Who Was Your Worst Teacher in Highschoool?

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dear students of reddit what the worst teacher you've ever had substitute teacher for my astronomy class she was old-fashioned and her punishments were a little outdated i came late to class because i was doing a yearbook assignment and had a slip from my teacher that explained why i was late we had just done a quiz and they were done but she hadn't collected it she accused me of cheating and then made me sit outside the classroom to do the test she then went back inside and gave out a new assignment she said everyone in that classroom was being awful and made them stay for lunch she sent me to the principal's office and my class walked out on her i had a really sweet guy and a few of my friends come in to defend me it doesn't really seem that bad looking back on it now but at the time she was not pleasant i'm telling you miss the earth revolves around the sun not the other way around not currently a student but when i was i had a first grade teacher who whenever she caught me chatting with another student when i was supposed to be listening would yank on my ear on the flip side in 10th grade i was in the hospital for a few weeks once i returned to school my language arts teacher stayed after school every day to help me catch up until i was back on track with the other students in the class your arts teacher is amazing neutron physics professor when we asked what the best way to study for the test was he said to take the test since we would all end up failing the first time anyways and he averaged the test so we could theoretically never get an a unless we guessed right and studied exactly what he would test on btw this is for grad school which means that anything lower than a b can get you kicked out my current professor in my nursing program my cohort is made of 74 students and we all have her for the same class not one person has anything positive to say about this woman during lecture she only reads the powerpoint slides as they are without elaborating or teaching about the subjects of the slides she then tries to relate what the topic of the slides are to her clinical experience in the hospital but her stories are convoluted distracting from the actual topic and very off tangent if she basically talks about herself as god's gift to anyone who has had her as a nurse she had by far the biggest narcissist i have ever encountered i have never met anyone who has thought so highly of themselves before when it comes time for her exams many students do very poorly because the material on the exams are often not covered in her lecture there is almost zero relation of what she says in class and the questions she asks on the exam reading the chapters multiple times has proven to be an ineffective method in preparation for her exams when students go to her office hours for help she never gives any rationale to any answers on exams or slide questions she says to read the book many of us question her knowledge of the subject she is teaching it becomes suspect when not even a theory can be given i understand the concept of students learning on their own but she can't even point the ones seeking help in the right direction on a side note she claims she can smell a patient bleeding internally internally my second grade teacher i always had terrible penmanship but we had to write a report on a book about an animal i picked penguins the next day she called me up in front of the class she said my report was so bad and illegible that she was going to have to tell the principal and that i was going to be expelled from second grade i balled my eyes out because i thought i was going to never be allowed to go to school again and knew i'd get my butt whooped when i got home she told a second grader that he was going to get kicked out of school because of penmanship she was just a terrible human fourth grade my glasses broke but not a big of a deal bc i sat in the front row she moved me to the back of the class she would write assignments on the board and wouldn't read it off told the girl next to me she was not allowed to tell me what it said and told me my parents needed to get my glasses fixed i couldn't make my parents do that it was rough hey mrs johnson f you it's been 24 and this still upsets me tell your parents to just buy you new glasses it's not like they cost most of a paycheck or anything ugg didn't have cable for most of elementary in middle school for some reason teachers were obsessed with a signing history channel and nat geo specials as homework your parents just need to buy cable gpa should not be contingent on buying specific luxuries gym teacher in high school ridered up and dumb as iraq refused to sign off on doctor's notes students would bring in to be excused from gym class which was interesting when he did it to a girl on crutches to this day one of the biggest buttholes i've ever encountered or the math professor i had in college who was a brilliant guy and had degrees and awards coming out his butt but he was a god-awful teacher and had less than zero people skills that class was absolutely brutal health and safety teacher late 50s early 60s maybe he was very much like ozzy osbourne stutter forget unforgettable things begin to vacantly stare into space sometimes halfway through conversation worst of all was the contradiction o lord he would say write this down this is the best answer explanation for this question then skip 20 minutes forward to when he was marking the questions and a meltdown would ensue because we wrote the wrong answer and he didn't know where we possibly could have got it from has a chemistry teacher like that in high school slurred speech paused lectures to stare vaguely one day he fell asleep in class after a month of that we got a substitute who became permanent poor fellow was probably succumbing to a serious neurological condition never found out quite what it was a math teacher that also worked with the cheerleaders the teacher