everyone in inazuma is weird (Genshin Impact)

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what can i do for you traveler i want to go to inazuma there you are you're the traveler that beto will be taking to inazuma right yeah please i've been up all day waiting for this update to come out please take me in zuma already so you'll be heading off then i suppose congratulations are in order whether the journey before you leads to the heights of the heavens or the depths of the abyss each step you take is another achievement until we meet again add astra abysm add astra abe sauce why do they give us this option like there isn't gonna be another catherine oh it's kind of hard to say goodbye now we practically see each other every day if that's how you feel why not come and find me when you arrive i'll be awaiting you on narakami island so she does know that okay yeah so she definitely is in multiple at nina places see there's no need to get all sappy now oh i'm excited let's go ah you finally made it i'm here can you take me now all these years come rain or storm the crux fleet has never suffered a delay if it were anyone else i might have set sail already are you sure it took mahogany 30 minutes for the service to open up well now that everyone's here we set sail for the land engulfed by storm and tempest so the nation of eternity so we're not bringing kazuha with us [Music] look at all the people here oh he is here what's up dude look at her what a queen oh [Music] this is pretty [Music] oh what's up discount child oh hi there so you finally made it you sure kept me waiting captain and it appears we have a couple of stowaways or perhaps i should say honored yes yeah what's up dude you can blame your almighty shogun the tempests around inazuma have been growing all the more fierce lately though the fleet was fully up to the challenge the inclement weather still caused some delay now then let me introduce everyone this is toma a trade partner that i've gotten to know recently what's up tomah you look pretty sick but you also look like child so i'm not sure if i can trust you you don't know how long i've been waiting to see you thomas these two are no need for introductions their reputation precedes them it seems even the stormy seas can't keep rumors of these outlander sterling deeds at bay wow am i really that popular oh it's sure nice to hear you say that with any luck it'll give you a head start here thomas resided on rito for quite some time now they wouldn't be going too far to say he's the fixer around these parts if you run into any problems here just talk to tomah but if he tries to pull any moves on you i'll be sure to deal with him personally the next time i'm around please no need to worry i'm sure we'll get along just fine good then if it's all settled i'll be going i wouldn't want to be caught with my sails down here i do have a wanted fugitive on board after all oh right until next time traveler remember to give it your all no matter what perilous storms you may encounter you didn't get that much screen time but i i hope we can see you again bye-bye oh here we go our first look at inazuma all right oh god oh no i already fell in the water please please provide the information requested and also declare any goods you were carrying with you [Music] we lie or tell the truth i'm here to find my sister oh well i'm sorry we cannot approve entry for purely personal reasons so unless you have a valid reason for visiting in accordance with the rules my apologies but i'll have to ask you to hear their entry papers for your kind perusal oh thank goodness what take your time no rush or anything i just wanted to see what you'd say sorry about that i already don't trust this guy you've completed the entry procedures yes and now you want to apply for residency both of you yeah yes please okay the processing fee will be two million more oh my god two million for a processing fee are you serious and that's just the processing fee that's right 1 million per applicant which makes 2 million total don't worry you can trust my math what are you multiplying it by the power of 2 hundred ma'am these two here are good friends of mine i think you'll find on one face you recognize ah mr toma it's you by way of courtesy allow me to reduce it to 400 000 more a total why is he getting a discount of literally 600 000 that's a major discount why thank you ever so much miss eureka but as this is just a processing fee i think 600 mora should cover it if i'm paying on their behalf i'll treat you to dinner too how does that sound oh never mind that's not how you haggle by all means barking the price down but all right then as you wish mr toma i will make a record okay yeah i see how he does things what she went from 2 million down to 600 there's something seriously wrong with people's sense of finance around here it's not as mind-boggling as you think a processing fee is just a figure of speech the way some here at the agency see it the fees are easy money so it becomes a question of how much they can make so when the day comes that some poor merchant from overseas with more money than sense gets stuck here and needs to apply for residency oh so we were about to get scammed and they'll milk them for all their worth yeah okay i'll give it to you straight i know of a way to introduce you to the ryden shogun how much do i have to pay for you to do that it's just that if this is something you really want you'll have to agree to help other people solve some of their problems first oh okay so we're doing commissions i like to do things in a way that keeps everybody happy it's my own personal rule for dealing with situations like this here's the situation as i touched upon earlier the members of the international trade association are constantly struggling to survive recently things seem to have gotten more difficult than ever for them so just go and check things out see if there's any way you can help the sakoku decree might restrict our scope of activity but in and of itself it doesn't stop us from being able to enjoy a comfortable existence uh-huh no what's really squeezing us