"You didn't file your taxes." (Genshin Impact)

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hello we're here to help miss gonyu it's been too long i don't know why but seeing you brings me a sense of peace in these chaotic times indeed it has been a while haitian no i'm flattered but aren't you exaggerating a little i like that smile she just gave i heard that you've encountered some problems and came to see if i could be of some help my father asked you to come she knows him so well so what can you tell me about the problem uh where should i start i discovered something strange while organizing tax records oh there are obvious irregularities in the tax declarations of two stores second life and juan yo boutique however whether i question the shopkeepers or check their accounts i i can't seem to make any progress with my investigation wait without any evidence my hands are tied um i see it's not uncommon for merchants to be blinded by greed are they talking about tax evasion we got some tax evaders here are we about to role play as the irs i've dealt with similar issues hundreds of times give me a moment to consider the best approach in this scenario she's gonna bust down the door point a bow and arrow to their head and be like you didn't follow your taxes correctly let's approach it this way then your enemy knows you best if i remember correctly second life and juanio boutique are old business rivals competing for market share due to their similar wares in that case ah i know what you mean miss ganyu i still don't get it yeah i don't i don't get it can you fill me in miss gone you plans to let them expose each other oh okay let's start with juanio boutique the owner's name is boley isn't it boli yes you're right follow me please aha we meet again traveler and you must be from the uhi pavilion i suppose you're about to place a big order i'd be honored to offer you my wares that won't be necessary mr boley juanyo boutique's credit is not sufficient to accept orders directly from you a high pavilion should we need to place such an order we would certainly go to second life instead what second life second life's credit has always been excellent and based on their tax records their business is thriving tax records tax records uh thriving huh is there anything you'd like to share with us mr ballet don't let that rascal fool you i know his dirty trick's best if you don't believe me show me his tax records i'm sure i'll find something fishy in there you know second life's business so well of course ugh their every transaction makes my blood boil well then please look over this tax record we'll review second life's credit based on your observations damn she just handed over his tax record like that okay ah here i found it that exquisite wooden furniture set he bought from fonmu carpenters at the beginning of the year ugh he even flaunted it in front of me uh-huh look at the tax record not a world about that furniture and he kept all the profit for himself oh tax evasion we got him he must have gotten rid of all the documents related to this transaction no wonder there was no trace of it i told you so just as i expected ugh i can't wait to watch him squirm but miss gonyu despite all this can't he just flat out deny ever making this transaction you can he might have destroyed all the evidence but i believe the supplier fonmu carpenters might still have some proof of it let's go to fond mu carpenters it should be near chinxa village okay ah welcome welcome how can an old carpenter like me help you i am usually happy to take new apprentices but uh i'm afraid i can't take too many at once no but i'm always around if you're keen for a chat yeah buddy skipped a small talk kingsha really is full of lonely old people we've just come to see you and ask you some questions ah don't worry i know you're from the ui pavilion right uh-huh why would the chie sing care about an old man like me well whatever you said that you want to ask me something ask away then you're very direct master lou i will be playing we're looking for proof that dongsheng from second life has been evading taxation dongxing bought some furniture from you at the beginning of the year do you still have the invoice or any other record of that transaction oh it's about second life it was a big order hmm how could i forget could we perhaps borrow that invoice we won't have any evidence to bring against dongxiang otherwise yep of course you can but i'm not so sprightly anymore um uh what's that supposed to mean yeah what is that supposed to mean buddy uh i only do my woodwork and display finished wares here at fond mu carpenters uh-huh as for old documents and such i keep them all in a warehouse west of here uh-huh but some troublemakers have recently moved there invading my warehouse i tried to drive them away but they just wouldn't leave uh-huh it may be best to get it from the warehouse yourself and while you're at it you can teach those louts a lesson okay take back the warehouse find the invoice time for us to show our stuff in a fight oh boy wait i think i saw one of those troublemakers ah over there oh pimento oh okay what's he trying to do oh he's eating maybe they're the scoundrels who invaded master lou's warehouse shouldn't we observe him for a while though ever since osial attacked the harbor the fatoui's reputation in liua has reached rock bottom okay we won't cause a serious diplomatic crisis by getting into some