What's the Worst Thing You've Seen a Student Do to a Teacher?

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okay teachers what is the worst experience you have had with a student or what is the worst thing you have seen a student do to a teacher true story student one of the other tas graded this paper and gave it a c i think that's really unfair i worked harder on this paper than anything i've ever done in college would you be willing to look it over and tell me if you think it deserves a higher grade student blinks big eyes at me me sure i look at the paper immediately i recognize another paper that i had already busted for plagiarism me you worked really really hard on this paper student yeah i spent so much time on it me okay i'll read it over carefully tonight after the student left i promptly emailed the professor and the other day with all the info evidence we had the option of letting the student rea write the paper however the bold lie about how hard essie had worked on it and the goal of asking for a higher grade not to mention the stupidity of getting away with cheating and then putting the paper in front of a second pair of eyes sealed the student's fate a zero on that paper meant a failing grade for the course i'm actually a softie when it comes to grading but i don't tolerate disrespect that soft my university suspends and auto fails the course over cheating i grew up in a small town in kansas where everyone knew everyone's business in sixth grade several of my classmates who happened to be boys went over to our music teacher's house and spied on her through her windows again at her house in her private time she was single by the way and probably about 27 they saw her freaking a guy went and told their parents who then went to the school board and had her fired up for freaking in her own house in her private time not at all related to school that was the worst i really loved her she was a fantastic teacher i'd press charges i was subbing in an elective class the kids at this school did not take electives seriously as they could flunk them but pass on to the next year the class of students came in with the attitude of let's play with the sub usually i can handle this with the age old game of names on the board for the teacher to see the next day these kids didn't care one girl got up and wrote her own name on the board as i was passing back some work that needed to be reviewed a girl call her lisa said hey you hit me i had grazed my hand across the lisa's arm as i put the paper on her desk lisa quickly said who saw her hit me and all the kids raised their hand then lisa went into a speech about how last year they got a teacher fired by saying the teacher had touched them another girl call her buffy chirps in with how the teacher was completely shocked when buffy also testified the teacher had touched her buffy said the teacher was shocked that buffy would lie about the teacher as the teacher used to give up her lunch to tutor buffy lisa said you the funny thing is we lied i told lisa to please go to the office right now and file an incident report about me hitting her lisa said sure and walked out i was having an anxiety attack but kept it together at the end of my day i went to the office and asked if lisa had filled a report the secretary said no she didn't and when the secretary asked why she was there lisa said the sub said to go to the office the secretary had just left lisa there till the period ended then asked the girl to leave i wrote a report about what the kids had said about getting a teacher fired the year before as i wrote it i told the secretary about the incident the secretary said the teacher had not been fired but moved to another school that was the last time i accepted a sub job at that school seems like teachers should be recording the audio at least of these situations by default i'm not a teacher but i witnessed it during the seventh grade i had a biology teacher named mr stark yep who was a really great funny guy everyone in class respected and liked him he'd crack jokes about his wife being a horrible guerrilla and just generally had a sarcastic butthole sense of humor in the middle of the year he abruptly disappeared i only gathered hearsay but from what i heard around campus he had a nervous breakdown and was fired of course this was a campus of 12 14 year olds so we gotta take that with a grain of salt a mousey older woman appeared as a long-term substitute after that no one had ever had her as a sub before and she was very frail and soft-spoken for the rest of that year the class terrorized her no one ever did any work during the class kids would go into the storage closet it was a lab classroom and play with break the beakers and chemistry sets there were fish tanks with algae and anemone ecosystem type things and at one point a kid knocked one over people were loud and wild the entire class period running around the classroom literally jumping up on tables and it was just impossible for her to teach and for anyone to learn in that environment we literally got nothing done that entire time it was basically free time draw and listen to your cd player hour because while i didn't want to add to the problem she just didn't do lectures or assign homework not only that but the kids teased her relentlessly they made fun of her because she was balding because she had a slight tremble and would regularly tell her to shut the frick up or call her a bee it was heartbreaking i guess one day she was reprimanded by the upper office staff because she started putting her fist down a little bit but if she raised her voice the class got louder if she assigned home classwalk only i and maybe three other people did it one day she snapped she started screaming i mean literally screaming not yelling but actually screaming as if someone was killing her and threw her lecture notes across the room the class finally