KAMEHAMEHAAAA!! | Whack Your Boss Superhero Style

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*Wapish* Top of the mornin' to ya laddies My name is Jacksepticeye and welcome to Don't Whack your Boss with *superpowers* this time. We've done a whack your boss already It was an older version of it But this one is brand new- there's fluff in my face go away! -This one is brand new. It only came out, like, four days ago and a lot of people have been putting it into the comments for me to play cuz we've played all the other ones. We went through all of them, and it was a grand great old time But I'm really glad to see that there's more of these coming out more regularly. They had like "Whack Your Neighbor," "Whack the Burglar," and, now, "Whack Your Boss." They've all come out very close to each other, so I'm glad that they're still updating them because I love these flash games, They're so cool! and they're so much fun to see all the styles and stuff, and I love superheroes and super powers! So I'm hopin' there's a lot of references for me to be able to get this. Oh! It's actually completely different! I thought I was like she's just going to be the "Whack Your Boss" with, like, superpowers this time the exact s ame game just with different powers... um here's Thor's hammer Come here to me Mjolnir. *whack* oh! [ Jackaboy in shock ] Jesus Christ! Okay, he's wolverine in the thing...*chuckles* Like [that] actually kind of spoils what the fucking, what THAT one is well, *sarcastically* Thanks! umm Next okay, let's do there's one of them. Is it that's what Thor's hammer's called isn't it?(yeah it's Mjölnir) It's like M-J- O-L or something I don't know how you actually pronounce that, I-I don't know leave me alone, I am just a little boy! *okay jeez* uh Basketball, Weights, Game console, doll, looks like the dude from One Piece Wolverine! No... What? Where's the others? Oh, Hulk smash! Hulk's gloves, Hulk's fists! They're actually get to turn into him...*on screen* UGHH You're in for it now, buddy. Oh your, OH! OH! OH! OH! Puny Boss! Is that so just what I do? I just like jump through the roof after I finish all of [them] So that was a reference to the avengers. [I'm] guessing the first avengers does he like bounces loki all over the place nice [I] like [this] so far is it away any would like to whack a boss anyway? I do I [touched] something in the face like a boss for that racket. Oh cyclops Yeah, laser beam, oh God I Just blow holes in walls and everything and then leave I like how [youse] blast him with his eyes He was chopping him in half But then when the severed head came over to me was like you know good away from me like that was gross or something um What else we got what else we got [oh]? What is that? It's a lightsaber It's not a superpower. [oh] You have the slowest reflexes in the world do they count come on? Okay, they count Jesus Christ that was cool Okay, it's supposed to meet it's called whack your boss [superhero-style], that's what the actual title of the game says up here. You can't see it on screen right now But Jedi are not superheroes. [I] mean in their world They kind of are [but] they're never like classified as superhero, so I don't think that can count Like using the Force. [it's] kind of like a superpower, but no oh this to do from robocop. [I] can't remember his name [I] love them though um Spider-Man is [feliz] man we favorite superhero Is that it? Okay, this come on. This is lame. [oh] Never mind see, ya Good Christ Spider-Man, I'd never do that Spider-Man is just making Stupid one layer and then jump out the window um okay this looks like something from Mortal Kombat. Let's score Peter sub-Zero's mask Get over here Yep, sub-Zero Again, they don't count as superheroes Or maybe they do. I don't [know] I'm not getting into the fucking semantics of this, what else do we have what? the ancient flute of the Spider-Man Hell is this? Hello, oh Boy, [Waddy] gum Yeah awesome I don't know Hawaii. There's a flute to call [Guardzilla] Is that a thing is that like a cannon thing that happens? I've never seen that before they did the Godzilla pied piper um a [dragonball] is that a dragonball dare you how dare you fuck you? Super safe I Don't any [street] [fighter]. [no], it's the Mayor Mayor wave Well then That was awesome your kamehameha. Wave is pretty damn strong that could Rival Goku's uh Where's the Wolverine one then oh? You're [let] think oh. God. What's the name of that? Oh I know it? It's like doraemon or something like that, isn't it. I think I've seen that before um come on there must be cooler shit around here Well, they've all been pretty cool so far [um] [boo] [cape] Superman Am I superman laser beams? Nice, take him to space Can we go back in time with them just go around the Earth [the] bunch of times? Superman did that oh Yeah, oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh no. Oh good smash Come on, dude. That's a bit overkill. Don't you think? I'm hoping away there was nothing left of them okay, so we have nine of them there should be four