HUMAN DEVOURED | The Visitor : Massacre At Camp Happy

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*Wapish* Top of the morning to you laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye and welcome to The Visitor: Massacre at Camp Happy. That's a mouthful. If you remember, I played The Visitor games before, they were little Flash Games kinda like Riddle School Where you had to get in and.. press different things in the enviornment and find out the sequence of everything to kill all the people in the game and then you progress to the end and you became, different mutations of this creature here who is an alien from outer space! It's- not, not like an alien from another country, like an illegal alien- God what the hell is in my eye? Anyway, this one looks really cool because you get to actually walk around as the creature this time, iit's not just sit and click..stuff so let's play! (feminine voice 1) Looks like a great night to watch the meteor showers. (weird masculine voice) We should trek up to the mountain to get a better view, are you coming Stacey (weird scrapy feminine voice) No thanks Brian. I'd rather stay here safe in the tent haha (same masculine voice) The animals are more scared of you then you are of them (feminine voice 1) Just the same Steve, we should stick to the trails. Who knows what's lurking out there in the darkness? Tis I, tis Jackaboy tis the meteorite alien dude so, each level is like a little obstacle course kinda thing, that I have to get around and eat everybody and it's gonna be fun so move and SPACE is to eat eat the squirrel, eat the squirrel, look at my little alien dude, doesn't his- *very dramatic music interuption* Music is kinda over the top don't ya think I like how I have this orchestra behind me *bad impression of music behind him* My, my mouth looks like a butthole doesn't it, I think so, ok what do these say move W A S D, SPACE to eat eat land dwelling creatures, squirrel, to gain the ability to climb trees, so that's the idea of the game, you eat the animal and then you become bigger or get their traits to be able to continue, ahh come here, come here, ok, sneak up behind him HAH, ha ha ha haa now I got my little arms haha it's so adorable, hahaha ok, what does this one say, "sneak up behind animals to evade them attacking ok, here we go welcome to camp happy, it's not gonna be happy for long eat water dwelling animals, turtles, to gain the ability to swim I, fff, he's to big, oooww "you can only eat creatures your size or smaller" ooh kay so, EEH, now I'm big, now I'm big, what up turtle bro? now I'm a fish I'm a fish and I'm killing I'm also just a fish eat flying creatures to gain the ability, to fly hah, come here you little bitch just keep trying, just keep, just keep, k keep, fuck I fell and died, goddamnit, come here you little bird bitch how do I eat him do I have to sneak up behind him, HAH, I do, now I can fly, flappy flappy, sss, swallow swallow now I have a giant butthole mouth just the way I've always wanted what's up next "some animals are very territorial and must be devoured to pass, HAH oh my god I fucked them up yes, destroy the camp destroy the camp, eat, earn extra points by destruction, yes Hello, STACEY!! Human devoured! She turned into entrails and socks and bones God that was disgusting, haha (masculine voice) "Hi there, do you know the way to the mountain trial?" (deep masculine voice, text in speech bubble) we'll be careful shut your mouth, we're hikers I have to eat him next, haha oh it's just like a horror movie, it's so cool erm, right so I have to eat the mice? heh, come here heh, k, I have to sneak up behind them heh, gotcha, and, ooww fucking coming off land, coming out of the water like that, oh sneak up on the squirrel, eh, yes, where do I go? ouch, stop it ya turtle bitch oh *bad instrument impression* ah this is fun, can I eat the flowers, eh, I fucking can can I eat you, are you big enough, YES eat the bastards, eat the bird, eat the bird, now flappy flappy, down goes Jacky where do I go, there's more dudes back there that I didn't eat ah that is not English on those signs, you were speaking English to each-other but that are not the Engly, heh 'K, now I can swim, so, each level seems to be like a puzzle you can eat creatures your size or smaller, can I eat you? oooww ooh can't eat him, fuck ouch ouch that hurt all of my bones, maybe I have to go back here and get bigger ohm, yea, ohm, YES but now I can't get across or can I, can I still