TOO MUCH WEIRD | Accounting (HTC Vive Virtual Reality)

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*WHOOPOSH!* TOP OF THE MORNIN' TO YA LADDIES MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE And welcome to a HTC Vive game called 'Accounting'. [phone ringing in background] Now, THIS is one that I'm VERY excited for, because this is made by Squanchtendo and Crows Crows Crows And Squanchtendo is the gaming company -- I know I hear a phone in the background! I'm gonna answer it in a second. Squanchtendo is the gaming company that Justin Roiland made And Justin Roiland is the dude who co-created Rick and Morty He's also the voices of Rick and Morty He's also the dude that helped me get my actual HTC Vive headset And he's the voice of Lemongrab in like Adventure Time and everything The dude is cool as fuck! -- and I love him. And I can't wait to see more stuff that he does - So this is, this is their game. And I have no idea what it is... I have fuckin' arrows in my hands I have no idea what this game is actually about But it should be funny So let's get into it. (man) "Oh yes! You must be our new accountant, Finally! "Yeah, I hope your liking your accounting office" I do! (man in the distance)"Yeah! We're so excited about all of the accounting work you'll be doin' (man) "Y-yes yes, this is splendid!" "Yeah, we've been without an accountant for far too long" (man in the distance) "Can't get anything done without an accountant!" (man) "Yeah, that's true yes, things have been a mess around here. (gasp) We have no idea where we are with the finances." (man in the distance) "Yeah, and I just remembered, that an accountant--(interupted)" (man) "Alright! Well, enough with the pleasantries." "Lets get you all situated." "Alright! Pop open the cartridge slot there on the desk." (man in the distance) "On the desk!" (man) "Pop it open." "Push down on it and it will pop open." (man in the distance) "It will pop open!" (man) "Pop open the cartridge slot, push it to pop it." (man in the distance) "Pop that thing!" (man) "All you have to do is push down on it, and it'll spring up out of the desk!" (man) "It's grey thing with a red bit in the middle" (Jack) "This?" (man in the distance)"Yeah push it up-, pull it up from the-" (man) "So it on the table- It's ON THE TABLE" (Jack) OK! (man) "It's grey and it's red. It's on-" (man) "Ah! It's pretty incredible isn't it?" (man) "Ah! It's pretty incredible isn't it?" Oohhhhh! "A cartridge slot built right into the accounting desk" (Jack) It's fuckin' lovely! (man) " - a picture of it in the dictionary if you look up the word efficiency" (man in distance) Well done! That was pretty inventive! Okay, so... now, you'll need to get the cartridge! (man) uhh.. where did we put it again? (man in background) We put it somewhere in this room! (man) It's In the desk drawer. The desk drawer. (Jack) Ok, d-desk drawer... (man) Oh no. (man) It's not there after all- (Jack) IT'S NOT IN THERE DUDES (man) Its in the Top Drawer of the filing cabinet. That's where it is! (Jack) The top drawer on the file cabinet...ok (man) No! Its not in there! No Way No Way Jose (Jack) I'm just gonna keep searching on my own. (man) It's not in there...That's right (man) we never put things in there (man) is not in there, no way- Ok -no sir -no boy- Oh Jeez- oh wow- oh no (man) it's not in there W-wait... It's not... even in there It's under the plant (man in the distance) "Oh no, oh yes, I mea - oh no" "oh not. It - it's not in there" (laughts) (man) "Fuc- *smacks* you, Fuck You! *smacks again*" (man) "Fuck. IT'S UNDER THE Plant, It's under the plant" (man) "Fuck you. It's und-" (Jack) I SEE IT! OKAY, COULD YOU (man in the distance) "hugh... I got, Fuck you-" (Jack) COULD YOU GUYS SHUT UP?! (man) "put the cartage in the slot, now please-" "-right- right this instant" "We've wasted" "enough time- Alright!" Seal Of Quality! "Finally! So, in a moment your VR goggles will POP out of the desk" (man in the distance) "Any moment now! Anticipating!" (man) "Oh it's the newest