prosecting for a few hours and then going to the cafeteria for pepperoni pizza and then vomiting said pepperoni pizza not an autopsy doctor but did take anatomy and physiology 2 with lab in college the lab was working on cadavers being prosecuted by more advanced students a perception is the dissection of a cadaver human or animal or part of a cadaver by an experienced anatomist in order to demonstrate for students anatomic structure anyway one of the cadavers we had a male and a female for obvious reasons was a big old linebacker looking dude like an elder bodybuilder type if i recall correctly his age at time of death was late 50s his heart has been removed by the anatomist and we were examining it because it was very enlarged and contributed to his death we all had to hold it in our hands to feel the heft like size and weight and compare it to the heft of the female's heart which was normal sized about like a large apple the male's heart for comparison was the size of a small cantaloupe i went first for whatever reason and the instructor lifted the enlarged heart out of its preservative bath and placed it in my hands i dang it dropped the thing when it shocked me with what felt like a jolt of electricity i understandably i think made a startled noise and the instructor took the heart back before i could juggle it onto the floor oh she said i forgot to warn you look out for the pacemaker apparently when someone has a pacemaker there's a battery too and they don't bother taking it out off they just snip the leads and leave it there so if you touch both bare leaves you get a mild shock even through your exam gloves that was a mildly disturbing experience not a doctor but my family requested an autopsy of my grandfather so we could hopefully get some answers about how he died our family has a history of unusual medical conditions shout out to my ancestors who were massively inbred until a hundred or so years ago so we wanted to see what made him so sick leading up to his death we never got a clear answer unfortunately but we did get an amazing summary of their findings in the autopsy report they listed all of my grandfather's body parts now papa was a large man it stands to reason that his body parts would be a bit larger than the average guy the list of body parts went something along the lines of heart above average liver above average brain above average all the way down to testicles average i've never laughed harder at average sized testicles i am a pre-med student and one time while shadowing a forensic pathologist three days before christmas he was doing an autopsy on an automobile versus pedestrian accident the man's face was completely smashed in when they take samples of the brain they cut the skin pull it over the face and the cut off the top of the skull when they did that the skull was basically shattered and bone fragments pulled back with the skin and when they cut off the skull cap the brain was obviously damaged and the eyeballs had been pushed back fallen through the orbits and into the cranial cavity but the guy also had ten thousand dollars in cash in his jaunt pockets according to police he had a record involving drugs so the theory was either a drug deal gone bad or he stumbled into the road while under the influence my friend once cremated a lady and when they pulled the table out there were three sets of forceps sitting there most likely she died in surgery but i always thought it was crazy those were left in and whatever metal they're made of clearly has a higher melting point than cremation temps after my mother was cremated my sister was curious and wanted to take a peek at her ashes inside the urn she opened it and said oh right on top of these fine ashes was the hardware from the broken ankle repair she had gotten years before while in medical school we had to observe an autopsy and could assist one of the lectures was to observe for head trauma you do this by hitting the skull with a hard object scissor or the like a hollow sound is normal but a dull sound indicates trauma one of the other students did this exam and found a dull sound the coroner had not yet himself examined the person and was very surprised as he had not been informed by the police of head trauma they then continued to examine the head and they found a gunshot wound through the skull all of a sudden the person was a crime scene and they had to call the police again and leave the person as untouched as possible i believe it was later confirmed that the person had shot himself but it could have been a murder anyone pointing out there must have been some information that was missed between the police and coroner i myself was not present but i do believe the story is true as it is now a lecture and why you should always examine for skull trauma and not just assume something before knowing when i was a med student in my final year i did a placement in forensic medicine had a body come in some guys had gone to the cops and said their friend had died after he'd fall in and smacked his head on a coffee table a few weeks prior end in a panic they dumped his body in the median of one of the big highways this is in the middle of summer by the time he was brought in he was pretty significantly decomposed but his body was still intact autopsy revealed a small subdural hemorrhage bleed in the brain consistent with the story then we discovered a ruptured liver the laceration was about 10 15 centimeters long spleen and heart as well as a complete