got quiet all she did was sink down to the floor and start crying i don't think anyone knew what to do we just watched her sob for a few minutes before someone finally left to grab another teacher but the remainder of the class period was supervised by a security guard and none of us spoke for the rest of the hour none of us spoke about her even after she was replaced by a pay teacher they figured they'd pull in someone we knew and respected and the class went on no one ever talked about her ever again it was like everyone was ashamed about what we'd done to this poor innocent woman if i were in her position i would never teach again tl dr middle schoolers can be absolute monsters dear god that was so sad to read my mom used to teach third grade one year she had a student with some sort of special needs that required him to have a personal mind or assistant whatever you call it come to class with him to help him out one day for whatever reason this kid goes completely batshit picks up his desk and smashes his mind assistant person in the head with it this lady is now unconscious and bleeding on the floor and the kid is running like heck off campus into the adjoining neighborhood at this point my mom has to either a leave 30 other kids unsupervised along with one adult who is out cold and bleeding from a head wound to chase this little sucker or b allow a nine-year-old with special needs to disappear into the sunset she decided to stay with her class and call the office for help fortunately the police found the kid who had run off before anything could happen to him paramedics came and took the injured woman to the hospital i thought my mom handled things pretty well the parents of the student who caused the problem did not in fact they filed a civil suit against my mom for endangering their precious little boy of course the school administration did nothing to back her up fortunately she managed to keep her job and not get fricked over in court but it was close but for clarification it was one of those desks that are just hollow metal tubes with a plastic seat and a plywood writing table bolted on but i wasn't there but my understanding is that the kid grabbed and slid swung it at the seated [ __ ] wrangler till the kid did not lift it above his head hulk smash style also i think this kid may have been a bit older than the normal third graders but i am not sure the kids dad was an attorney and i think that he filed suit just because he was p and wanted the whole thing to be someone else's fault i don't know the details but i think the case got tossed because he was a douche and full of crap however the total lack of support from the school was a creepy indicator of what could have been i was under the impression that civil suits couldn't be filed for injuries sustained while the victim is in the process of committing a crime tldr would shop teacher goes through a heck every day for the entire school year the people pee in his office and fought with him etc not a teacher but a student in a class that was absolute heck for a teacher well at least the worst i've seen it was a wood shop class in high school the teacher had no control and i mean no control over five of his six classes this occurred about three years ago in my class these things happened in the other five classes as well but these are all stories from my class he was cussed out daily his computer was broken his mouse and keyboard wires were cut people wrestled with him two huge gallons of elmer glue were dumped in his office people pee in his office people pee upstairs people pee in the wood room and the supply room people broke machines people threw hammers through windows and also across the room for fun one time it hit the light and a mentally challenged kid sat below it luckily he was not hurt people flooded the sink daily people used fire extinguishers in his office etc so many stories it was crazy every single day it was absolutely insane it was a small school 1 200-ish kids and the school could have stopped it it was a very nice neighborhood we had a school cop who didn't do crap and could have at least checked in on him once in a while the high school is in america's top 5 percent they knew this was going on how do i know they knew this was going on they school cop and some other guy came in and told us to stop several times and they witnessed it before also a teacher next to our class complained for the poor guy because she could hear the chaos every day they could have helped but they ignored it because they wanted to fire him so they could make it a room for an engineer class next year the reason this all happened was because he was the nicest guy in the freaking world he didn't want to call the cops because he didn't want to see the kids 18 year old get in trouble or see people not graduate he would order these people pizza after being freaking insane all day and then they would be insane after the pizza was gone he was also a veteran he was a medic in vietnam he would dive onto the floor every time something was thrown that would make a bang because of shell shock he lost his wife and son to a divorce after he was scammed trying to buy a house for her and their son the only thing left in this guy's life was his woodshop class he loved it more than anything but these batch of kids ruined it for him i don't know what happened to him he told me he was going to try to find another job at a trade school that's really sad not me but my mom this happened when i was in kindergarten or first grade five or six years old at this point my mother was teaching ninth grade algebra in the same school district i attended i would go to work with her every morning then transfer via school bus from her school to my school once the buses started running one morning as i was getting on the bus and the older students that were going to my mom's school were getting off the bus a girl