You’ve NEVER Seen Thors Hammer Like This… ACTUALLY SHOOTS LIGHTNING!!!

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After watching Smarter Every Day with the Tesla gun video, this definitely looks plausible after the first few seconds. DNF, just cuz I don’t want to spoil it for myself when eB gets it! 😁 the sparks in the… why does my text look monospaced now? IDK. Anyway, the sparks in the thumbnail look too fat to me, tho.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/JaywrightCat 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

It's a simple QCWDrsst into that hammer

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Dry_Discipline_2953 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] so we all know lightning undeniably really [ __ ] cool it's dangerous it's mysterious it's powerful such a thrill in a thunderstorm when that lightning hits so what if you could control lightning like thor that's what we're going to try and do i want to make thor's hammer that actually shoots lightning bolts this is one of the hardest projects we've ever attempted so sorry for the lack of videos recently also we've been working on our new world's first bouncing frisbee product called the spring ring coming soon but if you do end up liking this drop a like subscribe and definitely comment what i should make next that way i know exactly what you want to see so how are we going to do this we'll actually ask you guys that on instagram not because i need ideas all right like i already have a super good plan and stuff yeah i know dude they have no idea he's definitely using us for ideas mostly lsat plasma electricity drones needless to say this is gonna be tough i'm not a lightning expert or electrical engineer of any kind so to even have a shot at getting this to work and keep everything safe i'm gonna have to learn a lot and get help from the right people which reminds me please don't try this like at all now my background is physics so let's break this down and figure out what we're up against so the hammer can act as a lightning rod but also blast lightning on its own so i guess it would help to know what lightning actually is and the best way i've found to answer that and really everything else about this project is water so you can think of clouds kind of like this balloon filling up where the water pressure is the voltage electrons slowly flow into the cloud filling it up until the pressure becomes too large and boom it pops splashing down just like lightning so the balloon breaks because the pressure is too much for the balloon to hold just as air breaks when the voltage is too much for the air to insulate and it jumps to the ground lightning so maybe we can use something like this van de graaff generator it's basically a mini lightning machine that collects electrons down here stores them up in this ball via this belt just like water filling up a tank until the voltage gets too high for the surrounding air to contain then the sparks will jump to the nearest ground source to bring everything back to equal now you might be wondering is this dangerous especially if we're going to make really big lightning arcs well yes and no there are two things to consider when dealing with electricity and that's voltage and current as we said if voltage is like the water pressure then current is the amount of water flowing so if you take a garden hose and put your thumb over the end you increase the pressure or voltage but the total flow of water or current decreases the water goes much further but there's a lot less of it just like electricity and if you turn up the nozzle the amount of current flowing increases but the voltage or pressure stays the same and the water doesn't travel as far but now there's more of it so the danger comes from the current or amount of electricity so this generator and lightning are like pressure washer very high pressure or voltage but not a lot of actual current flowing so as long as we stay away from the dangerous high current the arcs themselves aren't actually that dangerous but to make really big sparks we need a massive generator which won't fit in the floor hammer but they do make smaller gadgets like this mini static generator which have a better spark to size ratio if we hook up a battery and some electrodes we can actually statically charge our body i just put the positive electrode on my leg and the ground electrode on the bottom of my shoe so it makes contact with the ground and then the rubber shoe soles keep me insulated from the ground so i become electrically charged basically i'm now the generator and can shock whatever i touch it's kind of like an extreme version of rubbing your feet on a carpet and shocking someone if i touch leds they turn on i can shoot sparks from my fingertips and if i get anywhere near sand which i borrowed from an ant hill outside is that weird it goes crazy it jumps to my hand then falls down again creating like a sandstorm like some sort of superhero not too many practical uses though like the best i thought of was putting salt on a steak or something anyways we've made it smaller but the sparks are still nowhere near as big we need something that makes the biggest sparks possible while still fitting into a thor hammer that leaves us with a tesla coil it's probably the best way to generate the biggest continuous sparks and it's just a staple of mad science since it turns