small scuffle with the fatui within our borders you need not worry besides i can already feel their malicious intentions consider it my intuition as the secretary of the chasing are we sure though he's just chilling he's eating look he's having he's having a peach or something oh that was a lot of damage i think you've had enough about time you tell us your plan no plan what plan if you don't spill whatever you're scheming against leo we'll be forced to use harsher methods quick tell us everything i'm telling the truth there's no scheme so what were you doing then if you're telling the truth then why would you a member of the fatoui suddenly appear on the outskirts of chinxa village fine if you really want to know then well i was about to about to what big berries over there i i knew it he just wanted to eat he was chilling no my internet man are you kidding me we we picked a fight with the dude who was hungry i feel bad now i must admit i didn't expect you to come up with such a silly excuse it's not an excuse i rarely have a free morning and i heard that there were fresh berries in this area think about it i'm here alone and jinxa village is nothing more than a retirement spot for old people what could i be scheming by how anyway looking at us it does seem like he feels like he's the victim here so you have nothing to do with the occupation of fondue carpenter's warehouse warehouse where's that i swear i only came here to pick berries that's all no it wasn't the fatoui who took over master lou's warehouse after all i also feel that he's telling the truth um whoopsie sorry buddy i misjudged the situation and offended you my apologies our uh our exchange only represents my personal views if you wish it so you can file a complaint to the ministry of civil affairs exchange this woman she's clearly aware that the ministry of civil affairs wouldn't side with us for tui yes precisely as an alternative you may try to solve this problem with force once again what's your choice then i'll get back to my berries all right good choice i might have spent too much time away from work my intuition is not as accurate as it used to be no worries it's always nice to teach the future lessons if i tell you what to be careful when picking berries always watch your back when you're picking berries you never know you might get attacked by a coco goat a dude from another world and a flying thing so this is the warehouse seems like those troublemakers right here it's on the ground this one is an invoice from one min restaurant some dining tables and chairs that's not it yeah how about this this one is funeral parlors oh so they make coffins too uh-huh [Music] i hope it wasn't too much trouble rushing about like that i promise to help you and i'll keep my word nothing to worry about look it's the invoice for the transaction between second life and fonmu carpenters we've brought it back thank you so much now we can solve this problem agreed how about we go to second life and have a nice chat with the owner our nice chat she says hey dongshan how's it going i hope your business is booming how about those taxes isn't it from the uh pavilion i remember you i told you that all of my transactions are included in the records my tax declarations are scrupulous as well i do hope that my business won't be affected by any groundless accusations groundless accusations mr dongshung you seem very sure of yourself but i sincerely advise that you cease this behavior immediately it is liable to affect the fine you'll need to pay in the end uh no no i'm an honest merchant i would never get involved with any fraudulent sources of profit haven't i made myself clear mr dongxung you've already been proven guilty of tax evasion i just came here to see if you'd confess what proven guilty how come that's impossible absolutely absurd uh he's talking without rhyme or reason must be crumbling under gun use pressure time for the finishing blow we gotta shoot him mr dong can you tell me what this is i it it's an invoice from fonmu carpenters i i'm master lou he i didn't do you admit to tax evasion this transaction was absent from the tax record i didn't think you'd find out i didn't leave a single trace the irs always gets you in the end we wouldn't have found out if it weren't for mr balley's aid the lie that imp from juan yo boutique so he told on me behind my back he's got his own share of dirty laundry oh oh really oh mr dongsheng i'd like to hear a little more about this dirty laundry would you care to elaborate oh i don't think you'll need my guidance for what comes next i must say you're truly impressive miss ganyu your enemy knows you best to think you came up with this plan and executed it so masterfully it's actually one of your father's the tien shu's old tricks i just took some inspiration from it my father yep pitting your opponent against their enemies and watching them drag each other down from an advantageous position that's how uncle tien managed to keep his position in the chasing secure for so many years and now you're just exposing his secrets ah i can see it now clearly i still have a lot to learn about my father i'm really grateful ms gonyou you're the kindest mentor i've ever had oh god you solved both hoistion's work and family problems two birds with one stone oh you've helped me so much you must you must allow me to repay your kindness uh that's not necessary no need to be so serious it was nothing really so humble