LET'S (not) FINISH THIS!! | Welcome to the Game 2 - Part 3

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oh hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to welcome to the game please tell me that you can hear me at the beginning of this video right now because I have a lot to say I have a lot of a lot to say I have so much incredible stuff to start saying so can you see me and can you hear me is it good ah lock up the lock jokes it's not time for locking yet okay you can see me okay good all right so here is the deal I have pretty much okay i have pretty much every resource that i need to be able to beat this game i know the strategies i know everything that needs to be done and they recently patched the game to change up some of the mechanics not to really make it easier but to make it more clear as to what needs to be done and when so first off the threats the police are very meticulous about what they do if you're on the free Wi-Fi they will come get you after about 10 to 15 minutes no matter what Wi-Fi you're on you need to hop between each one every 10 minutes which can get annoying but not entirely lethal but there's more benefits to be able to be on another Wi-Fi then just that makes sense so you want to basically change every Wi-Fi every 10 to 50 minutes or if you're on the WEP Wi-Fi you can change over 20 to 25 minutes which just means you need to change every 20 but not only is that better because the the time duration before the police get you is longer it's actually faster internet so you can actually hop between those and get a little bit of a better connection i'm not a hundred percent sure about that i haven't tried it for myself but that is told and then if you go on the wpa and wpa2 it's like fifty minutes and then ninety minutes which would be so much time that you don't even need to really worry about it anymore but if you can get by on just the WEP that is baseline enough eventually you would want to get upgraded but it also takes time to hack them and you only have one night to be able to do this number two the breather the breather we've gone through it and it's pretty simple you just go down the alley if you hear any you know is behind you in fact me personally i'm just gonna go to every time until I hear steps it wastes a little time but the safety is always good I've got my stopwatch here to be able to look at the time whenever I need it and I'm gonna be able to do that number three Lucas the son of a [ __ ] himself the Eastern European hitman 47 copying [ __ ] that decides to shoot you at every venture so here's the dealio Lucas after 11:30 has a low percent chance to be behind any door no matter what after 11:30 he's gonna [ __ ] you right in the butthole and there's not a goddamn thing you can do about it unless you want to try chance so with that being said you need to get all your purchases out of the way from the very beginning and then just listen there's multiple audio cues that let you know he's in the area there's like honking of a car outside there's steps on your floor and then of course he is picking the lock on your lock door which if it's locked which it should be which you guys are very good lock him down lock Lucas I don't know if we can lock Lucas we got to do that then you got to go in your shower and hide for five minutes and I've got my stopwatch to be able to determine that as well now the next threat would be the new are the new or are the easiest he's got to pay attention for it the dollmaker once we go to the doll makers website he will become active now I'm not 100% sure what that involves but I've heard it's actually fun so I haven't spoiled it for me next up on the list of threats is what else there was something else important that I just remembered the hacking yes so they nerf the ability to initiate any hack whenever you want so you can't do that there's a cool-down so you can't just constantly get hacked and get boss going that way so my objective is to get two VPNs I want to get a motion scanner I want to get hacked a bunch I have a list of websites that are never available I have a list of websites that are only available at certain times so I've got pretty much everything that I need and we should be able to go through there there's actually three versions of the wiki there's three wiki's I don't know how to get to each one but we got to get through and we got to get to all the codes as fast as we can makes sense okay so for this one I'm also gonna crank up the volume for you guys so just be aware it's gonna be very loud when there's a jump-scare but you guys should be able to hear a bit better all the threats that are gonna be coming your way so I've got my audio cranked way way way way up and I'm ready to go Oh also I'm gonna be writing everything down on actual paper I'm not gonna leave anything up to chance when it comes to my notes getting stolen or my notes hacked I am writing everything down physically so that I don't have to worry about losing anything alright this is the big fish this is the big kahuna this is the big tuna we're gonna give this so it's gonna be a lot of listening it's gonna be a lot of quiet conversation it's gonna be a lot of very patient patient so just bear with me shut the [ __ ] up Adam we don't need you give me the goddamn free [ __ ] yes I know and then let's turn this [ __ ] off and we outie can I get up please we're gonna turn out this light we're gonna turn out the bathroom light we're gonna turn out this light we're gonna turn out that okay we're gonna go over here we're gonna turn out this light we're gonna turn out all the lights that we don't need however we do need one because if you have all the lights off the Noir will kill you dead okay now that we got that let's just double-check that nobody's out here Anna let's get er me apparently the VPN has been buffed as well which means that we will get more money from those than we did in the past I'm not sure how much it's been buffed but it's been buffed considerably now what that means I honestly have no idea but you know if that's actually gonna be anything lock the paper I think I think you've run out of things to possibly lock I'm pretty sure that collectively this this chat has covered every single possible lockable thing and unlockable thing that is ever in existence so I'm not gonna lock chica that's horrible horrible why would you do that oh no that's so sad I can't lock the door yet I'm not even back there's gonna be no intelligent advice coming out of you guys there's gonna be everyone trying to come up with new words someone's flipping through a dictionary trying to think of more things that they could possibly lock alright anyway it's time to get into it we don't need to worry about the breather in the beginning phase because he don't show up in fact I'm pretty sure it's Adam that leads all these people to my place but you know I can't prove it so what's the point let's tear this lose a package for Clint so am I like really honestly truly I want to get as much stuff as possible before 11:30 because I've heard that 11:30 is when [ __ ] starts to go bad also there's rumors that Lucas doesn't show up until either you find the second wiki page or the first key so if I don't find a key right away then maybe I would be able to get something you know tell me out so I might try to get hacked a bunch if I can do that I'm not 100% sure if I can do that anymore there's a cool-down of 70 seconds in between each manual hack that you can initiate so honestly who knows anymore let's go e let's go e all right now you guys remember what I need to do right lock the door pull it clack okay that's locked we're good all right let's do this all right power that on oh no wait what am i doing god damn powered off powered off powered off I forgot I need to actually place the goddamn VPN I'm getting ahead of myself all right so supposedly this offers slightly more money than it once did I'm not a hundred percent sure about that but it says it offers more money so I'm going to believe it but in all honesty this is not going to be my main moneymaker my main moneymaker is going to be being hacked although there is a cool-down on that hopefully it's not going to be the worst thing in the world there we go that's a good spot okay easy peasy what was that on that door oh I thought I saw a pattern on that door or something lock your subscribers I don't think I can I don't think I have the ability to do that answer Adams call no I'm not gonna do that either I've listened to Adams drivel enough I don't need to listen to any more of it lock the lock never thought of that one let's do this the time is now block okay let's do this who's your all right so we're gonna screw the notepad we don't even need any notepad at all but what we do need is we need to get online oh that is generating a lot more dos coin it's at ten eight six right now it's oh that's much more okay that's much better okay let's do this we're gonna get sky break and we're gonna get the backdoor hacks no whoa oh crap I can't buy those I didn't mean to click those anyway alright so we got the backdoor hacks I'm going to get two of those oh yeah that's way more VPN money hell