i really like yoimiya... (Genshin Impact)

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we're looking for the great mujina yokai mujina yokai it's a sneaky monster that goes around playing tricks on people it's got magic powers and can even shapeshift and do anything it wants one time the great lugina yokai stole some rice from our house what and this other time it pushed my dad into the river dad said that the great mujina yokai likes to play tricks on people who stay out all the time and don't come home when they're supposed to so all we need to do is chase it away then we can come out and play whenever we want this sounds kind of dangerous i'm not gonna lie charlie your parents must be worried about you oh not really i told my dad that i was gonna find the great mujina yokai with some friends and he didn't even say anything so we think it must be weak right now it's probably hiding away so it can rest yeah so as long as we get home before it gets its strength back we'll be safe hyman feels like the great moodina yokai is one of those storybook monsters that doesn't exist in the real world probably we should tell them so they don't waste all their time looking for it oh children listen up there's no need to go looking for the great mujina yokai all right because it isn't real just straight up this is like tally kids oh children guess what santa isn't real huh no way that's impossible my dad wouldn't lie to me your folks are just worried about you is all they don't want you wandering too far from home because it's too dangerous that's not true the great mujina yokai is definitely real okay show me proof then yeah yo me mia's even making some weapons for us what and then she's gonna show us how to blow it up yo emia she said we shouldn't be scared of it we should learn how to chase it away instead we've been waiting for ages now and finally joey mia said that today's the day uh-huh uh-huh joy mia plays with us and tells us stories all the time she wouldn't tell a lie bruh but but come on let's get out of here and go find your mia wait hold on don't go good job paimon cheer up guys don't be so down she was only joking back there how could the great mujina yokai not exist huh we actually ruined their imaginations but we've never seen it for ourselves that's because the great mujina yokai is extra powerful and that's exactly why i need your help isn't it even if you can't find it right now it'll definitely show up before the firework show starts so remember to come and pick up your weapons from me before then okay no matter how powerful the great mujina yokai might be it's no match for my especially my fireworks just light them up and you'll scare it off no problem um yoimia why are you giving children explosive weapons it's up to you guys to protect your homes your crops and your folks oh yeah hold up a sec i have a few slips of paper for you guys one each remember to give it to your parents and tell them to keep it safe just tell them it's from yo mia they'll know what it's about thank you yo mia we're gonna go back now oh thanks yuemia come play with us soon sure thing we'll do take care on the way back and i'll see you later raw the great mujina yokai is pretty popular with the kids so of course they're gonna get upset if someone tries to tell them it doesn't exist it wasn't me it was my mom okay but it definitely doesn't exist right she really wants to be validated yeah the first time i heard about it i knew straight away that was probably something the parents had come up with to stop the kids from running off all the time uh-huh but when the kids asked me about it i didn't want to break it to them i just told them that it looks cute and likes to play pranks and doesn't hurt people she'd probably be one of those mothers that would still have their children believe santa exists until they're like 20. besides they're just kids they should be allowed to believe it if it makes them happy that's more important to them than questioning what's real and what isn't i entertain my fair share of fantasies too the fire diamond that spins around and shoots out lights that are all the colors of the rainbow oh the missed spirits that live far off in the mountains and guide you to fairyland if you can find them i know that they don't really exist but i still enjoy believing in them if someone came up to me and started telling me to stop being so stupid they don't exist [Laughter] true i'd give them the evil eyes and tell them to get the heck out of my face because it's just so annoying if we tear apart these kids fairy tales now what else do we have to tell them that inazuma's locked down all the grim tales of the vision hunting cree i think it's a bit too early for all of that yeah uh she's actually kind of right inazuma is home to the young publishing house and a lot of people who like to write stories too in fact most of what they write is based off of the kinds of fairy tales i was just talking about lord of them have bad endings though oh the fire diamond will get put in a rich person's gallery where it will never be ignited again or someone will see the miss spirit and not manage to catch it but because they angered it it'll never show itself again oh the hero who slays the dragon becomes the next dragon the sacred sword that once fought the darkness now becomes a doomsday weapon damn i know these kinds of stories are all the rage nowadays but i really can't bring myself to like them who are these two friends or customers why do i look so mad a bit of both actually they arrived in inazuma just recently can't let them miss out on a firework show after coming all this way can we well either way come on in and have a seat and i naganohara riyanosuke will tell you all about the long history of the naganohara oh boy we get a history lesson today i can wait pops i need to ask you about something a long long time ago started telling his stories