swim through haha I can, never mind me, I am a crazy (masculine Jack groans) gottem but now I can't go across cuz I'm to fat, oh go back and eat a mouse oh wait I can't do that, eh, yes now I can swim, hahA so each level is like a puzzle you go through it and you have to figure out the sequence of things you have to do so go back, eat the mouse eat the mice, now I'm tiny again, and now I'll be able to go across the board, cuz I'm not a heavy bastard yes, oh I'm coming for you kiddies I'm coming to devour everything that you know and love follow the blood trails, that's always a good sign, here we go hi friend, look at him just sitting down by the fire thinking (deep masculine voice) my wife left me, all I have now is this campfire DIE BITCH!! Hahaha, devoured your head, human devoured yay, I don't know how long this game is, but I'm having a blast (feminine voice1, speech bubble) (gruff masculine voice, speechbubble) ok, awhoosh earn extra points by destroying the flowers, they gave me 5 and you give me 5 ok, eat the mice, eat the fucking mice sneak up behind the mice I feel like Jaws I can't eat you yet go away, go away, go away, leave me alone leave me alone, FISH 'K, so now I can swim naah go away, go away piggy, noone likes you cross this way Ooh interesting, intertdasting ok let's do this, let's do this, sneak up behind the bird and KAWKAW motherfucker yess, now what do I eat, oh I'm across here now, I don't need to eat anything else, I'm already over here can't go through there cuz I'm not a squirrel, it's funny how I can fly above the trees yess, but I can't actually, do anything else to them, can I eat the, dude over here yet? this fellow, heh, nope, oww what the fuck do I eat then, wait, can I eat the haren? ah maybe I can eat the heron, let's try that I just saw a heron yesterday, flying down the river heh, oww what a fuck so what do I eat? heh, I can't eat that bastard ooh I can fly over here what am I thinking, what am I thinking? now, maybe I can eat him maybe not, maybe I actually gotta eat one of these dudes now, I eat the big one heh, and then eat the bigger one, heerh and then eat, this, daaaah, I died, heh, daawww man ok I can swim across now can I eat you, heh, I can't eat him ok, I have to be a big fly birdy, a big flyer, hah, yess how does that help me, where do I go? goddamnit, can I destroy the big trees, no I can fly everywhere now but I, I need a squirrel to be able to go through the trees there's no squirrels around what do I do, there is a reason I'm able to eat you again, there's a reason I'm able to eat you guys again maybe I, eat you, become like that, and then eat you guys and become small again, heh fucking, NO, heh, goddamnit I drew a P on the ground by accident now can I go in, I can Hello Clifton, if that even is your real FACE! Eat em. OHHH!! Oh god eat his heart gain his courage, human devoured I'm gonna eat all the humans, they're good for you, they're high in fiber hehehe, good in vitamin human what are you doing here (feminin voice, speech bubble) (high pitched feminine voice, speech bubble) (normal Jack voice) "there's something roaming around scaring all the animals (masculine voice, speech bubble) sounds very good, sounds hahaha, haha, I get to eat otters, yaay, ok, this is a weird one cuz it's all underwater fucking hell, 's a long ass level ok what are you telling me? "some animals will respawn if needed, but will not give you any more points" ok got it no, no, heh, eat the mouse, eat the MOUSE , then eat the pig, yess now I can't get across that, what? mother fucker, I need to be small again, come here you little rat bitch heh, how can I sneak up on him if he has his back to the fucking wall I'll fucking, eh, gottem, gottem, fuck that guy goddamnit frame rate is going to shit, ah fucking ow, ow, go away you big heron bastard stop stop stop stop go away heh, gottem gottem gottem gottem gottem gottem, aah run away I'm like run away, my little cute hands ok so now I can eat you and get across the trees, nice can I eat you now, fuck eh, eat the turtle can I eat these bastards, eh, goddamnit man everything is to strong for me, I fucking died don't restart me, son of a bitch ah, fffucking squirrel, bitch, come here bah, behhburh, fucking, everyting wants to kill me, AAAAHH eh, gottem gottem gottem gottem gottem, run run run run run run run you little cutie, heh, gottem yess, heehh, we're in the water again do I avoid this dude come after me, come after me bro, come after me bro, yeah is what I