I Built Real Hawkeye Arrows, Bow, and Quiver! - Rocket Arrows, Grapple Arrows and More!!

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so this is how i made hawkeye's working bow and arrow well it started as a bow and arrow then i added another arrow then a third arrow then all the arrows then a quiver then a bow staff and yeah well you get the point let's start from the beginning all the way back in 2020 ah what a year it's been but hey i mean we made some cool stuff anyways i was down in the comments seeing what you all have to say then i saw this comment this this comment right here got 6 000 likes saying i should build hawkeye's working bow and arrow plus a bunch more comments for that too yeah looks like we gotta do it but in return all i'm gonna ask is that you drop an idea for the next video down below like it's much more fun to make stuff when i actually know it's an idea that you guys really want so yeah let's get another idea that y'all are hyped about like i saw this black panther shoe comment or maybe like a full metal iron man gadget or something or something completely different just let me know and upvote the ones you like also like a like and subscribe of course always appreciated because i'm about to go in on this project so first let's do some hawkeye research just to see how screwed we actually are so it looks like most notably he's got a bow and arrow which doesn't exactly make sense when you're fighting aliens but i guess he knows that fighting an army of robots and i have a bow and arrow none of this makes sense but his arrows are full of tons of surprises he's got electric arrows he's got grappling arrows he's got smoke arrows impact arrows really just a completely excessive amount of arrows like i looked it up on fandom and just look at all these things like what why can't he just be like ant-man you know one power he shrinks that's it also now's probably a good time to mention none of this stuff is going to be used for harm in any way like we're taking every safety precaution we can and we're going to keep it you know super pg for obvious reasons like i'm just doing this for the engineering challenge and because it's super cool so i'll build it so you don't have to so the arrows are nice and all but wait there's more like how is it that he gets the exact right arrow that he needs well each arrow and arrowhead are separate and then he's got a fancy quiver that rotates the arrowheads and combines the two controlled by a little switch on his bow pretty sweet honestly but you might be asking you know how does he fight in close quarters well unluckily for me and the list of [ __ ] i gotta figure out he's got an answer for that too his bow transforms into a straight staff that can be used to like hit stuff and do other you know staff things i don't but i guess even that was too simple for the marvel team because they also made it fold up for easy transport so there's the list got a lot of stuff going on with this one but honestly you know it could be worse like at least most of the stuff is physically possible on like the yondu arrow and i think my past videos have kind of prepared me for something like this so let's give it a shot so realistically it's probably got hundreds of arrows so i'm gonna pick my top six six let's say electric arrow smoke screen arrow flare slash thermal arrow explosion air let's call it kaboom arrow and grapolero i'm also going to throw in a bonus spy arrow because i think that could be cool too so total seven arrows actually and let's start by getting some nice carbon fiber archery arrows as a base we tested them out and yeah they're pretty legit too all right let's see just how good these arrows actually are these are nice just the quality of this thing oh yeah i guess the arrow is good too but just look at the quality look they didn't even get punctured bulletproof yep so we do got a few of our limited edition shirts left like we personally hand printed these right out back and i signed all of them we're doing this because we want to learn the ins and outs of making a product ourselves so we can eventually bring you guys real inventions that i've made it really helps us out if you guys get some you know like anyone can go get a nike shirt but uh if you want that character something more unique definitely go with these got three cool designs the classic logo design evolution with me on the hoverboard and a superhero shirt with me and all my inventions but i mean they're quality shirts and they're almost gone and we don't know if we're ever gonna bring them back so if you want a sweet signed shirt check out j laservideo.com clothing link below all right so first up the electric arrow i was originally going to use a mini taser for this but i ended up going with a 400 kilovolt electric generator because it's just way more juiced up i'm a power off a mini 350 milliamp 2s lipo battery so super small but high discharge which is perfect for arrows like this and then to trigger i'm using a mini radio remote switch basically a remote relay you can press a button and it can turn things on so we wired it all up and now we got to mount it to the arrow so hop down solid works and just disclaimer this whole video is extremely cad heavy in order to up my game i decided to 3d model and print the entire thing which was definitely the right way to go but after 50 hours of just straight cad i was kind of losing it anyway so we designed the arrow with two prongs sticking out the tip for the electrodes and space for all the electronics oh and as we saw the arrows need to be able