gave extremely preferential treatment to the cheerleaders they got out of class anytime for any reason no homework on their menses we all knew because they would tell the teacher directly while in class but the other girls in class would complain about not receiving the same treatment the teacher was highly disorganized and rarely actually taught anything it was mostly do this page in class do this page for homework she would gather the cheerleaders at her desk during class for little powwows on hemp lotion mlm in school like you do not went and one day after struggling on problems and said look i figured it out her response well let me give you a cookie got scented attention for telling her to freak herself she also called me out twice in class for being a pagan she really liked to harp on that later on she was fired for freaking in her classroom not with a student though vindication at last i hope she never works with school-age children again these kinds of teachers are so freaking pathetic peaked in high school for sure high school in the mid-80s i took the school's first ever computer class taught by the gym teacher she read straight from the book if the book was wrong and it was wrong a lot then she was wrong and we had to answer wrong on the test or fail that infuriates me obviously she didn't know the subject but she blindly trusted the book i don't know how you make it to being a teacher and not no books can be wrong grade nine science teacher told us that physics and chemistry used to be harder but they had to make the subjects easier so that girls could do it and he used to wear socks with sandals unforgivable nhs the top three crappy teachers were mr t whose freshman daughter walked in on him banging his senior tee second was mr b who would chug vodka from a chemistry flask stagger out of the supply closet put on a nature film and pass out on the back counter and snore louder than the movie when the bell rang we just got up and went to our next class with him still snoring away lastly mr ah who would go out to his car between classes to get baked then come back in and spend the entire class hitting on senior girls mr t was fired on the spot and was replaced by a substitute the other two were fired a few years later i heard there were other crappy teachers both male and female they who were also rumored to be banging students that quietly got jobs elsewhere right after mr t got busted my second and fifth grade teacher mrs b she was absolutely awful in second grade i had picked a fifth grade level book from the library the old willis place by mary downing horn in case anyone's wondering and she took me outside the classroom sat me down and told me to my face that i was not smart enough to understand this book and that i would absolutely fail if i tried taking a reading test on it and she didn't say this with any empathy it was completely cold-blooded especially for a seven-year-old later i scored a 100 on the reading comprehension test and she tried to convince the vice principal that i cheated and berated me in front of the class because of this but thankfully the vp believed me and i'm still proud of that 100 she also shouted at me when i wasn't smiling for no reason and i started crying she moved up to fifth grade the year i entered fifth grade and i got stuck with her as my homeroom teacher she would give me demerits for the smallest things and even threatened to give me detention for reading a book from the public library during reading time because it wasn't authorized by the school yeah whatever lady she would target me over other students and berate me in front of the class she also refused to let me go to the nurse's office to get ibuprofen and a menstrual pad and i almost bled all over my skirt because of it we also met with the school counselor about this and she spent the whole meeting accusing me of being a troubler making brat who didn't listen to orders which is entirely untrue if you read any report card of mine from elementary school my senior year in high school i had a teacher who was just the worst to sum up what kind of person she is it's doctor so and so yeah okay doctor high school computer apps teacher in the middle of bum frick nowhere anyway she was supposed to be gone three days sub comes in tells us we're supposed to put together a power point okay cool so we start doing that at some point the sub decides that we aren't doing enough work so she tells us you guys know this is due tomorrow right oh frick we're on period scheduling there's like 30 minutes left in class to do this entire dang power point but we buckle down and knock it out everyone does the next day dr teacher comes in she says she came back because she heard we had already completed all the work she left we were like happier we did knocked it out then she proceeds to tell us that that assignment was supposed to last for three days and wouldn't listen when we tried to tell her what the sub told us so she says she's going to punish the class and gives us a bunch of bulls work had us hand write five page essays copied down online articles by hand and gave us this massive 20-something page packet to do i said no i refused to do any of it i told her i wouldn't be punished for exceeding expectations she told me that i would receive three f's for it fine i don't give a crap the day rolls around to present our power points and i make it a point to change nothing about mine i got 100 told her i didn't change anything she said she didn't believe me now the big problem was that she didn't do a ton of teaching suru those three zeros she gave me weire enough to drop my grade for the semester from a 98 to a 60-something i got my report card the next week and was freaking livid i went to the principal to complain and he basically told me look we've had issues like this before i can't give you your a back because you were insubordinate but i can pass you deal fine sure i'll take it still mad about how the whole thing went down word you can take some solas in the fact that