craze in accounting!" "VR Accounting! It's the ne-" (man in the distance) "It's the newest craze in accounting!" "Virtual Reality Accounting! It's- It's- e -e" "er-er-I will come out any time soon-" (man) "Your accounting speed will-" "be drastically increase- " WHERE IS IT?! "by this Virtual Reality Goggles- Once-" "they pop up, out of the desk- " "just pick em' up and" AAWWW! "put them on. And dive-" Very, very fancy. I mean- I got a fancy piece of kit on my face right now. But. this~! I see it. I see it. I see. I see it WOAH! Okay! Right! So that was the basic premise to start it off. I don't know why I'm an accountant -or what the hell is going on. This is very, very pretty, though. Temperature is OK 72 degrees Fahrenheit or 22 degrees Celsius That's better than OK! That's great! As an Irishman, 22 degrees, is fucking awesome Ahahahahey How are you! ha ha ha ha you're - oh! You remind me of the sun! (tree creature) FUCK YOU! Fuck you, get outta here! What? (tree creature) Get outta here! Fuck you! (tree creature) What are you doing here in my place!? What are you doing in my place, get the fuck outta here! I don't know dude! (tree creature) Get the fuck outta here! What are you doing in my place!? (tree creature) This is my tree place! (tree creature) You broke it!! (tree creature) You broke my thing! Oh! (tree creature) You broke my metal thing! You broke it! It's important! (tree creature) You're not supposed to take that thing outta there! I'm sor-should I put it back in? (tree creature) What are you doing!! This is MY place! Oh, I'm-apologies! *phone rings* (tree creature) Where did you even come from!? Where did THAT come from? (tree creature) PUT THAT BACK! Kay *puts back battery* I am! (tree creature) That's my thing, fuck you! I...I put it back... (tree creature) This is my world! Oh God, I can't put it back Ohh, I can't put it back Oh! I'm sorry! SHUT UP! Dude! Can I- fucking- Ah I can't get closer! Okay I'm answering the phone Shut the fuck up! Guy1: "Ohh it's something really bad, ohh this is really bad - (guy 1): "This isn't the accounting program." - (tree creature): Who is that?! - Other guy: "No no that's not the accounting program." - (tree creature): Don't you answer that phone! Jack: Excuse me! (game inaudible) Okay, okay okay, EVERYONE'S YELLING AT ME EVERYONE'S FREAKING OUT I'm puttin' this on "Please check battery in case light is out" - OHH - (tree creature keeps yelling) SHUT THE F*CK UP ITS MY FRIENDS... OKAY (guys on phone talking, tree creature yelling.) THERE WE GO OHHKAY JESUS CHRIST HAHAHAHAHA OHH that is DEFINITELY Justin Roiland's humour. HEY Get- Get on out of here with my eye holes Blob guy: Hello, who are you? Jack: OHH B:I am so glad to see you J: AHHHH B: Thanks for being here. In my dungeon. I don't know who you are, but I'm so miserable and lonely by myself I'd like you to stay forever please Please hang out so we can chat about just nonsense and *uninteligable* J: let's learn about the body, okay *reading sign* YES IM A KING B: I took a big- OHH THERES my knife! THANK YOU Thank you for cleaning up my mess J: Why- why do I need this? B: I couldn't have done it without you I'm so glad that you're here with me B: Ohh I'm so happy- J: OHHNO B: that you are here with me because I'm- let me tell you J: I HAVE TO STAB HIM ohh god i cant grab it anymore here we go EWW dude IM SORRY OHH HE'S SO NICE DIDDLE HIS DIDDLES EUUUGH LOOK AWAY CHILDREN *Blob guy screams* J: AHHHHH HAHAHAHA IM SORRY I DIDNT MEAN TO- OHH OHH OHH OHH OHH MOTHER- GOD HAHAHAH WHAT THE FUCK I KILLED HIM *phone rings* OHH GOD LETS LEARN ABOUT THE HUMAN BODY OHH... CONCIENCE? guy 1: Good news we've triangulated your position inside virtual reality and you're literally standing right next to the king of VR other guy: *mumbling* -he knows EVERYTHING about VR! guy 1: but his heart is a pair of VR goggles, literally other guy: HIS MIDDLE NAME IS VR GUY 1: alright i was scared for a moment, you know, I thought that maybe everything would go really badly uhh but no Other guy: You're