looks at me grins and says your missus shane jeansman's kid right to which i reply golly gee lady i sure am or something along those lines thinking she is going to tell me how great my dear old mom is and how much he enjoys learning about variables and everything else from her yeah well tell your mom she's a real bee okay my five or six year old self didn't know the word be i'm sure i'd heard it but i didn't know that it had a negative connotation when used towards people much less that it was considered a bad word so that's night i'm at home and my mom and dad are in the other room discussing their days when i remember i have a message to deliver to my mother i scurry into the other room and beaming proclaim mom mom i talked to one of your students today and she says you're real he'll be my parents shocked look at each other realize i have no idea what i've just said and then burst into laughter the next morning my mom goes out to the bus area with me and asks me to point out the girl i had spoken with the day before so i'm standing there eagerly awaiting this girl's arrival thinking my mom is going to i don't know thank her or some such thing very proud of myself for successfully delivering the message once the bus pulls up i dutifully point out the perpetrator and hop on the bus with a huge sense of accomplishment i don't remember what happened to that chick as a result of all of this but i do know that she is now a teacher in my hometown l-o-l-t-l-d-r a freshman girl made my chilled self call my teacher mother a bee i don't know that this is the worst experience my mom had just a not so good one that pertains to me i bet your mom chewed her out for talking to you like that she probably didn't give a crap that the girl thought of her like that last week a kid that used to go to my high school died in a car crash some of his closest friends in school about six or seven kids note they weren't the best kids we're all walking to a grief counselor some random kid we will call joe came up out of nowhere and sucker punched one of the kids in the large group right in the face for no reason i guess they had some beef or something but seriously come on all seven kids pushed him to the ground and starting kicking his face in and just completely demolishing him a substitute teacher comes to break it up i later learned it was his first day teaching ever and he pushes one of the kids against a locker and punches him in the face the kid retaliates and beats the crap out of the substitute then my school cop comes out and cuffs all of them no one even got in trouble except the substitute teacher and the kid that beat him up the teacher got fired right away and the kid has caught on monday not only for that but a lot of stuff he is being tried with 16 federal charges i hate this teacher for ap statistics my junior year she was nice not the smartest teacher at the school normally taught bs maths like advanced functions and modeling and thus was easily taken advantage of but we never abuse the power my senior year i hear this big kid is giving her a hard time completely disrespects her will flat out cassata calling her a b and a c etc he would hang out before class be a pain in the butt and then the bell would ring he'd say mrs teacher i'm late write me a pass she'd say no go to the office he'd go to her desk take out her pad and write himself a pass mrs teacher sign this pass for me no go to the office dammit mrs teacher this kid was huge at least six feet four probably pushing 300 just a big fat baby-faced kid one day the kid gets the idea to put up pokemon pictures around the room i've heard varying stories either it was various pokemon or all monkeys well this teacher is smart and doesn't take them down instead she prints out pictures of pokeballs and stronger pokemon and posted them over the kids pictures he comes in sees it and flips goes damn it no you can't catch manky and punches the brick wall as hard as he can and leaves i'm sure he continued to give her crap but she sure as heck won some respect in my eyes tl dr my teacher pia kid often caught a few monkeys i'm not a teacher but i was in high school and i had this wool flower of a teacher that looked like he had been burnt he has some nasty looking marks on his face he was incredibly soft spoken and he really wasn't a great teacher because he had no control over my class i did my best to pay attention to what was going on i really needed to pass this class one day a fellow classmate tim started arguing with another student he said some pretty stupid things and stood up and shoved his desk away from him like he was going to fight him teach said calm down tim it's not worth going to the office for tim looked at him and said frick you go crawl back into the oven you came out of this morning teach was speechless and just sat back down at this point i was getting frustrated with the proceedings i'm not huge but i was bigger than tim and i told him to sit down he wheeled on me and told me to make him so i did after the bulls i asked teach if he was okay i swear the look on his face still makes me sad he just shook his head and said nothing i didn't see him again after that class period i teach middle school in all honesty it's not the kids it is their parents most of the time a student's severe issues are the fault of the parent lack of action the adhd kids whose parents are more terrified of medication than of their child's complete inability to sit still the father of the boy with major emotional problems extreme furniture throwing rage who said boys will be boys and refuse even the free counselling offered by the school the parents who upon hearing from the teacher a terrible story about their kid immediately turn to them and ask is that true the ones who argue with the teacher in front of the child under the guise of advocating for them although some students are born with brain issues that create