you know you excel at powerpoint i had a teacher who gave me a d when i was in first grade i was six years old i then had this teacher again in fourth grade she nearly failed me these were my only grades below a b but this teacher had me believing that i was genuinely stupid for the majority of my time in elementary school i was extremely discouraged and essentially decided school had no value to me i finally learned to value school after working terrible jobs landscaping mcdonald's etc i paid my way through college and eventually graduated summer cm lord i give no credits to a teacher who makes a child believe he is stupid that is the opposite of the role of an educator locked me in a cardboard box a la matilda on a weekly basis kept me in every recess screamed at me every day in front of the class calling me stupid and yelling at the rest of the class not to act like me i had and was suicidal at the time and was already socially ostracized because i was much poorer than most of my peers i was eight freak you mrs bloom you're the reason why every time i see a teachers are the best human stuff it makes me want to punch a wall i hope you get freaking stomach cancer and i alone and scared my first grade teacher was extremely xenophobic she practiced something called sun people and moon people that she read in some book she made half the class sun people and half the class moon people the sun people consisted of all the african-american kids in the class and some of the white females the rest of the class were the moon people the sun people got to have privileges like extended recess bathroom breaks were not required to pick up after themselves and were treated with respect the moon people had to come in early from recess and tidy up the classroom were not allowed bathroom breaks and were treated very poorly i remember one day a boy had an accident because he wasn't allowed to use the bathroom all day and she completely lost it i remember her screaming uh you are not going to pee on my floor you are disgusting moon people clean this pee off my floor and she made all us moon kids get on the floor with spray cleaner and paper towels and clean the floor we had a new teacher the next day my early primary school english language teacher she was generally rude to everyone but she hated my guts especially because i spoke better english than her and she always marked me wrong for spelling words the british way instead of the american way even though she knew they were still correct she would confiscate my personal belongings for no reason and refuse to give them back i still remember this one time i was fiddling with my collection of silly bands i had nearly 50 under the desk and after confiscating them she refused to give them back to me because she'd quote already mix them in with all the other ones i've taken and as i don't know which ones are yours i won't be giving them back this was said several days later after i'd still not gotten them back and my parents had gone up to confront her about it my eight-year-old self was heartbroken she was fired several years later seventh grade man's didn't understand the concept of this kid is seriously depressed let him go to therapy halfway through class he didn't think i was actually depressed because i was always smiling fake smile he would give me the tensions without my knowledge while i was at therapy and refused to give me the work instruction that was said during half the class period that i was at therapy he would give me c's when i would actually make as he would call me out use me as examples not the biggest fan of and wanted attention the man literally had a lecture about how kids can't get depressed because they don't have to deal with adult hardships because of me and it was basically ten slides of situations and sentences taken out of context he finished with a picture of me using me as an example and said i was faking for attention and an excuse to skip class i stood up and said all the reasons i've been diagnosed with severe depression none of which were listed in his lecture i'm sorry you were treated so badly i hope you're better now third grade teacher i had adhd undiagnosed at the time later formally diagnosed and she hated my guts i never understood it she would constantly call me out and be overly cruel she also almost made me pee my pants because she wouldn't let me go she once made me sit on a big carpet and look up a word i had said in a dictionary for over an hour when i said i couldn't find it she yelled in my face that then i shouldn't say it i loved school before then but i severely declined after that and it wasn't until adulthood that i began to love learning again she'll never see this but screw you mrs benson back in eighth grade i had a teacher who most of the time wasn't all that bad she did have her off days but would always try to keep calm i don't know what happened this day but she snapped at me at the time i had a cast on my wrist i had accidentally cut my artery three veins and a tendon while i was sweeping so i go in like always she had been informed by my doctor and mom that i was in no way able to write they had arranged for me to use a laptop but it wouldn't be ready until tomorrow i go and sit in my assigned seat the lesson is going and then we have to do a worksheet i try with my left hand but it was a major pain still saw from all the needles that i had in my inner elbow so i couldn't bend it and had to stop frequently when she noticed this she called me out i told her what happened she began yelling at me calling me lazy and to suck it up and use my right hand i showed her the cast she kept yelling at me i started crying my classmates started calling her out on it someone pressed the principal office button at the front she got pee and almost grabbed my injured hand to force to right i moved it away but she yanked it a bit of blood started coming out and soaking the cast she freaked and i ran outside luckily a nurse was coming down the hall with the principal i was rushed to