YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT! - The Visitor & The Visitor Returns

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Top o' the mornin' to ya laddies! My name is jacksepticeye and welcome to The Visitor, a flash game that people really really want me to play, probably because a lot of people have played it already But I like these flash games, I did the "Whack Your" games, I did the "Henry Stickman" series that people like, I did some of the surgery games that people like, so people have been asking me to play this, since I started playing some more of those again... Okay, here I am! Um, apparently I play as an alien, and I have to go kill things, and get stronger? I dunno, that's the general idea that I've got. Is that ME? That's a worm! Okay, click the frog. Kill the frog. No? Kill.. the tree, heh, take that ya fuckin' tree! Kill the bird? Can I kill the bird? Oh my God, my mouse is freaking out! Why? Stop that you silly. Um... Fishing rod... Okay, so I thought I just clicked on something and something happened. Apparently not. Click on my rock, ah! jump onto the log! Okay, got it. aNOW jump onto the frog! From the rock, to the log, to frog. Eat him! DUDE! OH! Oh.... okay, I'm a little itty-bitty worm now Well, I'm bigger than I was. Kill the bird. Kill the bird. Kill the bird- what, what do I do? what do I do to kill the bird? Get the fishing rod. I'm sorry if you can see my mouse like flashing incessantly, that's just the way Bandicam records it for some reason. Oh I just clicked that! Sorry! Now can I kill the bird? Oh,okay,so... I'm doing a load of stuff that I don't really know why Um, am I fishing for worms? Shouldn't the... shouldn't the bird tryin' to eat me already? Um... There goes my rock That...that was great. Thanks for that rock Did it do somethin'? I saw a shadow... There we go. Yeah... Oh...I have to get the fish Get the fish A fish goes across I don't know how to get him Um... Oh like that. Like that like that like that Nice :) CRAP>:( I messed it up. Okay,we'll wait again You go down with the fishing rod You get the fish to go across, hopefully he bites There's a little terk there Do I...Do I do it now? Do I have to do it? Do I do it when that little terk happen? Probably... OH!! OH! OOHH! I didn't have to do anything with the fish OH OKAY [chuckles] I spent ages doing something that I didn't even need to do <:(( Hello, CAT! Can I kill the cat? Open the door [cat shouts] HEY!>:(( [Cat shouts] Motherf**king cat! Okay we gotta figure out what we're gonna have to do a little... ...catty here EEWW! Ew,I just pute all over the plant Cat like them,yes Now what...door! Door? Okay I can't go in a door Climb in the door Yooou stupid little alien What do I do? Tail tail! Ah, tail [cat shouts] Grab the cat's tail? Go somewhere? I don't know what to click on... It's always the case of like...what do I click on? Where do I click? What's the this scenario? Okay, his ear? [cat shouts] Okay, maybe not His...face, his other ear, his tail... ...His feet... What the hell is that? There's something up there that I can do WHAT IS...WHAT WAS...WHAT?? I didn't even see that, okay [steam] OOOWWW! I can just melt it myself [steam x2] Is it like a puzzle?[steam] There we go :)) [chuckles] Oh god no <;( Oh doh... oh no The cat's butthole Oh the cat's butthole...did my mouth look very much...AAWWW NOOO...:(( AAAWWWW NOOO! AHHH JESUS! [meow] There's bits of ass a cat...there's bits of ass of pussy everywhere [chuckles] Oh my I am big enough to open the door... I'm getting pretty big I'm HUGE right now Pick up myself... You didn't see nothing miss granny ass [dog roar x2] Get the dog...oh don't get the dog's attention Okay,click this...[I saw that,chump] Don't click that, click this OHH! Is there a way I'm doin' both? No? Oh,take off the lid, okay [chuckles] Oranges! There we go, turn it on... We're gonna make you a drink And you'll gonna be all nice and happy, you're gonna be very happy that I made you a drink [Pretending as a granny] Ohh no,it's all dirty! [Now it's not] Get up there now Okay, that didn't do anything WHAT? Kay, this is weird Ooo, the drawler is the thing as well, OHH! Okay so you...this're gonna go over're gonna come're gonna slip and hit your head on the press Yeah... Oh...OOOH [I figured it out what to do here] OOOHH, OH, (I get it) x4! Aww, this is gonna be nice :)) This is gonna be so awesome Tear the water...this...this...and this Oh [Slip then you died] AAHHH HOH, Oh my gawd Jesus Christ!! Also what's the point of this then? Oh okay, that turns on the air condition Alright Um..How do I get over there? Doggy? No Keep clicking Oh click on my guy now! UUHH THE DUH! I can click on him before,why not