again he's just he's just blocked out sorry about this uh ever since pops had his accident his ears don't work too well did they deliver those firework materials that we ordered yet oh yesterday's fireworks have all been delivered so have the ones from the day before yesterday and the ones from the day before that no pops i meant the materials the materials that we ordered they should have arrived today oh today's fireworks are almost ready too don't you worry your old man's skills are still as sharp as ever yeah except for your eardrums no hops the materials the raw materials were making fireworks sorry [Laughter] oh the materials there we go the materials aren't here oh my because my pops is deaf he never argues with anyone and never contradicts them he just listens cheerfully he's just a yes man when i was little i thought it was because he really understood me and agreed with whatever i had to say so i told my pops everything eventually i realized that the reason he was like that was that he's deaf but i still tell him stories every day so he she was literally just talking to a brick wall mia is that you what was that oh you scared me there i thought i told you to be more careful before you speak what who is this and why is he hiding in your home he's one of our old customers he came back to inazuma from the outside world not long ago while he was smuggling himself in the tenryu commission found him and put out a warrant for his arrest if sakajira was caught there's no knowing what crimes they could charge him with all we can do is find him a boat and send him out of inazuma again uh but isn't there a thunderstorm out there yeah we know it's going to be dangerous but there aren't many other options left so we were literally sending that guy to his death what if the big cat sizes drowning is really scary i didn't want to cause any trouble for you mia or mr ryunosuke but i'm very grateful to them for taking me in hey no worries you're more than welcome remember what i said as long as you've got that little piece of paper you'll always be a valued customer of the naga nuharas little piece of paper was it the paper slips you gave to the kids yep the same paper slips as the one i gave to the kids earlier whenever a customer orders fireworks for a commemorative event we always include a little paper slip with the goods only people from inside my family can understand what's written on it it's the recipe for the fireworks they ordered if someone shows a naga no hara that paper slip we guarantee we can make the exact same firework as the original one they purchased whether it's ten or even a hundred years later yeah wow that is so awesome the slip i have is from back when my parents ordered fireworks for mr ryunosuke now that i think about it it must be nearly 20 years ago i would have thought that things would turn out the way they have they'll be fine escaping in a boat is just the last resort for if there's no other way i'll still try and come up with a different solution because it'd be much better if you could stay in inazuma true oh yeah um if it's fine with you can i ask how you two first met oh boy he saved me from drowning this one time and after that we started traveling together why do you ask nothing i'm just quite envious of your relationship my pops had a person like you're around his being deaf wouldn't hold things up all the time uh why do you look so excited uh because because you said person and not floating immediately goes to the top of paimon's list of favorite people just for that koichi i'm here how is the boat coming along yeah it's uh all right i guess um i was questioned though wait wait should we really be talking about this in front of them oh don't worry they're my friends you can trust them they came with me to check up on the boat yeah you could say we're all in the same boat here oh my god all right you can go plymouth the fireworks show will be starting soon won't it you should make sure your new friends get to see it it's an inazuma tradition after all yep that's the plan oh you know what you should tell them about your past about the first time you ordered fireworks for my family that's a long story actually where do i start oh boy story time oh maybe i'll come back to that after moving them thank goodness he saved us from the 10 more minutes of dialogue when people want fireworks it's always because they have something to commemorate and if they miss the chance they might never get another one so no matter how busy i am i'm always happy to take their orders so what you're trying to say is that you enjoy the work oh i do i really do being born into a family of fireworks makers i feel like since i was a kid i've been obsessed with watching things go boom all the lights and colors and uh but what i really wanted to say was uh don't worry about me it'll be fine i think her and cleve would be very good friends doesn't it hurt your voice talking all the time it can get uncomfortable i guess but what else would i be using my voice for that is true once when i had an argument with my son yoiemia was the one who came and calmed him down i'm hopeless at communicating with him if it wasn't for you mia who knows he probably would have run away by now nah he was never gonna come to that he's a sensitive kid and he cares a lot about your feelings it's just he doesn't know how to express it maybe if you turn that crowd upside down yeah i guess i'm probably too serious around him don't worry about it no one's perfect if you have any more trouble in the future just come to me what did five law just see even if it's not fireworks related i'll happily oblige customers come first everyone seems to really like you junia well for one thing if you want to commemorate something naturally you're gonna want something loud bright and beautiful true but i think more importantly than that everyone trusts us if it wasn't for our customers