the hospital to get restitched and she got a firm warning it fricked with my wrist and i had to work twice as hard to move it it still freezes up and i can't move my thumb pointer and middle finger as fast as my left hand this affected my chance of going to the eco honors band for my final performance she might have been the worst but i still wished her well when i spoke at my graduation ceremony back in seventh grade i had a science teacher that was really creepy i remember one time he asked one of my friends to hang something up on the wall but she had to stand on this counter type thing we had in our classroom instead of letting her climb up and do it real quick he insisted that he had to hold he by her waist while she hung up the poster she obviously wasn't comfortable with that so i got her out of it by saying i'll hold her instead he was really rude to me for the rest of the year i was a lit major my professor for a course in modern american poetry was the worst instructor i ever had by far not because he didn't know the subject he was a renowned writer and a recent poet laureate but because he could not teach basically each class consisted of us listening to him read poetry he had a fine voice so that was at least enjoyable however our entire grade for the course was determined by one final paper he returned mine with a full page of single space typed comments which began by noting that i'd failed to consult a book about the private lives of ancient romans he gave me a d and my overall gpa was around 3.8 at the time fortunately everyone who did poorly aka all 20 students was given a chance to write a makeup paper and i ended up with an a still it burned so badly that when i saw his orbit 20 years later my first thoughts were not kind loads of notes for improvements and a chance to read your paper sounds pretty good tbf [Music] my eighth grade life skills teacher little bit of context life skills was an elective course in middle school and i absolutely loved it in sixth grade because the teacher was super friendly and tortoise cooking outdoor survival skills and working with microsoft excel since i loved the class so much i decided to take the next life skills class in eighth grade but it was a horrible experience the teacher did nothing but make us watch things like csi miami and write reports on it other than that we had to write essays on random half-assed prompts such as what is your favorite color and why other things she did was punish the entire class if someone did something stupid which is very often when one guy was talking when he wasn't supposed to she made all of us right i will not talk in class when mrs is speaking until we filled up two pages front and back she would go around checking to make sure everyone wrote it neatly not too large and did not write vertically one word at a time when she judged someone's writing as too messy or too big she would grab the paper terry up in front of them and toss it all over the ground but she'd then just yell at them to pick it up and start all over halfway through the semester we received a prompt about her class so i basically just wrote about her class teachers nothing about life skills and that her punishing the entire class for one person every single time is just a waste of our time and unfair he ended up kicking me out of the class sending me to the principal's office and giving me detention for disruptive behavior in class and hostility towards the teacher i was basically dropped from the class after that on the flip side my seventh grade history teacher took me in as her teachers aid for the second half of the semester which took the place of that class as an elective i had a math teacher who was extremely gender-biased towards girls he even had two daughters but he always treated the boys of the class the best especially if they were also football players girls could get in trouble for little things while the boys could literally be almost wrestling during class and he wouldn't care much i once was trying to ignore the boy sitting next to me to pay attention boy was doing everything he could think of to annoy and distract me like poking showing me dumb doodles talking etc but when i finally told him to stop i was the one that got in trouble for talking in the lesson he also marked a true false question on a test wrong if you just put t or f like we did in every other class and many other tests he wanted the whole word but never specified that and because we didn't know we got it wrong heck he even one time put a bonus question on a test about his own life that he talked to the boys about because it had to do with boys sports what the heck current math teacher doesn't even try to teach us assigns about three hours of hmwk each night and has mental breakdowns weekly bc were too loud when anyone talks currently barely passing bc of khan academy also called my friend sped you should serious why try to talk to the guidance console or principal about the amount of homework she is giving you you should not be having three hours of homework a night you should say that it interferes with student sleep schedules life and mental health i'm pretty sure it's not healthy to have three hours a night of homework from one class in third grade i had a teacher named mrs wilson my grandpa had died that year and i took it really hard couldn't focus in school broke down and started crying in class because i missed him my parents took me out of school for a week to collect everything and calm everything down when i returned to school mrs wilson had the audacity to say to me you've been gone for a week who died now freaking if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 38,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: school, school stories, teachers, worst teacher ever, worst teachers, worst teachers on camera, worst teacher, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: wWYgieadXAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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