Shift Your Heart!

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hey Tony Gaskins hear a popping in with a Sunday sermon now what you notice on these is there's no advertisements in these videos okay so needs you to get this word and this is not a Bible study I'm talking to you heart to heart to help you shift your posture shift your heart posture because I pay attention to the people and I see the changes that I had to make and I see the blessings that came after those changes and this morning as I was looking in the book of Mark and Jesus was talking about the parables and they were like eh what do these parables mean he said listen now when I'm talking to outsiders I speak in parables and he was like how are you gonna get this word if you don't understand these parables and he was talking about sowing seeds when we sold seeds no seeds are sown and how some are sown on stony ground or in the fowls of the air can come scoop them up and then some are sown on rocky soil and it sounds good it feel good you get a little word but then the troubles of the world come and swoop in and distract you and then how some seeds are sown on good soil and when it's sown on good soil it sinks in and it gets roots and then it reaps the harvest far times greater than what was song so I was thinking about that and it really just started to deal with me because a lot of times we hearing stuff and we hearing good stuff but unless you actually take and you make changes you make changes because every single day you're going to be tempted and tested without with fear with worry with the lack but you have to shift your hearts posture you got a shift the way you receive the world and the way you perceive the world you have to make that shift and it's going to happen through you actually speaking aloud and you saying out loud what you need to hear so I remember those days of jealousy I remember those days of competition I remember those days of not wanting to see other people happy I remember those days and most people go through it now anybody can say in the comments oh I'm happy for everybody oh I'm always happy for people a lot uh you just st. met the right person you have before a celebrity you had before celebrity but what about your best friend that grew up next to you end up married with a white picket fence house on the hill and you crying on your pillow asking God where your husband at what about that when if your womb is shut up and you see somebody else popping them out left and right what about that if you working and you showing up the work 30 minutes early you leave in 30 minutes late and the person who popped in and barely do they work but they got a bright smile and they know how to swing their booty in a pencil skirt get the raise get the promotion what about that see when you truly test it see a lot it's easy to be happy for people when we don't feel like they are competition when they're not going after what we're going after it's easy to be happy for people it's easy to be happy for people when we don't feel like they're in our league when you have nothing against Bill Gates getting his money you have nothing against Oprah getting her money because they're not in your same city they're not going for the same thing you're going for but what about that person right next to you now see that's one type of heart posture but what you also have to look at is what about what you've gone through what about what you have seen can you speak to that situation and say I forgive you and I release you I forgive you and I release you whether it was a parent a family member a friend can you forgive someone who has hurt you someone who has betrayed you someone who has abandoned you can you forgive and literally speaking the word see a lot of times we just want to do it in our mind but you'll have what you say that's why you have to be very careful what you say and me and my wife we check each other all the time to not even joke with certain things don't let stuff come out of your mouth I remember a young lady came to me from maybe India or you know Pakistan it was something like that I just remember saying in my head I don't remember exactly where it was but she was on another continent and she had written a book about the power of words and she was asking me how to publish it and could I publish it in America and we didn't ever get around to it because she was still working on it but i remember reading her book and you will be blown away she was given examples of artists music artists who said in a song that they had lived their last day that their last day was on the way that they were gonna be gone and speakers you know teachers if she had examples of celebrity in visuals all the way down to Osho Cinco in Miami on the the time on the reality show where he said all right coach hey I'm going home going until the weekend and sure enough got into it with his wife got arrested went to jail that we can and I mean she had the big examples from the famous artists that we lost some before I was born all the way up until my time where it involved me because I worked with him that player that I mentioned for a week and he tweeted about it so that's public so I don't you know it's not confidential he tweeted about it I'm here in Tampa working with Tony guys before we but the power of the time God allowed me to see that that this young lady that I don't know where she had if you see this video reach out to me she on another side of the world sent me that book and I was floored so see you have to think about what you're saying because see a lot of times not a lot of time but all the time what you say it's people out here that try to teach that what you're saying in your mind doesn't matter and that you can be thinking negative and receive positive that's a lot that's a lot that's a lot from the pit of hell and that's what the devil wants you to believe see the adversary wants you to believe that you can be negative that you can spew negativity that you can be doubtful and worrying and all of these things and good is gonna call now at the same time just because you're clinking good just because you are saying stuff good does not