now...there's like...there's little tiny areas everywhere to click on And it's always hard to know which one to click on...what was the point of the dog? Okay,nice People sleeping... I'm gonna come in through the vent And wreck your shit I hope you have a nice night I hope you're sleeping very well...I'm gonna eat your fish SS...Splat.. Ooh,I have a fin on my neck, my head together, my nead I have a fin on my nead Kill the bird Get the bird Kay,get the bird? Get the bird, oh down we go And there we go Oh, I knocked down this one that I didn't even relise Oh yes, kill the bird, do I have wings now? Please tell me that I have wings YEAHH! Awesome, now in this guy's mouth? OHH, it's a f**king alien shit [chuckles] Look at this guy [chuckles again] There's an eyeball on the wall Down we go Aawwh Have you ever been afraid of the monster under your bed? OH,THAT'S GROSS! Oh, I murder...murderlize them Okay, what are you up the...[gasps] HOLY SHIT! I AM MASSIVE MY GAH...Wait, that was it? That was so short Oh my gad, that was awesome [chuckles] Okay, there's another one called "The Visitor Returns". I want to play this one cause the other one was too short That's not enough for the video. That's...that's not fair for you guys to be able to do that. Uuhh... "CLICK the environment to devour and assimilate your prey" Got it, I played the first one...just now, actually Uh, I think there's a..."The Visitor Returns 2" as well, I'm not sure Kiilll the raccoon, get inside him... Okay, don't get inside him, just die then...[chuckles] Get the hammer, hit the things, get the hammer... Hit...get the hammer, hit the raccoon What do I do? Oh okay. Get the hammer, hit this? No? Turn off the light, put the cable...somewhere? You're doing something with the cable that I don't know what it is Bring the cable over to this...No,uumm...hammer?Cable? OHH, oh I have the cable back then I connected it to the lawn mower That just scare him away Oh maybe I supposed to scare him away then There we go, see ya later you stupid raccoon Can I scare him away now? Can I eat him? Can I eat this shit? Eww, don't eat that Oh, I got it [chuckles], oohh right in his neck Eeww, now I got raccoon claws, eugh you're gonna devour the rest of them,you would gonna get bigger, it's kind of like the way these games work This is the harder one than the first one on a few stupid for the, I'm the eddit parts out. Because I can't figure it out what's going on fast enough Right okay, newspaper...skunk, beat the skunk on the head with the newspaper, bean tin Kay...there we go. Am I making a fire? Yea,apparenly...I don't know how, I don't know why I can take the bean tin off him...that's good [chuckles] Uumm, put the...pocket...OOHH, okay. Put the bean tin Can't do anything with that...light the fire? There we put the bean tin over here? OH yeah, I got it Maybe? Yea,he's gonna eat it,he's gonna eat it, maybe... Go get him, go get him. AAHH, sneak attack, sneak attack, bite his ass [bite sound] OH SHIT! OH NO! Smelly. Spider? What do you do? I'm gonna climb up and kill you Or not, spider and the can? I can click on this but it just goes up and does nothing I don't know what the f**k to do I can't do anything while he's climbing Bean tin...where...YEAH!! Finally, Jesus Now eat the spider, maybe? I don't know what the point of that is. What is that giving me...Oh my gad that's disgustin'. Now can I do somethin' with this? That's gross. Oh I have a big fat harsh on me now. Nope, still can't do anything with that I don't...I don't have much things to like click on anymore anyway. So it's either that...or the skunk? Maybe now I can get the skunk. Maybe now I can spray it in my the face's webs while it tries to spray me with his... There we go That makes sense ,that dishausts him Eeewww, eeeeeewwww! Oh now I am a smelly f**ker Okay now we go inside the window, maybe Oh my gad, what am I now? I can barely even see him Now go in the window. Please cause I don't know what else to be doin' [chuckles] Yeah? Yeah, there we go [cough] OH, okay, that makes sense Hey friends, that is a mean looking dog I wonder what the skunk's smell actually smell like Like you hear when it's terrible as awful then makes you sick But I don't actually know what it smells like. Just smell like rotten eggs I ate the scorpion Can I stab you now? Stab the dog [dog barks] Shut up! (Old man:Shut up you stupid dog) [chuckles] Shaat app yoa sttupid dog! No I don't wanna go back out. Here we go, here we go Eat them sausages,doggy! (Old man:Bad dog,get outside) Hah haah hah hhaah! Yeah oh now I can go out and kill the dog [dog barks] Shut up! How did you do that? OH MY GAD I'M HAVING A FEAST! Oh I got a big mouth now Nice...I adop...I adopt to whatever I