THE BEST LAID PLANS | Fleeing The Complex

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[Highfive] Top of the mornin' to you laddies! My name is jacksepticeye and welcome to Fleeing the Complex! Do you guys remember the Henry Stickmin games? Like Breaking the Bank, Breaking your Arse, Gettin' the Diamond, All those things They were really cool and I really really liked them, I ran out of versions of it to play. I came to the end of all the games. But I met the guy who made the games at PaxPrime. I think his name was Marcus... I met the guy at PaxPrime and he came up and said "I made the Henry Stickmin games" And he was really happy that I play the games and I was SO happy to meet him because I love those games And I'm really glad whenever the people who make the games, say that they like your videos on it. I keep saying that every time someone says that to me. But he told me he was working on a new one called: "Fleeing the Complex" And I said: "By all means please let..please email me when it's done" Because I can't wait to play it because i LOVE these games! So let's get in and play! It only came out um... like a couple hours ago. Actually. There's a load of comments on it already. [Game]: Ah. hello Henry. [Jack]: Hello. [Game]: Welcome, to The Wall. Some of the most cunning and notorious criminals are kept here. And now, we have the infamous Henry Stickmin [Jack]: Okay. [Game]: You are going to be here for a long time. Ah, no! [Game]: Grigori, take him. Where did you come out of? [laughs] [in Russian accent]: Grigori [Game]: Wait here until cell found. Whassup Red? What are you in here for? Oh...kay. Ugh! Boost up, Hey red, you wanna give me a lift? Charge tackle, wait for transfer. Let's wait for transfer. I imagine that's gonna take forever. [Game]: Alright, let's go. [Valve sound effects] Oh, wait, that actually worked! Are those the Half-Life door sounds? It sounded like that. OK. I'm gonna try my best to see as many of the options as i can, I'm sorry if I miss some of them or forget, or whatever. It's hard to do them all sometimes, there's a shit-ton of them. So we'll go for an um Teleporter. Where's this gonna teleport me? Oh god, this went bad the last time i used it. Great, I'm on the fucking moon! [Game]: Come on now brothers! Fight for our- [ALL DIE] Wh......What? [Laughs] gg no re [laughs] Okay. Let's go back and try the uh, the cookie! How could I not have used the cookie? [eat] That it? [smash] WHAT THE FUCK? How did a cookie turn me into a giant? There's probably a bunch of references that i'm not getting now. Like, that's something from um.. BiddyBob and the Jimmy Jobs. That's true. Uh, fake illness. [cough, cough] Oh, I'm so sick! [more coughs] LET ME OUT! I'm sorry, what? Did his hand fall off?? [laughs] See, i wish i knew the fail ones, so i could get all the fail ones first and then move on with the story. I'm gonna guess laser plane, something that will chop me in half. Oh go- Oh god that's bad that's bad that's bad! [sees body] Hi. Or that's good! Sweet! Um, Topphat Clan Of course, it's supposed to be "Top Hat", not Toppat, The Toppat Clan! [gibberish blah blah] The Toppat Clan! [sick gangsta ringtone] Whassup pimp? [Game]: Yes, hello? Henry? Where are you? Oh in a complex, called "The Wall?" Ah, yes of course so uhh... we'll be right there. Sit tight, uh, i'll let you know when we're close. [dial-up internet tone. Remember the 90's? Good times.] Thanks. [laughs] Now, where exactly are you? The cafeteria hmm... The Airship Dudes! Ah yes, there you are. Alright, how do you want to do this? Blow up the entire place. Uh...oh. You are going to hear the, [GLaDOS voice] Deadly neurotoxin. I can't do the fucking GLaDOS voice because I don't have modulators on my voice Okay. DRILLPOD GO! [CRASH] FUCKIN' HELL! [Arnold Schwarzenegger] Come on Henry we've got to GOOO! GET TO DA CHOPPA! GET TO DA AIRSHIP! [laughs] Slingshot, fuckin' AWOOSHYWOOSH! OOOOWWWW. This seems like a good place to keep a medal. click here for a medal. I'm not clicking nothing. Ain't gonna make me click. Sick Ride! [Jack making engine sounds] Smack. aaaaaAA MADE IT! [Game] But I'm not going to pull you up. You see, without you, I become the leader of the Toppat Clan again. I just wanted to look you in the eyes as i took it all back.