collection of broken ribs this guy hadn't just fallen and hit his head on a coffee table he had been beating to death with excessive force turned from a suspicious death to a homicide case pretty quickly after that when i worked for the emmy office a pathologist came and got all of us to check out a post she was doing the guy had what's called citizen versus all his organs were backward left lung on the right stomach on the right etc etc no mention of it's in his medical history i took forensic lectures so i saw quite a bit of crazy crap but the things that stick is an autopsy revealing a history of abuse pain and violence a little more funny a skeleton was found in the near mountains it was very clear he died in an accident 20-plus years ago however he had to be identified via dna turned out his dad was not his dad but his uncle sparked a whole public family drama show cause the family was well known in my area we found your son that went missing two decades ago also you're with cheated an aha with your breath or have eager [Music] i am not a doctor but i did an internship in a coroner's office for a summer my job was to help with autopsies clean up the office dispose of old bags of organs bags with pieces from each organ are required to be kept for five years and less homicide sids or unknown cause of death data entry and other odds and ends two stories that really stick out on my first day i was to help with an autopsy of a homeless man who was living in a storage unit remind you it's the summer he was relieving himself in buckets that he also kept in the storage unit he died in there and wasn't found for a month anyways when we rolled him out into autopsy you could smell him through the bag it was so bad i can't articulate how bad it was but i was gagging and we hadn't even started but then something weird happens one of the techs puts a sheet down on the floor before we roll the cart onto it i'm like why we're gonna have a disgusting stinky sheet now that's when the bag is opened and i don't see a body i see hundreds of maggots crawling all over and they start to fall off the cart i was then informed i had to stomp on all the maggots as they fell so they didn't spread throughout the building so here i am playing the worst game of dance dance revolution in history over a half-liquified skeleton holding my nose so i don't puke the other story is that in the basement where we would keep all the organ bags and stuff like that we also had notable objects from old crime scenes like murder weapons etc for some reason there were a lot of jars of fetuses but that's a different story anyways there was a butt plug in a bag that had the case number written on it now i found this during the first week of my internship and i kept wondering how does someone die by a butt plug now i had access to all case files as i had to enter data and all that jazz so eventually i ended up looking up the case and it turns out an older guy had it in as he was jacking off to a magazine called the spanking times obviously he died as his butt plug was in our office but the autopsy showed he had a heart attack presumably as he climaxed i suppose there are worse ways to go not an autopsy doctor but thought this would be the place to share the story i spent every winter break during high school cutting down trees and splitting wood we used a hydraulic splitter connected to the back of our tractor one cold winter afternoon we cut down this really old red oak one of those old yet still strong trees your father's father's father even said was big when he was a child anyway after using the chainsaw to cut up manageable sections i threw a chunk up on the splitter and the oak cracked open about half a foot into the oak there was a nest of hair inside didn't think much until we cut the half chunk into quarters and then the splitter got jammed up on a chain upon closer inspection we saw some fossilized indentations that looked like a jawbone we called the authorities game warden next day homicide squad was out in our woods after a few weeks we got news that someone was chained up to the tree and left to die over many years the tree grew around the body never could find dna match to anyone in family or missing persons so yay i'm a veterinarian and sometimes i do necropsy basically autopsy for animals and one of the more notable case involved a prized wajio cow that died mysteriously while gia cows are very expensive to rear and fetch a good price at the slaughterhouse after cutting her open i found metal wires extending from her stomach into her heart it's what we call hardware disease apparently the cow decided that eating metal wires for constructing fences was a good idea normally the farmhands are quite good at keeping these hazards away from the inquisitive bovines but i guess slip up do happen from time to time holy crap i get freaked out when my cat finds a stray rubber band like produce rubber band and pukes up the chewed up remnants i can't imagine any creature eating metal wire totally not related but somewhat related my sister-in-law works in medicine and one of her classes involved studying and dissecting cadavers one day in class they wheeled in a body and when they pulled back the sheet a girl fainted when she realized it was her aunt i'll keep this out of the main thread with the other unrelated stuff have a friend that was vegetarian because she had to attend the sections for pharmacy apparently slicing human muscle was too much like roast beef for