mean that good is gonna come see what is in here his will for your life is going to come and this the thing because see a lot of times we want to manipulate the situation and you want to watch the secret and then you want to sit there and Lamborghini and Lamborghini in the garage Lamborghini in the garage Lamborghini in the garage and then you walk outside and look in your parking lot because you don't have a garage yet or you got a garage in that same Toyota that you had before you close your eyes and start chanting Lamborghini is still there but it's not about magic it's not about something appearing it's about you having a belief and then you have in the work that follows it yall already know what goes with it faith with word and that's what I say I know I can't not out perform the universe and when I say that I mean universal law a lot of times we just so spiritual and we we forget that God is not a man sitting in a gold chair God being people get mad when you say God is the unit God is the universe God is the spirit God is everything around you've got God is all around you and and what we have is we have universal laws that rain on the just and the unjust as I mentioned last week in a Sunday sermon so what you have to realize is whether you ate this or believer if you believe that you're gonna receive and you do the work guess what that thing is coming no matter what side you standing on so if you standing with God and what you believe in for and you believe in God Jesus Christ that's your Savior and what you believe in for what you praying for is in his will and you doing the work for it so you could say oh I'm gonna get a new job let me get a new job I'm gonna get a new job but then you have to prepare yourself so if you get an interview and you sleep in oh I'm not gonna go to this interview already got the job already got the job son though I don't I got the job and you sleep in then guess what you're not gonna get the job just because you set this hand you can get the job now you got the interview but you don't show up to the interview or you show up to the interview and you got crossing your eyes your breath stank it's bout to your brother on son off the walls and you sitting there and you sitting there arrogant so yeah just happened this time how much you gonna pay me because I already know I got this job the Lord told me in my spirit I already know I got this job guess what you're not gonna get the job so good it's not just about what you saying what you believe and it's also shifting your heart shifting your heart to operate from a place of humility and a place of ambition a place of obedience so that now you're doing the work and I had a saying I had a saying that is not really popular it's not really popular because it's a lot of lazy people in the world and I remember tweeting at one time and somebody wanted to argue with me but I'll argue about what I know and I would say pray believe and then work twice as hard as you believe and that upset a lot of people because see a lot of people want to pray and believe and then sit still no see when I was reading in mark this morning and Jesus was talking about sowing a seed when he was talking about sowing a seed not as see it could be could represent a lot of different things but if I pray and say okay I'm gonna tell you what happened I've had things you know courses and things of that nature you could have something that you've produced and you said Lord bless the Lord bless Lord bless Lord and nothing is happening but then so you pray and you believe but now guess what now you got a work now you got a soul the seed and what I mean by this is that may mean posting the picture of your product or your service on your Instagram it's no different than when Jesus said look cast the net he didn't get in the boat with John or whoever that was and say and just let fish jump in the boat they had to get in the boat get in the water wait the water go on out there get the net and cast the net you can't just say I know I'm gonna be fed and just sit on the shore no you got to get your real and raw and you gonna cast night now when you do the work you might get you ten of them that's gonna feed you but you got to do the work and so this is the thing as you naming it and claiming it and believe in it now you got to shift your heart to receive it and when you shift your heart to receive what this means is for one you you're moving jealousy out of the way and you literally have to say you literally have to say I remember when I start the shift I would picture somebody who is an author like me who's a speaker like me who's a black man like me who's married like me and having success is people out here like that and I may bump into one of them and when I was young it would be jealousy and competition but as I grew and I started to sit more with the Holy Bible reading that word I and understanding what love your neighbor as you love yourself understanding the benefits of not being jealous because you could be jealous and don't even know what this person going through you could be jealous of somebody and don't even realize that behind closed doors they in torment you could be jealous of somebody and don't even realize that behind closed doors they living with something that they can't get rid of or they going through something that will crush you like a bull squash you like a grape you could be jealous of somebody and don't even know what you spent in time being jealous off and guess what they may have none of what you actually believe that they have they may have a future that's coming to them that's going to be way too much for you to handle or way worse then you would ever want to have happen to you see you could be jealous for the wrong you could be jealous for the wrong reasons but see here's the thing whether their life gonna be good or bad you can't control that but guess what you hindering your life by being jealous because when you jealous it puts a cage and a lock around your heart so that you cannot receive what God has for you see when you don't wanna give because you're saying if I give then I can't get ahead so if I'm trying to get to a hundred and