What Is the Most Extreme Embarrasing Moment You've Been Through?

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what is the most ground swallow me up embarrassing moment that's ever happened to you that time i screamed at a woman over poo my little village has a small annual dog show we normally enter our little dog who has one friendliest dog waggy's tail and dog the judge would like to take home in the past this year she was unfortunately in season so we didn't enter to prevent any fuss from the other dogs but took her along to watch halfway across the park she decided to poo and i suddenly realized i'd forgotten a bag there were loads of other people with dogs around you to the show so i wandered away a little to to ask someone for a bag i turned back into my horror a lady was picking up my little dog's mess not wanting to feel like one of those a-holes that doesn't clean up i ran towards her to advise here she didn't have to do that because i was going to get it instead in a sort of panic i waved my arms and bark no that's my poo please note that i did not say that is my dog's poo she physically jumped then turned a deep red she sort of mumbled her apology dropped the poo and marched off with her dog it was at that point that i looked to my left and saw my dog's poo sitting a few feet away from the lady's dog mess that she was attempting to pick up i think about this at night sometimes i used to wear glasses hearing aids braces and had severe cystic acne my doctor put me on a coutine for the acne and it made my face insanely dry one day a few weeks after starting the medication my friend made me laugh hard in class it cracked the skin on my cheeks and my face bled in the shape of my smile like heath ledger's joker scar i was an abomination no doubt of this the six months or so i was on accutane were the driest of my life i felt like the ashiest seventh grader to ever walk the earth literally deflate myself and moisturize multiple times a day to try to avoid embarrassment over how growth i felt arms face and scalp in particular i've never fully returned to peak moisture content i was in a line in the cafeteria and my female friend is leaning on the table holding her purse every time she opens it i close it i did it twice then she suddenly faced me and it was a total stranger i went back to our classroom and didn't eat lunch i was 15 went to her outdoor center with my classmates where we camped overnight and did some activities over three days anyway we had a fashion show where all the boys dressed as girls so the girls dress me up with a short skirt and whatnot crop top well an ireland it's pretty cold at night in october so there i am in my mini scout freezing my bus off waiting for the fashion show to start and we go up on a table in front of all my classmates and my boxer shorts are loose and my small cold retreating dong is visible at close proximity to my whole class the cool guy in my class shouts coma it's like a dong only smaller and i died a little bit inside while people laughed and i heard a few audibles and accompanying sympathetic female faces the instructors quickly got me down off the table to their credit anyway that moment stuck with me for a long time and i actually had a bit of trouble with my dong image for a while until i realized that actually i'm perfectly average just tell them about the shrinkage factor ordered an uber with my new boss on a business trip yesterday began making small talk with the driver to show her how great i am at talking to people driver was talking with his girlfriend on a headset i assume you threw yourself from the moving car at that point when i was 16 i thought the car manufacturer audi was pronounced stordy instead of like audi sounded an awful lot like artie to me so i'm at this birthday party and this dude is like yemi and my brother both have audis and this other guy is like my mom has an audi y'all i seriously thought they were talking about belly buttons my butt spoke up and said i have a ninny when i was younger i was arguing with my dad and called him a fun sucker except i got my consonants mixed up and called him a sun sucker in front of my whole extended family oh no i was 13 and my family and i were on a skiing holiday my parents had decided to sign me up for lessons so that my dad could get some good skiing in and my mom and sister could relax and drink hot chocolate my sister had broken her wrist a few weeks prior to leaving and my mum isn't really a winter sports fan i had been throwing myself down mountain slopes with about as much grace as a brick with a tutor occasionally griping about said demina and was exhausted we had time for one more run so we all waddled over to the t-bar machine this imaginatively named device is so called because a metal bar shaped like an upside down tee hooks below your butt and drags you upwards so you're not constantly climbing for 10 minutes and skiing back down in a few seconds somehow my jacket got caught on the bar which knocked me to the ground this is not the embarrassing part it then dragged me along the snow past where i was supposed to ski off and carried on along a very icy patch towards the mountain where it would turn back still not the embarrassing part the embarrassing part was when the rough ice dragging under me somehow managed to pull down my ski pants thermals and underwear exposing my bare butt to an entire slope of people and giving me a nasty ice friction burn all down my thigh also i was yelling my head off to get someone to stop the machine a lot of people saw i was helped up and off the ice and ski down to the bigger lift to take me back down to the hotel i cried the entire way down the real kicker was getting back telling my family this story while still sobbing through wounded