her not a forensic pathologist or emmy but i occasionally liaised with an office as part of local print media in the ortiz many fascinating stories but the one that stuck with me no pun intended was from an emmy who discovered while dissecting a man's heart that he had killed himself by first heating peanut butter to a liquid and then injecting it it reached his heart and clogged it up and that's an image my brain still loves to dwell on now and then r.i.p rhesus in pieces i'm not a doctor but my uncle dad's only brother died when he was 17 in a car accident in 1975 they did the nautipsi and told my grandparents he died on impact and didn't suffer my dad personally knew the autopsy doctor and he told him that he didn't die on impact he suffered for a bit and had internal bleeding and that's what ultimately caused his death my dad hasn't and will never tell his parents as someone who is waiting on autopsy results from the coroner on a loved one i find this incredibly fascinating and frightening at the same time bad accident during high school missing scalp of young girl coroner couldn't find it my buddy worked at impound yard and found it embedded in broken windshield frame glass pretty gruesome i'm not a pathologist but i work in a field adjacent to it one patient was heart attack caused by cus the heart was apparently giant like having to uc just to keep the heart going my dad used to be a pathologist assistant and had to quit after a teenage suicide around the age of my brother then a couple or three sids cases which is sudden infant death syndrome in the same week i visited a dissection lab at a nearby university when i was in high school and one guy was laid out on the table in front we asked how he died and the professor pointed at a jar and said that's how and it was the guy's heart it was bigger than his head in college i took a figure drawing class and the teacher was admin that you couldn't draw the figure if you didn't know what was in it so he drug us over to the anatomy lab and had the anatomy teacher show us two cadavers that were being dissected by their med students when it came time to ask questions of course have you ever found something weird in a body came up the story is as follows they get a body and for legal reasons they aren't told much about the person aside from medical history they were told that the old man was a sort of rock star type and was a one-hit wonder from his youth and to use extra discretion with him in particular not tell the students who might recognize him the lab is full of 20 year olds and so nobody recognized who he was and sure if the teacher even knew but it didn't sound like she did or what his deal was so they wrote it off as non-useful information aside from his lifestyle he had drug use and alcohol issues in his life and they were told he partied a lot cool the body has a raging boner like 100 of the time teacher doesn't think much of it aside from that he was particular endowed and everybody wrote it off as not important to their studies so they go through the general dissection that they do one kid wants extra credit and the teacher said sure dissect his dong see why it's hard still and write a report apparently they don't normally do that for that particular class so the dong itself goes untouched from their dissection so it would have otherwise always been a mystery kid finds an actual rod that he had medically inserted under the table not in medical records so that he would always have a boner and could get it up while on drugs they suspect it was done over 30 40 years prior to his death they removed it and keep it in the lab i believe to show their students as part of a section on under the table medical surgeries anyways that was probably the best day in figure drawing class i've ever had i'm a former police officer and attended several autopsies to record info for investigation files one guy had been shot and killed so the cause of death was pretty plain but the pathologist doing the autopsy found a tumor the size of a walnut on his brain stem he said the guy would have been dead in a few months even if he hadn't been shot another guy was dead due to a steak knife being stabbed through his heart by his wife she claimed she grabbed the knife because she was scared he was going to kill her and when he lunged at her the knife just went in but when the doctor pointed out a half dozen or so marks that looked like freckles around the wound he swabbed to develop a solution that clearly showed they were tiny little poke marks i was able then to get her to confess that he was goading her go ahead do it until she hauled off and cabbed him it's not always like tv shows where the autopsy is the aha moment that solves a case but sometimes it really is when i was young i knew a 19 year old guy that was found dead in his apartment the landlord was convinced it was an od family asked for an autopsy it was type 1 diabetes he was undiagnosed probably felt like heck and went into shock and died very sad case if he had gotten medical care in time he probably would have lived and then the police sent the bill for the autopsy to the family to add insult to injury that was back in 1990 if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
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Id: p51oCkd8L6c
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Length: 24min 35sec (1475 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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