this person over here has 90 and I have 20 because they only ten away from a hundred and a hundred is what opens the next level guess what you may say well I got twenty they have 90 so they right there oh they don't need my love money so let me hold on the mind and then guess what you sit there and you holding on you holding on and you don't want to sow a seed so you holding on of jealousy out of greed out of competition but you got 80 to go you got such a long ways but God maybe cross your path with this person to allow the adversary to test you the adversaries say oh let me show you where your son or where your daughter heart is let me show you your daughter heart posture here it is here we go hey watch this Exhibit A okay she has 20 her friend has 90 they need a hundred for the bill so let's see what she's gonna do hold on to her 20 and bav away with nowhere to get there or so 10 to help her neighbor pay their hundred-dollar bill let's see what they're gonna do see 9 out of 10 people gonna hold on today 20 this way I broke this way I broke the cycle this way I broke the cycle I literally did some real-life example that I'm giving you there will be times in my life and here I was an entrepreneur and I had raised my level of living and I remember there were times that my bills for the month maybe $6,000 and I may have $1,000 or $2,000 in my infancy of entrepreneurship and a family member would come to me who is good ground see remember in the parable that Jesus was giving he was talking about also when he told my sowing he talking about really the Word of God landing on the hearts of people but this seed can also represent where you sold your time your money your energy if it's good ground so if somebody got across my path was somebody that's good ground meaning that they're doing everything they can to live right and do the right thing so I may be thousands short of my bills but this person is $50 short on their rent so I know in my situation that my money could come every day any day any kind of way because I had created multiple streams of income but their money is feeding their children and their money is set on a two-week schedule and they always behind the 8-ball so I came to a place in my life to where I say here and I remember one time my momma said to me and she said for her own selfish gain god bless her soul but she said you got to give from your lack now I don't know if she knew what she was saying but she needed some money I have some money I ain't have all the money I needed but I had enough that she needed and I took and I gave to her from my lack met her need but I still had my knee and guess what but see I had to do it with a glad heart so you can't give he'll he'll take this leap he'll be no no oh I can't stand you you can't give with that kind of heart because that kind of heart cannot receive so when I give I give with a glad heart and some people are called it alone I don't do loans I'm giving here you go you can have it it's gone even if you call it alone I'm giving it to you as a gift here you go and at this point in my life I don't do gnomes even if the person called it alone you got it go ahead and I did that and guess what when I started doing that that was one form of a test do you remember the other form is seeing somebody who looks like you doing what you do pursuing what you're pursuing but don't but perceivably doing better than you look they appear to be ahead of you to look at that and be able to say see our shift from being upset and jealous when I was a young man started now building my entrepreneur journey I shift from having to go talk to my wife man you know these guys ain't living right and he get all this and he doing all this and Here I am I'm twirling for the Lord I'm living right on doing it right and then my wife having to speak into my life don't worry about it you don't know what's going on behind closed doors you don't know if that person's gonna be exposed you don't know what they got going on you don't know what God doing for you you don't know what God got for you guess what and to shift and say Lord bless him Lord and say it with a smile Lord bless you a Lord get let him get everything they gonna get Lord let Lord get Lord - you move it and they like keep on moving Lord because I know my season gonna come so let me see them shine and let me learn from their season let me get lessons from that season cuz I know my season coming cuz I'm doing the work I'm doing the world and I shift to that place so see I ain't telling you to do something that I have not done but let me tell you and I can't speak in exacts okay just because everything ain't for everybody but what I want you to hear is that I'm a living witness that when you change your heart's position when you change where you are operating from and you shift to a place of faith a place of obedience and a place of love and also self-love so go down the list and release the jealousy that you have for your coworkers release the jealousy that you have for family members release the jealousy that you have for celebrities or personalities release that self-righteousness that has convinced you that you deserve more than this other person who you may see as a heathen but you see them as blessed see you're not even operating from the right place if you can see a person as a heathen which is a non-believer and see them as receiving blessings from God you all the way off-base because they're gonna get the rewards of their hard work but God ain't got nothing to do with that see the blessing of the Lord is a gift that comes without sorrow but see when you do it on your own you can receive a reward that also will come with a recumbents that will come with a snare because of how you got it or why you got it see you can sabotage your reward based on where your heart is at because you can get in a situation and then get greedy you can get in a situation and then your motives change and see you've gotta be able to move you gotta be able to cast the net but see this people do it differently see some people get in a own boat and even if they got to patch up holes in a boat they get in a own boat if they got to make