butt and wounded pride and having my dad and sister hal with laughter while my mum desperately tried to comfort me ro that's like straight out of a cartoon holy crap so i had a crush on a girl back in 10th grade we pretty much flirted with each other and she told me via msn that she she would like a hug when she came back to school she was sick for like two weeks straight so when the day came i hugged her it was super awkward i hugged her for like a minute straight and she calmly asked if i would let go of her that minute felt like an eternity and felt embarrassing as frick after like 11 years it still makes me cringe when i think about it ugh i remember the last day of eighth grade talking with everyone and be at how we will see each other nhs and stuff bell rings and everyone throws their hands into the air i take it as a cue that this girl wants to hug me i got like 90 hug completion before i realized that was not what was supposed to happen my birthday party about 15 years old kid knocks on door i answered kids front tooth is green like from rot it was a temporary cap or something i just stared at him and he said hi i said tooth pretty sure we both were humiliated we did not retain friendship i was sitting cross-legged on the sidewalk at my friend's house and his mom said your cod is hanging out i looked down and one of my testicles was hanging out of my shorts i got up and ran home embarrassed short backstory i have epilepsy we discovered i have epilepsy after i had a full-on tonic clonic seizure for the first time when i was standing in front of my locker in the sixth grade it was the first one of my life and my body didn't know what to do so i ended up peeing my pants it's the only time i've ever lost bladder controlled during a seizure fast forward to the 10th grade i was in class talking to a new kid who i just so happened to have a crush on i had told him my name and a girl turned around took one look at how we were sitting together and said aren't you the girl that peed herself in middle school he never talked to me again what a sea i was walking with my friends from the dorms to a restaurant or something and deciding to be silly started doing this little skippy hop type walk lame gag for a laugh but no one was laughing we were at the age where guys laugh at every stupid thing their friends do so i stopped to turn around and see what was up before i could turn around though i noticed that there was this guy who was somewhat disabled walking in the opposite direction coming towards us one half of his body was atrophied and partially paralyzed or something i don't know what was actually wrong with him and this caused him to walk with a type of limp very similar but less exaggerated than the skippy hop i was just doing we made eye contact and i just looked at the ground and heard one of my friends say what the frick are you doing in this tone that makes me cringe to this day that was almost a decade ago on the upside this was so cringy if that word is even appropriate that i think i'm dead inside and can't feel embarrassment anymore i said to my cousin's wife how's the children she said oh they're not here yet then it hit me she just had a miscarriage not a week ago i mistook her for another cousin's wife i used to wait tables during a busy sunday post church lunch rush i had to make a sunday for a table in the very back corner of the restaurant i get to the table and the entire party starts laughing i'm standing there holding the sundae super confused i look down and realize that i had somehow managed to get a large amount whipped cream directly over my crotch while preparing the sunday it was nowhere else on me just my crotch all i could do was put the sunday down say oh my gosh and speed walk back through the entire restaurant to clean myself up you should have pointed at the mother of the group and shouted in this ones for you my favorite one was an account of an event on the work forums a manager was working through a transaction with a couple whenever the man was asked a question his wife would answer he asked does she ever let you speak for yourself the wife responded with number not since his stroke frick i think i just physically recoiled i've awful depth perception and this one time my friend and i were waiting to cross the road and the bus was turning and for some reason i was convinced that it was gonna hit us so i grabbed my friend to try and save her but ended up just cupping her boob while the bus didn't hit us and all the passengers just stared at this weird kid cupping this girl's boob who then started beating on me with her backpack once she got over the shock i still think i saved her life though went to dealership and test drove cars went to sign for car reached into pocket hand went through pocket to skin six inches rip in my favorite games thought nobody had noticed butt cheek hanging out and felt relieved return to dealership for oil change 3mo later salesman i see you got new pants that salesman is a savage lol in high school i was hanging out with my group of friends at lunch one of our friends walked up wearing a suit and started talking to one of my other friends a few moments later he says okay guys i'm heading out now i'll be back tomorrow so i replied excitedly all right man have fun he gave me the weird scowl look of betrayal i've ever seen somehow it slipped past my radar that his girlfriend had developed a super rare disease and died inside the time span of a week all my friends were looking at me with the widest eyes as he walked away and in a chorus everyone was like who would i was in high school and heavily involved in drama and acting i was looking for things to audition for outside of school my mother found an audition for a renaissance fair she insisted