HAVE YOU TAKEN YOUR JOY? | We Happy Few - Part 1

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ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome to we happy few do you remember this game I played demos and alphas and early builds early accesses of it a long time ago and I played a bunch of it and I really really liked it but I said I was going to hold off until the full game came out to play anymore because a lot of stuff was still unfinished the mechanics were a little wonky and stuff but now the full game is out the developer sent me a code for it Wow thank you developers that's very sweet of you to do and I'm very very excited because this game has huge promise it has a really cool premise I like it a lot and no it's not just because it has played with Jack in it such as because they made the game specifically for me that's a different reason it's most of it but I'm really curious because I like the like clockwork orange' type of vibe about this game and I think it's going really good kind of a a Clockwork Orange meets Bioshock kind of vibe to it sandbox coming soon I don't need no sandbox I'm alright that store store begin act one is Arthur happy people have no past that doesn't sound prey have you taken your joy today okay so this type of stuff we've seen already this was in one of the versions of the game after an e3 one-time dig on for victory over communism that's so cool so if you don't know the premise of this game is that everyone lives in a dystopia and you have to take your joy pills to be happy and you're not allowed to be sad no you're not allowed to be a downer you have to be happy all the time [Music] [Music] God first of all and Arthur Hastings [Music] that's our boy [Music] I should just take my joy hold each remember hold V to take joy oh god I can actually choose I'm going to remember no joy for me today sadness please [ __ ] [ __ ] did see happy people have no past look at the frying-pan drop I've been up to no one's seen you for hours oh no sir the grindstone you know then why haven't I heard a single whoosh through the door since 10 o'clock did you forget we're having dierdre's birthday party we've got a pinata hello poppy brilliant of course have you forgotten your joy drug well come on then finish up just have a few more pages I know you're very busy then don't take too long to finish uh-huh the power cells empty well what will you do don't get a new one everyone's happy Roy you're all happy out there Ronald Brady the 9th of October is 64 Jesus all right let's stand up and go get a new one Oh what we're an emergency would you be able to find the doorknob or should I tie a bright yellow ribbon on it this is like what it's like to be a human Tesla you just hit your foot to the accelerator and I do hope you're planning on finishing by Victory Day victory okay all right restore so personal and Arthur Hastings with the surprisement is a descriptor I will look out for each other that's what we'll do except document you look like you'll be gone for a second I know you're back don't worry in Yatta I will not doodle I'll be there shortly prudence supposed to be coming back today I made a welcome back card that's right I don't know what it's supposed to be allowing I am my own person I have my own thoughts I don't need to be happy all the time see this game is all about their bad PMA the forced PMA the forest positivity that's not good drug trials to qualified success says Sir Robert the first round of trials of a new anti melancholic medication have been qualified success - he can be whatever memories let's prove everything don't worry my we're gonna do fine can I easy or - okay I am curious to see how the rest of the game plays out because before it's it's like a procedurally was not procedurally generated is it no it's am but it's it like an open-world sandbox survival type of concept and this section is very good sit in my bubble celebrations planned for a joy anniversary do you know article thanks sorry I almost died let's stand up and leave do you think the canister wonders what life's like outside the tube that's deep course you'd have to break the cheat to get out I'm 14 and that's deep break it for everybody climb birth whistle you offered a party aren't you my birth was how I read this I have no idea Oh apparently n4 notes oh look miss ping has written Clive a letter dear mr. birth whistle Bert whistle that's a great name this is so thoughtful of you to suggest her best to rearrange the department I'm always grateful for suggestions from junior staff of how best to do my job as director however I'm afraid that it would be destabilizing to swap your office with that of mr. Hastings fortunately turnover in this department is high if Prue doesn't return soon I don't see why you couldn't have her office in the meantime I suggest you pop another joy and you'll feel the Sun Shine on your face whether you have a window or not hmm all the best Victoria being take that Clive you little [ __ ] move it chicky dear you know that's a nice person beyond this point I'm a delinquent Oh can I have a cricket bat trench men's gin regimens Jimmy those that's fine what do you do at your computer do you see what miss Ben thinks if you weren't no no Clive no firm workers expected to return from