REAL Spider-Man Nanotech Suit! - Self Expanding Iron Spider!!! (No Way Home)

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this is how i made the iron spider suit that expands onto your body with a push of a button it all started after i got a ton of you asking me to build stuff from the new spider-man movie talking web shooters wall climbers the doc ock arms and the iron spider suit all great ideas so i did a poll on instagram asking which i should do first and it looks like today i'm making the nanotech iron spider suit so if you do end up liking this just remember there's a button for that and subscribe too also definitely let me know what i should make next well there's one of those other spider-man gadgets or anything else if you see anything else you like definitely give it a thumbs up that way i know it's popular and it really does help me out so here's the iron spider suit in action basically tony built the suit for peter iron man tech fused with spider-man powers the suit expands to almost magically appear on peter with this awesome looking nano tech just sort of crawls out across his body the suit's also packed with a ton of other features too the most prominent being these four expandable giant spider legs that pop out of his back insane so my goals for this project build a spider-man suit that appears on the user's body with a push of a button build the iron spider legs that pop out of my back again just with a push of a button and i want to keep this simple in the most elegant way possible basically i want it to be clever like something that you probably didn't think of like i don't want another super complex expandable mechanism with a million moving parts it's impossible to understand and build if you do want that really complex project please check out my last video i built thor's hammer that actually shoots lightning bolts like 10 feet you hold it up and you're just shooting lightning it's insane and definitely one of my favorite videos i've ever made so please go check it out and if you don't always have time for these long videos we've also got a new clips channel as well now i've made more expandable stuff than anyone probably should talking shields swords shoes i even made an expanding briefcase iron man suit which shocked to make by the way super complicated and is the reason why i'm trying to avoid building something with a million moving parts the difference though from that iron man suit is this spider suit has to go on automatically like we can't pick it up and put it on and we also don't have a briefcase to store it it already has to be on our body somehow completely hidden oh it's going to be way harder good news is that the spider-man suit is skin-tight so total volume is actually much less than the iron man suit which should make it a lot easier to conceal we just need some mechanism that can shape-shift really well so i started with some research and found a couple materials that could have slight potential first this stuff right here it's a type of metal called gallium and it's got a very low melting point which means we can actually touch it when it's liquid so maybe there's a way to have it flow over our entire body and then like cool down and harden it like maybe we could have like a reservoir of gallium on our back and then a press of a button we have it flows out expands all over get that full metal suit that would be crazy the trick though is to get gallium to behave the way we want i thought maybe magnets could help but unfortunately gallium's not magnetic and have exactly zero other ideas about how to make a crazy metal gallium expanding suit but i actually did find another magnetic fluid that could have some potential it's called ferrofluid basically iron filings and like this oil solution this stuff definitely reaction magnets so if we could somehow magnetize our entire body you actually could have this stuff in a reservoir just like set it free and then it would like crawl over your skin and completely cover you like that'd be so cool to be honest though i think that would work a little bit better for like a venom suit like this already reminds me of venom a lot actually and again it's not super practical but maybe we can do something with that in the future but yeah i don't think expandable liquid suits are going to be super doable for this project it just kind of sucks because this one thing of gallium was about 40 bucks and i got 50 of them so we're a little in the hole right now so this video is sponsored by mobile premier league basically we could win real money by playing a bunch of different games on the mpl app the games are super casual like pool basketball cards puzzles and it's all skill based too so if you when you get real money that you can withdraw via paypal or direct bank transfer and you also fund your account that way too you can do multiplayer you can do 1v1 and who you play is based all on your skill level check this out like there's a bunch of different games hop into this pool real quick let's do this three two one boom boom easy all right just gotta line it up [Music] oh yep just gotta get the angles get the angles right it's all about the angles it's all about the angles boom oh my god i am really messing this up you know what let's let's go for 10 let's go for the 10. oh and if you get above a certain score you get cash uh it's available in ios and android just check out that link below and you can get five dollars free just by downloading the app and up to 20 bucks in referral bonuses so if you think about it the body's really just five tubes stuck together that's all you are five tubes two arms two legs and a torso so i think we just make five expandable tubes that cover each section so i went down a few more rabbit holes i came across these inflatable robots that are super simple and look pretty cool basically by putting pressurized air through a tube that's like tucked into itself it expands outward from the center kind of like a vine see if this actually works basically it's all rolled inside itself theory if we just put a little air in all right what if we rolled it the other way though so instead of expanding from the inside it expanded from the outside to cover our arms we just put the arm through the center have it like a ring at the bottom and then that could work but we still need to make it look like the suit because this this is all wrinkly and it needs to stretch like a spider-man suit wait i think i got an idea okay so just pretend like the suit arm is these party blowers right here put a little air into it fans and contracts you know yeah this could work put your arm through this is a good idea this is um upon further review we have come to the conclusion that in fact it does not work all right i don't think any of these expandable mechanisms are going to work quite the way we want i don't know what this is but it's not nano attack you know it's not even close like someone would walk in right now they'd think i'm [ __ ] insane yup we need