yeah okay so that's going on there let's get e in E let's get e in E to it come here you Shh I'm up there we go alright home let's go I don't know why I just said that I might try to not get the first key right away but you know it's just a race of it against time okay so I've a Satan is open not now cheap surgery let's see cheap surgery is never open cotton road is never open cry [ __ ] is a good one okay cry [ __ ] it's not a good one I'm not saying that these are good ones I'm just saying it's one that's probably you know oh that's not fun pain screaming if woohoo okay I thought I heard I thought I heard something that might might have been a like a lock-picking sound in that that's that's no good at all okay all right I hear like sounds and I don't like it should be too early for literally anything you don't even get hacked until you get but oh my just hearin things okay this doesn't even work okay so that thousand no no all right that's definitely a no-no yeah Lucas well Lucas won't kill you if you get codes you have to get codes to win Lucas will activate if you get codes so mhm we should probably be breaking Wi-Fi let's actually just go ahead and start breaking Wi-Fi because I want to get on WEP as soon as possible scan nope WEP scan all right deep dot web is a no-go drone spy is yes okay probe vq WPF 665 ki damn it one to a thousand please okay source code nothing videos I hear more noises and then I remember there being and I don't like it at all okay uh spy for me uh no no nothing there yeah ah man for some reason this game just makes me absolutely nervous and I don't know why sigh even that bad okay so that was a no-go didn't find anything on that I probably should have checked the source codes on the other parts of it but whatever I don't even know okay we've only got five on crave is a yes I don't know what do not break the nine means I don't even know what the nine is the okay all right then oh oh it's this one okay this is fine that's a link I know that nothing but the end source code lots of gibberish lots of gibberish nothing ok let's see if there's anything in the gate okay nothing so far a gate is open you have been warned okay oh my mouse come on Mouse oh I need to change Wi-Fi real bad okay let's uh let's disconnect from that and move the Wi-Fi movie movie okay all right connect to this one let's see oh god I'm not even on the right oh I can't I can't I can't do it anymore okay whatever its probes 6 9 6 9 3 D 5 9 7 o 9 6 9 3 is the port I'll get back to it later ok refresh that I'm losing it I've got all this I've got all this planning and I've got all these ideas and then I can't even execute them because I'm just an idiot most of the time okay 10 20 rolls around that's when you can start being hacked okay source code is what I wanted to look at the ground is dead under our feet that doesn't help me there's nothing here okay there's nothing okay robe zj1 and b7p be 24,000 okay that's gonna go we're good okay evidence locker that is a good one I think anyway I mean probably not good anyway but it is what it is locked a hair lock system32 I'm pretty sure that would break my computer I don't think that's gonna help anybody okay here we go all right evidence Locker from and PGP block that's not what I'm looking for okay nothing there whoa leaked image photos there's a there's a mouse over lint clip leaked what wait it says there's a mouse over towards the bottom of it maybe it's talking about the sidebar I don't know oh yeah that's it okay that's all it is oh here we go uh crack wait no I just need to channel 12 port six three six and god damn it god damn it oh come on there there there Jesus twelve six three six crack okay there we go all right ah looks horrible this is horrible okay this is horrible all right um yeah it's too many pages on this one all right ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba purchase there's anything over there access denied no wallet oh wait that's obviously what that is uh looks like nothing keep saying that's it Oh return yeah whatever okay it doesn't seem like there's anything here all right we got a password for this one can I please expand this easier all right so p WF one three eight two four four five password is QWERTY forty-one okay got that let's just hop on that right now see were t1 Connect okay so then the police threat is slightly mitigated which is nice all right and we'll be safe on this for at least another at least another 20 minutes or so so at 10:45 when the game says 10:45 scream at me because I need to be out of here all right okay let's oh there's only one web on this one okay that's fine come on let's go let's go let's go let's go god that's a bug that's a bug when you connect to a new Wi-Fi if I hit the home button it should go home it doesn't go home all right family drug shop that's no father Donald that's no forgive me yes that's a yeparooni okay we've got 13 das going we don't have enough to buy another VPN we've got until 10:30 to be able by those VPNs which we can't do now okay anything here no I click the X button and then doesn't see I want to [ __ ] my mother that's not good okay all right submit my confession all right I forgot to burn wretch retrograde at the zone that's my problem that's way too loud you don't need to be that loud thank you very much okay I didn't find any codes that was a whole bunch of useless way to go all right that didn't do anything for me I've got four minutes no I said 45 I've got way more minutes than that I've got so many minutes and you guys aren't gonna you guys aren't gonna trick me okay hail Satan that's a bad one my good I think that's a good one yeah I remember going to my gut that's good lock the door the door is locked I can't lock Lucas Lucas is impossible to lock he's just too good there's no one that can lock Lucas all right not seeing anything okay that's no no PGP blocked that's a no no shop okay fine okay the process my good my good good gut I'm sure your gut is great [ __ ] [ __ ] scared the [ __ ] out of me [Music] give me some das goin baby oh boy this one okay I got this okay there we go there we go there we go there we go there we go there we go there we go and there we go got it I'm good [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] you guys saw I had that that's a [ __ ] [ __ ] that's [ __ ] [ __ ] it's [ __ ] [ __ ] I had that alright error loading cart nothing in here this is a waste of time I [ __ ] had that I [ __ ] had that I [ __ ] had that [ __ ] [ __ ] alright number station number station is available 32 it's available now number station should be available right now Oh windows open that's good I can hear now like this let's just not do that let's just have none of that let's just do none of that let's do none of that okay none of that please none at all all right passports are us nope secure drop nope sky Webb nope than that Kano's is available in 45 thanks for visiting that should be fine yeah no heck no heck oooh no a whole lot of heck and a whole lot of no oh not this one oh boy well we're gonna be going through this one forever aren't we probably all right yeah you hear that nothing I think that's just random traffic noise alright alright blink out index don't talk to me that way index index slidebar okay so the damnit why does that happen every time I don't want it to ah okay so this one goes to slide but this one goes to bar I don't know what bar is o'Barr is the big old scan II do yeah yeah here we go and then there's let me check the source code on this one okay man I found a whole lot of nothing and a whole lot of nothing so far which is good it means that probably probably uh we didn't check the source code on that one there was probably something in there it means that probably Lucas isn't gonna come and murder me right away which is always a nice thing okay don't click there well you know what I wasn't gonna that goes to fake main this goes to creepy if you hover over that goes to creepy alright you don't [ __ ] me this time don't pump me this time do not [ __ ] me this time good I got till 45 wait that was a honk wait that was a honk wait that was a honk ok I got to take care of this first money that was a hawk but that was a honk does that mean Lucas or Z alright well that was a bust I don't want to go through the rest of that now cuz I got a bad feeling about this and I'm gonna change the Wi-Fi just cuz I can alright let's just disc actually lets order our second VPN we still have time for that so let's go ahead and do that yah yah yah and let's go ahead and as soon as we get some more will get another back to her hat cuz I only always want to have two of those [ __ ] hell yeah yeah yeah I'll get the Wi-Fi in just a second everybody just hold on hold on to your horses hold all your horses on ok I think it'll still ship even if we're on a different Wi-Fi so let's go ahead and disconnect let's see let's grab the dongle let's put it over outside hey let's go let's go let's go let's go we're gonna connect we're gonna free Wi-Fi no virus we're gonna scan we're offline I said connect all right I can't lock the honk how can i lock the honk that doesn't even make any sense all right probe our two AP SLK are