Germany I'm Center dr. B that's how you get to him okay I don't want to do this anymore tonight can I leave can I leave taxi service restored on three wheels tonight I'm leaving I don't I'm sorry Clive you seem like a great guy maybe a bit of an alcoholic I don't know there's just something about this room that screams alcoholic anyway ChIP chip cheerio by Holmes oh yeah it's not the thing that when you're off your joy you see the world as it really is and it's all rotting and horrible II me there's trying to spell out mean okay maybe the food's all it's just rotten anyway what did happen to prudence does that mean fleeting joy joy Pru I mean you two she's also offer joy off her rocker you know coming back oh you crew why did you go oh I don't know maybe Canada well the company's called we happy few or is that just air for the game I don't know I'm moving on I took my joy now come over and close the blinds and sensor everything you saw nothing hello how you guys doing okay why does no one like me we seem to be a bit behind in our work now that you mention it I love his voice it's not like Keira to Enosh and silly and over-the-top but it fits perfectly we seem to be a bit behind our work now that you mention it god I can't wait to see you do know jack I do it's me it's my name it's my face it's never too late to have a happy past so creepy everybody having a good time there you are you nearly missed the pinata yeah this is adorable Spanish custom Uncle Jack did a whole show about it move smash it until all the sweets come out come on hit it hit it hit it don't if I take my joy would I would I not see what this actually is [Music] you are off your joy take one of mine oh my lord these are down my lord he's not happy it's really speak sir like the social media times of today doesn't it as you say I can't wait for people to cosplay characters from this if they haven't already did they might have I want to turn on the boughs oh no it's the boobies what you never catch me cats oh boy oh boy oh boy how you spell cast fly menorah forgetting there's no time what happy is the country with no past oh I'm a donor owner if I did take the joy at the start would I just hit that and move on my life I'm curious how much the first choice changes things I'm happy the games out though now finally then we could play it and have fun and finish the story have you taken your joy today because the news kind of out there the world is like in the the Facebook's and everything being like you show off the best version of yourself to the world and if you show off a bad part you're a downer but it's okay to be down it's okay to not be at your tip-top shape all the time it shows that you're human Christ those bosses chase me yeah will show off the tunnels this is not pretty sure I'm not in the parade anymore that's very pretty I don't even think I've stood in the village damn I don't have my safety helmet reverbs with me what it's a guy to do I bury home distribute gin now we're at I like the taste of them I do we are in trouble pile of coins maybe you're a rich man but if you can't see their their achievements coming in you're probably wondering what I'm saying [Laughter] all right how do we craft a lockpick you know okay let's get some bandages anything else the jolliest Brawley are the least jolly Brawley which one would you like to be you want to be a Jimmy bear or a lockpick there we've done three use of the salamandra me getting into constant trouble finally pay off 4th of October 1964 dear Rupert are you quite certain Teddy's off his joy perhaps he merely forgot you've got to look after your mates man have you tried tying a string around his finger that always helps me anyway I can't reassign Teddy because I haven't gotten a replacement all the juniors are offered Scargill the subsidence has been severing all sorts of connections and the motor line must flow you know the motor line I really appreciate you you're sticking by your post if you don't do your duty who are we but try the string around the finger I feel certain you will manage this situation on me best Jimmy and here's a letter in what I am almost positive as claves terrible handwriting dear director buying buying one of your employees is a subversive and may even be a downer I overheard him in the commissary telling a friend that he thinks that his job redacting old articles is silly and what's so scary about the truth he is a very tall and slim with black hair and brown eyes and glasses [ __ ] is it me I know I should have asked his name but I am a naturally shy woman and I'm a naturally shy woman end oh and there it leads off a shy woman are you Clive or just a nasty manipulative schemer piece of [ __ ] sir I have some stuff to work through oh look miss Byng has written a Clive a letter I like that it gives him like his own flavor text of what the others are writing to each other dear mr. Burt whistle it is so thoughtful of you sis Jessup oh wait I read this one well Arthur you've gone and done it haven't you now not only rather spectacularly quit your job but you're at down and now the town's folk will unleash the hounds earth really stands we hadn't eaten them 20 years ago the or they would if we hadn't eaten them gross the West rolls or wastrels do not seem terribly friendly