just really lucky, that you just happen to stand right next to the king of VR I mean DUDE J: IM REALLY LUCKY YEAH GUY 1: wait wait a second why are you being so quiet whats going on J: I- I mIght have killed him guy 1: put the king of virtual reality on the phone hand him the phone J: Ohhkay..... UHHM THIS GAME IS SLIGHTLY FUCKED UP I didnt realise that what I was doing was this bad IM SORRY OKAY? well into fucking hell we go ohh god, what are you gonna make me do next OHH I've already stabbed someone I've already ruined the environment of another creatures f*cking habitat I- HIII skeleton: Hey dude come here, come here and play us other skeleton: play us bro! you wanna get up in here and play this.. this... these bones? s1: man you look hip, come here and play me, play me really hard J: Where am I? s2: I want you to pick up those sticks and J: JUSTIN YOU SHUT UP, YOU... I DONT KNOW BUT S1: come here and play me. play me. yo bud J: okay, okay hi S1: DUDECOME s2: ohh thats one of my bones you just played J: HAHA! [xylophone notes] DODODODODODODOOT *Super Mario Bros Theme* s1: *mumbling* just put em in your mouth J: am i supposed to- YOU GUYS ARE F*CKING WIERD SHUTUP WHOOOO THIS IS AWESOME YOU'RE MAKING ME FEEL AWKWARD STOP IT. GO AWAY WHAT THE F*CK IS IN THIS ooooooOOOOOOOOOOH ROYAL STOMACH ACID AM I INSIDE THE KING RIGHT NOW? S1: stop stop no that is, that is acid like, acid, burn through you just put it down J: UHHHM DO YOU WANT SOME ACID ON YOU WHO WANTS IT YOURE TALKING FIRST SO WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE AHH AHHHHHHHH AHHH JESUS WHAT DID WE DO- I KILLED MYSELF WITH ACID WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS GAME THIS IS WIERD I MEAN IM KINDA INTO IT BUT IM KINDA NOT AT THE SAME TIME OHH OH JEEZ OOHEE GET ON UP OUTTA HERE OF MY EYEHOLES UHM Where am I? ohh god judge: here ye here ye were in the courtroom alright okay now now that you alright now lets get started J: UHH OH JUDGE: we are a kind.... Jack: THAT IS A TINY DESK JUDGE: we are a benevolent people Jack: WAIT... WHATS THIS STUFF YOUR HONOUR YOUR HONOUR GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN A PAMPHLET ON HOW TO DEAL WITH THE SUDDEN LOSS OF YOUR BELOVED KING I MIGHT HAVE KILLED HIM JUDGE: and you... killed the king JACK: I DID COULDNT FOLLOW SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS AND INVADED OUR PEACEFUL WORLD I KNOW YOURE TALKING I KNOW THEY'RE TALKING IM GONNA HAVE TO TALK OVER THEM CAUSE THEY NEVER STOP UHHM RIGHT OKAY (Judge): little courtroom where we are upset with you WHAT DO WE DO LITTLE PUBLIC DEFENDER OHH GOD HES GONNA COME OUT AND HELP ME JURY! GET READY FOR THE BEST DEFENSE OKAY HEY! YOUR HONOUR (defendant) Yes your honour, I prefer the term "Littlest Public Defendant" (defendant) Uhh, and I am here to represent my client (defendant) Because, obviously, this is a witch trial! (defendant) For what you all are putting him through! (Judge): Ah-ah-ah I don't - I don't think that's true, but - uh, uh, state your situation (defendant): My client did not kill the king, your honor. (defendant): If the crown doesn't fit, you must let my client go, your honor! - (Jack): YES!! (Judge): That is - that is a fancy little phrase. You are definitely pulling my - pulling me over. [Jack laughs] (Judge): You're winning me over, up here. (defendant) Oh! We don't know each other that well! (defendant) For you to just, pick my body up! Jack: Oh no, oh no! (new defendant, female voice): Your honor, how much chicken noodle soup did YOU have last night (female defendant): you sodium puffy f***? - (Jack): Ohh... [laughs] (female defendant): My client is an upstanding citizen. OBJECTION! *whispers* What do I do? - (new defendant): ... my client exactly! - (judge): Oh, yeah, tell it to the judge. - (new defendant): You're the f***ing judge. - (judge): F*** you. - (new defendant): Oh, f*** you, your honor, with your beady little eyes. (new defendant) Woah! I'm sorry, what are you doing!? (new defendant) STRANGER DANGER!! (new