i audition as i was being super picky i did not want to at all i ended up agreeing flash forward she tells me auditions are in costume so she bought me a really cheap crappy costume from an ipsec website the audition was at a really war country club so i show up in costume i immediately want to die i enter the country club and i have no idea where the audition is there's a ton of people in there and they are staring at me and laughing like i'm a joke i am literally almost in tears finally i ask a worker server i have no freaking idea where the auditions are he gives me directions that make no sense so i wander this place for what feels like forever until i find the room i enter and the panel looks at me repressing their laughter i want to die at this point they say i am definitely looking the part prepared for the audition i was given an audition form and told to fill it out i asked for a pen they couldn't find one so one guy takes this really expensive pen out and gives it to me to borrow he says he needs it back as it's really expensive i leave the room panic weep and flee the country club with this guy's super expensive pen frick that crap tldr i showed up to a renaissance fair in a cheap crappy costume got laughed at and stole a guy's expensive pen the audition was not in costume i was waiting to go in with about three other actors who were not in costume cringe i'm just imagine the pen guy recalling this story i remember this one time i was judging this contest and this girl runs in in this monster costume steals my pen and leaves i paid 300 for that pen i was in the elevator area of my former job and wearing a skirt that was a little too big for me luckily i had one of those long sweaters on over top because i was talking to the maintenance guy and the skirt just dropped to the floor like aaa nd were done here in the guy and i just stared at each other for a small eternity when i was younger i grew my hair out longer and didn't really do anything with it because of this and my name i will get mistaken for a girl when people first meet me and or at public spaces one time my family and i went out to lunch when i was say maybe eight we go to this local place somewhere that we haven't been before though at one point i have to go use the bathroom ask my dad where it is he points to it as we were pretty close and i go wait outside of it there were single person bathroom about 30 seconds after some big old guy maybe 50s comes up and stands behind me to stand in line for the bathroom a few seconds later he taps me on the shoulder and says to me this is the boys bathroom the girls is over there my dad saw heard him say this and told him that i was a guy i wanted to die when i was a teenager i was a vomiter at a triathlon and my job was to write athlete's number on both legs and both arms with a sharpie so here come a man i marked one leg then the other one then i do his first arm and i ask him to turn for the other one he said and it was true i have only one arm i'm really not observant i've been really lucky because the athlete was not mad or emotionally hurted he only laughed a lot game five of the cavs versus pacers series this year was pretty drunk and stood up to go pee to the bathroom lost my balance and fell over the row in front of me then in my panic i went all the way up the stairs only to realize i needed to go down to get to the concourse didn't even pee called a lift and went straight home to die alone there's gotta be video of this in middle school i used to have a bad habit of chewing on these pens that had sharp tips and came in red black and blue ink can't remember the brand but they had a grey body and a see-through little window to see the ink left anyway what i didn't know is that the tubing body was slightly pressurized and one day during class i bit too hard on the pen making it burst into my mouth my teeth tongue and lips were stained blue for days and everyone went around saying i gave a smurf head papa smurf can i in a noisy room someone was asking are you okay resting dead face overload but because it was noisy i thought they were asking are you gay being the straight person i am i said no they asked why and i explained happened to me half an hour back my boss and i were walking back from the conference room with three suitcases and he wanted to keep his wallet somewhere and asked my if i can have it till we reach the room i replied all my holes are stuffed awkward silent till we reached his cabin sitting around the kitchen table with newish boyfriend boyfriend's mom and dad in the living room he's filling out a form for a sleep apnea test because he snores like a bear at night most of the questions he needs to ask other people because they happen while he is sleeping i.e does your snoring wake your partner question comes up do you suffer from impotence and i immediately answer nope cue the slow head turn of the moment boyfriend plus the immediate laughter of the dad in the next room felt my face go cherry red as i sank deeper into my chair that's how they found out we have an active private life as a young teen i got my shorts ripped down by my toddler brother at a 4th of july fireworks event so lots and lots of witnesses happened in grade nine done away but me and my friends would play this stupid game where we would try to sneak up on each other and slap the back of our heads as our way of saying hey i spotted my buddy reese at the end of the hall and snuck up the best i could and wound up a home run slapper he noticed last second and ducked i ended up slapping the crap out my teacher's boob as she turned the corner frick you for making me remember this op anyone asking what happened after so here it is after the slap it felt like time was frozen kids in the hall all just stopped