outlander merchants dry is those moroc rubbers from the conjo commission they just issued a new tax decree recently that for some reason completely changes the way we pay our taxes it used to be maura but now it's something called crystal marrow oh that's great that's like changing the way you pay for things from like the currency that you usually use to just random rocks so in order to pay our taxes we began an arduous search for this crystal marrow then we found we'd only managed to create a bigger problem for ourselves the rising demand for crystal marrow drove the price higher and higher oh well that's great now there's only one vendor who even has it in stock we can't get a hold of it anywhere else monopoly yeah basically yeah economics 101 with pymon exactly so this vendor keeps pushing the price up and we have no choice but to buy from them because the tax decree forces us to what do you think we should do i feel like the vendor might also have a reason for doing that as well let's just find out what's wrong with the vendor so what do you need with me uh where do you source your goods the sheer nerve you don't go around asking questions like that if i gave you my sources i might as well hand you the whole darn business yeah it's true trade secret got it you know what trade and secret mean right yeah this guy's got a bad attitude can you reduce your prices just a bit pretty please oh i see what's going on here karisu and his associates sent you here to try and plead their case didn't they damn it they're wasting their time the price is non-negotiable not by a single maura what are we gonna do there's no talking to this guy all right let's go talk to tomah then maybe he knows i feel like we're going to rely a lot on thoma here he used to be a bit of a sorry sight selling shells that he collect on the beach just to get by but he seems to have suddenly shot up in the world recently so he's got an ego i can only assume he must have found himself a patron after leaving the international trade association you're saying he used to be a member of the international trade association so he's an outlander too uh werner was born in monstat then went into the shipping business trading between leah and inazuma when inizuma closed to the outside world he was one of a group of outlanders that ended up stranded on rito the international trade association was initially very generous to him but over time with decree after decree the association members found it increasingly difficult to make ends meet dang so he left the association and turned his back on them i believe even the most ungrateful and cold-hearted of people still have some amount of gratitude and warmth left in them somewhere all right oh so basically just mention one word to him monsta and he'll just be like oh my god i'm so sorry for talking to you like this here take everything what are you doing back here just cause i got plenty of time on my hands doesn't mean i want to waste any of it talking to you it was the wind that led me back here to you huh where is this coming from a dandelion wine would sure be nice on a day like this monster you were talking about monster this will bring him back this will literally bring him back so hard it'll give him whiplash goodness i can sense it now so familiar but i can't remember the last time i was there ah the scent of monstat oh how it takes me back oh oh so trying to play my heartstrings like a liar are you i know what you're up to close your eyes huh what is this what are you up to now just close your eyes already listen closely you mean the sound of the ocean cheap and tasty chop suey leah harbour i can see it so clearly uh oh and the sound of the waves the calls of the merchants the flames of virtue spread to all show lanterns i'm right there at the lantern right oh look at them floating up into the sky this dude is literally going through an actual tsunami of nostalgia right now wait stop that's enough don't make me relive it anymore my poor heart can't take it don't you think i've wanted to talk things through with them and free myself from this anguish why why don't you um well no one's stopping you you don't have to be so blunt by mom all right i'll tell you the whole story it's eating me up inside and i can't take it anymore it's a scheme by the tax collection ashigaru kejiro and his companions they start by overtaxing the merchants then take the extra crystal marrow they receive and stockpile it once the merchants run out of places to buy crystal marrow they get me to sell that extra stock back to the merchants at an extortionate price with the proceeds going to the tax collection ashigaru now that i think about it whenever i report back to him after a sale he always heads to the same place it's always made me suspicious as it happens i handed samora over to him not long ago i can show you where he went if you want yes please pymon get the lock picks ready to follow him without being noted it's a trailing mission oh my god we're turning into assassin's creed oh further and goodness away okay okay shut up huh where'd he go no don't tell me i lost him it was right there a moment ago it seems he disappeared in a blink of an eye brah if only we made less noise what do you mean that was dumb i was so dumb whoa it's a ledger what's the luxury again boring hayman that he'd hid in the big pile of maura here ah yes the real reason paimon came along yeah this is what we're looking for a clear and complete record of every single transaction each one proof of his guilt oh nice great well now we have our hard evidence let's go tell karissa the good news shall we um i'll i'll say goodbye to you here then i need a little more time before i'm ready to face the head of the association i'm sorry uh-huh poor werner is a pretty awkward guy huh why do you have to say that in front of his face and who are you another new member of the association it just so happens that we found your little ledger so now we're here to tell everyone all about how you embezzled crystal merrell to sell it right back to the taxpayers uh-huh well uh you you see the the taxes [Laughter] yeah give