benign one to a thousand pretty please okay we can keep moving we got 10 minutes until 10:50 10:50 that's we're gonna do 10:50 ye ye ye 10:50 man I haven't found a single key I I know it's probably there's been keys but I just haven't found it okay there was one son at noce that's available not yet almost the butcher is the butcher's fine okay okay the butcher's not fine I thought the butcher the butcher should be the butcher should be the butcher should be okay let's just say the butcher's not the granddaddy yeah that should be fine that's horrible but should be accessible door okay all right the granddaddy I'm your granddaddy uh [ __ ] whatever oh here we go uh let's go seven four eight six crack that bad boy okay as soon as is done cracking I'm gonna go get my package I'm pretty sure it's gonna be out there and since it's before time necessary it should be good enough okay uh source code they said Lucas was at two honks they said it was two honks for Lucas not on a percent sure but might be two honks I don't know okay I don't see anything here all right that's no good okay great all right that's good great contact me don't want but didn't mean double click that nothing all right we got the password let's go yes [ __ ] come on come on come on I'm dropping everything Wi-Fi a f-105d is one two three four five six seven eight nine zero okay easy peasy all right we're gonna disconnect for now we're actually we're gonna shut down for now and we're gonna get a yachty okay we're probably fine we're gonna go get that package Lucas should not be active we haven't even gotten a single key yet so we should be fine to get this and then place it and then we should be fine theoretically I'm not a hundred percent sure about that but theoretically that's how that do yeah I might even be able to get a third one before 11:30 but I'm not 100% I don't know if there's anything just shutting down my computer before I go outside because if there's not then I'm just being extra cautious and I don't think that's the worst thing in the world to be okay wherever any time a door opens I'm doing I didn't hear anything but you know I'm just being extra extra extra cautious okay it's been a minute I think it's fine yep 25 oh hi okay huh not fine one two three four okay there we go all right we're fine this has been a great adventure I'm real happy about how all this went waste a lot of time here probably won't be able to get my next VP n at this juncture but you know super happy super happy that I'm alive that is very nice cannot complain about that one man you know I'm probably getting incredible shape going up and down all these stairs like this that's that's real nice real nice okay so we got our second VPN and now that they buff the VPNs it should give me a lot more money but I don't know if it's actually going to be incredibly because what else could we possibly buy I would want a motion sensor I really want a motion sensor but I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get one hate every door I hate every door every single [ __ ] door I hate okay grab you no one's here leave let's try the fifth floor hopefully that's gonna be okay I don't know what time it is in game but it's probably close to 11 by now nope not a good place for it okay let's try in the fifth try in the fifth floor oh [ __ ] me that was my power going out on my floor oh man that was scary I thought I didn't expect anything to happen here and that's why those sorry excuse me I have a surge of adrenaline just then in there let's keep trying there's nothing nothing nothing I don't want to yell oh I want to grow there we go green okay now we go turn on our power before we go up to our room and then we're gonna be hunky and dory it's got to be like 11 o'clock okay turn power-on right there there we go open that up there we go right so we've got 2 VPNs working at maximum efficiency that's good anyone in here come on I know in here we are going to lock the door it's your favorite moment everybody we locked the door okay so we got this new Wi-Fi turn this on we've got the password right here turn it on all right Wi-Fi one ad no come on now all right I got this my brains working at maximum pigeons one four one and four great easy easy six one I got it all right perfect I've actually almost got enough for another VPN so it looks like I may just have enough time to get either a motion detector or whatever have you I've got it was there another one on this area I'm not positive hmm oh no this was the only one on this so I've got until 11:20 I've got until 11:20 ok the gray that that's one I know that that's definitely one heard that I haven't found a single goddamn thing I bet thanks for visiting is gonna be the entrance to the next the next the next area I'm almost two percent positive about that I almost don't want to find out oh I can buy another VPN let's just do that let's just do that you know cuz why not like literally why not and you know actually before before we get you know Fabra nacht we'll just do that maybe by the time I run down there it'll actually be there I don't know I don't just like I don't like just sitting around doing nothing I [Music] locked the door I swear I locked the door I did I did I locked it look do you think anyway um what I can do is I can try to initiate another hack because those happen every 70 seconds I can get hacked again so I guess I should try to do that I guess all right let's do secure drop cuz that's definitely a no-no let's get another backdoor hack so if you just hit refresh on this I'll probably get hacked oh no wait no that's bad because I remember this it's bad doing just this because that will make the hacks more difficult and make everyone else a lot harder I think I remember that okay let's not do that let's just go get our [ __ ] because that's that's what I want to do let's just go get our [ __ ] like why not why wouldn't we go get our [ __ ] it's time I bought another one let's just go get it you know why not okay let's why not I say why not I say why not I say I don't know all right okay there's still time in accordance maybe it's eleven o'clock and not 11:30 but I'm pretty sure there's still time to get this VPN and get it locked up I may have time to get that motion scan or two if I'm real quick about it because these 3-peat VPN are gonna give me buku bucks then again maybe I'm just maybe I'm just fooling myself me poop mark what what about me poop I pooped my pants I pooped my pants greatly when I play this game but I've got other concerns than the poop in my pants didn't know that happened didn't didn't know that happened Jesus huh didn't know that still happened okay I did not know that still happened I guess that's good maybe that means you can get away from the breather if you just always time your deliveries to get there when the thing happens or maybe that's just gonna cover up the sound of his audio cue cuz that's always a possibility - all right let's get this place the motion scanner let's do all the [ __ ] let's do every of the thing that we want to do yeah because I was so worried that the breather was gonna like be there but I wouldn't be able to hear his footsteps because of the freaking fan blades open Yuppie no one's here grab you a bee okay go Louie I'm gonna try on this floor first cuz I'm not a hundred percent sure that it wouldn't be here but uh just to make sure my flashlight still works yellow just yellow okay all right up let's try the ups [ __ ] me [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] the UPS can I go in here I can't go in there [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay floor 10 hey let's try floor down [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't even know if there are any good spots up here I just I don't know just dad nothing better to do with my time god there's nothing I've really [ __ ] this I [ __ ] this alright we're fine it's fine everybody you're all panicking over nothing you're all panicking there's no problems no problem there's no problems there's no green though god damn it there's no green up here I can't get out there god damn it well I just wasted a buttload of time thank you for helping with that [ __ ] [ __ ] alright I guess we can try I don't think floor seven is accessible so we got to go all the way down like floor two or something can't go in there for three really [ __ ] really really give me something give me something give me something man come on oh you're really gonna be a dick aren't you oh you're gonna be huge dick you're gonna be the biggest the biggest dick oh you're gonna be the biggest dick you could possibly be getting going - you're gonna be huge huge dick Oh huge dick okay huge [ __ ] huge dick [ __ ] huge Oh huge dick Oh big big big weighty dick can't even can I even do it out here Oh big floppy dick Oh big poopy poopy dick oh there we go finally god damn it okay I don't even know if it's worth I think three I'm gonna just leave it at three cuz I don't I don't even know that was not worth it no one okay that was not worth it that waste so much time that wasted an unbelievable amount of time Luke is brought back up there because I've wasted too much time outside of my own