their own net but they're gonna get in their own boat patch up the hole so that they don't sink they're gonna weigh it out into the water and they're gonna cast their own net then you have people who they wanna hit to ride in somebody else boat and they want to use that person net a cap shielding that get you something let me cast your net and get me some and then you got some people who they want to hitch the ride in somebody else boat but don't want to help paddle or if it's a power boat don't want to get nothing towards the gas and then if they cast a person net and catch more than the owner of the neck cult they want to keep all the airs and not even give some split it with the person who gave him the ride in the boat and let them use the net see you got different type of people and you got to decide which one you are because that's what you're gonna see then you got people who gonna steal somebody boat and they net and go out so you see what I'm saying you're working see the person who stole the boat it he worked him he had the powder lot enough he would have powder okay he got a net he going that net till he dripping sweat he working he or he got this then he got to get back you know all the fish try to get the fish to his house and and had a boat sitting there when they wake up at 6:00 a.m. but crack of dawn to go get in their own boat you him he weren't but guess what it foo gonna turn the gravel in his mouth his fish got maggots he's gonna put it in his freezer and and the power gonna go out and it's all gonna spoil you see what I mean he did in the work he got the reward but then it turned to Russ before he could spin it off that's what I need you to understand but see the gifts and the blessings of the Lord comes without sorrow but see this what you have to understand this is what you have to understand is that when you plant the seed on good so he'll on good ground see when it's good soil that's II don't have to go deep because that's where the roots is gonna sent so see when they hit the stony ground when they hit the stony soil the rocky soil see anything II didn't have to go too deep because it was rocky soil so us you saw a sprout in a day they saw a little sprout in a day but see because it's rocky soil the roots weren't deep enough so you saw a little something and it looked like it's about to turn into some but the roots one didn't deep enough so it get plucked up but see when you want when you good ground and you doing the work guess what when the see when you plant in the sea and you water in the sea and you get some sunshine you got to have dirt and you got to have rain it ain't gonna be all sunshine can see all sunshine ain't good you gonna have to have some rain and you're gonna have to be in the dirt yes and guess what comes with dirt and rain mud so somebody might drag your name through the mud people might believe them why are they throwing dirt and mud on your name but in that season your rooms are being formed now listen to me and God got something for you and guess what in the mist in the midst of a PA in de I see ooh in the midst of it in the midst of their turmoil in the midst of their chaos you receive peace blessings and favor because you were deeply rooted and it was gonna take more time for your harvest to sprout but your harvest will be far greater than the season that you struggled in where you couldn't see what was going because it was happening beneath the soil you couldn't see what was happening the roots was being dug deep so that you can have some way to stand and you could be strong so that when you broke Sawyer so that when the wind came and the rain came and the storm came you would be strong and say you can withstand the test of life you can withstand the test of time but see this one over here on the stony soil the roots one deep enough the roots one deep enough it was just beneath the soil so they shrouded you watch them in 2018 and you were like how they sprouted 2099 sprouted honey how they're doing better than me Lord Lord what's going on but you have to be still and you got to be quiet you got to shift your heart blessing Lord Bassem if they ignoring for you if they live and right already know you rain on the just as well as the unjust be that Addison's may go ahead god bless you ain't mad ain't mad at you you know the saying we say everybody ain't evil favoring fell smile form smile phone be happy for you hit me and when you can go to that space guess what they season may be plentiful their season may be bountiful they may be deep-rooted you don't know see we can't speak rocky soil on them we can't speak stony ground on them we don't know what they behind-the-scenes look like but do you know yours do you know yours see and see other when there was thorns and another type of ground there was thorn see is your heart Rocky is your heart stony is your heart full of thorns see you got to know your hearts posture you got to know your hearts position you have to know where you are operating from some of y'all DM me on Instagram and showed me that Janet Jackson you know Michael Jackson's sister posted my quote now I told y'all for those who are small business saturday how them quotes work and how I write the quotes and how people would find them and post them and that's how it helped build my following online somebody sent me and that quote that she posted it's talking about I wrote it from my heart so I don't remember it verbatim but it's talking about evaluating where you're operating from and never speaking from a place of jealousy anger hate in all of those things that's your heart because as the Good Book says from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks so see you're gonna have to continue evaluating yourself who you jealous of who you hate you know what you bitter about who you arguing with that you don't need to be taking the time to are don't know Doka arguing with me about my god cuz you can't convince me otherwise you wasting quality oxygen that you could be inhaling gratitude for having breath in your lungs when you go to work in your thumbs to come argue and debate with me you're wasting quality time that you could be building