it up buddy so you think you can use this against me do you it's quite obvious that i'm merely trying to earn a modest living for myself like anyone else word has it that samurai and the commission place great importance on reputation and prestige though i'm sure commission members won't blame you once ward gets out i believe you still have a quantity of crystal marrow in your possession correct perhaps that crystal marrow could be used as compensation for the recent tax hike and us merchants could finally have some more breathing room ah fine in that case i'll send it over to you today that wasn't uh too hard was it so that's it my shop's been closed for weeks now i've even had to ask my friends to help bail me out what about my losses i'm sick of being pushed around like this i won't let him off so easily harrison hey what's all this racket does someone dare question the decree oh god oh we were just discussing a minor tax issue i do my utmost to lend them a helping hand but they're never grateful shut the shut up man helping hand the only thing you're doing is stuffing your greedy pockets with a hard-earned wealth i assure you that hirage shinsuke will hear of this oh my oh and you dare to utter the commissioner's name you outlanders have no respect for the rules seize the merchants we will resolve this dispute back at headquarters oh god gentlemen gentlemen come now is there any need for this if there's a dispute to resolve let's get a drink and talk it over who are you supposed to be and why in my right mind would i join you for a drink you never heard of the fixer context pyramid huh you're from the yashiro commission well this is kanjo commissioned territory however powerful the yashiro commission may be you have no business meddling in rito's affairs of course not of course not still perhaps you could show the young what ah i see okay lady of our clan some courtesy you wouldn't want your name showing up in a petition to the shogun would you that fan the shirasagi himegimi i don't need any trouble with her okay let's forget all this it'll give us one less thing to worry about he pulled out ayaka's fan like it was a trump card but chief enough we're leaving let's get dinner one day soon gentlemen my treat i insist ah no response huh i suppose that bridge is well and truly burned then [Music] not here too many people listening let's move somewhere else i belong to the kamisato clan of the yashiro commission on narukami island i'm an attendant of the shirasaki himegimi you've been keeping your true identity a secret from us this whole time i'm just someone who was fortunate enough to be taken in by the kami-sato clan my role is to take care of the daughter of the clan kamisato ayaka also known as the shirasagi himigimi uh-huh seems like she must be super famous in inazuma given the reaction of those guys just now oh most definitely she's graceful dignified and kind-hearted too the people of inazuma quite adore miss kami sato yeah not just the people of inazuma people uh outside of the game too her fame even somewhat eclipses out of her older brother kamisato ayato despite the fact that he's the current head of the clan she's got a brother wait a minute what firstly you should know that being a fixer is not something you can fake i spent the better part of a month tirelessly building up a network of relationships on the island and i got to know captain beto during that time too still pretty good going for just a month's work well maybe i have a slight knack for schmoozery but the main thing was i had to make sure i'd be in time to receive you when you arrived inazuma may have closed off to the outside world but that hasn't stopped a lot of people from hearing about your feats and monster and liu i'm very famous i've i've heard so when miss kamisato heard of your intention to come to inazuma she began looking forward to your arrival with great anticipation she's excited to find out whether the rumors are true that is that you have what it takes to change the tide of the times uh-huh so she thinks i'm the chosen one with your help even the vision hunt decree oh wait a minute we're straight up refusing oh okay all right ah hmm that's an unexpected development perhaps our sources were misleading i only have one goal here i want to meet the writing shogun and beat her up yes of course i completely understand and has agreed i shall help set that up for you ah thomas sure didn't put up much of a fight well my work on rito is done so i suppose this is goodbye for now oh uh one more thing this invitation letter is for you when you get to narukami island you can find me at the komori tea house as per the letter good luck with everything and see you soon dang okay so we actually did just straight up refuse no illusion of torch or anything that's such a bad guy huh we should get going there's one problem though outlanders are unable to leave oh right pineman forgot all about that wait so did thomas forget that too nope oh darn it no wonder he was so matter-of-fact about the whole thing [Laughter] it was pretty obvious he wasn't just gonna let us go like that as soon as we get off re-two pyman's going straight to kimura tea house to settle the score we are here to see uh you know the concho the kanjo commissioner seldom entertains outlanders leave now or will be forced to ah wait wait wait oh look at this old man these two are honored guests from afar no need to give them the usual spiel you get all that mister [Music] [Laughter] okay bye-bye you chill out with the attitude the reason we wanted to come and see you was because all right all right all in good time two travelers renowned far and wide have shown up to see me and i should very much like to make their acquaintance let's not limit this to business only oh okay so what you're saying is we really are pretty famous huh oh god how many other people in the world have what it takes to knock the wind out of storm terror sails and put the overlord of the vortex back under the sea eh exactly thinks you make an excellent point parmon you didn't even do anything shut up one other thing i heard about you is your great