we wouldn't be able to stay in business i'm very sorry would you be able to wait for a while i have quite a backlog of weapons orders right now no worry oh oh wait actually uh yeah that could be a problem uh some worries do you need a hand as long as we can get through your orders you can help me process my ore right uh that will depend on my master oh you don't mind do you miss draminoma as you know it's not long now until the naganohara fireworks show starts there's still a lot of fireworks left to make if i don't finish them on time talkative as ever i see dear child you say you talk too much when the mind is disturbed it will show in the blade that is forged if you badger hajime like this you will only succeed in disrupting his concentration so give me your oar and i will process it for you the naganohara fireworks show is an important event this i know well in addition to this i am indebted to ryunosuke for all the business he has given me but joey mia you should plan things more carefully in the future do not rush everything at the last minute i could take some of that advice too honestly just as i thought isn't back yet but not to worry because actually i've been hoping for a chance to have a nice long chat with you all day okay sorry for dragging you with me everywhere everyone's been so good to me though it's all gone really smoothly i don't think pymon has been able to get a word in this entire time feels like barely spoken a word i was right you guys are travelers right so where else did you go before coming to inazuma oh boy we talk a lot about leeway let's talk about a little bit of monster sounds great i heard they pretty much have no rules over there right so people are free to live their life however they want doing whatever makes them happy unless you're clay pops actually received a gift from one of his old customers over there it was from the winery or something don winery their dandelion wine is super famous yes that's the one i remember when he drank it i've never seen him enjoy a bottle of wine so much in his life he was telling me all night about how good it tasted i'll be sure to tell d luke this and then watch him make absolutely no expression at all so what made you guys embark on your treacherous journey to inazuma i'm looking for my sister and we're looking for answers from the gods too you were separated from your family because of a god oh that must be really tough you know i was going to ask if you guys wanted to stay here in inazuma unlike the outside world what inazuma seeks is eternity in other words a state of tranquility where very little ever changes the advantage of that is that if you're ever tired from your journey inazuma is a great place to come and rest um let me put it this way i was just worried that you might be getting weary if you keep pressing on in that state you might start to lose sight of the things that made you want to start your journey in the first place actually that is a very interesting thought because we do have several other regions to go when you're exhausted everything becomes an uphill struggle even trying to have fun you won't be able to enjoy yourself if you're too tired max an adventure friend of mine once told me that if you're too focused on reaching the end of the race you'll miss a lot of opportunities and precious moments to be had along the way uh-huh and a very wise old man once said every journey has its final day don't rush don't worry though i'm sure i can think of some way to get you feeling relaxed and happy and you're here now so even if you're gonna leave eventually i want to make sure you at least leave with fond memories i already have an idea of the color and type of fireworks i want to give you guys i'll keep it a secret for now though yo mia i'm back uh sorry to keep you waiting let's head over to the boat just act naturally though we don't want to raise any suspicion if that can withstand the storms out on the ocean it must be super sturdy right she's so worried dude this boat needs to be pymon certified or else he is not going out that's way too small after how much effort it took to get back in it's hard to convince myself to leave again especially when i'll be going up against the stormy ocean on a tiny little boat yeah my prospects don't look great yeah i yeah that's completely understandable i didn't used to like this place at all that's why i left but looking back on things now i was really just running away from my responsibilities once i started to realize that i got restless i couldn't stop thinking about the people and the things i'd left behind so i ah forget it what does it matter now it's too late anyway i originally wanted to make up for all my regrets but instead i found myself in this situation i'm in now what a pity talk to us about it maybe we could if only there was no sakoku decree huh what why did you cut off earlier because what he needs isn't an answer just time help the old couple clean up their courtyard am i getting paid for being a lawnmower now 50 years ago i proposed to my wife at the naganohara fireworks show we've been together ever since congratulations to you both that's a long time jesus there's gotta be one out there for me man there's gotta be to tell the truth i was still a little uncertain i wasn't sure what i was doing when i walked into the naganohar's shop and ordered my firework even as it was rising up into the sky i still had no clue what i was going to say but then it exploded the sky lit up i looked back at her and saw her eyes twinkling in the light of the fireworks before i knew what was happening apparently i'd already said it and well she'd said yes oh that's sweet ah what a great relationship they have yeah can i have one of those sakugiro so he came back huh you know him he was our boy's best friend when they were young they grew up together shared everything with each other and went everywhere