I hope they earned really cannibals Oh God and one of them now aren't I I've got to get out of Wellington wells apparently there's five islands in the game so we're on obviously what island right now that's how it works and some of the updates had been adding islands here and there but now all five islands should be in the game so I don't know how that works we have to escape Azkaban what is the dog's name were you thinking Percy I started speaking okay let's just move on [Music] can i craft something else right now oh I have an upgrade tree Arthur English repressed when in doubt pinky own Swift runs quite fast walks and runs faster than any other character oh there's got to be more characters can heighten plain sight on benches this is neat autumn at out defensive and sarcastic okay and his English misses repressed and then I can actually upgrade this stuff with a little preparation you can give someone a real wallop dude this is cool this stuff wasn't in the game before hi there I am Arthur quite a lovely fella nice face I don't know much about him but I like him he's a nice boy you seem like a nice boy okay [ __ ] off radio see I like that this is British because that means we have taps and destabilising was written with an S II [Music] search Detroit take out a Duke swing it around empty pill bottles search everything grab everything get everything now we're good I'll need some old suit bulbs and bits of metal to make a lockpick it's okay my dude we got the bits and bobs and Hobby labs so smite Joey go up or down as myself go up or down my health and joy are in the top left what happened to him electro lock shocker better than get an electroshock Locker that's completely different very very useless to me memories of us no one's going to hurt you Percy I promise but if I heard the city I don't think I blow anything else up why because we surrendered hope you become to do offer brothers will look out for each other it's gonna give me amnesia vibes in a way oh yeah by the way if you're new to the channel anytime I play a game all I can do is compare it to all the things where I can see that they got references from so you're gonna hear a lot of also welcome hold Vita hack [Music] I don't oh I can use the electroshock locker oh the electro lock shocker now it actually makes perfect sense Henry go check oh good Oh son of a [ __ ] oh you want some you want a piece of this mister oh I'm a strong boy om or punch you in the face oh you want a piece of this you little [ __ ] it are on your face right in your ass on my watch this blinky block flick dog s cadet that's the first fight I've won since primary school is the first fire Venus's primary school you did fantastic Arthur we're all very proud of you oh Jesus you're very strong Theodore minor oh yes I love that I love the physics of that me Oh excellent oh my god the great foldable man come on down to Parsons parsnips and you yourself can see the great bendable man Theodore miner okay you're not yourself Theodore fly my boy oh thank you game devs thank you for making the game silly like that now I'm gonna use my lockpick for better things I have to throw him again he's just it's amazing okay we had our phone okay cam down when you craft you can use any items in your pneumatic stash no matter where you are so he put stuff in there if I inventory full sleep I don't need sleep is for the weak Rupert Rupert Underhill mm Oh Oh Underhill barrel-rider he's not off his joy he's lost the plot completely and he's hoarding all the carrots I feel then and he grows at me when I try to eat mine I'm going to try to talk some sense into him then I'm coming back to the village duty be damned was this a mistake it seems so clever to disappear first rather than trying to brazen my way across the bridge after enough joy they'd forget they'd ever known a prudence Holmes beastly Clive would take my office and they'd forget anyone else was ever in it but now that I'm here I wonder should I have put my trust in mr. kite and where are his bloody instructions in the abandoned house yes but which abandoned house they're all abandoned and how do I deal with all the West rolls my god they look like something out of Dante we'd chase someone out whenever they wouldn't take their joy but we never really thought about where they went and you we chased them out when joy made them sick but I didn't know it was here to starve and weep and remember I assumed they were sent to the sanatorium I love that name sanatorium a decent Hospital but suppose that's what I wanted to believe we were all complicit we know without knowing and don't want to remember so we don't my god I can't wait to get to the mainland okay let's just keep moving that is the thing it's like you can send them out into the world have any other hatches to go to just yet oh fast travel ooh do human music I like when you send them out they leave the establishment I guess and then they go up top and when you don't take your joy you remember all the bad things my health is pretty low cuz it got beaten up by mr. fisty hands mr. Fester [Music] the bridge I've gotta gets the bridge that's ready great district which I just got chased out of brilliant Daddy's Day Julian if I can get to the train station I can just follow the old rail tunnel