apartment I don't even know if that's possible but it seems like something that'd be possible because Lucas is an [ __ ] okay great yay yeah I guess yeah if yeah is the emotion that I can have right now yay yay is what I feel all right lock okay we've got to have a lot of money by now because I was gone for so [ __ ] long all right connect Wi-Fi one two three okay we've got until about 11:00 ish we've got not if we've got barely any money but that was not even worth it okay whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever we got 24 we got 24 and a half now let's just go let's get e out e let's do a movie this single one single one okay I know there's got to be something in thanks for visiting but I just don't have time the maddest dry the Magisterial to secret cult let's go with that I guess okay the Mantis dry look at the source code we've got nothing enter you've got enough for another VPN but I really don't think it's gonna be worth it I really don't think it's gonna be worth it remember key nope nope let's go back the last walk joined the Brotherhood thought I heard something okay we're fine okay blip BLAP the one between and go I didn't even look at the source code uh looks like a whole lot of dick some Diddley on the side that's awfully nice I'm gonna buy more of the backdoor [ __ ] just because I can backdoor hack yeah ocean alert boy you have to buy motion alerts that's crazy okay we rock that is definitely one I know that's one you there that's probably also another one get the motion sensor I don't have enough I the motion sensor cost forty I have thirty at the moment okay I don't see anything none of these would be clickable this one is okay we got a did we get enough [ __ ] [ __ ] me oh okay in the dark in the dark too dark dark dark it's good dark it real good sucks real good in the dark too they appear in the dark do which is not ideal but it is what it is this is also bad because we just found our first code so I didn't want to venture out so Lucas might be active I'm not gonna present sure that would be crazy if Lucas was back in there somehow okay okay I wanted to buy another one of these oh god damn and they need to connect again I don't know how much cumulative time I've had on this one Wi-Fi but I know it's probably too much by a backdoor hack just in case I don't even care anymore okay what was I doing I don't even know anymore it's probably too late to even go outside so I guess unless I want to risk it unless I want to risk it oh yeah that's right I already got what I needed from this one a key to text okay to is lowercase a five six e e4 d7 zero-nine-five see okay got it I got the second coat I'm not even bothering with any notepads I'm writing them down manually manually okay that's good um we need we've got thirty six we need two I'm just gonna change Wi-Fi just because I don't like not knowing how much time I've spent in total on this single one okay let's do this okay there we go get back honey here okay scan connected duty we've almost got 40 should we risk getting I don't like 3w no w3 I heard of honk you read that honk you guys heard the honk right it was a single honk should be fine [Music] [Music] 3.5 that's all I get for that for my trouble lock the door did I not lock the door did I not lock the door right I didn't lock the door oh that's why you guys are here that's why you guys are here that's why you guys are here you guys catch me when I'm a stupid idiot should I should I risk getting the motion sensor yes I should I'm gonna do it cuz I'm Way too behind I'm Way behind on everything and frankly I just want it to feel safe I just want to feel safe I want to know it's there oh it's shipped already wow that's that's [ __ ] fast ok let's shut this down shut this down let's shut this [ __ ] down let's go get the motion detector we may die there's I mean chances are low I've heard that it's just a very low possibility it's not guaranteed but you know we're going for it anyway we're going for it we're gonna go for it that is a bad idea the breather gonna get us we're gonna die de Lucas Lucas is also gonna get us they're all gonna get us we're gonna die this is death is death but all the motion sensor that's that's the thing is when was the thing he he he okay okay I just do that as a precaution just in case cuz III don't trust myself I've never actually heard what he sounds like specifically so I don't know 100% what is safe and what is not safe but we still could die on the way back up if we die on the way back up then I will say big I told you so to myself so I told me so mium so told me that I told me that me and so do by the way if it ends up by the end of this livestream that I don't manage to beat this game I'm gonna change the title to let's finish this - let's not finish this ever because I don't think I ever would okay Lucas please just don't be there just to all I asked Lucas all I asked Lucas just don't be there that's all I ask don't be don't be here we whoa okay so where's where's the motion sensor where does that even a pit where is the motion sensor appear what oh here it is okay all right let's find a place for it I think at the the hall right right here at the hall as good a place as any there we go you know what that's probably for the best all right so now we know if anyone's gonna come down the hall yay yay let's go with the big yay locker okay I'm gonna go with yay no let's go with yay okay so I don't know how far along we were in cracking this code probably not oh there we go okay let's go Channel 393 and crack crack that bad boy oh let's get some internet on duty we're not gonna have a lot of time on duty but that's okay because we're cracking it right now which should be fine okay how do I know motion sensor okay so that should trip says green so should be fine right found it okay so where's my weird my pen go there it is okay so Wi-Fi folder is three one five four seven five got it okay we're going right to that one filter three one four five got it all right we're on let's get the other one while we're doing this go home please sister recipe it's just a recipe it's just a recipe you father you follow the recipe should be fine okay you there I think you there is something nope you there is apparently not something I don't know why you there isn't something but you there should be something is it maybe oh it's not there available now okay we just missed it alright so that's just not available now okay let's probe for n29 QN 54 z 9 go okay so the only thing left to do is going into thanks for visiting I think I can try to find the other you know thing no motion okay does a honk there's just one hunk I don't like that I don't like it okay let's see what these have choose wisely go to index index posture yeah I think this one was the one it looks like posture is the only thing okay we got here the only thing is this and goes to bar which is the same thing that I did before pretty sure anyway I want to get back to that fake main because I last time I did this I know that the fake main led to something oh hi okay um looking at this wall don't like that I don't like that oh I don't like that I don't like that I don't like that at all [Music] not here anymore great okay good good good good good and I'm pretty sure this one was just yep just here which goes to slide to this must lead to the second wiki I know it must go I almost Oh what the [ __ ] hang on what what what the [ __ ] whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the [ __ ] yeah I don't think that was for me sorry I went silent longer than I need to do but I was just like this it's still locked yeah there is a possibility that there are police sirens not for me they can go to other people and it's just like a fake out so that's what that could have been just a random fake out which is fine totally fine totally fine better safe than sorry right better safe than sorry every time better safe than sorry still no motion alert don't emotionally come on is it just not oh I'm not connected that's right god damn it okay god I gotta get back to my other page three one five four seven five go connect I'm probably gonna get hacked as soon as I get into this okay now scary very scary don't know why we needed to go through all that okay one goes to creepy woman goes to fake main that's right what was that sounded totally fine I'm pretty sick I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it [Music] I knew it I knew it I knew it be true it was good of a dream okay easy I got 17 [ __ ] yeah baby [ __ ] yeah baby okay I'm gonna be able to bother good software soon okay so there's got to be some thing here BG fake main don't talk to me link out to black twas a clever ruse let's go - don't talk to me I don't remember what that is probably bad probably very very bad okay we got a password it's just system oh [ __ ] not again oh okay totally fine I hate this favorite thing my least favorite thing least favourite thing I don't know if there's any actual danger from the power government I really don't I really don't know if there's any actual danger I mean maybe maybe Lucas could get in that way but I don't think so [ __ ] what the [ __ ] let me just lock my door I