thought, 's what I tought bitch no, at least when you fall down a hole you don't have to restart, am I to big? goddamnit, eh now I'm big enough to devour his ass, heh, heh, come here, son of a bitch trying to out do me, breh AARRHH I am so powerfull sssssttooooop stoooop iiittt, try to eat me, I don't wanna die dooh aah AAHH so, now I can eat the mice again, and get small again ffffuck heh, sneak up on these micers, eh aw I'm all tiny again, got my little arms, hehehehehee tip toe, by the window, by the window I got this, oh I see you Suzy, bathing away, but you don't know, you don't know you're about to get FUCKED and not in the good way, in the I'm gonna kill you type way, oww oww, you're strong, I don't like it, goddamnit I'm losing health I'm losing a lot of health, and I'm gonna have to do it all again if I die that looked like a gap in there *another bad music impression* oh I can sneak my way in already yea, oh, devoured bitch, I didn't even eat half of this shit what was that all about, human devoured (soft, peaceful male voice, textbubble) (deep masculine voice, txtbbl) (soft, peaceful male voice, txtbbl) (female voice, txtbbl) (deep masculine voice, txtbbl) I like how his name is Steve, how I just name everything Steve already anyway, I'm scared Steve, I got this, me and my little bro, we're gonna do some damage, racoons! ooohkay heh, destroy, destwoy get away from giant piggy, NOO, get away from me, I dont like you, I don't like the giant piggy can I eat the racoon yet, no I'm not big enough to eat a racoon, heh, fuck ooww *another music imitation, a bad one* maybe now I'm big enough to eat a racoon, come on Rocky, whatcha got bro whatchu got, this is a big log, that means I can get over this one eh KYA nhh yumyumyumyumyum now, can you climb trees, yes cuz you got the little hands racoons have really cool hands, they have like human hands, they're kinda freaky but they're kinda cutie at the same time, freaky cuty eh, can't eat you yet, ok, do not mess with señor pig señor pig will fuck you up, why do I have to eat the mice? aww, did I fuck it up huh, ok, I'm big enough again but not super big, I'm not as I need to be to eat this dude I can't get across there, njan njan njan njan njan, njan njan njan I'm confused about this one. oh wait, oh wait, ooohh wait ooohh haha, there's another branch in there, gotta go back and get my mice bros music's so spooky, this's a cool game, I like this, I like how it's more involved then the other ehm, flash games, of the same type, like, of the same series come here you little mouse, come here you little mouse, ahh, go away ok, go down this one, then go down in the twees down here *music imitations, again* heh, and a HEH, turtle duudee k, I'm almost full health again, I am so baddass right now, I'm ready to kill everybody ah maybe not you, maybe not you, can I, NO maybe if I get bigger, and badder, and better then ever sonsa bitches, I'm gonna die if I'm not careful, and dying sucks *another music imitation, he loves singing* I don't know what order I'm supposed to be eating things in, maybe if I eat the racoon again but aren't I just gonna loose my fish powers, yea man now I have to go back and eat the mice, fuck Ohhh, I could just go straight over to the tent now, what am I doing? YEAH!! Knocked your head off bro, you dead nice, there's only two left (feminine voice) (masculine voice) We're protected by the mountains (still masculine voice) We're protected by my massive man pecs (masculine voice, finish speech bubble) That's a terrible idea, that's why you are gonna die Steve, actually she's left behind, I don't even know her name, her name is Dead McGonnaKillYou 's a good name, is a strong name, its a strong family name ehm, what do I eat first, everything squirreler, squirrel eh! heh, got em what's next, what's next for señor alien bro you're such a little larva shit as well, just going around eating everybody, such a little douchbag you know what, that's what I gotta do to live, I assimilate I assimilate because I can, and because I am, and because I, ooowww ssstop attacking me a fuck, I fell down a hole, I need to go past you, I could just, drag you away, and then go up there myself fack, ok maybe I have to go back this way *more singing* huah, ah yess, no, no, you will die can't eat you from here no, I gotta get the swimmy swam there's a turtle bro back here, but if I get the swimmy swam I can't do the shimmy sham I can't go through the trees heh, fuck, heh, gotcha, gootcha I don't