to disconnect and reconnect from the arrow shaft so that the quiver can combine them so i thought about this and i was originally going to use a screw mechanism so the quiver would have like a motor that would spin the arrow down through a screw that would then screw into the arrow tip because the arrow heads already have removable screw tips the more i thought about this it just seemed way too complex like i have to get the arrow to spin and slide down and the tolerances are super tight like we have to line up the threads exactly in order to get it to work so instead i went with some super strong neodymium magnets and i'm thinking if we slide them together like this with a 3d print holding them in place it won't be able to slide to either side only weak areas like the front and back but the arrows forward momentum should keep it in place but it's super simple and has a large tolerance like if the arrow slides in off center it'll auto correct perfect so i printed out all the parts and now we've got our first arrow head just click a button and boom 400 000 volts right from the tip all right what do we got next let's do the kaboom arrow so these ones are a little trickier like i'm not really trying to strap dynamite on the tip of an arrow and just you know let it fly so after some digging i think these airsoft gadgets will work perfectly for this this one uses a co2 canister inside a pressure chamber with a striking pin attached to the handle then you pull the pin let go of the handle pin pops the co2 cartridge tank pressurizes for about 10 seconds until the pressure is too great and then kaboom it explodes and everything else inside just shoots out something we can put in like some bbs or paint powder or anything else that'll be cool let's go film this i require your assistant good god what is this thing uh you could put pants on that might help it's kind of taking a while here i know i know but you should be ready in five okay and what we're actually doing here wait we can't say we have to make this like youtube pc it's a boom a plastic boomer boomerang flash blaster yes a flash blaster so i think you just pull this pin oh i haven't let go of it yet okay okay we're just gonna run oh okay oh get out of here i hope that works so i printed out this little mechanism on here that transfers the horizontal pull pin and release uh to more of a vertical pull that's live oh god oh god it was live that's scary all right i did this so when we go to fire the arrow we can hold on the string so when we shoot the pin gets pulled automatically so this just snaps right on like that very clean not coming off so when this pulls it should fire oh i know this one's a big oh oh god i pulled it i pulled it oh did you get it basically mostly so i thought this was pretty clever but the only thing that was bugging me is that it won't activate on impact like it might go off a few seconds after or in midair like we won't have that control so i decided you know what's one more arrow so ordered up this impact airsoft kaboom thing so this gadget uses green gas to eject bb's on impact just pull the pin and let it drop we do have one more boom device boom device to test this one's a little tough because you have to drop it and it goes on impact so we can't really run from this one i could pull the pin dude are you serious yes dude i don't know how else to do this i heard something i don't see any bbs i was there was no screaming so it's cool but honestly i thought the design was a bit bulky especially for an arrow and i think just the spray of bbs is kind of lame so i removed the shell and then made a new one but that'll eject whatever we want it's got holes in it basically it just clips on over the gas part and the first test i did was just put a little paint powder down inside and you know the results were promising impact paint thingy test one let it go all right so i think that settles the dangerous gadgets let's let's see what's next haha psych we got rocket arrows uh let's see for this we're gonna use some model rocket engines it's kind of a no-brainer but the trick here is gonna be to get them to ignite at the right time not too late not too early so i think we can take a page out of the old kaboom arrow and use the pull string to trigger the rocket right when it releases basically these rockets have an electric fuse so i'm going to use another tiny battery along with a momentary switch to trigger it then i designed a housing to hold everything printed it out and now we've got a rocket arrow so when we pull out this piece the switch is triggered igniting the fuse launching the rocket let's try it out so for the first test i tried using an old bottle rocket uh but this one turned out to be a dud so for the next test we're gonna use an actual rocket engine [Music] okay so that worked i had no idea it would go that far i guess just one more thing to add to the list of weird stuff our neighbors see all right so hopefully the next arrow is less obvious let's see what we got oh my god flare arrows at least this is going to be easy to build all we got gotta do is take a flare and stick it on an arrow alright ready we can even call this the flareo huh all right let's let's first try one of these flares out just to see what they can do caution produces hot flames for outdoor use only step this way two feet stand with back to wind where's my back ready let's go imagine that just shooting off on an arrow tip oh really bright oh oh my god i breathed that in pretty good oh my god it's still on fire how is that still going not going out oh my god dude