eat Military precision, holy shit Rap them dishes Ya hear that, shit man? Yeah, open this, the f**k is that?Oh, come over here Move over here like spray in the face what makes Umm...drawlers, doors Ooh, cigarette. There you go There you go, ha ha hah ha hah Okay so I have to...I have to get him to over there?Maybe? AHH, I didn't mean to do that Oh he's, maybe he has an alcohol on now so this will burn him Yeah, there we go, now do somethin' Yeah, he's distracted Aw gobble gobble, bite his dick off Awmn. I don't know why you do that, that's disgustin' OOHH, there...that was his tongue [Old lady screams] Oh I'm comin' for you, mama. What do I look like now? I look the same [Gunfire x2 then you died] OWW! She shot me, she shot me dead Go back outside. Can I go back the window. Yes! Here we go [gunfire]. AAAHH she shot me again. Uhh what's in this? A beer? [gunfire] Oh she shot the beer. Maybe she's out of bullet Are you out of bullets? She's out of bullets! [you'll figure it out later on,Jack] Oh I can choose what I can do to kill her [only choose the 2 first attacks] [vomit] "Skunk" her to dead. Oh no I have to do them all maybe [laughs] [suffocation is done...and you restart all over again,great] No...NO...AAHH! WHAT HAPPENED? Oh I click restarts the whole f**kin' thing Because I was clicking the thing and then a sudden menu popped up Ah, come on, okay I get back, I get back to where I was, there's more endings I think HOKAY LADY, round 2! It was in no time at all, it took me like a minute to get here this time Umm...spray, so you'll drop the gun...and then we can bite you OH yes I bit her whole head off [decapitation is done] YYEEEAAAHHH!!! Okay so we did suffocation and we did decapitation. So let's restart the final scene this...and then...spiky! EEEWWW! [envenomation is done]. And that was envenomation Ventrical penetration, mutation and evisceration. I don't have enough things left for that Let's see what happens if I click one of these then [gunfire, told ya she still has bullets] She shoots to my face off, ha ha hah hah Okay so you need to do this, [vomit], um...I didn't do this one yet AAHH, ah hold in your chest! Oh, oh I can do two things Nice! [evisceration is done]. YEAH that was the evisceration That...this...and maybe this one? There we go [ventrical penetration is done]So that was the ventrical penetraion, but how do we do mutation? No,that's wrong, that's wrong. There's a way I'm doin' all of them one after another, there's like a sequence So we have to figure it out, as always This one first. I thought I did that before. Oh no I did this one...and then the other one. That one...this? NOPE, that just chopped her head off again! Ya?...yea...oh yeah...YEAH! DDDDDUUUDDDEEE!!! I became her. Holy shit! Yeah I did it I got them all. Yeah.I feel good about that now. That was the cool one that has multiple endings I wonder if the first one has multiple endings No, cause it didn't have an option menu like that in the end Maybe it has multiple endings, I don't know but they were fun There's quick and simplement silly and I'm sorry again if my mouse is doing like the flashing thing Piss me off as well, sometimes it disappears, just the way Bandicam picked it up Whenever you record it on your desktop for some reason I don't know what it is, but anyway, they were fun, I like duh...I did even link and description for you guys To walk and pay it if you want Um...but yeah, other other people have played them before and that's why everyone asks me to play it and so you guys probably played them already But anyway for those viewers who didn't see them before. There they are, you can go play them all if you want I thought they were fun But anyway, THANK you guys so much for watching this video if you liked it, PUNCH that like button in the face LIKE A BOSS! And there goes around. Wapoosh, wapoosh. But thank you guys, then we'll see ya all you dudes! [high pitch notes] You missed...What the f**k? WHAT? You can actually fail this?I thought it was just the thing what... <<<I'm picking up good mutation,gonna eviscer rage your asshole>>>[chuckles]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 24,285,758
Rating: 4.8171558 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, The Visitor, Flash Game, Browser Game, Free Game, Gore, Gruesome, Videogame, Flash Animation, Point and Click, Gameplay, Reaction, Funny, Best, Best Flash Games, Mutate, Kill, Murder, Funny Game, The Visitor Jacksepticeye, Blood, Guts, Animals, Cat Butthole, The Visitor Returns, The Visitor Returns Gameplay, Scary, Horror, Cartoon Game, Cartoon Flash Game
Id: c3wKkZULCHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2015
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