out there's a lot of different kinds of tesla coils but they all have these four parts the driver board the primary coil the secondary coil and the top load so the driver sends little pulses of power into the primary coil think of waves of water being pushed into the coil which is just a few turns of wire then these power waves are transferred to the secondary coil through a magnetic force so when this wireless energy transfer happens it increases the voltage creating that same pressure washer effect we talked about earlier this is what makes the spark shoot from the top then that metal ball helps to disperse the electricity evenly and leads to bigger sparks so all you need to make one is some thin copper wire wrapped around a tube two pieces of wire with a space between to act as a spark gap a capacitor to build up enough charge this is what generates the electric waves a top load for those bigger sparks and then a power source we can even stick it inside a thor hammer and it can wirelessly light up lights and honestly it's pretty cool but i know you're not impressed by this you want more youtube man make big lightning what we really need is a small tesla coil that makes giant sparks and for that unfortunately things get complicated so the next step up after the basic tesla coil we made are called solid state tesla coils they use a different fancy type of driver with electric switches to better control the waves of electricity entering the coil and that's the secret behind this entire project the better you can control these waves of electricity the bigger the sparks you can make oh god i love the lab coat so imagine this tank is the tesla coil and these waves are the electrical pulses we're putting in it the more in tune we can make these waves the bigger they can get with minimal work this rate that makes the water move the most is called the resonance frequency you actually experience the same thing when pumping on a swing or jumping on a trampoline if you time it just right your movements compound and you go extra high same thing with the tesla coil if we time these electric wave pulses just right we can make much bigger sparks with minimal energy this is what that fancy driver does in solid state tesla coils then we can take it one step further and add another layer of this resonance to make a double resonance solid-state tesla coil this not only matches the resonance of that tall secondary coil like before but now we also match the other primary coils resonance now both coils have the same resonance causing two layers of resonance all building on each other to make the biggest spark possible with the least amount of energy and then finally we can even take it one step further by changing the way we make the waves instead of just quickly jerking our hand back and forth like this we can slowly accelerate throughout the push by slowly ramping up the voltage like this instead of just pulsing it like we were doing before something really cool happens as the spark breaks out the voltage starts to increase this turbo boosts the spark allowing it to grow much larger and straighter than any other coil and that's the secret behind these massive sparks it's called a quasi-continuous wave double resonance solid-state tesla coil holy [ __ ] that's a mouthful honestly the name perfectly describes just how complicated this thing is to make the tesla coil we made earlier was a model rocket this is like going to space and this is where the magnitude of this project really hit me i was way outside my comfort zone here so i made some calls to some tesla coil experts hoping to get some help on how to make this so one of the people i talked to was jay and he runs the plasma channel on youtube does a ton of cool electricity related projects make some very cool videos definitely check them out so he introduced me to joe now joe is a member of architect a group of leading experts in modern tesla coil performance and art installation just look at some of the cool stuff they do and they're actually the ones who invented this solid state tesla coil we're trying to make so if anyone can help me out is these guys so i said i was looking to create a portable qcw coil like the one his friend steve invented who's also a part of architect and he confirmed my suspicions that this was definitely going to be very hard now he and steve were actually up for helping me out with this but unfortunately due to scheduling they weren't going to be free for a while but we're not giving up yet i did a bit more research and found a website with plans to make one of these qcw coils and it takes you through step by step how to actually make one yes making progress i will say though this is not light reading i'll spare you the details but just look at this sentence the bridge will continue to be the same bridge made of the fantastic warp to igbts but this time i thought i would rewind the gdp with a plus or minus 20 yeah do you know what any of that means i i don't that's pretty much how it went through this paper it would say something i wouldn't know what it meant i go look it up and come back anything i didn't understand i would research i went down some crazy rabbit holes but it is super important that i understand what's happening if i'm gonna have any shot at getting this to work also because of how dangerous this can be so after days of reading it was finally starting to make sense