zeal for helping other people hmm this makes me wonder whether you might be so kind as to render your assistance to the conjo commission oh boy we're about to be hired well sure no problem whatever you need right time to run some errands again i'm used to it already you must know the ching shin a flower grows on the mountain tops of leeway yep we've picked a few of those before so uh you want us to go back to leo yes bring me three hundreds woods you're freshly picked i mean this guy's nuts then how about this we have a few items that need delivering perhaps you can help with that that sounds much more like it 709 letters to be precise why are we a literal robot for these people terribly sorry we're just a little short on people lately why is that what sort of an explanation is that hi who are you are you okay traveler what are we going to do should we really help this guy uh i'll consider it that's the spirit don't keep me waiting too long now miss hiragi has a letter for you she insists that you read it immediately a letter quick let him see so this means she wants you to secretly meet her at night yeah what's with that smile but you didn't seem surprised at all by this what's going on we shared a glance i guess huh have you been up to something behind payman's back meeting up with the girl in a secret location in the middle of the night it sounds a little sauce but okay ah you finally arrived allow me to introduce myself i am hiragi chisato hi this is technically the second time we have met it's a pleasure to see you again wow she's the daughter of the hiragi clan all right delighted to see you i just noticed his smile he's so happy no need to be so formal i've long marveled at your accomplishments and at last we have the chance to meet is that piemon or does something seem a bit off here no don't tell me oh my god the reason why i wanted to secretly meet you here is well i feared that i might never have another opportunity to discuss this with you discuss what um i should like to ask for your help with delivering a letter i'm leaving [Laughter] like father like daughter couldn't you be more original no you misunderstand me please allow me to explain i was hoping that you could deliver a letter to narukami island in my stead it is to be given to kujo kamaji of the tenryu commission my father has always forbidden me from communicating with him he knows that there are prospects for my marriage that would better serve him politically but my heart is with kamaji uh-huh there is no one who would dare defy my father's will on rito but you are outlanders outlanders seeking to get to narakami island it would be regrettable to let such an opportunity pass or really of course in doing so i will also do everything in my power to help you leave rito that is my promise it seems kind of reasonable it's just one letter i'll be waiting for you at the border i'm counting on you to deliver my letter a love letter question mark hold on please these goods are being sent to watatsumi island my lady this is an unexpected honor uh you are correct these goods have been repeatedly requested by the kanjo commissioner we must be certain that they reach watatsumi island intact is there something wrong lady hiragi no as you were my father simply has some concerns of the shipment safety and has ordered that myself and an additional qualified escort be dispatched to ensure safe transport of the goods yeah i'm her bodyguard step aside my lady you aren't suggesting that you intend to escort this shipment personally are you there's certainly no need for you to trouble yourself for such a matter and as for this qualified escort you dare question my abilities please do not cause us any further delay if memory serves me right my father has already asserted that this shipment must arrive on time i'm certain punishment will be duly dispensed if it fails to do so oh yes of course my lady it's just that well we don't know who this need i remind you of the penalty if anything were to happen to me on route i'm sure you are all quite familiar with my father's temperament do you really presume that you can fully guarantee my safety on your own boy chasato can talk the talk they don't stand a chance yes my lady very well then it's an honor to have you accompanying us your safety is our highest priority shinojo you can't really be agreeing to this well the request is from lady hiragi herself it is our duty to serve her in the utmost capacity yeah dude come on know your place well then if we're through here i suggest we set off at once dawdling will only allow potential thieves more time to prepare now yes my lady you heard her there's no time to lose we can take refuge in the village up ahead how are you faring my lady i'm perfectly all right you may stop here the road to narukami island is just over there in my letter i've requested kamiji to grant you a special travel permit from the tenrio commission consider it a token of my appreciation please be careful out there my lady so that's how it is i i had a feeling something was amiss but shinojo you oh no lady hiragi would never hide anything from us i'm sure of it but who is this kamachi you speak of my lady i'm not afraid to say that he's the one i love the one you love shinojo did you honestly think that i'm sorry bro i'm so sorry what no i uh i was just clarifying that's all i i would never in my wildest dreams you two needn't worry please forget that this ever happened if my father catches word of it i alone will be held accountable yes of course as you wish my lady i wish you a safe journey i'm sure we will meet again okay bye come now quit your staring and let's get moving i'm so sorry man all right we were all him once don't worry
Channel: bwaap
Views: 1,585,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact inazuma, genshin, genshin inazuma, inazuma, genshin impact bwap, genshin impact bwapp, genshin impact bwaap, bwap, bwapp, bwaap, genshin impact 2.0
Id: q7EoBfJrPyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 13sec (1813 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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