all right so what did we learn well they are in fact super bright surprise surprise they get super hot almost 3000 degrees fahrenheit and they are really hard to put out gonna be very cool but definitely gonna have to be careful with this one all right all right let's actually take a break from all the pyrotechnics and make the camera arrow maybe we call this one the camaro or alternative the sparrow for a spy arrow basically we're going to take a tiny wi-fi camera uh they can get for pretty cheap nowadays do some more 3d modeling print out the housing put it all together and yeah now we got a tiny camera in an arrow so i'm thinking we can shoot it at like a ceiling or wall or something and then boom we have an instant live feed from that arrow obviously i mounted the camera backwards so we can see what's behind the arrow the arrow does block some of the view but it's still a wide enough angle where you can get a pretty good view i'm not sure if this was ever used in the movies but i feel like it should have been all right we got two arrows left let's do the grapple arrow we're gonna have to get a little creative on this one because in the movies they didn't really show where the rope was coming from or like how any of the mechanisms work i'm thinking we make like an attachment on the bow that holds some kevlar cord that'll attach to the arrows when we shoot it out it'll spool out kind of like my web shooters so hopefully the arrow will get a nice stick and we can like clip the kevlar cord to our belt or something or just like climb up on it maybe attach it to a harness or something one more addition i've also seen people attach fishing reels to arrows so it's pretty cool thing i think people actually fish with this stuff so i'm gonna throw one of those on as well last one the smoke arrow i'm gonna use some of these colorful smoke things people use for photography and to light them off we've got a bit of fuse and then another one of those electric igniters we've been using but for this one i'm also going to throw in one of those rc switches so we can remote activate it because we might not want to trail a smoke that goes right back to our location like we might just want to like set it down and then trigger it later it's good to have options so you guessed it more cad more printing basically the little ring on top holds the smoke powder then we've got all the electronics down below that way we can just replace the like the melted ring on the top and we can hopefully reuse the rest of the arrow so let's give it a test so i went to ask my roommate if he wanted to watch but he just said to do in his room so you know i'm not gonna be the one to say not to do that so you give me permission to set this off in your room i mean how much milk is it gonna be i don't know dude so we know nothing's connected to it right no wires no trickery rolled off this thing oh it works dude it worked isn't that sick oh god it's on fire oh god oh god oh god dude it worked though that worked really well you could probably open that oh that shit's crazy oh no so at least we know it works so we got all the arrows and now it's time to make the quiver once again this needs to be able to select an arrowhead and join it to the arrow shaft now we've already made the joining mechanism but there are still a few other things we got to think about that you wouldn't normally think of when just watching the movie like how does he get the arrow out without getting it stuck like it looks like the quiver just has holes that all the arrows slide into but how's the fat arrow head gonna get through there so to solve this i'm gonna leave a little slit on the side of the quiver so we can just slide the arrows out like that and to make the spin and attach mechanism i'm going to use a stepper motor and a servo controlled by an arduino with another one of those rc switches so we can control it from the bow just like in the movie so all those electronics are going to be housed in the bottom so what we got to do is just click a button on the bow quiver spins and then arrow drops down connects to the arrow head we take it out and shoot it and once again i designed the whole thing on solidworks and tried to design it as close to the movies i could so now we just got to print everything out seems simple right if only like entire movies could be written about the struggles i've had with these 3d printers like there's plot twists character development motifs all right basically i had one printer to start with and it broke so i got another printer and i fixed the first printer so now i had two printers it should be done in no time right well i had to halt everything because i went home for the holidays but in order to keep production going i got another 3d printer and sent it home to the east coast to where i'd be staying so i could print there too but this printer came missing some screws so the prints just weren't working what is this and all my tools were back in la so i had to be a little resourceful and i salvaged apart from a chair sorry mom but the parts were too big and it wouldn't spin anymore and it got stuck no dude i did eventually get it working though but then it was time to go back to la so i brought it back with me on the plane and now we have three 3d printers 33 printers but somehow they all broke again so i fixed one printer using parts from another printer and then i printed out new parts for that third using the other 3d printer i don't know if this is progress but that's what's happening anyways i'll spare you the rest of the details but finally though