so i decided to start with a simpler double resonance coil and go from there so i ordered the parts the coils the top load the driver and again i'm not an electrical engineer but i got as much of it as i could professionally designed altium one of our sponsors is a great tool for this it's an amazing pcb design software that's super intuitive it automatically checks your work to make sure you don't make any mistakes and you can collaborate with ease so if you ever need professionally designed printed circuit boards definitely check them out so i put everything together and this thing's already super cool we've definitely got some longer sparks and it can wirelessly transfer power from further away but to make the sparks really long still need that qcw cherry on top that ramps the waves and this is where i ran into trouble well one of the many times i ran into trouble i won't go into too much technical detail we just don't have time but there's hundreds of components that all need to be in the right configuration for this to work she did get in contact with the guy who made the website that i was referencing and he actually said he'd be down to help but unfortunately he was traveling and uh never heard back ah so close so a bit more digging a few more calls and i found a guy named daniel who's actually made one of these qcw coils and he said he could actually help finally a huge round of applause for daniel the real mvp with this project we beefed up all of the components old capacitor new capacitor old lc filter new lc filter now i know sizes and everything but for massive lightning thor hammer tesla coils kind of is just look at the complexity of this driver circuit though like holy [ __ ] this is insane now you see why not too many of these exist we housed everything in an air-cooled carbon fiber box powered by two 6s lipo batteries you could wear it all on your back and then this plugs into the coil which makes the lightning then the coil is pretty much the same as before but now it's finely tuned to be in perfect resonance with the driver circuits to make those massive lightning bolts so after months of researching building phone calls thousands of dollars spent finally have a working qcw dr sstc aka the lightning bolt maker that's crazy clearly we're dealing with some pretty high-tech electronics so i thought why not give away some electronics like this brand new ipad because without y'all watching these videos like i wouldn't be able to do any of this if you do want to win just drop a like and subscribe then follow me on my instagram and like my thor picture on the next video i'll announce the winner speaking of that congratulations to the winner of my bouncing captain america shield from the last video we'll be sending it soon also holy [ __ ] thank you so much for all the crazy support on that video also y'all been sending me a lot of like captain america shield builds and other gadgets that you've made so check them out first we got jesse getting creative with the cardboard then ryan with his folding shield and also ian with this sweet jet bike so if you've made anything cool definitely send it my way at jayla's your video and we'll put it in video all right the last thing we need to do fit this in a hammer and while the tesla coil is small in comparison relative to the sparks it makes it would still take a giant hammer to fit around it like maybe we could have like the coil run into the handle like that might work um but it'll still look kind of goofy like some of it might be sticking out so i thought maybe we could use thor's bigger hammer stormbreaker so i 3d modeled the hammer to fit around the coil then i made a cardboard cutout version to check the scale and yeah as hard as i try i'm just not as big as chris hemsworth so this made me look tiny then i got the idea to rotate the coil sideways and we could move the breakout point so it'd still shoot out the top then it might just fit in a regular door hammer it'll still be giant but this first hammer is just so much more iconic i think i'd rather make that so again i 3d modeled the entire hammer so it would fit around the coil but we can't make this out of just any material can't be conductive like at all because you know like i could 3d print everything but i wanted to be stronger than that so i got some super high strength polycarbonate sheets and milled them down to make all the parts for the hammer oh yeah did i mention we now have this super awesome tormach 770 cnc milling machine this thing is going to take our projects even higher all right now we can actually make super complex professional metal parts in-house this project was actually a great learning experience for me you know we were using plastic so it wasn't too high stakes but definitely get ready for some amazing stuff with this so big shout out to tormach for hooking us up with this thing definitely check them out if you're interested so after a bit of trial and error i got all the pieces cut out and screwed them together and the plan is to have the wires coming out the handle and connect to the driver on my back but because we turn the coil sideways now all of the wires have to run down past the coil itself and out through the handle turns out this is bad because when i turn the handle on the electricity arc to the wires not supposed to do that and it broke i wanted to cry there's always these moments in these projects