don't like that [ __ ] don't like that [ __ ] at all hmm okay fine thank you for [ __ ] off okay just about to write down I keep losing my pen I don't know I put it over there okay sudden link sudden link is system okay but we should be fine on filter for at least a little bit longer three one five yeah why why take the risk I say I say Suddenlink 'let's a Suddenlink right system okay eventually we'll need the the higher-quality one but let's go back to don't talk to me oh no not this oh I already been here that's right I've already been here we need to go to twas a clever ruse right I think so yeah we need to go to twas a clever ruse no not that not I just did that [ __ ] this don't talk no what wait that oh there it is god damn it off I'm a [ __ ] idiot I keep [ __ ] this up okay we need to go here towards the clever ruse that's what we need to go to okay okay so one of these let me look at the source code first okay that goes to numbers that goes to face when goes to face one goes to numbers one goes to link click index no we don't know go to index we're not going to index we're going to face there's also one that goes to numbers what's numbers have we done numbers yet I don't know what numbers would be also where is that it's somewhere in here it's this is saying it's somewhere in here right before in here there there right right there there we go got the numbers I don't know what numbers is what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] Oh God okay one goes to but they all go to black creepy and index uh the first one is okay let's just go the first one I think that's the only one I haven't been to I've been too creepy that one's the creepy one no that's creepy okay thank you for that didn't need that you guys keep an eye on that motion sent here we go this is what I was looking for I don't know what that noise was that was definitely a thing god damn and just led back to here okay fine uh the only thing I could think of is face I don't know what face is and I don't want to know what face is I'm gonna change the Wi-Fi soon don't worry I'm gonna go back to the other one I'm good oh god it's this [ __ ] alright baby shrimp that is that all it does just goes back to baby shrimp god dammit well then what is there a point to this do you guys know what do you guys know if there's a point that that must lead somewhere it has to it has to lead somewhere huh we're gonna has to write slide numbers index index face let's go back to numbers I guess I don't know there's nothing here either I haven't found a code in any of these I don't know any of these it doesn't make any sense this is a big waste of time I don't know anymore I just don't know I don't think yeah I don't think it's anything I'm out of here I've got almost a hundred Doss going by the way but I never want to leave my apartment anymore maybe I have to okay let's see what we can buy better VPNs the key q that would be nice we need to get this next level of breaking why didn't I just go to wpa2 why didn't I just do that why did I waste money on whatever barely sat down buddy [Music] fifty-two I've got so much money great I've got oodles and oodles and Kaboodle's of money what am I gonna do with it probably waste it probably might give me this give me this [ __ ] you mean this should give me a back door hack do I need this audio alert I don't want that audio alert I don't want it at all uh what else could I buy is it even possible what would even be the point okay you know what I'm going to do is I'm going to close out of this and I'm try the the other braking mechanism I've never done the other brake so this might be harder than you know I've tried I don't know help okay scan inject inject I don't even know what that means all right um lo P disk I don't even know what that means what does a low P disk do I don't know okay help inject channel what okay I guess inject is what I want to do inject let it scan again number of injections what does that mean okay in jack j-t GW g z1 f JY channel 7 let's try a hundred all right what time is it also can I try one of these other what time is it 12 2000 waist here you there you there I can go to you there I think I think I can go there now yeah nothing on the motion sensor okay you there I see very little let's go to the source code that was a hunk okay oh the networks offline oh wait did I oh I oh so I can't send too many requests or else it's going to ah that's a problem okay that's a problem okay um well I have no idea okay let's try let's try FBI surveillance van with only 50 attempts channel 1 9 8 III CP x 7 5 f let's try that I don't know if that's gonna work also is there anything in here can't see you've come to the wrong place we are not equal in your skull will be open for his pleasure great there's nothing here there's nothing here ok there's nothing here god damn it push there's nothing there it's a whole lot of nothing it's it's a whole lot of nothing that's all I've got see did that work I don't know if it works whatever I don't think it worked a little time - okay well I just okay I [ __ ] that up I didn't know I [ __ ] that up but apparently I [ __ ] that up I don't know how that works yet oh god damn it okay let's try III remember I was almost - lets go w WEP home god damn it close it open it we need to get back on the other one WEP scan we were close to d5 9 709 which should be more than enough for now anyway again I don't know if it's cumulative time it might be cumulative time okay um crack vq WP f 6 6 5 ki channel 8 6 9 3 go baby go I can hide in the closet I'm well aware of that but I've everything I've read said hiding in the closet is a [ __ ] terrible idea like the worst idea you could possibly have okay got it lacrosse look cross while I'm on this I'm gonna try to crack the other one nothing that's gonna do me any good but I'm gonna try to crack the other one we're gonna get out of this we're gonna go WPA okay scan okay sorry this is new territory for me I have no idea what's going on I'm just trying my best inject 78 GLB why I and why Channel four let's try 50 again and then we'll give that some time in between that and the next one we're on lacrosse we're good let's go home okay we'll wait a second for that I've got 139 I've got 139 bullshit's still no motion sensor all right Ave Satan have a Satan 30 okay almost time for Ave Satan cheap surgeries no Konrad's no deep web is no family drug shop no no hail satan also no passports are us also no secure drop no sky web no Thanatos that's at forty five ok so in one minute I'll be able to go to another one let's try this again [Music] the numbers sign out of code I'm not on a percent sure I believe you and I wouldn't know how you would be able to tell ok that's a problem oh my god how much money that I get from them a lot apparently I don't even know it was a lot though I'm so scared but I'm pretty close to getting the key cue so that's nice then help I guess alright um I need more of these oh god it's starting to do the hovering thing ok did that work no let's try again ok let's just get a bunch of these man those hacks are gonna get tougher and tougher I'm just buying a bunch I don't know why hmm okay I I think I think it's fine I think it's totally fine I think it's fine I think it's fine okay we can go to Ave Satan now I think yeah we can go to Ave Satan or should be able to uh here we go this looks like a thing okay we've got nothing here none of these are clickable right I know what you mean okay it's some kind of message board they don't know haha reply reply I don't think any of these are clickable you [ __ ] dude yeah you talking about me you're probably talking about me I don't think any of these were clickable yeah it doesn't look like anything was clickable yeah okay now let's go home oh let's try some more I didn't see anything if you guys saw something I didn't see anything the other side needs a motion alert can you get into the elevator the elevator doesn't work work it doesn't work it just doesn't work okay whatever totally fun um now it's 34 I have no idea I really have no idea I I don't know what else to do because I'm just I'm just floundering here I I've got no I've got no other network that I can get into I want to get into these other ones but apparently I can't I mean I've still got time left on this one this is a freshly cracked once okay that was weird okay I'm gonna run out of time at this rate cuz I need to find some goddamn keys nobody in here okay lucky okay have I injected into this thing yet no go connect back to this and passwords across but I don't have forever on this I know I don't have forever on this thing so I got to get moving I got to get into this thing check more it's just gonna go offline it's all it's gonna do Lucas is not lock-picking my door there I must have missed something all right I'm gonna go back to you there but I don't think is it time for you there no I think I missed the I missed the time for you there yes not quite time for you there it's not you their time yet yeah uh but but it is time if it's 30 to 34 your data obvious Aiden no I need to get in fanat knows I know I need to get in that that comes at 45 okay this is come on keep going good god I