all the way to the bridge but I've got horses there was a map with me I suppose back in those days we could remember where things were oh it goes back in those days you remember with stuff war any where's my health okay take you don't need to use this right now for bleeding and infection okay so I need food to get my health to go back up this game has always been very very pretty but it's just it oh wait yeah you don't need this um I got remember I was gonna say oh all the stuff we've seen so far is all stuff that we've kind of seen before sweet Jesus this is a full-on Bob Linde zeroid ooh dent and England that means die oh deep dirty British bastards I feel you Germans I feel you damn Brits Liars in peacetime they'll come liars does this actually make any sense I don't know this might be the one Sally Anne they tried to blow up always wondered what happened to the letters was an awful lot of smoke so this makes a lot more sense now when I played the game before there was no mention of like wartime so it makes sense that the place is all rundown and abandoned since people are all dying everywhere headboys rank Cowboys rank hell yeah yeah wanker right it's cool very very neat Thank You Kanye very cool area now the ladder traveled to the train station okay so I actually have objectives and places to go in so that's that's nice big spot people somehow never notice Artur when he's sitting down unless they have already enraged at him this doesn't work at night though what rotten house doesn't give me food poisoning just go boy hey it's very nice out here today unis gonna get me else to go back up nope it's hurting to something I have to get rid I don't know I'll be fine for now let's go to the next part dig dig dig dig the trio Trio trio right here requires shop well of course it is Hey look shovel how convenient we see of thieves now duct tape disposable safecracker looks like a condom a branch and some caltrops hey mate can I use the shoulder attack people okay it's showing it there but it's oacute Oh sweetness oh I can't wait to bash your man's head in with that hey hello hello ring ring it's me [Applause] burn the non-believers let the streets run red with their blood Hey look it's a tea party Tea Party nannies tea party do come in your finery remember your manners coz manners maketh man all right just take all the food cool I need healthy items please I'm dying nice bod right I have the troubles at the train station maybe you should just go straight there Ares I got all over the garden district now maybe I can make some sort of ointment to put on my wounds oh maybe you can maybe you can't I don't know is this accent annoying yet it probably is healing BAM there we go that gives back a good chunk of health fulfilled winner oh my back up to 75% I feel bloated Witter Percy was never wrong about a thing like that not good bloody brilliant that's a reference to Harry Potter cuz that's all Ron ever sounds rude Weasley oh that's clever so in my hotbar I have like one is my healing items but I can scroll wheel through one to get different healing items scroll the wheel through two to get different foods and three to get like weapons and [ __ ] that's awesome that's that's very clever I like that a lot nope I don't like that at all [Music] whatever that is it's creepy I couldn't remember their faces well I couldn't stand remembering a creep was the last time there was a baby in Wellington Wales okay you you need to jet Oh stopping you is even worse you need to go away everything is quite all right nighty night sleepy tight everything's tucked out of sight my fair lady my fair lady London Bridge is falling down falling down falling down what's on those bits London Bridge is falling down I'm not the only one remembering the children mi like since they're all off their joy over here Steve Letitia funny Percy never play with toys you didn't like anything that wasn't really the thing it was supposed to be especially gonna be dead also this game hell are depressed locked aha but I have a lock my handy-dandy trusty dusty hobby bobby pin loose crew pocket expansion kit will it actually make my pockets bigger if I put it in got a new dig spot where can I dig lit dig oh my god miles away space is huge it's huge just go straight to the train station hi there hello there general Kenobi nice since thank you my uncle bought it for me last Christmas anxious to get back home to village oh really well I live in the parade now you won't get past that not without one of them disposable electrical cars all the bobbies have axon now where I could mugger Bobby oh you're a brave one aren't ya you're a brave one yeah I'll trade you one don't you want to go back home home to all those bastards who chased me out meows when they all catch the plug that axe I then I'll go back there's something I want a whole lot more more those bastards in that camp over there with the helmets and the proper weapons it took something from me you get them back for me I give you my card sounds quite dangerous isn't it of course it boarded in dangerous cold fire me isn't that sort of Hamlet over there we'll tread all right well what are they mean medals up in the well I want the deer so I don't give the word Tory across it Rams gear [ __ ] you thought it was no I only