need no one else, actually I do, cuz I need to get through the fucking thing *motorcycle sound* don't eat them, don't eat them, they're bad for you, they'll make you small heh what, I can do this, oh, I can actually eat the bird and go over this, ahHAH J'accuse, I'm gonna eat you turtle dude, huah You thought I wasn't gonna do it, but I did it, and now you're dead, can I go under this? naw man, come on gotta go all the way back, ooh FUCK huah, and now I can fly over *singing* fly on the wings of love now I can go over this, devour your ass, devour your ass and then I'm in funky town, no, actually, I gotta go back I gotta go back, eat a mouse, and then go across that bridge, I got it, I did it I got it, heh oh I see you, I see you lady, I'm coming for yo ass are you ready, are you puckered up, are you ready to get devoured and died hmm, nice sandwiches, can you not hear the sound of DEATH!! I bit her legs off and then she stabbed herself with a stick, that was so cool Steve is the only man left oh and Stacey in the thing, hello (masculine voice)` (masculine voice) OK Steve, what chu got for me, oh god, there's a bunch of crows back there, why and a bunch of racoons, what the fuck is going on oh this is going to be a looong level why do I keep changing back my size, it's like playing Tasty Planet again heh, no, no, no, no, no, NO, leave me alone sons a dickbags everything wants to kill me, I know for a fact that you guys would not try to kill me, cuz I'm too small to care about, go away oooooohh, oohkay, oohkay, into the water we go water we doing, hahaha, get it, it's a water joke, SQUIRREL can you come back over here, nah goddamnit why are you going in the hard to eat directions, stoooop, heh fucking squirrel bastard, this is why I never trust squirrels, never trust a squirrel, hah hahahaha, now I can go through the trees, mother fooockers *more music immitations* oh, ohoh, ohoh, ohoh, ohoh, ohoh, ow ow ow, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna FUUCK am I dead, oh sons a dicklords 'K, one at a time people, one at a time, one at a, come on down, come on down, come on to funky town can I really not get past you fuckers? come on! whoooohh that's twisting my nipples, maybe I have to go up here and eat this dude and then I'll be big enough to be able to eat them, ahah oh you're not ready, you're not ready for the little visitor alien dude, he's about to destroy you heh! can I eat you, no, can't eat you yet, k, I gotta go back and eat somebody else, can I eat the otter dude now eh, noo ok, I can swim again now, cool, still not big enough to eat those bastards is there somebody else I can eat, ow OOHH,hmmmmm, get past this dude, ok, eat the mouse, eat the mouse mr mouse, come on, no, don't go down there, mother fucker just stay there, stay right there and, uh, yes, eat that mouse bitch get across this, oh so small, where do I go next huh, ok now I can fly how does that help me, where can I fly to, ahah aalll the way up and around down here, now I'm big enough, can I eat these crow bastards, eat them all in a row Oh sweet lord Oh sweet lord attacking the ravens Okay, EAT THEM! YESS! Done, done baby, human devoured That's how we do Yaaaay... *laughs* Okay I'm lost and can't find my friends. I think something terrible has happened. Them meteors... Somethin' ain't right. I saw one touch down. Swore somethin' crawled out. What? we have to go then, it's not safe here! These are my woods. Nothing's gonna run me out of them. We need to find help. I'm out of here! Yeah Nothing's gonna stop you from leaving, except when you're DEAD! Imma kill you bro Don't be as hard as the last level, that was tedious as all hell Hahah! Fuck that bench! You'd think everyone would be scared by stuff that's going on, like the benches breaking naturally You guys not scaared? You not scaaaared? Okay, racoon's down here... Where the hell is progress, where the hell is- ooh, squirreler *sneaky laugh* Look at you, sitting there, eating your nuts NOT ANYMORE BITCH! I might be getting a little too into this game. But I like it! So now I can get across the tree... Eat Eat the fish Now I have a whole 'nother range of motion baby! Oh, you- You, I can eat you- I can eat you- I can eat you, come here! No! UGH! Yes, now I should be big enough Eaaah, no Stooop Stoooooop Okay, so that's why that was there- Eat everything! Devour all! *trying noises* *mischievous laugh* Now who's big??? Now who's man about town HUH? JACKABOY! I got through the trees now and eat these