challenging behavioral problems in most cases the child is the result of the parenting kids are supposed to be at times obnoxious conniving irritating little liars their parents are not i can accept a middle schooler being a middle schooler it's some of their parents who need to get a dang clue i have found as a teacher that the best thing ever is when you get a parent who is on your side and wants to work with you to help their child it seems so simple but it is so rare with kids that have the most troubles i've had students threaten me nearly every week the school i taught it was real dangerous minds like for me though was this student who had severe depression paranoid schizophrenia and substance abuse issues i'll call him stephen stephen was one of my very first students i ever had as a teacher i really just fell into the teaching profession i had never wanted to be a teacher in my entire life but life had been preparing me to become a teacher without me knowing i came into the school year at the beginning of the second semester with bright plans and ideas to freshen up the class retention english and social studies i knew a bit about my population the kids that fell through the cracks didn't pass the courses the first two times around came from juvenile justice etc the student's previous experience with their teacher was awful she would put them down she wasn't culturally competent would say derogatory words about their families everything she apparently also liked to emotionally beat up stephen stephen and i had something in common we both loved tool and foo fighters i noticed his ff tattoo on his arm and i told him how i own nearly every album that dave grohl has put out he made a sheepish grin towards me and showed me some artwork he had made in his sketch pad along with lyrics he had been writing to make his own songs the year began to progress really well with stephen his grades began to improve he put on some weight he began to journal lively about his home life which was awful but journaling his life became his output and he even began to become more respectful towards others i was really becoming proud of the man that stephen was becoming i never really liked to take time off but i had to for training all teachers hate this crap at our district offices the substitute i had was the sister of their former teacher i should have known something was going to happen i found out in the afternoon that stephen had a complete meltdown after the substitutes berated him for his look crap hit the fan when the substitute pulled headphones off of steven she didn't read my substitute binder that i left with instructions i had a bin of headphones for the students to use with their names on them steven became irate but tried to cool down he went immediately for his journal and the substitute took away his ballpoint pen he got it back and stabbed himself in the neck with it breaking the skin stephen had to be transported to the hospital and to the state school this substitute became a teacher at the school i never forgave her for what she did she claims she was assaulted even though cameras were placed in my classroom i always wonder what happened to stephen i hope he overcame his mental illnesses he and i also loved poe and hemingway every time i read either of those writers he pops into my mind the meanest thing i've ever witnessed a student saying to a teacher was between a girl and my high school band teacher she was one of those girls who just didn't really care about band was taking it to get an easy a etc she had her phone out texting earlier that day and since it was just one of her many many texting infractions my band teacher took her phone and said she could get it back the next day or if her parents came and picked it up after school she came into the classroom after school where myself and a friend were getting help with our solo and ensemble pieces she demanded her phone back and when my teacher said that what he said earlier was going to stand she started whining about how she had to drive to such and such a place and needed her phone that night a fair point but she was being a demanding butthole about it he said you can get your phone back tonight if one of your parents comes in and gets it i'll be here all evening and she just exploded yeah well i hope the next time you need to go somewhere you lose your phone and get in an accident and can't call for help and die i hope you die and then she dramatically stormed out i was speechless and felt so bad for my teacher this was several years ago when i was a lot more emotionally vulnerable to the few people implying i'm too soft or weak to be a teacher go shove it pee from my 10th grade perspective it was a horrifying and mean thing to hear even if it was directed at someone else now i think i'd just laugh if someone said that to me i also agree with the people saying it was wrong of my teacher to confiscate her property i do agree that the phone should have been given back after school but understand that my teacher was the sort of guy who would listen to reason if she'd explained her situation nicely and apologized for texting during class she would have definitely got her phone back but this girl was never really one to do things the mature way her entire existence was defined by how much she could bully the people around her even her friends and i respect my former teacher for not caving to that if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot
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Keywords: school, school stories, teachers, teachers share, students, high school, school memories, school expertience, worst experience, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit
Id: 90m5qM10nQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 17sec (1457 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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