humble queen then let me treat you to a meal the traveler and piemon are invited as well i appreciate your help all right come on gonyo just say yes parmon don't forget your manners oh come on it's just a meal if it's just a meal there's no reason for me to decline it'll be my pleasure huixin i'm really loving the faces ether makes recently and pyvon's smile too that smug smile oh interesting very interesting place we got here i thought it would be bigger but miss gone you thank you for accepting my invitation and as for the two of you your presence is all so much appreciated sure that's so kind of you wishing you went to great lengths to organize this truth be told apart from thanking you for all the help there's something i'd like to tell you uh-huh oh if there's anything i can help you with just tell me straight away no need to hesitate oh no no i i don't really need help uh could you just listen for a bit with pleasure when i was a little girl my father used to tell me many stories about you ms ganyu even though i have the utmost respect for my father i always admired how gentle and reliable you are i've only decided to join the uhi pavilion staff because i've always looked up to you oh i didn't know that you think so highly of me however in reality working at the uhi pavilion turned out to be an arduous task oh i can't compare myself to such an outstanding secretary like you i often doubt myself as a result no no need to do that i disagree you're a great secretary in your own right yeah thank you over the years i became a mother too oh huh so uncle tien is a grandpa influenced by my youthful ideals she followed my footsteps and came to be a secretary at the uh pavilion too at first i was worried about her it's not an easy job after all to tell the truth i'm still unsure if she's capable enough uh-huh but after all that happened this time i've made up my mind to support her choice so what made you change your mind no the fact that she'll have you miss ganyu as her senior colleague you'll help her gentle as always and tell her your mom used to do it like that it'd be such a beautiful moment if it's not too much to ask for she might still need your guidance in 20-plus years too question i i never thought that i meant so much to you just like when you showed me my father's trick having you as their witness makes people feel at ease it's true that i've witnessed thousands of years of leo harbor's history all the changes it's gone through the stories of its people but i've always regarded it as nothing more than the source of my loneliness question you don't know how important those words are to me you've made me realize that i share another connection with the people of leo harbour apart from my contract with rex lapis they rely on me except me and long for me to bear witness to their stories she did it she finally realized it no of course you're irreplaceable to us that's right that's why i can't disappoint you hooray gun is finally cheered up yay even if i've really been supplanted i wish to fight for my place i won't let you down i'm going to fulfill my contract and keep working as the chie singh secretary uh you haven't been fired regardless i'll go back and see for myself i'm afraid that it might have all become a mess during my absence no time to waste let's get back to work good luck miss kanye we're leaving [Music] yeah we still got so much food on the table look at those two crabs and all those legs over there come on i'm not leaving fine i guess i'll leave ah are you okay did you fall asleep standing up oh look look who's back you even have enough time for leisure it seems you three are a suitable replacement for me after all no not at all we just we've been working for too long if we didn't take a break we wouldn't have survived long enough to see you again miss kanye i scone you we've missed you that's so kind of you all given we've only met once we've been praying day and night for you to return and take over your duties again to us you're like an adeptist coming down to the human world to save all life uh and we won't say anything forget all our envious complaints from before just free us from this strenuous work please all right all right i see please divide the matters at hand into government affairs business affairs and civil affairs mark out the tasks that haven't been started and those that are in progress i'll take care of the rest of course we'll do it right away oh finally we're safe yes there's one more thing i'd like to earnestly thank you traveler if it weren't for your companionship i would still be embroiled in my inner conflict right now it's good that you pulled yourself together to think that i'd gained a human friend outside of work it makes me happier than i could have imagined i'd like to repay you when i'm done with the work at hand what would you say if i accompanied you on one of your trips look at that smile hold on i need the sunlight to hit her face oh look at that look at that smile a beautiful smile sure are you ever done with work on you uh let's cross that bridge when we come to it shall we oh god yeah that's never going to be crossed
Channel: bwaap
Views: 841,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact ganyu, genshin impact ganyu story quest, genshin impact bwap, genshin impact bwapp, genshin impact bwaap
Id: 4n4NAFr_EJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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