together but one day they had a terrible argument no sakugiro seemed to feel that inazuma was too peaceful so peaceful wanted to see what the outside world was like too peaceful darquesque took after his father and mother he felt that there was nothing wrong at all with being peaceful i agree with him we could sense that he was very hurt by it but he didn't want to talk with us about how he was really feeling eventually whether out of pentabenga or for some other reason oh he joined the tenrio commission oh no he rarely comes home anymore we can find some other way to help sakugiro there's no need to make things difficult for you this sounds like something for sakagiro and cascade to resolve between themselves well can't say we didn't try i'll let sakagiro know after we get back what are you doing kid uh yoy mia something bad's happened some people from the tin rio commission came by no why do they know pops are you all right they didn't do anything to you today i told them the show was starting soon and the place was filled with fireworks so they shouldn't go in because it's a fire hazard but they didn't listen it seemed like they knew suckerjiro was inside no how luckily sakujiro heard them coming in time and managed to escape through the window the tanrio commission wasn't able to capture him good i wish i'd caught their names oh but i didn't hear a thing as it happens i did i think their leader's name was case gay jesus oh no if sakugiro still hasn't made up his mind those two running into each other won't solve anything and even worse there'll be no coming back from it for sakugiro we can't let that happen come with me let's track them down uh aren't you gonna play with us you emia i'm sorry i have something important to do right now i'll be back later on but i'll bring you guys some candy next time the extra sweet candy the one you guys love yeah hey we're gonna get candy [Music] [Laughter] sorry official business i can't let you pass no luckily are up ahead right we need to talk to them about something didn't you hear me you're not getting passed ugh what a nuisance well you've only got yourself to blame oh i get to play as bohemia oh cool the fireworks let's go but i want to see your loadout what is this notebliss oblige why did they put a four-piece noblesse oblige on her i like her so far i like her moves compared to amber you must okay and now you'll emia oh she does that little flip now what about her burst that's cool your skills with the sword have stagnated sakugiro you should have known that you stood no chance against me in a duel i never imagined i'd fall into your hands if this is to be my fate i accept it i have nothing else to say no don't give up come on dude get up you will return with me to the tenrio commission to await your sentencing the one who made this boat will also be punished it doesn't have to end like this don't you have anything else to say to one another it's okay mia the past is the past and why did you risk life and limb to get yourself back into innozuma why were you so reluctant to leave after you got here i'll tell you why this is why this is the chance you've been waiting for to talk everything through that bro say something i have nothing to say to him come on shut up i know you do he's a criminal i work for the tenrio commission there is never any room for discussion out of respect for the friendship we once had i gave him a chance to fight for his freedom but his skills with the sword are as disappointing now as they ever were what are you talking about and just who do you think you're kidding you left all your subordinates back there to guard the road making sure no one else followed you here seems to me like you were hoping for a chance to talk i can see it in your faces you both have so much to say and you're just going to choose to keep it all inside don't flatter yourself what would you know joy mia leave it it was just my wishful thinking no i won't leave it i will not stand by and watch when you haven't even done anything you're very stubborn you seem to like settling things with a duel so let's do it your way i challenge you to a duel if i win then you need to say everything that's in your heart no more running from your feelings and the same goes for you sakugiro if i win you will tell k-skate exactly why you came back no matter what the consequences are you have to tell him everything and if you lose uh then i'll admit to collaborating with sakugiro and accept the tenrio commission's punishment oh boy sir we're here to back you up all right what those are supposed to be wrong come on now we're not playing apex like you gotta at least respect the 1v1 i'm about to get rid of this dude get out of here i win stupid they are too strong we need more men stand down what i thought i told you to stay away now stand down yes sir sorry why were you so convinced that we had things to say to each other because such a girl may not have told me about you when he came back but he did order a firework from me then your parents told me about what happened between you when you were younger once i'd heard the story i realized that the firework meant something special to you both the reason i came back is that i felt lost it wasn't that i'd changed my mind i just felt that what i'd done in the past was to try to escape from reality oh i saw the freedom of monsted the contracts of liue the wisdom of sumeru and the justice of fontaine justice it all left a deep impression on me i was glad that i'd left nina zuma but then i happened to hear about the sakoku decree i was an escapee and i was proud of that what i should have tried to do is take the good things from the outside world and bring them back home so that's why you came back out of your naive hope of changing the way things are here well no that's what i'm here for no i let go of all those delusions of grandeur i just felt that i never should have run