[Jack]: What a doucher![Game] Goodbye. Rank: The Betrayed! You son of a bitch! That's it, we are going back and we are trying this again. Map- OOOHH! Dat's pretty neat! You can go back and try sections that you want! OK. I did...I did what... Let's wait for transfer. [fart] AGH I'M DEAD. [laughs] [Game]: It's Grigori. You know new one Henry, He's dead. [laughs] [radio gibberish] Put him with others? Okay. [jacksepticgibberish] Oh Jesus Christ! Pretty convincing there. I was SO good at playing dead, that they threw me out of the prison. So this is just like Escaping the Prison all over again... Just it's Escaping the Complex. FLEEING the Complex. Charge tack- GO! FUCKIN' NAILED HIM! [Game] Oh no no! Uh oh. YEAHHH. Speed Shoes! Go Sonic! [CRASH] OWWW ohh...kay. Jesus. Let's try that again. FUCKIN' ACROBATICS! Whoo! Yeah! Look at these moves! Look at these sick, nasty dance moves! Why do we have so many boxes here anyway? What? HEY, STOP! Nah, I don't feel like it. WEB THROW Oh yeah, I'm not Spider-Man. Your hand's are still covered up, you know. [laughs] Can you even shoot web? [laughs] No I can't, because I'm not Spider-Man! Tool Gun! ahhh. The old Half-Life Source Engine cheats! Shit! Yeah. Connection terminated: You have been kicked from Fleeing the Complex for cheating. [laughs] Cheaters never prosper, Winners never lose. Okay, so what was the last one? Item! A boo! Use it, scare them! Okay, turn invisible then! Where did he...? Nice. [Game] Uh, sir, I've got a message. Yes, go ahead. Yeah, it looks like uh Henry... Stickman? Stick-Stickmin? Yeah, Henry Stickmin has escaped. Still there? [Jack] STICKMIN!!! [Game] Attention, we have an escaped convict. He was last seen heading towards the surface. Don't make me do this myself. Alrighty! ahhh, Oh it's turning into this! Let's go punch this guy. PUNCH, PUNCH. OWW Dodge, Dodge! TKO! C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!!! I imagine I'm gonna die here as well. Oh, right in his goolash! I did it! Final Fantasy be damned! [Game] He's up here somewhere, we cannot let him get through this gate. [Jack] We cannot let him get through the gate. Also is The Wall supposed to be a reference to Game of Thrones? Uh, Truck! Drive over them! Kill em'! YEYAHHH! I like it! GO HENRY! [shotgun] Fuck! Ye- OW! Shoot shoot! I'm dead. Well then, not even close, baby. We're gonna shoot! [x3] Shoot! Die you sons of bitches! You'll never take me aliiiive. I'm dead. Eyes on the road, man. Good idea. What were the other ones? Uhh Bail! Whoosh! [lots of laughing] You should've followed up with a tether from your wrist-strapped grapple hook. That's a Just Cause reference. Just Cause 3 is coming out next month OOH goody gumdrops! OK what was the last one? Dodge? Slam! OH! Get fucked! [CRASH] Oh that's bad, [x3] Henry! Nathan Drake your way out of this! [Game] I have to say Henry, I'm impressed. Really, I am. You're the first person to escape The Wall. But this is- [Jack] WARP STAR! Bye. [laughs] [CRASH] No, I'm back in the prison! This place seems familiar. Oh, maybe I have to wait. [Game] I have to say Henry, I'm impressed. Really I am. [Jack] Okay. [Game] You're the first person to escape The Wall, but this is the end for you. You've got 2 options here Henry, you stay in there- [Jack] AIRBAG! [laughs] Airbags save lives, but if you use them when you're on the edge of a cliff, you bounce out of the car, and fly off the edge and die. Can I stop