need to get to fanat knows that's the only one left on my entire list that I don't have access to right now I've got 243 daus coin I'm hoping okay I think I think we're Gucci I think we're Gucci I think we're Gucci I don't know if the motion sensor went off that may have been steps on another floor it's always possible that was just another floor's footsteps which which is a thing that can happen like it can be it could not be me but I waited the five minutes anyway so even if it was or was not him definitely uh yeah definitely definitely didn't want to risk it if it was so it's it's like not worth not worth anything if it's just gonna be a problem like that okay so as soon as I get this cracks I need to go there it is now 51 I can go to Thanatos so I'm gonna see where that goes I think that's the last one in this area that I have yeah I'm not going through the peep hole because he could still be there I could hear him he could still try to pick my door but I'm not gonna know how to risk it you know I'm just not gonna risk it oh hello fan and nose like you god dammit there's nothing here it's nothing it's just nothing god damn it I found one key I found one good God just [ __ ] one let me in this goddamn oh oh oh it's ready to crack okay that's that's good why can't okay all right um cut the I can't to crack wait no channel for crack that was it right crack all right we're cracking in cool cool easy all right not easy but did it alright so once I'm on this one I shouldn't have to worry about the time for much longer and and I'm pretty close to getting there we go password is Harley got it okay password is Harley for de da three chicks it's Harley okay let's just go ahead and connect that da three chicks all right we're in okay we're in and this should be a good connection so this should be nice and fast hopefully not that it's any different than what it was but okay that worked out I can't believe it worked out I'm gonna go ahead and try to get the other one going other than that yeah brutal underground no red triangle no the hall no the butcher is the butcher one the butchers one right [Music] 3:9 well that was that was criminally easy why was that one so easy why was that so easy all right whatever inject hmm seven vx6 k3s why 750 I didn't check all the great you're right I did not check all of the gray I didn't check all the gray what Oh I said fifty all right well let's try something else then let's try thirty at a time man I did I did so much on the other one I just assumed that was a safe number Oh rizz qq5 5dw try thirty I guess yeah I did not check all of the gray you are a hundred percent right I did not that is where I need to go okay we are the gray will you walk in the shade yes I'm ready to walk in the shade okay you ready to begin no I'm not alright Latsis has got to be one in here running at time I think the game over it games over at like 4:00 a.m. source code link out no return the webpages do seem to be loading a lot faster which is awfully nice I do like that that is really cool alright it's really cool and also I'm very close to getting my key Q that'd be nice man the crazy thing is like I've been I've been looking at every single like every single source page every single like bullshitter e I've tried man I've tried everything okay nothing there all three Ananas nothing nothing nothing nothing give it nothing [ __ ] nothing just a whole lot of nothing it's just nothing god damn it where is everything I'm crazy I I heard something that sounded like footsteps I wasn't I wasn't a hundred percent sure yeah are you guys saying I need to move the the motion sensor to green so so who's red here is there like a better place for it I don't think there's a good or bad place for it I think it's always gonna be red I think you guys are just I think you guys are just herd mentality inking I'm pretty sure this was totally fine where it was I'm almost a hundred percent positive this was totally fine where it was yeah yeah there you guys are you guys are going bonkers this is always gonna be red yeah you guys are going bonkers yeah you guys are going bonkers don't go bonkers on me dog don't listen to the herd that's what you got to do you're just gonna no no no no there's no green area for it there is no green area for it that's not how that one works you guys are crazy you're crazy you're out of your mind you guys are crazy crazy you guys are out of your mind get back in your mind okay cuz it says right here it says it's connected it's fine it's fine it's fine it's totally fine you guys you guys are crazy cuz it's crazy both sides I'm not gonna buy another one I don't want to go outside I'm gonna save up I'm gonna get that key I'm gonna get the key code thingy that's gonna have whoa is there hope there is okay I had a funny feeling about that hmm someone's at my door I don't want to say hi but I don't want to be rude either so let's leave it at that no I'm not gonna what would be the use of its in the apartment if it's in the apartment it's not gonna do me any good cuz I'm in the apartment you guys are crazy this is worse than your locking obsession now it's like move the mood you guys alright umm I don't know what I'm doing I don't know what I'm doing anymore I'm just waiting I'm just waiting just [ __ ] waiting getting no months no money no codes no no nothing Oh is there any other one that needs to be the butcher I could've sworn I've been to the butcher before Skyy web doesn't work secure drop doesn't work password doesn't work hail Satan does not work father Donald I don't know maybe these got changed up you know I should at least try them I guess nope that one doesn't work they don't work Kahn Road I bet that worked in the other one that worked in the other one but I think it works here at least I got a fast connection [Music] memory okay fine four five four five seven three not hard 16 that's all I get that's all you're gonna give me 16 16 smackers that's it fine God every [ __ ] time oh I didn't know I locked my door I did what what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] my flashlight what what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] it's extra dark what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] all my flashlights out of batteries I guess those are my flowers lies dead I guess my flashlights dead I think why why why I don't know anymore I don't have the code [ __ ] I don't have enough money I'm trying to go to all these fake sites that don't work don't work I don't know family drug shop I didn't lock the door you're right I didn't lock the door good god good [ __ ] god I'm gonna die how I die is how I die huh ah hater father Donald oh that lady's work hail Satan and I used to internet being this fast my heart is going a million miles I'm not not okay my flashlight is completely bunk my flashlight is gone I don't know how I must have accidentally had it like enabled when I didn't want it to be and I really [ __ ] up I definitely [ __ ] up come on go [ __ ] go go [ __ ] go [ __ ] go it's [ __ ] impossible that one is just [ __ ] impossible [ __ ] I'm gonna go buy something because [ __ ] this [ __ ] I'm gonna go buy another motion alert now that's gonna do me anything [ __ ] [ __ ] it's [ __ ] impossible it doesn't [ __ ] work it wasn't pisses me off to no end it doesn't game developer doesn't [ __ ] work god damn it it's like what what didn't the [ __ ] are you out of your goddamn mind like your minigames don't even make logical sense to be one versus the other it's just [ __ ] circle jerking [ __ ] I mean I'd be fine if it's hard and time pressure but it doesn't [ __ ] work there's nothing to buy there's nothing to buy there's nothing to buy I got no codes I've got no way into the wiki reload my game and get my flashlight back that's not a bad idea it's not a bad idea let's try that one shut up I don't want to help you no I'm not gonna calm down it's [ __ ] broken it's broken I it's like I know what to do I can click the [ __ ] buttons but they even the timer even the timer doesn't make sense because the timer resets every time you get something successful but then suddenly it's like doodlee doodlee do nope and it's like what it does there's no visual cues for it the clicky doesn't work when you want it to clicky why is it that why isn't the bridge between them the clicky ones too clingy this tiny [ __ ] button is [ __ ] stupid it's just stupid it's just [ __ ] stupid where am i where am i what am i okay I've got my flashlight back I guess where am I okay this is before I lost my money but this is before I I did anything in this [ __ ] ah at least I'm on day chick okay alright let's do this inject from I was doing a p r z QQ 5 5 zw6 try 30 sorry I got a little heated there I'm fine now I'm fine I'm fine I am fine what am i doing I don't even I don't even remember anymore what I'm doing sorry I'm fine let's go to you there someone said that there was something in the ASCII art but I doubt it but you never know with this [ __ ] okay seems to be a whole lot of nothing no codes nothing in the source code god [ __ ] damn it nah there's nothing here nope nothing seems to be there this is annoying right it's just annoying like I