away like that after all you never ran away huh i don't know about you but life hasn't been easy for me but i just had to come back and visit it was like fate was calling me and i couldn't ignore it any longer life isn't easy for anyone that's facts that's just a universally accepted fact except for billionaires i truly worship the right in shogun her ideas were my personal creed and i desired nothing more than to see her will done but now my role is to punish violators of the sakoku decree and confiscate people's visions it's not what i signed up for when i joined the ten rio commission i do wonder am i really doing the right thing uh don't let the writer's shogun hear that come on couple more words i know you two want to the boat is yours yes i couldn't make you stay in inazuma but that doesn't mean i want to keep you here by force what will you say to the higher-ups don't worry about that i'll handle it if you want to come back i hear the process of returning to inazuma from the outside world is long and complicated but it can be done i will lend you my help but until then you'll have to wait and don't kick the bucket on the way out that's easier said than done any chance we can watch the fireworks together maybe next time i'll be demoted for sure ah oh well it's just like you said joy mia even though i hadn't fully made up my mind my actions betrayed my intent but i think you did the right thing and look now you've managed to resolve the grievance in your heart by talking about it by the way naganohara fireworks can reproduce the firework that the two of us set off back then right would you be able to make one for me sorry no can do without the slipper reference i can't make the same one again and i'm afraid sakachiro is the one with the slip ah i see don't get too down just yet though i mentioned that sakugiro ordered a firework from me too oh my god why couldn't you just say that it'd be a shame for it to go to waste so i'll make an exception and let you set it off instead thank you very much no worries and don't miss out on the start of the firework show uh-huh mia the way you took command of that whole situation was amazing she came in there like a true protagonist we did not even have to do anything what can i say i like to talk i'm a strong believer in the power of words you and naruto would make great friends if you're not willing to communicate then the problem just sits there if you just keep staring at it without doing anything eventually you'll watch every last opportunity to resolve it slip away before your eyes you know what she's been speaking facts this entire mission anyway follow me i'll bring you to the perfect place to watch the fireworks my pups will set off the firework that i wanted to give to you there he goes huh [Music] oh it's beautiful okay these fireworks what do they mean to you julia shh huh that was amazing it was so beautiful i could weep uh i didn't actually cry though right i just feel a bit missy-eyed oh uh remember that big one that went up first the gold one that's the one i had pops make for you oh nice oh pie monster it was one of the best ones they won't forget that anytime soon that's what i wanted to hear i was hoping it would leave a deep impression on you guys no matter where your journey takes you and no matter what hardships might lie ahead i hope you'll always be able to look back fondly on the fireworks you saw tonight i believe that as time goes by this firework will only grow brighter and more beautiful in your heart i hope so and also you're technically my customers now here this is your paper slip if you ever want to see that golden firework again just come and see me quietly watching something you made with your own hands rise into the sky it feels like a secret ceremony to me you asked me what fireworks mean to me right well for kuichi who built the boat for us and his friend third sis fireworks commemorate friendship for kesuki's parents they commemorate marriage and for kisuke and sakagiro they were commemorating gotta think about that one unwavering beliefs oh yeah right beliefs that's for me to be honest uh even though i've thought about it countless times before i still haven't found an answer huh hi man was expecting something deep and philosophical maybe some things don't even need words well no one's ever asked me this before so i've never really settled on an answer it was by chance that i happened to be born into the naganohara family so it was by chance that i ended up learning this craft for my pops it's also by chance that i've met so many people learned so many things and discovered that people associate watching fireworks with the things that are most precious to them fireworks that disappear in a flash of light are probably the furthest thing away from the eternity that our shogun desires but people's feelings don't just disappear and it's those feelings that give fireworks their purpose if nobody wanted to watch fireworks then they wouldn't exist that is true also consider this you have to have the naga no harass because so many people are emotionally invested in the existence of fireworks if we didn't exist their wishes would go unfulfilled wouldn't they you know i don't really think about complicated things like this very often but i'm proud that i was born into the naganohara family and have the chance to make so many pretty fireworks
Channel: bwaap
Views: 735,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, yoimiya, yoimiya genshin impact, genshin yoimiya, genshin, genshin impact 2.0, genshin impact inazuma, genshin impact bwap, genshin impact bwapp, genshin impact bwaap, bwap, bwapp, bwaap, bwaap genshin impact, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact game
Id: UNyAAcfjx8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 32sec (2072 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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