defendant) *SCREAMS* (judge) Hey, woah, woah, woah! You don't through Tiny Public Defenders at MY jury! (Jack) SORRY! (Jack) Is this thing on!? (judge) THATS IT! I hereby, with the power, with the authority of the king- the kingdom- of VR- of the king... Pronounce you... to DEATH! (Jack) NO! (judge) Bring in the guillotine Michael! (Jack) Michael, no! (tree creature) Look what you did! Look what you did to my world! The whole forest is on fire! This was my place! (tree creature) Grab my bomb! (tree creature) Don't let the fuse get lit!! *inaudible shouting* (Jack) OH GOD! Peace out bitches! WHAT IS HAPPENING!? I'm back! [phone ringing] I don't like VR, anymore... okay? This thing SUCKS! Okay, getting rid of the fan again coz he's too loud. What does this say here? "THE END"?! That can't be the end! (man): Oh, what -- you figured it out?! You did it! You did Accounting! (man 2): You did it! That was accounting! (Jack): THAT was accounting?! - (man): You killed yourself to escape virtual reality - Jack: I did! [small bangs and party whistles] [loud gunshot bang] Jack: Oh gawd I shot myself in the f***ing head! So to get out of virtual reality you kill yourself? Is that it? Did the game just end because I killed myself? [whimpers] I don't know what's happening. Was that really it?! That's the end of the game. Is everything the same as before? - Jack: Hi? - (man): Ah, yes, you must be our new accountant. Okay! Well that does it for Accounting. I thought there was gonna be a whole lot more to it than that. I didn't think it was gonna be over so soon. That was weird! - What was that?! I went into VR, only to -- - (game): F*** YOU!! - Shut the f*** up! ... only to die and go back out of VR? I don't know if there was something else to that that I'm missing. I feel like there was something meta that was going on that kinda went over my head. I was probably waiting for something else to happen, and then it didn't really happen, so it just ended. I have no idea. That was weird. I liked it though. The world that was created was really cool, and I liked the little characters it's so like, Rick and Morty humor, and I love that! I love that type of impr -- improvisational humor it's just like, "oh you're here now, um, well, I don't -- get outta here, you're in -- in my space!" "in my personal space!" kind of thing. I love it, it's so f***ing funny. I -- I love this type of humor and style and everything so I hope that they do more This is only the first thing as well, so -- I'm looking forward to seeing what else they do with VR and everything, and I'm very glad they have a game company and that they actually are working on stuff, because I think they can do incredible things, so I -- I cannot wait for more. They do have -- I do know that there's a Rick and Morty job simulator thing coming out after awhile like Rick's Garage that you can go into and mess around and stuff so -- I'm really looking forward to that as well, I can't wait to get my hands on it, so -- oh, exciting! But for now -- THANK you guys so much for watching this episode. If you LIKED it, PUNCH that Like button in the face LIKE A BOSS and -- high fives all around. [whippish] [whippish] Thank you guys and I will see all you dudes in the next video!! That dude still yelling? Yep, he's still yelling. [phone ringing and tree creature yelling in game]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 12,625,819
Rating: 4.8977742 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, accounting, accounting VR, accounting game, justin roiland game, squanchtendo, accountig HTC Vive, accounting full game, bowslinger, HTC Vive, Valve VR, Valve HTC Vive, SteamVR, virtual reality, VR demo, HTC Vive gameplay, reaction, games, VR games, virtual reality games, VR headset, VR gameplay, playthrough, VR funny reaction, funny reaction, lets play, virtual reality lets play, Valve, Steam, PC, Playthrough, gameplay, HTC Vive Jacksepticeye
Id: xJuuyg6ciHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 19 2016
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