listening to you? Please? [Game] You're the first person to escape The Wall, [Jack] SNOOORE. [Game] But this is the end for you. [Jack] What's the last one? Wait, is there gonna be more? Surrender, oooorrr, OOORRR, SURRENDER! [Game] You made the right choice. I-I GIVE UP! Fail. Maximum security? What an honor! What do we do then? Okay, wait out the time. I have to say Henry, you're such a piece of shit! I thought you would never escape, but then you tried and i was like "Yo dat's pretty good!" But you're still going to die because I'm gonna shoot you in the face. Is there anything else, anything last second? [Game] Hmm.. well that's just too bad. [kick] [Game] Alright, everyone. Back to work. I will not forget about this. [Jack] I'm not in it, I'm hanging off the edge. I'm not dead, look at this shit! Henry Stickmin! Cliffhanger! Bye. Have a beautiful time! Presumed Dead! That's pretty good! That was a good ending, right? Okay, Map. Back to ohh, look at all these branching paths. Okay back here. I didn't do the Boost Up. [Game] psst psst. HMMM [Jack] Wanna help me? [whispers] Yeah. Great fuckin' job Look at those sexy feet! Sweetness! Awesome! Let's go this way! Ellie will remember that [TWD reference] [Game] and he plays: THE GATES ARE OPEN, and I'm like, look at how much i care. I don't care. [Jack] There's a lot of options in this game, I don't know which ones are right and wrong! [Game] I ended up buffing up my guys and uh..... [Jack] See ya! [Game] Was that a convict? Uhh, yeah I think so. What are we supposed to do if someone tries to escape again? Uhh, I think shoot em'. Ah, yes. That sounds right. [LASER SPEAR] [laughs] Bet you thought that was just a spear! [laughs] [fart] The ol' whoopie- The ol' whoopie cushion in the hand trick! Yeah. With a rock on the end of it. [Game] [fart] Oh come on! Are you serious, that was totally you! You what? Don't you accuse me! Come on, just admit it! IT WASN'T ME! [fight] [laughs] Aw ma- I wish i could go back and see what the other options are like straight away. Because there's so many of them now that I'm forgetting a whole bunch of them! ohhhkayy... ooh. So do we- Is that a Mario thi- Do we um.. Zelda? Sonic, or Mario? Mario! Backflip! [jump] Are we good? [fall] OWW [laughs] K We got this! I keep picking all the right options and I don't mean too! BUNGEEEEEEEEEEE! OW, It's supposed to be elastic, isn't it? Did... Did you just bungee jump with a plain rope? [laughs] umm... Button. Why not? Actually just use the elevator! [soothing elevator music] Nice! [Game] Alright boys, lunch is on me! [Jack] Hiiiii..... Lunchtime already fellas? Balloon! I was actually gonna use that first. And I used it last because I was hoping it was the wrong one. The right one! Pop! We good? Ohh...kay. Helium, balance, or plunger boots? Helium maybe is the right one, so balance. That's the obvious one so, let's do that, and fall off and die. AAAHHHH! [laughs] Oh, that pipe wasn't very sturdy. Plunger boots are wrong. Oh, maybe they're right, I forgot what plungers were. Oh. [laughs] aeiou. [laughs] There we go. [laughs] Now I'm Mr. Mackie! Drugs are bad mmmkay. [laughs] There we go! Now breathe a sigh of relief! Nice! Out we get! So uhh... don't know what... I don't know what a Shadozer is. Should we Mario or... Metal Gear Solid away... Metal Gear Solid! Snake is cool! You guys don't even know this box is moving! You're like: "Hmm, where do we ship this?" What was that noise? [Game] Just a box... [Poker] [Jack] Hey, at least you weren't found! [laughs] Uhh, Shadozer! Blend in. Become a shadow. I'ma be honest with you, this one isn't that great. -Gadget Gabe. OK Do it! [Valve sound effects] I became a shadow! Fuck! Oh no. OH NO! And now I'm split in half. Now you're just now you're but a shadow of your former self. HAHA. Okay, so I've been picking pretty well with these cause I think