know what to do and you guys know the one thing I hate the most about games is random chance and I'm not saying this game is overwhelmingly with random gems because there's a pattern and there's stuff that you need to do but I have one code one code just one and I swear I've been going to these like as much as I possibly can I've been doing this as faithfully to what I what I think is the correct solution as much as I can and it seems to just go nowhere for me and I don't know why like I don't know why I can't log in here there's nothing to do I'm stuck going back through the same things that I've done before like mmm I want to win I want to win and in any game in any game if you do the right stuff if you do the right thing you should win that's the way that it should work right like it's just my understanding that that is generally how games should go it doesn't matter it's hard if you get good at the game you will eventually win right that's not how this game works well the only thing I can hope for at this point is to get the is get the the code key ding dong er and then hope for the best I've also think I've been through pretty much everywhere you b0f e ub 0 f e Simon Says I'm a smart e FP z FP Zeke you've made the bunny 51 that's good money thank you for the money I appreciate the money okay still not enough still not enough so let's keep testing fate I guess tempting fate sorry I don't know my hallway bullshitter enabled I just need a little more money that's all I need just a little more money and then I'll get the code cracker oh yeah I should make sure my door is locked cuz I haven't honestly haven't maybe when I saved it yep it was not locked alright let's keep trying this alright there we go another sweet fresh hack already done to myself memory easy are I got this are F Q a w RFQ aw day a Z Y Desi u n K V G UNK that's all I get [ __ ] you man Oh God alright I guess we're close to getting it we just need about ten more daus coin well I'm not gonna tempt fate and try to get it through that I'm just gonna wait we're very close to getting that so yeah let's just go through this again try to find it as best we can on crave do not break the nine Blackwater we will not stand for it every firstborn I am the Lord there's nothing but the end and there was nothing in here I swear I've been through every one of these maybe the game just doesn't like me because I complain about this so much baby maybe that's all it is I mean I do love to go on a good rant I really do I really really do but alas I sometimes put my foot in my mouth and maybe the game hears me because there's a microphone here maybe the game developers just don't like me that's definitely a distinct possibility I would I would believe that very much all right evidence Locker is the only thing that I can that was two honks that was two honks that was a honk honk do I go now that was a honk honk those two honks that was a honk honk you know what I'm just gonna this is okay here's my good nun trim now if I got in the shower before before he started baking the lock does waiting five minutes help me because what if I come out maybe I [ __ ] up it's always possible you guys are the litter own website there was a link that would get to the second wiki page okay I'm gonna go back to the drone website but for those of you are saying you can get more going from refreshing down pages that was patched out and it makes it harder and harder to get through the game if you do that that's an old strategy as of Tuesday of this past week that strategy was passed patched out in other words I'm smart you're a [ __ ] idiot so there we are okay so my time or somehow stopped I'm thinking so I think we're fine and I know we're running out of time we've been bumper knocked this whole time I don't even know if there's enough time to get through the rest of the game we were able to get all of these keys so I'm gonna risk it I'm gonna go I don't want to see what happens okay we're fine we're fine i I I had a funny feeling like going I knew she going into the shower was a bad idea uh god damn it okay so we're gonna go back we're gonna go to the Oh God we're not connected god damn it okay hardly we've got a little more time on this particular Wi-Fi I know that we're gonna go back home we're gonna look we've got enough for the code key thing let's just get that before we get hacked again let's let's go ahead and just get that cuz I want it the key q installing the key q that's gonna take [ __ ] forever but that's okay we're gonna go to the drone spy apparently one of you guys spotted the link to the other wiki there so I'm gonna trust you on this one looking in the source code doodlee doodlee do spy for me videos I don't see anything there so let's go to videos we're going to videos let's inject more code wallet boss coin here no that's just the wallet that's not it let's go to spy for me I was on another oh come on I was not on it for that long there was a WPA one [ __ ] you there was a [ __ ] wb1 I had fifty [ __ ] minutes with that are you [ __ ] kidding me [Music] are you [ __ ] kidding me that was WPA one that's supposed to be 50 [ __ ] minutes on that [ __ ] I had that [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you game and like my computer wasn't even on when that was happening that's so [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up game I need to rant about this for a bit okay here's the [ __ ] thing that's [ __ ] [ __ ] number one pure and simple number one I wasn't even on line half that time I [ __ ] just unlocked one [ __ ] thing one WBA one I was fine on that for fifty [ __ ] minutes that's what it's supposed to be and number two [ __ ] you game developers I'm gonna [ __ ] say it because this game is [ __ ] this game is [ __ ] [ __ ] and [ __ ] stupid and it's broken and your hack games are inconsistent it's just [ __ ] [ __ ] it's [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't care who knows it it's [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] all right let's go again [Music] maybe maybe because I'm not wrong I was not on that network for 50 minutes at all not even consistent not even consecutively 50 minutes but not even just 50 minutes by themselves because I legitimately I was not because I kept turning the computer off I must have been in in that for a maybe like 10 15 minutes of actual computer online time which is ridiculous because if it counts time when the computers off that's [ __ ] [ __ ] that is just pure and simple broken [ __ ] and just absolutely asinine why would anyone do that that is just stupid because if that's the case then it would be counting time that I'm connecting the network right now even though I'm not I disconnected before I went unless there's a difference between shutting down the computer and disconnecting from it which even so if that's the case that's even more [ __ ] because I shut down why the [ __ ] would I still be connected to it just [ __ ] [ __ ] across the board is [ __ ] [ __ ] pure and simple [ __ ] [ __ ] now I'm so mad I'm so angry I'm not even gonna be scared by this game anymore that's always what happens no [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up who is that I shut the [ __ ] up shut up shut up shut up you're dumb and stupid you're dumb and stupid you're dumb and stupid you're dumb and you're stupid oh my god alright let's just do this again all of my [ __ ] passwords [ __ ] garbage now I'm gonna give this one more try and if it doesn't work then it's dumb and I believe the game is stupid it's stupid and it's dumb this game dumb and it is stupid stupid and dumb here we go a stupid dumb here we go stupid and dumb dumb this game is dumb and it is stupid and dumb and stupid it's dumb and stupid dumb is stupid yeah look at that it's not a stupid oh let me how to pick a pot right there for him advice reform that's right before oh my god someone else I get the ban shot the [ __ ] up great good job you got yourself banned if anyone's spamming that copy/paste [ __ ] don't don't don't bother it's outdated information number one and also number two it's just stupid okay let's do this zero day we're offline let's connect to this bad boy let's turn the is there really no option between loud and I'm just gonna turn the sound off I didn't even know turning the sound off was an option on thing okay sky break let's disconnect to that well get that we'll get the other libraries for the other stuff soon and we're going we are into it all right Ave Satan that's available not now bathroom cams not available now her no bathroom cams not work borrow my daughter that is something available now yes alright let's do this let's do this Leroy Jenkins Leroy Jenkins oh no a horrible I don't see anything on here right now let's look at the source code high bidder deposited happy bidding d1 bid anything that doesn't seem to work okay seems like a big old nope on that one let's probe 94 fq j BS n8 g 8 and 1 mm blur t please nope that's oh wait sorry what are thousand pretty please thank you alright I don't see anything else on this it seems like this is the only page on this front so I'm gonna put this as a big old nope that's a big old nope click the image