bastards Ow Yes Yes! YES! NOW FLY ACROSS AND EAT THE HUMAN'S BRAINS! AAAH! *laughs* "Nothing's gonna make me leave those woods..." BANG! OK, we should be going up to the thing, I think there's only 10 levels in the game Help me. There's something out here. I think my friends are dead! *accented voice* Listen buddy- I only get two weekends off a year. Save your hysterical ravings for someone who cares. Now get lost so I can enjoy my vacation. Jeez, dude, I was just... trying to fucking help... God almighty there's so many levels! Hubble bubble, toilet trouble, someone's taking a bubble bath. And I'm about to ruin his day! I like that when you get to the human, you can eat them at any size You don't have to be a certain size-okay, that's not the way forward dum, dum, dum, durururm Go away, go away, go away, go away Leave me alone you stupid otter! No one even likes you! Everyone says man, that otter dude SUCKS And I'm like I know, right? Can I eat the big pig? Aw, crap Hyah! I CAN! Now I can eat everything! Right? I should be able to eat these dudes- I don't wanna die-I don't wanna die and do all this again... Hyah! YES! *laughs* The human better be down here Is the human down here? Yes he is Ruin his camp Sandwiches? Not today! Huah! Oooh! You were already disembodied. F-Forget about it, okay Man this game is long! Way longer than I expected it to be-yeeees This cave is my only chance. If I can last until morning. I should be able to find my way back. Please God, let me be safe. You're not gonna be safe You're gonna die by Jackaboy! As soon as I figure out how the hell to do this level Ah, crap-ow Okay, now I'm big Hahah! Now I can eat all the dudes! I'm big enough to eat everybody! *evil laugh* I still need- the other dude to be able to go through here-OH THERE IT IS! YESS! Get ready FUCKER! WOOOH! Explodin' bitches HUMAN Devoured! *whispers* Niiice Is that it? *realisation* ohh god.. *nervous laugh* "Ten Campers Found Dead, Mutilated Animal Corpses, VICIOUS ATTACKS, unlike anything we've ever seen!" *gasps* Horrifying murders! Should be the name of the episode, "Horrifying Murders." ohh... god... Ahh, he's just chowing down, agh god Did I get flawless?! No! It took me 44 minutes to play that game! I thought this was gonna be like a 15 minute thing, GOOD LORD ABOVE That was waaay longer than it shoulda been. But it was really fun, I really liked that. Umm, I-It's a nice take on like- because its the same as the click and play kinda things, the point and click ones, where you just click a certain thing and you do the things in a sequence, but its done in a way that you actually get to go round and do the sequence yourself this time. So I REALLY liked it, that was a really cool take on the whole point and click thing um I'll leave a link in the description. You guys can go play it for yourselves, see if you can beat my time or actually get- destroy everything you can and Alien never dies, because some of those levels are a pain in my ass, and to be able to do them all straight through like that, I wanna see how fast people can finish the game. ANYWAY- *deep inhale* THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR WATCHING THIS EPISODE If you liked it, PUNCH that like button in the face LIKE A BOSS and *close to the mic* high fives all round *WAPOOSH WAPOOSH* and thank you guys and I'll see all you dudes *high pitched* in the next video!! Please, watch me play. Making a gameplay video is really easy. Like say- upload a gameplay video. Yes, I can do that! That's easy! I've been doing lot of that. Let's do Empire Planet II just so we don't have to save the game over and over again. NOM nom nom nom nom THAT DUDE IS STILL TWITCHING! His arm isn't even attached anymore, how is that possible?
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 7,671,545
Rating: 4.8884172 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Let’s Play, Top of the morning, Eye, Commentary, Indie, Irish, Jack, gameplay, walkthrough, playthrough, reaction, The Visitor : Massacre At Camp Happy, The Visitor, Flash Game, The Visitor Flash game, Browser Game, Free Game, Gore, Gruesome, Videogame, Flash Animation, Point and Click, Gameplay, Reaction, Funny, Best, Best Flash Games, Mutate, Kill, Murder, Funny Game, The Visitor Jacksepticeye, Animals, Cat Butthole, The Visitor Returns, The Visitor Returns Gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 24sec (1704 seconds)
Published: Wed May 25 2016
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