i know the right ones right away so i pick all the wrong ones. Tanooki it up! See ya later bros! [slam] Ow. [chuckle] I think OOOHHHHH Rocket! As soon as I saw it, I knew I wanted a rocket! [Kerbal Space Program rocket fail] I need to...I need to- You mixed up the staging. I was just about to say i need to play more Kerbal Space Program. See, that's exactly what happens. Kerbal Space Program when you learn how to play at first, You usually have your staging wrong, unless you look at tutorials. And then you end up like, firing your parachute first. And then you fire the rocket, and nothing works. [chuckle] Umm.... The SS Annie! Sure, there's gonna be nobody on that! [Dramatic music] TITANIC! Am I gonna hit an iceberg and die? [Victory music followed by dramatic music] Did you think none of the crew would notice an unscheduled departure? Yep! [laughs] Dinghy it up! I don't know what that says on the side of it. [it said: "Seal Runner"] I think we might need a bigger boat. [Jaws reference] [Game] Did someone just leave? I think it was Smith. Aw, yeah. Probably off to see his family. [laughs] YEAH! GHOST INMATE! WOO! [EPIC MUSIC] Okay. That's enough of that. I-I smacked my finger on my fuckin' headphones. Ow. OK, So, I'm gonna go back to this one, because, So there's 3 paths that you can pick. Or maybe there's... no there's extra ones. These ones haven't been picked yet. Good God! There was something el- I didn't pick Sonic Pulse. That was that. [LOUD PULSE] [POP] That hurt my ears! >:-( Umm... Great. So I picked 4 of 4 there. OK cool, so it's actually telling me the ones I've picked. So I got ALL of them, ALL of them, Good. So what's this? OOHH yeah. The Government. [morse code] Mayday, Mayday. Breaker Breaker 1-9. [Game] Oh, Henry! How's it going? [Game and Jack both talking] [Game] Yeah, um uhh, I'm flying right now actually. [laughing] [Game] Where are you? Oh, The Wall. Yeah I think I've heard of that place [Jack laughs] Actually, I'm uhh, I'm pretty close. [Jack] HELP! [Game] Yeah, I'm on a mission, but I should have some time to swing by. [Jack] Smashes into the side. See you later, dudes! [Game] Hey! [Jack] UHHH, You don't see me! I'm gonna be The Flash! [Game] Where you goin'? [Game and Jack] PEOWMMM. See you later! [Game] What? If I could- [Game] Hey so uhh, I see The Wall... Oh, You're outside? Nice! I think I see you, Yeah! There's a Guard in the way... I got this. Yeah, It'll be just like the old times! [Charles] Yeah! [Jack] [laughs] Yeyahh! OOOHHH! Umm... If you could flash all that time, then why did it take you so long to get out? OK, Snipe! SKADOOSHKY! [Game] [Awp. Sniper fire] GOT 'EM! [Jack laughing] [laughing] Friendly fire was on! That was uh, that was the sound of an awp. From, like CSGO wasn't it? I think. umm.. Mini helicopter! Let's fuckin' do it bro! High there. Smack! [game yell] [Game] Aaand there you go. Hey, I'm seeing a helipad up here. Be a pretty good place, to get picked up. [Jack] No! [Game] Once I get close though, they might raise the alarm. [Jack] Yeah. [Game] Oh, yeah, they see me. I'm coming in. Get ready! [Jack] Uh, no we need to tackle this guy. No you can't use the fuckin' stinger! [SPLAT] OH! [laughing] [laughing] [Jack] Rank: International Rescue Operative! This is awesome! Oh, man I love this! Okay... We'll go back to this one, But we'll choose... Wait, what is this? Oh, wait yeah. That's that. I really like how streamline this is now, you can go back and pick all the options that you missed. Umm, Earthbend! [fighting sounds] Fuckin' Awesome! Sweetness! That's cement. Can you still earthbend that? Wasted. That's a Grand Theft Auto reference. You were doing so well. I was! I was kicking the shit out of everybody. Bubble Shield GO! [gunshots] As soon as I leave, you're gonna shoot me. I'm stuck here forever now. Great. Perfect, now you won't get