what they were doing and the teacher just kinda stood there in shock i was so embarrassed i cried in the hall surrounded by kids from my grade then i got sent to the principal's office where i got a one day in school suspension for hitting a teacher i think the punishment was so light because the teacher felt sorry for me the phone call to my parents explaining what happened sucked my mom was just disappointed in me in some ways it just made it worse and my dad just kept laughing i got called boobie for two freaking years i'm 23 now but my friends still bring up that story please stop calling me booby this one made me laugh so hard i was talking to my new supervisor when she told me it was her third time taking her role at the troubled children program we worked at she said these kids are what always bring me back seventeen-year-old me smiles and jokingly says why don't you just have your own her smile and jovial spirit quickly turned to a dark blank empty stare i did two of them they died six months ago both of them worst moment of my adolescent life i've done worse i made a your mom joke to a classmate who lost her mother to cancer a month earlier in my defense your mom was a literally reflexive thing to say for me at that point but jesus i even went to the funeral you at least had ignorance on your side i ran into an old co-worker at mcdonald's our tenures had overlapped by about a month and that was several years ago he recognizes me and calls me over to his friends and tells them this is the nicest guy i have ever met in the next three minutes i called him by the wrong name and asked him how he liked a job he'd never worked at it was pretty clear that i hardly remembered him i was so embarrassed that i got my mcdonald's to go and ate it in my car i'm midway through my burger when him and his friends walk up and get into the car directly facing mine we made awkward eye contact while i had my food in my hand and then they drove off fml holy crap dude i'm sorry that's lay in bed 10 years later thinking about it embarrassing i was a new lifeguard tanning my white button thinking i was hot crap i'd do laps around the pool keeping kiddies safe in my tight little one piece that was both naughty and serious hero the only issue i had was that there were mosquitoes around the pool they were hard to see but i had a few bites here and there i always felt them on my legs and couldn't swat them because i so much time talking to people who were sitting their eyes to my thighs didn't want to be slapping my legs around while talking to patrons clam first so after a few days on the job i felt a bug on my inner thigh and finally swatted it i looked down and realized that for the whole day and maybe all those before it my tampon string was hanging out the front crotch of my swimsuit my laptop kicked the bucket and a co-worker of my mom's kindly offered to recover files guess what the only folder he could recover was my p folder at least you got an important folder back i was deathly afraid of public speaking in high school when i had to give a speech in front of the class my legs would shake and i would sweat profusely every time we had to give oral book reports to the whole class in my senior english class i'm sitting in my chair legs crossed sweating with anticipation when the teacher calls my name fantasifen you're up i let out a deep breath and go to stand up i forget to uncross my legs so i trip but i don't just trip i stumble i try to regain my balance but instead i pick up speed i tumble for about 10 feet before i finally fall i get up as the whole class stares at me i slowly walk up to the front of the class and say well the speech can't get any worse now that moment helped me overcome my fear of public speaking though since then i've given multiple speeches in front of large crowds with no problem i'd been seeing this guy for about three weeks or so and he was staying with me for a couple of days it was early enough that i wasn't quite comfortable with bringing poop into the relationship as if there's ever really a good time and so when i started to feel some intestinal distress i asked him to go to the shop down the street and pick up some wine to have with dinner he was fine with it went downstairs and gave me some blessed minutes to relieve myself it was a crap for the ages periods will do that to you so sending him away was definitely the right call i went to clean myself up and no toilet paper none on the roll none under the sink the only place i knew i had some was in the back room where i stored all the non-perishable stuff tins kitchen roll bleach that sort of thing well at least i was alone i waddle waddle waddle down the hallway holding my cheeks apart so as not to make a mess and i'm about halfway to the back room before i hear a little voice from behind me and nbsp um what are you doing and nbsp turns out he'd been to the shop in record time got back without me noticing and was sitting on my couch watching me do the kansas crappy shuffle down my hallway and i'd been presenting my crap smeared butt to him like some kind of tub general mating ritual but that was not how i had anticipated introducing butt stuff into our relationship i once asked a woman in an elevator when she was expecting expecting what said she stood frozen and silent until i got off if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 32,785
Rating: 4.9432259 out of 5
Keywords: most embarrassing moments, most embarrassing, embarrasing, extreme embarrassment, stupidest things ever said, stupidest, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: 1ILBlPbLb3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 25sec (1465 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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