The Craziest 8,000 IQ Among Us Outplay Ever!

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we're playing with one imposter this time not two if that imposter wins we will each send them a thousand dollars so they'll get 10 grand oh pressure is on oh my god i am the imposter 10 000 is on the line one imposter this one will be interesting okay i'm gonna do this i could win 10 grand one imposter oh that's so hard okay that's one that's one no simon simon find my body i've seen josh like twice now and both times he's gone back simon simon okay i'll move cello nice nice this is good oh what yo when'd you get in here bro josh dead body there's a body the bottom of the map me harold were together the whole time we were indeed did you guys leave each other at any point in time even for a second calm down there mister i was hugging harold the whole time ksi where'd you come from when you went to admin no well i was trying yeah we should we shoot ksi here can i talk i was with simon i was sort of cello when he says he was with me i walked down into admin for the last three seconds yeah because i was doing the card and thing wait no you weren't you're on download no no i didn't think i paid a private investigator to watch all your videos and take notes of how you guys act when you're imposter oh wow you are joking ksi defensive as imposter and can fumble with this story doesn't work well under pressure he's not very composed your story's breaking you're getting defensive not good under pressure you've got to vote me anyway because it's just it's it's a meme let's not help the imposter let's all just skip i definitely skipped this could have been the quickest dub ever whoever is imposter 10 grand on the line i would hate to be impostor right now weird thing to say vic you're faking it bro all right i can't kill ethan obviously hmm who am i suss in here i would love to imposter actually right now this would be a good chance at 310 grand be fair if i stick with carl we cannot die we can it's like kind of flawed okay this is good this is good got a lot of people here i've lost car my friend carl oh no held yes was it you i can tell you wholeheartedly it wasn't me mate okay who was in reactor just now me could have been a vent to reactor right there's a vent there i'll give it to whoever's imposter you're doing good so far where is buddy uh the body's uh upper engine i'm just saying ethan was very fast to vote me off yeah i wonder i also don't like his backwards cap mr chandler chandler when we was running towards the reactor you went upper engine no no i went down harry ran away from it when the reactor went off he ran away it's harry bro he's hung out he's actually not me who are we voting for vote here and if i'm wrong you can just vote me up he asked who we voted for you know it's him i'm pretty certain how he was faking toss and electric putting sauce on josh and harry lots of sauce everywhere if they let jj do i'm not paying jj any money interesting mr carl sasson josh he was innocent if ethan dies then that's how i can win i reckon it's one of those american dollies what what no i was really killed okay it's jj well it wasn't jimmy all right i was just saying carl keeps talking a lot but nope it wasn't him who went down middle when the round started just then i'm into admin and then back up i don't know i'm starting harry now that ethan's dead no simon you can vouch you saw me do the med bay right i went into admin did the wires then went into med bay and harry was in there who was with him it came out 100 only the last like 10 seconds i can vouch for him jimmy why is it not car because we were together from start to finish why is no one suss of jj why look how quiet he is just vote harry for me and if i'm wrong just vote me off next round i don't care we know it's not you wait where was the body i don't even know yet it's on top of the trash shoe in storage oh he's skipping the vote i'm skipping we skip here skip here i'm skipping i'm skipping americans stick together if anybody goes near us you're the imposter oh boy this mr beast on it is sticking on me for no apparent reason you know what i haven't got a clue right now have i just done lights oh the lights are up ah oops sorry boss oh what why are we still here um i don't know if it's hairy i take all that back body is where let's let's get out first i was about to run into a lower engine and a report button comes up and suddenly ksi comes from the body oh here we go brilliant ksi ran right up to me in upper engine i mean harold was there literally five seconds ago we know without a shot of a doubt it's not us carl we could just start dropping them like flies yeah vote either me or jj but as long as you vote him as well okay well i'm voting for simon then i'm feeling a jj it's jj yes yes they go him come on i i know but we we have we have time you use logic and we've lost every game stop using logic and get him the hell out of here all of you yes let's go round one your boy was hella quiet bro this is tough now we're going to do two imposters instead of one so if the impostors win they're going to get 20 000 collectively oh my god let's go imposter again oh my gosh i'm only ever imposter i hate it well this time i'm not lying so obvious it's so obvious you know i need to stack up on a big brain here then it's less likely that we die all right you know what oh i almost did it okay me and jimmy vick's the big brain there's call you kill me we aren't cool you kill me we are cool oh you kill me around cool you mean we aren't cool i don't want to sit here and watch someone be fair imposter there's no one here what the hell everyone's here who's on the other one is everyone just sticking together there's like 19 people there that's almost a problem though because it's almost too many people i did both i did both o2s trying to do it as well okay vic star i'm putting all of my faith into you paul and tyler make it down this way to me here i'm gonna call the emergency meeting again everyone's good side oh please hello i have no reason for calling honestly i thought someone would be dead so you can skip they've got no kills one's got to be harry then what do you mean one's gotta be me why'd one copy me harry you run around the map going what do i do i don't know what to do nobody can vouch for anything nobody got a kill i was literally just curious if someone died no one did just yeah sorry my bad i feel like if i kill carl my chance of winning goes up a lot don't even don't kill me even don't kill me even with boys we're boys don't touch me oh it might be jimmy he stopped depresso too that is big sauce everyone's just sticking together man there's nothing to do i hate it they can't stack like this hello simon simon don't do it i just saw toby over here why oh what the [ __ ] all right here i can vouch for carl me and carl was together the entire time same with it okay i will say 100 vouch on both of them for this kill for this kill but sus on jimmy and i'm not gonna say why yet well now i'm starting to get so see you somebody's trying to big brain right now jj i saw you stood on the ot fix thing and you were there for an awful amount of time what do you mean i just did my task ksi does get defensive when he's impossible oh defensive wow uh defensive story breaking there was a knot there was a diamond in the chute bro bro the don wrote notes on you no no no no can we pause no no can we pull it's a wrap ah bro ethan and josh quickly vote for me i voted to skip jj i don't think it's ksi it had to be an event kill if even vote for me i swear to god i swear to god so we know one of them is mini minter but who is the other one i'll go with chandler and carl trust these boys i'm gonna die and i i'm gonna die i [ __ ] do it all right we got away with it it can't be simon unless he goes on a killing rampage simon comes out here it's him no oh no no no no no okay i think it's vic why why carl where yeah hold on where did you guys separate cars i lost sight of him at the top of storage whoa that's very sustained and why am i sausage because you were with him up there this is a second report that chandler's done then i think it's you and vic i'm starting to think carl and vic are playing us a little bit okay vic star please finish your tasks and then do a dance and then i'll do mine jimmy stay with me i can't trust anyone i can't trust anyone stay with me jimmy minnie mitter stop being stupid everyone is just next to each other okay three two one many minutes go down go down find the bodies there's a double kill come on okay perfect it's a minimeter and jimmy how dumb was that yes i'm not losing any money yes come on boys save the money carl and vic are playing you ethan that's all i'm saying oh yeah okay all right i thought we agreed you just can't sit butt buddies all game we could have just not played the game i could have told you no one split up i split up and that's why i died thank you everybody for watching subscribe to sidemen and we'll see you in whatever they're doing next
Channel: MrBeast Gaming
Views: 22,113,974
Rating: 4.9317613 out of 5
Id: wc7K1sakzMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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