another strategy so mistake that i often make is trying to optimize a bad idea so i scrapped everything and went back to the drawing board another thing that can help is bouncing ideas off someone else which is why we're actually looking to hire someone to help out with these projects we've been working with awesome volunteers for some of these builds learning a lot and it's been going really well but i think we're ready to take it to that next level so if any of you guys are interested we've got a link below main criteria be in la and just having a lot of experience building stuff what creative like outside the box thinking well-rounded craftsman artistic basically the more experience you have building stuff like what we already build on the channel the better also if you're an editor we're looking for those as well all right so i took a fresh look at the criteria and remember we want to make a suit that appears on our body seemingly out of nowhere now yes ideally this suit would be full metal have all these amazing iron spider features but for now all we want the suit to do is appear on our body so what if the suit was already on our body at least partly basically what if the suit was like invisible and then appeared when we needed it that seems much better so with that mentality i did some more research instead of expanding on command i was looking for ways to change appearance enter the chameleon their skin actually has a crystalline structure that reflects or actually constructively interferes with certain colors or wavelengths of light depending on the tiny tiny spacing in between their skin crystals now if you don't know visible light is a spectrum of waves from about 400 to 700 nanometers that's tiny for reference a human hair is about 200 times wider than these wavelengths so it's so impressive that a chameleon can actually change its skin crystals on this small of a scale so as it turns out you can actually get like synthetic liquid crystals like this that expand and contract on the nanometer scale to change colors like chameleon these crystals can be triggered with electricity ph change uh heat and more it's actually the same color changing tech that's in mood rings and some beer cans so maybe we could take these crystals and put them on a spider-man suit to change color into a spider-man pattern so that's where this stuff comes in it's called a pdlc film basically we've got a layer of those crystals in between two pieces of film so if we electrify these pieces of film we put electricity through the crystals the crystals align letting light pass through and it becomes transparent so now we can just take a regular spider-man suit and put it underneath then that film would go from one solid color to transparent revealing the spider-man suit all with the push of a button you could even animate it so like different parts would change at different rates so it would literally look like it's like crawling down your arm just like the movie but there's obviously still problems this stuff has a lot of glare to it as well which kind of distracts from the spidey suit underneath also because the material is plastic it only bends in one direction so making an entire suit out of it would be very tough to move around in all right give me a second maybe we could spray it with some sort of clear matte finish to get rid of the reflectiveness then we could cut it into sections and create like a flexible pattern that bends in the correct way oh actually yeah this material only works well at a distance so if you try and put it up close to anything the thing underneath will show right through ah i hate that guy but he is right it seems pretty cool too we are going to need another way of attaching these crystals so i was able to find some thermochromic liquid crystals that are activated by heat which if we combined with the fabric binder we can apply directly to the spider-man suit that'll get rid of the problematic plastic film so at the right temperature the nano crystals will all move and align in such a way that the spider-man pattern will be revealed the trick now though is going to be activating the crystals on command there's no button to press anymore we need to heat these up in the correct way so to make the suit look a little bit more discreet when we're wearing it around start with a suit that's somewhere in the middle between a skin tight suit and a regular shirt then let's hit it with that black nano crystal paint then let's put some athletic shorts over it boom we're already making progress then to disguise it even more and not just a little expandable mechanism because i'm addicted and can't help myself i cut off the feet and rolled them up my leg now we look pretty normal but we need a way for them to automatically slide down again so i thought about this for a while maybe use some sort of like scissor jack mechanism to like push everything down my leg but i thought about it and we're just trying to get these things to fall down so you can just use gravity duh so i attached a few small weights to the bottom of the leg less than a pound so not enough that you even notice but enough to pull them down over my legs when they're pulled up really high over my knee then to keep them in place we can rig up a small electromagnet super simple and almost no way they can fail i also modified the shorts to like snap off and roll up so there's no trace of any clothing and it completes the look but we still got to figure out how to tactically heat up the entire suit to trigger the nanocrystal pigment this activation temperature can't be too low either we can't be walking around and accidentally reveal our secret identity if it gets a bit too hot that ain't cool we also can't set the temperature too high either because i'm just gonna cook myself i think like a hundred plus degrees should be like a sweet spot now actually generating heat is very simple all we need to do just short circuit a battery or combustion reaction in fact i've accidentally generated heat many times again the trick though is going to be generating this heat evenly along the surface of the suit without cooking myself so i just started shorting circuits at different currents and voltages to see what worked the best uh this was a three-day process of basically strapping ovens to my body see which one burned me the least but also heated up the material fastest yeah it was a weird three days basically longer wire or higher resistance the longer it takes to heat up also the more turns of wire you use the more complicated things get and the harder it is to attach to the suit but if you don't use enough wire close enough together like the suit doesn't heat up enough and you end up as like sort of like a zebra spider-man then all the rest of the heat goes into me instead of the suit so we need to take all of the heat being generated by the wires and evenly disperse it throughout the surface and also away from me so i don't bake like a potato now if i remember correctly there are