to power self to fire this thing up fire this thing all good storm wants the doors to ROG well it's almost morning top it morning to you laddies let's go to a camp of robbers maybe I can defeat them with my bright beer shop wait where did you sink your rapier sharp wit mm-hmm wording is important I knew that every time you had to say something I was like doors bust it's I [Laughter] love that accent so much ooh that's also very nice you can craft and use a lockpick at the exact same time you don't need to go into your menu every time as long as you have the items for it first Power Cell where's tea Karen okay search payphone requires Jimmy better okay search chest requires hands think out loud requires brain okay so I have to find a way into the head boy camp who bites off from the circus of value antiseptic no Louise there's a malicious gamer this party was wait don't be a jerky right what can we do let's just go over there I've got a trouble watch out you don't want to be near my shovel when I am about happens alive it's a bloody fortress it's a bloody fortress it is full of ed boys it is buddy Buster's hooligan camp anyway I can get in those are a specific place I need to go to warning you're trespassing yes but I also have a shovel I'm supposed to be trespassing cuz I want to beat in some pretty busted heads okay I blink heavily when I fall down lol oh whoa we go down here and chest it is for the duct tape and not fix it easy does it easy does it there Arthur take it easy making a lot of sounds doing the things we're doing find David living stones something war medals and find a Power Cell Sally would have loved this if I could never get in here Oh Sally that the lady who attacked you ooh lovely warm symbols sorry I had to Mexican for lunch up or down cuz I don't want to be a downer anymore I want to be an upper PMA oh hello nothing they Freddie her lovely Diaries not many people get this bar it's sort of a taste someone who gets this bar usually puts have a decent fight in the early no I don't suppose there's some way I could be more useful to you alive I don't home can you giggle well I could write a lovely poem I won a prize in school I can write a lovely sonic turn on it already got a bad first put your things in that box it will leave you there to staff leave you there to staff just go down go back up again fight send me into the arena I've been working out Halloween's for the moment of truth for it is upon you oh oh joy okay it's time to unleash the beast what I'm told this is me all right lads and lassies or me to show you a [ __ ] book sir does it I let me out you're already the boy shut the [ __ ] up okay it's my turn they are a corner all right my are you ready to get your face locked oh I'm sorry I don't I don't think I know you of course you know me you've got me set for the air color oh yeah I don't work there anymore did not one of my articles was insufficiently original Danny Defoe you you lost a bit of weight to be fair looking good in my place line by line it gives this [ __ ] Hastings and his famous folks to make you feel good nobody remembers what they've read I want to fight you the feeling is muted there's only enough vote for the winners see okay oh that patty one doesn't look nearly as effective how badly the one don't wanna kill good old Danny Oh Oh Danny Boy the pipes the pipes are calling it let's [ __ ] him up and that's cheery I mean we did as well oh god oh god to me punch [ __ ] it up alright don't worry Mike they call me the lethal bastard Oh Nate yes Oh stabby now Sammy Sammy Sammy stabby stabby stabby death stab oh okay I'm out of stamina - I'm gonna stab Dena no Blackie black oh wait I have to block three hits I didn't realize that was my actual quest here we go Troy it on it's Troy on [ __ ] sit down there boy ooh ooh bleeding are we there bleedin ugly in here come on come on so join you want another piece or beat your silly daddy let's for knocking down my block seek nursery Jesus sure are you not into clean awesome through Danny and someone fighting you okay oh that's option there you go pick him up pick him up no no no no about tonight what about tonight Jesus oh [ __ ] you are dying from your wounds you need to heal yourself I'm about to die anyway I haven't I haven't I have a thing sorry ladies just let me rub this cream on me at midnight why am i killing these poor ladies what did they do oh well they aren't beating the [ __ ] out of me so I guess it's only fair yeah I didn't get it okay all right see you later gents that was fun [ __ ] [ __ ] AIDS that hurt a whole lot think their [ __ ] okay I need to go back home no I don't I don't wanna go down ain't you go back up got a sinking feeling Oh God Deshawn I will make good wait where do we get my stuff back morning you're trespassing yeah I know oh boy I'm up and out in it climb up there the guy loose bandage my new chips I hurt I bleed that arm that's over there that's mine it's not supposed to be there horse open with a Jimmy Bear ha ha Gordon Freeman eats your ass out and no one is actively trying to kill me I'll to be on the lookout for a mottling dispenser ok competing crest through Wellington wells you skillpoint okay I've got a skill point I want to use it for stealth notice first steps from further away sprint