more. [oh], there's Wolverines claws Get him get him bug boy Snubbed above job. [oh] yay. You're in for a badge a pub to stand there boom [oh] Jesus oh, God God oh Pizza I kind of ruined it though cuz you showed it here ah man, I Wish I didn't see that already [cuz] [that] was a cool one. I really like that one. That's my favorite so far I'm setting mouse trap protractor man Huh, [set] a protractor author pocket dear Okay, it's a shrinking light What I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of um dad you are Go tie me, and you you if you have to scrape your shoe off now What oh wait that's from that doraemon thing again as well listening is it call that? God, I camera. It's something mine it begins with a d. I can't remember what it was call. It was this dude Okay, it looks like that anyway They I remember that from fucking years ago, but I I don't remember well enough to know exactly what it is um Okay, there's only a few left [A] photocopier man uh eraser Man Eraser head See anything can fucking work at this point scene is they're not going with sheer superheroes um Okay, now I'm at a loss only [have] two more Wait, maybe we can use something on ourselves the chair my bag my hair hair man That's why [Super] [power] um Sit seriously though. What would your superpower be if you had one? What would you guys pick and I hate when they like heights up in the Corners cuz [another] shit there Spongebob? Cuz [I've] always thought about my superpowers and been like um teleportation teleportation to be a cool one because everyone wants flight well not everyone but Swag is something that I'd love but you get bored of [that] after why it's like oh, I can fly around the place But it still takes time to do where Teleporting is the same as flight you can go anywhere you wanted to but you do it instantly so you don't have to you won't Get bored of it. I see something [over] here I see britain I see friends. I see naruto Did you? Know oh there we go. Yes Get him [oh] I'm gonna be the next Hokage. [oh] This is lane narrowed [your] pyre Naruto Okay, one left. What's the last one um okay? My furnace doesn't stop that please there you go um Where is the worst last one? Oh? [Rubik's] Cube Cube of Justice Are those transformers who's at the [allspark]? oh Dudes come on. I'm Gonna get fired. Oh Seamless, it's like I couldn't even tell that they were all separate robots at one point. I did it. I got them all I https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMPHBPHxNWn9TxfccfUuaiA? Subscribe to Arcade chamelion Was it all just a dream. We just made them out in your head ah [man], okay, well that's all of them. I guess [winners] never use um that was fun. It wasn't as good as some of the other ones, I still um What was my favorite one? What mike your neighbor was pretty good and the original actually I don't know what the original is I don't know what they're the first one was but the first one I played was what your ex [I] still think those are the better ones? I don't know these ones seem to be kind of running out of ideas this could have been so [much] better than it was They could have had so much more in it, but I'm glad we got most of the references if not all of them I think I got all of them. Good night I wasn't getting the Godzilla one at first because it was a flute and I didn't know what the hell was going on But I think I got all of them. I need to remember what the name of that character is um He's a dude or a I'm on or something actually I'll look it up Yeah, wasn't it this thing the doraemon doraemon doraemon flashlight. I looked up and this came up. That was it right I? Remember that you get like a little usb [one] to put on your computer. That's shown on your keyboard that [girl] [was] a gravity falls thing because gravity falls has a shrinking and enlarging flashlight But I don't think it was that because that [has] like a crystal on the front of it And that didn't look like that that looked like a doraemon thing so I'ma go with that anyway Thank you guys so much watching this episode if you liked it punch that like button in the face Oh my God boys, and my face on road, shh shh? Thank you ace. They were silly news one Okay subscibe to arcade chamelion https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMPHBPHxNWn9TxfccfUuaiA? Is my cheese strong?
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 12,206,166
Rating: 4.9217386 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Whack your games, whack your neighbours, whack it games, whack your ex, whack your boss, don't whack your teacher, whack you jacksepticeye, whack your neighbour jacksepticeye, gameplay, walkthrough, playthrough, all deaths, all death scenes, hidden death scenes, final death scenes, best death scenes, violence, flash game, browser game, full game, whack the burglars, all endings, all options, choices, whack your boss super hero style, super hero, super hero powers
Id: GC56ZBEcUd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2016
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