your dream cuz you can't convince me otherwise because of who I serve see because of who I serve it ain't about me it ain't about me being arrogant it ain't about me being conceited see I'm confident because I've come into the knowledge of the Lord so I know what I know because of who I know so you can't convince me otherwise you can't tell me that I'm wrong because see I got a hold it Bible that I don't read that has proven itself over and over and over listen you could talk to you blue in the face and you can't talk me out of believing in the Living Word because I'm living and I'm breathing and I know that it's real you hear me so listen that's why I don't operate no longer from hate from jealousy from anger from insecurity you see what I'm saying I pray for you guess what and when I blocked you I'm turning you over to Jesus I'm turning you over to the Lord because you coming to disrupt my spirit my energy so I'm turning the other cheek see if I want to turn other cheek I go back at you be arguing with you debating with you but when you get out of character and I block you I'm turning the other cheek you still could see what the Lord gonna do you still could hear what the Lord gonna say but you're gonna have to do it from a distance you see what I'm telling you and and if you in my lane if you against my lane whatever you doing I'm gonna pray God's will for your life cuz I don't know what his will is for your life cuz his blessings may be for you or his vengeance may be for you the Bible say vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord I don't know what's coming to you but guess what be it good or not I ain't trying to eat off your plate so ain't gonna be too close to you regardless but see now let me let me take you back know what I was talking about where when you got twenty and somebody else over here got ninety and the goal is a hundred see and you know they good ground you know they turn to you you know Nathan struggle you know they didn't state the course you know that good people you know they working for that's how they got ninety and you got twenty you might have eighty oh that's gonna be the real test you might have but see this the thing you have to know from whence comes your help you have to know where your help cometh from see if you scarce it in mind that don't know I'm home I don't know I gotta keep my load get your you know you can't out of mind that's a scarcity mindset see I have to teach this to my family my inner circle my immediate family I have to teach this to them because everybody ain't got this Rhema word from the Lord yet everybody ain't in that place so I have to help people understand listen to what the Lord gave me you me and when I tap into this space and here you go guess what when that person when that when that good ground hit a hundred when that good ground hit a hundred it may unlock the doors they may step into their season and receive so much that is pressed down shaken together and running over that guess what that there give back to you because they have not forgotten the see you sold in their life now understand a seed a seed does not have to be monetary it might be a word of encouragement it might be quality time it might be an act of service it might be those words of affirmation see you see ain't always monetary if it need to be then it is if it got to be then it got to be but a see can take different forms understand that but when you give from what you got I remember and my wife watched this and it you still used to burn her I used to burn up because my family will be coming to me hey I need this hey I need this hey I need this and they won't be squandering their money doing this doing that doing that and they will come to me and they need a bill that need to be met I would ignore my bill and give to them and I would give to them because I would say they have less than me and what I meant by that is their earning potential is smaller than mine their favor is smaller than mine their understanding is smaller than mine so I'm giving from my financial lack but my heart my spirit is overflowing its abundant and I understand that money is just energy its currency but it's created like that so when I'm giving them I'm not giving a piece of my life I'm not giving away my eternity I'm opening the door to receive press down shaken together and running over overflowing blessings and I remember going into the negative in my bank account to help my sister who it wasn't good ground it wasn't good ground but see it went about her it was about her three children and I would be in the negative and my wife would look at me like what are you doing and I said no no listen to me these kids innocent I'm helping them so that they don't have to be evicted so that they don't have to catch a bus but watch what God do because I know who I serve I know what's going on here truck hey trust me and my wife would become that Ephesians 5 wife they say wives submit to your husband's as unto the Lord and husbands love your wife as Christ loved the church and she would listen to me and let me be obedient to God and God will say listen to me you ain't doing this for your sister you giving as if you're given unto me and guess what the blessing will come press down shaken together and running over I will pray over it before I did and I would remove bitterness and resentment from my heart and I would give from a glad heart let me tell you right now I'm in an unprecedented season in my life I can't even open my eyes right now cuz they'll flow like running water I'm gonna unprecedented season in my life and when I think about it I think back to the times that I gave from my lack that I shifted my heart that I bless those who curse me pray for those who persecuted me and I think about what God is doing and listen to me shift your heart shift your heart renew your righteousness repent and let God work it is Tony gassing god bless [Music]
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 39,835
Rating: 4.9757657 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 36sec (2676 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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