no the image was not clickable or maybe it was and I just know I would have noticed if it was I might go back to that just in case I might go back to that but for now I think it was fine all right bug friendly I know that's a 1 that's a horrible one but that is a 1 lock the door you are correct your corrects your crooks you are correct I'm stupid lock the door ok liddie liddie ok come on find that find that find that bad boy alright we've got we've got linked out to join we've got a link out to noid what does that do wait where's that password what noid was annoyed mean PGP key that doesn't help anybody I don't know what this is but that's not what I'm looking for okay OOP there we go all right let's do channel eight 7:30 and crack that bad boy crack that soldier boy okay what is this is this important probably not hmm doesn't seem important probably very not important no plug-in ID found whatever this is I don't think that's anything of use no I don't think so all right going home I think we're gonna be safe for a good while we also need more of those backdoor hacks at least two of these all right cheap surgery that's no cotton road as a No cry [ __ ] is a yes I'm pretty sure anyway cry [ __ ] is horrible very bad very bad very bad very bad sign in has something but that's probably all it is I don't think there's gonna be anybody in the initial phase of this game I'm pretty sure it's gonna be nothing all right login key blabbity blabbity login nope nada nada nada oh mercury okay d5 nine 709 mercury II got it cool got it lock the developers I wish I wish alright let's go ahead and connect to that actually mercury connect got it got it got it got it let's go again Ardi 590 709 on my notepad I just see the shadow of a giant dick on here I have no idea why there's just no pens it's like the outline of a hard pressed dick alright it looks like it says it looks like there's something at the end of it but it must just mean the sidebar here because I don't see anything else here sidebar yeah was there another network on this network I think there was there must have been right yes there was let's probe 9852 for I know for I da ki one to a thousand pretty please pretty please if I asked nicely are you gonna be nice to me I bet you're not all right we've got nothing nothing we got purchase no schooling that nothing nothing nothing yeah the only ones are the purchased keys okay so let's just click on that let's crack this bad boy eight on just five we will crack you and we will get joined this one in about twenty minutes fifteen minutes we'll give it 15 minutes now wallet found nothing here return just goes to index I'm pretty sure that's gonna be nothing schema.org is last web web page yeah I don't think this is anything all right nothing here perfect easy-peasy I love it one it's simple and easy we don't have to worry about there being anything because there's absolutely nothing and we found the password alright so SS Wi-Fi is no lucky all lowercase one that got it all right hot burners hot burners is not illuminati is not legion is no little friends is not available yet but it will be mortal masks that is there that's when I remember mortal masks yeesh alright okay yucky yucky hey Kiki I thought I heard something I don't think I don't think there's anything to hear yet okay nothing on here nothing by the looks of it okay let's just go order okay Windows not even open yet should be fine alright let's get out of this this alright immortal Mass $75.00 cone and baby here no there nope okay how do I do it I don't want to know but let's find out shall we okay nope bah bah bah okay looks like absolutely nothing so we got nothing on that one so that one's bub kisses well we need to change Wi-Fi in about 10 minutes we can start being hacked now by the way being hacked is now a threat a very very reasonable threat red triangle is not available yet secure drop is not a thing share your genitals that's probably a thing yep that's a thing no no no don't like this one oh don't like this one ooh nope don't like nope don't like that one we got a whole lot of nothing yep that's gross and it's [ __ ] disgusting all right we're gonna just pretend that never happened okay all right that was one snuff portal he's not one Saint Louis Arch is one is it just the theory behind the power of the st. Louis Arch okay our window is now opened that's good now I can hear things come on give me something oh you will die soon get out of the country Oh it'll emit a signal from the earth core destroying American populations I've never heard of that before I've honestly never heard I've never seen this webpage before I'm ready I'm ready for it bring it on st. Louis Arch please bring it on I'm so ready it's like the halo ring I'm not anymore I've calmed down I'm much better all right let's okay what do we got here built and [ __ ] duck of the hoozy what's it the arch has no links no clickable x' no nothing okay go back one cuz there's more to this website anybody here and nope the answer is a Zippo all right the aliens I want to be Annunaki the Annunaki okay all right which the government relocated to the Egyptian tech that's wonderful oh hello friend ah you look you look real fun okay thank you I know a web site called the gray is that what this is about okay nope okay the Annunaki didn't help us at all yeah no I knew knock he definitely didn't help me all right I need to change Wi-Fi soon so I might as well combo that with going to get my package but let me see why I will die first nope nothing yet all right magnetic fields of their own will not kill a human of the discharges elated radiation bird leave the continent before a mission ok I don't want to owe nothing an entertaining read nonetheless very entertaining but alas I am a disconnect and then I'm gonna turn off because that's apparently how I have to do this alright anybody here ok I'm out anybody there nope ok good good let's go for it let's go get our package let's go hi guys hotae whadda hobo oh babe Oh boho bum ha ba dingo bingo have a flim be dimbo oh all right everybody calm your collective tits I've got this all under control I know what this game is trying to pull up on me I shall not let the world drag across my eyes I know exactly what I'm doing and if Lucas tries to fuchal duck me well I'll just squeeze his head in between my thighs until it explodes like a watermelon and that's the only punishment that he deserves nothing better nothing worse all right I heard that I heard that I heard that I heard that that was - OH oh my god are you go my god are you I don't know how the [ __ ] [Music] that was my fault that was my fault I should have been more pre-emptive about the clicking I think actually I think what happened was I accidentally right clicked which I'm willing to bet tried to get me up from the door that's what I'm almost positive that's what they did now cuz I feel a strong surge through with my middle finger shut up oh yeah that's definitely what I've accidentally right clicked which would have got me up from the door and then he would have burst in because I'm pretty sure he like I'm pretty sure I saw that and I clicked in time I think I just pressed the wrong button so that's my fault but I'm done I'm done I'm not gonna play you I might try again at some point but god damn this [ __ ] game so hard I mean immediately that last desk totally my fault that was totally my fault I'm almost 100% positive I right-click to stay left click for some reason but that's all for now so thank you everybody someone for watching I might be streaming later on Twitch I've been playing tons and tons of gotta warn 50/50 mode on for tonight I don't know if I'm gonna stream god of war just cuz it's so fun and just like a nice personal thing but before I do any of that I have to go see a movie I'm gonna go see a movie with Amy I'm gonna have a fun day it's gonna be super cool so thank you everybody so much for watching thank you for watching this stream hit that super-sweet subscribe button if you want to be the coolest person on earth ring that goddamn Bell if you want to know whenever I upload a video or whatever I don't know do whatever you want it's your life I don't know if it'll make you cooler or not but hey there's always a chance if you hit that button then your your respective I don't know individual wealth and/or penis will grow in measurably and it'll be great so thank you everybody so much for watching you guys have a lovely night I will let you know if you want to know I stream on twitch twitch TV slash markiplier follow me there you'll get notified one of their ever go live I just kind of do it whenever I feel like it so thank you everybody again and as always I will see you in the next video bye bye bye guys bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,859,643
Rating: 4.9326091 out of 5
Keywords: welcome to the game 2, welcome to the game ending, welcome to the game markiplier, scary games, markiplier, deep web, creepypasta, horror, scariest, jumpscares
Id: df-0_D7KrGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 7sec (8527 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 21 2018
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