quietly silently pick locks he's the ones I have I'm assuming you know oh wait no cross three to buy oh man sweet dreams quietly choke people unconscious from behind some other them unconscious in their bed yes this is what I need I need this for right now cuz I need to smother Hill knows now that no one is actively trying to kill me I'll better figure out how to get with you go your willy in your hand I definitely don't want to crowd pissing out all over the place this is disgusting you're missing the [ __ ] point Ranger Smith now you were going to live in your piss you don't even have anything on you ooh I do not want to find anything in there piece of soap or something I don't know I tried I try not to look at this drink from tap lovely nice day no I'm sorry Joakim leaving bye proceeded to sneak okay don't get a cat okay just relax no question don't question just relax you're just dying it's fine accept it there you go best friends you guys having a nice time oh you're really into it I see so many comments in this video people be like I hate that please stop now I'm never gonna stop papi we are in trouble dude this is really cool I will admit I was kind of worried about this game when I saw what they were trying to make out of it and then it wasn't really going that way I was worried that the game would just be kind of aimless when it finally did come out but this is this is really good Oh [ __ ] boy can can I see footsteps neat they may be able to distract Oh God I got very lucky on her to beat I got very very lucky Jesus stop doing that and I know I'm Jesse to clean the I'm here to clean the bones it I that's what I want you huh whose footprints are these head boy fight tonight tonight who will end up in the ring head boy fight that's right that's right a fight to the death ding ding how much personality is in this game there's desk there's toolbox get all the meth lab it's Scott now help me forget Oh as medicine ok so I can go to that Hamlet and give that chappies medals and then give me the card I need to cross the bridge yeah I need a now I just need that power seal yeah which I'm guessing is gonna be somewhere necessary then it's not gonna be something that's optional to find oh there it is there we go I can find a powershell right there I can find a Power Cell right there the place that it is you all of the future no okay I don't need a play-by-play that's fine yay my stuff when they jump me I got it cool all right time to get the F out of Dodge Camp courtyard let's head back to John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt but I could disappear into those bushes his name is my name too whenever I go out there people always sure there ya go and if you listen to that song know that song love that song come here boy wow did you see I'm not a ghost I know but you're about to be Oh Jose if you just lied down you'd be asleep like the other guys but now you're dead dead wrong nice okay we're making our way downtown walking fast for killing people and I love it a loose screw haha I've got plenty of those search camp fire oh look it's fire it's like search camp fire oh oh god what if he didn't have a lockpick how would you actually get out doesn't matter because I did hello hello anyone out there could've all freeze you dress like one Jesus [ __ ] slamming it are we must be nice to have a closet the audience kind of broken but God you're new here aren't you from the parade it will align how could you tell yeah I'll tell you how to survive your next five minutes and in return you'll give me your socks what your funeral oh man so angry we're all sticky wearing reminds them of all the jolly proper decent wellies who drove a mare of the ohms in the village in division are all cold and tired and starving to death you better get a nice sharp Rock and rip that to shreds my uncle gave this to me it's Christmas although reputa straights [ __ ] there would be so many yeah it's not the latest groovy nightclub is new people get a bad batch of joy and it like flips a switch in our Swedish in the village Ginny so they get chased out of the village been a little bad batches lately a lot of them bad bad just invite me over for tea and biscuits then I really won't give a damn what you do so long as you don't take things that don't belong to you we'll go up and punch someone in the nose now you can survive the next five minutes cheerio ChIP chip cheerio it's guys the old want a piece of you down in the village Ginny you've got to get rid of your suit and they punch you in the nostrils they have to punch you in the nostril or saying you're gonna get punched in the face City craft a torn suit okay my children welcome to church the Church of Jesus Jack let's listen to some lies my lied for you today at 4:15 that's not good perceive rubbish applying I was a good lie today who did he lie to mrs. Boyle mrs. Boyle came here her face was all red and and her voice was like mom when she's angry and I fought but you would ask me why she's angry why was she angry I decided that she was hanged but I decided that she was angry because you were up in the tree next to Sally boy whose bedroom window last night at 8:15 p.m. oh bloody hell why exactly did he say I told her that I was in forgery Oh Percy was very bad no average brilliant