three ways to transfer heat conduction which is through physical touch convection which is like air currents when you have like a hot coffee or something the heat rises away or heat radiation which works the same way as light to conduct heat the best we would need like a dense material that way it'll pull heat from the wire and evenly disperse it throughout the suit convection it's kind of pointless for this application but we can radiate the heat outward if we have a reflective material behind the wire to direct the heat outward into the suit and away from my body so after trying a bunch of materials like thermal paste some of these space blankets i landed on aluminum tape this stuff is perfect because it both conducts heat really well and also radiates it outward away from me so then i created the world's warmest jacket using wire to generate the heat then using aluminum tape to conduct it and radiate it evenly and also built it using sections of wire both for flexibility so i could actually move around and for better control this part is super cool or i guess super hot but because of this we can selectively control which part gets hot and how fast we heat it so if we design a circuit using a microcontroller and some relays we can have one part turn on first and then the next part and the next part that will get that flowing effect again like they have in the movies maybe we want the arms to turn on first then the body get that sweeping effect so i designed and built the circuit also if you guys ever needed to design any custom circuits for projects definitely check out one of our channel partners ultium it's a sweet pcb design software uh super easy to use you can collaborate with other people and it's just full of helpful tools to help you build circuits so we've covered the arms legs and torso but what about the hands feet and mask well for the feet i think we should be able to use the same color changing technique with some regular shoes so grab some pretty lightweight converse style sneakers that should be great for you know spidey activities i gave them a paint job then i retrofitted them with the same heating tech we used before and finally added that special nano crystal color pigment on top so now they just look like regular black shoes i did originally want to use some air force ones because that's what i've seen spider-man actually wear and like the comics and movies but they're just a bit too clunky to actually like work with the suit and look like they blend in like in the movies they don't care they'll just get the animation team to literally delete his shoes when the suit goes on like look at that it's like they're not even thinking about people who are actually going to try and make this for real selfish anyways i already painted them so i'm actually going to give these away i did a custom paint job and then used the same nano crystal paint on these as i did the suit but these shoes will turn at about 90 degrees so you can literally do it by putting your hand on it and it'll turn so if you want to win just like and subscribe of course then follow me on instagram and like my latest picture then i'll announce the giveaway in the next video speaking of that big congrats to nick harper for winning our last videos giveaway enjoy your new ipad now to make the suit as cool as possible i think we gotta take a crack at those iron spider arms now this one stumped me for a while obviously i want to make super strong metal expandable arms but the goal of the suit is to be super simple and have everything expandable now to do that i think we can actually use those vine robots we were playing with earlier so to make them i first built a foam spider leg mold wrapped some lightweight nylon around it then gave it a gold paint job to make it look more like the movie now we just need a way to deploy it and for that i found the super small powerful air inflator and bought four of them so now if we roll the fabric up inside of itself it expands in that really cool vine-growing way now we just need three more then i 3d modeled and printed a device to hold everything in place on my back it's got space to hold each of the four legs and i wired all the air pumps together to trigger with a push of a button so i put everything together and added some pretty cool gold spider detailing just to finish it off i went with the gold theme because his legs are gold golden movies now i was a little skeptical on how good this would actually look or if it would even work at all but i actually think it came out pretty cool all right final stretch the hands and the mask like we could use some sort of inflatable mask thing like i used in my iron man helmet video but it would just look too clunky so i'm gonna be honest i've been putting off the hands and masks this whole video because i just don't know how to do it but apparently christian says he has a pretty good idea how do we do the masking gloves well gloves are easy like you have to cover all of it how do you do that first here give a knife i don't know wait get rid of the problem i said you had a good idea yeah i do mittens you think about mittens what are just expandable gloves yeah dude oh it's everything dude i hate that this this is the guy we're going to listen to for expandable gloves whatever how do we make the mask well i have an idea uh it won't it won't work for you you have what most women and most men want yes and i don't but i have one way where it's so useful make sure it's a nice fade it's funny because this is not a first for you or me this is pretty light work honestly we need to figure out how to activate it just a little bit worse that you're making me do it myself yeah it's sort of working dude you look so cool do i actually look cool yeah it looks sick look at that this is gonna be like a sick montage or something what if we just i might do it a little there's some super bad profanity i'm ahead i'm like do not let it get cold so glad we did this see who wouldn't want to work here enough tom foolery though let's test this out for real [Music] oh my god hello peter [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] well there you have it guys i think this thing looks so cool i really like the way it just flows along your body did get a little hot in there i won't lie but overall not too bad once again leave your ideas for what we should make next down below and let me know how you would have made this thank you guys for watching catch you in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: JLaservideo
Views: 3,597,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jlaservideo, DIY, how to, tutorial, spider-man, spider-man far from home, spider-man no way home, no way home, nanotech iron spider suit, expandable iron spider suit, expandable spider-man suit, spider man, peter parker, mcu, marvel, iron man, avengers, real iron spider suit, tony stark
Id: kV8nSfdaOeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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