when you just feel like so defeated like we're so close it doesn't work it keeps arcing to itself we're reaching that point in the video where i really just want to give up been about like two months since my last video a lot riding on this straight feels like a movie you know like a climax is almost but then it'll work out right well this isn't a movie there's no reason this has to work out no guaranteed happy ending that's how i felt uh for you guys though well you know i wouldn't post it if i didn't get it to work so yeah your boy figured it out this tiny little piece can hardly focus on the damage i don't know it goes in there or else the whole thing won't work wish me luck we got it working threw some really cool paint on it and we're finally done so here it is [Music] [Music] so we first put on the backpack which could be covered by a cape if you want like the full thor effect but honestly i'm proud of this circuit and this complexity so i'm going to keep it showing next we need to ground the circuit and this is very important or else you know again that's what these metal feet plates are for or we can even connect it directly to like house ground but it is still completely mobile though next we plug in the hammer i wrap the wires in leather so it kind of looks like that arm loop at the end of thor's actual hammer yeah it's definitely a chunky boy but i just think the size adds to the intensity lastly the trigger flip it on click the button and you have lightning we can actually tune the spark's power and duration so we can like perfectly dial in the type of lightning we want whatever size out to i think honestly like 10 feet now we just need a target luckily our sponsors diss plate hooked us up with these amazing full metal mcu character posters they also got a bunch of other pop culture stuff too and they should make for amazing targets they actually have over 1.4 million different designs you can choose from so you're sure to find something you'll like and because they're high quality prints on metal they should act as perfect lightning rods and mounting them is very easy too because it's all done with magnets like check this out i've actually chosen a few of my favorite dish plates for you guys you can check out with the link below if you use my link you'll get 26 off uh one to two disc plates and then if you got three or more you get 36 off this really does help support me it also helps trees too because for every one display sold a tree is planted so check out disc plate link down below all right let's have some fun [Music] [Music] [Music] guys this thing is insane just look at the lightning bolts coming out of this it looks just like the [ __ ] movie but it's in real life and the best thing is it's completely portable other stuff like this you need massive tesla coils to make sparks this size but this is fully self-contained you can take it anywhere and have thor's powers wherever you go yeah i haven't seen any other thor hammer do anything like this actually i wonder what other thor videos there are out there maybe we meet up or something hey i'm allen pad that's yeah what up get your size up this is like screen accurate though that's a little small so you just got a pipe stuck it to an electromagnet at 50 million views that's how you did in 2015 you gotta do it better nowadays yeah i thought that i thought this guy would know how to do it try to get stanley to sign it do you think we could just cut off that part oh just this part of plastic go [ __ ] yourself jake are we friends this is this is by the way this is alan pan oh my god dude oh my god oh my god that that one was actually really long this is so stupid [Music] [Applause] let's see what other people think of this good-sized hammer what do you think of the size yeah it's good [ __ ] rick did you get jack just for this one with chris hemsworth that's sure doesn't know science yeah i'd rather because you know really fast it goes like [Music] [Music] jake what the hell bro keep going that's a good question actually how dangerous is this well we mentioned earlier that high voltage low current is relatively safe so while parts of the hammer are very dangerous the actual arc should be pretty safe in theory again this is debated so just to be safe don't try any of this but to get to the bottom of it we took it to penny hire a studio in la to get hit with lightning in slow motion just look at some of these shots it literally it looks fake look at the way the lightning like wiggles its way through the air never seen anything like it but we don't have the budget for cgi this good so not in my contract none of this there's no god yeah i think that's good medium rare how would you like this park [Music] wow doesn't actually hurt that much just feels like a little poke honestly there you have it definitely one of the most crazy complex projects we've ever done on this channel worked really hard on it so i hope you like it so rewarding to finally have this thing done we're really stepping up the projects now guys so get ready for the next one we'll see you there [Music]
Channel: JLaservideo
Views: 1,923,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jlaservideo, DIY, how to, tutorial, marvel, thor hammer, real thor hammer, tesla coil, mcu, engieering, mjolnir
Id: jdjskWFdKaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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