hurt! [laughs] Precisely! Umm okay. I got to- Oh, I didn't use Charles here. [Game] I got the perfect plan. THIS IS THE GREATEST PLAAAAAA- [Jack instantly breaks into laughter] [clapping] That's what I wanted him to do from the start! When he said that he was like "Oh yeah, I'm nearby" I was just expecting him to just go: WHOBANG! Right into the side of it. Not again! You should know better! [laugh-talking] THIS IS THE GREATEST PLAN! That's something I'd fuckin' do! You know why? Because it's stupid! Okay.. Oh there's loads more here! Go back down. Bye. [Game] Did you just jump off the edge? Wait was that the plan? Man we really should've coordinated that better. [Jack laughs] I was not prepared at a- [EXPLOSION] [laughs] [struggling to talk and laugh] Report Charles: Bad teammate. Oh this is the best Henry Stickman game so far! OW! [laughs] Well that went about as poorly as it could've! [shove] Die, bitch! [explosion] Boom! There goes your ride. Okay, I got all of them. That was good. Umm.. Okay, let's do these ones! Uhh, Undercover agent! [singing] Secret agent man! [Game] It's me! Yeah I-I'm undercover. Yeah I'm here to break you out! What? He spent 3 years undercover. What a waste... What a waste of talent. Umm, Neurotoxin! [GLaDOS voice] The Deadly Neurotoxin. [Valve sound effects] That's not gonna work. That's its gonna- I'm gonna pass out as well! Oh, we became zombers! Oh, did they forget to hand out your gas mask beforehand? [laughs] Umm, I didn't do... Magnet! [laughing] Well, you see, because of entropy the... uh.. Alright i can't BS my way out of this one. [laughs] Okay, we almost got them all! Actually no, there's still another path. Let's use... Oh wait, acrobatics is the right one. Shit. I used the wrong one! Fuck! Let me go back! [Jack] Let me go back [x6] There we go. Hi. [laughs] Yunno, I don't think I know what this guy's saying. Umm, What did I just do? This one. Okay. YEAHH! Speedy Shoes! I used the speedy shoes! [crash] Smoosh! ooohhh...kaayyy.... What's the other ones that I get to pick? Why can't I click on this anymore? Oh god. OH GOD. Okay, we're gonna have to go through this because I can't click on the other one. TANK! No tanks! Gee, TANKS a lot. See? I get the jokes. And then, THIS ONE! Where the fuck am I now? [FNAF reference] FREDDY! [Jack impersonating Freddy laugh] [Freddy jumpscare x3] Did you just... Did you just make fun of Five Nights at Freddy's? Oh ho ho! Oh god... You can stop now! Okay he stopped. SANDWICH GO! [Castle Crashers Reference] I'm super fuckin' buff- OH Jesus Christ! [punches] Dude! Oh! Hi. OOWW my goolash! Oohhkay. This one weird trick will make you SUPER BUFF! Weightlifters HATE him! [laughs] Uhh, Costume! [Game] You wanna trade hats? [laughs] [Jack] Good, Good question bro! [laughs] Those guys need to CHILL. Okay, I got ALL of these. Sweet! Still haven't got that, so I'll go up here and do this. Umm, we didn't do this. Ellie! Let's go. You're not the same Ellie from The Last of Us. [Game] Thanks. [Jack] Sweet! [Game] And I'm like, look at how much I care. I don't care. I ended up buffing up my guys and doing like 70 damage. Heh, that's funny. [Jack] Dude, you're awesome. Uhh, synchronized- Tall guy. Tall gu- it has to be the tall guy. [Game] Oh yeah. Last night I kept facing the same- [Jack] G'Day gents! [Jack] Okay. I don't see how being taller was supposed to help there. [laughs] Umm. [Game and Jack] Doo doo doo! [Jack] I think synchronized takedown is a bit too obvious so i might be wrong. [Game] Oh yeah. Last night, I kept fa- [muffled yells] [Jack] Wait that worked? That was too easy. Uh, the west block. [Game] If we can get you up there, you could get in, and open this door. [Jack] I could! Fuckin' Judo Throw! [splat] Okay, that didn't work! That's about the teamwork I expected. Fuckin' Gravitor 2.0! That didn't work. Newto- Newton's 6th law. Use the gravity