we got it all printed and here's our working hawkeye quiver [Music] got a switch on the bottom to turn it on load in all our arrowheads those are held in place with magnets and we press the remote button the base rotates and the arrow drops down to connect to the arrowhead so now you can slide it out from the side and firing it using the bow which is the last thing we need to make so this bow has to be able to turn into a staff and also fold up so as a base i ordered a recurve bow it's nice because the arms already come disconnected and there's no tension on the bow it's already straight like the staff so i think i can do all three positions just one ratchet strap mounted to the bow and a couple of hinges basically i attach the bow string to the ratchet strap and attach the hinges where the arms connect to the bow so now when it's loose the hinges can either be folded or unfolded creating either the collapsed version or the bow staff then we want to actually shoot the bow all we gotta do is tighten the ratchet strap to the third position which is the regular bow i also mounted the rc switch for the quivers and all the arrows along with the laser sight and grappling attachments wow that was a lot that right there should check every box we wanted all the hawkeye gadgets made right here so before i test these out i'd like to show off some stuff that you guys made and sent to me on my instagram i love to do this in every video so check them out [Music] great stuff guys as always you guys got a lot of talent out there and you know i like to do my part and try and get you guys some exposure for your hard work that you deserve so if you've made anything cool definitely send it my way on instagram after there's a video and also if anyone's interested we're actually looking to expand the team you know as these builds get bigger and bigger and more complex i really hope to have some more people on board if you have a lot of experience with like cad or engineering or just building projects like these and are interested in working with us check out jayla'svideo.com join the team and fill out the form you don't have to be in la to do this and you can tell us your availability the main criteria is talent and the ability to make awesome stuff just send us a video of a past project you've done and we'll be in touch i think together we can take it another step further and really make some amazing stuff all right now the fun part we get to test everything out to do that we're going to run a little superhero mission of our own basically we're going to infiltrate the property plant a camera arrow as the lookout flank around the side and disable the guard from there we can scale the building disable more guards from the roof we can use a smoke arrow to confuse the rest of the guards protecting the package then using the fishing rail arrow we can get the package and escape out the front and we can bring the package to the drop point and signal we're done let's go i'm gonna hit him with the camera arrow live feed we got eyes everywhere let's go there's two of them they look kind of mean too i'm gonna hit him with the boom arrow [Music] oh we got him all right let's go what up boys all right all right i'm gonna use a little grapple arrow to try to scale this wall we got this all right let's do some hawkeye hot guys i think we gotta just eat the bow up there first [Music] let's go up here so fast stairs all right all right i'm gonna go over there i'm gonna get a little jolt of excitement oh my god it's so bad all right well he ain't walking but just for good measure damn hot guy all right get down get down they're a bunch of rap scallions dudes scallions dude look at that far guy he kind of looks like me huh dude that guy looks crazy i know dude the far left guy insane oh my god you do not want to run into that smoke them out and then you see that thing down there probably got a lot of valuable stuff in it how would you know that anyone's getting his butt bro this can be easy click the button on the boat [Music] look at that knocked him right out damn knock them out i think they're confused absolutely all right now we just got to hit the valuable stuff with this fishing arrow that just magically appeared on my bow i don't know how that happened exposing us all right now let's hit it let's hit it dude one shot dude perfect [Music] all right let's get out of here all right we gotta do here hold this hold this got one more i got one more out there i'm gonna hit it with the uh the impact arrow wait wait we gotta get the other arrow let's get to the drop zone come on all right let's drop this one's right up here you still got the valuable stuff yeah i got it right here hold up here's that yeah what is that how'd they find us [Music] did you see that we got it good god that choppers down like nothing mission complete well i hope you guys like this one a lot of stuff going on here definitely comment what i'm doing next down below because if there's enough interest clearly i'll make it happen and of course like and subscribe and we will catch you in the next video peace you
Channel: JLaservideo
Views: 5,665,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jlaservideo, DIY, how to, tutorial, Hawkeye, bow and arrow, marvel, mcu, super hero gadget, trick arrows, smoke arrows, hawkeye quiver, avengers gadget, hawkeye in real life, folding bow and arrow, arrow tips, spy arrow, green arrow, grapple arrow, iron man, the avengers, engineering
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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