why is he brilliant she went with me being trouble I'm so low he didn't have to do that she told me not to do it again so I promised I wouldn't thank you I love you Martha I love you too thank you Oh steering our little girls and the thing that's weird okay here you go bro I'll go you middle top shape you don't know what these mean to me to know this sort of this ball to know that I far say one more probably too young to remember which turtles did not see - we've ruined [ __ ] you see then they came back in 43 we're the same trying to be a bother but the card to get across the bridge right of course yeah sorry for giving old Manny's memories good luck how come this kV wallet and I can power up the gate with the Power Cell okay so I'm ready to cross the bridge a safe I suppose if there's something valuable in this house it ought to be in here Steve very cheeky Goldilocks want the lock picks I might I might just stealing your stuff whose stuff for my stealing right now oh my Steven I don't think I've seen on anything David what's going on David I'm scared here's a workbench boo I need to craft a shitty suit for a shitty boy I need a rock and a proper suit who knew that's all you need I'm the MacGyver if you get tonot see and you get a rock in the proper suit and you're tore it all up and you don't get one she goes into village innie I don't think my suit is decent anymore I could wear it around the garden district but proper folk will have me pegged for a waste Troy wastrel okay so you're Eric always felicity nah questions I kind of sit like wastrels roadies just another rotten like us see my doing with the proper suit and then darling I won't be I want his blood hold his head I'm gonna chop off his dick and eat it Jerry that's weird it's like well I'm very excited okay Frank side about beating this guy up though we just met cuz he wearing this ooh any and then you come back everything oh he's just wearing a regular suit I guess he's just a piece of [ __ ] like the rest of us he's a garbage person like all we are that's right people I am garbage just like you now don't follow me into the wilderness I'm going off that back my ankles ow now we should be able to get out through this thing we have the Power Cell or the power thingy whatever never the kicker so horrific bloody hell I've forgotten about the revolvers if I go through without taking my joy I'm gonna get spanked oh I didn't know that you were saying it as I got it oh the Boy Who Lived come to fly okay see you later I'm off to the train station and we're off to the races all right they're scary okay I know was that supposed to happen oh my bleep name what what's happening Oh am I thinking about penises Oliver sizes where we hang them isn't it I broke into the police station tried to burn the register so the Germans wouldn't know which kids to take we didn't want the Germans to be angry did we they were so scared calm I was just so tired so we hang them to encourage the others houndour if we'd made the Germans take the kids by force instead of bringing them down to the station singing London Bridge if things will be different now no popcorn I hope that's the worst thing I remember since the chap heading to the train station well lovely memories are waiting for me there we can check status of people now and get on the train tracks there and get the hell out of town now I just need to find the train station from a distance okay cool well I believe this first episode here this game is really cool it's a lot more focus than it used to be it actually has like a a proper story driven focused narrative which I'm all for this is really cool I like this game a lot so far like I said before I like the concept a lot I felt like it was just a bit too aimless and now they've they've basically fixed all of that and it's really fun to play I'm excited to get a bit more into it and get more powers and more upgrades and stuff so I can beat people up a bit more and I like they the sort of role-playing aspect to it that I can go for stealth or I can go for Brutus and things like that I don't know how far away that is if that's another section altogether a part I'm probably I'm just gonna leave this episode here cuz I mean we've done a lot so far and also he's bloody brilliant but thank you guys so much for watching this episode if you liked it punch that like button in the face hit it like a boss and high-fives all around with these with these and all we see all you dudes I don't know why I need to make my face go like this to make voice burn I guess we're in it now anyway
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 5,193,464
Rating: 4.9393892 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, We Happy Few, Video Game Culture, we happy few gameplay, we happy few walkthrough, we happy few playthrough, we happy few jacksepticeye, kickstarter, demo, alpha, early access, creepy game, survival game, randomly generated, combat, stealth, dystopia, scary game, Survival Horror (Media Genre), fun, funny, funny moments, downer, hiding, update, secrets, escape, quests, story, joy
Id: q-n-z1sd69A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 18sec (3438 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 10 2018
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