knob to reset gravity to the default setting. Okay. The Force! [Star Wars reference] [Jack imitating Star Wars music] That worked. I'm in! [every cell opens] [Game] Quick! In here! [Jack] Are they all characters from the other ones? [Game] Hold it right there, inmates! [Jack] No, we're fine! Oh god, there's a fuckin' lot of them. Oh, I get to choose the weapons for each. Henry, use the grenade, you use the crossbow. [Game] Ow. Uh-oh, NEVER!!! [laughs] [Jack] If he goes down, he's taking you with him! Um, sniper rifle and taser. [taser gunshots] Hey that worked! [Game] So, you say that all inmate is out of cell? [Jack] Yeah. [Game] Yeah, some idiot must have opened all the doors. [Ellie] Hey, I just grabbed these. Maybe they'll come in handy? [Jack close to mic.] Maybe they'll come in handy. Sweet! Toss the caps! [Game] We'll regroup with uh... [laughs] [Game] There is convict here! Get down on ground! [Jack] Wait that worked? I thought that was the stupid one! Of course it worked then [laughs] [Game] Henry! Help! Back to your cell, inmate. [Jack] Ugh do I have to help you? THE KNEE! [KNEE] [Game] You win. Perfect. [Jack] I kill- I killed both of them. Whoa whoa whoa! You can't go mixing fighting game references like that! [Game] Uh, Make a face. [Game] What, you think that will upset me? Yeah, real mat- [TRUCK] [laughs] [Game] Thanks... I guess? Now let's get out of here! [Jack] That was awesome! Uh, truck! Is that Markiplier? That looked like Markiplier! [Game] Uh.... Who's driving? [laughs] Didn't your mother tell you not to get into vans with strangers? umm... Lets Escape! IS THAT ME? [All fall off cliff and die] No way! It looked like it was Mark in the truck and then that person looked like me, cause the green hair! Or am i just reading too much into it and hoping for the best... Looks like you needed one of these. A wha- a wha- a person? Um, who's over here then? [Game] Well, if it isn't Henry. [Ellie drives away] [Jack] ELLIE! [Game] There has not been an incident here in 50 years. And the day you show up, this happens. You are going to regret every- [SIGN TKO] [Jack] WHAT A BEAST! Heh. Aww, thank you Ellers! Convict allies! [EPIC MUSIC] I swear, that was me. That was me. That had to be me. Okay. Let's go back and do... Some of these. There's less and these. Umm, Command Melody. I didn't do this. Those Zelda references, son! One Direction [1D. get it?] That actually worked? Oh. Not on you. Too bad you didn't know how to play, like, an Ocarina or something. [laughs] Pickpocket! [Game] I ended up buffing up my [Jack] Oh that's great. Skyrim reference! [Game] -guys and doing like 70 damage. [Jack] You're carrying too much to be able to stand [laughs] That's in fallout now as well. It's like "You are carrying too much to be able to run." I'm like: "Fallout fuck you!" Giving me 7 billion guns and expecting me to carry them all in my pants. Okay I did all of them, now there's only 2 in this. The Longshot! Ow! [laughs] [CRASH] OW! The longshot only hooks on to wood things. Luckily you hit one! [snap] That's a good reference. Haha. That looks like an Ocarina as well. Um, Spring! [Loud boing] [guard clears throat] [laughs] Come to think of it, those boingers are kinda loud. [boing imitation] There's some left in this. Distract! [Distraction dance music] [Jack dance music imitation] I distracted everybody, my dance moves are too awesome! I... Wh... I just.. What? [laughs] Bounce bros! OW! [laughs] Did you really need to be so extravagant? [laughs] Um, Grenade and taser! [zap, explosion] Electricity + Grenade = Crazy Explosion apparently. Um, sniper rifle and crossbow. [360 NO SCOPE!!!] I 360 Noscoped my friend! Let's see that... In an instant replay. Sound warning... [MLG Music] MOM GET THE CAMERA!!! Fight me m9! OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! WHERE YOU AT?!?!? WHERE YOU AT?!?!? OOOHHHH!!!! [laughs] That was the best one so far! ohhh. That was awesome. That was NoobSlayer. Um, blend in. [Game] Hold the elevator! [Jack] Hey, dudes! [Game] Thanks. Can you believe this inmate outbreak? Crazy huh? [Jack] Yeah, I know right? Sons of bitches. [Game] Yeah, It is pretty crazy. Oh, are you guys new here? Oh yeah. We transferred. From the 8th floor. [Suspicious] From the cafeteria? Nice try, inmates. [Jack] What is that guy a detective or something? yeah. That was an L.A. Noire reference. See all the references? I'm getting most of them. [Game] We'll regroup with uh, 3rd floor, help clean out maximum security. [Jack] Actually I'm probably missing a shit-ton of them. Bye. [Game] Here get the guards!! [Jack] [laughs] Looks like they bought your disguises. Make a face, the- Oh, adrenaline! [slam] OW! What a dick! I guess they do look pretty similar. I see how you could get them mixed up. What? Okay I got all of them except these. So... Hide! I didn't do hide. Cool! Oh is there anothe- Oh, you managed to find a cell on your own! What a responsible prisoner. There's another one in this? Why can't I click you? Goddammit. Okay. And then map, click. Oh, here we go. Are the shoes not one of them? Wait, Acrobatics. Or just wait. [gunshots] Notice that new timer? Now you know exactly how much time you have before your terrible reflexes are revealed. I DID IT! I did them all! Medals. Sweet! Unique- 60. Fail count- 61. oops. Wait, did i miss a medal? Waldo, where is he? Nailed it, stuck the landings. Okay, there's a lot of medals I didn't get but that's not the point. I wasn't trying to get the medals, I was just trying to finish out all of the game. And i got ALL of the choices, and that was much easier to follow than the other ones. Because the other ones were like: "Wait did i get them? I don't know" and you go back and forgot which ones you were doing. That was awesome! What a return to Henry Stickman. That was a really good version of this game. Funny, I think I was in it, I'm not sure. I don't want to say that too much. But the fact that I met the guy, and he said that he was making a new one, and that he said he liked the videos Hopefully, that was me because that's really flattering, and I'm really glad that he liked the videos that I made on the other games, because they're so much fun! These are some of my favorite flash games to do! And they're fuckin' funny man! Really funny, I really enjoy this and I'll leave a link in the description for you guys to go play it, it only came out yesterday by the time you guys see this. So go play it! It's awesome. But for now, THANK YOU GUYS so much for watching this video If you liked it, PUNCH the like button IN THE FACE, LLLIKE A BOSS! AND, High fives all around. WHOPSHH, WHOPSHH. Thank you guys, and I will see all you dudes... IN THE NEXT VIDEO!!!!!! No, that wasn't a cool new version of my outro. I just forgot which part of the outro I was on. Thought I was supposed to speak close to the mic, when I'm saying "like a boss" but that's one of the louder parts. Shut up! [laughs]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 22,076,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: henry stickman series, jacksepticeye, escaping the prison, jailbreak, breaking out of jail, breaking out of prison, flash game, browser game, funny game, fun, funny, funniest, best, webcam, facecam, choices, choice, henry stickman, stick figure, stickman, stick man game, weird, crazy, full, end, edning, all endings, all choices, all outcomes, animation, stick figure animation, let's play, walkthrough, playthrough, breaking the bank, stealing the diamond, Fleeing the complex
Id: zlGEsR1DQPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 27sec (2007 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2015
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